Management of HOF and MR. The management bodies for the Affairs and Emergencies are (see the scheme). The main tasks in the field of civil defense

State Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the city of Moscow

Ministry Russian Federation For civil defense, emergency situations and elimination of natural disasters is the federal executive body, which is engaged in the implementation of functions to develop and implement state policies, regulatory and legal regulation, as well as on supervision and control in the field of civil defense, the protection of the population and territories from Emergencies of the natural and technogenic nature, ensuring fire safety and safety of people in water bodies. In the structure of the EMERCOM of Russia, 85 major departments in the subjects of the Russian Federation and 6 regional centers:
Northwest, Central, South, Siberian, Far Eastern, North Caucasian, GES of Russia in the city of Moscow.
Let us consider in more detail the activities of the Main Department of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia in the city of Moscow. The main activity of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the city of Moscow is the following:
1. Connect the object fire alarm;
2. Methodical recommendations for the development of security passports;
3. Civilian protection;
4. Information on the income of the guideline and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow;
5. State supervision;
6. Voluntary fire protection in Moscow;
7. Public Declaration of Goals and Tasks;
8. Results of activity;
9. State Inspectorate on Small Courts;
10. Civil Defense;
11. Public services;
12. Social security of citizens of the EMERCOM of Russia.
More detailed information For each type of operation of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Moscow you can find out on the official website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow.
You can go to the official website after entering the browser's address bar of the next Internet address: When you go to the site, then find yourself on main page.

the main page of the site

There are many different active tabs, with which you can navigate through the site searching for the necessary information. To move the site, you will not need to pass the registration process, the site is available to everyone without any restrictions.
On the main page of the site there is a confidence service number, and the ability to write a question to the head of the Main Department.
On the left side of the main page of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Moscow is a tape with the following active tabs: Main Management, Operational Information, Legislation, Force and Means, Activity, Useful Information, Press Service, Statistics, Library, Contacts.

Tape with tabs on the main page of the site

Using the above tabs, you can navigate through the site searching for information you are interested in. If you use the Main Management tab, you will be able to get detailed information about the manual, structure, to see the position, Code of Honor, Memory Book.
Opening the "Operational Information" tab, you can view all operational events, forecasts, storm and emergency warnings, emergency summary.

Operational events

If you need to watch federal regulatory documents, the regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow, the regulatory legal acts of the EMERCOM of Russia, then use the active tab "Legislation".
All the forces and means of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow are very detailed in the section, which is called "forces and funds".
The Ministry of Emergency Situations Moscow has a very interesting tab, which is called "Useful Information". Using this tab, you can read a lot of different information that is useful in cases of any emergency.
Opening the Press Service tab, you can watch photo archive, news, announcements, interviews. With this tab, you can view in what events were involved in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as well as what cultural events were carried out.
You can also find out the statistics on the work done on the official website of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the city of Moscow. To do this, use the active tab, which is called "statistics".

Statistics of the Main Department of the City of Moscow

On the site you can see the contacts, with which you can contact this or that separation, to solve the necessary question. Here you will find a schedule for receiving citizens.

Contacts of the Main Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Moscow

Using the site of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Moscow, you can learn at any time to learn about the information about the work, life and activities of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow. Here you can get answers to many questions or independently ask your question.



On approval of the Regulation on the Department of Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Fire Safety of the City of Moscow *

Document with changes made by:
(Journer of the mayor and the Government of Moscow, N 44, 07.08.2012);
(The official website of the mayor and the government of Moscow, 09/08/2014);
(The official website of the mayor and the government of Moscow, 12/03/2014);
(The official website of the mayor and the government of Moscow, 06/18/2015);
decree of the Government of Moscow dated October 27, 2015 N 697-PP (official website of the mayor and the Government of Moscow, 10/28/2015);
(The official website of the mayor and the government of Moscow, 05.11.2015);
(The official website of the mayor and the government of Moscow, 09/28/2016);
(The official website of the mayor and the government of Moscow, 05/16/2018);
(The official website of the mayor and the government of Moscow, 11/27/2018);
(Official site of the mayor and the government of Moscow, 12/19/2018).

Resolution of the Government of Moscow dated June 16, 2015 N 357-PP. - See previous edition.

In order to clarify the powers of the Department of Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Fire Safety of the city of Moscow and the improvement of its activities, the Government of Moscow
(Preamble in the editorial office introduced from December 14, 2014 by the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated December 2, 2014 N 706-PP by Resolution of the Moscow Government dated June 16, 2015 N 357-PP. - See previous edition)


1. To approve the Regulations on the Department of Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Fire Safety of the city of Moscow under annex to this Regulation.
Resolution of the Government of Moscow dated June 16, 2015 N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

2. Recognize invalid:

2.1. Resolution of the Moscow Government dated February 12, 2002 N 120-PP "On approval of the Regulation on the General Directorate for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the City of Moscow".

2.2. Decree of the Government of Moscow dated December 16, 2003 N 1055-PP "On approval of the Regulation on the General Directorate for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the city of Moscow".

2.3. Paragraphs 2 ,,,, 8 Resolutions of the Government of Moscow dated March 15, 2005 N 127-PP "On the reorganization of the General Directorate for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the city of Moscow".

2.4. Paragraph 12.2 of the Government of Moscow dated June 7, 2005 N 398-PP "On measures to implement Agreement between the Emergencies Ministry of Russia and the Moscow Government on the transfer of each other part of its authority in addressing the organization of extinguishing fires and prevent emergency situations of an inter-municipal and regional nature, spontaneous Disasters and eliminate their consequences for 2005-2007. "

2.5. Resolution of the Government of Moscow of December 22, 2009 N 1424-PP "On Amendments to the Resolution of the Government of Moscow of March 15, 2005 N 127-PP".

2.6. Paragraph 2 of the Resolution of the Moscow Government of February 24, 2010 N 171-PP "On Amendments to the Resolution of the Moscow Government of July 22, 2008 N 622-PP, on March 15, 2005 N 127-PP".

2.7. Paragraph 5 of the Resolution of the Moscow Government dated August 24, 2010 N 735-PP "On approval of the Regulations for the preparation and issuance of special permits for conducting heavy and (or) large-sized cargo on the street-road network of Moscow."

3. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the deputy mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow on the issues of housing and communal services and improvement of Biryukova P.P.

Mayor of Moscow
S.S. Sobyanin

Application. Regulations on the Department of Civil Defense, Emergencies and Fire Safety of Moscow

* The name in the editorial office, enacted by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated June 16, 2015 N 357-PP. - See previous edition.

I. General provisions

1. The Department of Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Fire Safety of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Department) is the functional body of the executive authority of the city of Moscow, carrying out intersectoral regulation in the field of civil defense, the protection of the population and territories of the city from natural and man-made emergencies (hereinafter - Emergency situations), fire safety and safety of people in water bodies of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the established field of activity).
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

2. The Department operates in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, international treaties, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and regulations of the President of the Russian Federation, regulations and regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation, the charter of the city of Moscow, the laws of the city of Moscow, other legal acts of the city of Moscow, As well as agreements between the EMERCOM of Russia and the Government of Moscow on the transfer of authority and this Regulation.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

3. The Department operates directly or through its structural units in the administrative districts of the city of Moscow, in cooperation with the federal state authorities, the state authorities of the city of Moscow, the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government agencies, public associations of citizens and other organizations.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

II. Department's powers

Resolution of the Government of Moscow dated June 16, 2015 N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

4. The Department performs the following powers in the established field of activity:
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

4.1. Develops and contributes to the prescribed manner for consideration by the mayor of Moscow and the Government of Moscow, projects of legal acts of the mayor of Moscow and the Government of Moscow on issues related to the established field of the Department's activities, including:
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

4.1.1. About programs in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories of the city of Moscow from emergency situations, ensuring fire safety and security of people in the aquatic sites of the city of Moscow.

4.1.2. On the procedure for creating and operating the fire service of the city of Moscow.

4.1.3. On the procedure for creating and functioning urban rescue services and formations.

4.1.4. On approval of the list of facilities located in the city of Moscow to be mandatory for emergency rescue services and formations.

4.1.5. On approval of the procedure for insurance of fire and other employees of the fire service of the city of Moscow, rescuers and reservists.

4.1.6. On approval of the procedure for calculating the length of service, the appointment and payments of the monthly surcharge to the labor pension to the rescuers of urban rescue services and the formations and fire department of the fire service of the city of Moscow.

4.1.7. On approval of the list paid servicesprovided by urban rescue services and formations, tariffs and procedure for charging the board, the procedure for providing fire services in Moscow of paid works and services in the field of fire safety.

4.1.8. On the organization of training in the field of civil defense, protection against emergency situations and public safety training.
(Clause 4.1.8 in the editors enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of May 15, 2018 N 436-PP. - See previous edition)

4.1.9. On the planning of measures to maintain the sustainable functioning of organizations located on the territory of the city of Moscow, in wartime and in emergency situations.
(Clause 4.1.9 as amended, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of May 15, 2018 N 436-PP. - See previous edition)

4.1.10. On the reserve of the property of civil defense.

4.1.11. On approval of the distribution and delivery plan from the storage of property of the reserve of civil defense to the population of the city of Moscow.

4.1.12. On the definition of the procedure for granting the budget of the city of Moscow subsidies in the established field of activity.

4.1.13. On the creation and maintenance of constant readiness for the use of protective structures and other civil defense objects of the city of Moscow.
(Clause 4.1.13 as amended by the Resolution of the Government of Moscow of May 15, 2018 N 436-PP. - See previous edition)

4.1.14. On approval of the scheme for the placement of fire depots in the city of Moscow.

4.1.15. On approval of the rules for the protection of people in water bodies of the city of Moscow.

4.1.16. About development and maintenance in a state of constant readiness for use technical Systems Management of civil defense, systems alerts of the population of Moscow about the dangers arising from military conflicts or due to these conflicts, as well as emergency situations.
(Clause 4.1.16 as amended by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of May 15, 2018 N 436-PP. - See previous edition)

4.1.17. On the planning of actions in the field of prevention and elimination of emergency situations, including the elimination of emergency oil spills and petroleum products.

