Comparison of mobile operators MTS Beeline and Megafon. Comparison of operators MTS, Beeline, Megafon and Tele2. Speed ​​testing and finding the most suitable operator

Which will be connected to the number, the person tries to find the solution that is most suitable in terms of cost and conditions. Cheapest rates cellular communications can be found from any operator. On the list available options There are tariffs for both the most economical and taciturn, and for those who are not used to limiting their communication. Even among unlimited tariff plans, as a rule, they mean the “All inclusive” lines; you can find budget options and tariffs with a large amount of traffic, minutes and messages.

How to choose the cheapest unlimited cellular tariff for the Moscow region and what offers do popular operators have for those who do not want to pay a daily or monthly subscription fee for a set of services that they may never use? This will be discussed in our article.

The cheapest cellular tariffs "Megafon" without a monthly fee

The white-green operator has tariff plan options for all occasions. For example, without you can choose the following options:

  • For those who spend most of their time talking with clients of their network (within their home region). The “Go to Zero” TP is perfect.
  • For subscribers who have to communicate with clients of various mobile operators, you should pay attention to the “Everything is simple” TP. According to its terms, all calls within the home area have the same tariff - only 1.60 rubles per minute.
  • If the subscriber is a guest of the capital or has many relatives in other countries, then the “Warm Welcome” tariff will be a real godsend for him - one minute of calls abroad will cost from one ruble (you can check the cost for a specific direction on the official resource of the operator).

Unlimited tariffs from Megafon

The cheapest unlimited cellular tariff "Megafon" is TP S. It has a fairly low monthly fee and implies the following conditions:

  • 250 minutes for communication with clients of Megafon and other mobile operators. After the limit is exhausted, you will still be able to communicate with clients in your network for free.
  • 200 text messages to send to any numbers in your home region.
  • One gigabyte of Internet traffic.

Competitive Beeline tariffs without a monthly fee

In the line of devices of the black and yellow operator you can also find interesting options that are quite similar to the previous conditions. For example, the cheapest cellular tariffs without regular payments:

  • Profitable communication with clients of this operator is available on the “Zero Doubts” tariff - from the second minute of the dialogue, money will no longer be withdrawn from the account, regardless of the duration of the call.
  • Short calls, the duration of which is measured in seconds, will be truly profitable on a tariff plan with per-second billing - only five kopecks per second of dialogue.

The cheapest unlimited cellular tariff from the Beeline operator

In the “Everything!” series of tariffs, to which, by the way, you can connect several devices and spend service packages together with your loved ones and colleagues, the youngest is the “All for 300” tariff plan. By connecting it, the client will receive:

  • 300 minutes free communication with subscribers of any mobile operators (calls to landlines also included here), after which it will still be possible to communicate within the network completely free of charge.
  • 100 text messages to send to your friends and family, colleagues and relatives.
  • Two gigabytes of traffic.

The cheapest cellular tariffs with the number of minutes included from the black and yellow operator also include the “All for 500” tariff. According to its terms, the subscriber, having activated it on the number, will receive:

  • 150 more minutes than on the three hundred ruble tariff.
  • 200 more text messages.
  • Three gigabytes more Internet traffic.

At the same time, on the youngest TP, which was considered first, it is not possible to add devices and share traffic. While for the “All for 500” TP there is such an opportunity.

Pay-as-you-go tariffs from MTS

The cheapest cellular tariffs available from the MTS operator:

  • For short conversations there is also a “Per Second” tariff. The cost of a second of dialogue is identical to the price offered by the Beeline operator;
  • You can call other countries with maximum benefit, having a SIM card from a red and white operator, by activating the “Your Country” tariff.

Tariffs with subscription fee (MTS)

In the “Smart” line, the youngest tariff is the “Mini” tariff. This is the cheapest unlimited cellular offer on the MTS list. Megafon and Beeline also offer “junior” tariffs from the “Everything” line for three hundred rubles per month. In this case, the conditions will be as follows:

  • 250 minutes of free communication with all operators in your region, after which communication within the network will still not be charged.
  • Same number of text messages.
  • Internet traffic - one gigabyte.

