What kind of Chinese phones is the best. Chinese smartphones: will they save you to save? Chinese smartphones of good quality

It all depends on specific manufacturers and price category. There are firms that produce products knowingly low quality (Example is STAR), there are acceptable diegee types of diegee.

It should be remembered that relatively cheap models (cost up to $ 100), as a class, rarely highlighted with good materials, but the assembly accuracy and stability software Depends on the manufacturer, koi in China a lot.

Should I buy "expensive" Chinese smartphones?

Everything flagship smartphones From the above manufacturers, manufacturers are perfectly equipped, made of truly high-quality components (the same "brands"), while their price is more than twice as lower, compared with non-Chinese brands.

Unfortunately for the latter, modern "Chinese" is more expensive than $ 120 leave much more pleasant impressions of use.

Problems from the pre-installed Chinese

Head of the Test Laboratory of Household Appliances and Electronics Roskontrol

Often in Chinese smartphones "sewn" various local services, from which Russians have no proc. In some cases, labels can be removed from the eye with a one and forget about the problem, but sometimes the services are excessively active. You can find out the current situation in profile forums.

If the brand officially "came" in the Russian Federation and the Customs Union (for example, Huawei), then the list preset applicationsis usually acceptable. If the products are called "gray" way, but the smartphones are damn themselves are good in terms of price and quality ratio (for example, Xiaomi), then you can search for offers with localized firmware.

The international groups of programmers are engaged in adaptation, often with the support of the manufacturer. In such firmware there are normal Russian, exclusively Chinese services are removed. True, the same Xiaomi does not make it easy to change official firmware On localized, need "dances with a tambourine" in the form of replacement control programThat is if only experienced "computerists" or specialists of service centers.

Therefore, before buying, it is better to clarify the information about the localization of the firmware. Very often, even "gray" providers conduct pre-sale preparation and install suitable firmware.

But fundamental problems with the work of "purely Chinese" smartphones ordered from abroad, in Russian cellular networks, including 4G, no, although this moment is better to discuss before order to make sure.

Purchase on the Chinese site - risk or savings?

To purchase from the Chinese site you need to have a bank dollar map (or Webmoney) and know the index of your post office.

On average, the parcel needs to wait about three weeks. If you do it on the Chinese sites, like Aliexpress, they provide a full refund in the event of unsuccessful delivery or problems with the quality of the received instance.

The smartphone market has rapidly developed over the past 3 years, large companies have already achieved tremendous success in this field, but recently there is a stagnation - innovation appear less and people are less interested in acquiring the "flagship" gadgets. One of the reasons for the fall of large manufacturers can be called expansion of devices from the Middle Kingdom. The Chinese phone brands occupy an increasing part of the market, and the restless manufacturers are actively implementing modern technical equipment, while offering that attract both advanced users and not too biased.

Main models: pros and cons of Chinese brands of smartphones

The brands of Chinese phones on Android will greatly differ. There are both fairly well-known players and "unnamed", which were one or two gadgets. Not all budget producers take quantities and price. The famous brands of Chinese phones managed to reach an extensive world market, thanks to the desperate copying of famous competitors - similar devices for low prices Dissolve like hot cakes.

These devices certainly have both their advantages and cons. The advantages of such gadgets should include their price. The brands of Chinese phones are independent of retailers, they do not need advertising, therefore, saving on the specified components, the creators of gadgets retain significant funds, which ultimately appears in the form of a reduced value of smartphones. It is clear that this fact will certainly please potential buyers.

Also, the advantages of such devices should include their "top" stuffing. Chinese brands mobile phonesDespite its commitment to the average price segment, equip their braid by the latest technology. If you are where and see 10 or 20 nuclear chip, then it will be a newcomer from China. Recently, Chinese phones brands can boast an interesting design: if earlier all the gadgets from the Middle Kingdom looked like randomly and casually collected pieces of plastic, now the creators are increasingly paying attention to the appearance of smartphones. Often, the use of more solid materials, such as steel, glass, aluminum, sometimes even a tree.

Unfortunately, inexpensive gadgets have a number of shortcomings. First of all, it is necessary to realize that the phones, the price threshold of which are particularly low, will not be able to boast a high-quality assembly. That is, those smartphones that attract the price below 3 or 4 thousand rubles, still look like those faded and cheap plastic Chinese fakes.

