Arbitration Traffic Step-by-step instruction. How to make money on the arbitration of traffic: step-by-step instructions for a beginner. What is an affiliate program

What is the traffic arbitration, from where it is taken and how to earn novice on it - all this is addressed in this article. The simplest explanation of this topic. Such issues are also considered: what is the offer, where does he come from, where traffic comes from, and what capital should be investing.

  • 1 What you need to know about the arbitration of traffic
  • 2 What is the offer and where traffic comes from
    • 2.1 Investigation in earnings on arbitration
    • 2.2 Step-by-step instructions, how to get earnings on arbitration for beginners

What you need to know about traffic arbitration

Arbitration is a discount traffic re-export. You buy traffic in one price, and thanks to the arbitration pay less than the desired one. For example: You have invested 10 thousand in traffic, and 20 thousand got back. The principle of arbitration of traffic is: the more you post on the purchase of goods, the more you can get income.

For any beginner beginners, it should be noted that they will need traffic. Traffic - These are users who see advertising and if they are interested, click on the link.

Thanks to the system, the more you post on the purchase of goods, the more you can get income, "Newbies have the opportunity to promote groups on social networks, create" n "the number of sites with promotion up to 1000 users per day.

Watch the video on the topic:

But even this does not mean that you will get a big income from the work done. Profit depends on many aspects in work, for example, the popularity of the resource, the traffic itself and much more. An excellent option for newbies, have earnings with thematic traffic, which is poured onto thematic offer.

What is the offer and where traffic comes from

First you need to understand what the offer is. Offer is an advertiser's offer to all webmasters. That is, the advertiser offers an Offer task, it may be a source of traffic that exhibits thematic lending, and the freelancer decides, it needs to be taken for work or not.

Download free check list:18 ideas that can be sold on Avito right now to earn

The next question in the case how to get earnings from the arbitration consists, and where to take this very traffic.

There are two types of traffic - paid and unpaid.

For arbitration, you can use the following four main points not free traffic:

  • AdWords;
  • Begun;
  • Yandex.Direct;
  • Advertising through social networks, etc.

With the right investment in earnings, the traffic will not be a difficult task. You can also run animation advertising, if you manage to make the public, and you can come up with original advertising.

Investment in earnings on arbitration

How much can you earn on the arbitration of traffic

Newbies most often have a question, but whether to invest money for traffic and if so, then how much. For any business development needed capital. The number of laidden money you determine for yourself.

After receiving the traffic, the choice of offer, testing it, you define a limited part of the money to purchase or contextual advertising or targeting. The amount may be different. For beginners, it is recommended to invest for a bit.

Insert one amount in the offer, another in advertising, and save the third. She can be useful for you if you find yourself in a loss. Many newbies leave the lessons in the arbitration after the first failures.

The very first and most chief Secret Success, how to start earnings on arbitration, is to make mistakes, failures, investment and self-analysis of their work.

For a successful career on arbitration traffic, you need to work all the time. Without difficult, you will not work.

Step-by-step instructions, how to get earnings on arbitration for beginners

7 secrets of teaser advertising

Step number 1 - Sign up on the following sites:

  • Affiliatecule;
  • Smartbucks;
  • Cityads.

And also register in their teizers.
Step number 2 - Then select the type of payment.
Step number 3 -Create feeds for each of the teasers.
Step number 4 -Select photos for teasers.
Step number 5 -Create one campaign where all the tizers will be located. It should be noted that each touser has its own personal reference to the feed.
Step number 6 -Create a copy of the campaign and put the price for one click to 1 ruble.
Step number 7 - Adjust the campaign.

It is worth touching the arbitration superficially and it seems as if everything is as on the palm - transparently and understandable, just take a cream. But upon closer examination it turns out that all this is the top of the iceberg, the end and the edges of which are not visible.

However, this is not a reason to score and do not understand, on the contrary, it's time to push the face in the basics, and to understand which way to start to rake. So, you are inequate in the Arbitration of the Yunets (while you may be far over 40, it does not matter), which is not clear at all, what to do and where to smear, drove it is so terrible traffic arbitration for beginners as it may seem.