After the announcement for new subscribers, it became clear that behind the beautiful words about full coverage of people in need of unlimited and the need to offer understandable tariffs for less active Internet users, there actually lies a need to increase the company’s income. The cost of service has only slightly changed downward, and new subscribers will have to choose: spend less traffic or more money compared to the “old people” who remained on the same terms. A logical question arises: which operator currently offers the most profitable mobile Internet? In the iG editorial office we decided to check everything current tariffs five federal operators and compare prices for Moscow and the Moscow region.

By and large, smartphone owners now have two options: choose the most popular and most promoted package tariffs by operators, which include prepaid traffic, packages of minutes and messages, or independently assemble a constructor from a tariff without subscription fee with per-minute billing and connect a suitable Internet package. The first option is suitable for those who not only actively work in the browser and various applications, but also often calls and sends SMS. The second option will be best choice for those whose outgoing voice calls do not exceed a few minutes per month or occur mainly in instant messengers. In addition, choosing a tariff without prepaid minutes and messages makes sense for a second smartphone on which the user only works with applications, navigation, a browser, or uses it as a backup means of communication.

Below are cost comparison tables mobile internet at different operators, for example, with its help you will find out that Megafon offers some of the worst conditions in terms of traffic volume when choosing the “All Inclusive” tariff line, but is by far the leader when paying for options like “Internet L”. By the way, in the comments we are waiting for your opinion about the best operators and tariffs for active use of the mobile Internet.

Services in Russia mobile communications provided by many companies, but which cellular operator is better? It's difficult to answer this question.

The fact is that some companies are good because they provide excellent quality services, others have inexpensive tariff plans, and others do both, but can constantly charge you for subscriptions and options that you did not activate.

To help you understand which cellular provider is best for you, let's look at the advantages, features, and disadvantages of the most popular ones. So, the giants include: Megafon, Beeline, MTS, Tele2 and Iota.

Megafon - does it deserve the title of best mobile operator?

The company is one of the most successful, developed and largest among mobile operators. In addition, it is one of the “oldest”, that is, it appeared on the market quite a long time ago, or rather, in the summer of 1993. It provides favorable conditions, so over the years of operation it has managed to gain more than seventy million subscribers.

Reasons why Megafon is the best operator for most subscribers:

But there are not only advantages.

Disadvantages of Megafon

Overall this profitable operator communications. Tariff prices are not so high, but there are certain disadvantages:

  • Calling technical support is simply pointless - if you look at this problem realistically, it occurs in almost all companies. It is so difficult to reach customer support that customers most often do not get through and turn to call centers. But it’s not so simple here either: according to reviews from subscribers, they often turn out to be incompetent.
  • Tariff plans are quite difficult to understand, there are certain “tricks” - this also occurs with many operators, but with Megafon it is especially common. What is especially unpleasant for clients is that every year the tariffs become more and more complex.

As you can see, in such conditions it is quite difficult to determine which operator is better.

Beeline is a worthy contender when choosing a cellular operator

It is also very popular, and not only within Russia. For what reasons is it among the best cellular operators:

If you are wondering which operator is better to choose, pay attention to this one.


They also take place here:

  • It is very difficult to get through to the company - some callers even get the impression that they are simply being avoided. In fact, this problem arises due to the excessive workload of managers. Try calling operators during business hours (that is, not in the evening or at night, when there are many calls).
  • Frequent maintenance work – users are seriously dissatisfied with this. Often there are some problems that prevent you from making calls or even checking your account.
  • Nightmarish conditions for roaming - subscribers say that this is the worst operator if you evaluate the company based on the prices of roaming services.
  • Poor coverage outside the city - if compared with the previously reviewed Megafon, here the quality of mobile communications in the countryside is simply terrible. The fact is that Beeline is not going to install stations in places where it would be unprofitable.

However, in terms of prices, this operator is more profitable than many others.

MTS – eligible for the title of best mobile operator

If you compare cellular operators by the number of subscribers, MTS wins by an incredible advantage. He has more than one hundred million clients! And this is not so surprising, because there are undeniable advantages:

MTS also seriously claims to be the best operator.


  • The cost of many services is quite high when compared with the prices charged by other mobile operators. So this is not the most profitable option for a phone, although the quality of the Internet and communication is actually high.
  • The network coverage area is not so large - this is when compared with Megafon and Beeline.
  • Technical support leaves much to be desired. It seems pointless to call managers. But don’t despair, the consultant should definitely come up within five to ten minutes. Otherwise, you will have to contact managers at the company’s offices.

