How to develop your blog. Practical blog development tips from scratch. How best to issue your blog

Maria Zhuravlev

* Update article

Before you start a blog, you need to decide on its topic. Marketers lead blogs to promote the site and business, someone leads a blog about their favorite business, and someone shares personal stories and experiences on a blog. If you want to start blogging and make it a way to earn money, but you can not choose the topic, then here are ideas for inspiration.

1. Articles lists

Articles lists, like any form of content marketing, have their advantages and minuses: people love to read them, but many resources stamp monotonous, repetitive ratings.

For example, the top 10 of the best films or books chosen by incomprehensible principle maybe someone and repograph. But in the main look across, everything is bad and sad, and one list of copy-paste is different.

Treat the compilation of the selection with seriousness. Little just to collect 15 American comedies in the same text. You should be able to interest the user: Read these 100 books on psychology and give each volume of thoughtful comment, try on yourself all the services you offer for mailings, do not entertain the reader. Blog is a job. And not a multiple clocen of Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V.

A unique look, an expert serious approach, personal cases - what revives all these lists, tops and compilations. Come to the case with soul and mind.

2. Practical guidelines

How do people find out how to do something? They go over. Wikihow has become popular thanks to alone to the guides.

You would be surprised if you learned what the audience had wide interests. If you can find your niche audience and satisfy her curiosity, your blog will be popular.

Write different types practical guidelines. Step-by-step guides for beginners are very popular, such as our full guide for beginners to create a site on WordPress.

Note: You do not just need to deprive someone else's instructions. Take the topic in which you know well, revitalize it and personal experience, Write the guide as much as possible, and people will definitely appreciate your material.

3. Politics

Politics is always a popular topic, especially in the year of the elections, both local and state. The blog about politics leads, for example, the magazine "Snob".

However, the popular does not mean simple: to blog about politics - the case is quite time consuming. Of course, you can start the site in which, not particularly understanding, you will threaten a fist in the air, scolding the rich and distribute the words of their richness to the poor. But for the competent political blog of this little.

All of us to some extent involved in this hot topic, but that is why it is important in addition to emotions to raise the ability to analyze, distinguish communism from anarchism, a little understanding in the legislation, well, and quickly navigate the infamps. However, be careful: even with maximum correctness and restraint, get ready for holivars. They will absolutely get off in the comments.

4. Cooking

Constantly appear new rigorous diets. For example, recently in the United States defined the best diet for 2020. We will not torment: in the trend nutrition in Mediterranean (little red meat, a lot of fruits, vegetables and nuts). But this is not the essence.

Culinary topics as a whole is very popular. Various popularity is particularly popular with their visibility. Often they are devoted to a certain topic: vegetarianism or, on the contrary, harsh "male cuisine" with an abundance of meat dishes. A good example of a culinary channel - video Blog Gordon's challenge boyfriend. That is more humorous.

Remember: If we are talking about food, pay special attention to the visual. Execute high-quality food shooting. The problem of many culinary blogs is incomprehensible turbid photos on the smartphone. Food is obliged to look appetizing, so that it wanted to eat right from the screen.

5. Science

Suddenly you were lucky, and you are the second Stephen Hoking? It's time to create a scientific channel! And then, maybe write the book. And then and the black hole take a picture of who knows you.

But be careful: without critical thinking and caution here should not be advanced. If you decide to open the world that aliens live among us or that we actually happened from a reasonable mayonnaise, slow down a bit. Perhaps your hypothesis is very quickly refuted. Although, on the other hand, someone still proves on the entire Internet, that the earth is actually flat.

6. Interview

Attraction certain people - Customer, professionals, experts, managers are a great way to add your personality and persuasive blog. The periodic use of such personal information as photo, interviews and quotes helps to establish more private communication With an audience. The best way stand out against the background of other bloggers - publish interviews taken from experts from the sphere, both in people from your team and from representatives of other companies. For example, we have an interview with Glavred "Lentach" Taras Sichyuv.

The interview in our age does not have to pass live and with a voice recorder. Many journalists have already adapted to appoint "Skype" meetings. And you can always restrict ourselves to the correspondence, although it will not give the intonation, of course, and the selfie with the interviewee will not do too.

But believe me: For an interesting class material, a fairly simple correspondence with an interesting and cool media driver.

