UPS Charge Current. Uninterruptible power supply: operating rules. What is necessary for the correct charge of the UPS

The vast majority of us uses such extremely useful devicelike a source uninterrupted power. The quality of food is not perfect everywhere, and just the smallest power supply problems sometimes can cost an expensive. Data loss is always unpleasant, and sometimes just fatal. The device was bought, installed under the table, connected and the owner of it is in full confidence that in any case, in the interruption in the power supply, it will have time to complete the work, and it can be a backup on the USB flash drive. Time is going, the uninterrupted periodically makes it necessary to know about himself - as a charted guard dog, he gives a voice at the slightest deviations in the settings of the power grid. The owner is calm and everything is fine. But one of the days the interruption happens and this time the UPS does not just give a voice and immediately switches from the battery to the network, this time the light turned off for a long time. We calmly copy the files (after all, in stock, we have 15 minutes, no less) and then the uninterruptible starts to squeak completely often and everything turns off. How so? After all, the uninterruptible was to protect us from such situations, and he only instilled a false confidence in our security! Why did it happen?

It's all about the batteries, from which our uninterruptible and feeds all our iron when the external network is turned off. But these batteries, alas, are not eternal, they degraded, the container is reduced, and with it and time autonomous work. Up to zero. Unfortunately, this process, this often is not controlled by anyone, the owner is in confidence that it is protected, and at this time the battery is no longer quite a battery, and so - the uluage.

How to be what to do and where to run?

Why do accumulators degrade? There are a lot of reasons. Sulfate plates comes from intensive use, active substances are satisted from overloads and so on. The UPS has a non-listed battery, but it still has an electrolyte and electrolyte of water based on water. Being constantly in buffer mode, in slow recharging mode, water is gradually evaporated and the electrolyte does not fulfill its functions. The battery comes in disrepair. How can this be avoided? You can avoid this by correct battery charging mechanisms, control its characteristics, but all this is not subject to us - this is the IPS manufacturers.

It so happened that the Internet in my places is only wireless, for its work on the roof there is a frightening view of the antenna, and to reduce the loss of the signal in the cable of its length is minimized. The server that then distributes the Internet (another server and swish) - installed in the attic. For this small ligament you need uninterrupted food. Even without taking into account the losses of the data - to run a server at the slightest chica (and they often happen to us) - a little pleasure. Uninterrupted should be preferably more. I bought a boxer at 1100V, not new (the new one is more expensive than those servers) and of course I did not hoped for batteries - they are often worn. Well, bought and bought. Put, everything seems to be like Okay. In the control panel of the UPS, I was cheerful about almost an hour of battery life (the load of about 70 Wa was). I decided to check it out. Disconnected meals and two minutes, approximately, everything turned off everything. Batteries "Dead". Just the case with false protection. There is nothing to do, you need to buy new batteries. I put backup batteries (it happened that there are and they are inactive from the electric bike), on 12w. And the dead native natives lowered down.

I heard that the electrolyte in the UPS batteries often just dries. What is not sulfate, not choking the plates cause the death of UPS batteries, namely the drying of the electrolyte. Attempting, as they say, not torture. The batteries are still on the emission, and the thrust for picking did not give the chances. To carry out experiments, I needed:

Distilled water (in no case electrolyte!). Sale in a car shop.
- Syringe, better with a needle - it's easier to dispense with a needle. Sale in a pharmacy.
- Knife for picking, stronger.
- Scotch for assembly (for aesthetes, of course, only the blue tape should be!).
- Flashlight.

The battery is glued with a lid that closes banks. I was neatly fetped with a knife (for picking). I had to walk in a circle - she was glued in several places.

Under the lid - cans covered with rubber caps. These caps are probably needed for waters of water vapor, hydrogen and other things that can create redundant pressure in the bank during battery operation. Such a nipple, which releases the gas outward, but nothing passes inside.

The caps are not glued, just removed them, going with a knife.

Under the caps, if you look inside the banks - nothing interesting. Completely. For the lookout you need a flashlight.
He took the syringe, scored distilled water into it (most importantly without mud. So that everything is clean!) And flooded the water in the cube into each jar.

Water absorbed safely, almost instantly. Repeated it again. Then another 5 or 7, I do not remember. Water should not be poisoned in the bank, but also "take" the water of the bank either should also. It is better to hang a flashlight and look. The main thing is not to overflow.

