Electrodynamic heads with flat diaphragms. Acoustic systems C2 Installation of rear speakers of ordinary sizes

IN lately The information technology market has changed quite strongly, if not in favor of the end user, as it would be, but under the trained marketing rules. If any sector of the high-tech market is noticeably lagging behind the pace of modernization from the processor market or the market of graphic accelerators, the demand for it is trying to create artificially. Take at least the income of companies engaged in sales of peripheral devices, say keyboards or uncomplicated acoustic systems. Of course, their profits are incommensurable with hegemones of the world IT like Intel or MS, however, the R & D departments of these companies do not receive funding measured in billions of dollars. That is why the introduction and development of high-tech innovation in the indicated information technology market sectors (for example, wireless keyboards and flat speakers Columns) is always so widely supported by the computer peripheral industry and raises the cherished levels of sales of relevant companies.

As mentioned above, companies engaged in the release of an easy periphery (often it is Korean, Taiwanese and Chinese companies) cannot afford to contain their own scientific centers for the development and research of new technologies. Yes, and in fact, there is no great point in the content of such agencies, if only the company does not create, say, expensive acoustic systems of the Hi-Fi level or Hi-end, because they arrived from sales of the speakers packed in plastic, even if it is very skillful, can not be fabulous High - this is not a six-hundredth dollar processor with the cost of $ 30. It is about this, looking for know-how in the area sound systems They are engaged in either independent (not related to production) research laboratories, or scientific centers of educational institutions, or the Defense Direction Agency sponsored by the Government, as they say, "in free from the working day", in parallel with the main acquaintance of activities.

One of the representatives of the last class of developers was the British Defense Agency DERA (Defense Evaluation and Research Agency), which, not wanting to laid the beginning of the development of flat acoustic speakers. In fact, today, after more than a decade, it is difficult to determine the degree of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "flat sound", because the development in this area was conducted in the Soviet Union. However, back to DERA, more precisely, to its concrete employee - Ken Heron (Ken Heron), which was engaged in the problem of reducing noise in military helicopters. According to him, the metal plate, forming the ceiling of the cockpit of a military helicopter created an additional noise, and it seemed that soon, he strengthened the existing, rather than created it. Although the bureaucratic workers of the British defense agency did not use the idea of \u200b\u200breplacing the panel on a plastic analogue, Ken Heron had an idea that was later destined to be embodied in the original audio system.

Thus, in 1991, a group of Heron under the auspices of DERA holding a number of additional studies, patented new technology. However, the inertness of companies engaged in the field of sound systems gave to know about themselves, and therefore, only in the second half of the 90s there was a company that decided to make commercial investments in the further development of this certainly, of course, perspective technology. This company was VERITY engaged in the design and sale of high-class acoustic equipment, which was later renamed NXT.

Specialists from NXT, together with the Kheron group in a short time, passed a long path, because before arriving the NXT command, new speakers could only play a speech range. Thus, NXT brought the time of commercial use of flat speaker technology. Family later, the company sells all production capacity to fully focus on new developments.
So, today, NXT has two technologies based on the principle of flat speakers - actually flat SurfaceSound speakers and transparent speaker technology - SoundVU. The first is licensed by many firms, among which both the giants of the industry, like, Sony, Panasonic, Toshiba. Compaq, IBM, JVC, etc. Not to mention a hundred different who buy ready-made panels to create not expensive sound systems.

The volume and depth of the lower range of sound increases with increasing display sizes. Stereo effect is achieved due to the addition of another emitter. This will allow in the future to abandon the columns embedded in the monitor, which will reduce the display dimensions, and also free on the table due to the abandon from the audio system. But the greatest benefit this technology Bring the owners of laptops, which until recently could not boast the quality of sound reproduction. The company notes that it is still difficult to say how much the cost of PCs equipped with the SoundVU system will increase, since the final refinement of the technology will require some time, and the appearance of real products on its basis should be expected about the year after a half. Now let's talk about flat technology (surfaceesound) and transparent (SoundVU) speakers.


What is the principle of working flat dynamics? A fairly complex oscillating pattern is formed on the surface of the flat emitter (Fig. 1), creating sound, and in the traditional speakers of the sound frequency of the specified spectrum are generated by oscillations of the same membrane.

