How to improve mobile communications in the house. How to strengthen cellular signal? The signal is badly caught due to phone damage

1. What is a cellular signal and why increase it?

The principle of operation of the cellular network lies in the fact that between your mobile phone and base station The operator is organized by the radio channel in the high-frequency range (from 450 to 2700 MHz). Voice calls, SMS, as well as Internet data are transmitted through this channel.

Difference between different standards cellular communication comes down to what frequency and how this radio channel is organized

Picture 1. An example of a radio channel between your phone and the base station of your cellular operator

When planning cellular networks - the installation site of the base stations was chosen in such a way as to ensure confident reception of the GSM / 3G / 4G-LTE signal, regardless of your location - on the street, at home, in the car or train. But the laws of physics do not go anywhere, so when on the path of distribution cellular signal Barriers arise - buildings arise (especially reinforced concrete), trees and other interference, the signal, reflecting from the obstacles, loses part of the energy and weakens. Those. The power of the radio signal fades at each reflections from any obstacles and sooner or later completely disappears. What happens to the mobile phone I think you already understand - the cellular signal disappears

The maximum distance on which your GSM-900 mobile phone can catch the signal of your operator:

  • within the city - order 7 km
  • outside the city - no more 30 km

For cellular networks of the CDMA standard - the maximum distance is about 2 times more, and for networks 3G. and 4G-LTE. Approximately 2 times less than the above values. Those. The higher the frequency on which your mobile operator works, the smaller coating area they can provide with 1 base station.

Figure 2.An example of the distribution of the radio signal from the base station of the cellular operator

Therefore, due to the weakening of the radio signal, "dead zones" or "holes in the coating" appear - i.e. Places where there is no cellular signal, or the connection is unstable and intermittent.

Most often, this phenomenon is subject to:

  • premises of offices and apartments - in the old Fund (with thick walls), in the city center and in the "wells", on the ground floors;
  • underground parkings - where radio signal almost does not penetrate;
  • country houses and cottage villages - due to the remoteness of houses from base stations of operators;
  • industrial hangars and warehouses - most often constructed from metal or reinforced concrete, which are excellent protective screens from the radio signal passage;
  • trade and entertainment centers are also built of metal structures;
  • high-altitude business centers and houses - where above 10-12 floors or there is no signal at all, or an effect occurs, called interference.

This problem can be corrected using a cellular signal amplifier!

2. How to strengthen cellular signal?

As mentioned above, it will be able to solve the problem of a bad coating strengthening the cellular signal

What is the strengthening of the cellular signal? This is a procedure consisting in installing and configuring an intermediate repeater (amplifier) \u200b\u200bbetween the base station. mobile operator And directly to your room in the zone of bad reception (in the apartment, office, etc.). To speak more precisely, gSM signal gain - This is a whole range of equipment that serves to improve cellular quality

Besides gSM repeaterIn such a system there are several important elements:

  • street antenna (donor) - to receive a signal from the base station of your operator;
  • internal antennas (servers) - to transfer the reinforced signal to your mobile phone;
  • connecting cables and power dividers

Figure 3.. Example of equipment for amplifying a cellular signal

System mounting process for cell communication signal gain requires a qualified radio engineering approach, because Conjugate with the solution of many nuances and subtleties associated with the choice of the necessary frequencies, the location of all elements, as well as equipment models. After all, the quality of the amplifier interacting with the base station of the cellular operator operator, which means the quality of the GSM / 3G / 4G-LTE signal to be directly dependent on the decision.

This means that the procedure associated with the analysis of current installation of the situation, the choice, installation and configuration of the cellular signal strengthening system - the prerogative of only qualified specialists, and only they need to trust in solving this problem

Imagine that You will receive after installing the cellular signal strengthening system.:

  • confident reception of a cellular signal on all phones in your room;
  • lack of missed calls;
  • high quality speech;
  • reducing harm to your health from powerful emissivity of a mobile phone;
  • increase your phone from the battery
  • and the most important thing - You will be sure that you are fine!

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3. I have bad signal cellular network. Will my mobile operator help me?

