The program for formatting SSD Kingston disks. Check SSD Disc: Top Utilities for Diagnostics and Improvement. Disable search and indexing files

On December 15, 2016, a new firmware for SSD Kingston KC400 and Kingston Hyperx Savage unexpectedly came out. New firmware version - SAFM001B.. Unexpectedly - to a greater extent for SSD Hyperx Savage, as this drive has appeared in the spring of 2015 (more than one and a half years ago) and since then there was no firmware for him open accessAlthough in the new parties of this SSD firmware updated one or twice.
This firmware is suitable for SSD Kingston KC400 and for SSD Hyperx Savage, because they have a very similar inner iron: they have the same controller (phison PS3110-S10), only flash memory and some more minor differences are slightly different.
Firmware is suitable for all models from the Kingston KC400 series - 128, 256, 512 GB, 1 TB and all models From the SSD Hyperx Savage series - 120, 240, 480, 960 GB.

Should I download a new firmware and update it? Definitely stands, because in new firmware One pretty serious problem in SSD work on some computers has been fixed and performance has slightly improved.

it official firmwareavailable on the Kingston website. There - on the Kingston website there is English-language instructions for updating the firmware and a note (also in English) that new in this firmware. In addition, on the Kingston website, the instructions and a note are crushed by different documents. Therefore, I decided to combine all this here on one page and translate information into Russian from the instructions and notes "What's new". Well, a few words will also add from myself.

In this article, I will tell you how to easily flash your SSD drive if you have any of the KC400 or Hyperx Savage models.

What's new in the firmware?

From the official Release Notes (Release Notes) follows this:

Firmware Rev. SAFM001B (12/15/16)

  • Resolved Corner Case Behavior That Forces Drive Into Rom Mode After An Abnormal Initialization Causing It to Register AS 2MB
  • Modified Identify Word 47/59 for 3rd-Party Software Compatibility
  • Reduced Aggregation Of Trim Resulting in Improved Performance and Responsiveness
If you translate into Russian, the list of changes will look like this:
  • Solved the problem at which SSD was switched to the ROM mode and was determined by the volume of 2 MB after incorrect initialization
  • Changed Word 47/59 definition for third-party compatibility
  • The TRIM aggregation is reduced, which makes it possible to increase productivity and responsiveness.
On the first point I can say - yes, I saw several such reviews that sometimes SSD KC400 and Hyperx Savage were determined in the system as some kind of incomprehensible disk with 2 MB volume as a result of some failure. But it happened not on all systems and not very often. Apparently, there was some incompatibility at the level of some computer chipsets / laptop.
In the new firmware this problem seems to be corrected.

On the second item - I did not quite understand what kind of fixes and why he was. But, if done - it means, has some role for SSD operation.

According to the third point - everything is quite simple: improved the operation of the Trim function, as a result, the "garbage" memory cells should better be cleaned. It should have a positive effect on the performance and responsiveness of SSD.

Preparation for the firmware.

First of all - check exactly what version of the firmware is now on your SSD. It is possible that your SSD Kingston KC400 or SSD Hyperx Savage will be from a new batch and the SAFM001B firmware will be sewn into it by default, in which case you do not need to flash again if your SSD works fine.
Check the firmware version in different ways:
  • on the SSD box there is a sticker in which the firmware version is indicated. Look for the inscription of this type - SSD FW;
  • on the back of the SSD itself there is also a sticker in which the firmware version is indicated;
  • the firmware version can be found through various disk diagnostics programs - Kingston SSD Manager., Crystaldiskinfo.etc.
For example, here is a screenshot with CrystalDiskInfo, there is marked the line with the firmware version.
How to check the firmware version in Crystaldiskinfo.

In my case, the firmware version - Safm00.r.This firmware was on my SSD Hyperx Savage initially and it is much older thanSAFM001B. So you need to update it.

Below is a list of known for me on this moment Firmware for SSD Hyperx Savage in the approximate order of their appearance:
1. Safm00.r. - Was in the very first parties, which came out in the spring of 2015.
2. Safm00.u. - appeared in the parties that came out at the end of 2015 - early 2016.
3. Safm00.y - appeared in the parties that came out about January-February 2016.
4. SAFM001B.- came out on December 15, 2016, about this firmware there is a speech in this article.
5. SafM02.h.- present in new audits SSD, this firmware is newer than SAFM001B.

