Which browser supports Windows XP. Which browser is suitable for a weak computer. Yandex Browser - Fast Turbo Mode

Not all users have a computer, with the most powerful processor, motherboard and high-performance memory. Many laptop users use more Windows XP. On the weak PC surfing occurs slowly. What to do in such a situation? Use another browser. Consider the most popular and define the browser for weak ComputerSuitable for you.

Which browser is the easiest

How to choose a browser, fast working on a weak PC? But at first a little refinement. The definitions of the "weak computer" is not. It all depends on its characteristics: RAM, and clock frequency processor. Receive in the following way. Consider popular free reviewers. They will launch the "Task Manager", which shows the load on RAM and CPU.


The official site is located at https://QUPZILLA.com.
His distinctive feature is the presence of a portable version, therefore disappears the need for installation. QUPZILLA Fast browser, works with all versions of Windows. Supports modern standards, so pages will be correctly displayed.
He has the necessary standard functionswhich you expect from the browser: bookmarks and history. By default, the Adblock plugin is installed, to block advertising.


Equipped with a panel quick access. Popular thanks to the Turbo mode, which allows you to download pages faster, which saves time and traffic. This is important when using 3 / 4G Internet. It works well if there are many tabs (more than ten). If the application overloads RAM, due to the opening of a large number of sites, it will "depart" and reboots again.


The peculiarity of the browser is that it supports working with the cloud. Therefore, tabs and settings will be available on a PC, smartphone and tablet, regardless of the installed OS.

Google Chrome.

Main advantages: Easy use, minimalist interface and installation of additional extensions. It is convenient to work with those who have an account in Google, where information about passwords and bookmarks is saved. Works on multiple devices under one account. Available.


Chromium interface is such as Google Chrome.. These heaters are created on one engine. According to the developers, it is intended for fast and safe surfing. This is lightweight chrome version. Supports modern web standards.

Comodo Dragon.

Download it by reference: http://download.cnet.com/comodo-dragon/3000-2356_4-75119680.html?part\u003ddl-&subj\u003ddl&tag\u003dbutton. Load the portable version to not install Comodo on the PC.

main feature - Protection of personal information and high speed. The browser allows you to:

  • remain protected in surfing;
  • download additional plugins;
  • prevent emergency situations.

Browser for Windows XP

I would recommend using Chrome, but Microsoft stopped supporting the update for it in this OS. Therefore, using it, you will not provide a reliable level of security. How to proceed? For example, I have on the second laptop, the release of Opera is installed, which works quickly. Only I turned off extra, extensions. Alternatively, to install QUPZILLA. It works fast.

Before turning on the browser:

  1. Close the unused programs. Especially Skype and Photoshop, consuming a lot of memory;
  2. After working in the browser, delete temporary files and clean the story. I recommend using the program.

What browser is better

What kind of observers is suitable for a weak PC? We will run in turns discussed above the browsers, and drive the same pages in them. For example, site http://www.samsung.com/se/tvs/all-tvs/.
When you open, launch the "Task Manager". For quick access, use a key combination: "Ctrl + ESC + SHIFT", and look at the memory parameters, and load processor.
That's what happened.

18/09/2019 15:56

Each person has a unique taste, preferences, as well as requirements. If one thing falls towards hundreds of people on testing, then everyone will announce different results. Some opinions will be similar, others differ and it is natural. In area software All exactly as well. The browser is a program that a person uses to surf the Internet. We run it daily because it is important to pick up convenient browserwhich will meet all the requirements.
With a browser, you can search for any information, listen to music, watch movies, and also play your favorite games. Any rating will be controversial, but let's try to draw up a rating of the best browsers. In the article, you will analyze the criteria for choosing a good browser for Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10. We will examine in detail the dignity and disadvantages of each of them. Based on our rating, you can choose for yourself good browser.

Google Chrome 1st place

This is the most popular browser from all that exist today. The program can be called the best and fastest on Windows operating system. His discovery took place in 2008. Chromium was based on the base of the Safari browser held on the WebKit engine. Its formal crossed with a javascript engine V8. Subsequently, this hybrid was renamed Chromium. In further development, such famous companies like Google, Opera Software, as well as Yandex and some more major developers participated. Google first created his browser version on Chromium. A year later, it was installed on 3.6% of computers worldwide. He began to quickly gain popularity, today it is an indisputable leader and occupies 42.21%. It is worth noting that the most part is smartphones in which the browser is preinstalled.


