Presentation on the topic of semiconductor devices. Work can be used for conducting lessons and reports on the subject of "Physics"

A presentation is represented that can be used in physics lessons, as well as in the exercise on electrical engineering and the basics of electronics in secondary vocational educational institutions. The paper is set out the topic "semiconductor devices".

Semiconductor or electrical constructive is called instruments whose action is based on the use of semiconductors.

K semiconductors include elements of the Fourth Mendeleev Table Group, having a crystal structure. Germany, silicon, selenium are the most common.

K semiconductors also include metal oxides - oxides, compounds with gray - sulphides, selenium compounds - selenides.

Types of semiconductors and their conductors. Own semiconductor is an unprepared semiconductor.

The process of the occurrence of free electrons and holes is called the generation of charge carriers.

B semiconductor is possible process, reverse generation process - recombination. During the recombination, the pair of charges of charges The electron-hole monitoring of charge carriers occurs, and therefore, the electrical conductivity in the semiconductor increases with increasing temperature. At temperatures, the concentration of charge carriers for pure ge is 10 13 cm -3, for Si - 10 11 cm -3.

This semiconductor has its own conductivity, which consists of electrons and holes in equal amounts

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Types of semiconductors and their conductors

Electronic semiconductor

The conductivity of this type is called electronic or n-type (from negative - negative).

An impurity, which gives excess electrons is called donor (giving electrons - the main carriers of charges, and the holes are non-core.

Hole semiconductor

The hole (p-type) is the impurity semiconductor, the valence of atoms of the impurity of which is less than the valence of atoms of the pure semiconductor. For example, Germanium with an admixture of India. The conductivity of such a semiconductor will be determined by holes and is called hole or r-Type (from POSITIVE - positive).

An impurity, which gives an excess hole, is called acceptor (host).

The holes are the main carriers of charges, and the electrons are non-residential.

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Semiconductor diodes

1. The case of lack of voltage.

The area in which the double electric layer is formed and the electric field is called the electron-hole N-P transition.

The main charge carriers, moving through the N-P - the transition, create a diffusion current. The movement of non-core charge carriers creates conduction current.

B condition of equilibrium These currents are equal in size and opposite in direction. Then the resulting current through the transition is zero.

2. Direct voltage case.

This polarity is called straight.

With direct voltage, the external field weakens the N-P field - transition field.

The transition of major charge carriers will prevail over the transition of non-core charge carriers. A direct current will go through the transition. This current is great, because Determined by the main charge carriers.

3. Case of reverse voltage.

Through N-P - the transition passes only non-core charge carriers: holes from N - semiconductor and electrons from P - semiconductor. They create in the external circuit current, opposite to direct current - reverse current. It is about a thousand times less direct current, because Determined by non-core charge carriers.

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Voltamper characteristic diode

With increasing return voltage, the streams of the main charge carriers are reduced, the reverse current increases.

Further increase of u arr increase the current slightly, because It is determined by the streams of non-core charge carriers.

The main property of diodes: because The diodes are well conducted in the direct direction and badly in the opposite, then they have the property of one-sided conductivity, are electrical valves and are used in AC rectifier diagrams.

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Types of diodes

Device of plane diode.

Digid diode device

Designation of semiconductor diodes in diagrams.

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Support silicon diodes

This diode is designed so that increasing the return voltage (applied to n-P. - transition) above some limit leads to a diode break - rapid increase in the return current I. OBR with constant return voltage U. arr.

If the current through the diode exceeds I. Mah, it will lead it to overheating and destruction. Workstation characteristics is a plot from I. MIN BE I. Mah. , which is used to stabilize the voltage. Support diodes Used to stabilize the voltage and create a reference (reference) voltage. Therefore, they are called silicon stabilongs.

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Presentation on the topic: Semiconductor devices

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Rapid development and expansion of applications electronic devices Defended by improving the element base, the basis of which is the basis of semiconductor devices semiconductor materials according to their specific resistance (ρ \u003d 10-6 ÷ 1010 Ohm m) occupy an intermediate place between the conductors and dielectrics. The rapid development and expansion of the applications of electronic devices are due to the improvement of the element base, the basis of which is the semiconductor device semiconductor materials in their specific resistance (ρ \u003d 10-6 ÷ 1010 Ohm m) occupy an intermediate place between the conductors and dielectrics.

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For the manufacture of electronic devices Used solid semiconductors having a crystalline structure. For the manufacture of electronic devices, solid semiconductors are used having a crystalline structure. Semiconductor devices are called instruments whose action is based on the use of semiconductor properties.