What is needed for firmware? Computer or laptop with SATA 2 or SATA interface 3. If your PC / laptop supports SATA 2 only, then make sure that BIOS is available aHCI modeSince not all motherboards with SATA 2 support AHCI mode.
Also, you will need any USB flash drive to 2 GB or more, or a DVD and a working DVD-drive in your computer. You can flash from a DVD disk, but I recommend to flash using a USB flash drive, since this option is more reliable and faster.


  • Before starting the firmware, it is recommended to do backup Important data with SSD, in order to avoid data loss in case of unsuccessful firmware!
  • Your SATA controller must be configured under the AHCI mode in the BIOS.
  • When updating the built-in software (firmware), your SSD must be connected to a native (built-in motherboard) SATA-port of the computer / laptop! Do not use SATA adapters / adapters of third-party manufacturers.
  • If you plan to flash on the computer, it is recommended to use the UPS (source uninterrupted power) To avoid sudden turning off the electricity during the firmware.
  • If you plan to flash on a laptop, make sure that the laptop battery is charged and the power adapter is connected to the laptop to avoid sudden turning off the electricity during the firmware.

Embedded software and updates of the built-in software are provided at the discretion of Kingston for certain Kingston products. Built-in software and updates of the embedded software are provided by "as is" and are used by the user to their risk, without providing any guarantees, applications or assurances from Kingston.

Kingston refuses all such guarantees of any kind, explicit, implied or established by law regarding embedded software and firmware updates including, including guarantees or quality conditions, performance, lack of violations of rights or guarantees, guarantees of commodity quality or compliance Appointment.

Kingston does not guarantee constant, uninterrupted and continuous availability, security, accuracy, completeness, or error-free software and firmware updates, including, including accuracy or completeness of any information, text, graphics, links or other elements contained in the built-in Software.

When downloading any embedded software and / or software updates, no licenses are provided for any rights to intellectual property, explicit or implied, which occur due to the conventional actions of the patent holder or in other ways, with the exception of the above.

When you download this software, the user agrees with the aforementioned conditions.

We flash SSD.

1. Download ISO image with KC400 / SHSS firmware on this link. The file weighs 773 MB.

2. Record this ISO image on a DVD or create a bootable USB flash drive in this way. There are many different programs To record images on CD / DVD and create loading flash drives.
To create a bootable flash drive Kingston recommends using a free program RUFUS:

3. Load from your boot flash drive or DVD and select "Live - Boot The Live System" by pressing the Enter key. The mini-OS on the Linux database will be loaded.

4. Follow the tips on the screen to update the target SSD firmware.
There you just need to enter a disk number that is intended to flash (usually number 1, if one is installed one supported for the SSD firmware) and press the ENTER key.

5. Update the firmware. When the firmware is successfully updated, you will see on the screen:
a. The SSD Firmware Has Been Updated On Drive
b. Power Cycle IS Required to See and use the NEW CODE.

6. Disconnect the computer / laptop. It is desirable to turn off the button in the lower left corner (analogue of the Start button) by selecting there System - Power OFF.

7. Turn on the computer / laptop and start using it as usual.

Here such a boot screen should have if you correctly recorded an image on a USB flash drive or a DVD.

Boot screen, you need to select the first item.

In this small window, you need to enter a number of supported for the SSD firmware and press ENTER.
Select the drive number for the firmware.

I have already selected your SSD, "Flight" is normal. Feels like - SSD began to work a little on shunter. Also, I saw a few reviews on the forums and in groups that several people were stitched to this firmware, do not complain.

On this, everything, good firmware, thanks for your attention!
The article was useful? Then support the author a penny By making any amount on the development of the blog.

SSD optimization.

SSD Mini Tweaker. - Small free program for setting windows systems Work on the SSD drive. The main goal of the program is to minimize the circulation of the system to the drive, thereby increasing its work.

And so what does the program do? By running the "CZD mini tweak", only one window appears, with a choice of certain actions.