  1. High speed. Chrome significantly exceeds competitors for the speed of the browser, as well as processing the displaced resources. In addition, there is a convenient pre-loading function of pages, it further improves the speed of work.
  2. Safety. The company has implemented reliable technologies that ensure the safety of the browser. They continue to actively develop. The browser has a base of phishing, as well as malicious resources that is regularly updated. The browser works along a unique scheme in such a way that no process is involved, but several minutes, but with lower privileges. Loading files with a resolution. Bat, .exe or.dll provides for additional confirmation, which reduces the chances of loading the virus.
  3. There is a "incognito" mode. This is a very convenient opportunity when you need to view a large number of sites, but when you do not leave the tracks of their visits on the computer.
  4. Thoughtful interface. It is simple enough and contains everything you need, without unnecessary elements. Chrome is the first browser where the possibility of quick access. On the panel you can see the most visited resources. Another feature is the sharing of the address string and the search engine. Later this opportunity was implemented in other browsers.
  5. Stable work. IN lately did not occur such cases when google work Chrome was observed failures or he braked hard. This can only happen if there are viruses in the system. In many ways, the safety and stability of work increases through the use of several processes separated from each other. If one of them stops its work, the rest continue to function.
  6. There is your Task Manager "Advanced Tools". Almost no one knows about this chief. Thanks to a convenient tool, you can track how many resources occupies a whole tab or separate plugin. You can find and eliminate the source of the problem if the application starts to slow down.
  7. Large selection of extensions, many of which can be downloaded for free. There are also many plugins and themes. The browser can be configured depending on personal preferences, which is very convenient.
  8. It is possible to automatically transfer pages. For this, Google translator is involved.
  9. The program is updated by B. automatic modenot worried about the user.
  10. Search queries can be specified by voice; for this, service " OK, Google».
  1. Starting from version 42.0, support for NPAPI plugins was stopped, including a fairly popular Flash Player.
  2. For smooth operation of the application, you need at least 2 GB random access memory.
  3. Most of the extensions, as well as plug-ins in a foreign language.
  4. Significant load on the hardware contributes to the short work of the battery of laptops and smartphones.
I use chrome for a long time, and as the main browser. For all the hours of work, he did not cause serious complaints. Its integrity is very convenient to the system of other Google services. One account can combine your computer and mobile device, There is a possibility of continuous synchronization.
I do not like the fact that all user data is saved on american servers (most likely the data is now stored on russian servers). There are mail, personal contacts and search information. True, it is not worth excluding the likelihood that other browsers also come. It is necessary to abide by the precautionary measures, then you will have nothing to be afraid. If you do not want to disclose your own data, but at the same time continue to use chrome, then use Slimjet or Srware Iron, we will talk about them below.

Yandex.Browser 2 place

The browser has the shortest history, it was opened in 2012. It enjoys great popularity in Russia. The browser supports integration with services Yandex.use which is very convenient. The default search engine is Yandex. The interface turned out to be quite original, at least it was created on the chromium engine. The panel immediately rushes into the eyes quickly launch. It is made in tiled style.

The user can accommodate up to 20 tiles. The browser uses a "smart string", which not only transfers the introduced phrase in search engineBut in automatic mode selects the required site if the name matches. Unfortunately, this feature works only with large resources. Supported by mouse manipulations, with which you can manage web pages to view simple movements.



  1. Not everyone will like the original interface.
  2. Binding K. various services Yandex. Without them, the program is deprived of many possibilities.
  3. Rarely, but still there are problems with the transfer of settings and history.
Not everyone will like the new interface, because it is fundamentally different from competitors. You need some time to get used to such features.

Mozilla Firefox 3 place

Now Mozilla is the most popular foreign browser, and in Russia it ranks third. For the past few years, he began to take positions, but slightly. The first version of the program appeared in 2004, many changes have happened since then. The engine of the application is GECKO - it is in free access and continues to improve the developers. Formally, this is the first browser that had a huge database of extensions before chromium occurs. He was among the first who implemented the maximum confidentiality regime, which invented Google in the company.


