Pirate Browser (PirateBrowser) - no more censorship! Tor network and new pirate browser browser

Are you looking for search engines without food and restrictions? In the article I will introduce you a selection best search engines Without any restrictions. The Internet is an excellent way to transfer and distribute information. However, popular search engines not only use their own filtering, but also analyzes the history of the user, selecting the results of issuing the interests under its sphere, and also use targeting advertising.

Sometimes this feature really helps. However, in most cases, we see what the search engine considers the most relevant, and indeed helpful information May be located 5-10 page issuing.

Is it possible to get rid of censorship in popular search engines?

If the same Yandex or Google suits you, but you would like to expand the list of available sites, then it is enough to change the filter setting. By default, popular search engines select moderate filtering requests to search. You can change this parameter in the Concrete Search Engine window to use it without censorship and restrictions.

Please note that the material designed for an adult audience with a stable psyche will come across more often, and find the appropriate site, let's say with the "strawberry" it will be easier. But if we are talking about resources blocked search engine or the authorities, then this manipulation will not change anything. By the way, it is likely that in contextual advertising there will be not quite pleasant ads, but it is not necessary to be afraid for it, because advertising platforms and agencies still establish a certain framework.

Tor - anonymous browser

Many advanced users have long been using the TOR network and the browser of the same name with increased confidentiality. This is not just an anonymous search engine, but a whole parallel world of the Internet! Of course, the number of sites is not so large and among them a huge number offers illegal actions or goods. Nevertheless, here you can find pirated copies of movies, games and much more.

The search engine Tor Search is truly without censorship. It serves to search in Darknet. There are no restrictions for the user and resource owner. At the same time, the complete anonymity of both sides is preserved. The search engine uses the Nutch created by Apache. "Initially, the system was developed for Yahoo," the Creator of Chris McNoten approves.

Duck search - without limiting

Yacy - search robot in each computer

it free systemwhich works on the principles of decentralization https://yacy.net/en/index.html. Each computer participant independently search, expanding the total base - the classic scheme of the P2R. The same request itself is processed directly on the computer, which prevents the data from leakage on the visited pages and search history. Enter any censorship or impose sites on yacy simply unreal! It is capable of scanning even the corporate network.

What is the lack of anonymous search engines?

Why are the giants that use a multi-level filter flourish? It's all about speed. Often the search engine without restrictions uses encryption and VPN service to hide real user information. This significantly slows down requests. However, this is a slight charge for confidentiality and data protection.

Internet without censorship or high processing of requests with abundance of advertising? The choice is yours!

In contact with

PirateBrowser is free programwhich allows us to circumvent regional restrictions in some web resources. IN lately The authorities different countries Implement mechanisms for blocking individual sites on the network. This practice is global, because browsers seems to be enjoying great popularity.

This browser was created on the basis of TOR, with the difference that PirateBrowser does not guarantee the complete anonymity of the user on the network, and only helps him gain access to the resource blocked in his country. If you do not consider the functionality to combat regional restrictions, then we are standard with all the ensuing advantages and disadvantages. By the way, the browser is initially completed with several useful extensions, significantly accelerating the loading of web pages. They will be very necessary for you, because when using PirateBrowser proxy strongly "cuts" the speed of access to the network. As a result, you can hardly work comfortably with streaming service services. For these purposes, only paid VPN clients will be suitable.

PirateBrowser does not require installation on a computer. After downloading the archive, it is enough to unpack and run the executable file. After that, the browser window opens directly, as well as the VIDALIA control panel, which allows you to quickly connect and disconnect from proxy. PirateBrowser also adds its own icon in the notifications panel, with which you can call graphs of changes in the speed of the network and the scope of the downloaded / transmitted data.

Key features and functions

  • ensuring access to web resources blocked in your country;
  • use proxy;
  • the functionality identical to this Firefox (in fact it is it);
  • quick connection and shutdown from servers;
  • mapping charts to change access speeds to the network;
  • a set of extensions that help speed up the download of web pages;
  • work in portable mode.

Unfortunately, in some countries there are censored prohibitions for visiting disagreeable sites. It is impossible to get to such a site through an ordinary browser. How to do in this case? One of the funds is PirateBrowser.

Develop this software From the very beginning put the goal - to bypass censorship obstacles. And this developers were largely due to the use of the TOR client and addon FoxyProxy. But he has the pros and cons:

  • Anonymous surfing is not provided;
  • Bypassing censorship is not possible in all countries;
  • Displays alternative to name.Onion for EZTV and The Pirate Bay.

