How to make wireless from the usual mouse. Under steroids in a skillet, or how to make a mouse twice wireless. What is the difference between a wireless mouse from wired

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The rapid development of technologies led to the fact that any device for processing, storing and sharing information should be as mobile as possible. The presence of wires can be a big noise. Therefore B. lately Wireless computer peripherals use in great demand. In this regard, many people have a question how to connect a wireless mouse to a laptop. As for the stationary computer, wireless devices are optimizing the workplace, its comfort and functionality.

Connection options

Connect a wireless manipulator to a laptop or PC in two ways:

  • Using a special USB adapter, which is attached to the mouse.
  • Using the built-in Bluetooth adapter in your computer. It is important to note here that it is present in laptops, but it does not happen in all stationary PCs. If it is not, you have to get an external Bluetooth adapter.

In the first case, everything is simple. The adapter is included in the kit kit. Usually it has a special fastening on the mouse housing or in the battery compartment. He looks like this:

Inserted B. USB connector. Do not forget to install batteries and click the power button or translate the lever on the mouse housing, with back side, In position. In most cases, this is enough to make the device to work: the light indicator lights up, the cursor on the screen moves.

Sometimes it is necessary to install a driver for correct operation. It is located on a disk that is included. If there is no disc, you can find necessary driver On the Internet, on the official website of the device manufacturer, download it and install, following the proposed instructions.

It happens that for some reason, the mouse does not have a USB adapter. Then it is possible to connect the mouse to the laptop via Bluetooth. This operation is a bit more complicated. Here is a step-by-step instruction for such a connection method.

A window will appear, the brand and the model of your mouse will be displayed there, choose it and click "Connect".

Choose a "mouse". The system gives the mouse control parameters that can be configured:

Connect the wireless mouse to the computer you can likely. If your PC has a built-in Bluetooth adapter, connect external through the USB port. Wait until the computer sees and recognizes it. Next, follow step by step instructions, Repeat steps 1-3, which are described above. After these manipulations, you can use this convenient and compact device.

Do not rush to throw out a wired mouse if you use a stationary computer. It will always be able to serve as a reliable replacement with a wireless device in the case of the batteries or any problems occur. If you have a laptop, then the touchpad will come to help in an unforeseen situation - the built-in touch mouse.

How to connect a wireless mouse to the tablet

Sometimes the need arises to connect a wireless mouse and keyboard to a tablet or telephone, for example, for a set of text in large volumes, for processing it, when there is no access to a stationary computer. Some tablets are equipped with standard uSB port. In this case, connect wireless mouse will not cause difficulties. Enter the same way as when connecting the mouse to the laptop. If there is no such port, then there is always a Micro-USB connector on the tablet and you can simply use uSB adapter - Micro-USB. It is usually included in the kit, or is acquired additionally. He looks like this:

Insert the mouse adapter into a USB connector, turn on the mouse. Through this adapter it is possible to connect to the tablet and the usual, wired mouse. The signal is the manipulator connected to the tablet, is the appearance on the screen of the standard cursor icon in the form of an arrow.

If you need to turn on simultaneously wireless mouse And the keyboard, and the Micro-USB connector is only one, you can use the special splitter OTG Microusb Hub, which allows you to connect several devices at once. Here it is:

When connecting a mouse directly via Bluetooth, without an adapter, make sure that this type of connection is connected on your device. Then wait for sync with the mouse. If it has not happened automatically, then in the Bluetooth settings you need to manually search available connections. The tablet detects the mouse, choose it from the list and click "Connect".

How to connect the mouse to the phone

Connecting to a wirefire smartphone is made exactly the same ways as connecting to the tablet. The same means apply and repeat the same actions as in the previous section.

In contact with

Nowadays, Hand Maid is firmly entered the fashion, that is, the things made by their own hands. To this definition, you can consider any items that you have read or converted it yourself. Such a thing can be a technician, for example, pC mouse. And in our article we will try to figure out how from a wireless mouse to make wired with your own hands. The instructions given further will help you decide whether this action needs or easier will replace the mouse in the store.

What is the difference between a wireless mouse from wired?

Many people might think that the difference between one of the named devices from another is that the wired mouse has a wire when the wireless is powered by batteries or batteries.

In general, it is, but if you have a slightly to delve into the question, you can find many other important differences:

  • First, this is a difference in dimensions. Wired mouses are always a little longer in size, as their equipment is somewhat more complicated. This also applies to weight, although that the one else weigh is slightly.
  • Secondly, wired mouses are much better and quickly responding to a response than wireless. That is why gamers are often chosen more often computer Users., Second braking for which can be a huge interference. Yes, wireless mice work in the same way as wired at the beginning of operation, but as the battery or battery is discharged, characteristic pate and braking appear, can begin to interfere with the breakdown control.
  • The third difference follows from the first. The life of the average wired mouse is 10 years, while wireless - only 3.4 years. This is a significant difference, and if you calculate a little, then even the difference in the cost does not cover the costs.