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Semiconductor diodes are a semiconductor device with one P-N-transition and two conclusions, the operation of which is based on the properties of the P-N - transition. Basic property P-N - The transition is one-sided conductivity - the current proceeds only in one direction. The conditionally graphic designation (Hugo) of the diode has the form of an arrow, which indicates the direction of flowing current through the device. A structurally diode consists of a P-N-transition enclosed in the housing (with the exception of micromodules inapproprous) and two conclusions: from the P-region - anode, from the N-region - the cathode. Those. A diode is a semiconductor device that transmits current only in one direction - from the anode to the cathode. The dependence of the current through the device from the applied voltage is called the volt-ampere characteristic (WA) of the device I \u003d F (U).

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Transistor transistors is a semiconductor device designed to enhance, generating and converting electrical signals as well as switching electrical chains. A distinctive feature of the transistor is the ability to enhance the voltage and current - the voltage transistor acting at the input and currents lead to the appearance of a significantly greater amount of voltages at its output and currents. The transistor received its name from the reduction of two English words TRAN (RE) Sistor is a controlled resistor. The transistor allows you to adjust the current in the chain from zero to the maximum value.

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Classification of transistors: Classification of transistors: - on the principle of action: field (unipolar), bipolar, combined. - by the value of the dissipated power: small, medium and large. - by the value of the limit frequency: low-, medium-, high and ultra-high-frequency. - by the value of the operating voltage: low and high voltage. - by functional purpose: universal, amplifying, key, etc. - according to constructive execution: inapproprous and in the case, with rigid and flexible conclusions.

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Depending on the functions performed, the transistors can operate in three modes: depending on the functions performed, the transistors can operate in three modes: 1) active mode - used to enhance electrical signals in analog devices. The resistance of the transistor varies from zero to the maximum value - they say the transistor "opens" or "is subfed". 2) saturation mode - the resistance of the transistor tends to zero. In this case, the transistor is equivalent to a closed relay contact. 3) Cutching mode - the transistor is closed and has high resistance, i.e. It is equivalent to an open relay contact. Saturation and cut-off modes are used in digital, pulse and switching circuits.

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Indicator The electrically indicator is an electronic showing device designed to visually control events, processes and signals. Electronic indicators are installed in various domestic and industrial equipment for informing a person about the level or value of various parameters, such as voltages, current, temperature, battery charge, etc. Often the electronic indicator is erroneously called the mechanical indicator with an electronic scale.

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The rapid development and expansion of the areas of application of electronic devices are due to the improvement of the element base, the basis of which is the basis of semiconductor instrumental materials according to their specific resistance (ρ \u003d 10-6 ÷ 1010 OM.M) occupy an intermediate place between the conductors and dielectrics.

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The main materials for the production of semiconductor devices are: silicon (SI), silicon carbide (SIIS), gallium compounds and India.

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For the manufacture of electronic devices, solid semiconductors are used having a crystalline structure. Semiconductor devices are called instruments whose action is based on the use of semiconductor properties.

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Semiconductor diodes

This semiconductor device with one P-N-transition and two conclusions, the operation of which is based on the properties of the P-N - transition. The main property of the P-N - transition is one-sided conductivity - the current proceeds only in one direction. The conditionally graphic designation (Hugo) of the diode has the form of an arrow, which indicates the direction of flowing current through the device. A structurally diode consists of a P-N-transition enclosed in the housing (with the exception of micromodules inapproprous) and two conclusions: from the P-region - anode, from the N-region - the cathode. Those. A diode is a semiconductor device that transmits current only in one direction - from the anode to the cathode. The dependence of the current through the device from the applied voltage is called the volt-ampere characteristic (WA) of the device I \u003d F (U).

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The transistor is a semiconductor device designed to enhance, generating and converting electrical signals, as well as switching electrical circuits. A distinctive feature of the transistor is the ability to enhance the voltage and current - the voltage transistor acting at the input and currents lead to the appearance of a significantly greater amount of voltages at its output and currents. The transistor received its name from the reduction of two English words TRAN (RE) Sistor is a controlled resistor. The transistor allows you to adjust the current in the chain from zero to the maximum value.

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Classification of transistors: - on the principle of action: field (unipolar), bipolar, combined. - by the value of the dissipated power: small, medium and large. - by the value of the limit frequency: low-, medium-, high and ultra-high-frequency. - by the value of the operating voltage: low and high voltage. - by functional purpose: universal, amplifying, key, etc. - according to constructive execution: inapproprous and in the case, with rigid and flexible conclusions.

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Depending on the functions performed, the transistors can operate in three modes: 1) active mode - used to enhance electrical signals in analog devices. The resistance of the transistor varies from zero to the maximum value - they say the transistor "opens" or "is subfed". 2) saturation mode - the resistance of the transistor tends to zero. In this case, the transistor is equivalent to a closed relay contact. 3) Cutching mode - the transistor is closed and has high resistance, i.e. It is equivalent to an open relay contact. Saturation and cut-off modes are used in digital, pulse and switching circuits.

