How to find out the visibility of the page in search engines

Promotion of the site - what is included in this concept? Permanent work with a resource, filling it new information, Drawing semantic kernel and determining the main directions for development.

What is the visibility of the site?

Before performing the main tasks to which the objective of the objectives include the entry of the main pages in search engines, the preparation of the growth plan for popularity or sales with the help of a resource, it is necessary to find out important concepts, without understanding which it will be difficult to move forward.

Site Visibility - This is the definition of the site position in the search results for thematic requests. This is a very important indicator that firmly entered the operation of seed optimizers, because it is important to check where your resource is in requests.

Perhaps some kind of request should be urgently promoted, but for analysis you understand that competitors too much and it will be difficult to fight with them, and money will be spent and time.


All site pages that you want to see search engines will definitely be in extradition. But the issuance can be different, and somewhere the resource will be in the first positions, and somewhere far on the tenth page, to which the user is unlikely to get.

Factors affect this indicator:

  • The popularity of the search engine and the popularity of the site. Of course, in such a search engine as Rambler to promote yourself easier than, for example, in Yandex or Google, very popular search engines.
  • There are popularity not only for resources, but also in queries, and more precisely the frequency of the request determines the complexity of promotion. The more often some word or phrase is requested, the harder it is to promote your site on it. For example, a request to "buy children's clothes" - high-frequency, request "buy children's clothing in Tyumen" is a mid-frequency, and the request "to buy children's clothing in Tyumen for girls is 3 years old" - low-frequency.
  • Placement positions - it should be remembered that today the visibility of the site in search engines depends on the number of advertising. For example, with only 7 natural issuance resources and 3 advertising, and with low-frequency everything can be natural issuance. Therefore, the better the site will be, the easier it will be for the first or at least the second page.

Site visibility in search engines

Site B. search engines In any case, it will be visible, but at the same time the efficiency of the shows does not prevent. The number of effective impressions is not a specific figure, but the forecast, how much the specific link will be visible to users on a specific query. But how to understand which request is considered effective, and what is the usual?

For example, when requesting "Computer" leaves several million responses, but only a few of these answers will be considered effective, because most likely every user will come to three sites. On the fourth and the fifth will come on those who have not received necessary information And it was not satisfied with the results, and so on for each position.

Not once, specialists at promotion tried to assess the popularity of the resource and check the visibility of the site, conducting some experiments. As a result, a matrix of coefficients was obtained, which helps to assess the attention of users.

Position number in extraditionCoefficient
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 0,85
5 0,6
6 0,5
7 0,5
8 0,3
9 0,3
10 0,2
>10 0,05
No in issuing0

It turns out that the resources located in Top-3 have the maximum coefficient and they receive 100% of views, which means they have the best visibility of the site. Further positions are lowered and drops the coefficient. All that turns out to be below 10 places, only 5% of views are obtained.

Of course, these numbers should not be considered accurate, but only as an average. After all, by a low-frequency query, you can safely move and not even on the first page. If the user needs to find something, it brings all the options.

Several important points

Sooner or later, each owner wants its resource not only on the first page, but also in Top-3, he thinks about increasing visibility. But why do you need to increase the visibility of the site?

Such steps must be taken to increase traffic, and, consequently, for the arrival of new visitors and customers. However, you can encounter some problems, the main of which is the quality of the site. If it is not attractive, not interesting, it will be difficult to compete with others, and this will push it away.

Problems can also be with the technical side, and with part of external optimization, and all should be paid attention, since without this, an increase in visibility will be simply useless effect.

Russian Genetic N. V. Timofeev-Resovsky spoke: "When I do not understand the problem - I am writing a book. When I understand the article. " The problem of assessing the visibility of the site in search engines exists from the first day of the existence of an optimizative craft. But today the solution to this problem can be really described in a small article.

Definition of site visibility

Definition. Visibility is an assessment of the position of references to the site in the search results for profile (targeted) requests.

The term "visibility" firmly entered the lexicon optimizers today. Everyone knows that "checking visibility", "shoot visibility" is to enter requests in search engines and watch where there are links to a promotable site. But despite numerous use, the term has one the most interesting feature: Equally generally accepted, understandable to all the method of quantitative assessment of "visibility" - does not yet exist.

Quantitative assessment of visibility depends on three factors:

  • popularity search engine;
  • query frequency;
  • positions Links to the site in the search results.

For a better understanding of each of the factors, try to make a choice in each of the cases proposed. What's better?

  • Place a link in response to a Russian-language query in the first position in Yandex or Google?
  • Place a link in response to a request with a frequency of 100,000 appeals per month or in response to a request with a frequency of 1000? Both requests are targeted.
  • Place a link in response to a request in the first position in the search results or on the tenth?