4.1.18. On the creation and content of the civil defense of the stocks of logistical, food, medical and other funds, as well as reserves of financial and material resources to eliminate emergency situations.
(Clause 4.1.18 in the editorial office enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of May 15, 2018 N 436-PP. - See previous edition)

4.1.19. On the administrative regulations of the execution by the Department of State Functions and the Department of Public Services.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Resolution of the Moscow Government dated June 16, 2015, N 357-PP; as amended, entered into action by Decree of the Government of Moscow of May 15, 2018 N 436-PP. - See previous edition)

4.1.20. On the procedure for organizing and implementing regional state supervision in the established field of activity.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

4.1.21. For other issues included in the established scope of the Department's activities.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

4.2. Based on and pursuant to federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the charter of the city of Moscow, the laws of the city of Moscow, other legal acts of the city of Moscow, the Department makes decisions:
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

4.2.1. On issuance (refusal to issue) source data for implementation town planning On the territory of the city of Moscow, in compliance with the requirements of civil defense, ensuring the prevention of emergency situations.

4.2.2. The item has failed since November 8, 2015 - the Resolution of the Moscow Government of October 27, 2015 N 697-PP. - See previous edition.

4.2.2 (1). On the adaptation of the lines of the metro as protective buildings of civil defense.

(Paragraph 4.2.2 (1) additionally included by the Resolution of the Government of Moscow of September 27, 2016 N 611-PP)

4.2.3. On the provision of subsidies at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow to legal entities in cases established by the legal acts of the city of Moscow.

4.2.4. On approval in coordination with the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow, the norms of providing subordinate rescue services and emergency-rescue equipment, equipment and equipment, performs their adjustment in the prescribed manner.

4.2.5. For participation in research (applied research) and developmental work in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territory from emergency situations, prevention and elimination of emergency situations and fire safety in the interests of the city of Moscow.

4.2.6. On the organization of activities for the preparation of the population in the field of civil defense, protection against emergency situations and public safety education in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow, as well as training for training programs for employees of emergency services and emergency rescue formations, including in the subordinate department of the state educational organization.
(Paragraph 4.2.6 as amended by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of May 15, 2018 N 436-PP. - See previous edition)

4.2.7. On issues of organization and conduct free medical rehabilitation Firefighters and other employees of the fire service of the city of Moscow, who participated in fires and rescuers of urban rescue services and formations that participated in emergency and rescue work (item is additionally included by the Resolution of the Moscow Government of July 25, 2012 N 363-PP) .

Paragraphs 4.2.7-4.2.11 of the previous edition are considered according to paragraphs 4.2.8-4.2.12, respectively, of this edition - the Resolution of the Government of Moscow of July 25, 2012 N 363-PP.

4.2.8. On issues of organizing the creation, storage and use of the insurance fund of the documentation for the objects of increased risk and objects of the life support systems and maintaining an electronic data bank information resource For documentary support for emergency rescue, emergency restoration and other urgent works.

4.2.9. On issues of organizing the creation, equipment and training in the methodological guideline of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow, the fire service of the city of Moscow, emergency services and rescue (fire-rescue) formations.

4.2.10. For participation in the work on the organization of construction, reconstruction, restoration of buildings and structures of state fire service facilities, other facilities intended to ensure the protection of the population from emergency situations located on the territory of the city of Moscow.

4.2.11. On the organization of creating and maintaining in a state of permanent readiness to use the executive authorities of the city of Moscow and organizations located on the territory of the city of Moscow, technical management systems of civil defense, systems notification of the population of the city of Moscow about the dangers arising from military conflicts or due to these conflicts, and Also in emergency situations.
(Clause 4.2.11, as amended by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of May 15, 2018, N 436-PP. - See previous edition)

4.2.12. According to other issues related to the implementation of the powers of the city of Moscow in the established field of activity and the organization of the Department's activities, in cases established by the Charter of the city of Moscow, the laws of the city of Moscow, other legal acts of the city of Moscow.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

4.3. Carries out a regional state supervision of compliance with the mandatory requirements for the protection of the population and territories of the city from emergency situations.
(Clause as amended by the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated June 16, 2015 N 357-PP; as amended, entered into force from December 8, 2018 by the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated November 27, 2018 N 1429-PP. - See previous edition )

4.4. Implements organizational and legal, financial, personnel and material and technical support of the powers transferred to the Government of Moscow to the General Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow in accordance with the Agreement between the Emergencies Ministry of Russia and the Moscow Government on the transfer of each other part of its authority in addressing the issues of protection of the population and territories from emergency situations of the natural and technogenic nature and elimination of their consequences, organization and conduct of emergency and rescue and other urgent work in emergency situations of inter-municipal and regional nature, organizing fires forces by the state fire service, organization of implementation at the inter-municipal and regional level of civil defense measures , the implementation of the search and rescue of people in water bodies (hereinafter referred to as the powers transmitted by the Agreement), including:

4.4.1. Participates in the development of projects of legal acts of the mayor of Moscow and the Government of Moscow, submitted in the prescribed manner by the General Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow, aimed at regulating relations related to the implementation of the powers transmitted by the Agreement, including: On the organization and conduct of civil defense in the city of Moscow and the implementation of civil defense activities. On providing fire safety in the city of Moscow. About the Moscow City Territorial Subsystem Unified state system Prevention and elimination of emergency situations. On the organization of measures for monitoring and forecasting emergency situations. On the organization of ensuring the safety of people in the water bodies of the city of Moscow, including measures to ensure safety in the field of mass recreation during the winter and summer seasons.

4.4.2. Preparation in the prescribed manner in coordination with the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow Proposals for financing the implementation of the authority transmitted by the Agreement.

4.4.3. The implementation of emergency response measures, fire extinguishing, including in high-rise buildings and the tunnels of the city, the rescue of people in the aquatic sites of the city of Moscow by the United States Department of Organizations.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

4.4.4. Aviation Ensuring Emergency Response to emerging emergencies and fires, carrying out the forces of the subordinate department of the State Institution of Special Emergency and Rescue, Firefighters, Medical, Patrol and Other Aviation Works.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

4.4.5. Participation in competence in certification of rescuers, emergency and rescue and fire formations of the city of Moscow to conduct emergency rescue work.

4.4.6. Providing within its competence willingness of the forces and funds of the Moscow City Territorial Subsystem of the Unified State System of Prevention and Eliminate Emergency Situations (hereinafter - MHCS), including the Main Department of the Russian Emergencies Ministry in Moscow.

4.4.7. Providing within its competence activities of the Commission of the Government of Moscow to prevent and eliminate emergency situations and ensuring fire safety.

4.4.8. Implementation in the prescribed manner of transfer to the Main Directorate of Mestims of Russia for Moskway, as well as transfer to gratuitous use of movable property to ensure the fulfillment of powers transmitted by the Agreement.

4.5. Organizes and conducts work on the technical protection of limited access and other information contained in information systems Department.
(Clause 4.5 is additionally included by the Resolution of the Moscow Government of May 15, 2018 N 436-PP)

4.6. Provides in accordance with the entrusted tasks and within its competence, the protection of information constituting the state secrets.
(Clause 4.6 is additionally included by the Resolution of the Moscow Government of May 15, 2018 N 436-PP)

III. Rights, Organization and Management of the Department

(The title of the section in the editorial office entered into action by the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated June 16, 2015 N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

5. In order to exercise their powers, the Department has the right to:
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

5.1. Request in the prescribed manner from the executive authorities of the city of Moscow, local authorities, organizations and individuals The information needed to implement the authority in the established field of activity.

5.2. In the prescribed manner for consideration of authorized state authorities of the city of Moscow and officials of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow, proposals for issues within their competence.

5.3. Create deliberative, expert and other working bodies in the established field of activity.

5.4. Attract scientific, expert and other organizations, scientists, experts and specialists in the prescribed manner to study issues and conduct activities in the established field of activity.

5.5. To conclude, within its competence, contracts with individuals and legal entities in order to fulfill the powers assigned to the Department.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

5.6. To carry out other rights in accordance with federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the laws of the city of Moscow, other legal acts of the city of Moscow.

6. In order to implement their powers, the Department:
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

6.1. Leads the following registries (lists):

6.1.1. Register of emergency services and formations of the city of Moscow.

6.1.2. Register of organizations that create abnormal emergency rescue formations of the city of Moscow.

6.1.3. The list of potentially dangerous facilities located in the city of Moscow.
(Clause 6.1.3 in the editorial office enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of May 15, 2018 N 436-PP. - See previous edition)

6.1.4. The consolidated register of organizations that create abnormal formations to ensure the implementation of civil defense activities in the city of Moscow.
(Paragraph 6.1.4 is additionally included by the Resolution of the Moscow Government of November 3, 2015 N 715-PP)

6.2. Provides:

6.2.1. Events on the organization of prevention of emergency situations, risk management, softening them, reduce the effects of emergency situations.

6.2.2. Events on the organization of monitoring and forecasting emergency situations, including potentially dangerous facilities, objects of life support and critical sites of the city of Moscow.

6.2.3. Development and maintenance under the guidance of the Main Department of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia in Moscow Management Systems, Communications, Alerts, information support, as well as complexes of automation means of the unified system of operational-dispatch management in emergency situations of the city of Moscow.

6.2.4. Organization of maintaining the constant readiness and training of flight crews of the subordinate agencies to the fulfillment of tasks for the purpose, training and advanced training of aviation personnel in educational organizations of the Russian Federation and outside the territory of the Russian Federation.
(Paragraph 6.2.4 in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of May 15, 2018 N 436-PP. - See previous edition)

6.3. Participates in the prescribed manner:

6.3.1. In international and interregional cooperation in the established field of activity, in humanitarian operations conducted by the Government of Moscow and EMERCOM of Russia.