So, now let's look at one of the youngest operators.

Tele2 - advantages and disadvantages

Tele2 occupies fourth place when comparing companies by the number of subscribers. Despite this, in terms of prices it is the most favorable. From your mobile operator you will get inexpensive prices for mobile services, tariff plans and subscriptions.

However, there are disadvantages:

  • The communication coverage area is very small;
  • At times, errors and glitches occur in the system.

If you are looking for the cheapest mobile operator, look no further than this company.

Yota is the youngest, but is it profitable?

Yota provides a huge selection of tariff plans, service options for both communication and mobile Internet.

Their cost is not the highest when compared with other companies, but the quality leaves much to be desired.

Choose this operator if you don’t need high-speed Internet because it works slowly here.

Operator rating

So, based on the descriptions above, we make a rating of mobile operators:

  • MTS, Tele2 and Yota.

But which one is cheaper? Of course, beginners Tele2 and Iota. This is how they try to break into the market. However, we choose an operator not only by the price of services, but also by the quality of their provision.

In order to understand which cellular operator is best for you, you need to find out approximately how many minutes you spend on calls (or rather, on outgoing calls) per month, as well as how many gigabytes of Internet you use during the same period. Then, based on this data, select the most favorable tariff.

Detailed costs will help us with this, which can be requested from your current operator. Implemented this procedure through your personal account on the official website of your operator (as a rule, the service is free), or at the company’s office you can print out detailed expenses for any period (for some operators this service may be paid, and you will also need to take your passport with you to provide it).

How to check invoice details

  • Megafon
  • Beeline

Using the Tele2 operator as an example, let’s look at how you can order bill details by email for free:

  1. We go to the official Tele2 website - and enter your personal account - the “Login” button.

    Login to your Tele2 personal account

  2. On the next page, enter your phone number and click “Login.”

    Login without entering a password

  3. After that on cellular telephone An SMS with a code will be sent to the number you specified. Enter the received code on the page that opens.
  4. After logging in personal account Click on “Expenses”.

    “Expenses” button in your Tele2 personal account

  5. On the page that opens at the bottom - “Order details”.

    Button “Order details” in your Tele2 personal account

  6. On the “Expense Detail” page, select the month for which we want to receive detailed information and indicate the email to which the report will be sent.

    Entering data for ordering itemized expenses

Counting minutes

After this, a letter with a document will be sent to the specified email address. PDF format(usually within 1 minute), open it, go to the very bottom of the document and find the yellow summary table. In it we are interested in 2 lines in the “Total:” section - “Paid local telephony” and “Paid long-distance/international telephony”.

Counting minutes spent on outgoing calls

We add the time of these two lines and get the total amount of time spent on outgoing calls. In our case it turned out 3:28:27 + 43:00 = 4:11:27 (≈4 hours and 12 minutes). That is only 252 minutes. Putting together local and long distance calls because almost all operators in their most favorable tariffs with a subscription fee provide packages of minutes for calls throughout Russia, that is, you do not need to pay extra for long-distance calls. To calculate the profitability of tariffs without a subscription fee, you cannot add up these indicators; they must be counted separately, because in this case, the cost of long-distance calls will be higher than within your area. But looking ahead, we’ll say that more favorable tariffs come with a subscription fee, so we’ll add them up.

We advise you to order details for 3-4 different months (preferably the last ones), because Call times may vary greatly between months. And after that, calculate the average number of minutes that you spend on outgoing calls per month (for example, add up all the minutes for 3 months and divide by 3).

Internet traffic counting

Now let's see how much Internet traffic we spent over the same months. In the same yellow table, after the line “Total:” we find the line “GPRS Internet”. This line will contain a long value, for example, as in our case - 6009752618, this is the amount of traffic in bytes spent per month.

Internet traffic counting

In order to convert this value into gigabytes, we need a converter. IN search bar Yandex enters the simple phrase “bytes to gigabytes”, a converter will appear at the very beginning of the page into which we insert our number - 6009752618 and get 5.6 GB, that is, approximately 5 and a half gigabytes.

Results of calculations

So, in our case, the average monthly expenses turned out to be the following (based on data for the last 4 months - we added up the minutes for the last 4 months and divided by 4, we did the same with Internet traffic): 259 minutes of outgoing calls and 2.77 GB Internet traffic. Based on this data, we will select the best tariff.