Answers are unambiguous: in a more popular search engine - in response to a more frequency query - in the first position. Criterion for choosing in each of the three alternatives One: Select the option in which the link to the promotable site will be in response to user requests show More times per unit of time.

Therefore, the visibility of the site in search engines is the most naturally evaluated in showing in response to search queries .

As a rule, only one link to the site is shown in the search results, even if there are several pages, relevant inquiry. Getting into the top ten results ensures that the link will be downloaded to the user's computer when one tasks the question of interest. Therefore, the number of impressions for interest requests can be calculated by simply by folding the frequencies of these queries. For example, if the link to the domain is found in the first position in response to the Yandex request in Yandex itself, Rambler and Google, then the number of this reference is equal to the sum of the "Yandex" request frequencies in these three search engines.

In practice, everything is more complicated. First, we can learn real formulations and frequencies only for queries specified in Rambler. Secondly, the situation where the links you are interested in are only in the first positions, rather an exception than the rule. Therefore, it is necessary:

  • learn to calculate frequencies in different search engines, having data only on rambler frequencies;
  • learn to quantify the position of the site in the search results.

Frequency calculation

Internet statistical services SpyLOG and LiveInternet stand on hundreds of thousands of sites. Every day they calculate how many people came from search engines for these resources. Data on traffic accelerations are open and practically coincide for both systems. Therefore, we will take the relationship of requests in different search engines in proportional traffic transitions from these search engines. Thus, knowing the frequency of the rabler, you can approximately calculate the frequencies of the same request in Yandex and in Google.

Thus, the ratio of the speech generation of Yandex, Rambler and Google gives us the following coefficients for frequencies.

  • for rambler - 1
  • for Yandex - 2.3
  • for Google - 0.8

Those. The frequency of any request in Yandex is approximately 2.3 times higher than the frequency of the same request in the rambler and is similar to Google and other systems. When changing the speech generation ratio from search engines, frequency calculation coefficients are changed.

Position assessment in search results

The first position is better than the tenth - everyone agrees with this. But what is the difference between, for example, the third and fourth, third and fifth, seventh and tetty, etc. Positions - on this point, copies are broken quite a lot. It would seem that the most acceptable way to estimate the "position effect" can be, comparing the CTR of each position in the search results. But, first, the data on CTR positions cannot be obtained open for all ways. Secondly, experience shows that CTR depends on a large number of factors, which are practically impossible, for example, such as:

  • query themes;
  • type of request;
  • references (title, snippets, resource addresses)
  • competitive environment;
  • "Architecture" of the search for issuance - the number of references on the page, location and type of advertising materials, etc.

We have a paradox: everyone agrees that the first position is better than the tenth, but we do not have a method of quantitative comparison of different positions. This deadlock was overcome thanks to two experiments: a) direct and b) analysis of the allocation of users looking through the page with the results of Google search results.

The difference as between the extreme CTR values \u200b\u200bof the first tens of search results was 5 times. A similar number is the difference in the density of attention between the first and 10 links of TOR10 Google. This makes it possible to apply the coefficient system proposed to assess the attention of users when viewing the search results to the site's position assessment in search engines. These are these coefficients:

  • 1 position - 1
  • 2 position - 1
  • 3 position - 1
  • 4 Position - 0.85
  • 5 Position - 0.6
  • 6 Position - 0.5
  • 7 Position - 0.5
  • 8 Position - 0.3
  • 9 Position - 0.3
  • 10 Position - 0.2

Effective shows

Production of the frequency of the query position coefficient in search results is called the number of effective impressions. The number of effective impressions is the forecast, how many times the link to the analyzed site will fall to the eyes of users who set the search query.

What ordinary shows are different from efficient? Take for example the "hosting" request, for which Rambler shows the frequency of about 2500 appeals per month. All references of the first page of the search results are loaded on the computers of users who asked "hosting", but, taking into account our visibility coefficients:

  • the first three links will be accepted to everyone who asked this query, in other words, all 2500 shows of this page for TOR3 sites will be effective;
  • the fourth link will not see users who have it is not on the first screen and who moved along three first visible links and remained satisfied with the results. Those. Despite the same 2500 downloads, the number of real shows is less. Taking into account the coefficient for the fourth position, it is equal to 2500 * 0.85 \u003d 2125.
  • Similarly - for each position.

Thus, each of the semantic kernel queries when checking the positions in Yandex, Rambler and Google will give us three different numbers of effective impressions. Summing up the number of effective shows across all requests of the semantic kernel and all search engines, we can get an objective, independent of the counters and other statistics systems, an open estimate characteristic of the site visibility in search engines.

