How to change the opening of a new tab. All ways to switch between tabs using the keyboard. Recently closed tabs

Often the situation occurs when proper connection Router or Modem to PCs in the bottom corner of the computer monitor no icon "Wireless network connection Windows 7. " And no matter how much the user switched wires, stubborn " network connections"So do not appear. In this case, it is necessary to postpone "cable work" for a while and check (perhaps and reinstall) connection parameters local network.

Configuring Windows 7 Network Connection

  • 1. Click on the left mouse button (hereinafter all the time left, unless otherwise specified) the "Start" menu button.
  • 2. Select the control panel icon.
  • 3. In the "Control Panel" click "Network and Internet" - "View network status and tasks" (if you do not see - translate the viewing mode in the "Category" view).

4. Go to the "Changing Adapter Settings" menu.

5. Right-click on the Local Network Connection icon, from context menu Select "Properties".

6. Double-click Open the Properties of the Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4). "

7. First check box: "Get the IP address automatically", the second to "get the DNS address of the North automatically".

8. If the flags have already been in the specified position, then we change the first to: "Use the following IP address".

We put the following values: "Ip Address":, "Subnet Mask", "Main Gateway":; "Preferred DNS server.":

Do not forget to click on the "OK" button in all open windows To save the installed settings.

Setting up a network connection in Windows 8:

In general, setting the parameters of the connection here is carried out similarly previous version OS. The only nuance: Many users do not know how to open network connections in Windows 8. Therefore, at this stage, we will dwell in more detail:

1. Press the right mouse button on the Start menu and select "All applications" in the menu

2. In the "Applications" menu by click the control panel icon.

3. Click on the "Network and Internet" icon.

5. We find and click "Change the adapter parameters" (on the left above).

Further setting is carried out similarly to "seven": Run items from 5 to 8 and check the connection over the network - the corresponding icon must appear in the lower corner of the monitor.

Setting tabs may vary depending on which browser you use. There is nothing difficult in this process: usually the main problem is to find exactly where the menu is located with the desired settings.

You will need

  • - the Internet;
  • - a computer;
  • - Browser.


  • Configuring tabs for Mozilla Firefox.. In the upper left corner in the browser menu, select the "Tools" option. A window will open - in it, click on "Settings" (last item). Another menu will open. In it, click on the second tab on the left "tabs". Next, select the checkboxes next to necessary settings. Configure where a new tab will open (first item), a warning about closing multiple tabs (second item), displaying the tab panel and others.
  • Configuring tabs for Internet Explorer. 8. Run the browser, click on the "Service", then on the "Observer Properties". Click on the "General" tab, in the section "Tabs" select "Settings". Select the desired one. To go from the tab to the tab, use the CTRL + T keys combination. To re-open the closed tabs, click "Create a tab" (Ctrl + T), then "Re-opening closed tabs" (displayed on the screen when opening a new tab). To restore the entire previous session, click "Start" - Internet Explorer - "Service" - "Re-open the last view session". To save a group of tabs, click the "Favorites" option - "Add to Favorites" - "Add current tabs to Favorites". Specify the name of the created group and click Add.
  • Configuring tabs for Opera. Right-click on any tab. So you can copy, resize, block closing tabs or close them all except one. The "Create tabs" parameter allows you to configure the size of the window open, if you want the window to be full screen - click "Always deploy". "Open a new tab next to active" will always open a new tab next to the one in which you read something or write in this moment. Click "Open windows instead of tabs" and you will receive a new window when opening each new tab.
  • Constantly confused in bookmarks in search of the desired web resource? Place the most visited sites on start page Browser - it will greatly facilitate surfing. Make this can be done with the help of a supplement Visual bookmarks from Yandex.

    Look such "tiles", more than attractive.

    Visual bookmarks - what is it

    Visual bookmarks are a list of your bookmarks in the browser displayed in the form of ordered icons on the start page and in the new browser tab. Maximum amount Links that can be accommodated - 25 pieces for comfortable access to the most visited resources, it is enough.

    Visual bookmarks from Yandex, are distinguished against competitors, thanks to:

    • Ease of installation and configuration;
    • Do not load the browser with additional advertising;
    • The design is thought out to the smallest detail;
    • The ability to import / exported your own bookmarks directly to the panel.

    Installation methods

    Install visual bookmarks in chrome browsers, Mozilla, Opera in two ways:

    1. Download special extension from the store, for example, or
    2. Install Yandex Elements from

    In Yandex browser bookmarks, like, are part of it, they must simply turn on in the settings.