Advantage of wired mouse

Carefully examining all the characteristics of the wired mouse, you can highlight a number of advantages that stimulate users to such a difficult alteration. The benefits of this device can be attributed to:

  • price;
  • durability of use;
  • reaction rate to user commands;
  • universality.

As you can see, the main advantages of the wired mouse before the wireless will be the price and durability in use. The mouse feeding from the computer is even smaller than the wireless of the same class. Moreover remote control You have to spend money also to purchase power sources. In addition, taking into account that this mouse is twice as fast in the scourge, we can conclude that a much cheaper option is a wired mouse.

Not once, users faced such a problem that the mouse driver is not suitable for a home PC or laptop. The wired mouse does not require the installation of special drivers. To start it to use, it is enough just to connect it into a USB output and start working.

How to make a wired wireless mouse?

So, we figured out the details that the wireless mouse in many indicators is inferior to its wired analogue. Is it worth running to the store for a new mouse in return for old? Do not hurry to gather. Now we will try to decompose information about whether it is possible to make a wired from the wireless mouse.

From theoretical point of view, it is quite possible. With the practical, this process will be somewhat difficult for an ordinary consumer, not dismantling in physics and mechanics. But we will try to explain as much as possible algorithm of actions.

We understand how to make a wireless mouse

The instruction that we will provide will give the process of alteration in the form of the necessary steps:

  1. So, let's start with the fact that we will analyze directly the wireless mouse. To do this, unscrew two screws with a screwdriver and remove the cover.
  2. Next, separated from the bottom of the mouse motherboardBefore that, disappearing two wiring - red (+) and black (-) - from the batteries.
  3. Now we need to have a resistor to reduce the voltage from 5 volts to 3. How to do it? Explain simple language This will not work, but if you speak brief, then you need to consistently attach 2-3 diodes in direct inclusion.
  4. Drill the hole in the lid to bring wire in the future. It is necessary to do it carefully so that the crack does not appear in the device housing.
  5. Place the modified voltage board into the case and shove the resulting wire into the drilled hole.
  6. Connect the ends of the wire to USB.

The device can already be used, but similar frauds will only replace the power supply in the mouse. It will also be controlled by the air with the help uSB connections to a computer or laptop, since the signal transmission schemes for wireless and wired mouse Still different.

We quite described in detail how to make wired wireless mouse, but you could have questions about the practicality of this alteration.

Is it worth doing wired from the wired mouse?

It is unlikely that this question can be answered as ambiguous - no, it is not worth it. If you have skilled hands, you can make something with them and do it only from scientific interest, then personal enthusiasm can lead to good results. However, if you are an Internet self-taught and do it only because it is a pity money for the purchase of a new mouse, then you should not be taken for this is a glible case, because in the end you will lose more than you get.

The price of the question - three hundred rubles, it's quite a bit, given that when collecting the mouse, you will spend many nerves and, perhaps, still a whole wireless mouse. In addition, this alteration will last long. The homemade cord will be raised much earlier than purchased, and the design itself will break through and will be impractical.


If you have read the start of the article, caught that the wired mouse is suitable for quite serious gamers, and decided to solder it quickly, then you are wrong. The converted mouse to play will be even more difficult than simple wireless. The cord on the homemade device will turn out to be more nervy, and the response only because of the presence of the wire will not be faster.

Thus, we can conclude that from the wireless mouse as theoretically, it is practically possible to make a wired, but it will be a little sense from it, since the pluses of the real wired mouse will not receive. It is much easier and more practical to go to the nearest store and purchase a mouse for 300-500 rubles.

Good day of day, dear guits and sympathizer!

In his first publication, I described the process of eliminating the congenital defects of microswitters with a hot me mice Logitech MX1100.
Now it's time to make the perfect mouse perfect. What is missing this wonderful desk to a friend for final acceleration at the very top of the evolutionary pyramid? The answer lies on the surface: modern lithium battery With the ability to recharge through the built-in chains, each wireless device is necessary. Built the same wireless charging in a wireless device - the most logical step and act worthy of true Jedi Gick.