Effective shows and evaluation of competition

A single formula for calculating the number of effective impressions, based on open, objective data, makes it possible to build very indicative competitive ratings in any thematic area. The service for counting the number of effective shows on any arbitrary list of search queries is open by Ashmanov and Partners. It is also called visibility rating in search engines. Address - or

Today 15 Topics are rating: Tor100 Runet (most "visible" sites of the Russian network), flower delivery, foreign cars, computers, real estate, furniture, real estate in Moscow, news, plastic windows, search engine optimization, projection equipment, work, Russian cars, tourism and legal Services.

Each topic is characterized by:

  • the number of target queries for which the visibility of competing sites is estimated and a rating is built;
  • the total frequency of these requests in five search engines (Yandex, Rambler, Google, Aport and MSN)

In the near future, commissioning " personal Accounts"Where everyone can estimate the visibility of the promoted resources on their list of requests.

We will analyze a specific example - the "Search Engine Optimization" rating. The visibility of sites that came to TOR10 five search engines is considered to be 86 requests, the total frequency of which today is equal to 47,600 appeals per month (over 1500 daily). Here is a list of requests sorted by descending frequency. As you can see, these are all requests associated with SEO, optimization, promotion, promotion and advertising site. Each request is characterized by its own frequency and fraction (%), which its frequency is in the total frequency of all groups of the group.

And here is the rating of sites that are most well visible in search engines on the topic "Search engine optimization". In the tops of five search engines on the requests under consideration found references to 1033 resources. The site is leading today, its visibility is 19.1% of the maximum possible result of search queries. The second place at (18% of the maximum), the third - at (14.7%).

As you can see, the rating clearly shows, first, the competitive situation in this area of \u200b\u200bdemand for information: the number of players, leaders, dynamics (we will talk about it later). Secondly, he shows her in quantitative indicators - It is clear how much the leaders come off from each other, what is the distribution of shares and what are the possibilities of each of the sites in the rating of search promotion. Obviously, for the group of the topic "Search engine optimization" "Power reserve" is over 80%.

Methods for evaluating the search promotion of the site by taking into account effective impressions

Thus, the assessment of the progress by counting the number of effective shows is easy to produce as follows.

  • Make a semantic kernel - a list of requests that are tracked search promotion Site.
  • Compose based on requests from the semantic nucleus. Effective impressions rating.
  • The first task is to get a promotional site to the rating. This means that at least one request link to the site at least in one of the five analyzed search engines has fallen in TOR10 search results.
  • The big road begins with the first step. As you can see, grow in the rating you can get to the Tor100 leaders, TOR20, TOR10, TOR3, first place. And further - to a maximum when the number of effective impressions scored by the progressable site will be 100% of the maximum. This result means that in all search queries of the semantic kernel in all search engines links to your site are not lower than the third position in the search results.

Super news! The other day a cool Bannerbro script was released for earnings on selling banners from sites and blogs. There is no longer anything like in RuNet!

Hi, my friends. Many beginners and not only are often wondering: what is the visibility of the site in search engines, how to check it and increase it. I will try to answer all these questions.

The visibility of the site is an indicator that determines the number of hits by keywords regarding the positions of the site on them. To make it more clear, scatter on a specific example.

Site visibility in Yandex and Google

Remember, I told you that? There on the chart you can see the visibility rate of the site:

So what do these 24% mean? Nobody will explain better technical support for this service (by the way, they answered surprising very quickly):

The visibility of the site is the share of site shows in search engines, which is calculated according to the following formula: σk * p / σp * 100 where σ is the sum of values, P is the frequency of the query, K is a lowering position ratio. The coefficient is calculated on the basis of the following conditions: 1, 2 and 3rd positions of the site - k \u003d 1. 4th position - k \u003d 0.85. 5th position - k \u003d 0.60. 6 and 7th positions - k \u003d 0.50. 8 and 9th positions - k \u003d 0.30. 10th position - k \u003d 0.20. 11th Position and below - k \u003d 0. If the site takes more than one position in the top 10, then its visibility can exceed 100%.

That is, to increase the visibility of the site in this service, you need to output "driven" keywords In the top 10 at least. And of course, the higher the positions on them, the greater the value of visibility. Indeed, it is very convenient to watch the global changes in the site positions.

It concerned the definition of the visibility of the site for already available keywords. But besides this, you can find out the visibility of the site on requests in search engines that we have not specified manually. That is, it is possible to easily find those keywords that "see" search engines "users. And what are they seeing? Correct those that are close to the top. Users are unlikely to see your site in extradition if it will be on requests below the top 100, for example. About this below.