In addition to poor-quality components, you need to remember that the software content of such devices leaves much to be desired. For example, there is often a huge amount of pre-installed, terrible quality or at all unnecessary software, which are stuck all cheap stamps of Chinese phones: with changing the voice of the application, demonstration versions of games, "national software" and the like. The developers and optimization are not careful. "Android" - the system is picky and requires a powerful stuffing or good straightening from the developer, in order to ensure proper performance of the gadget.

Well, finally, even the major manufacturers do not mind to deceive their fans. If in your new, inexpensive smartphone 8 nuclei, do not be surprised that only 4 are actively active, and the camera on 13 megapixels is in prize with interpolation and up to 8 megapixel photo models.

All that can be advised is to choose those "Chinese" who have already received a good reputation. You need to avoid those who, using the inexperience of users, deceive them. Actually, more on devices.

The best Chinese premium segment phones

This is worthless to attribute new items from the giants of the Meizu and Xiaomi industry, and also not sin remember the recently released LEECO.


1080 x 1920 (5,2)

1080 x 1920 (5.15)

1080 x 1920 (5.5)


MediaTek Helio X25

MediaTek Helio X20

4 GB RAM, 64 ROM

4 GB RAM, 128 ROM


As can be seen from the table, this list contains a device, with a very low price. The specified gadget is presented, until recently, few letv.

The brands of Chinese phones, which are in a higher price segment are gadgets created by companies that have already broken and as their main competitors see giants such as Apple or Samsung.

These devices are not only equipped with powerful technical components, but also follow newest trend Chape with the support of the most advanced technological solutions. Such phones are equipped with fashionable today with dactyloscopic sensors that allow us to provide data in the smartphone with a proper level of security, as well as rid of long passwords. All three gadgets support modern standard. USB Type-C.

Meizu Pro 6 - Chinese iPhone

This unit can boast support newest technology 3D Press. Such a display is capable of recognizing pressing power. This feature allows you to use additional parameters and the context menu in the system - fast actions on shortcuts, the ability to preview links in the browser and much more. This was already implemented in the iPhone, respectively, we see here a clear borrowing, for which, fortunately, everyone does not pay attention to everyone, and competition is beneficial to the buyer.

Xiaomi Mi5 - Best Sheath for Android

The Chinese Phone Brand Xiaomi is primarily famous for the software platform. The phone works with its own shell, which is called MIUI. She was very positively perceived by the public, many loved her for excellent visual design, as well as for qualitative optimization. The smartphone came out quite expensive mainly due to the fact that the name of the processor is used by the famous Snapdragon, while others have not seen to put a novice in their inventions in the form of MediaTek.

LEECO LE 2 - ahead of the rest

This smartphone surprised the lack of a headphone jack. The Chinese have implemented their own audio system that uses the USB Type-C port, granting the ability to reproduce audio significantly higher quality both using a highlighted DAC and thanks to the full support for Lossless audio formats. But what, what will the owners of headphones with the standard port say to this score? Most likely, they will not be treated greatly. It is unlikely that for the sake of such a novelty, people will run to change the already existing headset.

Marks of Chinese phones of the middle and low price segment

One of the advantages of modern consumer electronics is the price range.

The brands of Chinese phones, the list of which is full of day, saturated and gadgets are much cheaper. The prices of them are often lower than 10,000 rubles, which, of course, attracts a certain public, which undesirable to give a large amount for overestimated technical equipment.



MediaTek Helio X20


2 GB RAM, 16 ROM


it summary Table The most affordable devices on the market, while those at an acceptable level, which will not cause excessive irritation. These phones work on branded shells (with the exception of WileyFox), which makes it possible to provide decent performance. The table also shows that the brands of Chinese phones have grown to the level of the flagships of the past years.

Wileyfox SWIFT - one of the first powerful subbrends

When the events related to dumping prices for smartphones and the emergence of certain subsidiaries, Wileyfox was one of the first to the scene. An amazing price and quality ratio was impressed by all without exception. The device was difficult to order, which caused even more excitement. The device body is made of plastic at the same time it looks very presentable. The high performance of the gadget provides not only a powerful stuffing, but also the platform on which it works, namely CyanogenMod 13. The competent combination of technical and software solutions made it possible to create a worthy phone of a low price segment.

