How to find out the version and the discharge of Windows. How to define a version of Windows on a computer How to find out the version of Windows 8 on a laptop

Many users do not know how to find out the version of Windows.

And this is very important for those cases when it is necessary to understand, for example, whether the computer matches the system requirements for a particular game.

It is also necessary if the user wants to see some features of his system, the nuances of working with it and so on.

Sometimes you need to know no version, but a bit - 32 or 64 bits.

In fact, find out which version of windows is installed on your computer, quite simple. In different versions, there are special ways for this, but there are several universal.

Consider every way to find out the version. operating system.

With the "My Computer" label

In fact, this is the easiest way that acts in almost all versions of Windows is at least one of the most popular windows 7 for sure.

It consists in performing the following actions:

  • Press right-click Mice on the "My Computer" label.
  • In the drop-down menu, select the item called "Properties" (selected in Figure 1).
  • In the window that opens, we can see all the data of the operating system, including the version of its assembly and other features. This window is shown in Figure 2.
    There, the place is emphasized in red, where you can see the version of the system (as you can see, in our case it is Windows 7th home basic).
    Blue is emphasized by the assembly version, lilac - the bit (32 or 64 bits), and the green productivity index is highlighted in green. The latter implies an assessment of the system on a scale from 1 to 10, depending on its performance.


Tip! Actually, this method is applicable for the most different versions WINDOVS. .

To put it there, you must click on the free place of the desktop with the right mouse button, select the Personalization item, then in the window shown in Figure # 3, go to the "Topics" tab (highlighted green).

After that, it remains to click "OK" and restart the computer.

In Windows XP, the window shown in Figure 2 will look somewhat different - as shown in Figure No. 5.

In Windows 8, this window looks like shown in Figure No. 6.

This method often does not work in Windows 10 and Windows 8.1, as well as RT 8.1. Therefore, we will analyze what to do users of these OS.

For Windows 10.

To find out which version of the installed system, you need to do the following:

  • Using the command prompt, start the "Parameters" window. To do this, first on the keyboard, press Win + R (without a plus), enter "Winver" in the input row and press ENTER. After that, the window appears shown in Figure No. 7.
    The version is underlined in red.

  • Click on the keyboard the combination of the Win + I keys. In the window that opens, open the "System" item and on the left menu to go to the "System" tab. After that, the user will see the window shown in Figure No. 8.
    It looks very similar to the corresponding window in previous versions Windows.

By the way, the first way (with command line) Acts in most other versions of Windows.

For Windows 8.1.

Here, in order to find out the version of the installed system, you need to do the following:

  • In the menu, which is located on the right (in most cases, so that it appears, you need to bring the mouse cursor to the right edge of the screen), you must select the so-called miracle "Parameters" button. Her appearance Showing in Figure No. 9.

  • In the window that opens, select the "Changing Computer" button (shown in Figure 10).

  • In the next window, you must select the "Computer and Device" button, and then go to the "Computer Information" item (shown in Figure 11). There in the "Windows" section and you can see the version of the installed operating system.
    The "Computer" section shows the most basic device parameters.

By key

This method is intended for those who are more or less well versed in computers and is, so to speak, "advanced" user.

Although in some cases the situation is forced to become such.

Indeed, the version of the operating system can be found in the key that is listed on the sticker located on the housing personal computer or laptop.

To do this, we will need a program called Volume Activation Management Tool, which can only download (!) On the official Microsoft website, here is the link -\u003d11936.

On this page you need to click the "Download" button. Unfortunately, there is no Russian language in it, but it will be easy to understand without it.


After that, the downloaded file must be launched, pass the standard installation process and run the program itself. The user will see the window shown in Figure No. 13.

On the left side there is a tree of sections.

It needs to select "Product Key" (highlighted in green).

After that, in the place, which in Figure 16 is allocated, the version of your operating system will appear.

BUT! This method is not valid in Windows 10.

For users of this OS, it will be better to download the development of young enthusiast programmers called ShowKeyplus (link -

Crib 1 How to see the version of the Windows XP Vista 7 8 / 8.1 operating system

How to find out the Windows version on your computer? Simple instructions

Hello everybody. Recently, one of my buddy asked me to reinstall the operating system on his laptop, but unfortunately the OS was not loaded and determined which version of Windows installed on the laptop was impossible. And it is very important to know! For example, if Windows 10 is installed on a computer device from the store for one language, it must be installed, only in this case the operating system is activated automatically immediately after the installation process. I asked a friend if he remembers the version of his system, but he shook his head negatively and said that he had enjoyed in the main browser.The laptop was not new and absolutely without stickers,even Windows 7 could be installed on my data on it.

