Conditional unit code. Okay - all-Russian classifier of units of measurement. Okay code. Units of mass

All-Russian Classifier for Measurement Units (or Okay) is a federal classifier that contains a list of regulated units of measurements and their codes. The classifier is required to properly fill the primary documentation. For example, .

The table of popular units of measurements in opaque and their codes for 2017:

Code in opai Name Short title
796 Thing pC
383 Ruble rub
384 Thousand rubles 1000 rubles
839 Set kombl
112 Liter
Cubic decimeter
876 Conventional unit sl. elf
166 Kilogram kg
168 Ton
Metric ton
356 Hour c.
006 Meter m.
055 Square meter m2.
018 Raman meter rm. M.
778 Packaging pack

If you did not find your code, download the current 2017.

Get 267 video tutorials for 1C for free:

Code in Okey Unit of measurement "Service"

Note that if your unit is not included in the overall okay (for example, "service" or "bag"), in no case should not be inventing the "new" service code. From the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia from 10/15/12 No. 03-07-05 / 42, you can use "-" (dummy):

In the invoice compiled when providing services, in column 2, you can put a dashboard

I repeat once again, the service code for the classifier of units of Okey measurement units is not regulated.

Okay in the program 1C Accounting

In order to enter a new unit of measure in the program, you must open the "All Functions" menu (if not visible this menu, follow):

If the list does not require a unit, you need to add. To do this, click the "Selection of Okey" button:

You will fall into a tabular document where all current codes and names are available:

In order to add from it new elementYou need to click on the code you are interested in. 1C will open the form of a new unit of measurement. It remains only to click the "Record and Close" button.

If you did not find the desired unit, for example, "service", it can be added manually. To do this, click the "Create" button in the form of a list of reference book, where to fill it with the desired fields:

As mentioned above, in no case do not invent a new unit of measurement unit. It is better to put "-" (dummy).

Economic units

The code Symbol Code letter notation
national international national international
499 Kilogram per second kg / s Kg / s KGS.
533 Ton steam per hour t pairs / h T pairs / h TSH
596 Cubic meter per second m3 / S. m3 / S. M3 / S. MQs.
598 Cubic meter per hour m3 / C. m3 / H. M3 / C. MQH
599 Thousand cubic meters per day 103m3 / day Milk m3 / day TQD.
616 Spool bean BEAN NBB.
625 Sheet l. SHEET Lef.
626 Hundred sheets 100 liters 100 sheet CLF.
630 Thousand standard conditional bricks thousand Stan Sl. Kirp Thousand St. Kirp Stand MBE
641 Dozen (12 pcs.) dozen DOZ; 12 DOZEN DZN.
657 Product ed Ed NAR
683 One hundred jackets 100 shr. HBX 100 shits HBX
704 Set set SET SET.
715 Couple (2 pcs.) par pR; 2. Par NPR.
730 Two dozen 20 20 2 Des. SCO.
732 Ten par 10 Par Des par TPR
733 Dozen Par dozen Par Dozen Par DPR
734 Parcel promise Promise NPL
735 Part part PART NPT.
737 Dozen rolls dozen Rul Dozen Rul Drl
740 Dozen pieces dozen pcs Dozen pcs DPC.
745 Element element CI Element NCL.
778 Packaging pack Pack Nmp
780 Dozen packaging dozen pack Dozen pack DZP.
781 One hundred packs 100 pack 100 pack CNP.
796 Thing pC pC; one PC PCE; NMB.
797 One hundred pieces 100 pieces 100 100 PIECES Cen.
798 Thousand pieces thousand

Classifier for measurement units (okay) in 1C 8.3

1000 Thousands of thousands Mil. 798 Million pieces 106pcs 106 Million pieces Mio. 800 Billion pieces 109pcs 109 Billion pcs MLD. 801 Billion pieces (europe);
trillion pieces 1012St. 1012 Bill PC (Heb);
Trill pcs Bil. 802 Quintillan pieces (Europe) 1018St. 1018 Quint pcs TRL 820 Mass alcohol fortress crepe. Alcohol by weight % MDS. Crew alcohol ASM. 821 Alcohol fortress in volume crepe. Alcohol in volume % vol. Crew alcohol ASV. 831 Clean liter (100%) alcohol l 100% alcohol — L pine alcohol LPA 833 Pure hectoliter (100%) alcohol CH 100% alcohol — Gl chopped alcohol HPA. 841 Kilogram of hydrogen peroxide kg H2O2. — Kg hydrogen peroxide — 845 Kilogram 90% dry substance kg 90% s / in — Kg 90 percent dry KSD. 847 Ton 90% dry substance t 90% s / in — T 90 percent dry TSD. 852 Kilogram of potassium oxide kg K2O. — Kg Potassium oxide KPO. 859 Kilogram of potassium hydroxide kg Kon. — Kg potassium hydroxide KPH. 861 Kilogram Nitrogen kg n. — Kg nitrogen KNI 863 Sodium hydroxide kilogram kg Naoh. — Kg sodium hydroxide KSH 865 Pyatokyi kilograms phosphorus kg P2O5 — Kg five-pointed KPP. 867 Kilogram uranium kg u. — Kg uranium Kur.

OK 015-94 (MK 002-97) All-Russian classifier of units of measurement (okay) (with changes No. 1-13)