6.3.2. In work under the guidance of the Main Department of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia in Moscow on the creation, development and organization of operation of the system of providing an emergency operational services for single number "112".

6.3.3. In the work on the collection, processing and exchange of information in the field of population protection and territories from emergency situations.
(Paragraph 6.3.3 is additionally included by the Resolution of the Moscow Government of May 15, 2018 N 436-PP)

6.3.4. In coordination of the activities of the Network of Observation and Laboratory Control of the Civil Defense of the city of Moscow.
(Paragraph 6.3.4 is additionally included by the Resolution of the Moscow Government of May 15, 2018 N 436-PP)

6.3.5. In carrying out control over the course and quality of public education in the field of civil defense, including in civil defense training facilities.
(Paragraph 6.3.5 additionally included by the Resolution of the Moscow Government of May 15, 2018 N 436-PP)

6.4. Performs in the prescribed manner:

6.4.1. Coordination together with the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow, the activities of student rescue detachments and voluntary fire fights, the organization of interaction between them and emergency-rescue formations and fire divisions in the city of Moscow.

6.4.2. Aviation support for the operational activities of the Government of Moscow and city services involved in solving the tasks to prevent and eliminate emergency situations and other activities to solve the Government of Moscow.

6.4.3. Organizational measures for subordinate organizations within their competence of fire extinguishing work, emergency rescue work, aimed at meeting the needs of an indefinite number of consumers or society as a whole.

6.4.4. The item has lost strength - the Resolution of the Moscow Government of May 15, 2018 N 436-PP. - See previous edition.

6.4.5. Informing the population and propaganda knowledge in the field of civil defense, fire safety, protection of the population and the territories of the city from emergency situations.

6.5. Prepares proposals within its competence on the organization of planning civil defense activities as part of a mobilization plan of the economy of the city of Moscow.

6.6. Hears civil defense facilities.

6.7. Performs a state customer's function in the prescribed manner in the implementation of purchases of goods, works, services to ensure the state needs of the city of Moscow, as well as programs in the established field of activity.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

6.8. Performs the functions and powers of the founder of government agencies, state unitary enterprises in Moscow in accordance with the laws of the city of Moscow and other legal acts of the city of Moscow, monitors the activities of the subordinate state institutions, including the fulfillment of the state task.

6.9. Implements in the established field of activities to improve control and supervisory and permitting functions, optimizing the provision of public services, including in electronic format, reduce administrative barriers, reduce budget expenditures and increase their efficiency.

6.10. Performs the functions of the main manager and the recipient of budget funds of the city of Moscow, the chief administrator of the budget revenues of the city of Moscow on sources, enshrined in accordance with the entrusted powers in the established field of activity.

6.11. Takes measures to implement programs, projects and activities in the field of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency within the established sector of activity.

6.12. Carries out the protection of the interests of the city of Moscow in the established field of activities in the courts, arbitration courts, Arbitration courts, federal executive bodies carrying out control (supervision), presents in the prescribed manner the Government of Moscow in other state bodies, organizations.

6.13. Organizes and carries out within the competence of the department, mobilization preparation and mobilization in the manner prescribed by federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the laws of the city of Moscow, other legal acts of the city of Moscow.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

6.13 (1). Carries out measures to counter terrorism in the established field of activity. Controls the state of anti-terrorist protection of objects (territories) allocated to accommodate subordinate organizations.
(Paragraph 6.13 (1) additionally included by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of September 8, 2014 N 512-PP)

6.14. Consideration of the population, consideration in the prescribed manner of citizens' appeals.

6.14 (1). Provides when implementing the authority, the priority of goals and objectives for the development of competition in the established field of activity.
(Clause 6.14 (1) additionally included by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of December 18, 2018 N 1582-PP)

6.15. Performs other laws provided by federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the laws of the city of Moscow in other legal acts of the city of Moscow, the authority in the established field of activity.

7. The Department is headed by the head appointed by the Moscow Mayor in coordination with the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow and the mayor of Moscow.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

8. The head of the Department is in operational submission of the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow, when implementing the authority transmitted by the Agreement.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

9. The head of the department has deputies, including the first appointed by the mayor of Moscow, and exempted from office.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

10. Head of the Department:
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

10.1. Manages the Department's activities, accounts for personal responsibility to the Government of Moscow for the implementation by the Department of established powers.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

10.2. Distributes the duties between the deputy head of the department.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

10.3. Approves the structure and staffing of the Department within the approved limit number and wage fund, and also approves the provisions on the structural divisions of the Department.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

10.4. Organizes measures to improve the management system in the established field of activity of the executive authority of the city of Moscow, including to optimize the subordinate budget network.

10.5. Exercises in the prescribed order money Within the allocated allocations, it ensures compliance with the financial discipline and improving the efficiency of the use of the budget of the city of Moscow, provided for the maintenance of the Department and the implementation of powers assigned to it, is personally responsible for achieving performance indicators in the established field of activity.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

10.6. Signs within its competence:

10.6.1. Legal acts of the Department (orders, orders), monitors their execution.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

10.6.2. Joint orders governing the issues of interaction between the Department and the General Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow when implementing the Agreement.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated June 16, 2015 N 357-PP. - See 10.9. Performs the authority of the representative of the employer for public civil servants of the Department and Employer for employees of the Department of Department, replacing posts that are not public civil service posts In accordance with legislation on civil service and labor legislation.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

10.10. Acts without a power of attorney on behalf of the Department, concludes contracts and agreements on behalf of the Department, makes other legal actions.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

10.11. Represents the Department in federal state authorities, other state bodies, local governments, in organizations, public associations of citizens.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

10.12. Provides compliance with state civil servants to legislation on state civil service, official discipline, collective agreements, rules of service schedule, official regulations.

10.13. It is responsible for compliance with the federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the laws of the city of Moscow, other legal acts of the city of Moscow regime of confidential information, as well as information assigned to the state, commercial, official and other mystery.

10.14. Within its competence, organizes and ensures mobilization training in the department and the organizations subordinate to it.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

10.15. Signs the accounting and statistical reporting of the Department, is responsible for violating the legislation on accounting, the procedure for submitting statistical reporting.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

10.16. Approves the list of officials of the Department, authorized to draw up protocols on administrative offenses.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

11. A board may be formed in the Department of Head (Chairman of the Board), his deputies who are members of the Board of Directory. The composition of the Board and the Regulations on it are approved by the legal act of the Department.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

12. The Department is a legal entity, has a form and seal with the image of the coat of arms of the city of Moscow and with its name, other service seals and stamps, personal accounts in the bodies engaged in the cash maintenance of the budget of the city of Moscow, opened in the manner defined by the budget legislation of the Russian Federation, Laws and other legal acts of the city of Moscow.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

12 (1). The Department has a heraldic sign - the emblem, which is entitled to use in the prescribed manner by decision of the head of the department.
(Paragraph 12 (1) additionally included by the Resolution of the Moscow Government of May 15, 2018 N 436-PP)

12 (2). The Department has the right to establish honorary signs, diplomas, certificates and rewarding state civil servants, employees of the Department and the Subsidiary Department of Organizations, as well as citizens who have assisted in solving the tasks of civil defense, the protection of the population and territories from emergency situations in providing fire safety and security of people On water bodies in the city of Moscow.
(Paragraph 12 (2) is additionally included by the Moscow Government Resolution of May 15, 2018 N 436-PP)

13. The Department has special vehicles (including aviation and aquatic), equipped with approved by the established manual identification signs and special signals.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

14. The costs of maintaining the Department are carried out at the expense of the funds provided for in the budget of the city of Moscow for the relevant financial year (relevant financial year and planning period) on the functioning of the executive bodies of state power.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

15. The reorganization and liquidation of the Department are carried out by the Government of Moscow in accordance with federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the laws of the city of Moscow, other legal acts of the city of Moscow.
(The point in the editorial office, enacted by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of June 16, 2015, N 357-PP. - See previous edition)

16. In the event of the liquidation of the Department, its documents are transferred in the prescribed manner to the main archival department of the city of Moscow or the body defined by it.
; As amended, the decree of the Government of Moscow dated May 15, 2018 N 436-PP. - See previous edition)

Editorial Document Taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Codex"



On the reorganization of the civil defense system, warnings
and elimination of emergencies of Moscow and approval
Regulations on the General Directorate for Civil Defense
and emergency situations of Moscow, provisions on civil
moskva Defense, Regulations on the Moscow City
territorial subsystem of unified state
warning and Elimination Systems
emergency situations

(With amendments to September 20, 2005)

Lost strength on the basis of

on March 18, 2008 N 182-PP

Document with changes made by:
resolution of the Government of Moscow of February 12, 2002 N 120-PP (Bulletin of the Moscow City Hall, N 11, March, 2002);
decree of the Government of Moscow (Journal of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, N 21, 04/06/2005);
resolution of the Government of Moscow of September 20, 2005 N 715-PP (Journal of the mayor and the Government of Moscow, N 55, 05.10.2005).

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 27.05.96 N 784 "Civil Defense Questions of the Russian Federation", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05.11.95 N 1113 "On the Unified State System of Prevention and Emergency Situations", by Decree of the Government of Moscow and the Collegium of EMERCOM of Russia from 07.05.96 N 410-6 "On the plan for improving the Moscow City System of Prevention and Emergency Situations", in coordination with the EMERCOM of Russia, the Government of Moscow


1. To carry out the reorganization of the headquarters on civil defense and emergency situations of the city of Moscow (headquarters of Goshc Moskvi) to the General Directorate for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the city of Moscow (Main Department of GOCC Moskvi).

2. To establish that the head of the civil defense of the city of Moscow is the Prime Minister of the Government of Moscow.

