Product repair under warranty. How to properly submit equipment for warranty repair? Is it possible to return a laptop with a purchased one?

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Returning a laptop to the store: terms, return and exchange rules

In this article, we will look at how computer equipment and electronics are returned, and whether it is possible to return or exchange a laptop when purchased in a store or online. How to return such a product if 14 days have not passed and get money for it. For each situation, we attach a claim for return or exchange, which you can download.

We will rely on the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights and information from our lawyers, and will also provide you with sample refund claims in different situations. But each case is individual, so if you want to avoid complex procedures and get free personal consultation our lawyers, follow the link:

Is it possible to return a laptop of good quality?

Almost all computer technology and electronics belong to the list of technically complex goods, which means there may be problems with returns or exchanges. Let's look at this in more detail.

You have decided to return a laptop of proper quality. There are different reasons for returning:

  • I didn’t like the product: it doesn’t match the interior in color, shape, etc.
  • We were in a hurry with the purchase (we found it cheaper or selected another model), changed our minds

Check whether your product is on the list of technically complex devices or on the list of goods of good quality that cannot be returned or exchanged.

If you find a laptop in one of these lists, then it will be difficult to return or exchange this product, even if you have all the necessary documents and even if no more than 14 days have passed.

Technically complex goods of good quality (without defects) cannot be exchanged or returned within 14 days from the date of purchase, because belong to the group of technically complex household goods for which warranty periods are established (according to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 55 of January 19, 1998).


If your product is not on these lists, then you can return to the store within 2 weeks, not counting the day of purchase, and exchange it for another model. And if another product that suits you is not available, the seller is obliged to return your money.

Return of technically complex goods of proper quality

Large stores are often loyal to customers and can exchange goods. Read the return and exchange rules of some Russian hypermarkets, perhaps your case will be considered there.

If a technically complex product has a flaw, read on.

How to return a laptop with a fault under warranty?

Has it been less than 15 days?

If a fault is detected within the first 15 days from the date of delivery of the goods, then you have the right to return the goods or exchange them for the same or similar ones with a recalculation of the price.

Important: the countdown of the period begins from the moment the goods are received. If you paid for the product and it was delivered to you a week later, then the non-guaranteed return period is calculated from the day of delivery.

The money must be returned to you within 10 days, and a replacement must be provided within 7 days from the date of application (if with quality control, then within 20 days).

Important: if the price of a product has increased since the date of purchase, you have the right to demand compensation for the difference in price.

Has it been more than 15 days?

After this period, you can only count on warranty repairs of the product.

Although, if the repair lasts more than 45 days, or the fault turns out to be unrepairable or recurring, then you have the opportunity to demand a replacement or refund.

You can also demand compensation for losses associated with the sale of a device of inadequate quality to you. For example, compensation for the costs of transporting goods to the place of repair.

Here are a few claims, among which you will find the one that suits you:

Replacement during repair

While you are waiting for the product to be repaired or replaced, you can request a replacement from the seller during this period. You must receive a replacement within 3 days.

How to return a laptop with a fault under warranty

  1. If guarantee period has not expired, you should contact the seller (manufacturer, importer) with a written claim, drawn up in two copies, with clearly formulated requirements (copies of all necessary documents are attached to the claim, for example, a sales receipt, sales receipt, warranty card, etc.).
  2. the seller accepts the product and replaces it with another, or conducts a quality check (in your presence). Don't forget to get an acceptance certificate from the seller.
  3. During the inspection, the seller is interested in establishing that the cause of the problem was your fault, so we recommend that you be present during this inspection (you have this right). The result of the check may be satisfaction of your request for a replacement, or refusal.
  4. If you and the seller have a dispute about the causes of the malfunction, the seller is obliged to conduct an independent examination (where you can also be present) at his own expense. If the examination reveals a manufacturing defect, the seller is obliged to replace the product. If, on the contrary, the defect arose during operation, then you will be left with faulty goods and will be required to pay the seller the costs of conducting the examination.
  5. If the consumer does not agree with the seller and the results of the examinations, then he has the right to file a claim in court.

If you bought a laptop online from an online store

Good quality

If the item has not yet been delivered to you, you can already refuse it. After the transfer you can refuse within seven days. If the seller does not attach documents indicating the procedure and terms for returning goods of proper quality, you can refuse the goods within three months from the moment of its transfer.

To return the product, it must not be in use, its presentation, consumer properties, as well as a document confirming the fact and conditions of purchase of the product must be preserved. If there is no such document, then you can refer to other evidence of purchasing the goods from this seller (screenshot personal account online store, purchase notification by e-mail or SMS).