What is arbitration traffic

Arbitration Traffic is the collection and redirection of visitors from one resource to another. Under traffic, they are users who are bile somewhere on the network (for example, in social network) Pursuing your goals.

The task of the arbitral player is placed in this graves advertising, the agun to which the visitor will transfer to the desired resource, and there, the choice of the network will be the choice: to make a target action: buy something or close it all disgrace and forget as a terrible dream.

The arbitral card will receive payment from a affiliate only for the first, the second will simply spend the advertising budget. Therefore, the task of a smart arbitrator to make such an advertisement so that it clings and forced to buy.

How to start and how to do the arbitration of traffic?

  • Register in a pare-triple affiliate program. At this stage, it will be interesting to you how much money is needed for the traffic arbitration, the answer will never be unequivocal here, so you confidently throw a couple of thousand thousand, there is enough for the first test. Then everything will be clear intuitive.
  • Ask the Sapport on what and where now are mostly poured, do not be shy. Support on your side, they are not profitable to deceive you, so at first trust her.
  • Excess the market for the selected offer. From where they pour, what creatives create, trends fell. In this you can help smart service, such as PUBLER.
  • We define the target audience, it is not necessary to strongly narrow it as to expand.
  • Create with a dozen of your creatives, taking into account the pains, work on headlines and text. Read a couple of smart marketing articles and determine whether it is necessary to make your own lending or comes to the one that offers PP.
  • You can run the first campaign.
  • I will say right away, you are most likely to merge in minus, but consider that this is the purchase of first statistics for analysis. According to the result, you need to understand what creative came, where you did not give up users, see the segments of the Central Asia and other subtleties of analytics.

Do not bet hot after the first plum, we think that you got what knowledge you did not have enough and how to continue your way.

Types of arbitration traffic

Before repeating the above scheme, you need to understand what is the arbitration of traffic on the Internet. In general, it exists in a variety of forms and subspecies, because everything is limited only by the fantasy of the master, but the main species are several.

Conditionally, they can be divided like this:

  • Direct - When you create an advertisement, place an affiliate link in it, and everyone who pokes it, immediately flies to the partner's website. In such a matter, targeted advertising, traffic arbitration exchange, etc.
  • Using laying (Plevding) is a single-page site with beautiful descriptions, pictures and reviews that you have to warm up the user and prepare for purchase. It hosts a link leading to the lend or partner's website.
  • With the help of Land and Registration - in this case, the user falls on beautiful lend and for further receipt of information, he needs to leave his contact details. This method helps to collect the database for mailing or resale.

Sources of traffic

There are three types of traffic sources: free, conditionally free and paid. If you just get acquainted with arbitration, do not understand at all in internet marketing, and even more so in CPA, try free methods Attracting.

Free Channels

These include:

  • creating ads on promotional sites: AVITO, Yula and urban resources;
  • manual posting posts in their social networks, product advertising through friends and acquaintances;
  • placing posts on thematic forums and sites, you can use reviews.

You can work with these channels in the following way. For example, we choose the offer of the looseness, go to the forum for people who want to lose weight. We bring the topic - you can ask what a means who chose to quickly reset the weight. We support the conversation from other accounts, and after some time we insert our partner link to the product.

Such a channel is good because you work without investments, but the result from one created theme can be zero. In order for such channels to start making a profit, you need to leave messages on hundreds or two forums. But you will get the first experience and understand the entire way to form conversion.

Conditional Free Methods

These include the creation of your own website or blog.

Why this way is conditional and free:

  • if you do not know how to do sites, you will have to spend money on freelancers;
  • you need to buy a domain, hosting, topic, paid extensions for plug-ins;
  • to fill content, the authors may be required.

In general, arbitration on its site refer to the classic traffic source. You create a thematic web resource, fill it with content and useful tools, promote SEO and manually advertise on adjacent sites. After the first traffic, even flying, you can put off the offeter in the form of banners or selling a tight.

Now pouring traffic through SEO is popular for all verticals. Working with financial advances, the webmaster through SEO is starting to receive 40-50 thousand rubles literally after a few months. As a result, you can hire the author, which will add 1-2 articles per day, and you will receive passive income from already published materials.