3. The item has lost strength - the Resolution of the Moscow Government of February 12, 2002 N 120-PP ..

4. The item has lost strength - the ruling of the Government of Moscow of March 15, 2005 N 127-PP. .

5. To approve the Regulations on the Civil Defense of the city of Moscow (Appendix 4).

6. The item has lost strength - the ruling of the Government of Moscow of September 20, 2005 N 715-PP ..

7. Headquarters Headquarters for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations G. Moskva Kostovaya EM:

7.1. Until on April 1, 1997, he is re-certified by the employees of the former headquarters of Gochs Moscow, staffing the necessary specialists from the GOCC MOSCOW GOOS.

7.2. Until April 1, 1997, to submit the necessary documents to the Moscom advocate to reissuate the lease agreements on the headquarters of the Goches Moskva and its structural units of the building and premises (Appendix 6).

8. Moskomi Property Regulations to issue property and legal relations on the buildings and premises held by the main department of the Goches Moskvi and its structural divisions.

9. Finance Department to ensure funding from the Main Department of the GOCC GOMOS within the allocations provided for in the 1997 budget for the content of the headquarters of Gochs Moscow. The introduction of an additional staff number of employees contained at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow, in accordance with the approved organizational structure, to implement the phased throughout the year.

10. Heads of departments, major departments, departments and committees of the Government of Moscow, Prefects administrative districts:

10.1. It is necessary to develop and submit to the approval in the established procedure for the established procedure on the functional and territorial subsystems of the Moscow City System of Prevention and Emergency Emergency Situations (MHSS).

10.2. Organize the development, coordination and approval of the provisions on departmental and object links of the Ministry of Meggaste.

11. ISTC "Region" in a two-month term to develop model provisions on territorial and functional subsystems and links of the Ministry of Comm).

12. To recognize the resolution of the Moscow Government from 24.11.92 N 979 "On approval of the Regulation on the Civil Defense of Moscow".

13. Press Center of the City Hall and the Government of Moscow to publish in the municipality of the Moscow City Hall of Appendices 1, 4, 5 to this Regulation.

14. Control over the implementation of this Resolution shall be entrusted to the first deputy premiere of the Government of Moscow Nikolsky B.V.

Prime Minister of Moscow

Appendix N 1. Regulations on the General Directorate for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the city of Moscow (lost strength)



Appendix N 2. Organizational structure of the Main Department of the GOCC GOZOSV, the Office of the Goches administrative councils of Moscow, Departments of the Goches District of Moscow (lost strength)


Lost strength on the basis of
decisions of the Government of Moscow
on March 15, 2005 N 127-PP ..


Appendix N 3. The staff number of the General Directorate for Civil Defense and Emergencies The City of Moscow of its units on specialists, workers and the WHC, contained at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow (lost strength)


Lost strength on the basis of
decisions of the Government of Moscow
on March 15, 2005 N 127-PP ..


Appendix N 4. Regulations on the civil defense of the city of Moscow

about the civil defense of the city of Moscow

1. General Provisions

1.1. This provision determines the main tasks, the procedure for the construction and functioning of civil defense of Moscow, the authority of the authorities of the city and areas, industry and functional bodies of the city administration, objects of the national economy *, the rights and obligations of Moscow citizens in the field of civil defense.

* Under the facilities of the national economy, enterprises, associations, institutions and organizations both the spheres of material production and the non-production sector of the economy are referred to, regardless of organizational and legal forms located in a single territory within the boundaries of Moscow.

In order to bring the presentation in the future, "objects of the national economy" will be referred to "objects".

1.2. The civil defense of Moscow is a set of activities implemented by the authorities of the city and the district, civil defense and emergency management bodies, civil defense services, industry and functional bodies of the city administration, organizations, with their own and civil defense, voluntary Associations in order to protect the population and national economy of Moscow from the dangers arising from hostilities, conducting emergency and rescue and other urgent works.

1.3. Civil defense activities are held both in peaceful and in wartime throughout the city, taking into account the peculiarities of each district, the area, industry, the object in a rational combination with economic, social and defense activities.

1.4. The civil defense of Moscow is organized and is conducted in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, the directions of the President of the Government - the Chief of Civil Defense of the Russian Federation and the First Deputy Head of Civil Defense - Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Poems disasters, regulatory and legal acts of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow.

1.5. Character, volumes, deadlines and the procedure for training and civil defense training activities are determined by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Disaster (EMERCOM of Russia) and the Government of Moscow in the framework of the delimitation of fields of activity and authority.

1.6. In peacetime, the strength and means of civil defense of Moscow are involved in conducting emergency and rescue and other urgent work in emergency situations caused by accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters and other reasons.

1.7. Officials of the executive bodies, local self-government, objects and citizens of the city, guilty of non-fulfillment or evading the fulfillment of duties on civil defense, carry the material, administrative and other responsibility established by law.

2. Civil defense tasks

2.1. The main tasks of the civil defense of Moscow are:

protection of the population from exposure modern means lesions, as well as in emergency situations;

alert of the population about the threat of an enemy attack, emergency situations, on the procedure for a state situation;

conducting emergency and rescue and other urgent works;

priority viability of the population and, above all, the victim;

development and implementation of measures aimed at increasing the sustainability of the functioning of industries and objects of the national economy of the city in conditions of military time;

protection of food, water sources, food raw materials, forage, farm animals and plants, other material and cultural values \u200b\u200bfrom the impact of modern means of defeat and emergency situations;

creating and maintaining in the readiness of management systems, forces and means, property reserves of civil defense;

ensuring the mobilization readiness of civil defense;

preparation of the management team of governing bodies, forces and means of civil defense, training in the population to protect against hazards arising from military actions, as well as in emergency situations.

2.2. The tasks of civil defense are solved through a complex of economic, organizational, engineering, defense, mass and special events, carried out both in advance and in wartime.

3. Civil Defense Guide
and its organizational structure

3.1. The civil defense of Moscow is organized by the territorial and production principle.

3.2. The general leadership of the civil defense of the city is carried out by the Prime Minister of Moscow. The Prime Minister of Moscow by office is the head of civil defense of Moscow.

3.3. The leadership of the Civil Defense in the administrative districts of the city is carried out by prefects, in the areas of the city - the heads of the Council, which are by the heads of civil defense regions.

3.4. The leadership of civil defense in departmental structures and on facilities, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, the leaders of these departmental structures and facilities are carried out, which by office are chiefs of civil defense of relevant departmental structures or objects.

3.5. Chiefs of civil defense of all levels are personally responsible for organizing and implementing civil defense activities in relevant territories, in industries, in facilities. They are given the right within their competence to issue orders on civil defense issues.

The orders of the chiefs of civil defense of the city, administrative districts and areas of the city, departments and objects within their competence are mandatory for all citizens and officials.

3.6. To manage and monitor the implementation of civil defense measures, prevention of emergency situations and readiness for actions in their occurrence, as well as to organize the elimination of the consequences of the use of modern means of defeat and emergency situations under the heads of civil defense, civil defense authorities are being created.

3.7. Civil Defense Controls (GO) authorities are:

Main Department of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the city of Moscow (Main Department of Goches Moscow);

Management of civil defense and emergency situations administrative District (Office of the Goches of the Administrative District);

Department for civil defense and emergency situations in the city district (department of the Gochs District).

Headquarters for civil defense and emergency situations (GOCM headquarters) in departments and objects, regardless of their organizational and legal norms.

3.8. The heads of the management bodies of the administrative and territorial entities, departmental structures and facilities are by the deputy relevant chiefs of civil defense and have the right to give away from their behalf on civil defense issues, mandatory for execution by subordinate chief of civil defense officials, management bodies, formations, and Also citizens. On the most important orders cast on their own initiative, the head of the management authority reports the Head of Civil Defense.

3.9. The head of the Main Department of the Gochs G. Moskva is the first deputy chief of the city's civil defense.

3.10. Main Directorate of Moscow Moscow, Department of GOCC administrative districts, Gochs Division of the city of * are military institutions and are equipped with military personnel and civilian staff.

* The list of areas of the city, in which the GOCC departments are being created, which are military institutions, establishes the EMERCOM of Russia in coordination with the Government of Moscow.

GOCM control of administrative districts are in direct submission of the Main Department of the Goches Moskva. Departments of the Gochs Areas of the city are in direct subordination of the relevant administrations of the GOCM administrative districts.

3.11. The tasks, the powers and duties of the heads of civil defense and government bodies are determined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory acts issued by the superior chiefs of civil defense, executive authorities and this Regulation.

3.12. The preparation of management and civil defense specialists and emergency situations in Moscow is carried out in educational and methodological centers on civil defense and emergency situations (hereinafter - UMC GO and Emergencies) of the city and administrative districts.

UMCH and the city of the city is a state educational institution, equipped with military personnel and civilian staff. Servicemen are appointed by the posts of EMERCOM of Russia.

UMCI and EFC of administrative districts operate under the leadership of UMC GO and CS of the city on the rights of its structural divisions.

3.13. Main Directorate of Goches Moskvi, UMC GO and EFS G. Moskvi, GOCOC Department of Administrative Okrugs are legal entities, have coat of stamps, stamps and forms, settlement accounts in banking institutions and other necessary tasks for economic activities and fulfillment .

3.14. To ensure accumulation, storage, maintenance and repair of property of civil defense, conducting commissioning and repair work of engineering and technical equipment of protective structures in Moscow, a special enterprise under the Government of Moscow and a special commissioning department of housing and communal services and improvement are created and operated.

These enterprises and institutions are legal entities and function in accordance with the legislation, as well as the statutes approved in the prescribed manner. The main department of Gochs G. Moskvy leads their activities within the authority granted to him.

3.15. The organizational structure and the staffing number of the GOCOC authorities of the city, administrative districts, the city's districts, UMC and EFC in terms of staffing by employees contained at the expense of the city budget are determined by the Government of Moscow. Structure, full-time positions of the headquarters of the agency, the object, its personal composition is determined by their leader.