Xiaomi Redmi 3 - Elegant Easy

This device is a little more powerful, a little more expensive, but at the same time it is somewhat elegant than competitors that he is good. Users are increasingly paying attention to the exterior of their smartphones. A stunningly large display provides a chic picture, with maximum viewing angles. The phone works on MIUI - high-performance superstructure over the Android system. Also, Xiaomi devices are pleased high quality cameras (They are not the best among affordable, but worthy).

Meizu M2 Mini - Powerful Baby

So the moment came when the prefix "mini" receive smartphones with a diagonal of 5 inches. Yes, indeed, compared to many flagships, the display with such a diagonal seems small, but not everything is used to this. This device uses Flyme as a software shell. This is the basis designed specifically for


It is impossible to talk about Chinese smartphones without mentioning a huge number of copies that are overshadowed by both the market for subway and Russian. In fact, you probably met the iPhone for 2000 rubles, working on Android, Vertu, worth less than $ 60 and similar products. They published such phones look like, but no matter how they were assumed, it is worth only to touch them and it becomes clear that in front of you is cheap, poorly-quality fake. Do not get caught on the trick easy: you need to remember that Vertu and iPhone will never cost from 400 to 4 thousand rubles. In this case, it will be wiser

Over the past couple of years, the Chinese smartphone market has grown significantly and at the beginning of 2019 began to be felt explicitly surprise sentences. What consequences will it lead to the future to guess, the sales of leading manufacturers in 2019 are taken on, which is a fact.

For leading players, this is not critical changes, but interest and interest percentage of sales of sales a serious signal to such companies as, Apple, and occupying the first lines by the number of smartphones issued in the world.

These changes to touch all Chinese manufacturers, for someone it will become a chance to strengthen their positions, and some on the contrary will be at the "broken trough," who will say it is difficult.

We will consider all decent representatives of the Chinese market, both from the first league and rank down. All smartphones are interesting and are the best in their price categories.

BlackView BV9600 PRO.

  • CPU:
  • Screen:
  • 16 + 8 MPIX / 8 MPIX
  • / 128 GB
  • Battery capacity: 5580 MAK.

Price: from 30 300 rubles.

DooGee S90.

  • CPU: 8-core Helio P60, clock frequency 2 GHz
  • Screen:
  • Cameras (basic / frontal): 16 + 8 MPIX / 8 MPIX
  • Memory (operational / built-in): 6 GB / 128 GB
  • Battery capacity: 5050 mAh.

Price: from 25,000 rubles.

Very interesting novelty, which received the maximum degree of protection, what is there at all on this moment Plus housing with titanium elements. True, this was affected by the thickness and weight of the device, but but the inefficiency straight raises. The rest of the smartphone is also not bad.

Confident speed, high-quality screen and optimal battery tank. For this money, a very good option for extremals, which will certainly use the functions of the SOS, and modular design. Magnetic mounting on the housing allows you to cling there various additions: a night vision chamber, battery, digital radio, and a 5G communication module.



  • Case thickness - 14 mm, weight - 300 grams.
  • An irrelevant Android OS 8.1.

Elephone A5.

  • CPU: 8-core Helio P60, clock frequency 2 GHz
  • Screen: 6.18 inches resolution 2248 x 1080
  • Cameras (basic / frontal): 12 + 5 + 0.3 MPIX / 20 MPIX
  • Memory (operational / built-in): 4 GB / 64 GB
  • Battery capacity: 4000 mAh.

Price: from 13 400 rubles.

Huawei Honor 8x.

  • CPU: 8-core KIRIN 710, clock frequency 2.2 GHz
  • Screen: 6.5 inches, resolution 2340 x 1080
  • Cameras (basic / frontal): 16 + 2 MPIX / 16 MPIX
  • Memory (operational / built-in): 4 GB / 64 GB
  • Battery capacity: 3750 MAK.

Price: from 14 500 rubles.

The successful model of the Huawei smartphone, offering a low price tag with sufficiently good parameters. Performance is enough for everything for all including games that will look great on a large high-quality display.

The device also received decent chambers, but it will especially please the front-line with AI functions. Autonomy is also excellent.


  • Acceptable price.
  • High-quality and large IPS display.
  • Good performance.
  • A good battery with quick charging.
  • Metal case.
  • Availability Face Unlock.
  • NFC function.


  • An irrelevant Android OS 8.1.

Lenovo z5s.

