GPS does not work on the smartphone. Navigator does not work on android. Why doesn't the navigator sees satellites, and how to fix problems? Universal methods of "first aid"

If the navigator does not start, then this may be a lot of reasons. First consider the most basic ones and let's call the ways to eliminate them. So:

  • Sometimes fails in software. Similar to this is a poor-quality software that was used during the firmware. Refixing the situation will help flashing.
  • Also because of mechanical damage Or as a result of moisture from entering the Flash - microcircuit, and then you need to replace the microcircuit.

If you try the English text when trying to start the navigator, and the navigator itself does not turn on, then you need from personal Cabinet Download manager for your device Download program archive. Next, you need to unpack the archive of the program and copy the device to the USB flash drive or in the device's memory, depending on what the program is standing before it is deleting. Then try again run navigation.

If the navigation itself stopped starting and the program version is reset in the menu, you should connect the device to a PC, save the Navi folder on your computer and delete it. Then you need to enable the Navitel program, where it will create the Navi folder again. Then configure the program.

If an error has been made when updating the program, the navigator will also not be launched. In this case, you need to update the cards and the program manually. To do this, download the program archive for your device, unpack, delete the Navitel folder from it, and copy it from the archive. Next, run on your device a program, and if it is loaded into the demo mode, then download the activation file from the personal account and remove it to the Navitel folder.

If during installation new version When starting, the demo version protrudes, then the reasons may be:

  • It was not the program for the navigator.
  • You forgot to copy the activation file (folder with the program).
  • Your program is on the flash card, and you replaced the flash card, forgetting to re-register the program to another flash card.

In this case, you should send a request to deactivate the key, on this you will receive a confirmation letter, wait for the next letter, where the instructions for activation and the message that your key is deactivated is deactivated. Re-registration Make on that serial numberwhich is specified on a new flash map in the downloaded Navitel program on your navigator.


IMPORTANT! If the module has lost their performance, then the most reasonable option is to appeal to the service center, as it is not possible to eliminate such a malfunction independently.

In some cases, if the connection parameters are not configured correctly, you can solve the problem. The same applies to situations when after any changes in the settings, the device module has lost its performance.

It is worth noting the fact that developers take into account the interests of users, so many popular applications report geodat out.

As an example, you can mark the "Navitel" application, which reports to users that there are no GPS modules.

It may be that the user has activated geolocation in the smartphone settings, installed all the necessary navigation applications, but positive results never followed.

In this case, the reason may be hidden in banal impatience. When you first start GPS / GLONASS modules, you should wait at least 15 minutes. During this time, the smartphone will be able to process information about which satellites are active in this area. The rest of the launches navigation program Will occur much faster.

A similar problem may occur in the event that you arrived in another city or another country with a telephone turned off and decided to use geolocation. It should be waited for 10-15 minutes so that the smartphone running on Android is able to calculate its location. This behavior is called a "cold start."

So, above lists the main reasons why GPS does not work on android. But they do not limit the list of all possible faults. There must be a few more factors, in connection with which the performance of GPS modules may be absent:

  1. The user tries to perform a cold start during the movement of the vehicle. Do not do that. It is necessary to stop, get out of the car, it is desirable to make the most outdoor area, and try again to activate GPS modules.
  2. GPS does not work on Android not only during a trip in the car, but also inside buildings.
  3. There are certain zones where the reception of the signals is difficult. This may be due to the presence in the immediate vicinity of rocks, high buildings and so on. In this case, you should find the highest plot and try to find satellites, having risen on it.

If navigation has not been to work after active attempts to configure it, then you need to seek help from professionals operating in the service center. This state of affairs explicitly indicates the presence of internal breakdowns. And even if there is no time to go to specialists in the service center, then try resetting the phone settings to the factory settings.

You can check the quality of reception of signals from satellites using the GPS Test application from Chartcross Limited. If the GPS chip is working and enabled, then the sky will appear on the screen indicating the locations of the active satellites.

How to set up a GPS module on a smartphone?