3.16. To resolve issues related to the preparation and conduct of evacuation measures of civil defense, city, district, district, departmental and object evacuation commissions, which are headed by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Moscow, respectively, deputy heads of deputy heads, deputy heads of departments, facilities. The activities of evacuation commissions are regulated by the provisions on these commissions approved by the relevant chiefs of civil defense.

3.17. To fulfill special civil defense activities, training for this forces and funds, as well as to ensure the action of formations during emergency and rescue work, services of the city, districts, districts, departments, objects are created.

The decision to create services in the city takes the government of Moscow, in districts and areas - prefects and chapters of their administration, in departments and objects - their leaders depending on the need and the availability of the appropriate base for their creation.

Tasks, organization and functions of civil defense services are determined by the provisions on services. The provision on the civil defense service of the city is developed and signed by the head of the service and is approved by the Head of the Civil Defense of Moscow after coordination with the main department of the city of the city and the direct supervisor of the service chief.

The Regulation on the Civil Defense Service of the County (District) is agreed with the management (department) of the GOCOC district (district), the head of the higher authority in relation to the head of the service and is approved by the head of the Civil Defense of the district (district).

The provision on the Civil Defense Service of the Object is approved by the head of the Civil Defense of the Object. Instructions and instructions of urban civil defense services on issues included in their competence are mandatory to fulfill all the structural divisions, district, district and object services.

Responsibility for the availability of service management bodies, forces and means included in its composition is assigned to the heads of departmental structures and objects on the basis of which they are created.

3.18. In order to fulfill civil defense, emergency and rescue and other urgent works are created unintelligent formation of civil defense.

The formation is created in the territorial - production principle in administrative districts, areas and at the facilities of the national economy.

The procedure for creating, recruiting, ensuring, stimulating and applying non-disseminated civil defense formations is determined by the Regulations on non-disregarded formations of civil defense approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Statement of the Government of Moscow, orders of the prefects of administrative districts, managers of departments and objects can be created by regular emergency rescue and search and rescue formations of constant readiness.

To fulfill the tasks of civil defense, the decision of the Government of Moscow may be involved in the territory of the city departmental specialized emergency and rescue and emergency and recovery formations, medical institutions, construction and installation organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal form.

In emergency and rescue and other urgent work, voluntary organizations of certified rescuers can take part in the management of civil defense authorities.

In order to fulfill the tasks of civil defense of Moscow, the established procedure for the strength and means of federal subordination can be attracted, including part and division of civil defense forces of the Russian Federation, engineering and chemical troops of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

4. Powers and obligations of executive authorities
moskva in the field of civil defense

4.1. The government of Moscow:

develops the main directions of development and improvement of the city's civil defense;

organizes the implementation of national civil defense activities in Moscow;

organizes the development of the Moskown Civil Defense Plan;

within its competence, regulatory acts in the field of civil defense and organizes the development of draft legislation for consideration and adoption by the City Duma;

organizes and ensures the creation and maintenance of strength and equipment, technical management systems, alerts and communication of civil defense;

organizes the implementation of measures for the protection and life support of the population, on the preparation and conduct of evacuation into safe areas, placement, deployment of therapeutic and other providing the vital activity of the public institutions;

takes measures to accumulate the fund of collective funds for the protection of the population and maintain it in readiness for receiving consistent;

ensures the preparation of urban economy to sustained functioning in wartime;

ensures compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents on civil defense in the process of developing the economy of the city, its development;

organizes emergency and rescue and other urgent works in lesion foci;

develops and organizes the implementation of urban targets, including scientific and technical programs in the field of civil defense;

creates and contains in the interests of civil defense of the city, stocks of logistical, food, medical and other resources;

determines the volume and provides accumulation, storage, replacement, refreshment and maintenance in the preparedness of the property of civil defense;

determines in the draft budget of the city the volume of allocations for civil defense activities and the procedure for their use;

sets the limit of the number of employees in the management bodies and civil defense institutions of the city contained at the expense of the city budget.

4.2. Main Department of Goches G. Moskva:

develops and organizes measures aimed at ensuring the protection of the population from hazards arising from hostilities, and also participates in the preparation for the sustainable functioning of the national economy of the city in wartime;

takes measures to maintain control systems, alerts and links to operation in wartime;

manages the creation of forces and means of civil defense of the city;

organizes the management and interaction of forces and means when conducting emergency and rescue and other urgent works in lesion foci;

organizes planning and control over the implementation of civil defense activities in the city;

organizes control over the state of the civil defense of Moscow and the fulfillment of the requirements of the governing documents on civil defense issues;

organizes control over the planning, design and construction of protective structures of civil defense;

organizes control over the maintenance of the fund collective funds.

organizes the preparation of civil defense bodies and formations, population training, plans and conducts teachings and training;

exercises organizational and methodological guidance and coordination of the activities of the control bodies of the district, the districts of the city, city services, departmental structures and objects;

provides combat and mobilization readiness of the Main Department of the GOCOC GOMOV, subordinated to him by the Office of GOCC and other civil defense institutions, as well as the formed divisions.

The main department of GOCC has the right to:

take a decision within its competence, issuing mandatory for the execution of the prescription on civil defense to the heads of civil defense of the districts, city, departments, objects, objects, as well as chiefs of civil defense services of the city;

develop and submit to the Government of Moscow Proposals for the further development of civil defense, an increase in its readiness, improving forms and working methods in solving civil defense problems;

hear the leaders of civil defense on issues relating to the competence of the GOCC main administration, to require them to fulfill the leading documents, orders of the Chief of Civil Defense of Moscow, to take measures to eliminate the identified deficiencies, to initiate a petition for bringing officials responsible for violation of the specified requirements;

develop projects of regulatory acts in the field of civil defense and to make them in the prescribed manner for consideration by the Government of Moscow;

request and receive free of charge from the management and objects located on the territory of the city, regardless of organizational and legal forms, information on the progress of the implementation of civil defense requirements and other information necessary to perform the tasks assigned to the main management of the GOCC;

use the insurance fund of documentation for emergency rescue work in the liquidation of emergencies;

having special vehicles equipped with approved in the prescribed manual identification signs, special signals and communication tools.

4.3. Government administrative and territorial City formations:

carry out general guidance and ensure the constant readiness of civil defense of administrative and territorial entities;

plan and organize execution in the part concerning district, district, city-wide civil defense activities, as well as measures stipulated by the executive authorities of its administrative and territorial education;

organize the development of the Civil Defense Plan of Administrative-Territorial Education, a methodological management of the planning of activities in the subordinate structures is carried out;

carry out measures to maintain the subordinate management bodies, forces and means of civil defense;

organize the implementation of civil defense activities by objects located on the subordinate territory;

organize the notification of subordinate control bodies and population on civil defense signals;

organize emergency and rescue and other urgent work and lead them;

preparation and maintenance of the funds of collective remedies, forces and means of civil defense of administrative and territorial education, civil defense training, living in its territory;

organize planning and implementing measures to increase the sustainability of functioning in the wartime located in the territory of the objects of the objects;

organize control over the accumulation, storage and maintenance in the readiness of individual and collective means of protection, special property of civil defense;

create systems of observation and control over radioactive pollution, chemical and bacteriological infection;

ensure control over the fulfillment of the requirements of the Guidelines and the Decisions of Civil Defense on the territory of the district;

they are responsible for the state of civil defense at the subordinate territory.

4.4. Industry and functional bodies of the city administration.

General responsibilities of industry and functional bodies of the city administration:

carry out guidance on the preparation and management of civil defense in the industry;

developed taking into account the specifics of the industry and bring to the subordinate structural units and facilities industry requirements, regulations on planning, organization and conduct of civil defense;

plan and ensure implementation in the industry for the protection of personnel, the preparation of forces and means of civil defense;

ensure implementation in the subordinate structures of the requirements of the steering documents and adopted by the higher authorities on civil defense issues;

plan and ensure the implementation of measures to increase the sustainability of the functioning of subordinate structures in wartime;

ensure compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents on civil defense in the process of industry development;

develop a civil defense plan of the industry, carry out a methodological management planning work on civil defense in the subordinate structures;

create and maintain in constant readiness a system of management of the industry in wartime, as well as the forces and means of civil defense industry;

organize the accumulation and maintenance of the fund of collective remedies;

organize training in civil defense of industry workers;

take measures to ensure emergency rescue and other urgent work in the subordinate structures, and in its functional purpose and other objects of the city;

plan and organize preparation for evacuation in safe areas of subordinate management bodies and facilities to continue their production activities;

organize and ensure in the interests of the industry, carrying out research and development work on civil defense issues, develop and bring proposals to citywide programs;

monitor the implementation of civil defense activities in the subordinate structures;

are responsible for the state of civil defense in the industry;

interact with the administration of districts and areas, other departments with a joint decision of civil defense problems;

provide the creation and operation of civil defense services.

In addition to the general responsibilities, the industry and functional bodies of the city administration perform special duties on civil defense associated with their functional purpose, which are determined by the Government of Moscow.

4.5. Objects of the national economy.

In enterprises, in institutions and organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, activities aimed at fulfilling the tasks are provided in full. All enterprises, institutions and organizations are taken into account in the management of the GOCC of the Administrative District at the placement location.

When renting an organization, an enterprise of premises, issues of protecting workers of a leased enterprise from the impact of modern means of defeat and emergency situations are reflected in lease agreements.

The head of the facility is carried out by direct management of civil defense and is personally responsible for its constant readiness, timely implementation of civil defense activities and the safety of its employees.


we plan and carry out measures to protect workers and employees, main production facilities, raw materials, and other material values \u200b\u200bfrom the impact of the means of defeat in accordance with the standards established in the Russian Federation and G. Moskwe;

develop civil defense plans;

carry out activities aimed at increasing the sustainability of the functioning of their production in wartime;

create, equipped and maintained in the willingness unbearacted formations of civil defense, organize the preparation of personnel;

organize accumulation, storage and maintenance in the readiness of individual and collective means of protection, special property of civil defense;

exercise in civil defense of workers and employees, as well as the population living in departmental residential buildings;

organize emergency rescue and other urgent work at the facility;

create and maintain local and object alerts in constant readiness;

create the necessary conditions Personnel of the facility to fulfill their duties on civil defense.