11. Personal experience

Moved to another country, began to breed horses or decided to reset 30 kilograms? Share your experience in your blog. Such a blog is interesting to readers, because the events in it occur almost in real time. The author in this case is a specific person who makes mistakes and doing progress and telling about this to his audience. Good example - blogger OSIA.

12. Health

A healthy lifestyle has now become a real trend. Sports, proper nutrition, disease prevention are popular topics. And not surprising: health does not happen much.

However, remember that it is not enough to just start walking into the simulator and remember the magic formula "Cura-Grech" to teach people of the head. A healthy lifestyle is a topic that is not far from medicine, and here you need to be well savvy and keep your nose in the wind, watching relevant studies in this area.

Yes, of course, if you are sports and cool, the press cubes will say everything for you. Take pictures, instaboker, and inspire others by your wonderful body. Sport is good. But still pronounce about injury and proper technique, otherwise hurt someone.

13. Exposing myths

Each sphere has their own facts and fictions, therefore the show of the Destroyers of Legends is so popular.

Shawing stereotypes and legends that interfere with living, cast your head and simply harm, is holy. Of course, the Battle of Titans and public resonance always arise around such a matter, but you can contribute to the development of critical thinking from subscribers.

Exposure and stealing stereotypes loves, for example, TrashSmash..

14. Virtual reality, AI, technology

Popularity digital technology Over the years will only grow. According to the study of 2019 from KPMG agency 21% russian companies Uses VR / AR technology. And it is only with us.

We are surrounded by smart cars, complex algorithms, neural networks. It even scares a little. And all the more relevant in our age to make a blog on this topic. If you understand what is happening, help sort out others.

15. Economics, budget

If you are once or two, you catch the easiest oscillations on the stock exchange, you know how to make two million out of two rubles, you plan everything to a penny and oriented in courses of all currencies with eyes closed, this is a direction right for you.

Talk about Bitcoin, Karl Marx and loans. Money is an inexhaustible topic. Although themselves, alas, very much exhausted.

In general, the lack of subscribers with a competent approach to complain is not at all.

Articles about the economy writes, for example.

16. Automation

Automation is an important trend in the field of B2B, so the posts on this topic - the Golden lived internet. Automation is a wide concept. You need to choose, posts about what type of automation will bring you truly valuable traffic. Arbus blog, for example, tells about the automation of the restaurant business.

19. History

History lessons are an excellent way to fill the blog useful and interesting information. But here too, it is necessary to neatly with too free interpretation of facts and bold theories. It is interesting to tell about a particular period of history - this one. And on the basis of fragmentary and vague data, bring out that you have occurred from the Spanish king is another.

21. Funny stories

Humor is always popular. Funny posts are most often shared in social networks. Therefore, such resources like Pikabu and chips. It is among the most popular Runet sites.

Memes, comics, pies - What is our life without them? So arrow the sense of humor and joke as the last time. And let the world be brighter from the smiles of your audience, the grasshopper is stuffing on the violin, and the next kitokartink will acquire a new cool inscription.

Parents will always be interested in tips written specifically for them. Moreover, it is increasingly developing honest, conscious, bold parenthood is not only pink heels and happiness of motherhood, but also paternity, education without violence, the theory of attachment and a reasonable approach to health A la Komarovsky.

Well, since it was about honesty, it is worth mentioning honest media for parents, which is called "no, that's fine."

23. Upcoming events

The news about the upcoming meaningful event always causes increased interest and many discussions in the blogosphere. It doesn't matter whether the Olympiad of which will follow the whole world, or a local concert - search engines will be overwhelmed with requests for the upcoming event. So, for example, the CinemaHOLICS website leads its "dubious posch".

24. Stars Internet

26. Pets

At blogs about pets a huge audience. One of the most striking examples among popular animals is a Cat Grumpy Cat, the deceased on May 14, 2019, but has managed to become a real online star. She not only became a meme, but also starred in advertising, as well as two books emerged about the world with huge circulations.

27. Business, management

How to choose a remote employee? Which startup to invest a million milliona? How not to break by choosing a CRM system? Docillion will form performers? Who delegate everything in the world?

In general, issues that can be lit, the whole ocean is scored. Business is not just a way to make money, but art, sport and headache.

One of the blogs for entrepreneurs - blogtrepreneur.

28. Psychology, self-development

In fact, a very extensive topic. You can come from a household point of view, and you can work in a particular direction of psychology. But if you do not have an appropriate education, try to position yourself as a person who has certain important thoughts about this, and not as a professional psychotherapist, categorically telling how to treat phobias or to make relationships. Incompetence is visible immediately. You will not raise confidence in yourself by taking someone else's role.