Cellular operators develop, optimize and constantly improve their network, establishing new base stations, using mini and pic - basic stations of a limited radius of action, as well as offering large to corporative clients Femto cells (micro base stations). With their help, operators minimize the number of "dead zones". However, for the operator, it is costly to install the above-mentioned basic stations only in densely populated areas, i.e. Points of telephone concentration

Those applications that you will feed as a resident of a cottage village, a country house, or as an owner of industrial or office premises - cellular operators are executed in rare cases, due to their low payback

Just imagine that the average price of a new base station within the city feature is about 50 000 USD.And the city comes to 70-100 000 USD! Therefore, the reasons for such behavior of operators become extremely clear.

Short test for you! Compare these costs with how much you or your company spends on mobile communications per month and count for how many years, the operator will pay for a new base station built for you?

4. So what to do? Who can help?

A natural solution of such problems will be the gain of a cellular signal using a special device - GSM repeater, whose work is described above. A few days after the order of such a service - there will be a good coating in your room, guaranteeing high-quality communication.

With the development of technologies, similar GSM systems become an integral part of engineering systems of various buildings, along with standard communications, such as the power supply system or heating system. Increasingly, when designing buildings, the equipment is taken into account by their GSM repeater, because this systemwhich is laid in the project of the building, at the construction stage, it is much cheaper and more efficient in operation.

Summarizing this brief articlebecomes clear that the gain of the cellular signal is a number of procedures for installing special technical equipment aimed at improve cellular and make your communication with friends, close and colleagues more enjoyable and affordable.

What sin to hide: all cellular operators love to talk about how they improve coverage of their networks. Operators True do it. However, for someone somewhere this work may not be enough. Often not too good signal From the base station in a particular place is solved by replacing one operator to another - we are already like it is easy to do, in parallel without forgetting to do it. It happens, however, and so that the operator is not changed from hand, or the place is so unlikely or uncomfortable (just below), that a good reception of the bust of multi-colored SIM cards do not solve.

There are solutions, and we will soon tell about them, but first let's remember why it is almost impossible to provide a good mobile communication everywhere. We draw attention to the word "absolutely": it happens that "does not catch" you are on the plot, while on the way to it, and the neighbors have a mobile phone works, as it should. Most likely, the problem is not that dark forces were not built, but in ordinary physics: in terms of coincidence, it is your house in the village that closes some hill from the base station, or the house "hid" himself in lowland.

Sometimes it is more prosecious: you have chosen a place for a country rest, in which few people live, waiting for such a place of peace and silence. Excellent solution, but understand and operators of communication: they "spread" their networks primarily where there are people, and not where they are not.

Be that as it may, if your house has at least a weak signal, then you have something to do to improve the situation. The necessary devices from our review can be found in the stores of telecom operators or where they sell household appliances.

Limited to mobile Internet

Mobile Internet on a PC or gadget can be obtained in several ways. If the cellular communication was needed as a way out of World Wide Web, then such a task is to solve easier and cheaper than everything. All modern smartphones and laptops support Wi-Fi connections, and we will use it.

We will help exterior antenna. This device, compared to your mobile phone, can work with a much weaker cellular signal. The complexity is only one: you need to understand where this weak signal is stronger in your house. As a rule, on the second floor of the house or in the attic. Before installing an antenna, moving it, experiment with the speed of accessing the Internet, find the most best Position And fasten the antenna exactly there.

Computer or smartphone to the antenna just do not connect: you need an intermediary. As an intermediary you can use a USB modem with a SIM card, which you connect to the antenna, and you will receive the Internet by connecting your gadget over the cable or via Wi-Fi, if such a function has the antenna itself. If you take as a modem wi-Fi router, inside which the SIM card is also installed, then you will be connected not to the antenna, but to the router.

Almost all the antennas or containing their fixtures in this review have a characteristic reflecting their ability to turn a weak signal into a strong: amplification coefficient. It is measured in decibels (dB). Than it is more, the less weak signal from the base station you can strengthen to an acceptable level. With increasing gain, as a rule, the cost of antennas is also growing. Without special equipment and knowledge to understand in advance what kind of gaining it would be enough, alas, it is impossible.

Occasionally, devices come across devices that support some one radio frequency range, and it may not approach you to unhappy coincidence. Given both factors, we advise the device to improve communication to buy only where you will be ready to take back if it suddenly does not fit.