If the product in the online store differs from what was delivered to you, this may also serve as a reason to return it to the seller and receive a refund. In this case, you can download the corresponding claim and present it to the seller: Claim for failure to provide complete and accurate information about a product purchased remotely

In case of refusal of the goods, the seller must return to the consumer the amount of money paid under the contract, with the exception of the seller’s expenses for delivery of the returned goods from the consumer, no later than ten days from the date the consumer submits the corresponding demand.

Please note: returnable any goods, purchased via the Internet, even technically complex ones and goods from the list of non-returnable goods.

Defective goods

If defects are discovered in a product purchased remotely (in an online store), you have the right to:

  • replacement with a laptop of a different brand (model, article) with recalculation of the price;
  • reduction in purchase price;
  • free repairs or compensation for repairs;
  • refund.

If you were delivered a product with violations, such as quantity, assortment, quality, completeness, packaging and (or) packaging of the goods, you can notify the seller about these violations no later than 20 days after receipt.

The seller is obliged to accept the goods, perform a quality check or examination. Based on the results, a decision is made to satisfy your requirements. If you disagree with the results of the examination, you can challenge them in court.

If you bought a laptop with a fault on credit

If the seller is ready to return money for goods purchased on credit or a loan, then the following rules apply:

You must be returned the amount in the amount of the loan repaid by this time with a refund of the fee for providing the loan, i.e. interest.

In the case of a consumer loan (loan), you must return the amount paid for the goods and reimburse interest and other payments under the loan agreement.

Common problems

The seller refuses to accept the laptop for warranty repair and sends it to service center manufacturer.

You have the right to file a claim with both the seller and the manufacturer. By sending you to the manufacturer, the seller wants to relieve himself of additional responsibilities.

Upon visual inspection, the seller blames the buyer for the breakdown and refuses to accept the laptop under warranty

If you are sure that the malfunction was not your fault, ask for an expert examination.

If you have already tried to return the goods to the store and were refused, ask our lawyer and he will tell you how to act in your situation.

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Let's consider two possible cases in which it may be necessary to exchange a laptop for another:

The laptop you bought turned out to be defective (poor quality, deteriorated, torn, fell apart, etc.) and at the same time you believe that this was not your fault, but the fault of the manufacturer or seller.

I simply didn’t like the laptop I bought because of its color, appearance, other characteristics, or simply didn’t fit in size.

If the product belongs to the category -, then the warranty period for it may begin to run from the beginning of the corresponding season;

if the product belongs to the group -, then special rules for its exchange apply;

If the product belongs to the group -, then special rules for its delivery apply.

Laptop exchange deadline

The laptop can be exchanged during the warranty period, and if the warranty is not established or has expired, then within two years from the date of delivery of the laptop.

What can you count on

You can not only exchange the laptop for another, but also fully compensate for the losses incurred as a result of the sale of a low-quality (defective) laptop to you;

Recalculation and additional payment

When replacing a laptop of poor quality with a laptop of the same brand (same model and (or) article), the price is not recalculated.

When replacing a laptop with the same but different brand (model, article), if the price of the old laptop is lower than the price of the new one provided in exchange, you will need to pay the difference in prices.


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If the price of the old laptop is higher than the price of the new one provided as a replacement, the difference in prices is paid to the consumer.

the price of the laptop to be replaced is determined at the time of its replacement.

Don't forget to take the following documents with you:

warranty card;
general passport ();
commodity or cash receipt for the purchased laptop, but if such documents are missing, you have the right to refer to witness testimony.

if the laptop was purchased from an online store

If the seller does not agree to exchange a low-quality laptop under warranty

laptop replacement: If the examination establishes that the laptop has deteriorated through no fault of the buyer, then the seller is obliged to exchange the laptop for a new one; otherwise, the buyer will have to reimburse the seller for the costs of storing the laptop and conducting the examination.

If the seller does not agree to return money for a low-quality laptop for which the warranty has expired or was not installed.

laptop examination: If the seller does not agree to the exchange, the buyer must independently examine the laptop. In this case, the examination is carried out at the expense of the buyer, since the responsibility for proving that the defects of the laptop arose before they were transferred to the consumer or for reasons that arose before that moment lies with the buyer.

Laptop exchange: If the examination establishes that the laptop has deteriorated through no fault of the buyer himself, then the seller is obliged to make an exchange for a new one.

Exchange of a laptop of good quality

Laptop exchange deadline

Exchange of a laptop of good quality is possible within 14 days, not counting the day of purchase.

Exchange terms

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What can you count on

If the seller does not agree to return the money for a quality laptop

Going to court: If the seller refuses to comply with the statutory requirements even after receiving a written complaint, it is necessary to go to court with an appropriate demand.

This has happened to many people when there was a need to return a newly purchased product back to the seller. So, many people are wondering whether it is possible to return the laptop to the store. The law allows this, but not every reason will serve as a basis for issuing such a return. Let's consider under what circumstances and how to return a laptop to the store.