And even despite this, a small restriction, in this area there is anyone where to turn around. Tell us about your experience overcoming fears, about working with anxiety, to establish sleep. Such stories respond, because everyone is close.

An example of a scientific and popular portal for psychology -

Jerry Updates / Notes:

After publishing this article, I received several email requests for a business site or [another CMS] site.

The fact is that I always think that you should keep your blog, as if this is a real business. Tools for market research and marketing for blog or business site are similar. Marketing strategies and hacks that I mentioned in this manual usually work for all types of blogs or sites. Consequently, I do not see the need for a separate article.

This became a gigantic guide with more than 6,000 words. And I take an interview with more bloggers for their contribution, and also think about new ways to improve this manual. Ideas and reviews are welcome! Contact me by [Email Protected]

Creating a blog / site - step # 1.

To stay ahead of its competitors in any niche, you need to actively grow and improve your blog.

There are many factors that are included in creating a successful blog, use right set Data, the choice of the best tools and the use of the best strategy affect the success of your blog.

What's in this manual?

In this manual, we consider a number of things you can do to improve your blog.

Some of them require very little effort and can create instantaneous positive results; While others take more time and skills.

It looks like role-playing games - some levels are simple, and some require more time / effort to master the necessary skills and breakthrough.

Data is your friend. But what?

We know that the data is crucial for measuring your progress and blog improvements.

But what type of data do you need to watch?

Sample - GIF, which I did with the help of screenogif.

2 - hide a freelance designer

In case the graphic and photo shoot is not really your thing, you can always leave the work to the freelance designer. The cost of graphic and web design has significantly decreased in recent years due to the free software and tough competition. Based on my recent study - the designer charges about $ 26 / an hour on average, and you can go to $ 3 / month.

The cost of the site I. graphic design Based on Profiles of Freelancer Upwork Top 100. The average hourly rate \u003d $ 26.32 / h; The highest \u003d $ 80 / hour, the lowest \u003d $ 3 / month ().

3 - Pixabay (or other directories that offer beautiful images)

If you need to add inappropriate photos to your post - at least you can avoid ugly photos. They are not only soft and unique, but also can appear on several other sites at any time that makes your blog less unique.

There are countless sites where you can get free, stunning photos. Pixabay my favorite because of its flexibility. There is no attribution requirements, it means that you can do with images obtained from this source, anything.

In addition, it is very easy to use - there is even a simple search directly to homepage, affordable before you enter the system. You will get access to photos, vector image and illustrations and can filter as needed. Loading real images is incredibly simple and, again, comes with image size parameters (pixels and MB) so that the image that you had in hand is clear and high-quality for any purpose (in my case, most likely online for your blog - It does not require a huge file size).

Sample - image found on Pixabay.

Visit Website:

Tactics # 7. Blog design: less more

When you want to improve your blog, design is an obvious thing to watch. The general view of your site is the first impression that the site visitor has in your blog. It is important to have a good balance on the page. All elements must be combined into a useful and visually pleasant whole.

Learn from Pro: Al Poulis

You do not optimize the pages. You optimize the consistency of thinking.

Nature is the greatest designer. While we design for the network, we have something to learn, studying the nature itself. In the end, it's all about balance and harmony, contrast forms and color.

Tests 4 that you can perform to evaluate the effectiveness of your design elements:

1 - Attention:Each element must attract the attention of visitors and do it in the right order. For example, first set the high aspectivity coefficient, and then provide Call-to-Action. Or first orient the visitor, and then "Create a need."

2- direction:Web design elements must logically enter the path of reading visitors: from left to right, top down. Earn interest and orientation before the "creation of the need" before the information and "call to action".

3- contrast:Strategically change the path to which the visitor's eyes follow on the screen using contrast. For example: bright colors, especially red and orange, attract the attention of visitors. In addition, large elements, unusual forms or effects of parallax with their "virtual" third dimension will be released more. Also use the movement: "Flying Images", animated drop-down menus, sliders, hanging effects. Finally, remember that elements are allocated (i.e., lines in different colors of the background).

4- Balance:If we want to learn from nature, the balance is of paramount importance. Keep the relative size of your components equal to or use the "quantity" to ensure the balance. For example, if you use an unequal width columns, use several "heavier" elements (for example, images) in a narrow column to balance the weight of a wider column.

