Quick Windows starts thanks to autoload. Using Group Policy for Autorun

Very often users operating system Faced long loading or slow work of the computer. Often, the problem is that there is too a large list of programs that run along with OS in the Windows startup, and they must be removed.

In addition, many viruses that fall on your computer under the guise of files, drivers or softwareare automatically added to this list of executable commands. As a result, strange messages can appear when loading, which cannot be removed, and the operating system can even stop running. Each process can be seen in the task manager to understand which one is so much acting on the workload of the processor, which is a command handler.

Two types of autoload

Everyone came across that Windows immediately after reinstalling simply "flies", but after time it starts working everything slower and slower. First, the user needs to know that there are two list of automatically downloaded processes, and with them two answers to the question: how to delete a program from autoload?

Custom list

It is very easy to edit manually. You can, without any special problems, add a program to autoload, or, remove the files that are not needed. This list is user. There is no way system applications And most of the downloadable services and programs when starting OS. For each user of the operating system, a separate configuration of the Windows startup can be used.

To see and remove the contents, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Open menu "Start";
  2. Choose "All Programs";

You can remove unnecessary applications from the startup and handle their shortcuts, as with conventional files.

System List

In this case, the list of running applications and services is a system configuration. Here you can edit many options for the program and operating system services, such as:

  • Selecting the type of launch windows;
  • View the contents of the bootloader;
  • View major active services;
  • Setting up the startup.

Each of these parameters allows you to change the options for loading the operating system. But for starters, let's stop on how to open autoloads to edit a list of tasks affecting the load of RAM and processor handler - a central processor.

How to get into the configurator?

There are many ways to go to the system configuration configuration. To edit the list of triggered files and services.

Method 1. Control Panel

The surest way to find software that can affect changes in the autoloading settings of the operating system is to refer to the control panel.

The "Administration tab" contains the "System Configuration" function.

Method 2. Through the search string

Starting with the seventh windows versionThe "Run" command in the "Start" menu replaced the search string, which allows not only to search for the necessary programs and system services, but also is a command handler that allows you to start need to service. To call the system configurator to configure the startup, the command is suitable: msconfig.

After executing the command, the corresponding window should appear. You need to go to the desired tab.

Unfortunately, you cannot delete the application startup record, you can only disable or enable, removing or putting a tick. It is not always possible to get rid of the virus in this way. Many of them activate inclusion when next download Windows, thanks to the running service or process.

Method 3. Registry Editor

In a malicious software that fell into your system, best way It will remove it to edit the autoload of the registry. Before you begin changing records, keep in mind that it is necessary to observe maximum care and accuracy. Removing an incorrect key can lead to a completely non-working operating system.

In order to start the registry editor, you must run in the Start menu search row: regedit (task execution window can be called with command line or a combination of Win + R keys).

Edit parameters, delete or add a program to autoload for a user under which you are registered in the system are now in line:

  1. HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Run
  2. HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Runonce

Add a program to autoload in general register entries You can on the same path. They are located in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder

Additional software

Disable the autoload of the application with the ability to remove records entirely as well as the registry cleaner after that, specialized programs allow. This is quite a lot, and the choice depends only on you. Software greatly facilitates the user's task in setting up the startup and can get rid of unnecessary action. Take, for example, the CCleaner program.

If the question arose: how to turn off the startup through the software, then it is simple enough. It is in the "Service" menu and allows you to remove unnecessary applications and files automatically downloaded not only with Windows, but also with one of the browsers.

It is very convenient due to the fact that most viruses are fixed in the form of plug-ins, so find them and deleted becomes almost unrealistic. After cleaning such a parameter as autoloading programs in Windows, it is recommended to clean the registry in automatic mode. It is also possible to completely remove all temporary files from the system, including COOCKIE, which may contain malicious code.


Thus, with the help of specialized software, periodically using it, it is possible to easily follow the inspection of the OS and the registry, not to allow extra in the system list, such as the autoload in Windows, which will take only 5-10 minutes a day.

At the very first signs of the system overload, check the parameters of automatic start and running processes. In order to see them, you need to enter the Task Manager. Look, it creates a load on rAM and processor. Then you can find the application that you want to disable or optimize.