How to check the visibility of the site using Megaindex (Megaindex)

There are a lot of different services and programs for checking the visibility of the site. But the easiest and moreover free wayI think this is the use of Megaindex service. I repeat, it's free. You just need to register in Megaindex and you will get a lot of useful information.

After registration, you need:

How to increase the visibility of the site

Many ask the question "How to increase the visibility of the site?". In fact, it is the promotion of the site. The more keywords in the top, the greater the visibility indicator. But what to do with those keywords that we got in step above? To drive into your favorite us (someone will think: "Oh God! Kay's collector again, it got already" 🙂). So there is a sector without Key Collectora, like a carpenter without a hammer. 🙂

Everyone needed to optimize the site seeks to take the first positions in search engines. And this is quite reasonable, since the site will not be able to become popular if the search engines will not be seen. But how to understand what site visibility?

Represents a percentage target audiencewhich saw a link to your site while searching for information on a specific one.

ABOUT visibility of the site in search engines You can say when links to the site are displayed on the first page of search results. This is a very important point, since, as a rule, the main mass of visitors (about 90%) in the process of finding the necessary information does not pass more than one page. This means that if the site is highlighted on the fourth page of the search results, it simply will not attract the expected large inflow of visitors. And it threatens the fact that the site will not bring any income.

Such an indicator like site VisibilityThis allows you to judge it, as well as the degree of confidence from search engines. Its absence may indicate or applying search engine filters resource, or an insufficient level. I.e visibility of the site on requests Indicates the degree of "promotion" of a resource for specific search phrases.

To link to the page pages of the site as high as possible in search results, it is necessary to competently promote the resource. For this, there is a list of progressable keywords. At the same time, the selection is carried out on the basis of the analysis of competing sites and the services provided.

On the visibility of the site on requests Also affects the number of leading on it. A high-quality reference mass is also a sign of the authority and popularity of the resource. By the quantity and quality of the references of the search engine, the parameters of the TIC and PR are determined.

If a visibility in search issues Little, in all likelihood, the resource has few pages, low indicators and weak popularity.

Optimization and promotion of the site requires a competent approach, since it is a pledge of an excellent result.

How to determine the visibility of the site in search engines

For this, today there are several methods that will discover below.

Comparison Method with Standard

The best result is calculated from all possible and its comparison is made with the current situation. By drawing up summary Table Visibility can track changes in the promotion of the resource and evaluate whether its promotion is effective in one or another search engine.

The method of counting the number of effective shows

It takes into account all factors that can affect visibility in search issues. Calculate the number of effective shows by multiplying the visibility coefficient to the search frequency in the search engine.

Method of search traffic.

When working on this technique, the number of transitions from search engines, which were made before the resource promotion and at various stages of the search promotion. Thus, it is possible to determine the volume of targeted traffic that has come through improved positions in search results.

Use of user accounting method

The analysis of the resource statistics allows you to see where visitors come from, how much time they are on the site that they are interested in whether they carry out orders, which time they pay them and much more. This method allows you to evaluate how efficiently promotion, and clarify keywords that directly affects visibility of the site on requests.

Hello, dear blog readers Website. Today I want to talk about recruiting lately Popularity Service Megaindex. . He is automated system promotion of sites where you can rent links to promote your project, but you can also spend there completely free analysis Your resource is on its visibility in search engines.

They also have a special extension for all popular browsers, which will help in analyzing donor resources, for example. Well, in addition to traditional reference promotion, they are still offered and SMM Promotion Through SocialTask, which is also quite interesting, especially today, when many old methods are no longer so efficient.

Checking site positions and other features Megaindex

At the same time, it will only be enough for you to register in Megaindex and you can immediately see at what kind of your site has transitions from Yandex and Google.

Moreover, it will be possible to analyze not only your resource, but also any other Internet project. This can be useful, for example, for visibility verification sites of competitors And colleagues on the workshop for the search and, for which they managed to move, and for some reason you missed these keys. Personally, I did it repeatedly - very comfortable and clearly.

In addition, Megaindex can be used to freely determine the positions of your site (visibility in search engines) on a practically unlimited number of keywords. At the same time, you will have the opportunity to track the dynamics of changes in positions in comparison with the time of the time that you will specify yourself (a decrease or increase of positions next to each value will be displayed).

Naturally, before starting to use all these benefits, you will need register in Megaindex. . Further, on the "My Sites" page add ulles your own or someone else's project (it is not necessary to confirm the right of ownership here):

The next step will be adding a list of search queries to MegaIndex, which you want to promote your project (see article about). If you wish, you, of course, can start purchasing links for these requests through this aggregator, but no one will force you to make it.