Okay code. Units of mass

The code Name Conditional
Code letter
national international national international
160 Hectogram gG hg. GG HGM. 1
161 Milligram mg. mG. Mg. Mgm. 1
162 Metric carat (1 carat \u003d 200 mg \u003d 2 x 10-4 kg) car Ms. Car Ctm. 1
163 Gram g. g. G. GRM. 1
165 Thousand karats metric 103 Car Thousands of thousands 2
166 Kilogram kg kg. Kg KGM. 1
167 Million Carats metric 106 Car Milli Car 2
168 Ton; metric ton (1000 kg) t. t. T. TNE 1
169 Thousand tons 103 T. Th. 2
170 Kiloton 103 T. kt. Kt. KTN. 1
171 Million tons 106 T. Mul T. 2
172 Ton of conditional fuel t SL. Top T Sil Thal 2
173 Santigram sG cG. SG CGM. 1
175 Thousand tons of conditional fuel 103 tons. Top Thousand tel 2
176 Million Ton of Conditional Fuel 106 tons Top Million tons 2
177 Thousand tons of uniform storage 103 tonpr. chrov Thousand t units 2
178 Thousand tons of processing 103 T Rebared Thousand thousand 2
179 Conditional ton sl. T. Usl T. 2
181 Gross-register ton (2,8316 m3) BT Brutt. Register T. GRT. 1
182 Non-register ton NTT. A.
183 Omnic (freight) ton Sht. A.
184 Displacement DPT. A.
185 Load capacity in metric tons t grp T Delivery CCT. 1
186 Pound SC, USA (0,45359237 kg) lB. Lbr. A.
187 Ounce of SC, USA (28,349523) oz. Onz. A.
188 Drachma sk (1,771745) dr. DrI A.
189 GRANSK, USA (64,798910 mg) gN. Grn. A.
190 Stone SK (6,350293 kg) st. Sti A.
191 Quarter SC (12,700586 kg) qtr. Qtr. A.
192 CENTAL SK (45,359237 kg) CNT. A.
193 Centner USA (45,3592 kg) cWT. CWA A.
194 Long centner SC (50,802345 kg) cWT (UK) CWI A.
195 Short ton of SK, USA (0.90718474 t) sht. STN. A.
196 Long ton of SC, USA (1,0160469 t) lt. LTN. A.
197 Scrupul SK, USA (1,295982) sCR. SCR. A.
198 Pennyweight SC, USA (1,555174) dWT. DWT. A.
199 Drachma sk (3,887935) dRM. DRM. A.
200 Drachma USA (3,887935) DRA A.
201 Ounce of SK, USA (31.10348); Troyan oz apoz. APZ. A.
202 Troy pound USA (373.242 g) LBT. A.
206 Centner (metric) (100 kg); hectocilogram; quintal1 (metric); Decitonna c. q; 102 kg. C. DTN. 1
207 Thousand centners 103 C. Thousand C. 2

1 - International Units Included in Okey
2 - National Units of Measurement included in Okey
3 - Four-digit National Units of Measurement included in Okey
A - International Units of Measurement not included in Okay

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Calculator translation kW in hp and back

The ratio of kW and horsepower

1 kW is 1,3596 hp When calculating the power of the engine.
1 hp equal to 0.7355 kW when calculating the engine power.


Horsepower (hp) This is an incidental power unit that appeared in about 1789 with the arrival of steam machines. The inventor James Watt introduced the term "horse force" to clearly show how much its car is more cost-effective. Watt came to the conclusion that, on average, one horse raises a load of 180 pounds at 181 ft. Rounding calculations in the punto feet per minute, he decided that the horsepower would be equal to 33,000 of these fourth-feet per minute.

Okay - All-Russian Classifier Units of Measurement (OK 015-94)

Of course, the calculations were taken for a large period of time, because briefly the horse can "develop" the power of about 1000 kgf · m / s, which is approximately 13 horsepower. Such power is called the boiler horsepower.

There are several units of measure called "horse force" in the world. In European countries, Russia and the CIS, as a rule, under horsepower, there is a so-called "metric horsepower", equal to about 735 watts (75 kgf · m / s).

In the automotive industry, the United Kingdom and the United States most often L.S. Equals to 746 W, which is 1.014 metric horsepower. Also in industry and energy of the United States uses electrical horsepower (746 W) and boiler horsepower (9809.5 W).

Economic units

The code Name unit of measure Conditional designation (national) Code letter denotation (national)
383 Ruble rub RUB
384 Thousand rubles 103 rubles THOUSAND ROUBLES
385 One million rubles 106 rub Million rubles
386 Billion rubles 109 rubles Billion rubles
387 Trillion rubles 1012 rub Trill Rub.
388 Quadrillion rubles 1015 rub Quad rub
414 Passenger kilometer pass.Km. Pass.Km.
421 Passenger seat (passenger seats) pass. places Pass Sex
423 Thousands of passenger kilometers 103 Pass.Km. Thousand km.
424 Million Passenger Kilometers 106 Pass.Km. Million Pass.Km.
427 Passenger traffic pass Pass
449 Ton-kilometer
450 Thousand ton kilometers 103 Thus TCM
451 Million ton kilometers 106 tkm. Million tkm.
479 Thousand sets 103 Set Thousand set
508 One thousand meters of cubic per hour 103 m3 / h Thousand m3 / h
510 Grams for kilowatt-hour g / kvch G / kvch
511 Kilogram on gigacalria kg / gkal Kg / gigakal
512 Ton number town Town
513 Avtotonna auto T. Auto T.
514 Ton traction ttta T traction
515 Deadweight-ton deadweight.t. Deadweight.t.
516 Tonnid t.tanid T.tanid
521 Square meter chel / m2. Chel / m2.
522 Square kilometer man chel / km2 Chel / km2
534 Ton per hour t / ch T / ch
535 Ton per day t / Sut. T / Sut.
536 Ton in shift t / shim T / shim
537 Thousand tons per season 103 t / season Thousand t / season
538 Thousand tons per year 103 t / year Thousand t / year
539 Man-hour
540 Man-day man.dn. Man.dn.
541 Thousand man-days 103 people Thousand days
542 Thousand man-hours 103 people Thousand people
543 Thousands of conditional cans in shift 103 SL. Bank / Sen. Thousands bank / shift
544 Million units per year 106 units / year Million units / year
545 Visit to shift visiting / shift Visiting / shift
546 Thousands of visits to shift 103 visits / shift Thousand pay / shift
547 Couple in shift par / shift Par / shift
548 Thousand couples in shift 103 pairs / shift Thousand couples / shifts
550 Million tons per year 106 t / year Million t / year
552 Ton processing per day t Perebrab / day T Perebrab / day
553 Thousand Tons of Processing per day 103 t recreak / day Thousand TRub / day
554 Centner recycling per day c Perera / day C Perera / day
555 Thousand Centners Processing per day 103 C Peresk / day Thousands of recreation / day
556 Thousand goals per year 103 goal / year Thousand goals / year
557 Million goals per year 106 goal / year Million goal / year
558 Thousand birds 103 birds Thousand birds
559 Thousands of Navy 103 chickens. Neshem Milkheads. Neshem
560 Excluded. - Change 9/2014, app.

How to specify different values \u200b\u200band their code unit code in the invoice?

Order of Rosstandart from 28.03.2014 N 248-art.

