Sending MMS. All about MMS from MTS. What opportunities open before the user of the PC installed the iSendSMS program

MMS is a multimedia message with which you can send pictures, photos, melodies and video files by means cellular communication. If you want to know how to send MMS to the phone, you need to explore our recommendations.

Sending MMS

Send MMC to the phone in several ways:

  • from the phone;
  • from a computer;
  • from a smartphone.


If you want to send MMS from one phone, then you need to configure the MMS profile. For shipping this message Your device must support data transmission using GPRS and have a function of MMC.

Option 1

If you plan to fix MMS, then this feature must be activated on your phone. Contact your operator and find out the name of the connection, the access point, the address of the protocol and other parameters that it can tell you. Thereafter:

  1. Select the "Messages" tab - "Create a New Message" - "Multimedia Message".
  2. Add a photo or video, comment and send a message.

Option 2.

There is a simpler way to send MMS from the phone. You need to open a photo or video and in context menu Select "Send" - "Through MMS".

A computer

From the computer you can also quickly send MMS messages. In this case, you can use the services of special sites, such as OTPRAVKA-SMS.COM. Here you need to enter your message, add the file you are interested in, and it will be sent to the number you need. In this way, you can send a message via the Internet to the subscriber's phone of any operator.

In addition, cellular operators also offer options for sending MMS via the Internet using their sites. For example, if you are a subscriber cellular network MTS, then you need to go to the official website of MTS.RU and go to the "Send SMS / MMS" tab. There you will be offered to download a special program, with which you can send various messages to MTS subscribers. By downloading the program, it must be registered. To do this, send the number * 111 * 31 #, and in response you will receive a message with the code that is necessary for activation.

Also send MMS can be directly from the operator's site.


If you have a smartphone, then you can change MMS in different ways.


Go to the New Message tab and select "Send MMS". After that, add your file and write a message.


Go to the gallery of your pictures and choose one of them. Click on the arrow in the lower left menu and in the tab that opens, click "Send MMS". Thus, the picture or video attaches to the message, and you will only have to specify the addressee and the text of the message.


Send to MMS You can and pictures from the camera. To do this, take a picture and click on the miniature image. You will open a snapshot that can be sent to the method described above.

Why not opens MMS?

There are several options:

  • card memory overflow;
  • the phone does not support MMS reception (in this case, you can open a message on the operator's website);
  • MMS has not received completely (that is, the network fails).

So, today we will talk to you about how to send MMS from a computer to the phone. In fact, there are several fairly interesting approaches that will definitely please any user. Only not all of them are secure 100%. There are among our methods and such that can jeopardize yours in this way, you should not try all the options and immediately. It is better to choose what is suitable for you. Let's figure it out as soon as possible, how can I send MMC from a computer to the phone.

From the site operator

So, the first version of the development of events is the use of official sites of operators mobile communications. Honestly, such a function is far from all. So you have to pretty try to find the site that you need.

As a rule, if you think about how to transfer MMS from a computer to the phone using a cellular operator page, you will have to undergo authorization. This is done with your mobile phone. Further, find the "Sending MMS online" item (or something like that), download the picture, write a message, then complete the action.

It is worth noting that sometimes this pleasure is paid. Cash Charged from your mobile phone number. Although, as a rule, operators try to give free shipment of several messages per day. Very comfortably. Now it is worth learn how to send MMS from a computer to the phone.


The second version of the development of events, which can only be offered to the modern user is the use of specialized hosting. They usually allow you to easily send MMC from the computer to the phone, as well as write messages.

There are such sites where you have to specify your name, and there are also such anonymous dispatch. Honestly, such hosting has become very popular in the modern world. It is them used to use users. Just do it with extreme caution.

The work of specialized sites is based on the fact that you must create a message, upload a picture or any other document, then specify your name (if necessary) and the recipient number. After that, click on the Send button - and all things are made. You can wait for the request processing and result.

It is worth noting the fact that MMS from a computer on the phone you can send a limited number of times per day. As a rule, it is about 5 messages. Enough for regular use. So it will not be particularly "to participate". But you can try to resort to other methods. Let's get acquainted with them as soon as possible.