Just in case we specify: in the modem or router you need to put a SIM card from your phone, but separate, with your tariff that you choose based on your Internet needs. On the choice of the tariff, we were a little more detailed. We also remind that MTS has a great talk according to your usual mobile numberBy connecting to Wi-Fi, through a special free app.

Example of an external amplifying antenna: Ramo Ultra 3G / 4G

We invite a cellular communication home

If you soon, your cellular needs are diverse, and you need and conversations, and SMS, and mobile Internet, your signal amplification option is the so-called signal repeater. The repeater (from English Repeat, repeat) consists of two modules - receiver, which you put in place with the best reception, and emitter, which "repeats" caught by the receiver and already stressed signal from cellular network. Thus, the repeater will provide communication exactly where you need - in your home. The SIM card for such a device is not needed, you connect to it your smartphone or tablet in the same way as a conventional cellular network, not via Wi-Fi.

It seems that everything is simple, but an important nuance is. Repeaters are different, as different there are and cellular networks. The modern phone is able to work with 2G networks for voice communication, and 4G networks for high-speed mobile Internet, and with 3G networks, which are allowed to communicate, and use the Internet, albeit at the smaller, compared with 4G, speed. The repeater is usually ready to accept and relay in your home or a signal from 2G or 3G or 4G. And choose the enhancement devices must be based on what you do for, and, of course, considering the availability of a network of your operator. In particular, remember that we can still talk through 4G, but via a 2G network (GSM) cannot be used by mobile Internet at a comfortable speed. The compromise option is 3G.

Depending on the supported communication standard and the signal gain, repeaters can cost from several thousand to tens of thousand rubles. If you need an exceptionally mobile Internet, then most likely, it is cheaper to do the first solution to our review, external antenna.

A special case

When planning new country or cottage settlements, not to mention new urban areas, at home is immediately provided with wired Internet. At the same time, at first, even in a large village, it may not be a steady cellular communication: put another basic station for the operator not at all trivial. In this case, cellular communication can come to your home wired Internet.

All described methods can cause the reader the question: and how safe is it? Almost anyone I heard something about the dangers of the radiation of the base station, and here, in fact, the radiating antennas are invited to drag into their home. Hurry to disappoint lovers of exciting long stories: all the proposed solutions passed the strictest state control by the level of radiation and are completely safe when using the house. Recall that in Russia this control is stricter than in many European countries and the United States. The question of the "harm" of the base stations is in detail, and now we have nothing to add: a cellular communication is a story about your convenience, and not about the terrible danger "to choke" in radio waves.

We are sure that you know about the possibility to connect a router and "distribute" Wi-Fi to the wired Internet for a laptop, smartphone or tablet. If you need a mobile Internet from the cellular home, then this is the most convenient and, moreover, the cheapest way.

The voice link in the above conditions will help organize femtosote - a miniature low-power base station, which will be connected to your wired Internet and to which 3G will connect cell phones Your households. Femtosote guarantees you high quality voice mobile even when the signal from the base station in your home is very weak, but it still must be - otherwise the device does not work.

Femps of size is not very different from the usual router for Wi-Fi, it is necessary to acquire it at its mobile operator. In particular, MTS in Moscow will begin the sale of such devices for everyone in June 2016 at a price of about 7 thousand rubles.

Ideal conditions for distribution mobile signal - Direct visibility of a cellular operator relay rig.

However, not in all corners of our country, such a tower is near, from here and low quality Communication.

Especially in the countryside, in summer towns, often the phone works only in any particular place - on a hill or other elevation. The cellular signal can be loose in and in.

What to do to always stay in touch with relatives and loved ones, be able to call ambulanceif you need? The answer is simple - a weak signal must be strengthened. For these purposes, there are cellular amplifiers.

From this article, you will learn how to enhance the cellular communication signal by the conversion, familiarize yourself with the principle of operation GSM and 3G amplifiers and approximate prices on them.

What is the gain of the GSM and 3G signal

To understand what is the essence of the signal strengthen, consider how standard works cellular telephone. Radio waves are used to communicate two subscribers.

The principle of action of this type of radio waves is the same as the wavelength of television or radio signal. The main difference between them is the frequency of the wave.