Examples of real life

Example # 1: Do not compress the whole content together

There must be a balance of white space and other elements. White space should not be white. Please note how Freshbooks uses a negative space to create a smooth appearance, reduce interference on the page. Remove unnecessary elements or move them to another place. Increase empty space to reduce noise.

Example # 2: Use simple designto minimize distraction

Users must focus on their content. Mint does good work, focusing the reader on the purpose of the site - make you register for account.

Example # 3: Use a smaller number of items in the main navigation menu

Then you can create subcategories in these larger. One example, which shows how you can organize a variety of categories, can be seen on, they split elements into categories, such as books, but then further break the category to additional subcategories to help you sort and find a specific item you want Extract from thousands. If you have a lot of categories, try to find several main categories. Reduce the use of pop-up windows. Add only one pop-up window as much as possible.

Tactics # 8. Search engine optimization on page

When you have better ranking in search enginesoh, you will see an increase in traffic and income. Nevertheless, finding out Holy Grail on how to rank above in search engines may seem overwhelming. Although it is true that research and improvement of non-disabilities (for example, receiving links), naturally, are important, in SEO a lot of bad fruits that many bloggers do not see.

Google regularly changes its algorithms, so it is difficult to understand what Google wants. You need to focus on three main directions, if you want to prove yourself in search google system: Content, performance powers and user interface.

All these factors are combined and combined in what Google considers a "good" block, which deserves a higher rating in the search results.

Learn from Pro: Michael Pozdnev

IN lately I study methods for increasing normal search traffic only by changing and formatting content (on the SEO page).

And I have good results.

Search traffic of one of my messages increased by 321%!

Here are the main steps on the SEO page that will help you get more traffic:

Take action

Some simple things you can do to improve the search rating:

  • Use descriptive alt tags on all images
  • Fix all errors 404 and non-working links
  • Turn on keywords In your H1, H2 and H3
  • Inner binding - make sure your important pages are well connected inside
  • Use the original, useful content that meets the needs of users - Google Panda punishes the sites with too much thin content pages
  • Use the tear and the site map to help Google understand the structure of your site and the content stream.
  • Use the content table if your content is longer than words 2,000
  • Test pages names to improve the search results page. CTR - Thematic studies have shown that CTR affects the ranking of sites.
  • Improving the speed of interaction with the site - the failure rate and time on the page affect the site rating.

Tactic # 9. Eat your dog food

One simple way to improve your blog is to spend time on working on old content. Read old posts regularly:

Tactic # 10. Good content is not enough

It is impossible to deny that good, well-written content is important if you want to attract your audience. But this is simply not enough to traffic on your site by itself.

You need to create content that your target audience wants most of all to read.

Search for content ideas

Tip # 1. Google Analytics

Look back to your Google Analytics. Find out what type of content will enjoy your audience. What parts do they most often interact or participate? Create more topics and less popular (or reprogramble less popular to make them more similar to popular messages).

For example, this is our top notes In a blog 10 for web hosting secrets, disclosed in January 2016. Facebook plug-ins retains the audience longer than on average. This means that the audience considers this information utility. In fact, they spend 100% more time for this post than some others. Time to know what makes it work so well and "strengthen" content.

Board # 2. Other media platforms

Get inspiration from popular content on Podcast, youtube canals, Slideshare, etc. This is a window in which people in your niche want to learn more. There is a reason that certain content is more popular at any time.

For example, iTunes allows users to view podcasts in popularity. Pay attention to this topic, as well as it is represented by the audience.

Use YouTube to find out what Vloggers do in your niche. Find out which videos are most popular in their channels. Enable these popular videos in the idea of \u200b\u200bthe blog content.

Obviously, simple image compression is not enough. Some other methods, except for Darna's proposals, consider:

  • Speed \u200b\u200bof your servers
  • If you have access to the content delivery network
  • Plugins that can lead you to a dead end and make it slowly download
  • Multimedia functions that can slow down the work of some users who have slow Internet speed
  • Image Optimization
  • Image delivery (CDN)
  • The actual theme of your site and how fast it is loaded
  • Caching

Tools for testing

ShortPixel helps compress and optimize images without exposing the image quality at risk. You can and check how much you can compress images of your site using ShortPixel.

Tactic # 13. Connect with others in your niche

Most blog guides that you find on the Internet today are focused on improving your letter or add more content.