Manting about a somewhat unsuccessful experience of mice alterations (MX Revolution put her life on the altar of science at first attempts to alterars of microswitters), I decided to practice on circuitrynically simpler devices.
The choice fell on the ergonomic Chinese mouse for me last year worth 5 €. The mouse is quite small, so even despite the ergonomic form, I could not use it as the main one. In addition, the battery was discharged after two days of use, which hinted on some debris of the manufacturer, which placed on the device's body information about the presence of a lithium battery with 650 mA / h. Despite this, the mouse in general is not bad: positioning accuracy is on good levelThe mouse automatically "falls asleep" in the absence of activity, has two additional buttons in a convenient location.

This wonderful mouse has gained a proud title of laboratory.
Mouse's insides confirmed all my suspicions: a tiny battery is adjacent to some kind of hard-treated (apparently, to give a mouse at least some weight), the charging controller and a lithium battery protection scheme are missing. Charging occurs through a thin connector, which is also poorly fixed.

In the process of charging, a red LED is lit, regardless of the degree of charge or battery charging time. Well, according to the principle of treating such such, we will eliminate the defects of the Chinese mouse with the help of the Chinese battery controller module worth 1 €. This module has a MicroUSB connector, provides charging current up to 1a, protects the battery from reloading, short circuit and deep discharge. In the process of charging, a red LED is burning, after its end it goes out and lights blue. The mouse also will also receive a huge dose of steroids in the form of an INR18650-35E battery. This Samsung production battery has a 3500 mA / h passport capacity and costs 6 €. Its quite large weight makes unnecessary installation of extra weights.
LED, regular battery, metal weight and charging connector have been removed. Dremel, a file and sandpaper prepared rodent to the last stage of rework. The controller module is glued to the bottom of the epoxy mouse, the battery is inserted into the vertical cavity of the mouse body and is fixed with one of the housing screws. After soldering and adhesive, the inner device of the mouse looks like this:

The red module LED shines through a translucent red insert on the housing, and the light of the blue LED makes its way through the slots around the buttons and the mouse wheel:

The total cost of the mouse was 12 €. Since there are no wireless mice on the market with such a battery capacity, then the economic meaning is not possible to evaluate the economic meaning. For me, the main thing is that now this mouse has powerful battery With a full-fledged charging and protection scheme, and it will be possible to rely on it as a spare device when the main one is refused.

Now it's time to alteration Logitech MX1100 from the first publication series.
Were purchased: a lithium battery for 1000 mA / h, battery controller module and receiver wireless charging For samsung ggaalaxy S5. MX1100 has a compartment for two parallel connected elements of AA sizes. This place will be used to place a lithium battery. A rather complicated mouse module is also located on the battery compartment, it must be carefully unscrewed, dumped and stored in a dry cool place. The first stage of the alteration is to remove the battery compartment and gluing the cover of the acrylic glue compartment. At the same time, the mechanism of locking the lid, all sorts of protrusions and irregularities were removed, and the dreapers were condensed.

Now we will test the operation of the wireless charging module in the bundle with the already familiar battery controller module:

A small problem is that a lithium battery has a rated voltage of 3.7 volts, and the mouse is calculated by 1.5 volts. This problem was solved with low-voltage pulse converter Voltage MAX8640YEXT15. This microcircuit operates in the input voltage range of 2.7 to 5.5 volts and has a sufficiently good load capacity (500 mA) at a minimum of external components:

The installation of the transducer was made by the method on a piece perforated macateboards. Was collected test configuration With load resistor:

Now you need to carefully open the wireless charging receiver, it is done quite easily: parts of the module are placed between two sheets of self-adhesive film. The module consists of a coil and flexible pCB. This fee must be disappeared from the coil, gently remove and connect with the coil with a thin insulated wire. This is necessary due to a lack of space at the bottom of the mouse, especially since the coil is better to place as close to the center of the mouse. The coil I glued to the bottom of the mouse with a "moment" glue. Now glue the battery compartment from pieces of perforated dump card, it will also serve as a stand for a previously remote mouse module. The battery is located directly on the coil, as in mobile phone. At this stage, it is also necessary to check the operation of all mouse modules:

After a successful test, all modules were insulated with fiberglass tape:

I managed to get wonderful non-lard LEDs SMD 1206, red and green. They were glued with a transparent epoxy resin in a specially died hole at the bottom of the mouse back. These LEDs were connected to the battery controller module (naturally, the "native" module LEDs were removed)

In order to ensure the possibility of charging the battery of the mouse in the absence charger The QI standard in the front of the case was also installed microUSB socket:

This slot was connected to the battery controller module. The socket on the module itself was removed in order to reduce the size of the module: very few places in the housing.
After assembling the mouse, we carry out final tests, everything works as conceived:

The joy of possession of the ideal mouse is damn pleasant feeling, all material and time costs justified by 100%.

As they say in circles OpenSource: Have Fun!

P.S.: Published under the WTFPL license.