Lenovo tablet does not connect to Wi-Fi. What to do if the tablet does not connect to the Wi-Fi network. Why doesn't my tablet connect to WiFi?

Today it is already obvious to everyone that if a tablet or smartphone does not connect to the Internet via WiFi, then the user immediately loses most of the functionality of this device. Connecting a device to a wireless network is usually not accompanied by difficulties; you just need to turn on the Wi-Fi adapter built into the gadget and then connect to the selected access point by writing a password.

However, sometimes Wi-Fi, that is, accessing the Internet via Wi-Fi, does not work due to some problems. Below are the most common reasons why the tablet does not connect to WiFi, as well as specific recommendations on what to do if the owner of the gadget is faced with such a situation, using the example Lenovo tablet, which does not connect to the WiFi wireless network. IN tablet computer Sometimes WiFi does not turn on, both due to problems in the device itself and due to network equipment failures.

Owners of Lenovo gadgets very rarely meet WiFi problems in the device itself, but if this function does not work, then it happens that many causes of problems are very quickly solved by the users themselves by simply adjusting some settings.

It is important to write your password carefully

Very often, the tablet owner himself is the culprit, why a fully functional device is not connected to wireless point access. There are many cases when Wi-Fi on the tablet does not connect due to incorrect writing of the network access code. Nowadays, it is very common to set up Wi-Fi network security, for example, using Wpa2 security. It is recommended to check the “Show password” line when dialing the access code. This ensures that the password is written correctly in most cases.

If you are absolutely sure that you entered the password accurately, but the Internet cannot turn on, you must first check the operation of the router. Often difficulties arise due to incorrect router settings, overload, power surges, etc.

Restarting the router

In case the tablet is either Lenovo smartphone or another brand does not connect to the WiFi wireless network, a message about this is immediately displayed on the display. The router that the user intends to connect to needs to be restarted. In most cases, after this procedure, the Internet begins to function normally on the device.

Analysis of the security system of a protected Wi-Fi network

When a gadget cannot establish a connection with the router and at the same time it says saved in the status bar, then we can draw a conclusion about the devices used by the router and the device. various types coding.

The following sequential steps must be performed:

MAC address settings

Most often, errors when filtering MAC addresses appear when tablets from Lenovo and Asus manufacturers work with cheap router models. In order to ensure maximum security, these gadgets determine the MAC address and, if it is not determined, then exit to global network overlaps, which is often a problem why network access on the tablet does not turn on.

The following steps need to be taken:

If the problem cannot be successfully resolved, then you need to try temporarily turning off filtering in the “Network” tab.

And restart both devices.

Checking channels With absence positive result

After completing all the steps described above, it is recommended to configure the channels.

  1. To do this you need to do the following:
  2. Enter the router settings;
  3. In the “Chanel” item, change the value (it is advisable to try all possible values). After specifying one of the modes, be sure to click “Save”;
  4. Next, restart the router and tablet computer;

Make an attempt to connect.

If all attempts fail, you will have to resort to resetting your tablet PC.

The connection mode is set incorrectly

It happens that the router and tablet use various modifications of Wi-Fi communication. In this case, the device does not detect the version used by the router.

There is the most popular connection version 802.11n, as well as with the prefix “b” and “g”.

  1. The following steps must be taken:
  2. Open the router settings menu;
  3. View the connection version and, if necessary, change it to the one corresponding to the tablet software;
  4. Restart devices;

All modern tablets and mobile devices have a built-in module by default that is responsible for connecting to Wi-Fi. However, the inability to connect to Wi-Fi does not always mean that the module is faulty; sometimes the problem may lie in the software part of the device.

About possible reasons

The tablet and smartphone usually connect to Wi-Fi immediately if the corresponding function is enabled in their settings. Connection may not occur for several reasons:

  • There are no available networks nearby;
  • You are trying to connect to a password-protected network. In this case, you need to find out the password from it and try again. Most often it will end in success;
  • It may not be configured on the tablet automatic connection to unfamiliar Wi-Fi networks. In this case, you need to go to “Settings” and try to manually connect to the desired network;
  • Hardware failure in the tablet firmware;
  • Failure in the router settings;
  • Perhaps the owner of the network to which the device usually connected by default has changed some of its data. In this case, you will need to try to reconnect to it using new data.

In fact, there are not many reasons why a tablet may not see and/or connect to a Wi-Fi network. Some of them you can solve on your own, in other cases you will have to turn to the manufacturer of the device or router for help.

