When the yandex indexation. Blog about WordPress plugins and search engine optimizations for beginner webmasters. How to check the indexation of all pages separately

Site indexing is the most important, necessary and priority detail in the implementation of its optimization. After all, due to the presence of the search engine index, it is extremely quickly and can accurately respond to all user requests.

What is the site indexation?

The site indexing is called the process of adding content information (content) of the site to the search engine database. It is the index and is the database of search engines. In order for the site to be indexed and appeared in search results, a special search bot should be logged at it. The entire resource, the page behind the page is investigated by a bot according to a specific algorithm. As a result of finding the indexing links, images, articles, etc. At the same time, those sites, the authority of which higher, compared to the rest will be above in the list.

Allocate 2 indexing options PS:

  • Independent definition of a search robot of fresh pages or a resource created - this method Good in the presence of active links from other, already indexed sites, to yours. Otherwise, to wait for the search robot infinitely for a long time;
  • Fake URL to the site in the search engine intended for this form manual way - This option allows a new site to "stand in line" to indexing, which will take a long time. The way simple, free and requires addresses only the main page of the resource. This procedure You can perform through the Yandex and Google webmaster panel.

How to prepare a site to indexing?

Immediately it is worth noting that it is extremely undesirable to upload the site at the development stage. Search engines can index unfinished pages with incorrect information, spelling errors, etc. As a result, this will negatively affect the site rating and issuing information from this resource in the search.

Now let's list the moments that you can not forget at the preparation stage of the resource to indexation:

  • on the flash files indexing restrictions are distributed, so the site is better to create with HTML;
  • this type of data as Java Script is also not indexed by search robots, in connection with this, the site navigation should duplicate text links, and all important informationwhich should be indexed, do not write in Java Script;
  • it is necessary to remove all non-working internal links so that each link led to the real page of your resource;
  • the structure of the site should allow easily moving from the lower pages to the main and back;
  • extra and secondary information and blocks are better to move to the bottom of the page, as well as hide them from bots with special tags.

How often does the indexing occurs?

The site indexation, depending on a number of reasons, can take from several hours to several weeks, up to a whole month. Indexing update, or APA search engines occur with different frequency. According to statistics on average Yandex indexes new pages and sites for a period of 1 to 4 weeks, and Google copes for a period of up to 7 days.

But with the right pre-training The resource created these deadlines can be reduced to a minimum. After all, in fact, all PS indexing algorithms and the logic of their work comes down to give the most accurate and current response to the user request. Accordingly, than regularly on your resource, high-quality content will appear, the faster it will undergo indexation.

Indexing acceleration methods

To begin with, the "notify" search engines that you have created a new resource, as mentioned in paragraph above. Also, many recommend adding a new site into social bookmark systems, but I do not do that. It really allowed accelerate indexing a few years ago because search robots often "visual" on such resources, but, in my opinion, it is better to put a link from the popular link social networks. Soon will notice the link to your resource, and index it. Such effect can be achieved and with direct links to a new site with already indexed resources.

After several pages have already fallen into the index and the site began to develop to accelerate indexation, you can try to "prebate" the search bot. To do this, it is necessary to periodically publish a new content at about equal intervals (for example, every day 1-2 articles). Of course, the content must be unique, high-quality, competent and non-saturated key phrases. I also recommend creating an XML site map, which will be discussed below and add it in the webmaster panel of both search engines.

Robots.txt and Sitemap files

The Robots TXT text file includes guided search engines. In this case, it makes it possible to prevent the indexation of the selected pages of the site for a given search engine. If you do it manually, then it is important that the name this file It was written only by capital letters and was in the root directory of the site, most CMS generate it independently or with plugins.

Sitemap or Site map is a page containing a complete model of the site structure to help "lost users." You can move from the page to the page without using the site navigation. It is advisable to create such a map and in XML format for search engines and enter it into the robots.txt file to improve indexation.

These files can get more detailed information In the relevant sections, clicking on the links.