Many users are interested in how to configure modules on Andrid GPS. Some specific options No settings in this case. But, if you wish, you can experiment a bit using standard detection methods. The following location detection factors exist:

In order to specify the man's position detection method used in space, go to the "Geodatan Settings" menu. Do not forget to work with GPS navigation to set functional and convenient software. To do this, you can download free applications from the network or take advantage of the paid products of the world's leading companies.


In conclusion, it is worth noting that if the GPS does not work on android, should not be desirable. You may have too rushing, not allowing the application to establish communication with satellites.

If the problem is not solved after executing the basic conditions, you need to seek help in the service center.

Modern gadgets are already so fed that it is possible to determine their location, no longer resorting to the help of GPS navigators. Sometimes it is necessary for the correct application of applications, sometimes - to create a right route. When GPS does not work on Android, it becomes difficult. What can it be connected with and what to do to solve this problem?

Any device does not catch or catch a satellite signal at all if it is indoors. Therefore, it is better to deal with the definition of your location on the street. Ideally, the space should be free even from high buildings and trees, so that the sky is fully open, so that nothing hovers the gadget to search for a working signal and connect to the desired satellites.

Incorrect setup GPS.

All devices are endowed with two GPS modules. One is a standard receiver that can be enabled in the settings (General - location - mode). When choosing mobile networks Or a Wi-Fi device will determine the location by tower, without checking the GPS satellites. This method is the fastest, but does not always give an accurate result.

When the "GPS only" mode is selected, the phone or tablet connects to satellites, but for this device will need some time. At the same time, it is preferably located on the street in an open area or at least put a gadget on the windowsill. It is for the operation of the second module and need proper setting. How to check if the device catch a signal? To do this, you will have to download and install GPS Test - the application for diagnostics.

After starting the program in the AGPS settings, select Update Only, and settings - Keep Screen ON. Now you need to return to the main window of the program, the GPS test will begin on the tablet or phone. At the same time, it is important that Wi-Fi and mobile data should not be included in the location settings, or at the moment.

If the diagnostics showed that the device does not find satellites, then check whether the GPS is set correctly on Android. How to set up GPS? To do this, you first need to download any application that can process the GPS signal. If it does not help, you need to check the COM port settings of the communicator.

Unsuccessful flashing

After not the most successful attempts to flash the gadget or specifically the GPS module can stop functioning not only the system, but also simply separate parts, for example, geolocation. Also often observed stopping GPS on the Chinese device.

To correct this situation, you need to include AGPS in the location settings and GPS. After that you need to log in through the window set engineering menu (For all phones, a combination is different). If you do not work, you will have to take advantage of any special program, but already with ROOT rights. Procedure in:

  • on the Satellites tab of the YGPS tab, whether there is a signal, i.e. Is the phone or tablet find satellites at all?
  • go to the INFORMATION tab and there in order Press the Full, Warm, Hot, Cold buttons (this is necessary to reset the previous settings);
  • on the NMEA Log tab, click Start;

Navigation systems on mobile devices () in lately They became necessary not only for motorists, but also for pedestrians, thanks to their good ability to build hiking routes.

But enough to many users have to face what it does not work or works bad gPS system on android.

It can be expressed in malfunctions of different typesdepending on what caused the breakdown.


What is GPS? This navigation system is strictly speaking GPS / GLONASS It is a navigation module that allows you to use multiple applications using navigation.


But in some cases, certain problems may be detected in this module. The character is poured, but they equally interfere with working with the system:

  • Full inability to determine locations;
  • Inaccurate location definition;
  • Slow updating of data or a complete lack of update (for example, you move in space or deploy, and the pointer on the map does not change its position for a long time).

Most problems can disappear on their own when restarting or when moving to another map zone.

But if this does not happen, then you need to know what they are caused and how to eliminate them.

Possible reasons

Calling such a kind of causes a lot of reasons. But all of them can be divided into two large groups - these are hardware and malfunction problems.