However, the truth is that more or even better content is not always the answer.

Sometimes smarter move away from creating more content and learn other things you can do to achieve better results from blogging, such as communicating with peers.

At first glance, it may seem good idea to talk to other bloggers in your niche. In the end, you both compete for similar traffic.

However, the connection with other influential people can really bring you benefit. There is enough traffic to walk, and when bloggers recommend each other, visitors to their site, as a rule, pay attention.

  • Get acquainted with other bloggers. You both are oriented with a similar audience, so you both win. You can also contact bloggers in linked niches. For example, if you make wooden signs and sell them, you will need to contact the blog, which tells about the design of DIY.
  • Provide information to other bloggers. Have you found a place to advertise that is particularly successful? Do not be afraid to tell others. They, in turn, tell you where they advertise.
  • Exchange guest messages to each other to cover each other's audience.
  • Imagine your blogger friends to your readers, showing an interview by placing an article about them into your newsletter or simply giving them a cry on social networks.
  • Share ideas about writing and editing.

Learn from a professional: Marius Kinylis

Achieving influence: How to improve the response rate?

  1. Always include the benefit that may be interested in influential persons in your first email letter. For example, if you tell them about possible features Publications of a guest on their website, tell them that you will not only share this message with your subscribers in social networks, but also send email To your subscribers email 10,000.
  2. If the first letter did not work - always follow. People can tell everything they want, but subsequent actions still work incredibly well. And if possible - enable additional benefits. It can increase your chances of getting an answer.

Tactics # 14. Traffic growth with Facebook AD

Facebook is too large to ignore the social giant. There are more than 1.5 billion users in the giant of social networks, in 2015 advertisers spent $ 17.08 billion on Facebook. As they have such a wide base of users from different places and backgrounds, Facebook - the best way For brands and bloggers. However, you must understand how Facebook works, and spend time on optimization so that it costs that time.

Dig deeper

Here are some tips to help you start:

  • Watch out for new features (Facebook releases almost weekly). Be the first to use new ad formats - Instagram videos, DPA commercials, advertising announcements For local users, advertisements on canvas, etc.
  • Use the ad tool for automatic testing A / B to reduce the cost of advertising and improve advertising efficiency. I use ADESPresso to download most of my ads on Facebook - it helps me easy to create and track hundreds of ads in the same campaign.
  • Cross sale or cross-progress. Even if you do not sell a real product, you can still apply the idea of \u200b\u200bcross-sales to save existing visitors. When someone visits the page of your blog, you can automatically cross your other appropriate content using the redox function. For example, if you look at the "Creating Photo Gallery", you can track and promote your list "must see wordPress plugins For photo blogs "on Facebook.
  • Understand how you can hone your target audience by Facebook ads to achieve the accurate demographics you want to achieve.
  • Examine what your competitors do. You can even customize targeting on people who visited the pages of your competitors on Facebook and press advertising on them.
  • Always encourage benefits, not a product. Sales of products, services or content will be naturally the relationship that you build with your audience, you must inform your target audience as your product / content can help them. What problem do you decide?
  • Publish more photos. Wish. 120% more participation What messages without a photo. Messages with a photo album about 180% are engaged.
  • The target audience. Facebook knows a lot about you (and what sites you visited), and it uses this information so that advertisers can show their ads for the choice of groups of people. Your performances in FB strongly depend on how well you target your audience. Here are 20 without interest aims of the ideas of Facebook ads.

Examples of real life

Tactics # 15. Create your team and expand it

As your business grows and your team (by the way, this is the WHSR command). Look for people who deserve confidence and offer high-quality work for your team. As soon as they are trained, these people should be able to perform tasks with a small manual from you. This allows you to expand your promotional and content efforts almost the same as if you cloned yourself. The goal will be that you ultimately manage the team and left them the actual work.

With the right team and constant effort your blog must continue to expand your coverage. Over time, you will receive from other efforts. Improving your blog is not a one-time effort. You must continue to improve your blog week for a week if you want to succeed.

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  • Good day, friends. Today I have a public not an ordinary article written in a state of waiting for the best times and reflections on the meaning of my diary. IN currently I have no confidence whether my blog will be the happy owner of the target audience whether to write it to readers. There is only a desire and hope.

    If you, dear reader, got on this page with a search for a response to the question: "What to write to the blog" or to determine the blog development strategy and have the same features as shown below,

    i will be happy to offer you to adhere to the development strategy specified in this article.