My project, for example, hangs in megainex for several months already, and it must first of all because of very convenient viewing Positions in Yandex and Google, as well as for obtaining information like the site in these search engines.

So, to add the search queries you need Just follow the "Add" link shown in the previous screenshot, and enter a list of keywords for which you even plan to advance in this system, then at least learn the current positions and correctly choosing the target pages (one phrase on each line ):

After that, Megaindex will hold the primary definition of the positions of your resource in Yandex and Google on these keywords (it is much more convenient and faster than checking), and also calculates the mass of the parameters that I, by and large, are not important (except), although it is possible You will tell you something:

It is clear that if this statistics Megaindex you need not just for information and you want to start a reference promotion, then it will be necessary, probably, still add to each request the target page of your website (in the "page for promotion") to which the purchased links will be given, and also put a tick In the "Active" column to start the procurement process.

So, but we are now interested in not reference promotion, but free methods of analysis and analytics of success. Let's see what else can we offer this aggregator from their arsenal. We use it, so to speak, in full.

Visibility and free site analysis in megainex

Let's assume that we need to check the positions on the keywords we need general features Disassembled. Now I want to say a few words about others free opportunities Megainsex, who can use you to one degree or another.

Start, probably, stands with the already mentioned a little earlier service viewing of the site visibility. There we will show us the first 1000 search queries for which your web project occupies at least any significant position in Yandex and Google.

In order to evaluate visibility, you need to click on the tab from the top menu called "SEO services" and choose from the drop-down list "Site Visibility":

In the proposed form, enter the ulla of your or someone else's resource and click on the "Find" button. Found key phrases will be sorted by this parameter as the number of effective impressions that shows their potential. Those. Promotion on the more highly located in this window of Megaindex requests will be more profitable in terms of receiving more visitors.

What is noteworthy, you can choose from the list "Compare C" the date you need in the past and track the dynamics of changes in the position of your Web project by keywords (green and red power numbers reflecting growth or decline in positions).

The megainex can also be viewed with the donor, reference text and the indicator of TIC:

There is another one free tool for fast check Website, which in its functionality is very similar to those described by me once, but at the same time it has a number of its features.

Probably, in this aggregator there is something else free, interesting and useful (except that it was mentioned at the beginning of this publication), but I have not yet understood. Maybe you tell me something, dear readers.

Although, here's another video found on how to use the rating from megaindex, which will allow to understand whether it is worth it to be beyond any subject for the place under the sun or your resources are not enough for it:

MEGAINDEX capabilities for taxic promotion sites

Everything I was talking about above was available in Megaindex completely free and was directed, most likely, to ensure that users wanted to get acquainted with this promotion system in more detail, and it is possible that they wanted to spend some kind of money in it Links. Here.

I recently looked at the video on how Megaindex can pick up the most promising search queries that satisfy the requirement "cheap and angry" (on them it will be possible get into the top for relatively small money)

I tried to look at all this in relation to my blog and had a heretical thought about a small purchase of links for some of them. Those. At the beginning on the "My Sites" tab, I went on the link "Promotion":

On the page that opens, switched on the link " Recommended requests", Which is located above the main table:

Well, then you will already see a list of twenty recommended key phrases With the indication of their frequency according to the statistics of Yandex Wordstat and the recommended value of promotion per month, which, according to MegaIndex, will be enough to enter the top.

The ratio of request frequency (proportional to the expected number of visitors after entering the top) and the cost of promotion on some of these keywords seemed to me very tempting. I don't even know if I can resist not to start spending money for the purchase of links also in Megaindex.

Before that I tried to buy only in:

  1. Miralinks described
  2. Gogetlinks. - Read the nuances of working with him
  3. Hetgudlinks - from pages having PR (large static weight)
  4. Rotapost.full Overview Exchange of Exchange

Well, however, if you are too lazy to watch, I will answer that the developer of the Megaindex service considers the purchase of several links from the same donor with a completely appropriate action, and it may well bring the same benefit as a purchase from different.

In many ways, this point of view is also due to the fact that truly good donors selling references in RuNet are not so much. Another question: how to find these the most wonderful sites? It is possible that Megaindex knows it.

Well, in conclusion I want to say that this aggregator has recently removed completely replace SEO Office, especially in terms of customer service with medium and small budgets. At your service now ordering and even providing a personal manager service

I think that there are quite a few customers who will not want to pay a very large margin of CEO companies and prefer to use the services of Megaindex, for it will be relatively cheaper with the almost the same final result. IMHO.

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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