Changing the Lock Screen on Android. How to set the clock on the screen android phone

We look at the screen lock android devices are much longer than it may seem. Fortunately, not necessarily use the default lock screen. You can independently configure the display of new notifications, available information, as well as completely change appearance Lock screen.

In this article we will tell about several ways to change the lock screen on Android.

Basic Lock Screen Settings

Let's start with the basics: Open the Settings menu and go to the Security section. Here you will find the basic settings of the lock screen. note: on some Android devices This option is in the "Lock and fingerprint screen" or "Privacy" section.

Android operating system allows you to hide confidential information so that a random look did not see from whom and what message came to your device.

Custom interfaces from Samsung, LG, HTC, Sony and other mobile manufacturers offer some additional features for the lock screen.

Tips on the Lock Screen: Screen lock on recent versions Android greatly simplifies the smartphone control. For example, in the lower corners of the lock screen there is a camera icon and voice assistant Google Now. Only you just need to click on the appropriate icon and spend your right or left to open the application.

Perhaps Samoa an interesting feature Lock screen on the latest versions Android is a smart lock. If you enable this feature in the settings, you can assign reliable locations (for example, if you are at home) to disable the standard PIN-code protection.

Applications to change the lock screen on Android

You can also use various applicationsTo change the lock screen on Android. Many third-party applications offer additional features that are not available in the Android settings menu.

One of these applications is Defumblr. which displays the helpful information on the lock screen.

application Start. Allows you to place the shortcuts of your favorite applications and services on the lock screen. Weather, news, social networksAnd all you may need.

CM Locker Adds a few additional features Safety for the lock screen. This application provides greater control of notifications. In addition, CM Locker increases the time autonomous work Smartphone, so be sure to try it.

In the shop Google Play. Store Available set free applicationswhich can change the lock screen on Android, but we want to finish our article with NEXT LOCK SCREEN. . This application Developed by Microsoft and offers a huge number of settings for the lock screen.

The lock screen should not be complex and dull. Using special android settings, as well as additional applicationsYou can change the lock screen on Android under your preferences.

The screen lock appeared in the phones for a long time. This feature turns on automatically when the device is immersed in "sleep" mode, and ensures that the user, accidentally touching the display, will not make a call, send SMS or change the settings.

In operating room android system The regular lock screen is very simple and with time it can quickly get bored. If you want to change the wallpaper on the screensaver, get fast access To programs and even make your smartphone similar to the iPhone, it's time to think about the alternative. A selection of the most elegant, fun and practical screens made up. Haytek.

One of the best screensavers in Google Play. Unlocking is carried out by shifting the slider from left to right to the end. Moreover, if the slider along the way is stopped on one of the "serifs" (SMS, calls or mail Gmail), the preview will open such application. There will also be shown the number of unread SMS, letters (with the name of the sender and heading) and missed calls. To run the program, the switch must be released.

Instead of Gmail, you can choose any other application installed on the smartphone, but after replacing the icon on the slider will remain the same. Unfortunately, the utility does not replace the standard blocker, but is shown after it. Add your own sliders, like icons, it is impossible. No support for the Russian language.

For correct operation, some utilities require administrator rights. If you do not need the application anymore, then before removing itYou need to go to "Settings" → "Security" → "Device Administrators" and remove the daw from the program.

Delayed Lock. (60 rubles) allows postpone block. Through a certain time It will turn on automatically. The program will help if you are tired of entering a PIN code, password or graphic key (Pattern) Each time you turn on the smartphone. There is a free version for the test. Android 4.0+ owners must have root rights.

Unlock Wi-Fi (75 rubles) - determines whether the smartphone is connected to wireless networkand removes blocking (including password protected), when you are at home. Integrated with widgetlocker. The utility can disable Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and autosynchronization if connecting to home network gone.

Our article will introduce and help everyone wants to test the advantages of Android 7.0 and 7.1. The official yield of Android 7.0 (code name - Nougat) took place on August 22, 2016, the new OS became available for Nexus and Pixel smartphones, and in this moment Shalko Valko gets to other devices around the world.

How time flies quickly - you almost do not have time to follow the updates. And, of course, someone could easily stop the yield of Android Nougat.

It is not enough to install a new OS, because it still has to deal with and get acquainted with new features. Before you several practical recommendations that will help you learn more than many features. new version Android, without departing from the box office.

Please note that everything written herein refers to Android 7.0 and 7.1 on Google devices. Many smartphone manufacturers change operating system On your own way, adding functions and changing the interface. So on some gadgets, menu items and names may differ or not available.

How to quickly switch between open applications in Android 7

On Android Nougat, switching between applications has become much easier: press twice the button " Recent applications"(Square to the right of the" Home "button) to move between the last two open applications (something like the combination of the ALT + TAB keys on the PC).

By the way about this button, in the seventh version she got new feature: Open any application, click and hold it or click on it once. Recently open applications will be displayed, choose the desired and drag it into top Screen. This is how the screen separation mode is activated, in which two open applications occupy half the screen. To return to the usual viewing mode, we press and hold the "Recent Applications" button.