Method 1: Check that your network data is up to date

If you or the owner recently changed any router data, for example, the Wi-Fi password or some protocols in the modem firmware, then you may encounter the problem of the tablet being unable to connect to a wireless network.

Fortunately, this problem solved quickly:

Method 2: Setting the current date

Wi-Fi may not work on the tablet also due to incorrectly configured date and time. However, this very rarely causes problems with connecting to the global network.

The solution is to set the date and time correctly:

Method 3: Contact tablet manufacturer support

If you suspect that the problem is in the tablet itself, then try to get an answer on this issue from the device manufacturer. Perhaps they will recommend you service center or they will tell you what additional settings can be made to get rid of the problem.

Let's consider appealing to technical support Samsung:

Method 4: Reset the system to factory settings

This is the most extreme method, which is recommended to be used if you have already tried everything and nothing has helped. It is also worth understanding that if you reset the settings yourself, you lose not only all user information, but also a warranty on the device.

If you still decide to reset the settings, then use this step-by-step guide:

It is worth understanding that the method of resetting the settings to factory settings does not always help. For example, if the problem is in the router or in the hardware of the tablet, then this method will be useless.

Some of the methods discussed will help you find out the cause of malfunctions in the tablet and solve it using tips from the manufacturer. It is also possible that the tablet will have to be returned to a service center.

Your tablet does not see the Wi-Fi network, or the connection fails? Is the signal weak or unstable? One or more problems indicate that there are problems with the mobile device and/or network equipment. To solve the problem, we have prepared comprehensive material where you will find the cause and method of eliminating the breakdown.

How to determine the malfunction

When using the Internet, the chain consists of the provider, network equipment and the user device. Therefore, to quickly resolve problems, it is important to determine on which side the malfunction occurred.

Find out if there are any interruptions in the availability of the Internet on the part of the provider. To do this, connect the Ethernet cable to network card computer or laptop. If this is not possible, call your provider and ask if there are any interruptions in the Internet at your address.

Connect another device to the router, preferably with the same Wi-Fi module specification. If other equipment connects and works fully, the problem should be considered in the mobile device.

Connect the tablet to other points Wi-Fi access. An unsuccessful connection indicates problems with the mobile device. If the connection cannot be made only with the home router, then the problem must be looked for in the equipment used.

What to do when problems are on the provider’s side

Solution 1: Report the problem to your Internet provider, replace the Ethernet cable

If there is no Internet, report the problem to your service provider. If the breakdown cannot be resolved remotely, call a repairman at home, for example, to replace the Ethernet cable. A reason to think about replacement if you live in an apartment building and the cable is laid outside. It's important to note that most providers have tools to remotely diagnose cable integrity.

Solution 2: Check modem/settings

If the Internet is provided through telephone line, check the operation of the modem. Connect the equipment directly to your PC or laptop, check the connection settings. If there is no result, take the modem to a service center for diagnostics.

What to do about problems with your router

Solution 1: Reboot your router

A router is a miniature computer, so failures and system errors during operation are inevitable. In this case, the problem is solved by restarting the system. It is advisable to turn off the power for 2-3 minutes.

Solution 2: Check your internet settings

For the Internet to work correctly, you must set correct settings in the management console. This procedure is required if you are setting up the router for the first time. The settings should be rechecked periodically, as failures often lead to settings being reset.

Solution 3: enable Internet distribution via wireless network, DHCP protocol

In the settings, it is important to activate the “wireless router broadcast” and “SSID broadcast” functions. Also enable DHCP protocol, if the option was not previously activated.

Solution 4: Change channel

If the router settings have a fixed channel, it is recommended to change the value or set the mode to auto. If used auto mode, reboot the router to automatic change to a less busy channel.

Solution 5: Switch broadcast band

Some routers allow you to work only in one or two broadcast bands - 2.4/5 GHz. If the frequency range of the router and the tablet do not match, the connection will not be established. Therefore, set the frequency in the router settings that is supported by the tablet.

Solution 6: Disable MAC Address Blocking

Sometimes, when blocking unwanted consumers, it is easy to mistakenly add your own tablet to the blacklist, which will not allow you to connect to the Wi-Fi network. If your router list contains blocked MAC addresses, check the corresponding value in Wi-Fi settings. Check the data and, if necessary, remove the MAC address from the blacklist.

Solution 7: Reduce load/temperature

You won’t be able to use a Wi-Fi network if the router is loaded with another connected device – a PC or laptop. Then you need to limit the speed or temporarily stop downloading/uploading information.

Take care of acceptable temperature conditions. If your router is overheating, consider active or passive cooling.