But the snag is that the opening of such a site will need a lot of time or money, depending on how you are creating content. As a result, there is a risk that the first profit will emerge soon.

Paid canals

Suitable for more or less experienced webmasters and arbitrals who know how to correctly run advertising campaigns, analyze their effectiveness and optimize costs.

Such sources include:

  • contextual advertising via Yandex.Direct or Google;
  • targeted advertising on social networks;
  • e-mail distribution on independently collected bases;
  • purchase traffic - you buy loan applications from other webmasters, send them to your showcase or make a newsletter on them;
  • placement of advertisements in social networks;
  • teaser advertising.

On the lidzavod, you will find a lot of information and training articles, how to work with these channels.

Where to pour in 2019

Newbies in arbitration often can't choose a suitable vertical. The fact is that many affiliate networks have now been breed, and each of them praises his vertical and tells how it is easy to earn. Infozygan and bloggers give up heat - feed promises about easy earnings. And in the end, our beginner is lost and begins to try everything bit.

We tell me what is relevant in 2019, and much better pour.

  • Commercial. The peak of popularity of commodity offshoes was in 2016-2018, when the audience also believed the healing action of "creams of trickens" and green coffee. Now people have been promised and have no conformity to such advertising. Therefore, on the batch now many earn someone who has time to create their own blog or accumulate experience how to customize bundles. Newbies often leave with anything, or even a small earnings are burned for Frod.
  • Gambling. Profitable vertical, but difficult for beginners. The fact is that advertising casino in Russia is illegal and constantly does not undergo moderation. Webmasters and arbitral players who know how to combine moderation or can independently come up with ligaments. Newbies without experience will be difficult.
  • Finance. Niche is complex, but profitable. There is a big competition in this market, so newcomers are often afraid of this vertical. In fact, if you understand how to work with financial advisions, everything will go like oil and can be constantly pouring into a plus. This market is always relevant - everyone needs money, and especially now, when people do not have them. Therefore, the popularity on the product will not disappear in a month, six months or a year, as it happens in the batch.
  • Gray offer. These include adult products, polls and other offhrants whose advertising is prohibited online. Sometimes such proposals may be associated with fraud, yes, and it can be rushing. Therefore, the most experienced webmasters work with the gray market, which use a bunch of tools and services in their bundles.

As you can see, there are many verticals and each of them with their advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, arbitration on the Internet can you start with the bidders to get the first experience, from finance, so that with your head go to this niche and soon get high payments, with gambling or gray offices, if you already drained any budget and know how to save it .

Why many think that arbitration traffic divorce

It is believed that the traffic arbitration has already burned down and it is difficult to earn it. This opinion is formed by negative reviews from the network about their experience. But look objectively - thousands of arbitrals work in CPA-niche, some of them earn thousands, other hundreds of thousands and millions. Partners open more and more, and therefore, this niche has not burned down and continues to evolve.

The negative appears on the Internet because of the beginners who want light money, without doing anything.

Here you have several reasons why they do nothing.

  • The man just found out about the arbitration, watched one review on YouTube and went to launch an advertising campaign with a budget of 500 rubles. Of course, he does not know the nuances of setting up RK, the operation of services and tools, does not even know who his the target audience. As a result, the advertising campaign is configured as hit, testing has not been done and the money is all merged. Here is a negative feedback that everything is hard and impossible.
  • Webmaster despair after the fusion budget. The traffic arbitration often happens that the bundle does not work. It doesn't matter for what reason, but the budget can be merged completely. But instead of making some conclusions or collect statistics, people despair and run to leave negative reviews.
  • Selected not that vertical. Again, we come back to the question about experience. If there is no sufficient knowledge, how to set up a clock or deceive moderators in Facebook, pouring to gembling or gray offers will not work.
  • Selected not that affiliate. Newbies often choose affiliate network and vertical, respectively, according to reviews from the top 10 issue of Yandex. And now the main question is how they want to work with the CPA market, if they do not know that the reviews are custom-made, paid or written unfair competitors.

More about errors of beginner arbitrals You can read in our training materials:

And we recommend before starting to work, explore the theory, nuances of the services and promotional sites and only after that begin to practice. Then you allow less mistakes and be sure to pour into a plus.