The greater the frequency, the fewer size you can make a receiving antenna and more information to convey. For miniature sizes of their phones with embedded antennas, we are obliged precisely high frequency of the signal.

An increase in the frequency of the signal may lead to negative consequences, namely to a decrease in the distance on which a steady connection is ensured. High-frequency signal (GSM and 3G) cannot be "riding" large obstacles. High buildings, trees and other items weaken the signal.

Strengthening the weak signal is an increase in its amplitude and power. And in general, the quality of communication. Strengthen the weak cellular signal can be so:

  • Acquire ready set amplifiers. The standard "set" includes an external antenna, a rehearser, internal antennas, a power supply and a cable connecting the system;
  • Buy separate elements Strengthening. For example, a rehearser or external antenna high power. Such a purchase will allow you to save money a little.

Basic elements of the standard strengthening system

To get a steady connection in a private house or in the country, it is necessary to create a personal cell (the zone of the radio coverage of one or several base stations).

As a rule, all elements for the creation of cells are sold by a set, but can also be purchased separately.

The area of \u200b\u200bradio coverage or cell usually includes the following components:

    • External antenna - it takes a weak signal from a cellular station and sends a reinforced signal from your phone (or Internet modem). Such antenna converts radio waves in electricityand electric current - in radio waves;

Attention! The antenna is installed in the place of the best reception, as a rule, on the roofs of houses, balconies. It is better to send it to the nearest cellular station (tower).

    • Cellular repeater. It takes a weak signal from the external antenna, strengthens Its and, in the form of an electrical signal, transfers to internal antennas through power divider By cables. And, on the contrary, receives a signal from the internal antennas, enhances and transmits to an external antenna;
    • Inner antenna. Installed in the required quantity inside buildings;
    • Power divider - device, matching Transfer and receiving signals between internal antennas and repeater. Installed, as a rule, near repeater;

Tip! Install the power divider and repeater not far from the external antenna. This will reduce distortions and loss of signal power.

  • Cable lineswhich are used to connect the elements of the system into a single integer and signal transmission between devices. More often than the rest are applied coaxial The cable whose type is selected depending on the technical characteristics of the antennas, the repeater and the power divider. Coaxial cable - this is an electric cable for transmission high frequency signals;
  • Power supply. In automotive strengthening systems, food is carried out from the car battery, stationary Systems - power supply uses Industrial electrical network.


Basic technical characteristics The standard honeycomb GSM network is:

The principle of operation of the GSM and 3G amplifier

The principle of operation of the main part of the amplifier - the repeater can be described by analogy with a person who exactly repeats the questions that surrounds the questions that hear only in his handset and in the same way reports remote subscriber Answers.

"Reheeter" in English means "repeater". This device generates its own, more powerful signals and changes like a similarity. weak signals A cellular station - loudly repeats everything that catches.

How to strengthen cellular signal with your own hands

Selection and installation of cellular strengthening elements and mobile Internet better entrust professionals.

But something can be easily done independently. For example, establish an external antenna and, if necessary, connect it to the Internet modem.

You can also install the ready-made system of strengthening by the instructions attached to it. For a skilled owner, this is an easy task.

Where and at what price to buy an amplifier

Separate elements and ready-made sets to enhance the signal can be bought in cellular salons or specialized online stores.

Prices fluctuate from 10,000 rubles (per kit for coating at 150 square meters. Meters and working with one communication standard), up to 25,000 rubles for more powerful and universal models.
From the following video, you will learn how to enhance a cellular signal:

Editor's Choice

How to choose the right internet amplifier for summer cottages - Top 7 best devices [Rating]

With the help of the Internet amplifier, you can significantly improve the quality of the signal at the cottage, at home and in any other room.

There are no effective devices on the market.

These are the so-called expansion or extensors.

Their main task is to expand an existing signal.

In the countryside or in the place where a very weak network cover no sense to use extender, since the poor quality of the Internet does not depend on the router, but from bad network Operator.

Perhaps on the territory there is an insufficient number of tags connected have a small throughput or the signal "interfere" buildings, forests and so on.