    The fact is that about two months ago my blog changed the address. It had a negative impact on the number of visitors who came from search engines. Today, the main part of the posts has already been transferred to a new address and engine, some of the expects of its turn in drafts, their publication requires SEO optimization.

    Given that at present, a very small number of visits from search engines come to the blog and it does not have a large number of subscribers, it is not possible to reliably assess my creation.

    These circumstances, I will say honestly, forced me to think about the feasibility of writing to the blog and develop it with a bias on a public view.

    Initially, the blog was created as a personal reminder, affordable everywhere, and even after I revealed that the target visitors come to him with the search engines changed him to registration and optimized the text for better search results.

    A small number of visitors and the inability to currently draw conclusions forced me to think about what I would write tomorrow? I have no desire to rewrite other people's articles, increase their quantity for the formation of imaginary signs of development.

    Despite this, I still want to lead and develop a blog, I do not lose hope of acquiring readers and like-minded people. I will also be considered success if my article will be useful at least one person.

    I realized that in order to continue my blog, the sphere needs to develop a blog development strategy, especially since it refers to very competitive topics.

    Long-term blog development strategy based on nine principles:

    1. The topic of the new publication will be determined by personal experience - detailed description solutions to the difficulties I come across computer and Internet activities, as well as with conclusions and reviews;
    2. The article should give an answer to the question, the solution of which is not found on the Internet or is not complete;
    3. The article should convey to the reader truthful conclusions and feedback on life on the Internet based on personal experience;
    4. Do not create clone articles;
    5. Publish an article as an event occurs, see paragraph 1;
    6. Do not pay attention to the number and frequency of publications of new articles;
    7. Consider the quality of the article to the quantity;
    8. Conduct analysis search queries and reflect the answer to them in blog articles, conduct search optimization;
    9. Focus on the main source of traffic from search engines.

    From today, I consider it expedient to adhere to this strategy for writing articles for the blog and its development.

    P.S. For me, the opinion of experienced bloggers and beginners left in the comments will also be very useful.

    Good luck friends and achieve your tasks!

    Greetings to you, dear friends, on the blog site. Today we will talk about the problems with whom I had to deal with the initial stages of creating your business blog and generally develop your business on the Internet. Recently, the network has become very popular to start their blogs and is connected with the fact that people learn from successful Internet businessmen to something new and try to self-develop. Successful bloggers of Steel good example Earning on the Internet and self-realization. I do not say that you need to immediately run everything in a row and give out to your reader, you need to approach the process creatively and thinking about the future.

    Before starting create your blog, Ask yourself what will lead all this. Will you imagine yourself in a couple of years as a successful blogger or after a few months you are somewhat, like most of the authors? Ask ourselves all these questions and if you firmly decided to start acting and developing your blog, then let's start.

    In the modern world, it is impossible to stand still and engage in everyone than the fall, without thinking about the future. I myself, honestly, bought my first computer only on the 4th year of the institute, and before that I loved playing video games, sometimes even round days, like my friends. But over the years began to think more about what I will do next. I watched Hollywood films and wanted to live as their heroes: in a chic mansion and ride on cool cars, not knowing concerns. Yes, it is not harmful to dream, but if I didn't take at one time behind my head, then it's not a fact that now I would have a lot of what I wanted. Only self-development and the desire to go ahead helped me achieve desired result and set goals.

    Beginner bloggers, I would like to advise to start creating your blog from creating a business plan, in which the main objectives of your resource and obtaining the desired result should be displayed. Work will have to work very much and stubbornly, if you are not ready for it and love to walk around the clubs and cafes in the evenings, instead of working on your project, it's better to walk and do not waste your time. Forget about what they say in advertising. Get just so easy money will not work: either you lose friends or your money, believing in the noodles that invested now a little money, you will soon become rich, lying on the couch and stain in Telik. Choose idols and ideal to imitate yourself, the image that will inspire you to create something new and move forward.

    Let's look at the main stages of the development of your blog at any time of existence.

    Self-development and attitude to the future

    To begin with, make a guidance of the order at its workplace. Arrange the items so that you are comfortable and comfortably spend your time at the computer. Since you have to constantly sit behind your blog, it is sooner or later that health problems can begin. I mean the curvature of the spine, if you are slut and hung up, as well as vision problems, in case of not the right tracking. Buy yourself a comfortable computer chair and technique.