5. Rights and obligations of citizens of Moscow
in the field of civil defense

Citizens of Moscow, in accordance with applicable law and this provision

5.1 are entitled:

to protect your life and health from the consequences of hostilities;

free use of collective and individual protection, as well as other property of civil defense;

to receive medical, material, financial assistance victims, providing housing, food, essentials in accordance with the norms established by the Government of Moscow;

undergo training, gain knowledge and practical skills on protection against modern means of defeat and actions in lesion foci;

receive compensation for damage caused to health in the performance of civil defense activities;

on the pension provision and other benefits stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, in the event of injury or disability when performing duties on civil defense;

for pension provision for family members in connection with the loss of the breadwinner (the deceased who received injury or disability) in the performance of duties on civil defense;

free use of nutrition, equipment, transport and housing for the period of participation in the civil defense forces in wartime and during civil defense exercises in peacetime;

for personal insurance for the case of death or harm to health in the implementation of civil defense measures and eliminate the effects of emergency situations caused by accidents, catastrophes, natural or other disasters.

Insurance of military personnel is carried out on the basis of the norms of the law "On the status of servicemen." Persons who are not military personnel involved in the implementation of these measures to solve the Government of Moscow, the authorities of the administrative districts and areas of the city, managers of departments and objects are subject to insurance at the expense of the funds of these bodies and objects.

5.2. Citizens of Moscow are required:

comply with the requirements of legislative and other regulations on civil defense, as well as orders, orders and instructions of civil defense authorities;

take part in the implementation of civil defense activities;

undergo training in civil defense;

know civil defense signals and skillfully act when submitted;

knowing the main methods and means of protection against the consequences of the use of modern means of defeat, be able to provide self-help affected;

parently treat the material and technical base and property of civil defense.

6. Financing and logistical
providing civil defense

6.1. Employees of the Main Department of the Goches Moscow, the Office of the GOCC administrative districts, Departments of the Gochs District of the City, UMC and Emergencies, Department of Management, Laboratories and other civil defense institutions, administrative districts and areas of the city, departments and objects, with the exception of military personnel, are held for The budget account of the city of Moscow, as well as its own means of departments and objects.

6.2. Terms of staff of civilian management and civil defense institutions are held at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation.

6.3. Financing of Moscow Civil Defense Activities:

in the administrative and territorial formations of the city, at the facilities of the subordinate city administration at the expense of the city budget, their own budgets of administrative and territorial entities, as well as through extrabudgetary funds of prefectures and district council;

in organizations subordinated to the federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation - at the expense of the federal budget;

on other objects and in non-state departmental structures - at the expense of its own funds of these objects and departmental structures.

6.4. Financing of civil defense activities can be carried out at the expense of public funds.

6.5. Financing of civil defense activities requiring capital investments, including the construction of protective structures, management points, communication systems and alerts, warehouses for the storage of civil defense property, is carried out at the expense of the urban budget established by the established procedure.

6.6. The costs associated with the conduct of emergency rescue and other urgent works are carried out at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow, funds of financial and material resources, as well as at the expense of departments and objects, in the interests of which the specified works are held.

6.7. The financing of research and development on civil defense issues is carried out at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow, as well as funds of departmental structures and objects, in the interests of which they are conducted.

6.8. Financing of civil defense activities is carried out along with other defense activities in priority.

6.9. To ensure civil defense institutions, unnecessied formations, protective structures, workers, employees and population of the city, the property of civil defense in Moscow, departments and facilities, regardless of organizational and legal forms, stocks of this property are created.

The property of the civil defense of Moscow includes:

Individual protection means;

Radiation, chemical intelligence and dosimetry control;

Devices and sets of special processing;

Means of filtering and regeneration of air of protective structures of civil defense;

Individual means medical care;

Means of communication and alerts and other material and technical resources created or purchased at the expense of the budgets of the city, districts, districts, departments and facilities for use in the interests of civil defense of the city.

6.10. In the event of a change in the forms of ownership, departmental structures and facilities should preserve the target appointment of civil defense facilities (protective structures of GO, control points, warehouses, etc.), as well as tasks for creating, content and accumulation.

6.11. The procedure for the accumulation, storage and use of civil defense property is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of Moscow.

6.12. The Government of Moscow establishes the benefits to the GOCC management authorities for taxes for the use of land, service premises, utilities and operating costs.

Appendix N 5. Regulations on the Moscow City Territorial Subsystem of the Unified State System of Prevention and Eliminate Emergency Situations (expired)

Lost power.
Decree of the Government of Moscow
of September 20, 2005 N 715-PP approved
new Regulations on the Moscow City Territorial
subsystem of the Unified State Warning System
and eliminate emergency situations


Appendix N 6. List of buildings, structures and premises involved in the General Directorate of civil defense and emergency situations of the city of Moscow and its structural divisions

Object name, address

Object composition
(buildings, facilities)

Area, m2


Legal basis

Headquarters and EFCs G.Moskva Street, D.8 / 2, p.4

Brick, 1 and 2 floors of a residential building

Treaty 1-91 / 94 dated 14.01.94

Garage ul. B.Odinka, d.19, p.9

Brick, 2nd floor

Agreement 1-1621 / 93 of 7.10.93

Warehouse 4410 Ul Lelosavodskaya, D.6

Brick, basement residential building

Protective room

Headquarters Gochs Cao St .. Donskaya, 6/17

Brick, 1st floor

1-22127 / 94 of 11/16/094

Headquarters Goches Sao.
l.Z.I.Kosmodemyansky 31 K.3

Brick, 4th floor

Documents in the Moscom Committee

Headquarters Gochs Svao Ul.Suschevsky Val, d.14 / 22, k.3

Brick, 1st floor

3-665 / 92 of 18.11.92

Headquarters Gochs Vao Stski Krasoprudnaya, D.28 / 1

Brick, 1 and 2nd floor

1-22415 / 94 dated 27.12.94

Headquarters Gochs Yuvao

sh.Ntusiastov, d.22 / 18
ul Belainskaya, 111.

Brick, 1st floor
basement of a residential building



05-307 / 95 of 28.04.95

Headquarters Gochs Yuao
Kashirskoye Highway, d.28, k.2

Brick, 1st floor


1714 dated 27.04.92

Headquarters Gochs Yuzao

ul. Molodezhnye, d.4
Novoyasenevsky Prospekt, 25

Brick, 1st floor
residential building



7-44 / 94 from 3.02.94
7-403 / 96 dated 05/17/96

Headquarters Goches CJSC
ul Bogdanova, D.58.

Panel extension,
2nd floor

8-275 / 96 dated 25.04.96

Headquarters of Gochs Szao St Raspie, d.33

Brick, basement 1 and 2nd floor

9-525 / 94 of 9/11/94

9-283 / 96 from 7.06.96

669/96 of 17.07.96

9-281 / 96 from 5.06.96

Headquarters Goches Zalegorograd,
Central Avenue, D.1


Treaty N 9 from 21.1.91

Umc at first and emergency koo,
1st address: B.Fakliele Per., D.2 / 22

Brick, residential,
1 and 2 floors

01-02016 / 95 hundred 10.10.95

2nd address: ul.Bahrushina, d.28

Brick, residential, 1st floor

01-02262 / 95 from 27.11.95

UMC on go and emergency system
cosmodemyansky St., 31, Cor.3

Brick, non-residential,
5th floor

The contract for rent in the stage is decorated.

Umc at first and emergency school
1st address: 1st Botanical AF.1a, p.2

Brick, residential, 1st floor

3-716 / 93 dated 07/27/93

2nd address: Stoncharova Street, d.17, p.3

Brick, residential, 1 and 2 floors

3-244 / 96 dated 02.04.96

Umc at first and EFC VAO,
ul.3-I Bogatyr, 1, Cor.4

Brick, non-residential,
2nd floor

04-04062 / 92 from 28.07.92

Umc at first and emergency
1st address: Ul.Marupolyskaya, d.4

Brick, residential, basement and 1st floor

05-00334 / 95 from 03/23/95

2nd address: ul.Pherganskaya, d.12

Brick, non-residential,
1st floor

1185-93 dated 13.04.93

Umc at first and ks yua,
1st Address: Avtoosavodskaya St., d.17, Cor.2

Brick, residential, 1st floor

06-01901 / 92 from 10.06.92

2nd address: Kashirskoye Highway, D.8, Corp.3

Brick, residential, 1st floor

06-01994 / 92 dated 16.07.92

UMCs at first and emergency
ul. Molodezhnye, d.4

Brick, residential, 1st floor

1040/1 from 04.11.93

UMCs at first and emergency CJSC,
1st address: Ul. Daltsova, d.3, korp.10

residential 1st floor

08-942 / 95 from 08.12.95

2nd address: Ul Bogdanova, D.58

Panel, non-residential,
1 (partially) and 2 floors

08-1872 / 92 from 14.07.92

Umc at first and emergency school
neelidovskaya St., d.13, korp.1

Brick, residential, 1st floor

9-7 / 95 from 05.01.95

Umc at first and emergency
Central Avenue, D.1

Block, non-residential, 2nd floor

Agreement N 9 dated 21.01.91

Umc at first and emergency room
zhivopisnaya st., D.28

Block, non-residential, 2nd floor

Documents in the Moscom Committee

Editorial Document Taking into account
changes and additions prepared
CJSC Codex

1 - by federal level - Russian Emergency Situations Ministry;

2 - at the regional level - regional centers;

3 and 4 - in the territorial and local levels - the management bodies for the Affairs and Emergencies, created under the executive bodies;

5 - at the facilities - headquarters of the CS, departments, sectors or specially designated persons on the Affairs and Emergencies.