  • CPU:
  • Screen:
  • Cameras (basic / frontal): 25 + 8 + 5 MPIX / 16 MPIX
  • Memory (operational / built-in): 4 GB / 64 GB
  • Battery capacity: 3300 mAh.

Price: from 16,800 rubles.

Meizu 16.

  • CPU: 8-nuclear Snapdragon 710, clock frequency 2.2 GHz
  • Screen: 6 inches, resolution 2160 x 1080
  • Cameras (basic / frontal): 20 + 12 MPIX / 20 MPIX
  • Memory (operational / built-in): 6 GB / 64 GB
  • Battery capacity: 3100 mAh.

Price: from 17 300 rubles.

One of the 2018 bestsellers with a powerful configuration and high-quality assembly. The smartphone is characterized by a pleasant design of glass and metal, a bright detailed display and a productive processor. Everything is optimal and relatively inexpensive.

As in the previous model, they did not pay due attention to the battery. You can praise cameras, but not very good to respond about the battery. In general, the model is very worthy.


  • Acceptable price.
  • High-quality IPS display.
  • Script scanner in the display.
  • Game performance.
  • The presence of unlocking in the face.


  • There is no NFC function.
  • Weathered battery.
  • An irrelevant Android OS 8.1.

Nubia Z18.

  • CPU:
  • Screen: 5.99 inches, resolution 2160 x 1080
  • Cameras (basic / frontal): 24 + 8 MPIX / 8 MPIX
  • Memory (operational / built-in): 6 GB / 64 GB
  • Battery capacity: 3450 MAK.

Price: from 26,400 rubles.

OnePlus 6T.

  • CPU: 8-nuclear Snapdragon 845, clock frequency 2.8 GHz
  • Screen: 6.41 inches, resolution 2340 x 1080
  • Cameras (basic / frontal): 20 + 16 MPIX / 16 MPIX
  • Memory (operational / built-in): 6 GB / 128 GB
  • Battery capacity: 3710 MAC

Price: from 37 000 rub.

Everything is known about this smartphone, no doubt about quality and performance does not occur at all. The company is quite unique, since all the support is allowed to the only one in essence, the smartphone in a bit different variations.

This lies the phenomenon of the manufacturer. The model is one of the most productive in 2018 and in special advertising does not need.


  • Flagship performance.
  • The housing display is covered by Gorilla Glass 6.
  • Powerful AI cameras.
  • The presence of the NFC function.
  • OS Android 9.0.



  • CPU: 8-nuclear Snapdragon 710, clock frequency 2.2 GHz
  • Screen: 6.4 inches resolution 2340 x 1080
  • Cameras (basic / frontal): 20 + 12 + Tof 3D MPIX / 25 MPIX
  • Memory (operational / built-in): 6 GB / 128 GB
  • Battery capacity: 3700 mAh.

Price: from 56 900 rubles.

Low prices OPPO never differed, but in the absence of quality and premium, to reproach the company can not. Smartphone There is something to offer although expensive: prefalm performance, powerful AI cameras with support for measuring space depth and excellent battery in terms of quality lithium-ion elements.

In addition to the above premium design and scanner of the print on the screen. With this prices, the company risks to lose all of his fans in the conditions of current competition.


  • Quality Super AMOLED display.
  • Scanner imprint on the screen.
  • Game performance.
  • Pleasant design.
  • Powerful AI cameras.
  • Good battery With quick charging.
  • The presence of the NFC function.


  • Extremely high price.
  • An irrelevant Android OS 8.1.

Oukitel U23.

  • CPU: 8-core Helio P23, clock frequency 2 GHz
  • Screen: 6.18 inches, resolution 2246 x 1080
  • Cameras (basic / frontal): 12 + 2 MPIX / 8 MPIX
  • Memory (operational / built-in): 6 GB / 64 GB
  • Battery capacity: 3500 mAh.

Price: from 13 100 rubles.

Ulefone Armor 6.

  • CPU: 8-core Helio P60, clock frequency 2 GHz
  • Screen:
  • Cameras (basic / frontal): 21 + 13 MPIX / 8 MPIX
  • Memory (operational / built-in): 6 GB / 128 GB
  • Battery capacity:

Price: from 22 200 rubles.

Another Chinese smartphone with maximum protectionwhich can be assigned mobile device. At the same time, the weight of the model is one of the smallest taking into account the massiveness of the body, and all due to the durable and light polycarbonate. In terms of performance here, too, everything is very good and even suitable gamers.