561 Thousand tons of couple per hour 103 t pairs / h Thousand couple / h 562 Thousand spinning spindles 103 PRED.WERET Thousands of millet 563 Thousands of spinning seats 103 strands. Mest. Thousand people 639 Dose dose Dose 640 Thousand doses 103 doses Thousand thousand 643 Thousand units 103 Ed. Thousand 644 Million units 106 Ed. Million food 661 Channel channel CHANNEL 673 Thousand kits 103 complies Millet complex 698 A place places Places 699 Thousands of places 103 seats Thousand 709 Thousand numbers 103 Nome. Thousand 724 Thousand hectares of portions 103 ha Pots Thousand thousand thousand 728 Bucket pached Pached 729 Thousand bucks 103 PAC. Milf pasac 744 Percent % Percent 746 PROMILLE (0.1 percent) pROMILL PROMILL 751 Thousand rolls 103 RULES Thousand 761 Thousands of Become 103 Stan. Thousand Stan. 762 Station stan Stan 775 Thousand Tubes 103 Tubik Thubs Tubes 776 Thousand conditional tubes 103 Usl.Tub Thousand mines Tuba 779 Million packaging 106 Pack Million pack 782 Thousand packages 103 Pack Thousands of Pack 792 Human person Person 793 Thousand man 103 people Thousand people 794 Million man 106 people Million people 808 Million copies 106 ex Million ecz 810 Cell bar Bar 812 Box lasch Lasch 836 Head goal GOAL 837 Thousand Par 103 Par Thousand par 838 Million par 106 Par Million par 839 Set kombl Kombl 840 Section sex Sex 868 Bottle boot Boot 869 Thousand bottles 103 Booth Thousand thousand 870 Ampoule ampoules Ampoules 871 Thousand ampoules 103 ampoules Thousand ampoules 872 Bottle flak Flak 873 Thousand bottles 103 Flak. Thousand Flak 874 Thousand Tubes 103 Tuba Thousand thousand 875 Thousand boxes 103 Cor. Thousands of thousands 876 Conventional unit sl. elf Second 877 Thousand conditional units 103 SL. elf Thousand mines 878 Million conventional units 106 SL. elf Million Used 879 Conditional piece sl. PC Sl Sl 880 Thousand conditional pieces 103 SL. PC Thousand pieces 881 Conditional bank sl. bank Second Bank 882 Thousands of conventional cans 103 SL. bank Thousands of mines bank 883 Million conventional cans 106 SL. bank Million USA Bank 884 Conditional piece sl. sir Slav Cous 885 Thousand conditional pieces 103 SL. sir Thousand so 886 Million conventional pieces 106 SL. sir Million Usl Cry 887 Conditional box sl. Lasch Sl Slav 888 Thousand conventional boxes 103 SL. Lasch Thousand mines 889 Conditional coil sl. Cat. Sl Cat. 890 Thousand conditional coils 103 SL. Cat. Thousand kat. 891 Conditional tile sl. plates Sloves slab 892 Thousand conventional tiles 103 SL. plates Thousand soil plates 893 Conditional brick sl. Kirp Slav Kirp 894 Thousand conditional bricks 103 SL. Kirp Thousand mines Kirp 895 Million conventional bricks 106 SL. Kirp Million Sil Kirp 896 A family families FAMILIES 897 Thousand families 103 families Thousand families 898 Million family 106 families Million families 899 The household domkhodoz. Domkhodoz. 900 Thousand households 103 Domkhodoz Thousands of thousands 901 Million households 106 Domkhodoz Million DOMSOMOZ. 902 Student scientific places School of seats 903 Thousands of students 103 scientists. places Thousand scientists 904 Workplace slave places Slave 905 Thousands of jobs 103 slave. places Thousand million 906 Planting place posad. places Posad Seek 907 Thousand seating 103 Posad. places Thousand Posads 908 room nom Nom 909 Flat quart QUART 910 Thousand apartments 103 quarts Kvkt 911 Koyka. cotek Cotek 912 Thousand kid 103 beds Milk kid 913 Tom of book fund tom Book. fund Tom Branches Fond 914 Thousand Tomov Book Fund 103 Tom Book. fund Thousand volume books fund 915 Subject repair sl. rem Usl Rem. 916 Conditional repair per year sl. Rem / year Usl Rem / Year 917 Change shift Shift 918 Author's sheet l. Avt. Sheet Avt. 920 List printed l. furnace Leaf furnace 921 List accounting and publishing l. Uch.-ed Sheet uch.izd. 922 Sign sign SIGN 923 Word word WORD 924 Symbol symbol SYMBOL 925 Conditional trumpet sl. pipe Sl Tern 930 Thousand plates 103 Plast Mil flight 937 Million dose 106 dose Million doses 949 Million leaf-writing 106 sheet.ottisk Million list.ottisk 950 Wagon (car) -d wAG (MASH). WAG (MASH). 951 Thousand Wagon - (Machine) - 103 WAG (MASH). Thousands of thousands 952 Thousand car - (machine) -Kilometers 103 WAG (MASH). CMM Thousand kmmkm 953 Thousands of kilometers 103 beds Thousand km. 954 Wagon-day vag.Sut Vag.Sut 955 Thousand train-hours 103 Thousand thousand 956 Thousand Train Kilometers 103 train.Km. Thousand thousandkm. 957 Thousand ton miles 103 Thousand thousand 958 Thousand Passenger Miles 103 Pass. Mile Thousand thousandmil 959 Car-day avtob.dn. Avtob.dn. 960 Thousand ton-day car 103 Autob.t.DN Thousands cars 961 Thousand car-clock 103 Thousands of thousands 962 Thousand car-place-days 103 Avtob. Mest.DN Thousands car. Mest.DN 963 Posted hour rES.H. RES.H. 964 Aircraft - kilometer airplane Airplane 965 Thousand kilometers 103 km Kilometers 966 Thousand Tonnage Flights 103 tonnage. flight Milk tonnage. FLIGHT 967 Million ton miles 106 tons miles Million T. Mil 968 Million Passenger Miles 106 Pass. Mil Million passes. Mil 969 Million tonnage miles 106 tonnage. Mil Mul tonnage. Mil 970 Million passenger-place-miles 106 Pass. places. Mil Million passes. Places.Mil 971 Foru-day feed. DN FEED. DN 972 Centner feed units c food C food 973 Thousand kilometers cars 103 car. KM Thousands of thousands KM 974 Thousand tonnage-day 103 tonnage. Sut Milk tonnage. Sut. 975 Song-day sUGO. SUT. SUGO. Sut 976 Pieces in the 20-foot equivalent (DFE) pieces in a 20-foot equivalent Pcs in 20 foot equiv 977 Channel kilometer channel. KM CHANNEL. KM 978 Channel ends channel. end CHANNEL. End 979 Thousands of copies 103 ex Thousands 980 One thousand dollars 103 dollars Thousand dollar 981 Thousand tons of feed units 103 food food Thousand tons 982 Million tons of feed units 106 food food Million t food 983 Ship-day court Court 984 Centners with hectares c / g C / g 985 Thousand heads 103 goals Thousand goals 986 One thousand paint 103 paint. Ottisk Thousand paint ottisk 987 Million paint 106 paint. Ottisk Million paint ottis 988 Million conventional tiles 106 SL. plates Million Sloves 989 Man per hour chel / Ch Chel / Ch 990 Passengers per hour pass / Ch Pass / Ch 991 Passenger-mily pass. mily Pass Mily.