Scheme I.

PCCS management bodies

Levels Coordinating organs Permanent management bodies Daily control bodies
Federal 1. Interdepartmental Commission (MVK) 2. CCMS departments Ministry of Health Affairs, Emergencies and Elimination of Emergency Disasters (EMERCS RF) Management Center in the Crisis Situations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations
Regional Regional Center Goches RC Gochs. Management Center in crisis situations RC GOCC
Territorial Commission on the Prevention and Elimination of Emergencies (CBP) GOCM control or headquarters Operational services
Local CCD Goshx headquarters Operational services
Object CCD Department, sector, special. Persons Gochs. Duty-Dispute Services

The activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are determined by the "Regulation on the Ministry of Emergency Situations", adopted by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 1994 No. 467, where the Ministry of Emergency Situations was enshrined

It is the federal executive body that leads the leadership and coordination of works in the field, prevention and elimination of emergencies caused by accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters and the use of a possible associate of the means of defeat, conducting underwater work of special purpose, as well as coordination of work on the mobilization preparation of the national economy of the country ;

It implements international cooperation on issues included in its competence. It collaborates with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the Department of Humanitarian Affairs, the International Organization (MOGO), etc.

RSCS at the regional level is built on 9 regions (The location of the regional center is indicated in brackets):

1. North-West Region (St. Petersburg) - Republic of Karelia, Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Kaliningrad, Leningrad, Murmansk, Novgorod, Pskov Region, Nenets Autonomous Okrug, St. Petersburg;

2. Central Region (Moscow) - Belgorodskaya, Bryanskaya, Vladimirskaya, Voronezhskaya, Ivanovskaya, Kaluzhskaya, Kostromskaya, Kurskaya, Lipetskaya, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Orlovskaya, Smolenskaya, Ryazanskaya, Tambov, Tverskaya, Tula, Yaroslavl region, Moscow ;

3. North Caucasus Region (Rostov) - Republic of Adygea, Republic of Dagestan, Ingush Republic, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Republic of Kalmykia-Halm-Tangg, Karachay Cherkess Republic, Republic of North Ossetia, Chechen Republic, Krasnodar Territory, Stavropol Territory , Astrakhan, Volgograd, Rostov region;

4. Volga region (Samara) - Republic of Bashkortostan, Republic of Komi, Republic of Mary-EL, Republic of Mordovia, Republic of Tatarstan, Udmurt Republic, Chuvash Republic, Kirovskaya, Samara, Saratovskaya, Orenburg, Penza, Perm, Ulyanovsk region,. Komi-Permytsky Autonomous District;

5. Ural Region (Yekaterinburg) - Kurgan, Sverdlovskaya, Chelyabinsk, Tyumen Region, Khanty-Mansiysk, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District;

6. West Siberian Region (Novosibirsk) - Republic of Altai, Altai Territory, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk Region;

7. East Siberian Region (Krasnoyarsk) - Republic of Tuva, Republic of Khakassia, Krasnoyarsk region, Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets), Evenki Autonomous District;

8. Transbaikal region (Chita) - Republic of Buryatia, Sakha (Yakutia), Irkutsk, Chita region, Agino-Buryat, Ust-Ordinsky, Buryat Autonomous District;

9. Far Eastern region (Khabarovsk) - Primorsky, Khabarovsk Territory, Jewish Autonomous Region, Amur, Kamchatka, Magadan, Sakhalin region, Chukotka, Koryak Autonomous District.

The daily management authorities of the RSCC are:

Management points (management centers in crisis situations), operational duty officers of the GO and emergency management bodies of all levels;

Operational-duty and duty dispatch services of specialized divisions of federal executive bodies and organizations.

The placement of the Daily Management Authorities is carried out at the control points equipped with the appropriate means of alert, collecting, processing and transmitting information and supported in a state of constant readiness to use.

GOCM bodies in Moscow, the subject of the Russian Federation, have their own characteristics.

On May 7, 1997, the Moscow Government adopted Resolution No. 410-6 "On the Plan of Improving the Moscow City System for the Prevention and Emergency Elimination Situations". This plan is actively implemented. All documents on the MHSSU are published in the journal "Civil Protection" No. 8, 1997.

A new organizational and staff structure of the civil defense of Moscow has been created and operates:

The leadership of the city is carried out by the head of GO - the Prime Minister of the Government of Moscow;

Guide in administrative districts carry out prefects;

in the areas of the city - the heads of the Council;

Coordinating bodies in the city, district, the area are commissions for emergency situations (CCMS), and control bodies, accordingly:

Main Directorate of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations in Moscow (Main Directorate of GOCC Moscow);

Office of the Goches of the Administrative District;

Department of the Gochs District (a list of areas of the city, in which the GOCC departments are created, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, in coordination with the Government of Moscow, are assigned to the remaining areas of GOCC experts);

Headquarters and goshx departments in departments and objects, regardless of their organizational and legal forms.

2. Civil defense at the present stage

Today, civil defense is one of the most important functions of the state, part of the defense construction and security of the country. Specialized divisions of Russian civil defense over the years have participated in more than 150 thousand rescue operations in Russia and 48 countries of the world.

On October 4, 1932, the Government Decree was created by the Union-Union System of Local Air Defense of the USSR (MPVO) and approved the Regulations on it.
In 1961, MPVO was transformed into civil defenses of the USSR.

At this time, theoretical foundations of the protection of the population were developed, and on the territory of the whole country, a complex of organizational, engineering and sanitary and hygienic, anti-epidemic and other special events was carried out.
In 1987, after the accident at the Chernobyl NPP, the tasks of the struggle with natural and technogenic disasters were entrusted.

In November 1991, after the establishment of the State Committee of the Russian Federation on civil defense, emergency situations and elimination of natural disasters (GCCs of Russia), civil defense troops included in its composition.
Currently, a unified state system of preventing and emergency response (RSCS) has been formed in Russia and effectively, which is a national system of countering crisis phenomena.

Civil defense has passed a lot of rebuildings, repeatedly rearranged from one department to another, then worked together with local civilian formations, then closed into the framework of the Ministry of Defense ...

The main regulatory documents of Go to 1998 were the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "Questions of Civil Defense of the Russian Federation" No. 784 of May 27, 1996 and approved by the same decree "Regulations on the civil defense troops of the Russian Federation". On February 12, 1998, the Federal Law "On Civil Defense" entered into force, he ordered the provisional acts of the Russian Federation in accordance with the federal law. And this volumetric and important work is still to be performed by the responsible authorities.

Civil defense -the system of measures to prepare for the protection of the population, material and cultural values \u200b\u200bin Russia from the dangers arising from the conduct of hostilities or due to these actions.

The main tasks in the field of civil defense:

Public education methods of protection against dangers arising in the conduct of hostilities or due to these actions;

Notification of the population about the dangers arising from the conduct of hostilities or due to these actions;

Evacuation of the population, material and cultural values \u200b\u200bin safe areas;

Providing the people of shelters and personal protective equipment;

Carrying out activities on light disguise and other camouflage veils;

Conducting emergency and rescue work in the event of hazards for the population when conducting hostilities or due to these actions; The priority of the population affected when conducting hostilities or as a result of these actions, including medical care, including first aid, the provision of housing and the adoption of other necessary measures;

Fighting fires arising from the conduct of hostilities or due to these actions;

Detection and designation of areas undergoing radioactive, chemical, biological and foreign infection;

Disinfection of the population, technology, buildings, territories and conducting other necessary events;

Restoration and maintenance of order in areas affected by hostilities or due to these actions;

Urgent restoration of the functioning of the necessary utility services in wartime;

Urgent burial of corpses in wartime;

Development and implementation of measures aimed at preserving objects essentially necessary for the sustainable functioning of the economy and survival of the population in wartime;

Ensuring the constant readiness of the forces and means of civil defense.

Principles of organization and conduct of civil defense:

1. The organization and management of civil defense are among the most important functions of the state, composite parts of defense construction, ensuring the security of the state.

Civil Defense is based on a territorial and manufacturing principle.

2. The preparation of the state to conduct civil defense is carried out in advance in peacetime, taking into account the development of weapons, military equipment and means of protecting the population from the dangers arising from hostilities or due to these actions.

3. The conduct of civil defense on the territory of the Russian Federation or in its separate areas begins with the time declared the state of the war, the actual start of war or the introduction by the President of the Russian Federation in the Russian Federation or in its separate localities.

Civil Defense Service -the service intended for conducting civil defense activities, including the preparation of the necessary forces and means and to ensure the actions of civilian civil defense organizations during emergency rescue and other urgent work when conducting hostilities or due to these actions.

Civilian Civil Defense Organizations - the formations created on the basis of organizations on the territorial and production principle not included in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which own special equipment and property and prepared to protect the population and organizations from hazards arising from the conduct of hostilities or due to these actions.

Territory related to a civil defense group - the territory on which is located a city or other settlement, which has military defense or economic importance with objects on it, representing a high degree of risk of emergency situations in military and peacetime.

The principal provisions of the Federal Law "On Civil Defense" and "Regulations on civil defense troops" allow you to clearly understand the role and place of civil defense troops in the RSCC and specify their tasks, given that, in accordance with the Federal FZ of the Russian Federation "On Defense", the troops can be attracted To the defense with the use of the means of armed struggle.

Civil defense troops are guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, international law regulations, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, directives of the head of the Russian Federation, orders of the Minister of the Russian Federation for civil defense, emergency situations and eliminating the effects of natural disasters, which is the first deputy head of the Russian Federation . The Minister of Emergency Situations manages civil defense troops:

Compounds, military units and organizations of civil defense troops stationed in the regions of the Russian Federation, through regional centers for civil defense, emergency situations and elimination of natural disasters;

Connections, military units and civil defense troops of the central subordination directly. AO

The minister's powers in terms of management of troops are determined by the Regulations on the Ministry of the Russian Federation for civil defense, emergency situations and elimination of disaster consequences. The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is headed by the Military Council of Civil Defense Forces.