Basic Tools Optimization SSD Disc

  • Enable trim - A command for cleaning not used data blocks, it allows you to reduce wear of unused memory cells.
  • Disable Superfetch. - Service that makes caching the files that are most commonly used. It can be turned off, since the access time in solid drives is striving for zero.
  • Disable Prefetcher. - Acceleration of the system loading, and also reduces application start time. For solid drive drives, absolutely unnecessary function, disconnect. Disable the component also free up system memory.
  • Leave the kernel of the system in memory - The default kernel is reset to the Swap file, which increases the number of appeals to the drive. Disable this feature to keep the system kernel in random access memory. The inclusion requires the presence of more than 2 GB of RAM in the system.
  • Increase the sizes of the file system cache - The function minimizes the appeal to the file subsystem, but requires the availability of RAM at least 2 GB.
  • Remove the limit with NTFS in terms of use of memory - Also requires memory presence of at least 2 GB, makes it easier to launch several applications simultaneously.
  • Disable defrigation system files while loading - If for HDD defragmentation allowed to speed up the operation of the file system, then for SSD drives, defragmentation is not only useless, but also harmful. Turn off.
  • Disable Layout.ini file creation - Layout.ini file information uses a regular defragmentator, and since we know that we do not need deframentation on SSD disks ... we turn off.
  • Disable name creation in MS-DOS format - Disconnect why we need to create names in the format "8,3", the stone age, and in the same way in NTFS it slows down the listing of files and folders.
  • Disable the system windows indexing - The system installed on the solid-cut drive has robbed needs this service, turn off.
  • Disable hibernation mode - Disable this mode, deletes the hiberfil.sys file equal to the size of RAM. With the current sizes and prices for SSD, the gigabyte steam drives will not be superfluous.
  • Disable system protection function - Reduces the number of system appeals to the drive when creating test points. Turn off.
  • Disable defragmentation service - We passed, turn off. All memory cells in the SSD system has the same access speed.
  • Do not clean the paging file - If the swap file you still hold on the drive, then it is better to turn it off its cleaning when rebooting, it will reduce the number of appeals to it.

The archive has two versions of the program, for 32 and 64 bit systems.

Check SSD Disc Using utilities is a universal method that performs several tasks at once.

  • First - Check the drive for errors.
  • Second - control of the operational period of the device.

The presence and periodic use of such programs for the owner is not only desirable, but also necessary.

After all, the resources of these components of modern PCs and laptops are limited compared to HDD, and the danger of data loss is higher.

Although these shortcomings are completely compensated by a significant amount of advantages from the use of SSD, due to the difference in their designs from standard hard disks.

Features SSD disks

SSD discs are solid-state non-volatile drives, the principle of which resembles the work of flash memory - SD and microSD cards, USB flash drives and other media.

Such devices do not have moving parts, and for data transfer use the DDR DRAM chip.

A parallel record of information simultaneously into several memory elements and the lack of need to move the reading head information (characteristic for HDD) allow you to increase the speed of the process several times.

And, if the average reading speed of modern hard disk It is about 60 MB / s, even the average SSD disk is able to give the indicators 4-5 times higher.

When writing data, the excess may be smaller, but the process occurs still much faster.

Fig. 1. Comparison of the speed of reading and write SSD and HDD disk.

A special value of the download speed has for those computers on which several resource-intensive applications are installed.

In this case, only the boot of the Windows system occurs for 15-20 s for a solid-state drive and from 30 to 60 s for a hard disk.

The same speed improvement occurs in the process of launching programs, and data records.

To other advantages of using SSD-disks (read more) it is worth:

  • resistance to shocks and drops. The parameter is important for laptops, hard drives in which they often fail due to mechanical damage;
  • compactness - many disks slightly exceed the battery size mobile phoneOthers have dimensions of the memory bar;
  • advanced temperature range of disk operation;
  • minimum power consumption and no noise when working.

Fig. 2. Comparison of HDD sizes, standard SSD and MSATA format storage.

At the same time, the work of SSD is connected with certain disadvantages. They are relatively relatively high cost The drive, although with an increase in the capacity, the price value value becomes smaller.

The second important minus is a limited SSD-disk resource, which is why they are recommended to periodically check.