After filling the water, I covered banks with rubber lids and put the battery charge. And he was charged separately, great charging, but I think it is not necessary - it is possible to charge just in uninterrupted. If the batteries are discharged below 10V, they will not be charged so that there are information that such batteries can also be "split", but for this it is necessary in the initial stages to supply high voltage on them (about 35V by 12V battery) with current control. I did not try, I can't say anything concrete. Recommend this method also can not.

First moment - if you blunted the water - it will return from under the cover. It must be collected by a syringe and pour into the sewer.

The second point - if you covered the cans with covers, then in the process of charging, the pressure in the bank rises slightly and the lids will be flying through the entire room with a characteristic chart. It's funny, but only once. I checked twice - the second time is no longer fun. I covered the covers with a native plastic cover, and the cargo put on it.

After charging, I slightly discharged the batteries by automotive "carrying", the order of half an hour, measured the residual voltage, estimated the container. Charged again and again discharged a little.

I also did the same with the second battery - in the uninterruptedness of their couple. After all, it cried with a scotch, the seeded covers, put the batteries in place.

The results are:

In 10 minutes, with a load in 110V, the batteries were discharged to 79 percent. The battery life has changed somewhat, at the end of the software spoke of almost 29 minutes + 10 people already passed almost 40 minutes. I am suitable for me. It is enough to go and run the generator. When I have it :). And along the way also to brew tea. And drink it.
If proceed from 79% is 21% in 10 minutes or 47 minutes of battery life. Somewhere in the area of \u200b\u200bwhat promises software.
Another calculation option is a complete capacity of 12V batteries * 7Ah * 2pcs \u003d 168 watts / hours. This is ideal. When loading at 110W, the charge should be enough for 1.5 hours. But in reality, even on new batteries of such a time, there will be no discharge current, the discharge current and the discharge capacity will be lower. It is difficult to unambiguously say how much capacity has been restored, but it looks very similar to 80 percent from the nominal. In my opinion, it's not bad for one syringe at all, distillate banks and an hour of time.

Moral Basni is:
- Check periodically hours of battery life. Pig, they may fall to you at the most unpleasant moment.
- At your own risk, even the types of batteries can be restored with low blood. But no, it will always have to buy new ones.

In each mechanism - one of the most expensive and important parts. From how correctly it is used, the operation time of the entire device depends, especially if this is a computer that needs continuous and good power supply. It is for this that the so-called uninterruptible power supply source () has been created (), which functions from its own batteries.

Below it is described in detail how to charge the UPS correctly and what devices can be recharged From him.

How to charge?

So how to charge the battery? There are a lot of rules, but it's not difficult to dive them and charge them.

  • Important! You should remove traffic jams on the device.

  • UPS should be attached to the previously charged battery. For this, two wires are used with the "crocodile" clamps. Be sure to connect, considering polarity. The most important thing is that the UPS batteries are well charged. Then turn on the UPS to the network and check - the voltage at the terminals of the rechargeable battery should be about 14 V. We carry out the charge until it is 13 V when the UPS is turned off.
  • Indicators can be checked with a voltmeter or tester.
  • Turn off the device periodically and check the above parameters - only this ensures that the process will pass correctly and fully.
Initially, the answer to the question is how to charge the source of uninterrupted power, simple, but it is important to know many special nuances.

What should be known?

Before you know how to charge a battery of uninterrupted, it is important to consider the reasons for its discharge.. UPS batteries also apply as any other automotive or aviation batteries. Lead plates are immersed in an electrolyte solution.

After chemical reactions, successfully created electricity. Thus, the UPS device acts and successfully charging the battery. But gradually the electrolyte level decreases, it rolls out, and the battery, respectively, fails.

After purchase, it is necessary to charge the UPS batteries, since while they were in the store or were in transportation, they discharged, and restore the battery of the uninterrupted (see below).

The rules of the first charging

So, how to charge ups for the first time:

  • Connect it to the AC network by attaching to the outlet. It should be disabled all the consumers and do not include the apparatus itself.
  • You should charge the device for about 24 hours, all the time holding it connected to the network.
  • When this time expires, you should connect the UPS to the load, i.e. to include consumers. It should be waited until the batteries are discharged and repeat the cycle. Only after that you can easily use the device.
  • In the process of charge, carefully monitor the current and voltage indicators on the ammeter - it is available in most modern devices of this type. When charging the current should decrease, and the voltage on the battery is increased. It should be constantly and carefully monitored. The charging process should be considered complete when it turns out to be more than 12.5 volts.