To make money on affiliates, cooperate with advertisers and receive 200 - 300 thousand rubles. Profit monthly, you need traffic. You can get it yourself, creating and developing our own sites or communities in sociors. And you can buy ready traffic with the necessary "parameters" (of course, tests are always needed) for those who specialize in its prey (webmasters) or on exchanges (AdWords, Yandex Direct, Mytagret). This is called arbitration - a very effective solution.

In 2020, traffic arbitration is a way to quickly start making money on affiliate programs. You can immediately get the right amount of visitors and concentrate on advice, creatives, searching for the optimal bundle "Offer traffic" and a methodic increase in profits.

What is arbitration traffic

Traffic arbitration is earnings on the difference between income from affiliates and traffic costs (advertising).

For example, bought teaser traffic in the amount of 134 412 rubles.

I merged into a partner and earned 402,330 rubles.

Profit from arbitration 267 918 rubles.

The principle of the affiliate program is as follows:

  • The advertiser needs customers, buyers of its goods and services.
  • The partner with the help of advertising on the Internet attracts users and merges them to the advertiser.
  • If the user has become a client, bought a product of the advertiser or fulfilled another action, then the partner will receive a reward - a fixed amount or percentage of sales.

The main terms of arbitration

  • Advertiser is a seller of goods or services, ready to pay for attracting customers.
  • Partner is a person for a reward of finding customers on the Internet, attracting them different advertising.
  • CPA (COST PER ACTION) - model of payment for the client of a particular action required by the advertiser (registration on the site, subscription to services, buying goods, downloading the application, call to the company).
  • Offer - description of the rules of cooperation between the advertiser and the partner. In Offer, the product or the advertiser service is specified, the goal is formulated - which action the user must execute, the partner's remuneration is indicated, the affiliate reference is given, the requirements for traffic and advertising are described.
  • Partner link - page on the website of the advertiser, unique for each partner, in the URL of which includes a partner ID.
  • Traffic - a stream of users from the Internet, which can be interesting to the product of the advertiser.
  • Drain of traffic is the redirection of users to the affiliate link (using the reference in the banner, teaser, advertising announcement or redirect on the intermediate site).
  • Leed is the completed client's action that is required by the advertiser, they are verified and confirmed for which the partner will be paid a fee.
  • EPC (Earn Per Click) - the average yield of clicking, the more this parameter, the more you earn on purchased traffic.
  • Creative - text, graphic and video promotional materials. For example, banners or advertisements for stock exchange.
  • CTR (Click-Through Rate) is the ratio of the number of clicks to the number of users who watched the ad or banner. This parameter shows the efficiency of the creativity.
  • Landing - special Pagewho comes with users. The design and text of Landing is designed to push the visitor to perform an action required by the advertiser.

How much can you earn on the arbitration of traffic in 2020

Earnings on the arbitration of traffic requires a methodicity, care in the settings of all elements of the advertising company and track the results of the traffic drainage. Accuracy in this business will be rewarded by hundreds of thousand rubles of income every week and profit of 200% -300% or more.

The possibilities for making money on the arbitration of traffic in 2020 are well demonstrated by Cases:

What you need to start making money on traffic arbitration

To earn, you need target traffic and offer with a popular product or a novelty that will win the love of the audience. The arbitral player acts as an intermediary who buys traffic in one place and merging it with the benefit for himself on the advertiser.

Earnings on traffic arbitration, this is a cyclic business and each cycle consists of the following steps:

  • Choice, product or service of which you know how to advertise.
  • Select the source and obtaining target traffic.
  • Creation and testing of creatives, Landing (perhaps testing one offper from different affiliates).
  • Drag of traffic from the most efficient ads on the best Landing.
  • Quality control of traffic in the process of arbitration and conversion level.
  • Receiving a profit!

The following sections of this article are devoted to the first two items of this list.