Payment for services

Sending MMS from a computer to the phone may be unlimited. Honestly, for this will have to use paid Servicesintended for this venture. This is a very suspicious offer. Nevertheless, some users often trust paid hosting.

There, as a rule, your mobile phone number will be required from you, the recipient's number, after which you will open a function of selecting anonymity to send. Form a message, attach the necessary document, and then continue working with the site. Click on "sending". You will have to come a special message with protection code. Enter it in the window that appears on the screen, and then wait for the result.

As you can see, solve the task set before us today is quite easy. Only here there are some risks. We will talk about them a little later. For now, it is worth learn how to send MMC from a computer to the phone with other methods. After all, their still enough.


Well, now try to figure out another very interesting approach. If you are already familiar with sending SMS messages from a computer, then with MMS problems will not arise. After all, now it will be about this option as using special programs For purpose.

As a rule, it is enough just to download and establish yourself something suitable. After that, you run the application, specify the send number, subscribe (as you want) and create a message. You download the document in it (the "Download" button appears, or something like that), and then wait for the end of the process. As soon as the message is formed, you can send it to a friend. Click on "sending" and wait a while.

Usually, all MMS and SMS sent from the program are not limited. And applications for this purpose are free. It is for this reason that many users prefer this option to develop events. Only here to find something suitable and well-working hard. After all, sometimes you have to wait for the sending message about a day. Not a very pleasant result, right? For this reason, some users prefer the use of specialized paid analogs Applications to send messages from a computer to a mobile phone. But there is another interesting move that we have not yet studied. Let's seek him as soon as possible.

Social Pages

For example, every user who only uses social pages has the ability free shipping Messages or MMS to their companion. To do this, it should be introduced in the cellphone form. What will have to do for the sake of the goal?

In truth, there are several fairly interesting approaches. The first is the installation of specialized supplements for social networks. After you put them on your computer, it will be enough to just choose a companion with a cell phone in the questionnaire, and then write him a message. Next - download the attachment document and click on sending. Very convenient and easy.

Nevertheless, quite often you can do without additional content. To do this, simply log in in social network, then choose a friend's friend mobile number In the profile, and then click on "Send a message to the phone" (or something like that, the inscriptions may differ). Form SMS (MMS), and then click on the Send button. That's all. A few minutes of waiting - and all problems are solved.

Applications for communication

If you still think how to send MMS from a computer to the phone, you can try to use applications for communication. For example, Skype. There you can easily realize the idea. Only it is worth noting to note that this service Here is paid.

Log in to the program, then select the desired contact. In person, by the way, the number in the profile must already be introduced. Now select "Send SMS". You can download the document as in the usual MMS. Actually, do it, and then write the message text itself. Next click on "sending". That's all things.


So, today we talked to you about how to send MMS from a computer to the phone by all possible methods. Honestly, as already mentioned, not all approaches are absolutely safe. Some of them are risky. Let's think that for dangers can be touched us.

The first option is a collision with viruses. They are loaded from hosting (mostly with paid) on computers and sender phones. Get rid of them is not so easy.

The second version of the development of events is fraud. With you charge for unsent MMS, and also begin to systematically write off an invalid amount of money from the account. This is also something like a kind of virus. Now you know how to send MMS from a computer to the phone.

I think everyone has mobile phones or smartphones enjoy such a popular service as sending SMS or MMS. Especially the service of sending SMS is popular with young girls or guys when they are rewritten among themselves, and for it it has to replenish its mobile account for 200 or even 300 rubles, depending on the "degree of love" in each other. Active users of SMS communications have to select special rates or special SMS packages to at least save money. But there is another way to save your savings a little.

It turns out free to send SMS from your computer if it is connected to the Internet. And for it you do not need to pay a penny. Just download the program, install and get the opportunity send SMS free To his beloved and relatives. The only minus of such a shipment is that when you receive your SMS addressee, your phone number will not be seen, and the recipient will not understand from whom SMS has come. But I think this problem is fading against the background of the fact that all sending your SMS will be free. Just warned in advance, who you want to send your SMS or at the end put your signature.

So, how to send free SMS from a home computeryou ask. It is possible to do this with the help of special programs, they probably have them now on the immense expanses of the Internet, but most of them represent viruses that require sending paid SMS. So when choosing a program, be careful. If a installed program He asks to send a confirmation code (like confirm that you are a real person and not a robot), then do not feel "fate" and simply delete it.