The battery and the camera is also at the height, the smartphone was successful and at the price attractive.


  • Acceptable price.
  • High-quality IPS display.
  • Game performance.
  • Protection IP69K, MIL-STD-810G and GORILLA Glass 5.
  • There is a NFC function.
  • Design and light weight.


  • An irrelevant Android OS 8.1.

Vernee M8 Pro.

  • CPU: 8-core Helio P60, clock frequency 2 GHz
  • Screen: 6.2 inches, resolution 2246 x 1080
  • Cameras (basic / frontal): 16 + 8 MPIX / 13 MPIX
  • Memory (operational / built-in): 6 GB / 64 GB
  • Battery capacity: 4100 mAh.

Price: from 14 900 rubles.

Vivo v11.

  • CPU: 8-nuclear Snapdragon 710, clock frequency 2.2 GHz
  • Screen: 6.3 inches resolution 2280 x 1080
  • Cameras (basic / frontal): 16 + 2 MPIX / 25 MPIX
  • Memory (operational / built-in): 6 GB / 128 GB
  • Battery capacity: 3250 mAh.

Price: from 27 500 rubles.

Vivo is a twin by OPPO (both subgrides belong to BBK) and offers the same high prices. The smartphone received prefalm performance for any modern tasks. You can praise sufficiently advanced AI cameras and uniquely high-quality display.

In general, worthy qualitative smartphone With simple design, but very expensive.



  • High price.
  • No NFC function.
  • Weathered battery.
  • An irrelevant Android OS 8.1.

Xiaomi Redmi Note 7

  • CPU: 8-nuclear, clock frequency 2.2 GHz
  • Screen: 6.3 inches, resolution 2340 x 1080
  • Cameras (basic / frontal): 48 + 5 MPIX / 13 MPIX
  • Memory (operational / built-in): 4 GB / 64 GB
  • Battery capacity: 4000 mAh.

Price: from 13 900 rubles.

It is not necessary to represent the manufacturer, Xiaomi always offers the lowest price for very good parameters and this model not an exception. Balanced speed, good screen, sufficient autonomy and powerful chambers.

Watching the price tag is simply surprised by this model. Plus, the actual operating system will uniquely please.



  • No NFC function.

ZTE Axon 9 Pro

  • CPU: 8-nuclear Snapdragon 845, clock frequency 2.8 GHz
  • Screen: 6.21 inches resolution 2248 x 1080
  • Cameras (basic / frontal): 12 + 5 MPIX / 20 MPIX
  • Memory (operational / built-in): 6 GB / 64 GB
  • Battery capacity: 4000 mAh.

Price: from 43 100 rubles.

ZTE While loses its position in the smartphone market, but also offers powerful flagship devices in the face of this model. The basic top assembly at a sufficiently high price will not collect a lot of people willing, but probably will attract the fans of the vendor.

The device boasts a waterproof housing and a print scanner on the screen. Also praise worthy volumetric qualitative sound Dolby ATMOS speakers.


  • High-quality AMOLED display Gorilla Glass.
  • Script scanner in the display.
  • Flagship speed.
  • Not bad cameras.
  • Battery with wireless charging.
  • There is a NFC function.


  • High price.
  • An irrelevant Android OS 8.1.

Excluded from the selection

Meizu M3 Max

  • CPU: MediaTek Helio P10, 8 cores, 2000 MHz
  • Display: 6 inches, IPS, 1080 x 1920 pixels
  • Main camera: 13 mp, f / 2.2
  • Operating system: Android 6.0

Price: from 22 990 rubles.

An excellent smartphone for those who need a large memory stock. You can download a lot of music, photos and other media files. And if the 64 GB of the internal memory will seem little, then the card will come to the rescue. On the front panel of the device there is a 6-inch screen with full HD resolution. Under it you can find a physical key to which is built. On the rear wall is the lens of the 13-megapixel camera. And also the composition of the smartphone includes a battery with a capacity of 4100 mAh, which supports fast charging function.

The device provides an eight-core processor from MediaTek. There is enough power to launch any modern game. Everything is in order here and with RAM, the volume of which is 3 GB. An interesting feature The smartphone is the port - now they began to receive it. And also the buyer will get the opportunity to install two SIM cards here.