Solution 8: Increase transmitter power

If the access point appears and disappears from the "available to connect" list, or the connection is lost after connecting, the transmitter power is likely muted. Open your router settings and increase the transmitter level. If the router antennas are of a replaceable type, install a reinforced version.

Solution 9: Reset router/update firmware

Sometimes viruses and system failures prevent you from changing settings. When changing parameters, the values ​​are saved, and after moving to other settings, they return to their original position, which makes the setting meaningless. In this case, it is recommended to set the parameters manually from scratch.

If the reset did not affect the operation of the router, then it is worth updating the firmware. If there is no result, have the router repaired or think about buying a new device.

What to do if there is a problem with your tablet

Solution 1: Check that the password you are entering is correct

A common error when connecting to an access point is wrong password. By default, the tablet settings are set to “hide password”, which makes it easy to make mistakes when entering. Therefore, it is recommended to allow the display of the password, as well as take into account the case when entering characters.

Solution 2: Reboot the system

Sometimes it occurs in the tablet system failure, which does not allow you to connect to the network, or the connection is successful, but there is no access to the Internet. In this case, restarting the operating system usually helps.

Solution 3: Disable power-saving features

To save energy, most tablets are equipped with power saving modes. Typically, the effect is achieved by disabling modules that actively waste power, including Wi-Fi. Therefore, it is recommended to deactivate the corresponding mode or use a performance preset.

Solution 4: change the broadcast range/turn on displaying networks with a weak signal

If the tablet is designed to work with the 2.4 and 5 GHz bands, it is recommended to set the band to automatic selection. Also, do not use the “hide access points with weak signal” option, because when weak signal router, it will not connect.

Solution 5: change firmware/radio module

Improve often Wi-Fi work Changing the firmware or radio module helps. If problems with connecting to Wi-Fi began after flashing, it is recommended to return the originally used firmware back.

Solution 6: Replace the Wi-Fi module/motherboard

If the above methods are unsuccessful, then replacing the motherboard with a working module will solve the problem. In some tablets, the Wi-Fi module is presented as a separate board. Then there is no need to change the motherboard, just unsolder the old module and solder in a new or used one, but in good condition.

Often found suitable module does not seem possible. In this case, “implanting” a USB Wi-Fi module helps, as in the images below. One end of the wire should be soldered to USB contacts, second to contacts on motherboard. If there are no markings near the soldering points, you should first find a diagram.


When using the Internet, the chain of participants consists of three links - the provider, network equipment and the user device - a tablet. To quickly resolve connection problems, it is important to determine which link the fault occurred. The article contains detailed troubleshooting methods if the tablet does not connect to wifi. Solutions are grouped into categories for step-by-step execution, as well as better understanding for beginners and advanced users.

The question “why doesn’t the tablet connect to wifi” sooner or later “baffles” almost every active user of Android devices. At the same time, there are no obvious “symptoms of the problem”: the router worked and still works, the tablet itself looks quite “viable”, the Internet is paid for and desktop computer It happens normally, but the tablet does not connect to the Internet via wifi.

And in this article we will look at why this problem occurs and what the user should do if the tablet does not see wifi.

Why the tablet does not connect to wifi: main reasons

So, the most common reason that the tablet does not connect to Wi-Fi is - in other words, an incorrectly entered .

To eliminate the error, you need to carefully check the correctness of entering the security key: language, register, “layout” virtual keyboard etc. As a last resort, you can delete it again.

Other “popular” reasons why the tablet does not see wifi include:

  • 1. Encryption type mismatch
  • 2. Restricting network access by device MAC address
  • 3. Quantity limitation active connections online
  • 4. Router malfunctions

The tablet does not connect to Wi-Fi: what to do?

After checking the connection parameters, no additional settings There is no need to do this on the tablet itself - further “diagnostics” is carried out through the router’s web interface.

Settings network connection It’s more convenient to do it through a desktop computer.

So, if the Lenovo tablet does not connect to wifi, you need. To do this, enter the personal IP address of the router in search bar Internet browser and press “Enter”.

As a rule, the router's IP address is indicated on the device's service label - in most cases this is the combination or

Here you need to check the following parameters:

  1. 1. Encryption type.

Most tablets support 2 types of encryption: WPA and WPA2 personal. If you change the data encryption type in the router settings, the tablet will not be able to pass verification and connect to the router.

The encryption type is specified in the WiFi network security settings - this is the “wireless network” or WLAN tab.

  1. 2. Network access rights for the MAC address and the number of active connections in the wireless network.

This characteristic can be found in the DHCP settings section, which shows which devices are in this moment connected to your router.