Setting up SSD under Windows 10: Full STEP-BY-STEP instruction

Diagnosis of drives

The main task of SSD disc check is to diagnose its condition and issuing information about the presence of errors, the resource and the estimated operational period.

This allows the user in advance to learn about future problems with the drive leading to an unpredictable loss of information.

In addition, according to the results of the inspection, you can plan financial costs for the purchase, the cost of which may not allow you to quickly find such an amount if the problem arose unexpectedly.

In addition, the test check does not take much time and does not even require the purchase of expensive software.

Utilities can be downloaded in the network for free or acquire a sum that does not exceed the cost of the standard antivirus program.

Whereas the recovery of lost information from SSD, unlike hard drives, is impossible.

The best utilities for checking SSD drives

To check the status of a hard disk, manufacturers of drives and third-party developers have already released dozens of applications.

Most of them are free or conditionally free, that is, requiring payment only after a while after the start of use.

Their effectiveness is almost the same, and the differences are in the convenience of use and functionality.

SSD Life.

SSD Ready

Checking the SSD-disk state, you can use the SSDReady application only with solid storage. The result of the verification is the assessment of the intended duration of the device based on the collected statistics on recording and reading data. The program works in the background and practically does not require any resources.

Fig. 6. SSDReady application.

Hard Disk Sentinel

A feature of the application designed to control hard drives is to track performance reduction or excess permissible level Temperatures and message about this user. The application constantly checks the speed of information transfer, temperature and other parameters. Among its capabilities:

  • work with SSD discs, with IDE and SATA drives, and even USB carriers;
  • display information about the current and minimum temperature;
  • specifying the number of errors and disk operations in the clock;
  • specify not only the current, but also the maximum possible information for the information transmission mode.

Fig. 7. Working with the Hard Disk Sentinel program.


HDDScan's free access allows you to diagnose hard disks of any type, check them for errors and monitor the state of "health" of the drives. The utility operates in real time and, if necessary, it gives a detailed disk state report to the screen, which can be saved for further use.

Fig. 8. The report of the HDDSCAN program.

SSD Tweaker.

The free SSD Tweaker application is easy to work and allows the user not to simply control the state of solid-state drives, but also disable unnecessary operations in the operating system that reduces the disk service life. For example, such as the indexing service and windows defragmentation. Parameters can be configured manually or automatically.

Fig. 9. Work window of the SSD TWEAKER program.

HD Tune

HD TUNE application is available in several options - free version and paid HD TUNE PRO. The first provides testing the status of hard drives (including SSD) and memory cards. Conditionally free utility for which $ 38 will have to pay, has an extended functionality, allowing you to monitor almost all disk parameters and conduct a number of additional tests.

Check SSD Disc: top Utilities for diagnosis and improvement

Requirements of corporate users to data storage and data processing systems differ significantly from a simple end user. For a corporate user, not so much the speed of recording and reading data is important, how much reliability of storage and permanent 24-hour access to them for the entire operating time. That is why companies are developing separate products for this, which often exceed prices on, it would seem similar, models, but intended for the consumer market. Therefore, Kingston began to release a special SSD series of SSD drives designed to work in data processing centers, which was optimized primarily for loads with intensive reading data.

Easy installation, weight and dimensions still do not ensure that SSD can be used in corporate environments. Losses from incorrect selection can often be reduced to zero all the benefits of savings, since the SSD cheap drives operating in Datacenter may be preretected due to the excess number of recording operations, and their recording speed is significantly reduced during the expected service life. All this, ultimately, leads to significant costs as a result of premature replacement.

Modern SSD drives are able to provide the highest reading and recording speed, both for consecutive and random queries, which is required in corporate environments, which provides access to databases at the same time for a large number of customers without a significant reduction in operation speed. In the case of personal use of an SSD drive end user, the difference between the minimum and maximum response time of the drive can be significantly larger. Therefore, Corporate SSD drives are optimized not only for peak performance during the first few seconds of access, but also using a large excess area, they also guarantee and increased average stable performance for a long time, which guarantees the consistency of the entire corporate array of drives used in the processing centers Information even during periods of peak loads.