In turn, I want to offer a program to send free SMS or MMS, which does not ask anything in return. (I do not know what the developers of this program earn, can over time it will be paid). This program is called iSendSMS.

First, we need to download this program to install this program. To do this, in the address bar of the browser (I use Chrome) type the address of the manufacturer's website

Going to the site we find a large brown program download button, press it and wait for the program to send a free SMS to boot. The program weighs very little, so the download occurs in seconds, unless of course you have good speed Internet.

The downloaded program is found in the lower left corner browser Chrome.and launch it by pressing the left mouse button

The installation process must begin. Click the "Next" button. In principle, simple and standard procedure Installations. There is nothing complicated here.

We accept the terms of the agreement and click the "Next" button

The folder where programs will be, we leave the default and press "Next"

Leave a tick in the "Create Icon on the Desktop" field and again click "Next"

Everything preliminary settings Programs are configured. The installation of the program to send itself will begin now. free sms. Press the "Install" button

The program is installed. Leave a tick in the "Run iSendSMS" field and click the "Complete" button

The program will start. Now consider how through it send SMS from a computer.In principle, there is nothing complicated and especially before sending a case. Just enter the recipient's mobile phone number. We write the text of the message that we will send and click the "Send" button

The program will ask you to enter the numbers that you see on your screen, but this is only the first launch of the program, in subsequent cases, the capping does not have to enter.

That's all right. This is how you can send for free to send Susch to your friend through your own computer without spending not a penny of money.

How to send MMS for free from a computer to the phone?

Send free MMS from a computer to the phone today every mobile subscriber can. To do this, use special softwareThrough which the process of creating MMS and its sending takes a few minutes.

Today, every person who actively uses the mobile communications, knows how to send text messages and pictures from the phone to friends and relatives. But, not every subscriber can independently send a free MMS from the computer to the phone. Currently, a cellular clients have become available a free service, thanks to which they can create "MMSKI" and redirect them to recipients.

See also: MMS settings per megaphone: all features connecting

Sending MMS

To send a free MMS from a computer to the phone, you need to act in the same sequence as when sending an SMS message (on all services, this procedure is carried out according to the same principle):

PC users need to click in the form that appears on the button bzorwhich is located under the window intended for entering a text message

After pressing it on the monitor screen, a window will appear in which you should select the desired picture or photo

After clicking on the image, the file will automatically attach to the form and will be ready to send

In the top menu, you must select a mobile operator, when opening, users will be offered a list of companies.

Below is the window in which you need to enter a mobile phone number of the subscriber who will be transferred to Message

Now the form is ready for shipment and visitor to the site will be left to send a free MMS from the computer to the phone by pressing the appropriate button

After completing the MMS forwarding procedure, the SMS will receive an SMS to the recipient's phone, in which the direct link to the MMS message sender will be indicated. The subscriber will be able to upload a picture if the GPRS is configured in his phone.

What size should be pictures or photos for sending in a message?

See also: How to enable MMS on iPhone 6: Detailed check of settings

Almost everyone modern gadget Recognizes XBMP, JPG and GIF formats. Mobile users can send free MMS from a computer to the phone in which the photo or picture will be attached, which has been formatting.

In the process of preparing the message, subscribers should check the size of the attachment and, if necessary, to reduce to the required 100 KB. For this, you can use special software, such as ACDSEE, Photoshop, etc.

What do you need to remember when sending a message through specialized services?

Planning to send a free MMS from a computer to the phone, the PC user must remember several rules:

  • the size of the file being sent should not exceed 1 MB (optimal size 50 KB)
  • mobile recipient must support MMS format, and also be able to load files from the Internet
  • the recipient is completely free of charge of MMS from the site, but its mobile operator can remove a certain amount of money for using GPRS traffic from its account.

Sending MMS messages using the iSendSMS program

See also: How to set up MMS on MTS: Instructions for different devices

Today users of personal computers can send free MMS messages to other subscribers using the iSendSMS program. You can download it without any problems on the Internet and literally in a few minutes install on your personal computer or laptop. To do this, you will need to go to the official website of ISENDSMS.RU.