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The electrically indicator is an electronic showing device intended for visual control over events, processes and signals. Electronic indicators are installed in various domestic and industrial equipment for informing a person about the level or value of various parameters, such as voltages, current, temperature, battery charge, etc. Often the electronic indicator is erroneously called the mechanical indicator with an electronic scale.

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Contactless temperature sensors (pyrometers)

applied where access to the measured parts is difficult, and mobility and low inertia measurements are needed. In addition, contactless temperature sensors are indispensable where high temperatures must be measured - from 1500 to 3000 C.

Infrared radiation with a wavelength of 3-14 μm from the measured object enters the sensitive element of the contactless temperature sensor and is converted to an electrical signal, which is then enhanced, is normalized, and in the new models of sensors and digitized to transmit over the network.

The main areas of use of high-temperature pyrometer Pyrometers C-700.1 Standard:

Metallurgy: measuring the temperature of the melts of ferrous metals, parts with thermal and mechanical processing.

Glass Industry: adjustment of glass-forming machines, control of temperature modular modes of glass coat furnaces.

Construction Industry: Control of Temperature Temperature Making Materials (Cement, Brick, Building Mixtures, etc.).



Thermocouples are two wires from various metals cooked with each other.

The thermoelectric effect opened the German physicist of Seebek in the first half of the 19th century. If you connect two conductors from heterogeneous metals in such a way that they form a closed chain and support the vehicle contacts at different temperatures, then in the chain flows d.C.. The experimental paths were chosen by pairs of metals, which are most suitable for measuring temperature, having high sensitivity, temporary stability, resistant to the effects of the external environment. It is for example pairs of metal chromel-allyumel, copper-Konstanta, Iron-Constanta, platinum-platinum / Rhodium, rhenium-tungsten. Each type is suitable for solving its tasks. Thermocouples chrowel-aluminum (Type K) have high sensitivity and stability and operate up to temperatures up to 1,300 s in an oxidative or neutral atmosphere. This is one of the most common types of thermocouples. Thermocouple Iron-Constanta (type J) operates in vacuo, a reducing or inert atmosphere at temperatures up to 500 C. At high temperatures up to 1500 ° C, platinum / rhodium thermocouples (type S or R) are used in ceramic protective covers. They perfectly measure the temperature in the oxidative, neutral medium and vacuum.

Resistance thermometers

these are resistors made of platinum, copper or nickel. These can be wire resistors, or the metal layer can be sprayed on an insulating substrate, usually ceramic or glass. Platinum is most often used in resistance thermometers due to its high stability and linearity change resistance with temperature. Copper is used mainly to measure low temperatures, and nickel in low-cost sensors for measuring in the room temperature range. To protect against the external environment, platinum resistance thermometers are placed in protective metal covers and isolate with ceramic materials, such as aluminum oxide or magnesium oxide. Such insulation also reduces the effect of vibration and shocks to the sensor. However, along with additional insulation, the time of the sensor response to sharp temperature changes is also growing. Platinum resistance thermometers are one of the most accurate temperature sensors. In addition, they are standardized, which greatly simplifies their use. Standardly produced with resistance sensors 100 and 1000 ohms. Changing the resistance of such sensors with a temperature is given in any thematic reference books in the form of tables or formulas. The measurement range of platinum resistance thermometers is -180 from +600 C. Despite the insulation, it is worth protecting the thermometers of resistance from strong blows and vibrations.


In this class of sensors, the effect of changes in the electrical resistance of the material under the influence of temperature is used. Usually, semiconductor materials are used as thermistors, as a rule, oxides of various metals. As a result, sensors with high sensitivity are obtained. However, large nonlinearity allows the use of thermistors only in a narrow temperature range. Thermistors have low cost and can be manufactured in miniature buildings, thus allowing the speed. There are two types of thermistors using a positive temperature coefficient - when electrical resistance It grows with increasing temperature and using a negative temperature coefficient - here the electrical resistance drops with increasing temperature. Thermistors do not have a certain temperature characteristic. It depends on specific model The instrument and the area of \u200b\u200bits use. The main advantages of thermistors are their high sensitivity, small sizes and weight, allowing you to create sensors with a small response time, which is important, for example, to measure the air temperature. Of course, low cost is also their advantage, allowing you to embed the temperature sensors in various devices. The disadvantages include high nonlinearity of thermistors, allowing them to be used in a narrow temperature range. The use of thermistors is as limited in the range of low temperatures. A large number of models with various characteristics And the absence of a single standard forces equipment manufacturers to use thermistors of only one particular model without the possibility of replacement.