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Law and laptop return

Only the lazy today are not aware that it is quite possible to make a consumer return within two weeks after purchasing the product. However, when talking about returning a laptop within 14 days without explanation, the law sets some limits. Thus, the regulations specify a group of products to which the above-mentioned norm does not apply. These include:

  • household appliances;
  • various laser and digital mechanisms;
  • computers and laptops;
  • sensory devices that perform more than two functions.

The catch is that the laptop is classified as a technically complex household product, and such items are allowed to be taken back to the store only if a defect has been detected.

Is it possible to submit within 14 days?

As previously determined, such types of products as laptops are not subject to return/exchange within 14 days when the product is of proper quality. The only exceptions may be the following circumstances:

  • there is no warranty provided for the equipment;
  • the product was purchased remotely;
  • the implementer meets the client halfway.

Is it possible to exchange?

The ability to exchange a laptop for a computer or tablet is not guaranteed by the state. This issue remains at the discretion of the seller. Typically, if there is no defect in the product, they will agree to exchange the product provided that the product being purchased is of a similar or higher price.

Is it possible to return a perfectly working laptop?

When wondering whether it is possible to return a laptop when it is fully functional, you must take into account that everything will depend on the wishes of the seller. However, it is not considered the seller’s responsibility to ensure such a process.

What if it hasn't been opened or used?

The ZPPP applies to cases where the product has retained its marketable appearance and you can confirm the fact of the purchase in a specific store. If the purchase has not even been printed or used, the packaging is intact and all the labels are in place - only under such circumstances can you count on a refund for the laptop. In this case, you need to have with you a check or receipt proving that the equipment was purchased at this particular place of sale. If such documentation is not available, witness testimony will serve as evidence.

If it is in your hands for less than three days?

If you have already opened and started using the device, even if only one day has passed since purchasing the laptop, there is very little chance that the store will accept it back. This is only possible by agreement with the seller, which in practice does not happen very often.

What if you used it for two weeks and then got tired of it?

Since a laptop is classified as a complex household product, it is not possible to return it simply because you are tired of it. Regardless of whether two weeks have passed or not. Especially if the device has already been used.

How to return a laptop with defects?

Speaking about returning a laptop to the store, it was already noted that this is possible if the quality of the product does not meet the stated characteristics. Reasons for returning include:

  • manufacturing defect;
  • malfunctions that arose during its improper transportation, storage, etc.

At the same time, the disadvantages can be very different: overheating of the processor, unauthorized shutdown of the system, freezing or failure to turn on the laptop, cracks on the screen, etc.

It is important that in the second case the defect was not the result of the buyer’s negligent actions, otherwise there can be no talk of any return.

Manufacturing defect

If you come across a manufacturing defect, you should take the product back to the store when:

  • defects cannot be eliminated independently;
  • repairs will take too long;
  • the defect is only one of a whole chain of defects that disable the device;
  • the seller or manufacturer's representative did not complete the warranty repairs specified in the contract.

Operational defect

If you bring a non-working laptop to a store under warranty, the seller has the right to conduct an examination to clarify the reasons for the defects. If such a procedure shows that at the time of sale everything was in order with the equipment, and shortcomings in the operation of the product arose as a result of the actions of the consumer himself, the money will most likely not be returned. Thus, the client himself could have misused the product, handled it carelessly, or inadvertently committed actions that led to a breakdown.

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Is it possible to return a laptop purchased on credit? Many people are also interested in whether it is possible to return a laptop that was purchased on credit. The “fourteen days” rule applies here in the same way as in any other circumstances. Returns may be due to deficiencies found in the operation of the product or its appearance

. It turns out that the entire amount for the purchase has not yet been paid, and the device is already faulty. Therefore, the seller is obliged in such a situation to return to the client not only the money paid for the laptop, but also the interest paid by the person to the bank. In this case, the client is relieved of all financial obligations regarding the product in question.

Laptop return procedure

  • Previously, it was determined that money for a laptop could be returned if the product turned out to be of poor quality. In this regard, the consumer has the right to put forward the following demands to the seller:
  • replace the purchase with another model or the same one, but of proper quality;
  • reduce the price of a product;
  • eliminate identified defects free of charge;

make a full refund.

For this purpose, the client contacts the seller with a claim. It is written in 2 copies: the first is provided to the seller, and the second remains with the consumer. In this case, the person must receive a receipt stamp on his copy from the store representatives. This will serve as proof that the document was actually presented and the other party is familiar with its contents.

To determine the nature of the damage, the store may send the product for examination. The examination is carried out within 45 days at the expense of the seller. If the applicant does not trust the result of such a procedure, he has the right to organize an additional independent examination.

  • client's identity document;
  • check or receipt;
  • witness testimony (if there is no financial documentation, it should be in writing).

As a result of the complaints expressed, a return application is drawn up to the product distributor. As a rule, it is written according to the form that is in the store itself.