You look carefully at your expenses for different months; it may be that, for example, you used little Internet traffic or calls for 3 months, and in the fourth month, due to some circumstances, you used a lot of minutes or traffic. Then the average indicators when calculating will be a little overestimated, take this into account and adjust the values ​​at your discretion (suddenly you no longer plan to use the Internet or communications so much). In our case, by the way, this is what happened - we used the Internet moderately for 3 months on this SIM card and voice communication, and the 4th - abnormally high (due to a long stay outside the home).

Selecting a mobile operator

Now, knowing how many minutes and gigabytes we spend per month, we can begin to compare the proposed tariffs of the largest mobile operators Russia. To do this, let’s simultaneously open their official websites in several browser tabs (on a PC you can click on the mouse wheel on each link):

  • Megafon
  • Beeline

At the time of writing (mid-2018), all of the above operators have tariffs with a subscription fee (when the tariff includes a certain number of minutes and gigabytes of Internet traffic per month), as well as tariffs without a subscription fee, when the cost of calls and the Internet is fixed for every minute and every megabyte. We will consider both options for each operator for the region - Moscow and the region.


With subscription fee. In connection with our calculated average monthly expenses - 259 minutes and 2.77 GB of Internet traffic from tariffs with a subscription fee, the tariff " Warm welcome S":

  • 300 minutes of calls to any operators in your home region;
  • 4 GB Internet;
  • 200 SMS;
  • calls to Megafon numbers and other operators in Russia - 9.90 rubles/min.

Price: 400 rub./month.

With this tariff it is very expensive to call outside your home region, so if you often have to do this, it is better to choose the “Turn On! Speak”, whose limit (700 minutes) includes calls throughout Russia (but does not include SMS):

  • 700 minutes of calls to any operators throughout Russia;
  • 4 GB Internet;
  • SMS within the home region - 1.5 rubles/piece;
  • SMS throughout Russia - 3 rubles/piece.

Price: 500 rub./month.

No monthly fee: The most preferable tariff for calls to all operators in your region is the “Warm Welcome” tariff:

  • 12 rub. in 10 minutes (package of 10 minutes), 6 packages per day are available (6 * 10 = 60 minutes), after the end of the packages - 2 rubles per minute;
  • 12 rub. for 100 MB of Internet (package of 100 MB), 10 packages per day are available (100 * 10 = 1000 MB or 1 GB), after the end of the packages the Internet is suspended;
  • SMS within the home region - 1.9 rubles/pcs;
  • SMS throughout Russia - 3.9 rubles/piece.

The total expenses per month on this tariff will be: (12 * 30) + (12 * 30) = 720 rubles. (on average 12 min./day + 100 MB/day).

Result: with our estimated volume of minutes and gigabytes, tariffs with a subscription fee, for which you will have to pay, are much more profitable 400 or 500 rubles/month. depending on calls made outside the home region.


With subscription fee: At the time of writing, MTS has the most favorable tariff for our needs - “My Unlimited”:

  • 300 minutes for all operators throughout Russia;
  • unlimited calls to MTS in Russia;
  • 300 SMS in your home region;
  • 5 GB internet;

Price: 480 rub./month.

If you would like to have a slightly larger reserve in the number of minutes, then you can take a closer look at the “Smart” tariff: 550 minutes (for calls throughout Russia), 550 SMS and 5 GB of Internet for 500 rub./month.

No monthly fee: the most favorable tariff is “ Red Energy": 1.6 rub./min. for all operators within the region, 1.9 rubles. for 1 SMS. Internet is expensive - 9.90 rubles/MB. To use the Internet more profitably, you will have to connect additional option— “SuperBIT Smart”, costs 12 rubles/day or about 360 rubles. per month, 3 GB of traffic is provided. Total: 1.6 * 259 + 360 = 774 rub. per month.

Result: for our expenses, MTS has the most favorable tariff is also a tariff with a subscription fee, namely “My Unlimited” for 480 rub./month.


With subscription fee: Beeline on the “ALL 1” tariff for 400 rub./month. offers:

  • 300 min. to all home region operators and Beeline Russia numbers;
  • 3 GB of traffic, can be used when traveling throughout Russia;
  • 300 SMS;
  • Flexible tariff settings, for example, you can exchange 300 SMS for 1 GB of Internet (in total you get 4 GB for a month), as well as 100 min. by 2 GB (the total will be 6 GB). And all this without additional expenses.