How to choose offer for traffic arbitration

The choice of offer is the first stage of earnings on traffic arbitration. To select promising to earn money, you can be bruthened, which other arbitrals are working with. Three sources of information will be told about this:

  • You understand what the service or product of the offper represents how you will advertise, the settings of the target audience.
  • Item Offer is in demand potential customers. It is important to take into account the seasonality of goods or services. For example, it is especially relevant to alcoholism in front of and during holidays or drugs for weight loss in spring and summer.
  • You have the opportunity to buy traffic for this offper. This means that you know which exchanges or in a straight agreement you can buy target traffic and your budget enough to work with offer.
  • You are satisfied with the difference between the income from the leads on this Offer and the traffic costs. You can assume it, but you probably find out after the drain of the part of the traffic.

Saving services or goods can be checked using and Google Trends.

It should be borne in mind that if the offer appeared a long time ago and is popular, he may be "pressed" - his product is tired of users due to mass advertising or disappointment and bad reviews. In this case, you can spend money on traffic, but do not get the lead, although you do everything right. Indirectly talks about this by a large number of advertising over a long period on the main traffic exchanges (you can check it with PUBLER to install different periods for analyzing advertising in the settings). For sure you know this, just starting working with Offer.

When choosing an offer pay attention to the following parameters:

Split testing to improve work efficiency

The audience of potential customers consists of a variety of people with different interests. Therefore, even an experienced master cannot immediately say how users will react to a specific banner or advertising ad. Exit - Testing promotional materials. Only so you can find creative with the highest conversion for a specific combination of offper and traffic.

For example, below shows the test results of banners for advice AdSXPosed (spyware tool for arbitrals). Ratio - the number of clicks on the banner as a percentage of the number of impressions.

Split testing (also called a / b Testing) This is the process of draining an equal number of the same traction parameters into two different creativity in order to choose the best. For example, there are two banners, one with a photo of a slender girl, the second - with a large photo of the packing capsules for weight loss. FROM using tds. Or a tracker for each merge 1000 visitors and look at the statistics, which banner has more clicks. Of the two leave more efficient and further use it. This way you can select the color gamut banners, a combination graphic elements, ad format, volume, text content in the ad.

With split testing there is one mandatory rule, without which you will not receive accurate information: for one test, only one parameter is checked. For example, it is impossible to simultaneously change the color of the background and the font of the lettering on the banner. First, check out several banners with a different background and choose the optimal, and then, separately, find the best inscription.

In the same way, Landings and other elements of the chain of work with offer are tested (for example, check what is better to put a lower price in the ad or offer a discount coupon). With the same creatures, you can test multiple traffic sources. And the same offer can be checked from different affiliates.

As shown practical experience, the same product can be sold differently from different affiliate programs. If the banners are important CTR, then in the case of the remaining elements, the conversion is estimated, EPC (that is, what a lunding or source of traffic with the same number of visitors brought more sales).

Use trackers in arbitration

In order for the traffic arbitration to bring profit, each advertising campaign requires constant monitoring and convenient traffic management. This feature is provided by trackers. This is a script or cloud servicewhich allows you to configure traffic redirection in a convenient interface and keep statistics on visitors, traffic source courts.

The main feature of the tracker - TDS (Traffic Delivery System). This is the distribution of traffic according to the rules.

The minimum mode of using this feature:

  • In the tracker interface, you create the URL to which you send purchased traffic;
  • For this source in the tracker, create a rule, that is, set up where this traffic Redirect (your affiliate link). Rules may be somewhat for each incoming channel.

Creating a traffic source in the tracker

Already in this mode, it gives you the opportunity, regardless of the stock exchange and affiliate, to keep track of traffic. In addition, you will be able to quickly switch traffic to another URL (for example, if the offer, with whom you worked suddenly stopped). It is not only convenient, but also very important. If you immediately specify an affiliate link in the ads, it is difficult to change it to quickly, and in some cases it is impossible (for example, if you bought advertising posts in other people's publics).

Also, the tracker allows you to configure several rules, dividing users by geo, operating system, the type of mobile device and merging visitors with different "parameters" to different offhrants to earn a maximum on traffic.

In addition, the tracker will help you in such situations:

And all this can be done in a single convenient interface. In the case of arbitration, such a convenience is the question of not comfort, but the effectiveness of earnings, the rapid response to events (for example, the CTR of creatives has deteriorated or the quality of traffic has fallen on some kind of platform).