On hardware problems speaking when the deficienates actually present in the physical navigation module, and about the software - when something is incorrectly configured in the smartphone or tablet software.

Important! Software problems are sufficient easy to configure and eliminate yourself. When we are talking about hardware breakdowns, it is better to entrust the case service CenterSince for a non-specialist the repair process can be quite complicated. And there is a risk to worsen the situation.


One of the most common problems occurs when the module is first started, That is, when you first start the application using GPS, on a new smartphone.

For 15-20 minutes, geolocation may not work, nothing will happen, the location will not be determined.

When you first start this is a normal state, but in the future it should not be repeated.

A similar situation may occur if you drove a considerable distance, for example, moved to another country or region, with the navigation module turned off.

In this case, when it is first launched in a new place, it will also need the time to "think."

The problem may take place and when starting at high speed, for example, while driving on cars - in this case, the module will "slow down" the first time after switching on.

Take into account that in buildings it is precisely - navigating indoors will not be implemented.

Your approximate location in the building is determined by the location of the wireless Internet zones and cellular operatorsBut not GLONASS.


The GLONAS module can be disabled through the phone settings, often on new models it is not enabled by default.

Therefore, many newcomers who are not used to using android do not include it before using applications with navigation.

By the way, this type is notified by the user that he needs to enable navigation.

Inaccurate location definition is associated with the features of the zone. Not in all zones, the system works equally well due to the features of satellites.

There are "blind" zones that the navigator misses or defines not exactly. It is impossible to fight this.


Troubleshooting, usually, is quite simple.

But if after the adoption of all the listed measures, the problem did not change, it is possible that the case in the malfunction of the module and it requires replacement in the service center.


The methods of "treatment" of the program running after the first launch of the navigation module does not exist.

You just need to wait for about 15-20 minutes after the first launch of the application - during this time the electronic components of the navigation device will be configured to the current working conditions and the location will be determined.

That is why immediately after buying a phone, it is recommended to run this module to configure so as not to wait in the situation when it needs urgently.


Turn on the navigation on the smartphone is simple enough. Most often, the application "asks" itself, whether to enable navigation, in the case when it is disabled.

Then you need to click on "yes" or "OK" in the pop-up window, and the application itself will turn on geolocation.

If such notifications did not appear, turn it on manually, following the algorithm:

1 On the unlocked screen, spread the menu on the desktop., making a sliding movement from the top of the screen down;

2 The menu will appear with the main device settings. - Find the icon in it Geodal / Transfer Geodatin / Geagolocation / Location Definition or so para;

Many phone owners on operating system Android faces the problem when the built-in GPS module refuses to find GPS satellites or finds them, but cannot be subneky. The reasons for such behavior of the module can be somewhat, consider the main:

Incorrectly register connection parameters to satellites in the settings file;

A-GPS module has been installed, which often does not find satellites on the phone independently;

Universal module.

I would like to disassemble the problem with A-GPS (Assisted GPS) module, as the Chinese phones on which it costs in 98% of cases, is now enormous and crowded world brands from the market.

How does A-GPS work?

The main difference from the standard GPS module is that it is connected not only with satellites, but also with knotters mobile operatorsThe more significantly improves the quality of location. When this function is turned on, the phone often cannot connect to the GPS satellites itself and it requires a "full restart", even if it was only enabled. This is the problem not chinese phones, namely, the A-GPS module, which compared to the GPS is a penny, therefore it works accordingly. Tell me how to set up GPS on android.

How to determine, A-GPS or GPS module stands on the phone?

If you have a phone with two SIM cards and Chinese production, you have a probability of 99.9% worth A-GPS. But to make sure you go to the engineering menu. With it, a correction of the issue of non-working compounds with satellites will begin.

To enter the engineering menu you need to dial the following number in the phone: * # * # *. If the combination has not worked, you can try to enter * # 15963 # * # * # 4636 # * # *, however, in this case, the menu can be different.

After entering the phrase, you automatically enter the engineering menu and see the following window:

You need to move to the left, lush page settings before the Location tab.