No monthly fee The most profitable tariff is “Zero doubts” - 2 rubles/min. for all operators. At the same time, calls to another region using other operators will cost as much as 12 rubles. in a minute! When using the Internet, the “Internet Package 1.5 GB” option is automatically activated for 8 rubles/day or about 250 rubles/month. As we remember, according to our calculations, this option will not be enough. Once the 1.5 GB package is exhausted, the speed drops to 64 Kbps. Extending the speed for 1 GB of traffic will cost an additional 250 rubles. Total we get: 2 * 259 + 250 + 250 = 1018 rubles. per month.

Result: It’s more profitable to use a tariff with a subscription fee “ALL 1” for 400 rub./month. Another plus is that you can adjust it to suit yourself.

Tele 2

With subscription fee: Tele2 has a suitable tariff - “My Online”:

  • 500 min. on all operators in Russia + unlimited on Tele2 Russia;
  • 50 SMS;
  • 15 GB internet.

Price: 400 rub./month. In this case, the unused balance of minutes, Internet traffic and SMS are transferred to the next month, and the remaining minutes can be exchanged for additional gigabytes of the Internet. But in order for the balances to be transferred, you must pay on time for the next month of using the tariff; if you pay late, you will lose the balances.

Also note cheap tariff"My conversation" for 200 rub./month.:

Result: the tariff with a subscription fee is more profitable for our calculated expenses - 400 rub./month, and if most of the expenses are calls to Tele2 and the Internet on social networks. networks - you can save a lot and get a tariff for just 200 rub./month. With unlimited calls on Tele2 and unlimited internet on social media networks.


With subscription fee: at operator Yota You can, like MTS, collect your own tariff, in our case it turns out - 300 minutes for all Russian operators and 6 GB of Internet for 430 rub./month. SMS are paid separately for 2.5 rubles. per piece, or unlimited SMS per 50 rub./month.

The tariff can be very flexibly configured, for example, you can add unlimited YouTube for 60 rubles/month. or unlimited on any of the social networks. networks for 25 rubles/month, while reducing the number of gigabytes in the tariff from 6 to 2 (although the savings after cutting traffic by 4 GB are small - 30 rubles).

At the time of writing, there are no tariffs without a subscription fee on the Yota website.

Best cellular tariffs

So, we compared tariffs of mobile operators, best rates by price (for our specific, previously calculated expenses) in Moscow for the summer of 2018 are:

  1. Tele 2— “My online” tariff ( 400 rub./month): 500 min. on all numbers in Russia, 15 GB internet, 50 SMS. Balances are carried over to the next month (if paid on time).
  2. Yota— the tariff is collected manually for calculated expenses ( 430 rub./month): 300 min. in Russia for any operators(on Yota - unlimited), 6 GB, SMS are paid separately for 2.5 rubles. per piece, or unlimited SMS for 50 rub./month.
  3. Megaphone— tariff “Warm welcome S” ( 400 RUR/month): 300 minutes to all numbers in your home region, 4 GB of Internet, 200 SMS. Calls in Russia 9.90 rub./min.(for any operators, including Megafon).
  4. Beeline— tariff “EVERYTHING 1” ( 400 rub./month): 300 min. to all numbers in your home region (on Beeline - throughout Russia), 3 GB of Internet, 300 SMS. Exchange SMS and minutes for Internet traffic. Calls in Russia 12 rubles/min.(for all operators except Beeline).
  5. MTS— “My Unlimited” tariff ( 480 rub./month): 300 minutes throughout Russia, 5 GB of Internet, 300 SMS. Alternative option— “Smart” tariff ( 500 rub./month): 550 minutes throughout Russia, 5 GB of Internet, 550 SMS.

Do not forget that we considered tariffs for Moscow and the Moscow region, which are current for the summer of 2018. In addition, we considered tariffs for our specific requirements - average monthly outgoing calls of 259 minutes and 2.77 GB of Internet. In your case, the results may be different and, perhaps, other tariffs will suit you better.

Mobile Internet is practical, convenient and allows you to use the global web anywhere in the city and even beyond its borders. Unlike wi-fi, they are not needed additional devices joining the network. However, you have to pay for convenience, so let’s consider which mobile Internet is best to connect to.