When choosing a tracker, except functionality, It is critical of its ability to work with a large load (large number of traffic) and the speed of the redirect - extra milliseconds while redirecting users lead to the loss of part of the traffic and harm the overall conversion. It is better to check this information on user reviews or test during a trial tracker period.

  • CPATRACKER - to install on your server. Up to 10,000 transitions per day - free, paid rates from 1000 r. / Month. You can also buy hosting with a script installed with CPATRACKER partners.
  • Octotracker - for its own hosting, tariffs from 2000 rubles. per month.
  • Sources of traffic for arbitration

    To make a profit, you need to buy traffic on the offer as low as possible with the most accurately filtered user parameters (geo, age, gender, interests).

    Possible sources for arbitration traffic CPA. affiliates:

    • Contextual advertising in search engines (Google AdWords, Yandex.Direct) allows you to get users with a given geo, platform (computers, mobile devices) and interests (thanks to the instructions of the requests). This is a source of a large number of high-quality traffic. But he may be quite expensive due to the competition of arbitration for users on popular requests. For example, clicks in AdWords on the subject of "tourism" and "real estate" cost $ 0.27 - $ 0.49.
    • Targeted advertising on social networks (

    Arbitration Traffic is the purchase and sale of visitors' stream. The arbitral fist purchases traffic on some resources: contextual advertising, advertising on social networks, and sells more expensive to other resources.

    Dictionary of Arbitrator

    We explain the few terms that we will use in the future.

    Palary - Site-layer between advertising announcement and lending with advertiser offers. On the Plasting place selling text to warm up interest in the product. For example, your goal is to install applications from App Store. and Google Play.. On the Plasting, you can review the application with an explanation of all its advantages, and then lead visitors to Landing with buttons to install applications.

    Plended is often needed to pass moderation when advertising dubious goods. In this case, the moderator may reject the direct link to Ledding. If the link is on the layer site, the likelihood of approval by the moderator is higher, because the goods are not sold on the affected itself.

    Bunch - This is a combination of offper, source of traffic and creativity.

    Each ligament must be tested after starting and constantly analyzing its effectiveness, since the advertised product or service may lose the relevance, and in the end you will begin to merge the budget for a non-working bunch.

    Partnership network - Mediator between advertisers and arbitrals. The affiliate network solves all organizational issues with advertisers, and the arbitral boiler can work with dozens of shops and sites, in one place to see all the statistics on sales and one fellible to withdraw all the money.

    What do arbitrals earn

    We list the main models of earnings in arbitration:

    • CPC (COST PER Click) - transitions to the site of the advertiser are paid.
    • CPA (COST PER ACTION) - paid actions, such as buying or watching video.
    • CPI (COST PER Install) - application settings.
    • CPL (COST PER LEAD) - Lida are paid - visitors who left email.

    Example of earnings on the CPA model

    The arbitral player decided to make money on sports nutrition. I launched the contextual advertisement, in the ads placed a link to the advertiser's website or the Plasting, spending 1,000 rubles for it.

    1 000/200 \u003d 5 rubles - paid the arbitral fist for each buyer, 25 kopecks for the visitor.

    2 000/200 \u003d 10 rubles - received an arbitral player for each buyer.

    5 rubles - earned an arbitral trip from each buyer.

    Earware of the CPC model

    The Arbitralge has its own website on which he places advertising using Google Adsense. On this site it gives traffic, for example, from Facebook. It turns out that it merges traffic from Facebook on Adsense, earning on clicks on advertising announcements Online.

    How much arbitrals earn

    The income of the arbitral boiler depends on many factors, besides, it is most often unstable. You can earn a space amount in tens of thousands of dollars a month on a successful bundle, but to find it, it is sometimes necessary to spend several thousand dollars.

    If you do not strive for instant enrichment, you can collect several ligaments, spending a small budget. In the blog Vadim Kurilo, you can see Case, as with an initial budget of $ 50, he went to return $ 10 a day. It is 300 dollars a month. In the presence of several such bundles, it can be quite consistent to receive 1 000-1,500 dollars per month.

    Qualities and skills necessary for each arbitral

    Collected six qualities and skills, important to start working in arbitration.