How to prohibit the site to indexing?

Manage, including to prohibit the site or a separate page to indexing, you can using the Robots.txt file already mentioned above. To do this, create on your PC text Document With this name, place it in the root folder of the site and write in the file from which search engine you want to hide the site. In addition, hide the content of the site from the bots of Google or Yandex can be using a sign *. This instruction in robots.txt will disable the indexation to all search engines.

User-Agent: * Disallow: /

For WordPress sites, it is possible to prohibit the site indexing through the control panel. To do this, in the tinctures of the site, you need to put a tick "Recommend search engines not to index the site." At the same time, Yandex is likely to listen to your wish, but with Google it is not necessary, but some problems may arise.

Filling your site useful informationI constantly thought about how I do to be fast site indexation, especially in Yandex. And I decided this problem. Now my new site pages are indexed by Yandex in 10 minutes. And this is not a joke, but pure truth. And therefore, in this article I decided to give you information to action that helped me speed up the site indexation.

In fact, nothing complicated and over the natural I will not tell you, since I myself do not like this very much. I strive for simplicity and ease, but at the same time, I strive to bring my actions to a logical completion and result.

Yes, perhaps these results were not always positive, but they were, and therefore, I will become smarter in the future, and my work will become more, better.

You ask, what am I carrying this?

I tell you this for no accident, because at the expense of such experiments I achieved fast site indexing in Yandex in 10 minutes. Perhaps it seems not real, but this is a fact. I really do not have time to push through my social networks, as my new site page is already indexed by Yandex.

In Google, unfortunately there is no such result, no matter how hard I tried. And before, in 6 hours, my new site pages in Google are not indexed. But I will continue to reveal and work on the Google search engine.

But in this article I want to tell about Yandex, namely how on my site occurs in 10 minutes.

Perhaps many of those methods that I am now for the rapid indexing of the site are very well known (it refers more to more experienced bloggers and webmasters), but this information will be just by the way.

I now write all the actions that I did to speed up the indexation of my site and which in my case work perfectly. So, let's begin.

How to make a quick site indexing in Yandex.

one . First of all, after I publish my Internet article, I add it to the Yandex webmaster to the "Report New Site" section. This is the first thing that everyone should do to speed up the indexation of its site's stitch. Be sure to register there and for each new article put a link there. Of course, this does not give a 100% guarantee of the rapid indexing of the site in Yandex, but it will not be superfluous to remind Yandex about the new article on your site.

2. On my site at the end of each article there are buttons of social networks that I use. But I do not use all social networks that are there, but only a few of them. I add my own new page To social networks as: Twitter, Facebook, Ya.ru and Google Plus.. Here are all the basic sociors that I use. But before that you must, respectively, register in the data social networks. I don't use any more services, as I think that this is enough. If you have your accounts somewhere else, then it will not be superfluous.

four . I add your new website page to the PingXpertFree program, which spreads my link on the Internet site. They are also called RSS ribbons.

five . I am writing new and unique articles for your site. Moreover, I write them with a constant frequency of 1 article at 3-4 days, but at least 2 articles per week. Accordingly, the Yandex robot comes to my site at this time period and is waiting for new posts, and as soon as they appear, then Yandex will immediately drive them into the database and, as a result, there is a quick indexation of the site in Yandex.

Try to adhere to the schedule for the appearance of a new article on your site. Teach the search robot to go to your site constantly on the day of the new article on the site. This item is one of the main. The most important thing is to constantly fill your site with fresh information, and the robot will constantly visit your website.

6. Make the competent and correct internal passing of the site. Its essence is that all your articles are related to the links. It is necessary so that the search robot does not leave from that page to which he came, and then moved further on the internal links. This is especially good for a young site, which only appeared on the Internet.