How to copy text

Do you need to copy text from one application and insert to another? Let's do it in a multi-digital mode. We highlight the desired text, then press it on it, hold and drag to another window. If the application itself supports this function, the text will be inserted automatically.

A little-known fact: using the above-described mode, you can view two browser tabs simultaneously, for example, chrome. Open new tab In Chrome, click and hold the "Recent Applications" button and click on the icon in the form of three points (the upper right corner of the screen). We are looking for the option "Transfer to another window."

And another reception associated with our now your favorite button. Perhaps some are already aware that you can remove applications from recently running, dragging them into the left or right side of the screen. In the new version of Android, there is a complete list cleaning option recently. closed applications (At one time, many third-party manufacturers of smartphones introduced such an option in their limits of android). Mothe at the very beginning of the list and find it.

Home button on Android 7.1 will show the most frequent steps

On the device with Android 7.1, press and hold the "Home" button. The most frequently used features on different applications will appear on the screen, for example, a call to your favorite contact in the "Phone" application or the opening of the new tab in the chrome. (For whom Android 7.1, but nothing comes out, you can use the Google launcher.)

Quick transition to settings

Did you need a quick transition by system settings? Nougat has a menu fast navigation. To find it, click on the icon in the form of three horizontal lines in the top left corner.

For those who have been in the section "Applications": you can quickly flush the list, moving the finger down on the right edge of the screen. The quick scroll interface appears.

How to set up and what can be seen in the quick settings android 7

Panel fast settings Nougat has undergone a few low-cost, but important innovations. The first: if you hold down the screen from top to bottom, multiple shortcuts will appear for quick access to different parameters, such as the "Flight Mode". Also, each attached switch to quickly turn on and off one or another function.

If, being on the main screen, to spend on top of double or two fingers, an extended list of available tools will open, where when you press any of the icons open additional settings (If they are available at the selected function).

In all sections of the quick settings panel, for a long pressing on any of the icons there is a transition to the corresponding system of system settings.

Fast settings panel tools are amenable to full custom customization. We open the panel and click on the "Change" button, which should be in the lower right corner or to a pencil in the upper right side of the screen. This option allows you to move, add and remove icons from the panel.

Settings for the first six icons from the fast settings panel will be displayed if you call a short view of the so-called "curtains" (spend on top of the screen from top to bottom).

"At work" mode

If you use a gadget in the workplace, look in the Fast Settings panel item "at work". It switches between the user's work profile, where parameters and applications are installed for work purposes, and personal with user applications.

Additional tools can be added to the quick settings panel. third-party applications. For example, usingWeather Quick Settings, you can add a small weather tile, and Ringer Modes will change the sound of the gadget in one touch.

Night mode on Android 7

Android 7.1 supports new night mode that is available only on some models. If you are lucky, in the quick settings panel you will find the "Night Mode" function. She facilitates reading from the screen at night.

In addition, it can be done so that this feature is turned on automatically if necessary. In the "Settings" menu, open the "Screen" section, looking for the "Night mode", click on the inscription "Turn on automatically" and select the option or "in the dark" or "Custom Schedule". (It is easy to guess that this setting will be only on the device where there is a "night mode").

Notifications in Android 7

Notifications in the seventh version of the mobile OS are divided by applications, so if you have come, say, three new messages on gmail mail The notification of this will be displayed in its block on the notifications panel. By clicking on the notification opens a mini-block with more detailed informationwhich can be disclosed to get quick access to the notification associated options (for example, send to the archive or answer the message).

Some application too often sew notification? We click and hold any of his notifications (or slightly shift it to the right or left and click on the gear that appeared). From here we will be able to cut out the sound of all subsequent notifications or generally disable them.

Android regime "Do not disturb" received a new useful feature On Nougat: You can put a silent mode overnight, and in the morning, when the alarm clock is called, it will turn off itself. To activate this option, go to "Settings", then - "sounds and vibrations", find the item "Do not disturb", choose " Automatic rules" We add a new rule, click on the line "Time" and enter any name. We set the days and time when the gadget will be in silent mode. The "Do not disturb" must be selected or "only alarm clock", or "Only important", we also do not forget to enable the option "The following signal overrides the stopping time of the current".

Additional functions

Stop pushing! Especially for those who have vision problems, Nougat seized the scaling option. Going to "Screen", looking for the "Scale on Screen" option.

I want to make words larger, but so that everything else remains unchanged? To do this, in the "Screen" section there is a stitch "font size".

If you need to reduce the amount of Internet traffic consumed, Nougat has a new traffic saving mode that limits the number of outgoing and incoming mobile data of a separate application (both in the background and active mode). We go to the "Settings" and go to the "Data Transfer" section and click on the "Save Traffic" item.

Several system languages \u200b\u200bon android

Do you own two-three languages? On Android 7.0 and 7.1, it is possible to establish several system languages \u200b\u200band switch between them without problems. Going to the "Language and Enter" section in system settings, We click on the "Languages", where we can replenish the list of new languages.