    1. Analytical abilities

    The choice of offper, the source of traffic, the development of creativity and the launch of the advertising campaign is only a small part of the work of the arbitration. The most important thing is that he has to do is analyze the launched advertising campaigns. And then develop successful and turn off the failed.

    If you do not feel the abilities for meticulous analysis, think about whether you are suitable for a career of the arbitrator. You risk just lose a lot of money, disappointed in this profession.

    2. Attentiveness and thoughtfulness 👨💻

    This item complements the first. The arbitral boiler should notice every little thing that can affect the success of the advertising campaign. Suppose, analyze which browser users better click on a specific advertising campaign.

    3. The ability to determine the target audience

    4. Ability to trust intuition

    It can be said that this is something mystical, but in fact, intuition is an experience. Simply sometimes our brain designs all our knowledge in a kind of vague feeling that a bunch of shooting or a product will be perfectly sold in the next few months. Sometimes it is worth trusting intuitions and try. It can and let it, but can help earn millions.

    5. Cold mind and caution

    Sometimes it can embrace inspiration, forcing the huge budget to the advertising campaign, which the intuition suggested. At such moments you need to be able to stop, exhale and remember that sometimes it is better to go in small steps, but come to stable income than to merge all the money on the idea that suddenly seemed ingenious.

    You can spend big money if you are almost 100 percent sure of success, but remember that it is first important to think through everything.

    6. Creativity and mind flexibility

    How to start working arbitral

    • Read, see, explore a lot of information about arbitration. To understand what traffic is that there are models of earnings, advertisers and offers. Examine the technical side of the question, for example, to understand the principle of operation of the CPA tracker.
    • Register in the affiliate network. If you are already, you can try to make money on arbitration with our advertisers.
    • Choose advertisers and offer.
    • Select promotional tools.
    • Prepare creatives for each offer.
    • Prepare several ligaments.
    • Try to run different ligaments and analyze the results.

    How much money needs to start making money on arbitration

    You can try yourself in arbitration, starting from 50-100 dollars. Just to understand the basic principles. But newcomer without experience will be difficult to immediately get at least one working ligament.

    Experts believe that at the start you need to be ready to merge 500-1,000 dollars. If there are analytical abilities, this budget should be enough to test different bundles, leave several workers and continue to spend money more economically.

    6 Covers novice arbitral

    1. Be prepared that at the start you will fuck a lot of money. This is normal.
    2. Be prepared for errors. The arbitrage is more valuable personal experience. Even if you reread the ton of information and have passed any courses, you still probably get stuck somewhere.
    3. Read the forums and chats, think what advertisers and offer it is better to choose to start, ask the tips, see which successful case has now.
    4. Analyze! And certainly write the intermediate results so that you can always reread and think about them.
    5. Carefully read the rules of partner networks, advertisers and offering. It's a shame when the campaign fails due to inattention.
    6. Constantly read the news, communicate with newcomers and experienced arbitrals to keep abreast of what is happening and gaining experience from others.

    On arbitration you can earn great, but it is not "easy money." The work of the arbitral boiler is daily hard work, you need to constantly be in finding new ideas, analyze successful cases and failures. In the following articles, we will tell about the best trackers for the arbitral fist and how to find a working liga.

    The traffic arbitration appeared as a type of earnings recently and is a redirection of the received traffic (more often purchased) to other resources in order to obtain financial benefits. There are many articles and disputes about the efficiency and dangers of traffic arbitration. Expert opinions often diverge.

    To start activities with arbitration of traffic it is worth finding an answer to the question "What is it?"
    Arbitration Traffic is a profitable resale acquired at a low price of traffic. Such traffic can be actions of users on various Internet sites. Previously, the traffic arbitration was considered a risky product promotion of Internet projects and a good way of earnings for Web-crafts. The second statement is preserved today.

    The development of the Internet space, the emergence of competition among Web-masters and the emergence of many competing Internet sites generate strong competition that displaces weak or unscrupulous resources from this market. The risk of both traffic sellers and potential buyers is reduced. Traffic sellers guaranteed to receive payments for the services provided, and buyers get the necessary planned benefit For your resource.
    Traffic arbitration requires a clear plan both from a Web master and from the customer. The customer must initially analyze the goals from the upcoming arbitration of traffic, make a plan and calculate benefits. The Web master must have a great traffic base for high-quality tasks. Otherwise you can get low conversionyour resource.