Today it is difficult to find an organization that would not be subjected to viral attacks. And although almost everywhere, anti-virus software has already been established, sometimes there is a need to manually see, where in the registry it starts this or that malicious software. When searching for resident malicious software, we may not be excited by the following questions:

  • where to find a list of programs downloaded automatically?
  • how to disable the appropriate list of autoloads?
  • Consideration of these issues and is dedicated to this article.

    There are many ways to start. We will analyze only a few options. I hope that this will help you wanted and removing malicious software from autoload.


    In the registry Windows Vista. Startup is presented in several branches:

    - Programs started at the login. They are launched for all users in the system;

    - Programs started only once when the user logs in. After that, the program keys are automatically deleted from this Registry section. Programs in this section are launched for all users in the system;

    Programs started when entering the current user in the system;

    - Programs that run only once when the current user logs in. After that, the program keys are automatically deleted from this Registry section.

    For example, to automatically run "Notepad" when entering the current user, open Registry editor (regedit.exe), go to the section:

    and add the following key:

    "NotePad.exe" \u003d "C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ NotePad.exe"

    Using Group Policy for Autorun

    Outcroat tool Group Policy (gpedit.msc), go to the tab Computer configuration -> Administrative templates -> System. On the right side of the accessory, go to the item Login to the system (Fig. 1).

    Fig. 1. Use group Policy For autorun
    (for all users)

    By default, this policy is not specified, but you can add a program there: turn on the policy, press the button Show -> Add, Specify the path to the program if the launched program is in the folder..windows \\ System32 \\, you can only specify its name - otherwise you will have to specify the full path to the program. At the same time B. system Registry In chapter Created a subsection \\ Explorer \\ Run with the keys of added programs.


    "1" \u003d "notepad.exe"

    "2" \u003d "iexplore.exe"

    In the end, we get the launch of the "Notepad" and Internet Explorer. For all users. Similarly, autoruns are set for current users - in the snap Group Policy This is the way User configuration -> Administrative templates -> System (Fig. 2), and in the registry - section [ HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Currentversion \\ Policies \\ Explorer \\ Run]

    Fig. 2. Using Group Policy for Autorun
    (for the current user)

    Important! At the same time, the programs from this list are not displayed in the list of programs available for shutdown in msconfig.exe, as well as are not defined by all autoload managers.

    Automotive from a special list

    Programs can be launched from the following registry key:


    • "Load" \u003d "Programma" - programs that are launched before the user login;
    • "RUN" \u003d "PROGRAMMA" - Programs started after the user login.

    These parameters are an analogue of autoload from Win.ini in Windows 9x.


    We start Internet Explorer before entering the user login and "Notepad" after the user logs in:

    "Load" \u003d "iexplore.exe"

    "RUN" \u003d "NotePad.exe"

    Do not process a list of autorun for old versions

    Computer configuration - Administrative templates -> System -> Login to the system -> . If this policy is included, programs from the following registry sections will not be launched:

    When using this policy in the registry, the following key is created:

    "Disablelocalmachinerun" \u003d DWORD: 00000001

    Similarly, a policy is set for current users: User configuration -> Administrative templates -> System -> Login to the system -> Do not process the launch list of old programs - With the difference that in the registry this option is included elsewhere:

    "Disablelocaluserrun" \u003d DWORD: 00000001

    Ignore the list of autoloading programs performed once

    Configured using Group Policy: Computer configuration - Administrative templates -> System -> Login to the system -> .

    If this policy is included, programs from the list will not be launched:


    If this policy is enabled, the following key creates in the registry:

    "Disablelocalmachinerunonce" \u003d DWORD: 00000001

    Also configure the policy for current users: User configuration - Administrative templates -> System -> Login to the system -> Do not process a list of one-time program launch.

    Registry parameters:

    • "Disablelocaluserrunone" \u003d DWORD: 00000001

    Assigned tasks

    Programs can run with Job Planner. View list of set tasks, and you can add a new one like this: Start -> All programs - Standard -> Service -> Task Scheduler.

    This opens the window. Job Plannerwhich displays the assigned tasks (Fig. 3).

    Fig. 3. Job Planner Window

    To add a new task, you need from the menu Actions Select item Create a task (Fig. 4).

    Fig. 4. Creating a task in task scheduler

    Starting programs with this wizard is possible once - when entering Windows, when you turn on the computer, as well as on schedule.