7. Try to increase the reference mass of your site. And it is necessary that the links walked not only on main page, and on all page pages. So it will be faster and high quality indexation of your site in Yandex. But it is not necessary at the very beginning of creating a site or blog use services for pumping links, especially, in large quantities measured by thousandth equivalent. Instead of "run" better use type service Seopultwhere references are purchased naturally, gradually, and only high-quality donors that meet strict requirements are selected.

eight . It is necessary to constantly monitor the indexation of its pages on the Internet, in particular such search engines Yandex and Google. The indexing control is important in that the faster your article will fall into search issuance, the faster you will receive your benefit that you have pursued in your article. Also, quick indexing of the article is needed that fraudsters could not steal your content and index faster on a website or blog. Sometimes, your pages that have already been indexed in search sitera, after some time they can fly out of search - it may be a search engine glitch and soon your items return back to search results or some problems have been discovered with your website pages or blogs and then you It will be necessary to seek the cause (s) why it happened (the reasons may be set).

To speed up the process of controlling the indexation of your pages, exists free service https://serphunt.ru/indexing, which will allow you to quickly and free to check the indexation of your new or old page In the search engines Yandex and Google. This service Allows you to simultaneously check up to 50 pages of the site or blog. This is how the site itself looks like:

That's all the ways I apply for my new written articles to be fast site indexing in Yandex in 10 minutes.

But 100% warranty I do not give you that it will be exactly the result that I have as it is not known how it will work on your site. The indexing of the thing is thin and it depends on many factors that need to be sought and forced to work on themselves.

P.S. Do not be mistaken if Yandex does not want to index your site long. Perhaps he has no confidence in your site. The main thing is not to stop and constantly write new articles and maybe in the future you will have to teach everyone how to get a quick indexation of the site in Yandex. Yandex - a search engine with character and she needs to be gone.

It is very important that all pages of your site are indexed in search engines (Yandex, Google, etc.).

  • First, if there are no pages in the index, then people will not be able to find it and you have spent time (and perhaps money) on its creation, filling and design. Each page in the index is a source of visitors.
  • Secondly, if there are no pages in the index, this may indicate technical problems on the site, such as duplication of content, site glitches or hosting.
  • Thirdly, this page can play a technical role, for example, to participate in the transfinking scheme (or contain paid links for which you do not get money if there are no pages in the index).

Working with customers, I have repeatedly faced the fact that due to the problems with the indexation there were bad positions. This technical problemI usually correct in the first month of cooperation, due to which from the 2nd month there is a noticeable increase in visitors and positions.

Below I will consider manual and automated ways to check the indexing of pages in Yandex and Google. Show how to check the site indexation In general, each page separately.

How to find out the number of pages on the site

This can be done in several ways:

Now that we know the actual number of pages, you need to check how many of them are indexed in Yandex and Google

We look at the indexation of the site as a whole

In this case, we learn how many of the site pages are indexed in the search engine. What gives us this? Knowing the actual number of pages on the site, we can compare whether it corresponds to the number of indexed pages. And if it matches, it means everything is in order, and if not, then you need to deal with the problem and find out what pages are missing (or which pages have a duplicate).

Site indexing in Yandex

Several ways.

As you see, the data is slightly different. This is due to the fact that the design of the URL: your site shows not only pages, but other types of file types (Doc, XLS, JPG, etc.). Webmaster also shows exactly the number of pages.

Site indexing in Google

Here, similarly with Yandex, there are 2 ways:

  • Manually using the Site Design: Your site. The effect will be about the same as with Yandex.
  • Using Google tools for webmasters https://www.google.com/webmasters/ (Analog Yandex.Vebmaster)

automatic methods

What's next

Now when we know how many pages from the actual number of indexed, may be 3 situations:

  1. The number of pages in search engines and the site coincides. This is the perfect option, it means everything is fine with the site.
  2. The number of indexed pages is less. So with the site of the problem (the most popular problem is low-informative or non-unique content)
  3. The number of indexed pages is more. Most likely you have a problem with duplication of pages, i.e. One page can be available in several addresses. It is bad for promotion, because The static weight of the page is blocked and besides, there are many pages with repeated content.