The main tasks of these troops in peaceful and wartime are defined in the Regulations on the Civil Defense Forces:

in peacetime:

a) in everyday activity:

- the implementation of measures to maintain compounds, military units and organizations of civil defense troops in readiness to fulfill the tasks defined by the Civil Defense Plan of the Russian Federation and the Mobilization Deployment Plan and bring the civil defense troops of the Russian Federation to the highest degree of combat readiness;

Accumulation, accommodation, storage and timely renewal of weapons, technicians and other material and technical means intended for the deployment of troops and emergency and rescue and other urgent works in peaceful and wartime;

Participation in events aimed at preventing emergency situations;

Preparation of forces and means to prevent and eliminate emergency situations, public education methods for protection for emergency situations;

Participation in research and development work on the creation, testing and introduction of new technical means to protect the territory of the country and its population in emergency situations, as well as technologies for emergency rescue and other urgent works;

b)if necessary, in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, during the liquidation of emergencies in accordance with the action plans of the agencies, specially authorized to solve the tasks of civil defense and the task of preventing and eliminating emergency situations, the plans of the actions of the compounds, military units and organizations of civil defense troops:

Maintaining radiation, chemical and non-specific bacteriological (biological) intelligence in emergency zones, as well as on the routes of nomination to them;

Conducting emergency and rescue and other urgent

work on the operational localization and elimination of emergency situations of natural and man-made nature in the Russian Federation, as well as in the territories of foreign countries, with which the Russian Federation has relevant contracts;

Conducting pyrotechnic works related to disposal of aviation bombs and fugasov, participation in the localization and liquidation of large forest and peat fires;

Ensuring the safety of goods transported to the emergency zones as humanitarian assistance;

Participation in ensuring the victims of the population by food, water, necessities, temporary housing and other material means and services, as well as in the provision of prefiguration medical care;

Participation in events in the evacuation of the population, material and cultural values \u200b\u200bfrom emergency areas;

Participation in work on the restoration of life support facilities;

in wartime:

Maintaining radiation, chemical and non-specific bacteriological (biological) intelligence in lesions, pollution zones (infection), and catastrophic flooding, as well as on routes of nomination to them;

Conducting emergency and rescue and other urgent works in the foci of damage, zones of pollution (infection) and catastrophic flooding;

Carrying out work on sanitary processing of the population, special processing of equipment and property, disinfection of buildings, structures and territories;

Ensuring the input of civil defense forces into lesions, pollution zones (infection) and catastrophic flooding;

Participation in events in evacuation of the population, material and cultural values \u200b\u200bfrom lesion foci, zones of pollution (infection) and catastrophic flooding;

Conducting pyrotechnic works related to disposal of aviation bombs and fugas;

Participation in the work on the restoration of objects

the life support of the population, the implementation of the individual tasks of territorial defense associated with the restoration of airfields, roads, crossing and other important elements of the rear infrastructure.

CHILD and EFF response tools include:

formations of search and rescue service Russian Emergency Situations Ministry;

militarized and unintelligent fire-fighting, search, emergency rescue, emergency technical formations of federal executive bodies;

forcesState fire service Russian Emergency Situations Ministry;

formations and institutions of the All-Russian Medicine Service Disasters
formations of veterinary service and plant protection of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation;

military Activities Activities on the hydrometeorological processes of the Federal Service for Russia on Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring;

civil defense formations territorial, local and object levels;

specially prepared forces and means of civil defense troops, other troops and military formations intended to eliminate emergency situations;

emergency and technical centers Ministry of the Russian Federation on Atomic Energy;

search and Emergency Rescue Services Flights civil aviation of the Federal Aviation Service of Russia; restoration and fire trains of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation;

rescue services and formations Federal Service nuclear fleet of Russia (including the State Maritime Safety and Coordination Center and Rescue-Coordination Centers), the Federal Service for the River Fleet of Russia, other federal executive bodies.

The composition of forces to eliminate emergency

civil defense troops;

search and rescue service EMERCOM of Russia;

State Fire Service EMERCOM of Russia;

compounds and military units of the armed forces intended to eliminate the consequences of the disaster;

fire-fighting, emergency rescue, emergency and restoration formations of ministries, departments and various organizations;

institutions and formation of emergency medical care services and many others.

Responsibilities of the head of OE

know the regulatory legal requirements of the GOCO on OE;

develop documents for GOCO OE;

organize the execution of the Mobilization Plan OE;

organize the training of regular and abnormal formations of the GOCOC OE;

carry out teachings and training on the GOCO OE;

carry out activities aimed at maintaining the sustainability of the organization's functioning in emergency;

organize the planning of evacuation of workers and their family members;

organize the activities of the evacuation bodies of the organization;

organize the accumulation of individual and collective protection;

maintain in a state of constant readiness of control systems, alerts and communications;

organize collecting information in the GOOKS area and exchange it.

29 April 2019, Allocated funds for assistance victims from natural fires in the Trans-Baikal Territory Order of April 29, 2019 №859-p. Of the reserve fund of the Russian government, 55.31 million rubles are allocated for social support for victims as a result of natural fires in the Trans-Baikal Territory.

April 20, 2019. Dmitry Medvedev instructed to assist victims as a result of fires in Transbaikalia

January 29, 2019, emergency prevention system On introducing a bill to the State Duma aimed at improving the efficiency of managing a unified state system for preventing and eliminating emergency situations Order of January 26, 2019 №81-p. The draft law is proposed to clarify and streamline the composition, powers and objectives of the Unified State System of Prevention and Emergency Situations, the procedure for making decisions to establish emergency response levels, the powers of the Government of Russia, regional and local authorities in the field of public protection and territories from emergency situations and the tasks of rescue services, including in terms of planning actions to prevent and eliminate emergency situations. The legal regulation of relations in the field of ensuring the protection of critical and potentially dangerous objects and the creation of reserves of financial and material resources to eliminate emergency situations is also specified.

January 14, 2019. Commission on draft law approved, taking into account the discussion of the draft law, aimed at improving the efficiency of managing a unified state system of prevention and emergency response system The draft law is proposed to clarify and streamline the composition, powers and objectives of the Unified State System of Prevention and Emergency Situations, the procedure for making decisions to establish emergency response levels, the powers of the Government of Russia, regional and local authorities in the field of public protection and territories from emergency situations and the tasks of rescue services, including in terms of planning actions to prevent and eliminate emergency situations. The legal regulation of relations in the field of ensuring the protection of critical and potentially dangerous objects and the creation of reserves of financial and material resources to eliminate emergency situations is also specified.

January 14, 2019. Dmitry Medvedev discussed with the Governor of the Rostov region and the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to assist the victims of the gas explosion in a residential building in the city of Mine

January 5, 2019. About payments and benefits to the families of the victims and victims in connection with the collapse of a residential building in Magnitogorsk December 31, 2018

January 1, 2019. On the formation of a government commission to assist victims and eliminating the consequences of the entry of a residential building in Magnitogorsk Order No. 3036-p

December 26, 2018, fire safety On changes in the rules of fire regime Resolution of December 24, 2018 №1644. Amendments made to the rules of fire regime change establishes a ban on building fire distances and mineralized strips within the boundaries of settlements. This will increase the level of fire protection of settlements from natural fires moving on them.

December 10, 2018, Civil Defense On introducing a bill to the State Duma aimed at improving the effectiveness of the civil defense management system Order of December 8, 2018 №2723-p. In order to improve the legislation in the field of civil defense and improving the effectiveness of the civil defense management system, the powers of the President and the Government of Russia in this area are specified, the categories of officials of the subjects of the Federation responsible for the leadership of civil defense.

November 19, 2018. The Commission on Legal Activities approved, taking into account the draft law, aimed at improving the efficiency of the Civil Defense Management System In order to improve the legislation in the field of civil defense and improving the effectiveness of the civil defense system of the draft law, in particular, the addition of the Federal Law "On Civil Defense" with new concepts such as "ensuring the implementation of civil defense measures"; "An organization that ensures the implementation of civil defense activities"; "The dangers arising from military conflict or due to these conflicts"; "Surveillance network and laboratory control of civil defense and protection of the population." The powers of the President and the Government of Russia are specified in this area, the categories of officials of the subjects of the Federation responsible for the civil defense leadership.

October 18, 2018. On the allocation of budget allocations for social support for citizens affected by an emergency October 17, 2018 in Kerch Polytechnic College Order of October 18, 2018 №2249-p. From the Reserve Fund of the Russian Government Fund allocated budget allocations in the amount of 60 million rubles for the payment of a one-time benefit to citizens affected by the emergency, which occurred on October 17, 2018 in the Kerch Polytechnic College.

July 31, 2018. Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Following the meeting on the protection and protection of forests and deep processing of wood

July 18, 2018. Instructions of the EMERCOM of Russia in connection with the emergency in the territory of the Trans-Baikal Territory in July 2018

On approval of the new edition of the State Program "Protection of the population and territories from emergencies, ensuring fire safety and safety of people in water bodies" Resolution of March 30, 2018 №377. In accordance with Budget Code The parameters of the funding of the state program are aligned with Federal law "On the federal budget for 2018 and the planning period of 2019 and 2020."

March 26, 2018, emergency situations and liquidation of their consequences On allocating budget allocations for social support for citizens affected by fire on March 25, 2018 in Kemerovo Order of March 26, 2018 №508-p. From the Reserve Fund of the Russian Government Fund allocated budget allocations in the amount of 76 million rubles for the payment of a one-time benefit to citizens affected by a major fire on March 25, 2018 in Kemerovo.

March 20, 2018, fire safety On introducing a bill to the State Duma on some issues of the contractual divisions of the Fire Service Order of March 17, 2018 №445-p. In order to increase the level and technical support of the contractual divisions of the fire service, the draft law proposes measures to change the organizational and legal form of these divisions.