  • Front-camera could be better;
  • No support for Wi-Fi 802.11ac;
  • Enough high price;
  • Many people will seem too big.

Alcatel Shine Lite.

  • CPU: MEDIATEK MT6737, 4 cores, 1300 MHz
  • Display:
  • Main camera: 13 mp, f / 2.2
  • Operating system: Android 6.0

Price: from 10 290 rubles.

Some people very often use a smartphone for shooting. Sometimes this process is carried out in a cafe, a club or somewhere else. Usually in such places it is dark enough, because of which the pictures are terrible. However, such a problem is devoid of smartphone Shine Lite. Its front camera has not the highest resolution (5 MP), but it is supplemented with an outbreak.

Otherwise, this is a typical mid-budget smartphone created by TCL Mobile. The case of the device is made of metal and glass. Support for LTE networks allows you to throw off photos in social network Almost instantly. 2 GB random access memory Contribute to content in the background of a large number of programs. There is even a dactyloscopic sensor here - a rare guest in smartphones of this price category! You can only complain about not the most capacious battery, the lack of GLONASS support and only one slot for the SIM card. However, the last two mistakes are unlikely to serve as a serious obstacle to the purchase.


  • High-quality housing;
  • Not very high price;
  • 2 GB of RAM;
  • Not bad display;
  • Good rear camera;
  • Both cameras are endowed with an outbreak;
  • There is a sound amplifier;
  • Not very large weight (156 g);
  • Fresh version operating system.


  • Not very long autonomous work;
  • Slipping case;
  • Not the best navigation module.

OnePlus OnePlus3 64GB.

  • CPU: , 4 cores, 2200 MHz
  • Display: 5.5 inches, amoled, 1080 x 1920 pixels
  • Main camera: 16 MP, F / 2.0,
  • Operating system: Android 6.0

Price: from 29 990 rubles.

The best Chinese smartphone in the opinion of very many buyers. This machine is allocated against competitors at least due to its colorful and energy efficient amoled display. But there is another 16 megapixel chamber, which has a widely opened diaphragm. Yes, and the front camera is good here - it has a resolution of 8 MP. Fast data transmission is carried out by LTE-A the sixth category. There is also support for GLONASS here, thanks to which positioning accuracy in Russia is very high. And here there are 6 GB of RAM. Although this is already a marketing move, since Android is simply not able to work with such a volume.


  • There is a fingerprint scanner;
  • Maximum amount of RAM;
  • 64 GB of permanent memory;
  • Two slots for the SIM card;
  • A large number of wireless modules, including Wi-Fi 802.11ac;
  • There is a USB Type-C connector;
  • Supports fast charging technology;
  • Highly good cameras;
  • The display is made according to amoled technology and has a high resolution.


Alcatel PIXI 4 (6) 8050D

  • CPU: MediaTek MT8321, 4 cores, 1300 MHz
  • Display: 6 inches, IPS, 540 x 960 pixels
  • Main camera: 8 mp.
  • Operating system: Android 5.1.

Price: from 6 490 rubles.


  • Fresh operating system version;
  • Excellent IPS display;
  • The 13-megapixel camera is supplemented with an optical stabilizer;
  • Two slots for the SIM card;
  • Large amount of operational and permanent memory;
  • Powerful eight-core processor;
  • The battery capacity is reduced to 4100 mAh;
  • Support LTE-A fourth generation;
  • There is a fingerprint scanner.


  • Low microphone sensitivity;
  • The firmware works in the best way;
  • No support for Wi-Fi 802.11ac and NFC.

Xiaomi REDMI 3S 16GB

  • CPU: , 8 cores, 1200 MHz
  • Display: 5 inches, IPS, 720 x 1280 pixels
  • Main camera: 13 MP, F / 2.0
  • Operating system: Android 6.0

Price: from 11 990 rubles.

This smartphone is at its cost close to the budget segment. However, this did not prevent him from getting a great rear chamber and a very powerful Qualcomm processor. Also, the device is able to boast the support of the fourth generation networks. From other wireless modules, you should mark an infrared transmitter that helps switch channels on the TV. The amount of RAM can be called standard here - it equals 2 GB. A distinctive feature of the device is a dactyloscopic sensor - it is usually found only in the devices for more expensive.