NAND flash memory, which is used in SSD drives, are inherent in some restrictions: the two most important are the deadline for the service life and the likelihood of natural errors. Therefore, in the production process, each crystal of the future SSD drive is tested and characterized by the initial frequency of erroneous bits (BER or RBER). This indicator determines the frequency of natural errors without any interference of the program error correction. But there are such errors that cannot be corrected by any means. Therefore, the coefficient of defective bit errors (Uber) was introduced as "a data distortion indicator equal to the number of data errors to read bits after applying a specific error correction method." In accordance with the JEDEC International Committee, the Uber indicator for SSD corporate level It is expected no worse than the appearance of 1 of the unstore-heated bit error with a frequency of 1 bit error on every bit of 10 quadrillion bits (~ 1.11 petabytes), but for a client level, this indicator is reduced 10 times. In other words, SSD drives designed to work in severe conditions of information processing centers are required to be ten times more reliable than for a home user. To do this, Kingston uses parity checking technologies and creating an excess number of control points and their cyclic check.

In addition, to enhance reliability, Kingston includes additional electronics in corporate SSD drives with a power outage and failure recognition logic, as well as to control the input power and providing temporary power to this case to perform any internal or external recording commands. .

Another major parameter that distinguishes corporate SSD drives from used for the end user is service life. Its duration is not so critical for home Computer due to the fact that at the estimated time of its operation 8 hours a day, modern solid-state drives Loads much longer than the PC itself as a whole. But here for operation in conditions of data centers, which, without any break, work for 24 hours a day, this parameter is critical, as it significantly affects the cost of the entire system. But we know that all types of NAND flash memory used in SSD drives, over time, lose the ability of reliable data storage over time and, in the end, reach the state at which their use is impossible. To neutralize the loss and extension of the service life, a set of measures is used, but the most important all the same remains constant monitoring of data integrity and the transfer of potentially "dead" bits into an excess area of \u200b\u200bmemory, which is not initially accessible to the user. In addition, companies are used for devices with a large load of memory chips based on E-MLC technology, and in some cases and SLC, although the last solution sharply increases the cost of storing data with a noticeable decrease in the total capacity of the device. Naturally, extended S.A.R.T technologies are used, which are followed by free and occupied cells. In the usual, client devices, these technologies are also applied, but in more simplified form. In other words, the main methods of struggle for an increase in service life are: reliable and advanced technologies for checking memory cells for errors and the backup capacity of the drive, which is not available to the user nor operating system and which can be used as a temporary record buffer to improve performance, but mainly intended for replacement of defective cells during the expected SSD service life.

The new SSD-drive series Kingston DC400 has the best, compared to user models, characteristics and are designed for more long term Services in more severe working conditions. However, it is worth noting that Kingston DC400 belongs to the primary class corporate SSD. And therefore, first of all are intended for work in read mode, not record. One of the important features of new models is the ability to task the backup area (OverProvision). According to the data from the Kingston website, in corporate SSD is reserved up to 28% of the storage capacity, while in the DC400 series models, only 7% is reserved, as in the case of consumer SSD. If necessary, using the Kingston Manager branded application, the user can change the capacity of the backup area, thereby increasing the service life of the SSD and to some extent to increase the speed indicators.

Kingston DC400 SSD drive, like most of the company's products, comes in a plastic blister. On his face, except branded sign and instructions on a series of devices, only the storage capacity is indicated and the warranty period is 5 years.

On the back side, everything also looks modestly. The main thing is that it is present - this is a sticker where the product number is specified and where it is manufactured. But the user will see important words about guarantees only if it becomes a drive and extends it from the packaging. No installation instructions are attached, as SSD is focused on the corporate market segment and it is assumed in advance that it will be able to establish it who understands it well.

This drive has the most common form factor - 2.5 inches and a thickness of about 7 mm, that is, it allows you to install this SSD to any modern devices, right up to ultrabooks.