    Folder "Autoload"

    Store labels for programs that run after the user login. Labels in this folder can be added by programs when you install or user independently. There are two folders: Total for all users and individual for the current user. By default, these folders are here:

    .. \\ users \\ all Users \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Start Menu \\ Programs \\ Startup - This is a folder, programs from which will run for all users of the computer;

    % UserProfile% \\ APPDATA \\ Roaming \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Start Menu \\ Programs \\ Startup - This is a folder, programs from which will run for the current user.

    See which programs you are launched in this way, you can, opening the menu Start -\u003e. If you create a shortcut in this folder for some program, it will start automatically after the user logs in.

    Change Folder Startup

    Windows reads data on the path to the folder from the registry. This path is registered in the following sections:

    "COMMON STARTUP" \u003d "% PROGRAMDATA% \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Start Menu \\ Programs \\ Startup" - for all users of the system;

    "Startup" \u003d "% UserProfile% \\ APPDATA \\ Roaming \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Start Menu \\ Programs \\ Startup" - For the current user.

    Changes the path to the folder, we will get the startup of all programs from the specified folder.


    "Startup" \u003d "C: \\ MyStartup" - the system will load all the programs whose shortcuts are located in the C: \\ MyStartup \\ folder, and the folder will still be displayed in the menu Start, and if the user in it did not have anything, he will not notice the substitution.

    Subtitution of a shortcut for a program from the list of autoload

    Suppose you have the Acrobat package. Then in the folder you will be label Adobe Reader. Speed \u200b\u200bLaunchwhich is installed there by default. But it is not at all that this shortcut refers to the appropriate application - any other program can be launched instead, especially since Acrobat functionality does not affect.

    Adding a program to a program running from the autoload list

    Modification of the previous version - simultaneously with the download of any program from the autoload list, you will start another program. The fact is that you can "glue" two executable files in one and they will start simultaneously. There are programs for such "gluing". In addition, the label can refer to the command file from which they will be launched both the original program from the list and added extraneous programs.

    You can see the list of automatically downloadable programs by opening the program System Information (Open Start -> All programs -> Standard -> Service -> System Information Or dial msinfo32.exe. on the command line) and turning to the item Software -> Automatically downloadable programs. Program Properties of the system Displays the autoloading groups from the registry and folders (Fig. 5).

    Fig. 5. Autoloading groups from registry and folders Startup

    Another program that allows you to see a list of autoload programs - System Setup (to run dial msconfig.exe. From the command line). This program, in addition to viewing the autoload list, provides the ability to disable all startup items (tab General) or selective programs (tab).

    Of course, the information provided in this article cannot be considered exhaustive, but I hope that they will help you in the difficult struggle with malicious software.

    The computer is loaded for a long time ... familiar situation. How it turns out that after installing the system, everything just flies, and then the download is happening longer and longer.

    The thing is that the net system is not burdened by so the number of programs and utilities that we then deliver. Moreover, some utilities are prescribed in the autoload without asking us about it. It is understood that without some we just do not do, take, for example, antivirus or firewall is our referee.

    How to setup?

    Go to the most important thing to get to the list of these programs and utilities. For this, Microsoft has developed a very useful utility Msconfig. To start this utility, press the Win + R key and enter the command. Msconfig and OK.

    Window opens system configuration"And choose the" "tab

    As you can see anything superfluous. Selection of programs that will always be downloaded with the system are yours. It is enough to remove the daw from the program that you do not need. You can edit the list of services launched from windows shell. To do this, open the tab " Services"

    Turn off unnecessary service

    To disable unused services, it is enough to remove the daw and the selected service. It is necessary to do enough carefully to not disable needed service. List of services and trial recommendations can be viewed.

    Turn off the startup through the Windows registry

    Additionally, the list of programs can be checked and edited in the registry. To do this, press the Win + R key and enter the command. regedit.

    Now we find sections

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Run
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Runonce

    in these sections of the program that are launched for the current user.

    In sections

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Currentversion \\ Run
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Runonce

    here are programs that are launched for all users.

    To delete a program from autorun, it is enough to delete the parameter with the name of the program.


    If there is no desire to deal with autoload yourself, you can use special utilities that will show a list of programs in the autoload and disconnect them.