Criteria for choosing mobile Internet

When talking about the mobile Internet, you need to consider:

  • maximum speed and connection type;
  • coverage area;
  • tariff per 1 MB or contract price.

A logical question arises: which operator best internet? Consider offers from:

  • Beeline;
  • Megaphone;
  • Tele 2;
  • Yota.

Which of the proposed cellular operators is better depends on the user’s goals. But we can immediately note that the maximum speed is the same for everyone (from 200 Mb/s to 1 Gb/s, depending on the quality of the connection), and the type of connection is 4G. A modem is not necessary, just enough mobile phone and SIM cards supporting the appropriate data transfer technology.

Which operator is better for good connection You can determine it yourself by contacting company offices and receiving information from consultants. However, it is worth considering the fact that each service provider strives to sell its product and convince the client that it is number 1. To really understand which operator is the best for mobile Internet, you need to start from objective facts.

It’s up to you to decide which mobile Internet operator you choose, but looking ahead, we can say that:

  • the best in terms of coverage (for travelers) – MTS and Megafon;
  • best price – Tele2 and Yota;
  • the best for home is Beeline.

Let's look at each operator in more detail.

MTS services

More than 80 million Russians use the services of this operator, and many are confident that it has the best mobile Internet in the Russian Federation. Several tariffs are offered:

  • unlimited for 4 rubles/day for using social services. networks and instant messengers;
  • full unlimited speeds up to 750 Mb/s for 750 rubles/month;
  • “Hype” unlimited on social networks and instant messengers, plus 7 Gb of free traffic and 100 minutes of calls for 500 rubles/month;
  • “Smart” - unlimited calls on the network, 550 minutes to other operators and 5 Gb of traffic for 500 rubles/month;
  • “Our Smart” - unlimited calls on the network, 1500 minutes to other operators and 25 Gb of traffic for 1000 rubles/month;
  • “My Unlimited” is the most interesting tariff for active network users with a self-configuration function.

Very often people want to get mobile Internet on their phone for work. In this case, most packages that provide access to popular resources are not suitable, since 5-10 Gb of traffic can be consumed in a week. And then you'll have to buy more mobile traffic for phone:

  • 3 Gb for 300 rubles;
  • 5 Gb for 400 rubles;
  • 10 Gb for 500 rub.

Understanding this, MTS decided to stand out from other operators and offer truly interesting solution– “My Unlimited” package. There are 8 configuration options available, 4 each for calls and mobile Internet. The cost of the minimum configuration is 480 rubles/month, the maximum – 1110 rubles/month. But, if you only use the Internet, then the monthly fee will be only 750 rubles/month for 30 Gigabytes of traffic. Another important point is that uninterrupted 3/4G also works from St. Petersburg to Crimea and from Sochi to Novosibirsk. Good coverage in Sakhalin, Vladivostok and other remote parts of the country. Problems may arise in the far north and in the Siberian taiga.

Offers from Beeline

Unlimited mobile Internet from Beeline involves 5 basic tariffs:

RateConditionsSubscription fee rub./month.
"All Mine 1"3 Gb traffic, 300 minutes and SMS400
"All Mine 2"12 Gb, 500 minutes and 300 SMS600
"All Mine 3"22 Gb, 1200 minutes and 300 SMS900
"All Mine 4"30 Gb, 2000 minutes and 300 SMS1500
“Absolutely everything is mine”30 Gb, 5000 minutes and 300 SMS2500

The Beeline operator also offers unlimited mobile 4g ​​at the “Absolutely Everything” tariff, but its cost of 6,000 rubles/month is unreasonably high even when taking into account:

  • 60 GB of traffic;
  • 6000 minutes;
  • 300 SMS.

When considering which mobile Internet operator to choose, we can say with confidence that Beeline is suitable for those who not only spend a lot of time online, but also communicate even more on the phone.

Coverage area includes:

  • Moscow and the region;
  • Saint Petersburg;
  • large regional centers.