What is Okey and how to introduce it in the program 1C 8.3 Accounting?

All-Russian Classifier for Measurement Units (or Okay) is a federal classifier that contains a list of regulated units of measurements and their codes. The classifier is required to properly fill the primary documentation. For example, a batch bargain - 12, invoices.

Table of popular units of measurements in Okay and their codes for 2016:

Okay service

Note that if your unit is not included in the overall okay (for example, the "service" or "bag"), in no case do not invent the code of the "new" service.

OKEY 796 - Pie

From the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia from 10/15/12 No. 03-07-05 / 42, you can use "-" (dummy):

In the invoice compiled when providing services, in column 2, you can put a dashboard

Repeat again, the code of the classifier services of the OKEA measurement units is not regulated.

Okay in the program 1C Accounting

In order to enter into the program a new unit of measurement in Okay, you must open the menu all functions (if not visible to this menu - follow these instructions):

If the list does not require a unit, you need to add it. To do this, click the "Selection of Okey" button:

You will fall into a tabular document where all current codes and names are available:

In order to add a new element from it - you need to click on the code you are interested in. 1C will open the form of a new unit of measurement. It remains only to click the "Record and Close" button.

If you did not find the desired unit, for example, a "service", you can add it manually. To do this, click the "Create" button in the form of a directory list. Where to fill it with the necessary fields:

As mentioned above, in no case do not invent a new unit of measurement unit. It is better to put "-" (dummy).

Based on:

  • Responsible for the support of the classifier: Rostechregulation
  • Foundation: Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated December 26, 1994 No. 366 01/01/1996
  • Approved: 07.06.2000
  • Entered into force: 07.06.2000
The code Name unit of measure Symbol Symbolic designation
national international national international
International Units of Measurement included in ECC
Units of length
47 Sea Mile (1852 m)milyn Mile.MilNMI
8 Kilometer; Thousand meterskm; 10 ^ 3 mkM.Km; Thousand M.KMT.
5 DecimeterdMdM.DMDMT
4 Centimetercmcm.CMCmt.
39 Inch (25.4 mm)inchiN.INCHInh
6 Meterm.m.M.MTR.
41 Foot (0.3048 m)footft.FOOTFot.
9 Megameter; Million metersMm; 10 ^ 6 mMm.Megam; M. M.MAM.
43 Yard (0.9144 m)yardyd.YARDYrd.
Units Square
59 Hectareh.hAH.Har.
73 Square foot (0.092903 m2)foot2fT2.Foot2Ftk.
53 Square decimeterdM2.dM2.DM2.DMK.
61 Square kilometerkm2.kM2.Km2KMK.
51 Square centimetersM2.cm2.SM2.CMK.
109 AR (100 m2)buta.ARAre
55 Square meterm2.m2.M2.MTK.
58 Thousand square meters10 ^ 3 m ^ 2dAAThousand m2.DAA
75 Square yard (0.8361274 m2)yard2yd2.Yard2Ydk.
50 Square millimetermm2mM2.Mm2.MMK.
71 Square inch (645.16 mm2)inch2.in2.Inch2.Ink
Units of volume
126 MegalitraMlML.MegalMAL
132 Cubic foot (0,02831685 m3)foot3fT3.Foot3FTQ.
118 DeciliterdLdLDLDLT.
133 Cubic yard (0,764555 m3)yard3yD3.Yard3YDQ.
112 Liter; Cubic decimeterl; DM3I; L; DM ^ 3.L; DM3LTR; DMQ.
113 Cubic meterm3.m3.M3.MTQ.
131 Cubic inch (16387.1 mm3)inch3.in3Inch3.INQ.
159 Million cubic meters10 ^ 6 m310 ^ 6 M3M3 M3.HMQ.
110 Cubic millimetermm3.mM3.Mm3Mmq.
122 HlgLhlGLHLT.
111 Cubic centimeter; millilitercm3; mlcm3; ML.Cm3; MlCMQ; MLT.
Units of mass
170 Kiloton10 ^ 3 tkt.Kt.KTN.
161 Milligrammg.mG.Mg.Mgm.
173 SantigramsGcG.SGCGM.
206 Centner (metric) (100 kg); hectocilogram; quintal1 (metric); Decitonnac.q; 10 ^ 2 kgC.DTN.
163 Gramg.g.G.GRM.
181 Gross-register ton (2,8316 m3)BT- Brutt. Register T.GRT.
160 HectogramgGhg.GGHGM.
168 Ton; metric ton (1000 kg)t.t.T.TNE
162 Metric karat.carMs.CarCtm.
185 Load capacity in metric tonst grp- T DeliveryCCT.
166 Kilogramkgkg.KgKGM.
Technical units
331 Turnover per minuterpmr / MIN.RpmRPM.
300 Physical atmosphere (101325 PA)atmaTMAtmATM
306 Gram of dividing isotopesg d / andg Fissile Isotopes.G diving isotopeGFI.
309 Barbarbar.BARBar
301 Technical atmosphere (98066.5 PA)aT.aT.AttATT.
270 PendantCLC.CLCOU.
288 KelvinK.K.TOKeel
280 Degree Celsiusgrad. C.grad. C.Grade CelsiusCel
282 KandelacDcDCDCDL
330 Turnover per secondrF / S.r / S.RF / S.RPS
297 Kilopascalkpakpa.KpaKpa.
302 GigabekkelGBK.GBQ.GigabkGBQ.
291 KHzkgzkhz.Kgz.Khz.
230 KilowarkvkvarKvKvr.
281 Degree Fahrenheitgrad. F.grad. F.Grad FarengFan.
292 MegahertzMHTSMHz.MegagzMHz.
227 Kilovolt amperesq.a.kV.A.Sq.a.Kva.
323 BeckelBKBQ.BKBql
298 MegapascalMPaMPAMegapMPA
263 Ampere-hour (3.6 CD)A.Ch.A.H.A.Ch.AMH
247 Gigavatt-hour (Million Kilowatt-hours)
212 WattT.W.T.Wtt
273 KilodzhoulekJ.kJ.KJ.Kjo.
305 CurieKi.CIKi.CUR
228 Megavolt ampere (Thousand Kilovolt-Ampere)MV.A.MV.A.Megav.A.MVA.
314 FaradF.F.F.Far
284 LumenlMlM.LMLUM.
215 Megawatt; Thousand KilowattMW; 10 ^ 3 kWMW.Megaut; Thousand kvMaw.
274 Oh.Oh. Oh.OHM.
271 JouleJ.J.J.JOU.
333 Kilometer per hourkM / C.kM / H.KM / C.KMH
349 Pendant per kilogramCL / kgC / KG.CL / kgCkg.
264 Thousand amp-hours10 ^ 3 A.Ch10 ^ 3 A.HTh.Tah.
222 VoltINV.INVLT.
223 Kilovoltkv.kv.Kv.Kvt.
335 Meter for a second squaredm / s2.m / S2.M / s2.MSK.
290 HertzHzHz.HzHtz.
260 AmpereBUTA.BUTAmp
246 Megawatt hour; 1000 kilowatt-hoursMW.Ch; 10 ^ 3;
324 WeberVbWB.VbWeb.
312 KilobarkBkbar.KbarKBA
283 LuxlKlXLKLUX
310 HectobargBhbarGbarHBA.
308 MillibarmBmBAR.MbarMBR
327 Node (mile / h)ultrasoundkN.UltrasoundKnt.
296 SiemensCmS.S.Sie.
316 Kilogram on cubic meterkg / m3.kG / M3.Kg / m3.KMQ.
328 Meter per secondm / S.m / S.M / S.MTS.
214 Kilowattkwkw.KwKwt.
289 NewtonN.N.N.New
Units of Time
368 Decadedenet- DenetDEC
361 Decadadec- DecDad
364 Quarterquart- QUARTQan.
365 Half yearhalf a year- PoligodySAN
362 Monthmes- MesMON.
359 Dayday; DNd.Day; DNDay.
355 Minutemin.mIN.Min.MIN.
356 Hourc.h.C.HUR.
360 A weekweek- WeekWee.
354 Secondfroms.FROMSEC.
366 Yearr; yearsa.YEAR; YEARSAnn.
Economic units
745 ElementelementCIElementNCL.
781 One hundred packs100 pack- 100 packCNP.
732 Ten par10 Par- Des parTPR
599 Thousand cubic meters per day10 ^ 3 m3 / day- Milk m3 / dayTQD.
730 Two dozen20 20 2 Des.SCO.
733 Dozen Pardozen Par- Dozen ParDPR
799 Million pieces10 ^ 6 pcs10^6 Million piecesMio.
796 ThingpCpC; onePCPCE; NMB.
778 Packagingpack- PackNmp
831 Clean liter (100%) alcoholl 100% alcohol- L pine alcoholLPA
657 Producted- EdNAR
865 Pyatokyi kilograms phosphoruskg P2O5- Kg five-poin phosphorusKPP.
641 Dozen (12 pcs.)dozenDOZ; 12DOZENDZN.
841 Kilogram of hydrogen peroxidekg H2O2.- Kg hydrogen peroxide-
734 Parcelpromise- PromiseNPL
704 Setset- SETSET.
847 Ton 90% dry substancet 90% s / in- T 90 percent dryTSD.
499 Kilogram per secondkg / s- Kg / sKGS.
801 Billion pieces (europe); Trillion pieces10 ^ 12 pcs10^12 Bill PC (Heb); Trill pcsBil.
683 One hundred jackets100 shr.HBX100 shitsHBX
740 Dozen piecesdozen pcs- Dozen pcsDPC.
802 Quintillan pieces (Europe)10 ^ 18 pcs10^18 Quint pcsTRL
821 Alcohol fortress in volumecrepe. Alcohol in volume% vol.Crew alcoholASV.
533 Ton steam per hourt pairs / h- T pairs / hTSH
859 Kilogram of potassium hydroxidekg Kon.- Kg potassium hydroxideKPH.
852 Kilogram of potassium oxidekg K2O.- Kg Potassium oxideKPO.
625 Sheetl.- SHEETLef.
798 Thousand piecesthousand pieces; 1000 pcs1000 Thousands of thousandsMil.
630 Thousand standard conditional bricksthousand Stan Sl. Kirp- Thousand St. Kirp StandMBE
797 One hundred pieces100 pieces100 100 PIECESCen.
626 Hundred sheets100 liters- 100 sheetCLF.
780 Dozen packagingdozen pack- Dozen packDZP.
800 Billion pieces10 ^ 9 pcs10^9 Billion pcsMLD.
863 Sodium hydroxide kilogramkg Naoh.- Kg sodium hydroxideKSH
833 Pure hectoliter (100%) alcoholCH 100% alcohol- Gl chopped alcoholHPA.
715 Couple (2 pcs.)parpR; 2.ParNPR.
861 Kilogram Nitrogenkg n.- Kg nitrogenKNI
598 Cubic meter per hourm3 / C.m3 / H.M3 / C.MQH
845 Kilogram 90% dry substancekg 90% s / in- Kg 90 percent dryKSD.
867 Kilogram uraniumkg u.- Kg uraniumKur.
735 Partpart- PARTNPT.
820 Mass alcohol fortresscrepe. Alcohol by weight% MDS.Crew alcoholASM.
737 Dozen rollsdozen Rul- Dozen RulDrl
616 Spoolbean- BEANNBB.
596 Cubic meter per secondm3 / S.m3 / S.M3 / S.MQs.
National Units of Measurement included in ECC
Units of length
49 Kilometer of conditional pipeskM SL. pipe Km Sl Tern
20 Conditional metersl. M. Sl M.
48 Thousand conditional meters10 ^ 3 SL. M. Thousand thousand
18 Raman meterrm. M. M.
19 Thousand robust meters10 ^ 3 M. Thousands M.
Units Square
57 Million square meters10 ^ 6 m2 Mill M2.
81 Square meter of the total aream2 Society. PL M2 total PL
64 Million Conditional Square Meters10 ^ 6 SL. m2. M7 M2.
83 Million square meters of total area10 ^ 6 m2 Society. PL M2 M2. Commonly pl