There is an absolutely logical question: why are such difficulties need at all? After all, the new technology, for successful use in the creation of equipment, should clearly allocate advantages over the predecessor for several issues. A rather attractive design with all the desire, will not be able to recoup the costs if this parameter is the only one. Of course, the primary and main task pursued by the developers in the creation new technology For speakers, there will be sound quality. Piezoelectric, electromagnetic, electrostatic and other traditional acoustic systems in terms of sound quality are not inferior to flat speakers. A set of acoustic equipment based on Surfacesound, manufacturers are complemented by subwoofers due to the fact that the flat speakers reproduce only the upper frequency range.

Fig.2. Standard Sound Field

Pay attention to the two-way chart of the orientation (Fig.2) of flat speakers. In traditional acoustic equipment, it has a different appearance, namely, in contrast to this, quite narrow and far from spherical, which leads to a limitation of the area of \u200b\u200bperception of stereo effect. So in this matter, the flat speakers obviously won. And the reflection of sound waves from the walls of the room is quite good. So, an attractive design, the surround sound, of course, cannot be put against poor-quality sound, but we will live in - see.


SoundVu is a technology that is supposed to transform glass of computer monitors and plastic Mobile LCD and desktop computers in the loudspeaker. In essence, SoundVu is the development of Surfacesound, with the only difference that the first will allow to make flexible, transparent, almost colorless plates. SoundVu solves the problem of transparent surface conversion (such as a computer monitor) into the loudspeaker. In practice, it is very convenient, because for most owners mobile phonesThe hole under the speaker and the most polluted phone has long been synonymous. The use of new technology will solve "hygienic" problems of using mobile phones. In addition, the use of SoundVU will reduce the housings of cellular devices even more, and therefore increase the attractiveness of the latter. SoundVu, according to John Wizard, the NXT director, turns a computer or television screen into a loudspeaker with a full dynamic and frequency range. The larger the screen size, the louder sound And "deeper" bass. To create stereo sounds, it is enough to embed two converters into the screen.

Flat "Touch" speakers for mobile phones made by Matsushita Electronic

Matsushita Electric has introduced new narrow speakers - Sound Slim, where the magnetic flux is used, created in the horizontal direction by two repellent magnets. In addition, the company did not stop at this and now introduced new fruits of its researchers using the so-called Sound Window technology: this is an Acoustic Panel - a flat speaker-pad, and Acoustic Touch Panel (A-TTP) - speaker integrated into the touch panel.

The essence of the technology is that for the manufacture of speakers using Aero Drive technology, a thin film is used, which does not require to create vibrations of the sound-based sound base. Moreover, according to Matsushita, the external pressure on some part of such a panel will only lead to loss of volume, since the other areas of the elastic film will continue to vibrate.
Everyone knows that holes in the current cell phones And the PDA, through which the sound "stems" is places of maximum accumulation of dirt and moisture. The idea to combine speakers with protective panels LCD screens - quite promising, because it will help to get rid of excessive holes in a pocket PC / mobile phone completely. Matsushita Electric intends to start deliveries of samples of such speakers in August, the mass production of acoustic panels starts in March 2003.

Overview of columns based on the technology of "flat" sound

Jazz Hipster Monaco.

Elegant flat columns whose depth is only 13 mm, and the membrane is a plate with a thickness of 3mm. This monaco acoustic system, which consists of three components: subwoofer and satallites, has the power of both systems - 500W. The frequency range of the Jazz Hipster Monaco model is - and 80 hz - 20 kHz. When listening to this model, quite clean high frequencies and good, although imperfect average can be distinguished. And in general, the sound quality is worthy, allows you to use this model as for listening to music and for computer gamesdue to the presence in the kit, as mentioned above the subwoofer. The low-frequency unit gives 80 Hz, of course such a parameter will not satisfy the strict music connoisseur, but as for computer columns, the indicator is quite good. The body of the lines plus good technical indicators allow you to declare with confidence that these columns performed on the basis of SurfaceSound technology, if the traditional will not be supplemented, then they will sweat it for sure.

Jazz Hipster Malibu.

These speakers, developed by Jazz Hipster Corporation, simply previously, at least the fact that their set does not include a subwoofer, that is, if there is a desire to listen to the rock composition or shoot in some computer toy, you will have to "fork out" to a separate subwoofer The socket for which is available in this model. Columns are called Malibu. The stated power is 320W, and the frequency range is 200 Hz - 20 KHz. Of course, you should not believe in any of these figures measured in incomprehensible parrots, but simply assess the quality of the sound. When listening to the impression folds ambiguous, of course, on one side, the sound is quite clean, but the bass of this speaker system is very bad. All the same, 200 Hz cannot provide decent low frequencies with all the desire. And now about the main thing - about the price! Oriented columns are sufficiently available for users - only $ 30, the previous MONACO model with the presence of a subwoofer and a significantly better frequency range, and according to high-quality sound - $ 35.

