How to disable UEFI in the HP BIOS. How to disable Secure Boot and UEFI on MSI Motherboard. DELL motherboards and laptops

Have you ever been trying to install in parallel with Windows Other operating system? If so, then, depending on what you tried to install, you could encounter a safe UEFI download function ( UEFI Secure. Boot). If the Secure Boot does not recognize the program you are trying to install, it will not allow you to install. Secure Boot is really useful for protecting a computer from malicious programs. However, it also prevents the download of quite "good" operating systems - such as Kali Linux, Android x86 and tails.
Fortunately, there is a way to resolve this situation. In this article, we will tell how to disable the secure UEFI download function to be able to install the second operating system.

To begin with, consider exactly the Secure Boot protects your system.
Secure Boot is a UEFI function, that is, a single extensible firmware interface, and the UEFI, in turn, is a more advanced alternative to the BIOS interface present on many devices.

Secure Boot can be compared with checkpoint. Before you allow the program to the system, it checks it. If the program has a proper digital signature, she is passed through the "Gate". If you cannot recognize the digital signature, Secure Boot does not give the program to start and requires a reboot of the system.
But it happens that, although the program is safe and has a reliable source, its digital signature in the Secure Boot database is missing.
So even if you download distributions Linux directly from their developer and check control sumsTo make sure that it was not hacked, Secure Boot can still "not miss" them anyway. The same fate can comprehend other operating systems, as well as drivers and hardware software.

How to disable Secure Boot

First of all, it should be remembered that the Secure Boot is not just some kind of annoying "feature" from which you need to get rid of it. In the end, this feature is at the guard of the interests of your own computer.
Also, keep in mind that when you activate the Secure Boot again, you may need to restart the BIOS. You do not lose your data at the same time, but personal bIOS settings will be reset. In addition, it may turn out that, once, turning off the Secure Boot, you can not return it anymore.
So to disable Secure Boot, do the following:

  • Turn off the computer. Then turn on and log in again bIOS mode. The input to this mode is usually performed using the F1, F2, F12, ESC or DEL buttons (depending on the computer model). Windows users Can log in in the Advanced Boot menu by clicking on Shift and selecting Restart (Restart). Then you need to click on Troubleshoot (Diagnostics)\u003e Advanced Options: UEFI Firmware Settings. UEFI Firmware Settings.
  • Find the Secure Boot feature (Safe Loading). If possible, select Disabled. Usually, the Secure Boot option is in the Security menu, boot menu or Authentication (authorization).
  • Click on Save (Save) and Exit. The system will reboot.

So, you have successfully disabled Secure Boot. Now boldly take a flash drive with an operating system that was not able to install before, and try again.

How to activate Secure Boot

To enable Secure Boot again, you will have to delete all traces of the presence of an unsigned operating system from the computer - otherwise nothing will work.

  • Uninstall all unsigned software installed at the time while Secure Boot has been disabled.
  • Turn off the computer. Then turn on and log in to the BIOS mode. The input to this mode is usually performed using the F1, F2, F12, ESC or DEL buttons (depending on the computer model). Windows users can log in in the Advanced Boot menu by clicking on Shift and selecting Restart (Restart).
  • Find the Secure Boot (secure download) parameter and select Enabled. Usually, the secure boot option is in the Security menu, boot (download) or authentication (authorization).
  • If you enable secure boot fails, try to restart the BIOS to return it to the factory settings. Returning the factory settings, try to enable Secure Boot again.
  • Click Save (Save) and Exit. The system will reboot.
  • If the system is not loaded, turn off the Secure Boot again.

Diagnostics of an error preventing the inclusion of Secure Boot

To solve the problem of loading the system with the Secure Boot enabled, try to do the following:

  • Check that the BIOS menu includes the UEFI option. Thus, you also make sure that the outdated loading mode is disabled.
  • Find out the type of section of your hard disk. To do this, enter in the search bar windows menu Computer Management (Computer Management). Next, select Disk Management (Disk Management). Find the main disk, click on the right mouse button and select Properties. Now find the type of disk partition. UEFI requires the type GPT, and not MBR used in more early versions BIOS.
  • Change the MBR type on GPT in one way: create backup Your data and erase all information from the disk.
  • Some firmware is the Restore Factory Keys, which is usually located in the same menu as other Secure Boot options. If you have such an option, restore the factory settings, save them, exit and reboot.