Now select the first item "Location Based Servise" ( Basic settings location). If you have the A-GPS tab, then follow the further settings. Otherwise, this article will help you.

Setting up GPS on android

If you have A-GPS tab, immediately go to it. You must have the next window:

Compare the settings with your own, please adjust, according to scrutin:

If everything is written correctly, you can return to one level back to the selection of location points and go to "YGPS".

Here you see that your GPS module does not find satellites, or rather finds, but does not connect due to improper inclusion:

You need the INFORMATION tab. It will carry out basic manipulations.

As you can see, status is "Unanvailable", and TTFF hangs on eternal search. No matter how much you wait for, nothing will change.

The essence of the fixation of the eternal search is to make full reset "FULL", and then, after 2-3 seconds, click on the "A-GPS Restart". Those. You discard the dependent search process on zero, thus silent all the predefined settings, and immediately restart the module. Not having time to grab the standard configuration (incorrect), module with pure sheet Finds all satellites.

Seconds 10-20 on the Satellites tab you will see satellite signals, and after half a minute, the module will be successfully connected to them.

The search was made from the 1st side of the house, on the balcony, respectively, nothing was found on the second hemisphere. On the road you will find all satellites.

Many phone owners on the Android operating system are faced with a problem when the built-in GPS module refuses to find GPS satellites or find them, but cannot continuously. The reasons for such behavior of the module can be somewhat, consider the main:

Incorrectly register connection parameters to satellites in the settings file;

A-GPS module has been installed, which often does not find satellites on the phone independently;

Universal module.

I would like to disassemble the problem with A-GPS (Assisted GPS) module, as the Chinese phones on which it costs in 98% of cases, is now enormous and crowded world brands from the market.

How does A-GPS work?

The main difference from the standard GPS module is that it is connected not only with satellites, but also with gear of mobile operators, the significantly improves the quality of location. When this function is turned on, the phone often cannot connect to the GPS satellites itself and it requires a "full restart", even if it was only enabled. This is the problem of not the Chinese phones themselves, namely the A-GPS module, which compared to the GPS is a penny, therefore it works accordingly. Tell me how to set up GPS on android.

How to determine, A-GPS or GPS module stands on the phone?

If you have a phone with two SIM cards and Chinese production, you have a probability of 99.9% worth A-GPS. But to make sure you go to the engineering menu. With it, a correction of the issue of non-working compounds with satellites will begin.

To enter the engineering menu you need to dial the following number in the phone: * # * # *. If the combination has not worked, you can try to enter * # 15963 # * # * # 4636 # * # *, however, in this case, the menu can be different.

After entering the phrase, you automatically enter the engineering menu and see the following window:

You need to move to the left, lush page settings before the Location tab.

Now select the first Location Based Servise item (Basic location settings). If you have the A-GPS tab, then follow the further settings. Otherwise, this article will help you.

Setting up GPS on android

If you have A-GPS tab, immediately go to it. You must have the next window:

Compare the settings with your own, please adjust, according to scrutin:

If everything is written correctly, you can return to one level back to the selection of location points and go to "YGPS".

Here you see that your GPS module does not find satellites, or rather finds, but does not connect due to improper inclusion:

You need the INFORMATION tab. It will carry out basic manipulations.

As you can see, status is "Unanvailable", and TTFF hangs on eternal search. No matter how much you wait for, nothing will change.

The essence of the fixation of the eternal search is to make a full reset "FULL", and then, after 2-3 seconds, click on "A-GPS Restart". Those. You discard the dependent search process on zero, thus silent all the predefined settings, and immediately restart the module. Not having time to pick up the standard configuration (incorrect), the module from the clean sheet finds all satellites.

Seconds 10-20 on the Satellites tab you will see satellite signals, and after half a minute, the module will be successfully connected to them.

The search was made from the 1st side of the house, on the balcony, respectively, nothing was found on the second hemisphere. On the road you will find all satellites.