How to find out the version of Windows if the system does not start

Friends if you need find out the version of Windows, but in the system itself you can not get, then you need to download the computer with Live CD. You can use my created personally by me, Dmitry Malyshev live program CD with some selection of programs, and you can use more powerful emergencyLive Cd. from Sergey Sagittarius. But, let's get about everything.

Live Cd. from Dmitry Malysheva

Download Live CD in my cloud storagethen create from it blood flash driveWith which you can download a simple computer with a regular BIOS, as well as the newest laptop with the UEFI interface. Friends if you do not know how to create a bootable flash drive, then here is very . T. we download our laptop with Windows from the flash drive, the version of which we need to install.Choose B. boot menu Laptop USB flash drive and boot with it.

Click "OK".

The desktop Live CD appears.

We go to the "Soft" folder.

Go to the WinNTSetup3 folder.

Run the WinNTSetup_x64 executable file.

The main window of WinNTSetup3 program opens.

Right-click on the top of the program window.

And the following window opens in which we see the version installed on our laptopWindows 10 Home Single Language (Windows 10 home for one language), we also see license key Systems.Thus simple wayusing the programWinNTSetup3, we learned windows version. But that's not all.

I am sure you enjoy another way. Return to the "Soft" folder.We go to the folder of the PRODUKEY.

Run the PRODUKEY program.

As you can see, ProduKey called the version wrong, but it does not matter, you just need to properly configure the program.

Click File -\u003e Select Source.

Mark "Load the Product Keys from External Windows Directory" and click "Browse".

In the opened conductor, you must specify the program windows folder with an installed operating system. Reveal in the conductor window disk(C :) and highlight the Windows folder with the left mouse, then click OK.

It is important to know that all LiveCD confuse the letters of the discs and they almost always differ from those that we see in the operating system. Simple words, disc S. installed system maybe not (C :), and (D :) or (E :), etc., but in Out of our case everything turned out to be correct and Windows 10 was on the disk (C :), since we see the folders of the installed OS:Program Files, C: \\ Program Files (x86) and Windows.

Now the program correctly showed us the version of the installed Windows.

Livedisk by Sergei Strelec

Friends, you can write on a DVD or a flash drive powerful emergency

It does not matter what, but it may be necessary to know which version of the operating system is installed on the computer or what is the discharge of tires. The main thing is that it is necessary. There are quite a few ways to learn about the version of the operating system. Some of them are accurate, others are not very. Well, let's start clarifying how to find out the version of Windows. For simplicity of understanding, a small theoretical entry should be followed, the most popular operating systems for today are considered.

What you need to know

It should be said that the versions (with sufficient experience) can be distinguished even visually. But there are two concepts of this word in relation to computer technician. The first belongs actually to the operating systems themselves. They were improved together with the development of technologies, and within the framework of the article will consider the most popular. The second concept mutually follows from the first and relates to the discharge. The version of the operating system can be 32- and 64-bit. It means that how many actions occurs in one unit of the computer's working time, which is negligible. In general, it should be noted that there are a number of features with which you can define the version and the battaliness of the computer. Perhaps you yourself will notice the differences or you can learn about them in other ways. But in this case, we are interested in accurate data setting.

Windows XP.

How to find out the Windows version in this case? Click on the Start menu. Window opens, locate the "My Computer" button. If you found it, then you really have this version of the operating system. But how to know the bit? With the right mouse button, click on "My Computer" and in the Action Menu that opens, select the "Properties" option. Next window will open, you need to find the section "System". In this section, look for a line "Issue X64". It is located at the top, closer to right side window. If after a detailed inspection find such words did not work - it is safe to say that you are the owner of a 32-bit system. If the search was crowned with success - congratulations! You have a 64-bit system. The sequence of such actions and defines Windows XP versions.

Windows 7 or Vista

How to find out Windows version in this case? Start work again from start. In the window that opens, you're just a string "computer". If you found it - it means that you have this version. Calling then in the window that appears is looking for the words "type of system". Next to them will be written the discharge inherent in your PC. Also nearby will be accurately indicated on this moment Computer operating system or laptop. Also at the top you can notice the "release". Here is the exact version you use.

Windows version 8 and 8.1

How to find out the version of Windows, and what will this instruction suit you? If the initial type of screen looks as if it was worked out for sensory control - you are the owner of such an operating system. Here, in addition to the bit, it is also necessary to determine which version of the operating system. With the eighth version, everything is simple: you first need to enter start screen "Computer", after which it is possible to click on the item with the right mouse button and select "Properties". Next, in the window that opens, opposite the "output" and "system type" it will be indicated that what. If you cannot use this advice, then you have another version of the operating system, which is more adapted for sensory technology.

With version 8.1 a bit more complicated: you must move to the lower right corner, then up. Click on "Parameters", then to "Change". Next, select "Computer and Devices" and click on "Information". On the page that opens will indicate the version and the discharge of the operating system.