Genius SW-2.1 Slim

The name of these ultra-thin columns A-626 made on the basis of NXT SurfaceSound Technology technology from coming NXT NEW TRANSDUCERS LIMITED. In this model, the sound source serves as a flat solid surface. Testing this speaker system having a Genius designation SW-2.1 SLIM designation, you can conclude the following that at low frequencies this model is imperfect, but it should be noted due to the presence of a subwoofer, the sound is quite good compared to say with the Malibu columns manufactured by Jazz Hipster Corporation . The design and ergonomics of the A-626 are fulfilled standard, that is, without much differences from the existing prototypes based on SurfaceSound technology. Particularly saddened the standard color - the milk color plastic taming. Satellite power of 2 W, and the subwoofer is 6 W. At high and medium frequencies, the acoustic characteristics of the A-626 are quite good - the sound is saturated and high-quality. These columns are very similar to the previously considered MONACO models in many respects, such as: dimensions, ergonomics, frequency range and actually price - $ 30.

Benwin DML 2000A.

Consider the acoustic system based on SurfaceSound-Technology Benwin DML 2000A. The presented set of flat columns consists of two actual flat columns and a subwoofer. Appearance This model is pretty stylish and well "fitted" not only in the interior of the office or office, but also will fit perfectly, it means the columns themselves without subfouple, if not in directly to the laptop, so exactly in the portfolio for it. It is worth noting that Benwin's products have already submitted to users of users a similar acoustic system of BW2000A, which also stated the world, and more competitors in this area that this sound technology is interested in not only a limited number of manufacturers. So, now about the quality of the model. When listening to various frequencies of music, it can be concluded that, as non-human, but reproduction is imperfect. That is, at low frequencies, the sound quality in principle is comparable to standard counterparts for the price, but medium and high "not without sin". When listening to rock compositions, there is no interference, in the form of rattling, and when using these speakers for computer toys, the sound is although quite clean, but unsaturated. But there is no loud without good. Here is a stereo effect in these columns, it is perhaps an order of magnitude higher than say from standard models, that is, the sound volume and reflection of sound waves is beautiful.

TEAC PowerPanel-300

Is it possible to call the speakers of the acoustic system of TEAC PowerPanel-300 ultrathins? Of course yes. With such columns, as they say, at least where, you want to admire at home, and if necessary, together with a laptop, which is especially nice, on the road. And places are little occupied and the sound is worthy. The solid surface of the speakers, the vibration on which is carried out by means of the converter inspires not only calm during transportation or other accidental physical impact, but also provides good sound quality on the entire frequency range. Testing has shown that in view of course, the presence of a subwoofer, performed in a good design, the acoustic characteristics of sound are especially highlighted by purity and realism at low frequencies, although, as mentioned above the average and high frequencies normally. I will make a reservation that such a conclusion is made mostly compared with other columns based on flat technology, for the standard analogues are not so "extravagant", but there are no complaints about the quality of the reproducible sounds, well, or almost no. Let's return to the model under consideration. Satellites have a depth of approximately 13 mm, which affected the stereo effect of this acoustic system, and the working (sounding) surface has a size of 140 mm by 124 mm. It should be noted and disadvantages such as small dimensions of the subwoofer, who lead to a deterioration in the quality of the sound of classical music and are somewhat deteriorating bass. In general, this model in my opinion can make a fairly good competition available to the existing analogues.


Another model based on Surface Sound Technology. Appearance, ergonomics leave the most positive impressions, but there are comments that should be highlighted. First, the use of an elongated, undoubtedly attractive design, led to some difficulties, say in the compactness of the acoustic system with a laptop. Secondly, it is necessary to carefully position this model, for example on the desktop to avoid falling due to not a large area of \u200b\u200bthe base of the speakers, but still, they look elegant. The set of delivery is standard, i.e. two dynamics of 7.5 W plus saubwofer - 24 W. The quality of the playable sound on low, medium and high frequencies can be defined as standard for this type Equipment, that is, not bad, but it might be better. But the stereo effect is indeed indispensable. With increasing frequency, the narrowing of the sound field is practically not noticed, which is typical for the dynamic head with a traditional piston scheme of work. If you really know a sense in acoustics, then this "flat" model of XS-IV S80 columns from the TDK Recording Media EUROPE manufacturer is just needed, and if you need and excellent sound quality, then it is worth thinking.