To solve the problem bad internet In a private house we advise you to use repeitors - These are special gadgets that can increase the speed of the Internet several times due to a decrease in signal / noise ratio.

You can improve the quality of the network using special sets to enhance the 3G-4G signal.


When choosing a set of amplifier, you should pay attention to such parameters:

  • Coefficient signal gain. It is customary to read the values \u200b\u200bof the indicator, which 8 dB and above - the normal level of amplification. Such repeaters are perfect for use in the city distant from the city;
  • Frequency range - This is a kind of reproducible band. Than it is more, the more effective the repeater will work;
  • Type of fastening. So that the amplifier can catch an existing tower signal, it is necessary to install its antenna as high as possible. As a rule, users choose to install the roof of the house. When buying goods, first decide on the mounting type, and then select the options suitable for yourself;
  • Long cable set . Determined by the features of the location of all sets of the kit;
  • output power (from the device to the base station).

Also, you should pay attention to the temperature range in which the device will operate in normal mode.

If you live in a region, which is characterized by frequent frosts, this indicator will be almost basic when choosing a gadget.

By choosing an amplifier, take into account your location, an approximate distance from the nearest tower to the house, the desired number of connection points. Remember that the total reached by the amplifier data transfer rate will be divided between all.

Vegatel VT-3G

Approximate value: 11 900 rubles.

This cell signal amplifier is the best price / quality ratio.

Vegatel is domestic manufacturer Techniques for amplifying the connection of different types.

In Russia and other countries, the CIS device from Vegatel is in demand.

The average cost I. effective work The devices will solve the problem of slow Internet and cellular communication even on the most remote country areas.

  • The amplifier is able to capture a very weak signal;
  • Easy to operate;
  • The control interface is translated into Russian;
  • There is an overload level indicator;
  • Available cost.
  • In the basic configuration there is no bracket;
  • No router.

The direction of the antenna must coincide with the approximate position of the station of the cell operator used.

Telestone TS-GSM 1800

Approximate value: 15 600 rubles.

Telestone - This is a Chinese company that is engaged. Products are focused mainly to the Russian market.

The TS-GSM 1800 repeater model is not only a good price, but also the possibility of working with any number of subscribers.

Due to the gain of equal to 70 dB, you can achieve a good signal strengthening without interference, even if at the same time 100 subscribers will work at the same time.

It should be noted I. good quality Assembling the repeater. The case is designed with support for IP40 class protection, which allows it to not pass moisture, sand and other fine particles. The TS-GSM 1800 is suitable for medium rooms, mainly for cottages.

  • Small repeater size;
  • The hull is protected from ingestion moisture and dirt;
  • A large area of \u200b\u200bthe coating that is suitable for any country site;
  • Good quality network as a result of amplification;
  • Unlimited number of network subscribers.
  • The package does not include cables and antennas. All the components you need to be purchased separately from the manufacturer or separately;
  • The complexity of the installation, because there is no accurate instruction with factory components. To configure this repeater, we recommend contacting a specialist.

Powerful repeater body will cope with all weather conditions.

AnyTone AT 6100W.

Approximate value: 37 800 rubles.

This repeater model is the most powerful of all other amplifiers to top, however, the price of the device leaves much to be desired.

AnyTone AT 6100W is more suitable for large enterprises, factories than for giving.

However, if you want to ensure the maximum quality of the connection and the price is not important to you, feel free to choose this model.

IN completion Devices include:

  • AT-6100W repeater itself;
  • External antenna;
  • Internal antenna;
  • Power adapter;
  • 10 m cable and 5 m (for external and internal antennas, respectively). If necessary, the manufacturer can buy additional mines or pre-order the desired amount;
  • Instruction manual and installation;
  • Warranty sheet. With it, you can exchange the amplifier set or return your money if the gadget is faulty.

Also, the repeater works with the UMTS communication standard (type GSM 900).

This allows the gadget is excellent, modem.

To connect the Internet to a computer in the country, it is enough to use the AnyTone AT 6100W repeater and using a smartphone or you can work 3G modem.

  • Reliability. Using AnyTone AT 6100W, you will not encounter constant breakdowns of antenna or other components of the kit. All items have the highest quality and will serve for many years even in cold climate conditions or harsh weather conditions;
  • Convenient design and easy to use;
  • Works without interruptions at temperatures from -25 to +55 degrees Celsius.
  • High price;
  • The device is intended for buildings, much more than ordinary cottages.