Reading time: 36 min

Defining the version of the operating system windows family carried out in several ways, regardless of its edition. In this article, consider the most simple methods How to find out the version of Windows and get complete information about the assembly of the Operations installed on your computer, its discharge on the example of various editions. Also get acquainted with several universal methods Find out information about your operating system, even if you do not know which version of Windows use (7, 8 or 10).

How to determine the version Windows 10.

Through "System Information"

To obtain data, go to the "Parameters" menu of Windows 10, where all the necessary data is displayed.

To open the parameters window, use the "Win + I" key or the "Windows" keys, where you select "Parameters" in the drop-down list

In the window that appears called "System", we move to the item "On System", which is located last in a small list. Here we find the data on the operating windows system 10: its version, core, release, discharge.

How to find out the version of Windows 8 and 8.1?

Through system properties

To obtain data on the version of Windows 8, you must call context menu Windows icons placed on the taskbar, and select the "system" from the dropped menu.

After completing this action, a window will open with information about your operating system.

Through "System Information"

We click the "Windows" button to call the drop-down side menu where you select "Parameters".

Next, click on the inscription located at the very bottom: "change in parameters ...", as shown in the screenshot.

In the PC Parameters window, go to the "Computer and Device" section.

In the menu that opens, click on the "Computer Information" section, located at the bottom of the list.

The "Computer" window displays information on the release and discharge of the operating system.

How to find out which version of Windows 7 is installed?

Through the properties "My Computer"

  • We go to the "Start".
  • Call the "My Computer" context menu and select "Properties".

3) In the "System" window, all the data we need about edition Windows 7 are located.

The same is performed in the following way: We go to the "Start", in the search box we write the phrase "information about" and choose "System Information" among the search results. Next, click on the inscription: "On the system" and get all the information about the version of Windows.

Through the "Control Panel"

  • We go to the "Control Panel", for example, through the "Start".
  • Click on the first item "System and Security" if it is switched to "Category".

  • Select the "system" and opens a familiar window with data about the version of your OS.

If the control panel elements are displayed as icons, looking for an icon with the name "System".

Through the "Start" menu

We call "Start" and go to the following address:

How to find out the version Windows? Universal method

  1. The "WINVER" command.

Run the window command execution window by holding the "Win + R" key combination. In the line for entering text fit winVer. And click "ENTER". We have a window with information about the Windows version used.

  1. Team "MSINFO32"

Open the same window to enter system commands and enter it in it. mSInfo32.By confirming the execution of the command with the "OK" button. In the window that appears with the information about the operating system, all information about its name, version, bit, assembly, etc. is displayed.

  1. SystemInfo team

You can get complete information about the operating system by another simple method.

Run the Windows command interpreter, entering the "CMD" command in the "Run" window. In the black window that appears, enter text systemInfoiclick "ENTER". After a few seconds, complete information about your system will appear in the console. Moving upwards, see data on version, assembly, discharge, etc. your operating system.

  1. Through Windows registry

Run the system registry editor. To do this, call the "Win + R" window. In it introduce regedit.and click "ENTER". In the window that opens, go along the way:

2) HW info
We launch the application and already in the main window we see the basic data on the version of your OS.

If you have any questions on the topic "How to find out the version of Windows? ", You can ask them in the comments

Develops pretty quickly. With each update in Windows 8 new features and interesting chips appear. In this article we will tell about how to find out the version of Windows 8.

How to find out the version of Windows 8 and the assembly number

In order to find out the version of Windows 8, you need to execute the "Winver" command. This command can be started through the "Run" menu. To do this, use the Windows + R keys combination and in the window that appears, enter the "Winver" command.

After entering this command, you will see a small window in which the version of Windows 8 will be specified, as well as the assembly number.

How to display the Windows 8 assembly number on the desktop

If necessary, the assembly number and the name of the operating system can be displayed. To do this, you need to make changes to the Windows registry.

And go to the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ CONTROL PANEL \\ Desktop" section. In this section of the registry, you need to find the PaintDeskToPVersion parameter and change it from 0 to 1. After making changes to the registry, you need to restart the conductor or restart the computer.

As a result, after making these changes to the Registry, we will see about such a picture in the lower right corner of the desktop.

How to find out information about the system in Windows 8

If you want to know not only the version of Windows 8, but also the rest of the system information, then you need to open the "System. View basic information about your computer. " To do this, right-click on windows icon On the taskbar and select System.

After that, you will open the System window. View basic information about your computer. "

Here you can find out the name of the operating system (in our case it is Windows 8.1 Professional), processor data and random access memory, the discharge of the operating system and other information.

How to get information about the system in Windows 8 through a new tile interface

In order to view the version of Windows 8 through the new interface, you need to click on windows button And in the new interface, call the right side menu. In the appearance side menu Click on the "Parameters" button.