    Try to play sports, it doesn't matter how important that the whole body worked and does not rotate with the roots in the chair, turning you into its continuation. Many people might think that if they go to the gym, then there will be no strength to write articles and work at the computer. Nothing like this. I myself attend the gym three times a week, and my productivity is only grows. Coming with a hard workout, I get a charge of energy, the blood is boolean and accelerates all over the body, forcing the brain to work on the "whole coil".

    Try everywhere and look for positive parties. Interestingly in your blog, are constantly looking for new inspiration and methods of self-realization. Seek several thematic books in your area, take part in various conferences and forums, where you charge positive emotions and energy and tell about your opinion and sensations.

    Choosing the topic of your project

    Do not immediately take for everything in a row or take for where the profit is more. If you are not familiar with a particular topic, then you can't earn money, and your project will start early or later, and most likely, after disappointing from failure you will no longer return to the Internet business.

    Choose for yourself the topic in which you have a great stock of knowledge and useful information. You will not write about how to write pictures on canvas, while working with a mechanic, unless of course it is not your hobby in your free time. The Internet is very valued by specialists who can give useful and interesting information To your readers, and not just write copies of other texts. Write enthusiastically to your topics and you will immediately see how around you will begin to gather the audience of faithful readers.

    Convenience and quality of your blog

    By choosing the topic of your project, order quality design. Recently, many bloggers began to issue courses on how to make your blog and. There are unique and worthy of attention projects, but most of them simply copy each other. I go to some blogs to see how people work, so to speak I analyze the blogosphere, which I recommend.

    Many bloggers are learn create a website And give one topic with a template for a carbon, and how you will not go to the blogs of other students, you see that everything is done under the carbon, and templates are almost one in one, and sometimes and just all on a white background with black frames. Neither an interesting attractive design, nor any raisin and its style.

    I could also take just wordPress template And write all your posts there, but no one will read them, as people are already tired of the same type of projects that are stamped in the hope of cutting a lot of money in a couple of months. No, I tried to create a cozy atmosphere and high-quality design so that my reader could relax and receive information from my posts.

    Work on the creation of interesting and actual articles. Analyze the problems that are interested in users and write a deployed article on this topic. Do not forget to carry out the correct transfine and. And also requires convenient and simple navigation on the site.

    Do not forget to update old posts that could lose relevance and become simply useless for the reader.

    Neither step back nor a step on the spot

    Never stop on the result. If you worked hard and began to receive stable traffic, it does not mean that it will be constantly. Always update your blog, search engines love developing projects and more often send their robots on them, showing the interest in your brainstorming.

    Strain the relationship with your audience, work on the manner of filing your thoughts. Set the subscription formlike my blog. It will help your readers always monitor new material and stay with you in touch. You do not need to be greedy, share with readers useful informationwhich you got from practice.

    You can write your mini-book or make a video course that you will hand out completely free. HorrorYou will say ... IS FREE???. Yes, completely free. So you can conquer the confidence of your subscribers and interest in your resource. I created my readers for my readers author's video course.

    Try to "light up" where you can only. Write comments to posts of other bloggers, forums and social networks. Participate in discussions of any controversial issues. Do not be afraid that something is not clear to you or you are not familiar with this or that topic. Choose the themes that you close and write on them. In the profile of your account, you must specify all your data, including a link to your site.

    To develop a blog, you need to ask yourself as soon as possible, spinning your name online different ways. The first time, depending on how you work on the development of your project, will have to be pretty not easy. You will move forward with small steps, meeting on your way criticized from envious and any kind of trolls. It is not necessary to upset and respond sharply to any problems. Develop and make your blog useful and interesting for the audience.

    Here are the main, in my opinion, the questions you need to solve at the initial stage of the development of your blog. Try and experiment. Do not try to be like everyone, be yourself. Be sure to carefully read the post: "Free Methods of Promoting Blog".

    Here is my favorite quote from this movie:

    - Forest, who will you be when growing?

    - Do I won't be myself?

    I all this to what you do not need to live with stereotypes, work on yourself and self-discharge. Never listen to all those who have not achieved anything in life, they will blame everyone and all in their failures, except themselves.

    I hope this post will be useful to my respected readers. Waiting for you in the following posts. Subscribe to blog updates. If problems appeared or something is not entirely clear, write in the comments.

    I will be grateful for pressing the buttons and repost this material. Good luck and high-quality business development.