Many clients are interested in what is the deadline for returning money paid. It will depend on the circumstances. If the seller initially admits that the product is defective, he has 10 days to return the money. However, during an examination, this period may take up to 45 days.

Sample documents

Check out what a sample complaint to a store looks like:

Also check out what an application to return a laptop looks like:

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What to do if the seller unreasonably refuses to accept the equipment

As previously noted, the seller has the right to refuse to reimburse the client. However, the regulations still provide for cases when he should not do this. What to do if you receive an unreasonable refusal? To begin with, in any case, you need to file a complaint with the store itself, even if you have already talked with its representatives and know that this will not bring the desired result.

This will work to your advantage if the case is considered by other authorities. In addition, the court is always interested in whether attempts were made to resolve the issue peacefully, and, if not, why. In addition to the courts, you can apply for protection of your rights to the authorities of Rospotrebnadzor. They are the ones who deal with consumer protection issues.


A laptop is a rather expensive purchase, therefore, when making it, you want to become the owner of a truly high-quality product. There are special requirements for its return and exchange. Thus, returning a product within 14 days is possible only if it is found to have serious defects resulting from a manufacturing defect. If the characteristics of the laptop meet all the stated requirements, it can no longer be returned, and after the two-week period has expired, you can only count on warranty repairs.

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According to the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, any product that does not suit the color, size, style, characteristics, dimensions can be returned to the seller within a certain period of time. This rule also applies to goods of inadequate quality. But whether it is possible to return the laptop back to the store, and for what reasons this cannot be done, we will consider further in our article.

Is it returnable? Is it possible to return within the first 14 days

To answer the question of whether it is possible to return a laptop to a store, you need to determine the reason for the return. If you simply don’t like the laptop, according to the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” it is impossible to return it. The fact is that this technique refers to a technically complex household product. This list of goods was approved by Government Decree Russian Federation and prohibits returning a product such as a laptop within 14 days if it is in working order.

However, if you purchase a faulty device, you can return it to the store. Moreover, this clause regarding the possible return of a defective laptop is present in the purchase and sale agreement. Defects can be different: faulty parts included in the package, overheating of the processor, random shutdown of the laptop, freezing operating system etc. It is these reasons that will allow you to return the faulty equipment back to the seller. Returns are possible during the entire warranty period. This period is set by the manufacturer or the store itself. If the deadline is not set by general rule it is two years.

How to return it correctly

It is, as already mentioned, impossible to return high-quality equipment. Stores often hold promotions to exchange old equipment for new ones. Only within the framework of this promotion is it possible to return your laptop and exchange it for another. Unfortunately, in other situations the store will not make an exchange.

Return of low-quality equipment is possible during the entire warranty period. When contacting the seller of the product, an examination will be required to determine the true causes of the defects. In this case, a transfer and acceptance certificate is drawn up. It should be sure to indicate that the laptop is not damaged or scratched by external signs, and there are no signs of it being opened independently. The examination may require 45 calendar days. After the specified period, a conclusion is issued. It indicates all the reasons for the defects that have arisen. If the defect occurs due to the fault of the manufacturer or seller, you can count on:

  • laptop replacement;
  • repair of goods at the expense of the seller;
  • refund of what you paid Money in return for returning the device;
  • reduction in the purchase cost of equipment.

If during the examination it is determined that the buyer himself is to blame for the occurrence of defects due to improper use, you should not count on returning the goods to the store. In this case, the law is on the seller’s side.

The results of the examination can be verified by ordering an independent examination. If the independent examination report indicates that the buyer is not at fault, you can immediately go to court to protect your rights.

When you contact a store with a defective product, a return application is drawn up. It indicates the reasons for the return and the buyer's requirements to the seller. Such a statement can be written directly in the store itself using the form indicated there or independently at home in any form. In the event of an unlawful refusal to satisfy demands, you should file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor or the prosecutor's office, or with an application for the protection of consumer rights in court. This may be a magistrate's court (if the purchase price is less than 50,000 rubles), or it may be a city court (if the purchase price is more than 50,000 rubles). State duty is not paid for such cases. The period for consideration of a claim in the magistrate's court is one month, in the city court - two months. Based on the results of the review, a decision will be made. Such a decision can always be appealed to a higher court.

Or the prosecutor's office is drawn up in any form in two copies. When applying in person, your copy must be marked with acceptance. In case of sending a complaint by registered mail with notification, a notification with a signature in the receipt will be returned to your address. The period for consideration of a complaint by the specified regulatory authorities is 10 calendar days. Upon expiration, a written response will be sent by mail describing the results of the consideration of the application.

When the seller has the right to refuse a return

The seller has every right to refuse a return to the buyer if the buyer himself is to blame for the defect, if the buyer carried out repairs on his own, if the laptop was not used for its intended purpose.