  • Cream battery that supports fast charging;
  • There is a fingerprint scanner;
  • Fresh operating system version;
  • Powerful processor;
  • A decent amount of memory;
  • Excellent rear chamber;
  • Support LTE-A fourth category;
  • Two slots for the SIM card;
  • Reliable metal case;
  • Optimal price tag.


  • There is no support for NFC and Wi-Fi 802.11ac;
  • Low microphone sensitivity.

Meizu MX6.

  • CPU: MediaTek Helio X20, 10 cores, 2300 MHz
  • Display: 5.5 inches, IPS, 1080 x 1920 pixels
  • Main camera: 12 mp, f / 2.0
  • Operating system: Android 6.0

Price: from 22 990 rubles.

MX6 has a metal case. However, this does not make it heavy - weight does not exceed 155. Also, the device received a very good main chamber at his disposal. But they are actively asked in stores it is not because of this. The fact is that the apparatus has a large number of high-speed wireless modules. For example, there is support for the Wi-Fi 802.11ac standard, which should like the owners of new routers. Also, the device includes 4 GB of RAM, and this is still the maximum that is capable of recognizing the operating android system. There are many smart sensors, including a barometer and fingerprint scanners. It seems that the device does not have absolutely no shortcomings. But it is not. Almost all smartphones of Chinese manufacturers have a slot for a memory card. Here the buyer will have to limit the 32 GB of integrated memory, which it will seem not enough.



  • Battery capacity - only 3060 mAh;
  • No memory card slot.

Huawei P9 Lite.

  • CPU: Hisilicon Kirin 650, 8 cores, 2000 MHz
  • Display: 5.2 inches, IPS, 1080 x 1920 pixels
  • Main camera: 13 mp.
  • Operating system: Android 6.0

Price: from 16 290 rubles.

This model fell into our rating of the best Chinese smartphones thanks to its screen. It was created using IPS technology, which speaks of wide overview angles. But the main advantage of the installed LCD panel is high resolution. Separate pixels here can only be considered under the microscope! The remaining components of the device will also be pleasantly pleased with any buyer. For example, the processor power is quite enough so that the built-in camera wrote a video with a frequency of 60 frames / s. Everything is in order here and with wireless modules - They include NFC and LTE.


  • Two slots for the SIM card;
  • Excellent rear chamber;
  • Good front camera (8 megapixel);
  • There is support for NFC and 4G networks;
  • Powerful processor;
  • A decent amount of memory;
  • Not the highest cost;
  • There is a fingerprint scanner;
  • The screen has a very high pixel density.


  • The Wi-Fi module is limited to 802.11n;
  • The housing is mostly made of plastic;
  • Battery capacity is only 3000 mAh.

The cheaper, Yuan led to the fact that in the domestic market, American products are now much more expensive because it comes in dollars. Moreover, prices for Chinese manufactured by Huawei and Xiaomi were not subject to change. This moment brought some Chinese companies in one of the leaders among smartphone suppliers in China.

At the same time, Chinese manufacturers become more competitive in the foreign market, because against the background of the raised yuan, which they cover costs, revenues are obtained in dollars. Thanks to this, they have a great opportunity to grasp foreign markets. Huawei sold almost half of the smartphones abroad and have already taken a course to conquer the Latin American market, and Xiaomi did not start their sales in Brazil and India.

To date, the market presents a huge number of models and types of smartphones, which are very different in quality, price and opportunities. Therefore, deciding to purchase similar deviceWe recommend paying attention not only to cost and characteristics, but also on its manufacturer. After all, if you want to have a high-quality smartphone, then the optimal option will be the choice of the model of the well-known manufacturer, which has proven to itself from the positive side.

We propose to consider more than some Chinese manufacturers of smartphones that not only have gained their competitiveness in the production of quality models, but also actively gain momentum on sales in different countries.


This manufacturer was founded back in 2010 by the city of Beijing. In 2011, the company released the first phone, expanding the market for the market far beyond China, has established sale in India and some countries of Southeast Asia. Thanks to this, Xiaomi has become a threat to other regional brands. At the end of this year, the company plans to make the next step - to find buyers to their products in South America and Mexico. The company wants to sell about 100 million smartphones per year.

What is the advantage of Xiaomi? The market price for their smartphones is 50% cheaper than, for example, Samsung. Such a price company representatives achieve through mass sales online, as well as through other telephone partners. Such companies do not have their own stores, only service centers.