Semiconductor sensors temperatures use the dependence of the resistance of semiconductor silicon from temperature. The range of measured temperatures for such sensors is from-50 With up to +150 C. Inside this range, silicon temperature sensors show good linearity and accuracy. The possibility of production in one case of such a sensor is not only the most sensitive element, but also the gain and signal processing schemes, provides the sensor with good accuracy and linearity inside the temperature range. Non-volatile memory built into such a sensor will allow you to individually calibrate each device. A large plus can be called a wide variety of output interface types: it can be voltage, current, resistance, or a digital output that allows you to connect such a sensor to the data network. Of the weak places of silicon temperature sensors, a narrow temperature range can be noted and relatively large sizes compared to similar sensors of other types, especially thermocouples. Silicon temperature sensors are used mainly to measure surface temperature, air temperature, especially inside various electronic devices.

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physics teacher: Abramova Tamara Ivanovna MBOU "Buturlinovskaya Sosh" 2016.

What is a semiconductor? Where did the electrons and holes come from? What happens when adding arsenic to Germany? Semiconductors come to contact. One-sided conduction - not only on the roads. Diodes, transistors, LEDs, photocells - where are we meeting with them? Today at the lesson.

Semiconductors ρ metals \u003cρ of semi-sheets. \u003cΡ Diel. ρ₁ - u from metals ρ ₂ - Single Hedgehrums ρ ₃ - Dielectrics

The structure of semiconductors to semiconductors includes the chemical elements of Germany, silicon, selenium, arsenic, indium, phosphorus, ... and their connections. In the earth's crust of these compounds reaches 80%. At low temperatures and in the absence of illumination, clean p / ps do not conduct an electric current, since they do not have free charges. Silicon and Germany have on an external electron shell of 4 (valence) electrons. In the crystal, each of these electrons belongs to two neighboring atoms, forming, so on. Covalent bond. These electrons participate in thermal motion, but remain in their places in the crystal. S E R A S E L E H SILON

Own conductivity of semiconductors PR and N A G R E V A N and P R I O S V I E N E N and N EL. \u003d N holes.

semiconductor foil case insulator output

Artificial satellites of the earth, spaceshipselectronically - computer Engineering, radio engineering, automated systems Accounts, sorting, quality checks, ... Application of photoyele, emergency switches.

the impurity conductivity of semiconductors N electrons\u003e N holes conductivity - electronic (donor). Semiconductor - N- type. N holes\u003e N electrons. Conductivity -From (acceptor). Semiconductor - P -Type.

Electronic - hole transition R Zap. The layer is great! R Z.S. decreased. R Z.S. increased. d \u003d 10 ¯⁵ c m

Property of contact semiconductors with different type Conductures N - P Transition X A R A K T E P U C T and K A B main property of n - p of the transition - one-sided conductivity in o l t a m p e r n and I am a direct transition. Reverse transition

Germany - Cathode Indium - Anode Semiconductor Diode The main property is one-sided conductivity. It is used to straighten the weak currents in radio receivers, televisions, and strong currents in ed trams, electric locomotives.

Principle of operation of the semiconductor device Main charge carriers Nezneurnian charge carriers The types of diodes are plane and point. Advantages: Small sizes and weight, high kp.d., durable.

transistors are used as amplifiers in radio engineering, in electrical engineering.

Semiconductor devices

Photocells and thermoelements

Application of photocells

LEDs semiconductor LEDs - devices that convert electrical energy into light. Emit quanta light under the action of the applied voltage.

Semiconductor thermoelements convert internal energy into electric.

1. What carriers electric charge Creating a current in metals and in pure semiconductors? A. and in metals, and in semiconductors only electrons. B. In metal only electrons, in semiconductors only "holes". B. In metals only electrons, in semiconductors electrons and "holes". GV Metal and semiconductors ions. 2. What type of conductivity prevails in semiconductors with impurities? A. Electronic. B. hole. B. Equally electronic and holey. Ionic. 3. How does the resistance on the temperature in metals and in semiconductors depend? A.Vet metal increases, and in semiconductors decreases with increasing temperature. B. in metals decreases, and in semiconductors increases with increasing temperature. B. In metals does not change, and in semiconductors decreases with a change in temperature. Metal increases with a change in temperature, and in semiconductors does not change. 4. Is the Ohma law applies for current in semiconductors and in metals? A. For current in semiconductors, it is used, and no for current in metals. B. For current in metals, it is used, and no for current in semiconductors. B. is used for current in metals, and for current in semiconductors. G. Not applied in any case. Jobs for self-control 1.On 2.a 3.A 4.B.

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