For further diagnostics of the site, we need to find out which pages are accurately indexed, and which are not included in the index.

How to check the indexation of one page

This may need this when we want to check the specific page on your website (for example, a newly published) or page on someone else's website (for example, where we bought a link and wait when it is indexed)

How to check the indexation of all pages separately

In this case, we will check on the indexation immediately all the pages of the site and as a result, learn what specific pages are not indexed in the search engine.

Here we will need not just to know the number of actual pages on the site, but also the list of addresses of these pages (their URLs). This is probably the most difficult in this article. The list of pages, we seem to have received when they generated a site map, but there are no addresses in pure form and you need to be able to work with any data processing program to extract them. Therefore, we will use another program.

How to get a list of all pages of the site

Before collecting links, you need to configure the EXCLUDE PATTERNS parameter. This is done to exclude unnecessary links when collecting, for example, in my case, a lot of addresses are collected when collecting: https: //syt/prodvizhenie/kak-prodvigayut-sajjty.html? replytocom\u003d 324 # RESPOND, which indicate the comment on the page. And I need only the address of the page. Therefore, I configured the exclusion of addresses on the mask * replytocom *:

Further, launch the URL collection and when the program finishes them to collect them, go to the Yahoo Map / Text tab and copy the address from there (the Save button does not work, because we use free version programs)

Now we have addresses of all pages.

How to check the indexing of pages automatically

Everything is simple here. After starting the program, add the URL list collected on the last step and add to the source URL list. The program allows you to check indexing to Yandex, Google and Rambler, choose the search engine you need and start checking:

After you received a list of pages that did not get into the index, you need to understand why it happened. If everything is fine with the page, so that it goes into the index, you can purchase links to it or several retwees from the pumping accounts.


The ability to check the indexation of the pages of your site will allow you to work with search engines, as well as calculate existing problems With the site.

Site indexing is the process of searching, collecting, processing and adding information about the site to the search engine database.

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The site indexation means that the search engine robot attends the resource and its page, studies content and enters it into the database. Research this information is issued by key requests. That is, the network users are introduced into the search string query and receive a response to it as a list of indexed pages.

If we talk simple languageIt turns out approximately like this: the whole Internet is a huge library. In any self-respecting library there is a directory that facilitates the search necessary information. In the mid-1990s of the last century, the whole indexation was reduced to such cataloging. found on sites keywords and formed the database from them.

Today bots collect and analyze information on multiple parameters (errors, uniqueness, utility, availability, etc.) before making it in the search engine.

Algorithms for the work of search robots are constantly updated and becoming increasingly harder. Databases contain a huge amount of information, despite this search for the desired information does not take much time. This is an example of high-quality indexation.

If the site has not passed the indexation, then information to users may not reach.

How Indexes Google and Yandex sites

Yandex and Google is perhaps the most popular search engines in Russia. In order for the search engines to index the site, you need to report it. You can do this in two ways:

  1. Add a site to indexing with references to other resources on the Internet - This method is considered optimal, since the pages found in this way, the robot considers useful and their indexing is faster, from 12 hours to two weeks.
  2. Send a site to indexing by filling out a special search engine form manually using Yandex.Vebmaster services, Google Webmaster Tools, Bing Webmaster Tools, etc.

The second method is slower, the site rises in the queue and indexed for two weeks or more.

On average, new sites and pages are indexing for 1-2 weeks.

It is believed that Google indexes the sites faster. This is because the search google system Indexes all pages - both useful, and unpleasant. However, only high-quality content falls into ranking.

Yandex is slower, but indexes useful materials and immediately excludes all the garbage pages from the search.

The site indexing occurs like this:

  • the search robot finds the portal and studies its contents;
  • the information obtained is entered into the database;
  • about two weeks later, the material that has successfully passed the indexation will appear in the extradition on request.