Features of the Pirate Device PirateBrowser

Often users use PirateBrowser Rus. In such a version, it is more accessible by language considerations. Built-in tools for interacting with proxy servers allows you to open network torrent portals that have blocked access.

In principle, the job of the application is not much different from work basic package Tor. The connection is carried out through the chain of the nodes of the world. Such a traffic redirection allows you to enter locked sites through the nodes of other countries. Users use this browser as needed.

To use the browser, just download PirateBrowser in Russian and install on a computer. Instructions for use does not differ from the instruction for TOR. Under operating system Windows 10 application showed good results. The system's bit parameters do not matter. The browser can be installed on computers or tablets.

Something resembling a cut-made bulb, on the desktop of the computer? For a long time, PirateBrowser users have already become accustomed, because it is exactly what his icon looks like. Although he would rather come up with a face in the form of "Merry Roger". So, for whom it is created? Of course, for old pirates who do not know the words license Agreement And actively use all sorts of torrent resources to replenish their audio video and game collections without financial costs. So if you are one of them, rather make the solution to download PirateBrowser to a computer and enjoy it perfect work. You can download PirateBrowser for free on Windows on our resource at the bottom of the article.

Created a pirate browser based on the updated Machine Firefox 23, and its output was timed to the decade of the famous pirate resource The Pirate Bay. What does the program differ from the same Fox? Pre-installed Tor-client, which organizes tunnel traffic and bypassing the blocking of the provider, as well as special settingsSuppose to get into closed resources. And in the bookmarks, all popular trackers have been made in advance, in chapter, of course, with the Pirate Bay itself.


The interface of the "pirate browser" will probably seem familiar to you, and not surprising. It is completely identical to Mozillowsky. So, it will not cause any problems with control nor the settings menu (if necessary, you can adjust the program as convenient to you).

And pre-installed tools allow you not to dance with a tambourine and run numerous anonymizers in order to access the information locked by the provider. You will have it for your first requirement. Of course, for convenience, PirateBrowser is better to download in Russian. Now she is already there.

However, remember, do not use PirateBrowser synchronously with Firefox, otherwise no one will instruct privacy. Alas, browsers are not friends.

Each time after the closure of the program, the smart "master" will clear the entire history of the magazine, eating and cookies of resources that visited in the process.

Also, the pirate of the browser is equipped with a torrent client to download the content presented on torrent trackers, which makes working with it even more pleasant and more convenient. Yo-ho-ho!

Pros and cons program

  • Familiar and convenient interface.
  • The ability to get to the resources blocked by the provider.
  • Insert torrent client.
  • Possible launch from flash media.
  • Web pages are loaded relatively slow.
  • Does not support Flash technology.
  • Does not provide complete anonymity.

System requirements

  • A processor with a frequency of 1500 MHz, or more powerful.
  • The size random access memory 256 MB, or more.
  • Free space on hard disk - 130 MB.
  • A video card with a memory of at least 128 MB, or more.
  • Architecture with a bit of 32 or 64 bits (x86 or x64).

How to install a browser on Windows 10, 8, 7

  1. Download PirateBrowser on Windows 10, 8, 7.
  2. Run installation file.which is essentially a self-prompting archive.
  3. Specify him the path for which he should "unpacked".

Everything. Now in the folder that appears, you will find the Start PirateBrowser file. You can start work.

Start Piratebrowser.

How to remove browser

Just delete the pirate folder browser, which was obtained when unpacking. No matter your PirateBrowser files "scatters".

PORTABLE version

In essence, PirateBrowser has only version portable. You can immediately unpack the archive on the USB flash drive, you can drop on it already exist folder. Everything will work like a clock.

Hello, dear reader! I want to congratulate you with today's (who has almost passed) the holiday - the Day of People's Unity. And I propose on this day combine and put "big and fat" On all copies, right-storymen and Internet censors. And it will help us in this "pirate browser."

No More Censorship!More censorship!

It was under such a motto in August 2013 was released PirateBrowser.. From the very moment of its exit, I was going to tell about him, but everything somehow did not work. It's time to catch up.

Pirate browser - This is a kind of gift to its users from the creators of the world's largest torrent tracker The Pirate Bay (TPB, "Pirate Bay") in honor of his anniversary - decades. Yes, on August 9, the Pirate Bay turned 10 years old! But why did they decide to make us such a gift?

The answer is very simple - TPB is blocked in many countries. And in order to popularize not just a resourceBut the free exchange of information, accounting of Internet censorship was released PirateBrowser.

It turns out that Internet censorship is developed not only in such rigidly conservative countries as Iran or North Korea, but also in such very loyal as the Netherlands. And in many other European countries, the authorities also block torrent trackers based on.