Vegatel VT-900E

Approximate value: 11 900 rubles.

This repeater is similar to the leader. The only difference is the Vegatel VT-900E does not support work with WiFi.

Users can enhance the signal only for the cellular network.

Accordingly, only fast 3G Internet can be used in the country.

Also, this from Vegatel has a smaller coating area than the previous model - about 650 square meters. m.

  • Good coating area;
  • Stable work;
  • It will be suitable for both cottages and other large buildings;
  • Price-quality ratio.

In general, the vegatel VT-900E repeater is perfect for strengthening the cellular signal and on any summer cottage.

The repeater will work without any problems, even if the house is in the midst of the forest or far from the base station.

On the repeater housing is a key to control the signal level. Also, this parameter can be adjusted automatically.

There is protection against network overload. The normal operation of the device is possible at a temperature of +25 to +55 degrees.

Picocell 900 SXB.

Approximate value: 8 200 rubles.

PicoCell 900 SXB is a relatively inexpensive and high-quality repeater that works with the GSM-900 communication standard.

Great for small rooms or houses with 1-2 floors.

Allows you to enhance the incoming signal and transmit it to an area of \u200b\u200bup to 200 kV. m.

The peculiarity of this device is that the developer is positioning the PicoCell 900 SXB repeater, as a device to enhance the signal in the city.

If you decide to choose this apparatus for the cottage, it is desirable that the house is close to the base station, or to a large settlement.

  • Small size;
  • Acceptable price;
  • Low energy consumption;
  • Build quality;
  • Easy to install;
  • Well enhances the signal on the square to 150 square meters. m.
  • Designed to work within the city. There is no possibility to strengthen the signal if it is overlapped by large houses or forest;
  • Restriction on the number of subscribers. At the same time, use the "enhanced" network can up to 15 different devices.

Ramo Orange 900 Plus

Approximate value: 5 500 rubles.

Ramo is the name of the Saratov enterprise for the development and production of electrical and radio recipients.

The strengthening of the 3G signal, 4G is actually not so complex. There are several ways to achieve improvement in the country or in the village. Make it can be by:

  • change of cellular operator;
  • fine configuration of the modem itself.

To correct the situation with slow Internet, you can also use a special Internet amplifier 3G external or internal. The use of such equipment can actually give a very good effect.

How to choose the operator

The tower of cellular operators on the territory of our country is located extremely unevenly. To find out, the signal which company in this particular area will be the strongest, first of all you need to view special coating maps. They have every popular operator. You can find cards on official websites of cellular suppliers themselves. According to many Internet users, a signal from the MegaFon operator is best received in remote areas. However, of course, in some cases there may be a better connection from other companies.

Learn which company is better accepted in a particular area, of course, not only with the help of cards. Those who wish to strengthen the Internet subsidiaries and residents of rural areas, among other things, it is worth asking the neighbors, which operator they prefer.

3G signal strengthen, 4G: Modem Settings

So that 3G modem itself worked better, it is worth making several changes in its settings. To do this, just open the program supplied with the device and go to the "Network Settings" tab. Next, select the "3G only" item and put the box next to the string "automatically".

Strengthening 3G signal at the cottage or in the village with antenna

Antennas designed to enhance 3G signal are internal and external. The first type of equipment is cheaper and is easy to install. External antennas are more expensive and mounted harder.

Internal models can ensure a good strengthening of the 3G signal 3G, 4G, being simply installed on the windowsill. IN lately Parabolic antennas of this type were very popular. The modem is connected to the focus to a special connector. Next, through a USB plug, the design is connected to a laptop or computer. Consumer reviews Internal antennas have deserved really good. Enhance the signal they are actually very good. But only if the operator's tower is nearby.

In completely remote villages, of course, best option The acceleration of the Internet can become an external antenna to enhance the 3G signal. Models of this type are usually mounted on the roof of the house or on a large tree. The choice of a specific variety of antenna in this case will depend mainly on the power of the operator signal. What he is weaker, the more expensive equipment of this type will have to acquire.