62 Conditional square metersl. m2. Usl m2.
63 Thousand Conditional Square Meters10 ^ 3 SL. m2. Thousand m2.
86 Million square meters of residential area10 ^ 6 m2 lived. PL M2 M2 lived
82 Thousand square meters of total area10 ^ 3 m2 Society. PL Thousand m2 common
56 Million square decimeters10 ^ 6 dm2 Million dm2.
54 Thousand square decimeters10 ^ 3 dm2 Milk dm2
89 Million square meters in two-millionth calculation10 ^ 6 m2 2 mm isch Million m2 2mm
60 Thousand hectares10 ^ 3 ha Millet
88 Thousand Square Meters of Laboratory Buildings10 ^ 3 m2 uch. Lab. Zdan M2 Uch. Lab Zdan
85 Thousand square meters of living space10 ^ 3 m2 lived. PL Thousand m2 lived
87 Square meter of educational and laboratory buildingsm2 uch. Lab. Zdan M2 Uch. Baby Zdan
84 Square meter of residential aream2 lived. PL M2 lived PL
Units of volume
121 Tight cubic meterdense m3. M3 dense
124 Thousand Conditional Cubic Meters10 ^ 3 SL. m3. Thousand M3.
130 Thousand liters; 1000 liters10 ^ 3 l; 1000 L. YOU SL
120 Million Decalitrov10 ^ 6 df Million DCK
129 Million half-length10 ^ 6 floor. L. Million Paul L.
128 Thousand half-liters10 ^ 3 Paul. L. Thousand men
123 Conditional cubic metersl. m3. Sl M3.
127 Thousand dense cubic meters10 ^ 3 dense. m3. Thousand dense m3
116 DevalitradC DC
114 Thousand cubic meters10 ^ 3 m3 Thousand thousand
115 Billion cubic meters10 ^ 9 m3 Billion m3
119 Thousand decalitrov10 ^ 3 df Thousands of thousands
125 Million Cubic Gas Processing Meters10 ^ 6 m3 recreation. Gas M3 M3 Process of Gas
Units of mass
167 Million Carats metric10 ^ 6 car Milli Car
178 Thousand tons of processing10 ^ 3 t recreation Thousand thousand
176 Million Ton of Conditional Fuel10 ^ 6 tons. Top Million tons
179 Conditional tonsl. T. Usl T.
207 Thousand centners10 ^ 3 c Thousand C.
171 Million tons10 ^ 6 t Mul T.
177 Thousand tons of one-time storage10 ^ 3 tonpr. chrov Thousand t units
169 Thousand tons10 ^ 3 t Th.
165 Thousand karats metric10 ^ 3 car Thousands of thousands
175 Thousand tons of conditional fuel10 ^ 3 tons Top Thousand tel
172 Ton of conditional fuelt SL. Top T Sil Thal
Technical units
226 Volt-ampereV.A. V.A.
339 Centimeter of water columnsee Water. Art Cm water art
236 Caloea per hourcal / Ch Cal / Ch
255 Bytebai. BYTE
287 HenryGN GN
250 Thousand kilovolt amp of reactive10 ^ 3 sq.a p Thousand sq.a R.
235 Million gigacalry10 ^ 6 Gcal Mul Gigakal
313 TeslaTL TL
256 Kilobytekrib Krib
234 Thousand gigacalry10 ^ 3 Gcal Thoms gigakal
237 Cylolaria per hourkcal / Ch Kcal / Ch
239 Thousand Gigakalories per hour10 ^ 3 Gcal / h Thousand gigakals / h
317 Kilogram per square centimeterkg / cm ^ 2 Kg / cm2.
252 Thousand horsepower10 ^ 3 l. from Thousand thousand
238 Gigakloria per hourGkal / Ch Gigakal / Ch
338 Millimeter mercury pillarmm RT. Art MMHG
337 Millimeter water columnmm waters. Art MM Water Art
251 Horsepowerl. from LS.
258 Baudbaud BAUD
242 Million Kilovolt amp10 ^ 6 sq.a Mul sq.A.
232 Cylolariakkal Kkal
257 MegabyteMB MB
249 Billion kilowatt-hours10 ^ 9 kWh Billion kvch
241 Million Ampere hours10 ^ 6 A.Ch Million A.Ch.
233 GigakloriaGkal Gigakal
253 Million horsepower10 ^ 6 l. from Million LS.
231 Meter per hourm / C. M / C.
254 Bitbit BIT
248 Kilovolt amp jetsq.a R. Sq.a R.
Units of Time
352 MicrosecondiSS ISS
353 MillisecondmLS MLS
Economic units
534 Ton per hourt / ch T / ch
513 Avtotonnaauto T. Auto T.
876 Conventional unitsl. elf Second
918 Author's sheetl. Avt. Sheet Avt.
873 Thousand bottles10 ^ 3 Flak Thousand Flak
903 Thousands of students10 ^ 3 scientists. places Thousand scientists
870 Ampouleampoules Ampoules
421 Passenger seat (passenger seats)pass. places Pass Sex
540 Man-dayman.dn. Man.dn.
427 Passenger trafficpass Pass
896 A familyfamilies FAMILIES
751 Thousand rolls10 ^ 3 steers Thousand
951 Thousand Wagon - (Machine) -10 ^ 3 VAG (MASH). Thousands of thousands
963 Posted hourrES.H. RES.H.
978 Channel endschannel. end CHANNEL. End
975 Song-daysUGO. SUT. SUGO. Sut
967 Million ton miles10 ^ 6 tons miles Million T. Mil
792 Humanperson Person
547 Couple in shiftpar / shift Par / shift
839 Setkombl Kombl
881 Conditional banksl. bank Second Bank
562 Thousand spinning spindles10 ^ 3 stranded Thousands of millet
909 Flatquart QUART
644 Million units10 ^ 6 Million food
922 Signsign SIGN
877 Thousand conditional units10 ^ 3 SL. elf Thousand mines
960 Thousand ton-day car10 ^ 3 Autob.t.DN Thousands cars
954 Wagon-dayvag.Sut Vag.Sut
761 Thousands of Become10 ^ 3 Thousand Stan.
511 Kilogram on gigacalriakg / gkal Kg / gigakal
912 Thousand kid10 ^ 3 beds Milk kid
980 One thousand dollars10 ^ 3 dollar Thousand dollar
387 Trillion rubles10 ^ 12 rub Trill Rub.
908 roomnom Nom
968 Million Passenger Miles10 ^ 6 Pass. Mil Million passes. Mil
962 Thousand car-place-days10 ^ 3 Avtob. Mest. DN Thousands of thousands. DN
916 Conditional repair per yearsl. Rem / year Usl Rem / Year
414 Passenger kilometerpass.Km. Pass.Km.
895 Million conventional bricks10 ^ 6 SL. Kirp Million Sil Kirp
888 Thousand conventional boxes10 ^ 3 SL. Lasch Thousand mines
699 Thousands of places10 ^ 3 places Thousand
522 Square kilometer manchel / km2 Chel / km2
869 Thousand bottles10 ^ 3 Booth Thousand thousand
958 Thousand Passenger Miles10 ^ 3 Pass. Mile Thousand thousandmil
510 Grams for kilowatt-hourg / kvch G / kvch
983 Ship-daycourt Court
535 Ton per dayt / Sut. T / Sut.
424 Million Passenger Kilometers10 ^ 6 Pass. KM Million Pass.Km.
907 Thousand seating10 ^ 3 Posad. places Thousand Posads
965 Thousand kilometers10 ^ 3 km Kilometers
538 Thousand tons per year10 ^ 3 t / year Thousand t / year
546 Thousands of visits to shift10 ^ 3 visits / shift Thousand pay / shift
775 Thousand Tubes10 ^ 3 Tubes Thubs Tubes
961 Thousand car-clock10 ^ 3 Automotob Thousands of thousands
537 Thousand tons per season10 ^ 3 t / season Thousand t / season
556 Thousand goals per year10 ^ 3 goal / year Thousand goals / year
383 Rublerub RUB
970 Million passenger-place-miles10 ^ 6 Pass. places. Mil Million passes. Places. Mil
921 List accounting and publishingl. Uch.-ed Sheet uch.izd.
894 Thousand conditional bricks10 ^ 3 SL. Kirp Thousand mines Kirp
514 Ton tractionttta T traction
388 Quadrillion rubles10 ^ 15 rub Quad rub
541 Thousand man-days10 ^ 3 people Thousand days
971 Foru-dayfeed. DN FEED. DN
953 Thousands of kilometers10 ^ 3mest.Km. Thousand km.
871 Thousand ampoules10 ^ 3 ampoules Thousand ampoules
385 One million rubles10 ^ 6 rub Million rubles
966 Thousand Tonnage Flights10 ^ 3 tonnage. flight Milk tonnage. FLIGHT
911 Koyka.cotek Cotek
892 Thousand conventional tiles10 ^ 3 SL. plates Thousand soil plates
868 Bottleboot Boot
793 Thousand man10 ^ 3 people Thousand people
544 Million units per year10 ^ 6 units / year Million units / year
949 Million leaf-writing10 ^ 6 sheet.ottisk Million list.ottisk
886 Million conventional pieces10 ^ 6 SL. sir Million Usl Cry
698 A placeplaces Places
536 Ton in shiftt / shim T / shim