  1. A simple and very convenient interface in which there are no extra details.
  2. A convenient system of settings that allows you to drastically change the browser by setting it to your taste.
  3. A large number of all sorts of plugins. They can be selected for every taste, because at the current moment there are more than 100,000.
  4. Cross-platform. Browser can be downloaded for any operating systemwhich is used on modern technique.
  5. Reliability. I got into such situations where the user caught a banner, blocking the work of all observers, but Firefox continued to function.
  6. The maximum level of security and privacy of personal data.
  7. Comfortable bookmark panel.
  8. The program can give a refusal to track information about you by various sites. You can configure private viewing pages. In addition, there is a password wizard feature that additionally protects your records on certain resources.
  9. Updates occurs in the background without the need for user intervention.
  1. Compared to the chrome interface, slightly slows down and is triggered longer on user manipulation.
  2. Performance is at the middle level;
  3. The lack of support for scripts on some resources, as a result of which the content may incorrectly function.
  4. The application requires a large number of RAM.

Opera 4th place

This is the oldest observer, which was opened back in 1994. I started using them about 15 years ago, and I now use it as needed. Up to 2013 opera possessed its own engine, but now WebKit + V8 is used. Exactly the same technology is used in Google Chrome. In 2010, the company opened mobile version programs. Now this is the fourth browser popularity in Russia, and in the world he ranks sixth.


  1. Excellent speed and page display. The features of the browser should include the turbo mode, which significantly increases the speed of page loads through the use cloud technology. At the same time, traffic is significantly saved, which is very important when using the mobile version.
  2. There is a convenient express panel with saved bookmarks. This is a modified Speed \u200b\u200bDial tool, which we have seen in previous versions of the browser.
  3. Opera Link technology that is needed to synchronize various devices.
  4. Many hot keys that simplify management.
  5. Internet browser Opera Unite.
  1. For efficient work We need a large amount of RAM. If you simultaneously open several tabs, the operator will start to slow down. Even a reliable chrome engine does not set up the situation.
  2. Many sites are observed incorrect work scripts and various forms. There is a large number of complaints when working with WML.
  3. Stability can not be called strong side browser. From periodic failures and fools, the company could not get rid of.
    4. Your own bookmarking system, which is called "Piggy Bank". This is pretty interesting solutionbut it is poorly implemented.
I use the opera only as an additional browser. The "Turbo" function will be useful when working with a modem, because in this case, the high speed of displaying pages and saving traffic consumed is combined. Using Unite technology, you can turn the browser to this server. It can accommodate access to a variety of files, exchange SMS notifications and photographs. Files are stored on the PC and become available only when the program is started. This is an excellent lame replacement if you do not want to use it for any reason.

K-Meleon 5th place

This application began to develop back in 2000. In fact, it is a relative Mozilla Firefox, they use the same engine. You ask why he entered the ranking if they practically do not differ? The fact is that they have strong differences. For example, today K-MELEON is the easiest browser for wINDOVS systems. Such results managed to achieve thanks to the peculiarities of its development. Initially, the program should only demonstrate the possibilities of the new engine. As a result, the company was able to achieve economical consumption of PC resources.


  1. Small requirements for PC resources, including a low number of RAM.
  2. Application of native windover interfacethat significantly saves time and resources spent on the interface.
  3. High speed.
  4. Good personalization opportunities, and for this you do not need to use third-party expansion. All are equipped with macros. It will be difficult for a newcomer for development, but in your free time you can deal with it.
  5. There is a large selection of assemblies. You can choose an extension with the desired set of functions.
  6. You can create several profiles for different users.
  1. Sufficient top-end interface. If you compare it with the leaders Top 5, then this browser Too simple design.
  2. Rarely, problems arise with the display of Cyrillic, but in recent updates The situation was corrected.
it optimal option For weak PC. The browser will function normally on an old laptop running operating windows systems XP. You can easily enjoy the comfortable surfing of the Internet. And on the modern gland it will work even better. Many professionals use it precisely, counting the best browser. This is not surprised, because by some parameters K-MELEON exceeds competitors.

Internet Explorer.

This is a free browser that is included in the Windows integrated software package. The development of Microsoft was engaged in 1995 and to this day. Therefore, the observer was one of the most popular in Russia, but then appeared chrome. Now he has greatly lost his position and ranks 5th in popularity. The reason can be considered the completion of its development. Together with Windows 10, the company was developed - Spartan.
For all his history of the browser, he has never been considered the best, everyone knew about a large number of vulnerabilities that used a variety of viruses. For a very long time, he was a vulnerable place for each computer running Windows operating system. The situation has changed for the better with the exit Internet Explorer. 10, it is included in the package of Windows 8. All holes have been modified in it and, subject to certain rules, the browser was considered safe.
11 version appeared together with update windows 8.1, it is the last in the ruler. In speed, it can be compared with competitors, but still a little inferior to them. Now there is privacy mode, pre-ranking, and also supported caching, it allows you to increase the speed of the browser. Despite successful innovations, the browser only loses its position. In my work, I use Internet Explorer only to log in to the web interface of the home router and other network equipment. This is a simple explanation, it is this browser that developers use, so the markup is designed for it. To view Internet resources, it is better to use another browser.