Service for the MMS sender for free from the computer to the phone

On the main page The site is button "download"Support to install software.

After the installation process is completed, the menu of this program will be available to the owners of PCs or laptops.

In order to send MMS, you should select the appropriate section in the top menu and click on it.

MMS feature

  • press the "Send" key

What opportunities opens before a PC user who installed the iSendSMS program?

See also: How to set up MMS on tele2: a detailed description of all options

Having installed iSendSMS software on a personal computer or laptop, the user will receive the following advantages:

  • you can create a targeted book in which subscribers will be divided into groups
  • sMS messaging templates are present.
  • the program supports proxy
  • you can send both SMS and MMS messages to subscribers of other operators
  • a log is available in which all sent messages are noted.
  • the function of quick sending message; The selection of the operator is carried out automatically
  • the program presents the transliteration function of messages
  • all MMS sent is delivered at the specified time.
  • software and related bases mobile operators Updated automatically, etc.

By installing the iSendSMS software, the PC user will receive a unique opportunity to save time on visiting mobile operators sites - by the way, you can also send messages using the latest.

Today, MegaFon, as the undisputed leader among cellular telecom operators, gives an excellent opportunity to ship from a computer through global Network Inerture multimedia messages on any phone with MMS messages, completely free.

Sending MMC is quite annexient, if you send from the phone to the phone. Free shipment MMS from the phone is impossible for the phone! The material costs for sending one multimedia message are $ 0.28 c VAT for the amount of information up to 512 KB.

As MMS messages can be sound files, music, audio screensavers, voice notifications, photos, pictures, screensavers, games, applications, text information.

Free shipment MMS from a computer to a mobile phone through special services

To freely ship MMS messages, you can use the Internet service type:

  • ttp: //;

Having passed on any of the indicated links to the site that provides the opportunity sending MMS Posts, you need to select three first digits from the list of the subscriber number provided to which the shipment is addressed. Then you need to enter the other numbers of the subscriber phone number.

In the upper zone, the topic or message header is entered, in the large main field - the message text itself.

In order to attach a photo or audio file, you need to click on the file icon and specify its format. MegaFon makes it possible to send files such formats as :. 3GP, PNG, .jpg, .gif, .mp3 ,.amr, .mmf, .mid, .wav.

You can also additionally insert a comment or signature to a forwarded file, which will make a viewable. With this feature, you can successfully and creatively congratulate friends and acquaintances with holidays, birthdays, add your comments.

Using the "View" button, you can pre-make sure that the message is desired. Otherwise, the service makes it possible to edit MMS message followed by confirmation. You need to enter the confirmation code and by pressing the "Submit" button to ship. With the right to follow the instructions, the "Message sent successfully" notification should appear. If such an inscription did not appear, there was probably borne somewhere. You need to view all the data entry fields, correct the error and send the message again.

Free shipment MMS from a personal computer to the phone through the official website of MegaFon

It is preferable to ship MMS from the page of the MegaFon official website.

Going to it, you can easily send the desired file. On the phone without any payment fee, without registration from any computer connected to the Internet.

Here you can not only send a message with the file with the file, but also with additional feature Translate text on english, set the desired date and time of sending a message, to enable listening to the input text, which is most important for people with limited visual capabilities, view before shipping, how the message will look like.

Squeezing messages, you can be quite sure that no additional advertising information from megaphone is attached to it.


Sending MMS from the site MegaFon has some limitations:

  • So, the size of the text entered in one message is limited to 150 characters.
  • Failing image files is possible in such common formats as: JPG (JPEG), GIF, PNG.
  • Available video file sending format - 3GP.
  • Audio files permissible to send in formats: MP3, WAV, MID, MMF, AMR.
  • General information volume mMS messagessent through the computer to the phone should not exceed 100 KB. In a separate window, you can see the size of the file and its compliance is permissible.
  • In one message - no more than one file sent. The ability to send multiple files in one message is excluded.
  • The mass distribution of messages with the persecution of commercial purposes, hooligan or other actions conjugate with violation of criminal legislation in the territory of the Russian Federation is prohibited. The user must report with the requirements of the Agreement provided on the MegaFon website and confirm their consent to them.