Also in this column all MAC addresses of connected devices are marked. If there is a checkmark next to the MAC address of your tablet in the “blocking” item, this means that you will not be able to connect to the network.

In order for the tablet to seamlessly connect to Wi-Fi, you need to uncheck the box and save the changes made.

You can also see here whether there is a limit on the number of active users on your WiFi network. So, if the maximum permissible number of active connections is two, then when you connect a laptop to the network and cell phone, do not be surprised that the tablet does not see Wi-Fi - there is simply no “free space” left for it.

The number of active wifi users can also be determined using, and better protection you will have a strong and unique password against virtual thieves.

In addition, when solving the global question “why the tablet does not connect to wifi”, do not forget about the standard measures for “curing” electronics: reboot the router using the ON/OFF button and reconnect to the network through the “search for available devices”.

When a tablet is connected to the global network via Wi-Fi, a security password is required. The most common problem is an authentication error. Never get nervous ahead of time and enter the security key again. Perhaps you were simply mistaken. Only after you are convinced that you are right, start looking for other reasons for the lack of communication and ways to eliminate it.

Setting up Wi-Fi on Android

The second of the simplest mistakes is the lack of permission to activate the connection via wireless network. How to set up a Wi-Fi connection on a tablet?

Via the menu quick access or through the “Settings” menu, activate the connection icon via a wifi network. Available free or password-protected networks will appear on the screen. Choose the one available or preferred for you and work.

The biggest advantage of connecting via Android is that the system immediately displays error messages. Thus, it is easy to identify and correct. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Change Password

If when connecting to wifi router The device detects the access point, but the password is missing for some reason (you forgot it), you need to change it. All manipulations are carried out in the router settings section when the tablet sees wifi network, but the connection does not occur. Activate the menu and enter a new key combination. The changes need to be saved and the router rebooted again. Note! The password must be re-entered for all computer devices connecting through this network.

Changing the encryption type

Budget Android devices suffer from incompatibility with certain types of routers. How to determine this? The tablet sees the network access point, but “Saved” is displayed on the screen. To fix the problem, you need to change the type of encryption with which the tablet works. It is preferable to choose wpa2 protection.

You need to follow this algorithm:

  • Enter the router's IP address in the browser's address bar
  • Activate the “Advanced Settings” item
  • In the “Wi-Fi” section, click “Security Settings”
  • In the “Network Authentication” menu, change the encryption type to the desired one
  • Reboot the router again.

Attention! The router's IP address is located at back side devices. This information is usually displayed on a sticker or in the instructions for the device.

Personal IP address

When you try to connect, does your tablet display the message “Obtaining an IP address”? This happens when the device simply does not support wireless version connections to networks.

In most cases, the router perfectly supports all three types of communication:

  1. 802.11n.
  2. 802.11g.
  3. 802.11b.

Problems may arise with your laptop computer. Go to settings and change the connection type to any other. The situation has not been resolved? Continue to the next point.

Disabling the MAC filter

If the network point is working correctly, mobile device connected, but the router doesn’t see it, it’s worth sorting out the MAC and IP addresses. When might such a situation arise? If the network modem is configured specifically for certain devices and access of new devices to the signal is blocked. If the device's MAC code is not included in the router's list, the tablet will not be able to connect to the Internet via wifi.

Do this:

  • Go to the router menu “Settings”
  • Through the “Wi-Fi” section, find the “MAC filter” item
  • In the drop-down menu, activate the line “Disabled”
  • Reboot your home router
  • Reconnect the tablet.

Unstable connection

The device is turned on, the router is working, but the signal is poor?

You have two ways to solve the problem:

  1. You need to find out exactly what is not working - the router or the device. To do this, connect the tablet to another router. The signal has stopped cutting out and the connection is stable? The mobile access point needs to be replaced or re-flashed.
  2. Check if your device has enough charge. If the battery is almost empty, the tablet simply will not establish a connection.

Sometimes, for reasons of freezing software or power failures, the router may malfunction. In appearance, everything looks completely normal, but the Internet has stopped turning on? Just reboot your router. To do this, you need to unplug it and plug it in again. Do not rush to start communicating with the tablet, wait 3-5 minutes. Mobile access points have this property - they connect some time after connecting to the outlet.

Bottom line

Stable joint operation of the router wireless connection and tablet may depend on many factors. Before contacting specialists to reinstall the software, make sure that both devices are working properly. Then go through all the recommended points and try to troubleshoot problems experimentally. Only when the above measures do not help, take the router to a service center.

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