Read the same: All about restoring battery uninterruptible

Now a few words about the proper charge of lead acid batteries.

Voltage charger Must comply with the battery recommended for batteries that they charge them.

How often should it do and how enough? Charging time is calculated by the dedication of the tank for the power of charging current in the main units. On average, the power of the UPS is designed for about three to five years of work, if you properly care for them. You should check the voltage on terminals once a year and, if necessary, perform their recharging.

When the batteries "sit" completely, it is necessary to charge them from the network six to eight hours when the UPS is turned off.

What if the UPS is discharged and does not turn on?

If "sat down" batteries, their just need to change to new.

If the problem is more difficult, we look further. Inside the sealed housing, the UPS has a concentrated liquid - electrolyte. Follow try to add distilled water there With the help of a medical syringe. At first, you should carefully open the top cover, there you should see six small traffic jams by the number of "cans". It is important to observe attentiveness: when they are open or unscrewed, the gas can break out, be careful and be sure to protect your hands and face to prevent acid from entering. Watch out internal cavity cans. There will see a line that shows the upper boundary of the electrolyte. Type distillates in the syringe and draw it into all banks before this border. Then close the corks, put the battery in the UPS to the place and do the charge according to the "first time" principle described above.

If the source of gel electrolyte is already completely faulty and there is no reaction to charging, then, unfortunately, the recovery of the battery is uninterrupted, and it should be replaced with a new one.

Battery charging for UPS

You can charge any devices on which the "Rechargeable" is indicated. If, when purchasing on the device, you see the inscription "DO NOT RECHARGE", then such a device cannot be recharged, but it is worth it, as a rule, due to disposable at times cheaper.

In order for the uninterruptible power supply source (UPS) to serve you as long as possible and your investment in the UPS turned out to be the most efficient, try to follow the advice following:

Before turning on the new UPS, charge the batteries.

Batteries of the new UPS, naturally, not charged. Therefore, if you immediately put the UPS under load, the batteries will not be able to ensure proper power maintenance. Moreover, the self-test procedure automatically launched each time the UPS is turned on (except backups), among other diagnostic operations, checks whether the battery is able to cope with the load. Since the battery, being uncharged, cannot cope with the load, the UPS may notify that the battery is faulty and requires replacement.

All you need to do in such a situation is to give batteries to charge. Leave the UPS connected to the network for 24 hours. This is the first charging of the batteries, so it requires more time than the usual standard charging, regulated in technical description UPS. UPS itself can be turned off. The UPS produced by ARS produces charging batteries from the network regardless of whether the UPS itself is turned on or not.

In any case, if you brought the UPS from the cold, let it warm at room temperature for several hours.

Connect only the load to the UPS that requires really uninterrupted power.

UPS is justified only where the power loss can lead to data loss - personal computers, servers, hubs, routers, external modems, streamers, drives, etc.

Printers, scanners, and especially lighting lamps, do not need UPS.

What happens terrible if, for example, the printer will lose meals during printing? Spoile sheet of paper. The value that is incomparable with the cost of the UPS. In addition, the printer connected to the UPS when switching to power from batteries simply consumes their energy, taking it from a computer that really needs it.

In order to protect the equipment from discharges and interference, non-carrier information that may be lost as a result of a power failure, it is enough network filter (for example, SurgearRest) or, with significant voltage fluctuations in the network, a network stabilizer (for example, Line-R).

A warning!

Do not connect laser printers to the UPS Laser printer When working periodically consumes peak power (1 - 2 kV), several times higher than its average power specified in his passport (300 - 600 VA). If the UPS is overloaded at least a couple of seconds, it will reset (turn off) all the load, including the computer. If you really need a "uninterrupted print", choose the UPS with a capacity of 1.5 - 2 kVA.

Do not overload the UPS.

Choose UPS, the power of which is greater than or equal to the total load power. At the same time, be sure to consider the difference between Wattes and Volt-ampere. The power of the UPS is declared, and the power consumption of the equipment is most often in W. For a computer type of load, there is a ratio: power (BA) \u003d power (W) / 0.7. IN lately A number of firms began to produce the so-called PFC (POWER Factor Corrected) Power Supplies. For such power supplies 1 via \u003d 1 W.

Try to secure grounding.

Without proper grounding, the efficiency of interference suppression will be reduced.