Medical map in phone

For emergency cases In the seventh version, the Android added a kind of medical card, in which, among other things, contacts are indicated for communication in case of emergency (will be displayed on a blocked screen) and a blood type. To enter this data, in the settings menu, click on "Users" and see the line "Data for emergency cases".

Now you can change the voice of the system in such a way that it will growl or squeak (funny to listen to both). We go to "Settings", hereinafter - "Spec. Opportunities "and click on the" Synthesis of Speech ", where we can ask the height of the voice.

Did you have such a headphone in your ear, but want to hear the sound of both channels? In this case in the section "Spec. Opportunities "There is the option" Mono Sound ".

Hidden functionality android 7

Those who needed to go through the memory of the smartphone, move or copy files, be sure to try out the improved file manager. Opening the "Settings", we go to the section "", at the bottom find the option "Explorer". This is the File Manager.

Want to experiment? We go to the quick settings panel, long pressing the gear icon in the upper right corner of the screen you will unlock the hidden parameters of the System UI Tuner. After that, in the setup menu at the very end of the list it should appear new line "System UI Tuner." There are various user settings for example, a view of a status string and management here. different types Notifications.

It happens that the clock on the device with Android disappear, for example, after updating the firmware. It is not possible to return them to the desktop and usually work, since in most cases the widget only stops displaying on the display, while remaining in the device's memory. Let's tell me further how to return the clock to the Android screen or, if necessary, install new from Google Apps.

How to return the installed widget

If you have deleted a clock or they disappeared, try to output them in the simplest way:

If the application with a widget was remotely, familiarize yourself as to install similar from Google Play.

Widgets with a clock

Consider further best programs With graphic modules for the main gadget screen from the applications presented in the official store. Basically, in addition to displaying time, they provide a lot of other information, for example, weather directly at the site of the user's stay according to the data obtained by the GPS utility.

Transparent clocks and weather

This is one of the most popular free clock widgets with the number of installations more than 10 million. A small program has very flexible settings, as a result of which the gadget owner can set the display on the display as it needs it. Opportunities utilities:

  • the presence of different beautiful and informative size widgets 2x1, 4x1-3, 5x3;
  • a wide selection of topics, covers, fonts;
  • display In addition to the exact time important information - Weather, direction of wind, humidity and pressure, charge battery, calendar events, etc.

If the Device owner does not need all this data provided by the default utility, it can delete them in the settings and leave just a clock. For this:

  1. Press your finger to display the time on the screen that opens the settings window.
  2. Go to the "Design" section, then in "Extended Settings".
  3. Remove the ticks opposite the display items about the current location, system information, battery charge and check the checkbox next to the line "Hide weather".

After that, the screen will display a minimalist widget with a clock, which you can also change in accordance with your own preferences.

Sense Flip Clock & Weather

This time widget of time display and dates will suit users who like flip clock watches with overflowing pages. Features Utilities:

  • selection of widgets of different sizes - 4x1, 4x2 and 5x2;
  • implemented an animation of flipping;
  • selection of various skins and display icons;
  • the location is determined automatically, which allows you to inform the user the most accurate forecast.

Displaying the weather here is also disconnected if necessary, after which only beautiful retro-clock will be on the screen. You can also test other similar utilities:

Clock on the lock screen

If there is a need to change installed screen blocking so that a large dial is displayed on it, then in this case can be recommended " Glowing hours Chest of drawers". The utility with such a strange name is free, does not require configuration and does not show any advertising on the lock screen.

This is one of the windows through which we draw what interests us in the surrounding information field. Of course, I want this connection to be at hand. In this article, we will look at how you can add a widget on the lock screen (Lockscreen, English) in android.

Although such operations are available only for different modifications. Android version 4, but also for others there is also a way out.

If you choose "None", then the lock screen you will not occur and place the widget on it will not be able to define.

We offer you as the most convenient from possible methods Unlocking Select "swipe" - it will not take a lot of time (compared to the introduction of the PIN code) to the discharge.

Also, make sure that your widget is enabled - in "Settings" - "Security and Lock" - "Enable Widgets":


Now, when the display is disabled, swipe left or right to appear the "+" icon:

After its activation, your kit will be opened before you, you can only touch one of them to add to the screen.

It is possible to adjust its dimensions: moving the lower part will increase, and movement of the upper part - to a decrease in the dimensions of the visible fragment.


If you want to remove the widget from the blocking screen, you can use one of two options:

  • disabling all the widgets with the removal of their inclusion in the "Settings" "Security and Lock";
  • touch it on the screen and, holding, move to the right place.

Search new

The Play Store will find a lot of extra, worthy of your attention widgets integrated into LockScreen.

Software Designer

Stereotypical screens do not have the ability to create an individual spirit, do not give a special choice in design and interfere with the manifestation of custom creativity.

What to talk about cases when you need to use the camcorder mode very quickly or simply turn on the flashlight.

One of the like to design the lock screen under its own requirements is WidgetLocker - will allow you to very deeply work on the type of locked screen. You do not just "add" or "remove" a widget.

It is possible to choose actions with any of the items thanks to the appearing menu with a duty of touch. Correction of the slider includes many stylistic options. For example, a breakdown of the slider can be assigned some action.

Here is one of the results.