To date, the prospects for the growth of the development of the market related to the playback of sound are very high, about which, in fact, there is a big abundance of such a product. Indeed, such achievements as a decrease in dimensions, a significant improvement in ergonomics, more real acoustics of the model, etc. will lead to new technological solutions that will be raised in the coupe with the above advantages and such an important indicator as sound quality. Flat and transparent speakers, it seems, and there are those first steps to a beautiful and decent hardware equipment. Well, - wait "Let's hear"!

While our industry has established the release of electronics 100as, the progress in the West did not stand in place, introduced new speakers with coaxial, isogenic, electrostatic loudspeakers. The largest Japanese corporations are Sony, and then Matsushita (Technics), began to develop brand new dynamic heads operating in piston mode. The main distinguishing feature of these speakers was completely flat, rather than cone diffusers of cellular design. The flat radiating surface does not have resonances inherent in cones, there is no voltage zones and by itself phase and closer in nature to musical instruments.

Already in 1978, Sony presented the prototype of the highest-tech speaker system in the world - Sony / Esprit APM-8. The diffusers of all four speakers of the square shape, the low-frequency was as many as 4 cobalt, the core powerful magnetic systems that moved a single flat diffuser, as if the piston. Then there was a deep bass reproducible to a single ac-deep bass in 25 Hz in terms of level - 8DB, and laying a day unattainable small books in a low-frequency region, which even 40Hz does not exceed 2%!

Sony / Esprit.APM-8 (1978)4 bands, the possibility of multipping, housing with an antidifraction coating, 102kg. 500W. 25-30 000Hz.

Inexpensive, but high-quality flat cellular emitterTECHNICS. (Applied to Technics SB-7 model)

TechnicsSB-10, isoodinamic HF emitter, cellular sch with "invisible" suspension, cellular lamp (32cm) with coil super-large diameter (160mm). Magnet and two centering washers are inside this coil! It turns out as if the speaker inside out. A similar complex design was produced only by technics and then short time.

The company LO-D (Hitachi Concern) did not follow the path of Sony and Technics and developed its own flat diaphragms, but not a cellular design A with a filling of synthetic foam and velvet acrylic coating of the radiating surface, the same LO-D apertures were used to manufacture passive emitters.

TRIO (Kenwood compartment, a high-end audio engineering) used conical LC emitters reinforced with stiffener cellular ribs. Acoustic registration served as a special Rupora Phaseinverter, which occupies all rear part AU. SC / RF TRIO emitters produced with flat diaphragms of carbon fiber, with impregnating acrylic resins.

JVC in its speakers (Victor Zero-7) developed diffusers entirely from the foam-resin composition. In the design of speakers, the suspension was fixed with back side And he was "invisible." Innovation was that reflection of sound waves disappeared from the edge of the suspension, which are returned back to the diffuser in the standard design. Supplement three bands of such speakers The ultralight belt superstere with an acoustic lens.

LO-D HS-5000 (LO-D Division Hitachi, specializing in high-end techniques)

Flat emitterLO.- D., diffuser filled with special foam and laminated with metal.

Flagship model firm TECHNICS - SB-M. 1 (1981) 4 bands, cellular emitters - a kind of response Sony / Esprit APM-8, only more than twice cheaper .

Cellular filling of the diffuser gives incredible stiffness at the highest internal coefficientdamping, while possesses a low mass.

Trio Ls.-1000, rear panel is a mouthpiece thatinteractroominglistening to what raisesreturn myselflow frequencies.

Onkyo.SCEPTER-300, rear panel with sight of the usual speaker has 6 multidirectional sch-HFemitters that according to the words of the developers, gives a feeling of a complete 3-dimensional picture of the sound image.

VictorZero -7. Thanks to the use of flat emitters, even in a multi-band design, a minimum phase correction is sufficient.

Diatone DS-505, 4 bands, tapered LF diffusers - cellular design, dome - over lightweight titani boron.

At the turn of the 70x-80s, after long experiments and research, many constructors concluded that the perfect emitter is a point source of sound. In such a loudspeaker, phase and transitional distortion are minimized, the sound is radiated from one point without separating bandwidth speakers (LF, SC, HF) in space. What gives the listener to the feeling of complete presence at the concert, the sound is not attached to the AC, and all virtual sources are definitely localized in space. Broadband dynamic heads are not able to reproduce the entire audible frequency range, especially in the high-frequency part. Therefore, the developers began to install several loudspeakers on one axis. Most interesting solutions Apply Tannoy and Altec Lansing.