    Turn on bookmarks in Yandex browser

    1. By default, bookmarks are already enabled and displayed in a new tab. If there is no - and go to the settings.

    2. Turn on the items listed on the screenshot and restart the browser.

    3. Switch to the "Tablo" section and the desired "tiles" will appear before you.

    Custom settings

    Add the desired website or arrange the list, you can click on the inscription - "Configure the screen".

    To make changes, use the buttons specified in the figure and at the end, confirm by clicking on "Finish".

    Visual bookmarks for Firefox and Chrome

    As mentioned above, there are two options for installing visual bookmarks in third-party browsers.

    Installation and setting will be carried out in Mozilla, Believe the difference from Google Chrome - minimal and you can easily repeat all actions.

    Special extension

    1. The first method will be the installation of a special extension for Mozilla. Download and activate it on the link -, from the official store supplements.

    2. Open a new tab - Bookmarks must already appear. Go to the settings and adjust the number of displayed addresses and their appearance.

    3. Sort the "Tiles" to your liking, you can simply dragging them across the screen. To change or delete the address - Mouse over it and wait until the settings icons appear.

    1. The site is created so that users do not make it difficult for long search for the desired extension in stores - just press one button.

    Setup, no different from the above-described procedure.

    How to remove visual bookmarks

    As you could already understand, delete bookmarks from it will not work - they can only be hidden by doing all the actions in the reverse order.

    To remove from Chrome and Firefox - go to the add-ons and erase the extension "Visual bookmarks".

    How to restore bookmarks

    When changing the browser or move to new computerThere is a need for transferring and restoring previously added bookmarks.

    Restore them, you can only having a previously saved file with data. The method of obtaining it depends on the browser used, which we will talk about.

    Yandex browser

    1. To save all data to the Yandex browser, go to the Bookmark Manager.

    2. Changing the "Sort" on the inscription, select "Export all bookmarks to HTML file".

    3. Save the file in a safe place, and, if you need recovery, do the same steps by selecting the "Copy bookmarks from the HTML file" at the end.

    Visual bookmarks

    Saving bookmarks with the addition of "Visual Bookmarks" add-ons, in other browsers it is not particularly different.

    1. Going to the Add-on Settings, select "Save to File".

    2. To recover - "Download from the file".

    Summing up, today's review, it should be emphasized that the supplement under consideration greatly facilitates surfing on the Internet. Installation and configuration does not cause special problems from users, apparently the experience of Yandex employees affected.

    And most importantly - visual bookmarks are absolutely free and do not carry a threat to the computer.

    New tab page - this is what you see when (already, probably guessed) open a new tab in Google Chrome. . It was created to help you get to your favorite programs and sites faster. To open the new tab page, click the icon next to the last tab at the top of the browser window. You can also click the Ctrl + T key combination to open a new page.

    Using a new tab page

    Tab - applications

    Here are displayed icons of the programs that you installed from the Chrome webcade. To open such a program, click the icon.

    If you are installed google Chrome programs On another computer, you can automatically add these programs on page new tabs on your computerwhich you use now.

    To change the program opening method, right-click the icon and select Open as an ordinary tab, Open as a fixed tab or Open full screen. To view additional settings, click the Right-click icon and select "Parameters".

    Moving program icons on the Chrome tab

    The location of the program icons can be changed by pressing and dragging the icons in the "Programs" section. You can move the program, web page, often visited site or bookmarks to the section of another program by clicking and dragging the corresponding icon to the section in the bottom of the page.

    The program can also be moved to new section. Click the program and drag it down the page. A new empty section will appear in which you can lower the program.

    Designation of the Tagged section

    To rename the section, double-click the label and enter the new name.

    Remove the program from the tab

    To delete a program from Google Chrome, click on the right mouse button and select Remove from Chrome. Or you can click and start dragging the program - the "Delete from Chrome" basket will appear in the lower right corner. Move the program to this button to delete it.

    To remove a frequently visited site, press the sketch and drag it to the basket. Remove from Chrome. You can also delete the site by pressing the icon × in the upper right corner of the sketch.

    Tab - Frequently visited

    Here are displayed sketches of websites that you attend most often. Just press the sketch to go to the site.

    Transition between sections

    To move between partitions, click the section in the bottom of the page or the icons of the right or left shooter placed on both sides of the page to go to one section left or right.

    Recently closed tabs

    Click "Recently closed" in the lower right corner of the page to restore the closed tab or window.

    Ordering tabs in Google Chrome

    You can easily regroup tabs at the top of your browser window.

    • To arrange your tabs, Open the tab and drag it to another location along the top of the browser window.