    Order the traffic arbitration should only be on proven sites and sellers with good reviews. Otherwise you can get low quality Traffic, one of which includes bots that do not commit the required action. Such acquisitions is a waste of money.

    Where to buy traffic for arbitration?

    Web master, having received a certain task, begins to search for profitable and high-quality sources of acquisition of traffic for its subsequent favorable resale. The effectiveness of such advertising, the future conversion of the rejected resource depends on different sources and methods used.

    Purchase and selection of traffic is the main task of a Web master, which will depend on the result of all further actions. There are many methods of resources for buying traffic. Let's deal with some of them:

    Teaser advertising

    Teaizer advertising - pictures, size from 80x60 to 250x250 pixels with a brief text description. This is the source of itself poor quality traffic, however, even from it you can get a benefit. Thanks to the use of teaser advertising, you can successfully achieve a high conversion of entertainment projects. This is caused by a small value of a unique transition on the link and human psychology, which delays users to interesting entertainment projects, forcing the site to go through the site, acquiring the proposed services.

    contextual advertising

    Contextual advertising - text string with a description of the advertising object. This species Advertising provide search services Google and Yandex, as well as various third-party projects. The acquisition of this traffic is much more expensive. This solution Suitable for monetization nerko thematic projects On the topic of business, construction, medicine ...
    The use of contextual advertising in order to buy traffic for arbitration requires a web wizard of a clear plan for its further use. To achieve conversion of such an advertisement is harderous.

    Social network advertising

    Advertising on social networks is the youngest and efficient type of advertising, allowing you to effectively buy traffic for a variety of wide and narrow thematic projects. On the example of using the VKontakte service, you can sort the list of necessary people on the floor, the place of residence, age, language, education, etc. Wide capabilities and inexpensive show costs make it possible to achieve good results in the further arbitration.

    Banner networks

    Banner networks are an old way to acquire traffic, losing its popularity due to growing competition from other types of advertising. This is due to high cost show banners on large and popular projects. However, banner networks are one of better options for good conversion large projects . Working with banner networks requires the study of resources used to accommodate advertising.
    There are many other methods of acquiring traffic for further arbitration. The above methods are the most profitable, current and competitive solutions that allow the greatest financial benefits With resale traffic. The success of the arbitration of traffic and the conversion of a certain resource entirely depends on the individual approach of the Web Master.

    How much do you earn on the arbitration of traffic?

    Earnings on the entire traffic arbitration depends on the experience of the Web wizard used by the sources of receiving traffic and the ability to maximize the use of this traffic to perform the task supplied by the customer. Earnings can reach 10-200% of invested financial resources for the purchase of traffic.

    To obtain the greatest financial benefit, analyze the task, the advertising market and the resources that you acquire traffic. Protect yourself and customer from cheating of views and transitions by bots and inactive users. The ability to get the maximum profit from the arbitration of traffic comes with experience Web Masters and developed Base To purchase traffic.

    Example of traffic arbitration

    Traffic arbitrage is a new type of traffic monetization, which is in demand for both beginner web-masters and major projects. The use of traffic arbitration is equally profitable for both the customer and the performer. Qualitative execution of the task is guaranteed good mutual profit. You can make sure you can look at a few real examples Successful traffic arbitration:

    Use of arbitration of traffic and affiliate program with souvenir sales *

    * Under souvenirs, a completely any product can be assumed.

    For example, we will take the thematic store of souvenirs, which pays 10% of the goods sold by attracting your traffic. Suppose you use advertising on the social network VKontakte and place an advertising entry with information about the sale of souvenirs. According to your links, 300 people go and 25 of them ordered a product with an average cost of 500 rubles. You get 10% of the affiliate program, which is 1250 rubles. Advertising to VKontakte will cost you ~ 500 rubles. Total net profit is 750 rubles, which 150% pays Invested amount. And this is just an example of the very simple use Traffic arbitration.