The Tannoy company used large LC paper speakers with an acoustically transparent dustproof cap and a tapered hole in the core, through which the RF speaker radiated, mounted inside the head of the head of the head and operating from its magnetic field. The main minus of this concept is the oscillation of the highway of the diffuser, which is at the same time with the HR HRP.

Tannoy Autograph (K3808) (1979) Developed specifically for location in the corner of the room. Acousticdesign - Frontal part of the dynamics are loaded onto the root, the back of the sophisticated labyrinthforms.

Coaxial speakerTannoy. The domestic RF emitter is inside the conical LF head and uses its magnetic field only on the other side of the magnetic system.

Altec Lansing 620B Monitor, 1978 RF driver attached from behind a large 15 "LF dynamics and radiates through a hole inhis cace on his own mouthpiece.

And only by the end of the 1980s, Technics managed to completely embody the theory of the point emitter in its AU of the SB-RX series. In addition, the TECHNICS point emitter worked in the piston mode and was absolutely flat.

I wanted to note another significant idea of \u200b\u200bthe 190s and 1980s. This is a reverse mechanical communication system (EMOS) developed by Philips. Everyone knows that the amplifiers with a high output resistance are very lively and naturally transmit the sch and the RF spectrum of a musical signal, and low-out-resistance amplifiers (which causes a high damper factor), well, and accurately play the bass. Philips engineers have placed the micro sensor heads on the Diffuser, which monitors amplitude, temperature, power and other parameters. Then the data is sent to the microprocessor, which controls the amplifier installed in the AU housing. Based on the information received, the microprocessor adjusts the output resistance of the amplifier. When implementing multi-band gain, the design is exempt from passive crossovers in which part of the signal is lost. The ability to change the amplifier parameters, as it is necessary in this moment time.

I am writing this note with several mixed feelings. On the one hand, the technology that information appeared is very interesting and can invert modern views in its application. On the other hand, this information is more advertising than practical, since it was not possible to obtain direct evidence or some examples. Well, time will tell, but for now - that's what we are talking about.

Warwick Audio Technologies declares that it has developed completely flat acoustic speakers (sound empties) on the new technology. The company declares the following characteristics:
- The speakers look like flat sheets of polymer, sizes vary from A5 to A3
- sheet thickness is 0.2 milimeters
- Flexible sheets
- Provided sound pressure - from 85 to 105 dB (this number seems to relate to pressure measurement right at the surface of the sheet)
- Provide a very high direction of sound due to focusing of the sound wave by bending a sheet (as a mirror curve reflecting the light of different directions in one point)
- Extremely low current consumption, high efficiency and negatively small heating
- Not affected by external magnetic fields

The company does not hide that their technology is the development of already existing several decades of ESL technology - Electro Static Loudspeaker (electrostatic sound empty). ESL implies such a emitter design where the sound is created using a membrane placed in an electrostatic field. I quote Wikipedia:

In the most common embodiment, the high-level membrane is placed between two stables. The membrane gives a high voltage relative to the states, a large amplitude signal is served on the stables ( sound signal big tension). As a result, an alternating electrostatic field occurs between the membrane and stators, moving the membrane. The field acts uniformly on the entire membrane, and the membrane has an extremely low mass, due to this, high characteristics are achieved: coeff. Nonlinear distortion reaches 0.05%, high pulse response, smooth response.

Warwick Audio Technologies is called FFL ("Flat Flaxible Loudspeaker" - "Flat Flexible Loudspeaker"). It realizes the same idea that the electrostatic speakers have long been developed - the sound wave is created by a flat membrane, fluctuating in the electrostatic field. However, the company's innovation lies precisely that they managed to make the design amazingly flexible and thin. In fact, the company has created a not a certain electromechanical design, but a completely homogeneous material of the laminate. The leaf of the laminate consists of three layers - two membranes and an insulating layer between them.

With the "swinging" of the upper membrane by an electrical signal, the membrane vibrates exactly in the phase in all its sites, forming something like a piston. Thus, the sound wave formed by the motion of the membrane turns out to be very directed.

More detailed details of their development company, of course, does not disclose.

If all this is true, then similar speakers will be used in countless seats and situations: in the subway over the heads of passengers, in supermarkets right in the pictures of products, in cars, in offices, and so on. and so on.