    Closing tabs and windows Google Chrome

    Closing tabs and windows

    • Tabs: to close tabClick the icon × on the tab or use the Ctrl + W keys.
    • Window: to close a window, Click Icon × in its corner or use keys Alt. + F4. If you close the last tab in the window, the window will also automatically closed.

    Accidentally closing a tab or window, you can easily open them again on the new tab page.

    Closing Google Chrome.

    Press the Chrome menu on the browser toolbar and select Exit to close all open tabs and windows.

    Using Google Chrome for Mac, You can configure the showing of the warning before closing the browser. By default, this caution is disabled.

    To enable, follow these steps:

    1. Click Chrome. On the menu panel from above.
    2. Choose Warn before exit.

    Forced webpage closure

    Open Task ManagerYou can use the SHIFT + ESC key combination.

    If you complete the process in windows system, Linux or Chrome, the corresponding tabs displays the message "All over!". The message "Error!" Will appear on Mac.

    For most of us, the browser is the most popular and most commonly launched program on the computer. We use it for listening to music, watching movies, check mail and so on. And although browsers are updated almost every week, they have enough problems. One of them is not the most convenient work with a large number of tabs.

    In fact, working with tabs is like in that joke about cats. You do not like cats? You just do not know how to cook them. You just need to learn how to work with tabs and use the browser suitable for this. And you will not be able to understand how they lived before.

    Keyboard cuts (Hotkes)

    Hot keys - very convenient way tab management. Especially when the tabs become such tiny that it is even uncomfortable to click.

    • Ctrl + Tab.- Switching between tabs on the right side.
    • Ctrl + Shift + Tab- Switching between tabs to the left side.
    • Ctrl + W / Cmd + W on Mac- Close the active tab.

    These are just a few combinations that will allow you to quickly switch between tabs. Keyboard abbreviations exists. And some of them can make you use the keyboard instead of a mouse to manage tabs.

    Memory of open tabs

    When you constantly switch between the browser and another program, there is a chance that you can accidentally close the browser, and then you will have to open everything again. And well, if you remember that you were open. A browser function can save from all this headaches, which allows you to remember which tabs are open before closing it.

    Enable this feature and thereby free yourself from unnecessary work in the future:

    • Google Chrome: Settings → Start group → Continue to work from the same place.
    • Firefox: Settings → Basic → run Firefox → Show windows and tabs opened last time.
    • Apple Safari: Settings → Basic → Safari opens when starting → all windows from the last session.

    Add tab add to favorites

    Another fast way Save open tabs to work with them later - it adds them to separate folder In bookmarks. To do this, click on the right mouse button and select "Add Tabs to Favorites". The name of the item may vary in different browsersBut it is easy to understand that this is exactly the point you need. As a result, you will have a folder with the addresses of sites in the bookmarks. Next, make the right click on this folder, select "Open all bookmarks" - All tabs are again in front of us.

    Sorting tabs for separate browser windows

    Who said that all tabs should be in one browser window? You can sort your tabs on different windows. For example, all tabs that relate to one project can be transferred to one browser window, and everything concerns entertainment, to another and so on. Just pull the tab to the empty desktop place, and you will open a new window. Another way is to make the right click on the link or bookmark and select from the "Open in a new window" from the list.

    Select several tabs at once

    You can do various actions Not with one tab, but at once with several. But for this, you first need to choose these tabs. Click the CTRL key (or CMD to Mac) and select the currently you need at the moment. All, now you can close them, restart, add to bookmarks and so on.

    Fastening tabs

    In modern browsers from good developers There is a wonderful function "Secure the tab." It is very convenient if you hold one or another tab that is constantly open. For example, it can be a Gmail tab or a music service. After you secure the tab, it will be more difficult to close and it will take less space on the tab panel. Just click on the right key tab and select the desired item in the list.

    Restore the closed tab

    Sometimes it turns out that you accidentally close the tab that did not want to close at all. The hand ropted or changed his mind at the time of closure - anything happens. To open this tab again, you can, of course, go to the history of the browser and find this site. And you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + T (or CMD + SHIFT + T on Mac in Chrome and Firefox and CMD + Z in Safari) to return this tab. You can also help the right click with the mouse on any tab of your browser.

    Groups tabs in Firefox

    Almost five years ago developers added to browser Firefox. very cool feature which is called "tabs of tabs", or "panorama". It practically performs the trick, which is described above. We are talking about using different browser windows for tabs. Only here all this has been done more beautifully, and you do not need to produce many windows. A couple of clicks and you have already switched to work with another project or, on the contrary, have fun after work. To start the tab groups, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + E or CMD + SHIFT + E on Mac.

    I hope that now your work with a lot of browser tabs will be slightly simpler.