Xiaomi started with minimal model nearBut after a while she expanded its products to smart gadgets, the cost of which is $ 15, despite the cost of $ 100.


This newest Chinese company broke into the market in 2013. For the sale of your devices only online and at sufficiently low prices, the company inspired an example of Xiaomi. This company has become internationally literally from the first day, unlike Xiaomi.

Due to the fact that the new brand failed cyanogenmod firmware, the company came up with his android version - OXYGEN OS. Today, OnePlus feeds on to keep customers who have noticed small changes and lost the familiar Cyanogenmod.


This company has not yet achieved great success abroad. Despite this, it tries tightly compete with phones apple By producing a wide range of high-tech models.

OPPO takes a course on the fast-growing markets of Thailand, Southeast Asia, Indonesia and the Philippines. This will undoubtedly help the company become international.


This company is hard to relate to the most advanced Chinese brands, however, has a great success in one of the Chinese provinces, where people love to buy everything at a low price and are constantly trading. Their phones have never been distinguished by a beautiful and stylish design, but today only about 13% Chinese are psychologically ready to buy smartphones worth $ 330.

Coolpad - the fifth in the list of large telephone brands of China. This was facilitated by the fact that the company sold a couple of tens of millions of products over the past year.

Now the company makes big steps towards the conquest of the market abroad, stating itself as a competitive brand of smartphones.


The company was founded in 2003. The first creations were MP3 players and in just three years old became one of the most famous brands of this product in China. After some time, the largest producers began to produce the so-called "smart" mobile phones. The era of smartphones came with wide multimedia functionality. Already in 2008, the company enters the market of mobile gadgets.

The debut among the smartphones of the first generation was the model M8. In a few years, the company has extended its activities to Israel, Russia and so on.

Today Meizu is very successful and quite quickly gaining momentum sales of its quality products in the global market.


Jiayu was founded in 2005. The company launched its activities in Shenzhen, which is located in Guangdong Province. But in 2009, Jiayu moves its base to Shaanxi Province (Baoji District).

The main criterion that the firm is guided in its work is to produce simple, comfortable, technological, modern, inexpensive and highly efficient smartphones. And in independence from the cost of products from competitors, Jiayu has it will cost cheaper.

In order to understand the scale of the business of this company, it should be said that the number of its workers is about 800 people.


This Chinese company began its successful path in 2002 and is located in Shenzhen. In addition, THL has branches in Taiwan and Hong Kong. The main product of the company are smartphones THL. They are equipped with processors from the well-known company MediaTek Inc. and modern Sharp displays.

Today, THL possesses 333 stores around China, and by the end of the year it is planned to open 33 more. There is excellent quality assembly of models THL, since the entire production process is at the highest level and is monitored by a highly qualified committee responsible for product quality.

The company's network spread over Eastern Europe, South America, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Southeast Asia.

Thl products are easily competing with well-known world brands and often wins them at the expense of the same functional abilities and much attractive price.


This Chinese manufacturer is included in the top five large companies produced by smartphones in China's domestic market. Large corporation Found in 1985 in Shenzhen.

Its representatives claim that they spend 10% annually from revenue for development and research, and that the firm is capable of issuing licenses and patents in a rabid pace.

In the production of its products, ZTE focuses on musical functionality, as well as excellent speed mobile Internet. Another manufacturer focused on attention to management with gestures.


In 2011, Zopo appeared in the subprivocial city of China. Despite the fact that the next company producing mobile phones was not hoping to see something special, this manufacturer was able to stun with its original and unexpected marketing solutions. Their representatives gave completely free many models of mobile phones to their customers. Only after that, the company conducted a study of the opinions and wishes of users about the devices and took the future promotion of the company's goods on the mobile phone market.

And even now, after some time, the company's devices are equipped with a rich functional basis, which its representatives are constantly upgraded and developed.

Zopo phones have high quality and unexpectedly low price, which makes them a fairly profitable purchase.


Lenovo was founded in 1984 in the city of Beijing. Of course, a computer became one of the most important products of the company. But for several years, Lenovo has gained a wide publicity among lovers of Chinese mobile phones.

The company reached the smartphone market in 2012 and was very quickly transformed into a major supplier in China.

Today, Lenovo is famous for the development and production of tablets, computers, electronic storage devices and servers, smart TVs and software.

Lenovo continues to delight its users with new products in the field of mobile devices and improve their approach to the development of each model.