Now there are many browsers that we did not mention our review. We presented our choice of the best browsers, but everyone may have a different opinion. The review presents only those observers with whom I had to face. They can be downloaded completely free and use without any restrictions. The actual version can be found on the official website. If you can offer decent browsers to be present in the top 5, then specify your options in the comments.

The top rating of functionality, safety and speed is occupied by Yandex.Bauzer, Google Chrome, Opera and Mozilla Firefox. Which browser can only say you, so let's briefly consider the features of each browser again.

If we talk about the simplicity of the interface and innovation in the amount, the Yandex browser will win. The developers have proven to create a product equally respected by both "teapots" and professionals, and without harsh restrictions for users. Browser cross-platform, fast, stable, synchronized with google services And Yandex is equally. In fact, it is a combination best qualities Competitions with two essential additions: a unique search string with prompts and a bookmark function panel under the code name "scoreboard". Recommended for download if you are tired of template solutions and glitches. In addition, this secure browser on a computer with Windows "Breeling" refers to RAM. The remaining Internet browsers are significantly more demanding on the resources of computers and laptops.

Orbitum is considered a relatively young web browser, which is capable of competing with any famous browser, both in terms of performance when working with Internet resources and from the position of the number of available settings and tools. Its main feature is an interactive chat that allows you to be located on any page and in parallel to conduct correspondence with comrades from social. Networks. Try to "orbitum", and you will be satisfied with the high speed of the web pages, the advantages of using the built-in bootloader and useful Omnibox. it a good choice Browser on computer at home.

Not so common: Amigo and K-Meleon. The latter is a serious competition to his progenitor Mozilla Firefox. However, the prosperous security, the K-Meleon browser loses in the update frequency. Tight binding amigo to social networks It can be perceived as an advantage for regular visitors "VK", "OK", "FB" and other social networks. But thanks to a multitude of extensions, plug-ins and minimum load on the processor, the work of the browser is smooth and without glitches. The program will appreciate all categories of users.

Unfortunately, our review did not include products such as cross-platform Comodo Dragon, good solutions Pale Moon and Srware Iron, Uran, Baidu Browser, the only browser with advanced anonymity - Tor Browser. Bundle, once known Netscape Navigator, Torch Browser, designed for true fans Rambler Rambler browser. Each of them is worthy of separate attention, which we will definitely determine in next publications. I also want to separately mention a good UC Browser browser. His creators relatively recently began expansion around the world, constantly add to their brainchildren used chips like integration with video stations. Already in the competition "Dignity - Disadvantages" Balance is positive, but we doubt that the UC can be called a safe browser. It is often installed on smartphones without the consent of the user.

The first association coming to the head, with the term "Internet", is a browser. He is the first program that is put on a fresh OS or new computer. Without such a program, the user literally are literally connected. It cannot download the desired software for the system, he cannot watch videos and conduct correspondence. Shortly speaking, this software Need to view any pages.

There are many types of all occasions. The most famous is Internet Explorer. It is a standard program in all windows versions. Slow and not quality work forces all users to install third-party applications. Fortunately, there are several candidates who will be great for this role.

Quality browsers for Windows XP

Google Chrome Beta is a very popular browser. Only because of the words "Google" in the title, this product already causes confidence. There are already more than half of all network users.

Yandex.Browser - the previous browser is taken as the basis. The program from a fairly well-known company adopted from his father good speed And the convenience of work. It differs from chromium design and some other chips.

Mozilla Firefox is another famous browser. It is famous for good work and a large number of functions that can be configured, as a soul, which makes work with this program comfortable and very comfortable.

Let us consider in detail the most popular browsers for personal computers and laptops working under Windows in the world and in RuNet, in particular. We will try as objectively to appreciate them. advantages and limitations for the user. The main and most important characteristics are the speed, convenience of use, safety, functionality.

Before moving to the review we turn to statisticsprovided by leading companies specializing in web analytics.

The most recent data on the share of users in the world at the beginning of 2017 provided Net Applications. It is worth noting that these statistics have not undergone global changes for several years.