There are 3 ways to check the site indexation and its pages in Google and Yandex:

  1. using tools for webmasters - Google.com/webmasters or webmaster.yandex.ru;
  2. with input special teams In the search string, the Yandex team will look like this: Host: Site name + first level domain; And for Google - Site: Site name + domain;
  3. with the help of special automatic services.

Check indexation

This can be done using:

  1. search engine operators - see reference or;
  2. services of special services, such as RDS bar;

How to speed up the site indexation

From how quickly the robots will conduct indexing, the rate of appearance of a new material in the search for extradition depends, the faster the target audience will come to the site.

To speed up indexing by search engines, you need to comply with several recommendations.

  1. Add a site to the search engine.
  2. Regularly fill the project with unique and useful content.
  3. Site navigation should be convenient, pages access is not longer than in 3 clicks from the main one.
  4. Place a resource on fast and reliable hosting.
  5. Completely configure robots.txt: eliminate unnecessary bans, close from indexing service pages.
  6. Check for errors, the number of keywords.
  7. Make the inner transfine (links to other pages).
  8. Place references to articles on social networks, social bookmarks.
  9. Create a map of the site, you can even two, - for visitors and for robots.

How to close the site from indexation

Close the site from the indexation - to prohibit search robots access to the site, to some of its pages, parts of the text or image. This is usually done in order to hide from public access. secret Information, technical pages, sites at the development level, duplicate pages, etc.

You can do this in several ways:

  • Using Robots.txt, you can prohibit the site indexing or page. To do this, a text document is created in the root of the website, in which the rules for search engine robots are prescribed. These rules consist of two parts: the first part (User-Agent) indicates the addressee, and the second (Disallow) prohibits the indexation of any object.
    For example, the prohibition of the indexation of the entire site for all search bots looks like this:

User-Agent: *

Disallow: /

  • With the help of the Robots meta tag, which is considered to be the most correct to close one page from indexing. With the help of Noindex and Nofollow tags, you can prohibit robots of any search engines to index the website, page or part of the text.

Recording to prohibit the indexation of the entire document will look like this:

You can create a ban for a specific robot:

What does the indexation affect when promoting

Thanks to indexing, sites fall into the search engine. The more often the content is updated, the faster it happens, as the bots come to the site more often. This leads to a higher position when issuing to a request.

The site indexing in search engines gives the influx of visitors and contributes to the development of the project.

In addition to the content, robots assess the attendance and behavior of visitors. Based on these factors, they draw conclusions about the usefulness of the resource, more often attend the site that raises to a higher position in the search for extradition. Consequently, traffic increases again.

Indexing is important process To promote projects. So that the indexing has passed successfully, search robots must be paid to the usefulness of information.

Algorithms for which search engines work are constantly changing and complicated. The purpose of the indexation is to introduce information to the database of search engines.

Search engines for a number of reasons index not all site pages or, on the contrary, add unwanted index. As a result, it is practically impossible to find a site that would coincide the number of pages in Yandex and Google.

If the discrepancy does not exceed 10%, then this is not all paying attention. But this position is valid for the media and information sites, when the loss of the small part of the pages does not affect the total attendance. But for online stores and other commercial sites, the lack of commodity pages in the search (even one of ten) is a loss of income.

Therefore, it is important at least once a month to check the indexing of pages in Yandex and Google, compare the results, detect which pages are missing in the search, and take action.

Problem in Indexing Monitoring

View indexed pages is not difficult. You can do this by unloading reports in the webmasters panels:

  • ("Indexing" / "Pages in Search" / "All Pages" / "Download Table XLS / CSV");

Tool Features:

  • simultaneous verification of indexed pages in Yandex and Google (or in one PS);
  • the ability to check at once all URLs of the software site;
  • no limit on the number of URL.


  • work "in the cloud" - do not need to download and install software or plugins;
  • uploading reports in XLSX format;
  • notification on the post of graduation of data collection;
  • report storage Unlimited time on the Promopult server.