Observe the rules of operation:

The UPS production ARS is designed to work in the surrounding conditions specified in the technical description. Do not percade (below 0 ° C) and do not overheat the UPS (above 40 ° C). Do not expose UPS with moisture.

Warning: UPS, even disconnected from everything, can create a voltage of 220 V, life-threatening!

Several useful tips.

Do not forget that the UPS allows you to adjust the battery transition thresholds. If your UPS then goes on batteries, check whether it is properly configured. Maybe the threshold or sensitivity is exhibited too high.

Test UPS. Periodically launching a self-test procedure, you can always be sure that your UPS is fully ready for work.

Do not turn off the UPS from the network. Turn off the UPS with the button on the front panel, but do not pull it out the cord from the outlet, unless you leave it for a long time. Even in the off state, the UPS production ARS is charging the batteries.

How to charge uninterruptible right?

How to charge uninterruptible right?

For many users who have been dealing with a source of uninterrupted nutrition (UPS) there are various questions and one of them, the most relevant - how to charge the uninterrupted right?! In fact, charging the UPS occurs in full automatic modeFrom the moment it is connected to the network and interference in this process is not required. But often it happens that the uninterruptible is faulty and there is no possibility to repair. Most often, the main problem is a short period of operation of the UPS without a network as a result of a decrease in the capacity of the device's batteries. In this case, you can prolong the UPS service time and try to charge it yourself.

What is necessary for the correct charge of the UPS

In order to charge the UPS and somewhat extend the life of its service when faulty, you need distilled water, a medical syringe with a thin needle, better if 20 cubic, as well as the uninterruptible power supply itself and a little agility and accuracy.

Disconnect the UPS from the network and carefully remove the top cover by unscrewing the retention bolts. From above under the lid, you will see six circles, which are called "banks". It is in them that you will need to top up water. In essence, it is a cylindrical container filled with glass. It is glass gambled to us and it is necessary to moisten to an increase in the capacity of the UPS battery and, accordingly, to improve the quality of the uninterrupted operation.

Type water into the syringe and carefully and evenly add 2-4 ml of water to each jar. Try not to overdo it, but also do not regret water. The glass gamble must be well moistened, but water should not be visible above its surface.

After all the containers are impregnated, set to the upper cover on the UPS to the previous position and connect it to the network. Already after a few cycles of work, your uninterruptible will be fully charged again.

Thus, it is possible to quickly and inexpensively breathe life into faulty equipment and continue the full use of the UPS without expensive repairs.

What to do if nothing helps

Now you know how quickly and correctly charge the uninterrupted man, as well as correct some problems that often occur with the wrong using UPS or violation of the rules for transportation and operation. If the specified method does not help or helps only for a short time, then best decision will be full replacement Battery UPS or buying a new device.

IN specifications Uninterruptible power source indicates the charge current. This maximum current in amps, which is charging external accumulator battery or battery pack.

We draw your attention that in the case of a sequential connection of batteries in the block, the same current flows according to them, i.e. The current specified in the characteristics of the UPS charger. In the case of a parallel compound, the current is divided into equal parts by the number of batteries. Once again we clarify that both in the first and second case, the batteries must be the same by brand, models and batch of production.

What does the DC charge current affect?

  1. Range of possible tanksconnected to the UPS external batteries. The optimal count of charge current is equal to 1 0% Capacity acb.
    • For example, the battery with a capacity of 150 AH should be charged to 15 amps current.Taking into account the fact that as the voltage on the battery is charged, and the current drops, the current value is allowed to 20% of the tank. But frequent charge cycles with a large current reduces the service life of the AGM battery. A smaller charge current is less dangerous for the battery, but entails an increase in the charge rate of the battery.
  • Accumulator charge rate. Under conditions when power outages are frequent, it is necessary as quickly as possible during the time so far there are external power supply, charge the batteries to be prepared for the next trip. In this case, you need to choose the UPS with the maximum charge current.

The range of container, acceptable for a specific charge current, can be conditionally calculated by the formula or view in the table:

current charge UPS Capacity mining Optimal capacity of AKB Maximum capacity of AKB
current * 5. current * 10. current * 15.
6 28 65 100
8 38 75, 100 120
10 45, 55 100 150
12 55, 65 100,120 150
15 75 120, 150 150, 200
20 100 150,200 250
25 100,120 150,200 250
30 150 200,250 300