If you cannot activate Secure Boot, you will receive a reliable loading function Trusted Boot. True, it is able to recognize only Windows 10. Trusted Boot Digital Signature Checks Drivers, Startup files and other aspects of Windows.
If Trusted Boot detects a damaged or malicious program, then, as in the case of Secure Boot, it will not give her to boot. However, unlike Secure Boot, Trusted Boot is able to automatically correct some errors.

Collaboration Secure Boot and Trusted Boot

Does Secure Boot need?

It is worth remembering that, turning off the Secure Boot, you expose your computer to a potential threat.
It can be said that today, at the time of rampage rugs and other malware, secure loading becomes more relevant than ever. So, provide your UEFI system an additional level of security, and sleep quietly.

Denial of responsibility: This article is written only for educational purposes. The author or publisher did not publish this article for malicious purposes. If readers want to take advantage of information for personal gain, the author and publisher are not responsible for any harm caused or damage.

Let's wonder the most simple languageWhat is Secure Boot. Secure Boot is a UEFI module preventing, thereby limiting the launch of an unauthorized (unsigned) code while loading the system kernel. That is, this feature is not part of the operating system, so it will have to cope with it from under it.

Naturally, since we are far from always using licensed software, in particular Windows, sometimes blocking the code start can interfere.

Secure Boot is aimed at protecting the owner from bottles, from attacks such as Evil Maid, the best indicator of the reliability of this protection can be called what the overwhelming majority have not even heard about them.

This stick at two ends, with one there is some kind of protection against global infection of the system kernel, on the other windows installation From a flash drive or disk, problems can occur with the Secure Boot function.

Problems related to Secure Boot function

One of the most frequently arising problems, especially manifested in Windows 8, 8.1 - this "secure secure boot load is not configured incorrectly", sometimes users can scare such a message, but today we will separate everything in our places. The article will be useful when installing the operating linux systems, Ubuntu or older versions of Windows.

The problems associated with this service are threatened to mainly users who purchased their computer after 2010, since the BIOS has been actively used before that moment, then because of many restrictions of conjugate with it, UEFI was introduced into mass production.

As technology develops, the system has become widely used, since the restriction in 2 terabytes is already put in an awkward position of many users, not mentioning hosting administrators.

Basically, this function is quite simple, but there are many options for the installed UEFI, in connection with which you have to follow the instructions not exactly, but adhering to the logic described below the manual, we will try to explain everything as much as possible. Due to the increasing concern of users, due to the obligatory input of the Secure Boot to the system, on suspicion that other operating system manufacturers will be blocked, except for Windows, the prerequisite was the availability of shutdown, such a functionality. The only exception to the Rules are the Arm tablets with a pre-installed Windows system.

UEFI is an intermediary between the operating system and machine code, it is installed immediately on the motherboard, this explains the differences in the interface of these firmware.

Conditionally, the whole process can be divided into two parts: the first is to disconnect the Secure Boot itself, the second is to turn on the ability to download other operating systems to the computer.

Instructions for disconnection Secure Boot

To do this, you should restart the computer and go to UEFI on your computer. Most likely, you know how it is done, most often Del or F2. Next, you should go:

1. How to find the "Secure Boot" option?

1.1. For HP laptops to the "System Configuration" tab, after which you will see the "Boot Options" option at the bottom. In the window that opens, will not be much difficult to find the desired line and translate its meaning to "disabled";

1.2. For the Samsung manufacturer laptops, select the "BOOT" tab in the top menu and "Secure Boot" set to the position disabled, you will be waiting for a warning after deactivating this mode;

1.3. The Acer manufacturer has some differences, by default you will not be able to change the value to download, until you set the password to your UEFI. To do this, go to "Security" and specify the password in the "Set Supervisor Password" item. Only now you can change the option "Boot Options", you should turn it off;

1.4. Toshiba laptops do not have differences from HP laptops, with the exception of the name of the tab to which you need to go, it is called "Security" therefore we will not consider separately;

2. Next, you must specify the computer permission to install any operating systems:

2.1. You should in the same tab "System Configuration", to find a setting that indicates compatibility with other LEGACY Support systems, you need to activate "Enabled"

2.2. In the same menu as in paragraph 1.2. Under the option, you will see "OS MODE SELECTION" and set the value "UEFI and Legacy OS";

2.3. Notebook Samsung, go to the "BOOT" tab and see the option " Boot Mode."May" OS MODE SELECTION "and set the value for it" CMS OS ";

2.4. Toshiba laptops have the desired setting On the Advanced page -\u003e "Boot Mode", the desired "CSM BOOT";

3. In all systems after the work of all actions, you need to go to the main menu and click "Save and Exit" or something like that, often called the F key

If you are the owner of a laptop of another model, then you should find such settings in your uEFI versionsIf you do not work, then you can explore the documentation for your model and do similar actions.