This mobile operator is only slightly inferior to MTS in terms of the number of clients (76 million users), therefore it also offers high-quality and affordable tariffs:

RateConditionsPrice, rub./month
“Turn on! Write"300 minutes of calls, 3 GB, 300 SMS, instant messengers, antivirus400
“Turn on! Look"750 minutes of calls, 20 GB, free access to popular services (Vkontakte, Facebook, Instagram, etc.), 4 movies on Megafon.TV, free ESET antivirus NOD32750
“Turn on! Listen"300 minutes of calls, 10 GB, free services, subscription to BOOM, free ESET NOD32500
“Turn on! Communicate"600 minutes of calls, 15 GB, free antivirus600
“Turn on! Speak"700 minutes of calls, 4 GB, unpaid visits to instant messengers500
“Turn on! Look+"1500 minutes of calls, 30 GB, free social networks, instant messengers, antivirus, 4 movies Megafon.TV1000
“Turn on! Premium"5000 minutes of calls, 30 GB, unlimited SMS, Megafon.TV with Amediateka, unpaid social networks, antivirus3000

The pricing policy is close to MTS, but the set functionality for those who use the web for entertainment, it is somewhat wider, which allows them to save traffic and choose cheaper tariffs. The coverage area is similar to MTS.

Tele2 packages

This operator has developed competitive tariffs, much cheaper than those of its competitors. The only drawback is that coverage is only available in large regional centers. Users are offered 5 basic tariffs:

  • “Classic” - 5 r/day plus 1.95 for each megabyte of traffic;
  • “My Tele2” - 7 r/day plus 1.95 for each megabyte of traffic, as well as unlimited access to social networks and instant messengers;
  • “My conversation” - 2 GB, 50 SMS and 200 minutes for 200 rubles / month;
  • “My online” - 15 GB, 50 SMS, 500 minutes and unlimited on social networks and instant messengers for 400 rubles/month;
  • “My Online+” - 30 GB, 50 SMS, 800 minutes and unlimited on social networks and instant messengers for 700 rubles/month.

It is also possible to connect only the Internet to the phone:

  • 7 GB – 299 RUR/month;
  • 15 GB – 499 RUR/month;
  • 20 GB – 699 RUR/month;
  • 50 GB – 999 RUR/month.

If you need a lot of traffic, then the latest tariff is the most profitable, but keep in mind that calls and SMS are quite expensive (1.8 rubles for Tele2 numbers and 10 rubles for other operators for 1 minute).


The provider used an original approach and stands out quite strongly from its competitors: there is no basic tariff; the user himself chooses what he needs:

  • The cost of any messenger, social network or YouTube ranges from 10 to 60 rubles. for unlimited access to one application. If you only need VK and Watsup, then the subscription fee will be 40 rubles/month.
  • Every 100 minutes cost 50 rubles. per month. 50 SMS will also cost 50 rubles. per month.

Internet (price RUR/month):

  • 2 GB – 250;
  • 6 GB – 280;
  • 12 GB – 330;
  • 30 GB – 380.

Such prices make the offer from this operator the most profitable on the market. However, it is worth considering that the service is available only in Moscow, St. Petersburg and some other large regional centers.

For modems

Which 3G operator is best suited for a home modem can be determined based on tariffs and the need to purchase additional equipment. For example, Yota offers tariffs from 5,400 rubles/year for 5 Mb/s to 9,000 rubles/year for maximum speed (more than 10 Mb/s). To connect, you will need to purchase a special router costing from 1900 to 5900 rubles. The specific type depends on the speed and number of devices that you plan to connect.
Prices for modems from MTS are similar, but customers are already offered 4 basic unlimited tariff(rub/month):

  • 100 Mbit/s - 450;
  • 200 Mbit/s - 490;
  • 300 Mbit/s - 800;
  • 500 Mbit/s - 1600;

Megafon offers modems in the same price category, but there is an opportunity to choose unlimited at maximum speed for 1300 rubles/month. Limited contracts:

  • S – 5 GB for 400 rubles/month;
  • M – 12 GB for 550 RUR/month;
  • L – 20 GB for 900 rubles/month.

This high price is due to the fact that the access speed is always maximum.
Cheapest home Internet Beeline offers. It should be noted right away that such generosity is due to the rather low speed - up to 100 Mbit/s. At the same time, there are tariffs with TV support - up to 139 channels. The following tariffs are available to users:

  • television without internet access – 345 rubles/month;
  • Internet without TV – from 450 to 600 rubles/month;
  • Internet plus TV – from 550 to 650 rubles/month.

In any case, the modem must be purchased separately or rented (cost 100 rubles/month).

When making your choice, remember that tariffs may differ slightly for different regions; the article uses information for Moscow and the region.