    In this article, you will learn what is the startup in Windows 10, where it is and how to configure the autorun programs in Windows 10.

    Programs added to autoloads are started immediately after turning on the computer. Autoload allows you to optimize routine operations (for example, starting Skype or antivirus immediately after turning on the computer) and save time. At the same time, in the process of working at a computer, the autoload in Windows 10 can be clogged with unnecessary and even malicious programs that will slow down the system. Therefore, it is useful to know how to delete a program from autoload.

    Editing Startup in Task Manager

    First of all, you need to get acquainted with the list of autoloads in the Task Manager. In order to open the startup window in the Task Manager in Windows 10, click right-click On the Start menu and select "Task Manager".

    If you did not enter the task manager, it will open in abbreviated form. In order to display its full view, click the "More details" button.

    In the advanced task manager mode, go to the "Startup" tab.

    Tip: Also, you can open Task Manager CTRL + SHIFT + ESC key combination.

    In the bookmark that opens, the Task Manager in the Task Manager you can view the list of all programs that are in autoload (data is taken from the registry and from the "Auto-loading" service folder), their effects on speed windows downloads 10 and launch state (enabled or disabled automatic start These programs).

    condition Disabled or enabled. Programs configured to start immediately after the start of Windows 10 have the status "on". Accordingly, those programs that should not start immediately after starting have a "disabled" state.

    Impact on the download speed It is low and high. A column allows you to understand how autorun the program affects the speed of the operating system. If the program selects many resources when start Windows, It is better to turn it off.

    When you press the right-click on the program name, you can:

    • disable autorun programs in Windows 10;
    • open the location of the program;
    • search for data on the program on the Internet;
    • view program startup properties.

    Adding a program to Windows 10 autoload

    There are three ways to add or delete the program in autoload - adding a program (or shortcut program) to custom folder, edit registry or task scheduler. Consider all three ways.

    Adding a program to autoload through a folder

    To add program to autoload You need to copy the program shortcut you want to run when Windows 10 start to the "Auto-loading" service folder. Where is the "Auto-loading" folder on the computer below.

    The location of the Windows 10 autoloader folder for the current user:

    C: \\ Users \\ Username \\ APPDATA \\ Roaming \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Start Menu \\ Programs \\ Startup

    The location of the Windows 10 autoloader folder for all computer users:

    C: \\ PROGRAMDATA \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Start Menu \\ Programs \\ Startup

    You can also open the folder with the Win + R keys and by following the command. shell: startup. (See Screenshot below).

    Now copy the shortcut necessary program. In the screenshot, I copied the Skype label.

    To delete a program from startup Just delete it from this folder.

    Editing Windows 10 autoloading through the registry

    This method of managing the autoload is suitable for more experienced users.

    First you need to open the registry editor. Right-click on the Start menu and click "Run".

    Tip: You can open the "Run" dialog box with the Win + R keys.

    In the window that opens, type the command regedit. and click OK.

    For automatic launch of programs in Windows 10, two registry branches are answered:

    • HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Run - for the current user of the computer;
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Run - for all computer users.

    In the registry key that opens, let's get into the branch that is responsible for autoloading the current user.

    Thus, you can add any program to Windows 10 autoload via the registry editor.

    Setting up program launch in Windows 10 job scheduler

    In order to open a scheduler windows tasks 10 Click on the Start menu and start typing the "Task Scheduler" as shown in the screenshot below. Click on the program when it appears in the list of found.

    Tip: You can start the Win + R keyword scheduler, typing the Askschd.msc command in the window that opens and pressing the OK button.

    In the task scheduler window that opens, in the Job Planner Library section, you can see the list of applications and the schedule of their launch.

    As a rule, there are update commands of various programs, such as Adobe Flash Player.. But, here can also be located and commands to start programs when the computer starts.

    Carefully review the programs in this list. You may want to remove some tasks.

    For the program to automatically started after the computer started in the job scheduler, click the "Create Task" button.

    It remains only to specify which program to run at startup. Click the Actions tab and click Create. Click the "Overview" button and select need program. In the picture below in my example, I indicated the program "Notepad". After that, press the "OK" button twice.

    Video How to add a program to Windows startup

    We offer you to see several learning videos in which it is shown in detail how to add a program to autoload.