The main characteristics of the Kingston DC400 480 GB model, according to the manufacturer:

  • connection Interface - SATA 3.0 (6 Gbps), backward compatibility with SATA 2.0 (3 Gb / s);
  • sequential read / write speed: 555/535 MB / s;
  • maximum read / write speed of random blocks size 4 KB: 99000/90000 IOPS;
  • the speed of reading / writing blocks of 4KB with permanent loads: 85000/11000 IOPS;
  • service Quality (Delay) - Read / Write: Hot Connection Function;
  • static and dynamic leveling of wear;
  • corporate SMART level tools: reliability tracking, collection of information on the intensity of use, assessment of service life, equally leveling, temperature monitoring;
  • service life: 257 TB (assessed as a total number of written bytes, without significant performance loss);
  • power consumption: with simple / secondary / max. When reading / Max. when recording (W): 1.56 / 1.6 / 1.8 / 4.86;
  • working temperature from: 0 to 70 ° C;
  • average time for refusal: 2 million hours;
  • size 69.9 × 100 × 7 mm;
  • weight model - 92.34

Kingston SSD Manager.

To update the SSD firmware, Kingston offers free utility Kingston SSD Manager, which can be downloaded from the official site. Using it, the user can view the SMART data, SSD status, its temperature and various events associated with the operation of the drive (connection / disconnection, identification numbers and other).

However, the most the main feature This program is the ability to change the backup area of \u200b\u200bthe drive. It is important to understand that these actions can be carried out only without the presence of formatted partitions on the disk. In addition, after changing the volume of the backup area, you should restart OS for the correct use of new settings. It should be noted that the minimum backup area in the amount of 7% always remains, while the user works with the remaining SSD volume.


To test an SSD drive, we used the stand configuration stand:

  • processor - Intel Core i7-4770k;
  • motherboard - Intel DZ87KLT-75K;
  • chipset system board - Intel Z87 Express;
  • memory amount - 16 GB (two Modules GEIL DDR3-1600 8 GB);
  • memory mode - two-channel;
  • system disk - Intel SSD 520 Series (240 GB);
  • operating system - Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bits.

Additionally, an Intel RST driver was installed, and the test SSD drive was connected to the SATA port 6 Gb / s, which was implemented through the controller integrated into the chipset. Another SATA port connected an Intel SSD 520 Series SSD-drive, which was installed operating system and all necessary for testing the application. For all SATA ports, AHCI operating mode was set.

For testing, we used the IOMETER utility version 2008.06.18, which is a very powerful tool for analyzing the performance of drives (both HDD and SSD) and is actually a sectoral standard for measuring the performance of drives.

In order not to tie the test results to a specific file System, Testing an SSD drive using the iOMter utility we performed without creating a logical partition on it.

When testing, the dependence of the speed of performing serial and random read operations, as well as a serial and random recording from the size of the data block is investigated.

In addition, the dependence of the performance of the drive in random read operations and recording for blocks of 4 KB was analyzed. Block size in 4 KB for random read and recording operations is selected because it is typical for the Windows operating system and in random reading and record operations most often encounter blocks of exactly this size. In this regard, the block size of 4 Kbytes for accidental readers and recording when measuring IOPS is a kind of de facto standard.

SSD drives We also tested for the presence of aging effect, that is, they found out how the performance of the drive changes in the random recording operations.

To determine the speed of consistent reading, random reading and sequential record, the data blocks of the following dimensions were used: 512 bytes, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 KB, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 MB. In these tests in the iOMETER settings, the number of simultaneous I / O requests (# of Outstanding I / OS) was set to 4, which is typically for user applications. Analysis of the dependence of the drive in the operations of random read and recording from the depth of the task queue was carried out using 4 Kbyte blocks, and the number of simultaneous I / O queries was set to 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 and 256. We note that the results of this test are especially important if the drive is used in the server, the RAID array or the NAS system. In addition, to estimate the speed of reading and writing to which the user can count in real operating conditions, the Flashtest 4.0 utility was applied, developed in our laboratory. It uses feature calls from the WinAPI library and makes data copying just as done standard means Windows 7 and 8, including displaying the standard window with a progress indicator on the screen.

A well-known CrystalDiskMark 5.1.0 utility was used as a synthetic test, which is often used to measure the performance of various drives.