548 Thousand couples in shift10 ^ 3 pairs / shift Thousand couples / shifts
812 Boxlasch Lasch
915 Subject repairsl. rem Usl Rem.
956 Thousand Train Kilometers10 ^ 3 Thousand thousandkm.
553 Thousand Tons of Processing per day10 ^ 3 t recreak / day Thousand TRub / day
450 Thousand ton kilometers10 ^ 3 tkm Thus TCM
950 Wagon (car) -dwAG (MASH). WAG (MASH).
552 Ton processing per dayt Perebrab / day T Perebrab / day
423 Thousands of passenger kilometers10 ^ 3 Pass.Km Thousand km.
924 Symbolsymbol SYMBOL
782 Thousand packages10 ^ 3 pack Thousands of Pack
838 Million par10 ^ 6 pairs Million par
905 Thousands of jobs10 ^ 3 slave. places Thousand million
744 Percent% Percent
887 Conditional boxsl. Lasch Sl Slav
639 Dosedose Dose
891 Conditional tilesl. plates Sloves slab
545 Visit to shiftvisiting / shift Visiting / shift
543 Thousands of conditional cans in shift10 ^ 3 SL. Bank / Sen. Thousands bank / shift
893 Conditional bricksl. Kirp Slav Kirp
957 Thousand ton miles10 ^ 3 Thousand thousand
977 Channel kilometerchannel. KM CHANNEL. KM
901 Million households10 ^ 6 Domkhoz Million DOMSOMOZ.
976 Pieces in the 20-foot equivalent (DFE)pieces in a 20-foot equivalent Pcs in 20 foot equiv
762 Stationstan Stan
897 Thousand families10 ^ 3 families Thousand families
880 Thousand conditional pieces10 ^ 3 SL. PC Thousand pieces
923 Wordword WORD
955 Thousand train-hours10 ^ 3 Thousand thousand
661 Channelchannel CHANNEL
874 Thousand Tubes10 ^ 3 tube Thousand thousand
558 Thousand birds10 ^ 3 poultry Thousand birds
913 Tom of book fundtom Book. fund Tom Branches Fond
673 Thousand kits10 ^ 3 sets Millet complex
640 Thousand doses10 ^ 3 doses Thousand thousand
643 Thousand units10 ^ 3 Thousand
878 Million conventional units10 ^ 6 SL. elf Million Used
914 Thousand Tomov Book Fund10 ^ 3 volume. Book. fund Thousand volume books fund
883 Million conventional cans10 ^ 6 SL. bank Million USA Bank
384 Thousand rubles10 ^ 3 rub THOUSAND ROUBLES
925 Conditional trumpetsl. pipe Sl Tern
889 Conditional coilsl. Cat. Sl Cat.
900 Thousand households10 ^ 3 DomKhoz Thousands of thousands
898 Million family10 ^ 6 families Million families
964 Aircraft - kilometerairplane Airplane
979 Thousands of copies10 ^ 3 copies Thousands
890 Thousand conditional coils10 ^ 3 SL. Cat. Thousand kat.
724 Thousand hectares of portions10 ^ 3 hectares Thousand thousand thousand
542 Thousand man-hours10 ^ 3 people Thousand people
642 Unitelf Elf
560 Minimal salarymin. wages. Platter Min wages
557 Million goals per year10 ^ 6 goal / year Million goal / year
917 Changeshift Shift
902 Studentscientific places School of seats
521 Square meterchel / m2. Chel / m2.
479 Thousand sets10 ^ 3 set Thousand set
899 The householddomkhodoz. Domkhodoz.
906 Planting placeposad. places Posad Seek
515 Deadweight-tondeadweight.t. Deadweight.t.
982 Million tons of feed units10 ^ 6 food Million t food
959 Car-dayavtob.dn. Avtob.dn.
972 Centner feed unitsc food C food
882 Thousands of conventional cans10 ^ 3 SL. bank Thousands of mines bank
969 Million tonnage miles10 ^ 6 tonnage. Mil Mul tonnage. Mil
837 Thousand Par10 ^ 3 pairs Thousand par
810 Cellbar Bar
516 Tonnidt.tanid T.tanid
794 Million man10 ^ 6 people Million people
451 Million ton kilometers10 ^ 6 tons km Million tkm.
836 Headgoal GOAL
872 Bottleflak Flak
808 Million copies10 ^ 6 Million ecz
561 Thousand tons of couple per hour10 ^ 3 t pairs / h Thousand couple / h
973 Thousand kilometers cars10 ^ 3 car. KM Thousands of thousands KM
981 Thousand tons of feed units10 ^ 3 feed Thousand tons
386 Billion rubles10 ^ 9 rub Billion rubles
554 Centner recycling per dayc Perera / day C Perera / day
885 Thousand conditional pieces10 ^ 3 SL. sir Thousand so
937 Million dose10 ^ 6 doses Million doses
920 List printedl. furnace Leaf furnace
779 Million packaging10 ^ 6 pack Million pack
709 Thousand numbers10 ^ 3 Thousand
512 Ton numbertown Town
952 Thousand car - (machine) -Kilometers10 ^ 3 WAG (MASH). CMM Thousand kmmkm
879 Conditional piecesl. PC Sl Sl
904 Workplaceslave places Slave
559 Thousands of Navy10 ^ 3 chickens. Neshem Milkheads. Neshem
840 Sectionsex Sex
974 Thousand tonnage-day10 ^ 3 tonnage. Sut. Milk tonnage. Sut.
729 Thousand bucks10 ^ 3 Pach Milf pasac
910 Thousand apartments10 ^ 3 quart Kvkt
550 Million tons per year10 ^ 6 t / year Million t / year
875 Thousand boxes10 ^ 3 Thousands of thousands
563 Thousands of spinning seats10 ^ 3 PRED.MES Thousand people
776 Thousand conditional tubes10 ^ 3 Sl.Tub Thousand mines Tuba
884 Conditional piecesl. sir Slav Cous
930 Thousand plates10 ^ 3 Plast Mil flight
555 Thousand Centners Processing per day10 ^ 3 C Peresk / day Thousands of recreation / day
International units of measure not included in ECC
Units of length
17 Hectometer hM. HMT.
45 Mile (authorized) (1609.344 m) mile. SMI
Units Square
79 Square mile mile2. Mik.
77 Acre (4840 square yards) aCRE. Acr
Units of volume
137 Pint SK (0.568262 dm3) pt (UK) PTI
141 US fluid ounce (29,5735 cm3) fL OZ (US) Oza.
149 Dry Gallon USA (4.404884 DM3) dry Gal (US) Gld.
153 Cord (3.63 m3) - WCD.
152 Standard - WSD.
145 US Liquid Gallon (3,78541 DM3) gAL (US) GLL
154 Thousands of borders (2.36 m3) - MBF.
143 Liquid Pinta USA (0.473176 DM3) liq Pt (US) Ptl.
150 Buchel USA (35,2391 DM3) bU (US) BUA.
136 Jill SK (0.142065 DM3) gILL (UK) GII.
144 Liquid US quart (0.946353 dm3) liq Qt (US) Qtl.
138 CCQ (1,136523 dm3) qt (UK) Qti.
135 Liquid oz SK (28,413 cm3) fL OZ (UK) Ozi.
139 Gallon SC (4,546092 dm3) gAL (UK) GLI
148 Dry Quart Quarters (1,101221 DM3) dry Qt (US) Qtd.
140 Bushel SK (36,36874 DM3) bU (UK) BUI
151 Dry Barrel USA (115,627 DM3) bBL (US) Bld.
142 Jill USA (11,8294 cm3) gILL (US) Gia.
147 Dry US Pint (0,55061 dm3) dRY PT (US) Ptd.
146 Barrel (oil) USA (158,987 dm3) barrel (US) BLL
Units of mass
184 Displacement - DPT.
193 Centner USA (45,3592 kg) cWT. CWA
190 Stone SK (6,350293 kg) st. Sti
189 GRANSK, USA (64,798910 mg) gN. Grn.
200 Drachma USA (3,887935) - DRA
194 Long centner SC (50,802345 kg) cWT (UK) CWI
191 Quarter SC (12,700586 kg) qtr. Qtr.
186 Pound SC, USA (0,45359237 kg) lB. Lbr.
187 Ounce of SC, USA (28,349523) oz. Onz.
197 Scrupul SK, USA (1,295982) sCR. SCR.
182 Non-register ton - NTT.
202 Troy pound USA (373.242 g) - LBT.
201 Ounce of SK, USA (31.10348); Troyan oz apoz. APZ.
196 Long ton of SC, USA (1,0160469 t) lt. LTN.
188 Drachma sk (1,771745) dr. DrI
183 Omnic (freight) ton - Sht.
198 Pennyweight SC, USA (1,555174) dWT. DWT.
192 CENTAL SK (45,359237 kg) - CNT.
195 Short ton of SK, USA (0.90718474 t) sht. STN.
199 Drachma sk (3,887935) dRM. DRM.
Technical units
275 British thermal unit (1,055 kJ) BTU. BTU.
213 Effective power (245.7 watts) B.H.P. BHP.
Economic units
638 Gross (144 pcs.) gR; 144. GRO.
853 One hundred international units - Hiu.
835 Gallon alcohol installed fortress - Pgl
851 International unit - Niu.
731 Big Gross (12 Grossov) 1728 GGR.
738 Short standard (7200 units) - SST.