The statistics of users of the Russian-speaking Internet lead several companies, among which will present OpenStat, LiveInternet and Hotlog.

As you can see confident leadership in RuNet and in the world for Google Chrome..

But these are only statistics. In order to fully experience the quality of the work of the observers, it is necessary to try in action in action, because everyone can have their specific wishes and preferences.

Mozilla Firefox - Free Web Surfing

If you prefer plain interface with minimum Superior buttons and tabs, then this browser uniquely worth it. When initial installation, you will receive a minimum of functions that for some even for the better - easy to use.

You can expand functionality using numerous plugins and extensionswho are just a sea (more than 100 thousand at the moment).

Is different high levels security Your personal data and passwords. Easy B. at the construction site.

An important advantage is lock Pop-up windows and support for RSS. Updated independently, without user participation.

High pace of development, allow the browser to successfully compete with the leaders of the ratings, but still slightly inferior in productivity The browser next in our review.

Google - Internet at Chrome speed

Chrome suggests most speed of work. Very qualitatively thought out functional. Differs very convenient multilingual interfaceWith varying success trying to copy all other browsers.

Observer automatically blocks Pop-ups, in the search bar, you can enter both the address of the site and the search query.

Extremely convenient fast function translation of pages. Supports mode with multiple users.

This is more than just a browser is a platform for web applications. Built in Flash-Player, is able to view PDF. and DOC Files directly in the browser window. For some can be useful feature Turning on the mode incognitaTo disable tracking your network and accounting of Internet activity.

Many extensionsUnfortunately, not all of them are high quality, since many are created by third-party developers. Because of them, there may be a decrease in the speed of work, so only proven plugins and expansions should be installed.

Of disadvantages can be noted quite high download RAM When opening a multitude of tabs, as well as tracking your interests, location and demonstration based on this advertising information.

However, in general, this observer does not work in vain in Russia and the world, so we can recommend it in the first place.

Opera - Comfortable, Safe, Fast

The once most popular Internet conductor in Russia is now every year increasingly losing popularity. But his mini version for smartphones is still used by the majority.

Among dignity It should be noted comparatively fast work For low-power computers will be quite by the way. Speed \u200b\u200bcan still be enhanced using the " Turbo».

Easily configured, you can set about a thousand extensions and plugins. It has pleasant interface.

TO minusam We will assign a large amount of downloadable memory, some sites can not be displayed completely correctly.

Yandex Browser - Fast Turbo Mode

Recently, the popularity of Russian-made observer is increasingly gaining popularity. True, the same engine is taken as the basis Chromium.Therefore, the interface is similar to the chrome, but it must be adapted to adapt a little more for the Runet.

Of the differences, we note the unusual animated background Internet conductor, which improves perception. Interface simplified to a minimum. A variety of panels occupy less space, thanks to which the site review increases by 20%. Integrated services Yandex drive, mail, online translator and other specialized.

For some, a simplified interface may also be a disadvantage, it will take time to get used to it. If you do not attach to different yandex services, the browser will work limitedly.

Tor Browser Bundle - Incognito mode

Not submitted in the ranking, which is no wonder - the browser is intended for users who wish hide your data, spies seeking to work on the network in mode incognita.

Essentially it modified Mozilla Firefox., with a similar interface and functionality. But with his use you can hide your IP address, location and other personal data.

However, the price for protecting your information will serve as significant reducing productivity. That is, pages will open slowly, since traffic will be redirected through the servers of many countries. Constantly will have to enter a pin in the search engine, so that you are checked - if you are not a robot.

If you care about privacy Online - we advise you to try in Tor Browser.

Internet Explorer - always at hand

Explorer is a grandfather of all modern browsers. Now he has already surrendered his position. In all indicators - safety, speed, convenience is quite weak.

However B. latest version Internet Explorer 11 tried to get closer to leading browsers and level a number of flaws.

but minuses Its use still remains too lotTherefore, few users give him their preference.

Microsoft. Edge. - New OtMicrosoft.

Microsoft does not give up and in 2015 creates a browser, which is rapidly increasing the number of its admirers. He replaced Internet Explorer in Windows 10.

Enhanced The number of supported extensions, speed of work Enhanced, thanks to the use of the new EDGEHTML engine. Fullly integrated In Windows 10, it is impossible to use it in other versions. Worked as ahead security.

Of disadvantages - Some sites can be displayed incorrectly, the menu is not functional enough, difficult to configure specific tasks.