Test results

As the basis of the test for "aging" sSD drive A special preset was taken, which worked for 10 hours. Naturally, like all modern SSD drives, this model It has this unpleasant property, that is, the rate of random recording as the drive is filling out. The speed of the record decreased by about 5 times, but it can be seen that the controller has advanced regeneration algorithms. If you compare its results with the usual consumer SSD, then the recording speed even in such a difficult situation in this model is significantly higher. This suggests that Kingston DC400 as no other is more suitable for working in data centers.

The graph presents three dependences of the data rate from the size of the block in the main operations: sequential read, serial recording and random reading. Sequential operations, both reading and recordings of this model are very good. In the peak, they make up more than 530 MB / C, which corresponds to the declared values. But in random read operations, saturation occurs not so quickly, but peak speeds are also achieved with the maximum block size.

On the random record schedule you can see differences in speeds between "new" and artificially "aged" states of the drive. It is clearly noticeable to the degradation of the random recording rate when filling the buffer on the "new" storage device. However, the reduction of speed is not as strong as it happens in some budget consumer SSDs. The recording speed in a constant stress test is suitable for 60 Mbps with a maximum block size, which is a good indicator for SSD drives. The real average data transfer rate with random records of blocks from 512 bytes to 1 MB is represented by a "aged" schedule of the drive, which is built on the basis of the results obtained after the "aging process" process.

The real test for transmitting data Flashtest 4.0 shows that the recording speed of Kingston DC400 meets the results obtained in the iOMETER benchmark. In addition, it can be seen that compared to the usual SSD, the new model is significantly ahead of it in the recording speed.

Crystalmark synthetic tests demonstrate higher results, which, however, is not surprising.


Kingston, having released a new series of SSD drives for corporate use, made a significant application for the fact that the information and technical services of corporations seriously think about the planned transition to solid-state storage devices of their data. Yes, and simple users who keep at home, on home computers, large volumes critically important information I will be interested in a new device and if funds will allow them, transfer their databases to a modern and reliable carrier from Kingston. New model Kingston DC400 provides excellent performance for its class. The SSD of this line is designed for loads with preferential reading, but if necessary, can withstand a short-term label on the record. According to our data, an increase in the backup area up to 30% of the SSD capacity, allows you to increase the speed of the recording, so such an opportunity will most likely be in demand in the corporate sector. At the time of writing the article, the price of this SSD drive is still unknown.

Monitor Drive Health, Status, and Disk Usage
- View DRIVE Identification Data Including Model Name, Serial Number, Firmware Version, And Other Relevant Information
- Utilize Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology (SMART) And Export Detailed Reports in Text Format
- Securely Erase Data

Installation Process:

Click on the Kingston SSD Manager (KSM) Link to Initialize The Software Download.
- Locate Your Download and Extract The Contents.
- Run The KSM Setup Executable ADMINISTRATOR.
- Follow The Prompts Within The Setup Wizard And Proceed With KSM Software Installation.
- Once Your Installation Is Complete, The System May Require a Reboot.

Note for Mac and Linux Users:

The Kingston SSD Manager IS Not Compatible with Mac OS or Linux Distributions.

About SSD Toolbox:

The Solid State Drive (SSD) Toolbox IS An Update Utility That Properly Recognizes The SSD Unit (s) Installed on Your System. It Also Displays Various Pieces of Information Regarding The Connected Storage Devices and Search for a new Suitable Firmware Version.


WHEN IT COMES TO INSTALLING THIS Software, The Steps Are Very Easy Because All You Have to Do Is Get The Downloadable Package (Extract It If Necessary) and Run The Available Setup. Once The Installation IS Complete, Run The Toolbox and Follow The Instructions for Updating the SSD.

That Being Said, make sure this this Toolbox Version Has a New Firmware Version Available for Your Solid State Drive and, If So, Hit The Download Button, And Install The Software. Otherwise, Check with Our WebSite Asissa AS Possible So That You Don't Miss The Release That Can Improve Your SSD.

IT IS Highly Recommended to Always Use The Most Recent Driver Version Available.

Try to Set a System Restore Point Before Installing a Device Driver. This Will Help IF You Installed An Incorrect or Mismatched Driver. PROBLEMS CAN ARISE WHEN YOUR HARDWARE DEVICE IS TOO OLD OR NOT SUPPORTED ANY LONGER.