What is Okay

Okay is the abbreviated name of the all-Russian classifier of units of measurement. The classifier is part Unified system coding and classification of social and technical and economic information of Russia. The all-Russian classifier of units of measurement was introduced in Russia instead of the Union-Union Classifier, known as the "System of Measures of Units and Measurements used in ACS". A classifier has been developed based on the international classification of units of measurement of the Economic European Commission of the United Nations, the commodity nomenclature externally economic activity and other significant documents. All-Russian classifier of units of measurement is associated with GOST 8.417-81 " State system ensuring unity of measurements. Units of physical quantities. "

For which the opai was created

A classifier is intended for use during solving the tasks of a quantitative assessment of social and technical and economic indicators for the implementation of state statements and accounting, forecasting and economic development, external and internal trade, ensure statistical international comparisons, customs control, regulation of external economic activity. In Okey, classification objects are units of measure that are used in these areas of activity.

What is the code structure in okay

In Okay, the unit of measurement is divided into 7 groups: units of length, area, volume, mass, technical units and units, as well as economic units. For a number of units of measurement, dolly and multiple units are introduced. The All-Russian Dimension Unit Classifier contains two reference applications and two sections.

Each position in Okay structurally consists of three blocks: identification, names and blocks, where additional features are indicated.

The identification code unit of measurement is a digital three-digit decimal code that has been assigned according to the serial-ordinal coding system. The application A and the first section uses codes that are fully coinciding with the international classification codes. Also in the second section decimal digital three-digit codes taken from the reserve of international classification codes.

In Okey, the formula of the identification code structure has the following form: xxx. The name block is the name of the measurement unit adopted in state reporting and accounting (for the second section), or the name of the measurement unit for the international classification (for Appendix A and the first partition). An additional feature unit is the conditional data, alphabetic code designations of units of measurement (national and international).

In order to facilitate the application of the classifier, it is shown in an application of the alphabetic indicator of units of measurement. In the second column, the application number or partition is specified in which the unit is located. The third graph is a measurement unit identification code.

The maintenance of the All-Russian Classifier of Units of Measurement is carried out by the VNII of the Gosstandart of the Russian Federation together with the Central Bank of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, the Center for Economic Conjuncture under the Government of Russia.