By the way, Warwick is not the only ones who announced such sound emissions. More recently, another group of developers, this time from Industrial Technology Research Institute, presented its development in the same area - FlexSpeakers. There is a video clip showing such a speaker in action. ITRI \u200b\u200bpromise that in the sooner of time, their acoustic sheets in size A2 will be available for sale at a price of just 20 dollars.

You can share your thoughts in the comments to the note.

According to the theory of solutions of inventive tasks (TRIZ) best device It is, which is generally absent, and the task is performed. So with home electronics - many do not mind to reduce its presence to a minimum. This is especially true of columns. There are a lot of reasons. The most common of them are children who may accidentally overturn acoustics; expensive square meters eaten by the technique; Fancy of the passages, etc. Well, in commercial facilities - stores, restaurants, etc. Generally - a real salvation.

Laconic solution in this situation are wall acoustic systems. In the presentation of many, this is still ordinary shelf speakers that are fastened to terrible brackets. In fact, there are now a lot of wall acoustics of the most different design, a different sound quality and, naturally, a different price. Hope that this short review It will be useful to make a general idea of \u200b\u200bexisting opportunities. First of all, this review is devoted to the design. well and technical nuances You can find out in our gallery.

Flat acoustic systems.

As a rule, they have a rectangular shape. Among them there are very thin - only 2-3 centimeters thick, and there are quite voluminous, there is a size with a notebook, and the size of human growth. Here is the main question in the quality of sound and power that you need and which correspond to the size of the room. Some of the wall models sound at the radio level (who remembers), and some correspond to the level of High End. From the point of view of the finishing of the flat columns, their main difference is the color of the frame and the color of the grill.

Pretty popular flat models with grilled images. In fact, they are masked by paintings. In order for such an imitation to be complete, the bugs sometimes order as tuning - from simple to luxurious. But the possibility of their use depends on the design of the speakers.

Some flat acoustics and disguise should not be. Thanks to a high-quality finish, it can good "make friends" with many interior styles.

"Volumetric" wall acoustic systems.

The disadvantage of flat speakers is that they need a certain place on the wall, and the more high level Columns, the greater the place they usually require. Not anywhere - physics. Therefore, the alternative can be "bulk" wall columns. They not only save space on the wall, but also look quite effectively.

The choice of forms and materials is very large here. But the "rule of size" is also observed. More powerful and high-quality columns, as a rule, have large dimensions. But the "kids" should not be discounted. Properly chosen compact solution is quite capable of cope with the tasks. Usually wall-mounted speakers work together with subwoofers. Although the subwoofers are located mainly on the floor, they are not so striking and not as critical to the location, however, there are certain requirements here.

Among the "volumetric" wall-mounted models there are representatives of the "soft" forms that can well fit into the "classics" and in modern interiors. Some of them are not originally nasty, but have the opportunity to be attached to the wall.

There are models built on hard straight lines. As a rule, they are better "friends" with minimalist interiors and some directions of neoclassic, where straight lines also dominate.


This type of acoustic systems is also customized on the walls. Mostly saoundbars are used in low-cost home theater systems. From the point of view of sound quality, it is difficult to demand something special. Rather, they are designed for a completely unassuming user. The design in most cases is also focused on budgetary modern interiors.

However, among Soundbarov there are real "kings". The dimensions of such columns exceed two meters and in fact completely replace full-fledged outdoor acoustic systems high class End.

The finish of such systems is also different. But in most cases you can find an option for both classics and "High-Tek".

Rear acoustic systems.

Such acoustics is used in home theaters for rear, and sometimes side channels for creating surround sound. In many ways, the design approaches are similar to those described above flat and volume acoustic systems. The difference is that the appointment of such acoustics is quite definite - the creation of the effects of surround sound in the home theater. Although in some cases they are used as the main speakers in small rooms. From the point of view of the "strict rules", this is incorrect, but for the inexperienced Melomanana, this can be a way out from the point of view of design with an acceptable quality of sound.

Naturally, to achieve optimal results for all criteria when used wall speakers, Joint work and customer, and an interior designer and specialists in such a technique are necessary. The gallery of impeccable electronics "Nazarov" has accumulated extensive experience in using wall-mounted acoustic systems of various types in various interiors. Surely we will find optimal solution For any, even the most non-standard case. Contact, we will be happy to help you!

Overview prepared Oleg Kostyuchenko.