On personal stationary computers, all actions are similar, even if there are no docks, most UEFIs have a built-in Russian, which simply facilitates its use.

If you have any questions about "How to disable Secure Boot on a laptop?", You can ask them in the comments.

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Security mode in UEFI, or Security Boot, provides on a laptop, a stationary computer. Protection at startup: Blocks access to setting up the priority of boot priority from CD / DVD, USB drive (including does not allow you to use the OS with boot flash drive), prevents attempts to install an unlicensed, unauthorized OS, unauthorized intervention in the loading shell. In such situations, when loading, "Secure Boot Violation" appears on the display, which signals the impossibility of modifying the download in the BIOS (in BIOS), UEFI.

To remove this blocking, you must disable the corresponding options in UEFI. After turning off the security, you can change the priority of booting from disks and USB flash drives, as well as install any OS distributions.

This article will tell you how to disable Secure Boot in the options of the boot shell. It tells in detail how to turn off the protection mode on the devices of popular brands, how to find out using the system settings, whether Secure Boot is enabled.

Checking function activity

Load protection activation status can be found in two ways:

Method number 1: in options

1. Press together on the keyboard the "WIN" + "R" key.

2. In the "Run" panel, enter MSINFO32, press "ENTER".

3. Find the "Status ... download" parameter. View its value: "Off" - protection mode is turned off, "On" - switched on.

Method number 2: In the PowerShell console

1. Run the utility:

  • open the Start menu;
  • in the search bar, set the name of the utility - PowerShell;

2. Click on the "Start" panel list that appears with the utility string.

3. Set the command to the Confirm-SecureBootuefi command.

4. Press "ENTER".

5. The system immediately after entering the command will display the protection status: True - enabled, FALSE is disabled.

How to open UEFI / BIOS settings

To deactivate the Security Boot, you initially need to open the UEFI or BIOS bootable shell. You can also perform this procedure:

Method number 1: With the help of "hot keys"

Restart OS. Press "Del". If the entrance to the shell failed, it means that another " hot key»To log in to boot settings. This may be - "F2" or a combination "Fn + F2" (on a laptop).

Note. The transition button to the BIOS may be indicated on the monitor during the system startup.

Method number 2: Full Option Option

(option for 8 / 8.1)
1. Activate the retractable panel (on the right side of the screen).

2. Go: Parameters → Change parameters ... → Update and ... → Restore.

3. In additional superstructures, set the "UEFI settings" restart mode.

4. Activate the Restart command.

Turning Office

Motherboard ASUS (PC)

1. Restart the PC. Press the "DEL" or "F2" key (depends on specific model ASUS). When the shell appears on the display, press "F7", "Advanced Mode" will appear.

2. In "BOOT" click on the "Secure Boot" line.

3. Set "Other OS" in the Settings panel.

4. Return to "Boot", Compatibility Support Module (CSM).

5. Turn on the Launch CSM option: Install Enabled at its row.

6. In Boot Device Control, set the value "UEFI and LEGACY ..." or "Legacy Oprom ...".

7. Below on the list, in "Boot ... Devices", select "Both, Legacy ... First" or "Legacy Oprom ...".

Everything. Setup completed. Protection is deactivated. Press "F10", confirm the settings modification. Restart OS.

Laptop asus

1. B. boot sheath, In Security - Secure Boot, set out "Disabled".

2. In "Boot" - Fast Boot Change the parameter to "disabled".

3. Save the options configuration (F10), restart. Open the BIOS.

4. Boot - "Launch ..." change the value to "Enabled".

5. Save the changes and restart the OS.


1. In UEFI, open the "Security" ("Shield" icon in the top menu).

2. In "Secure Boot" Turn the switch to "Disabled".

3. Press "F10" to save the settings. Perform a PC reboot.


1. In the UEFI, open the menu "... Features".

2. Set the options:

  • Windows 8 Features - Other OS;
  • Boot Mode Selection "-" Legacy Only "/" UEFI AND LEGACY "(Possible options);
  • Other PCI Device Rom Priority - Legacy Oprom.

3. Save the modifications performed using the "F10" key.


1. On the shell menu, go: Settings → Boot.

2. Boot Mode Select change the parameter to "Legacy + UEFI".

3. Press F10 to save changes in the options.


1. In the Security- "Secure Boot", set the "disabled" position.

2. Go to the shell: Advanced → System Configuration.

3. Find "Boot Mode" (it can also be called OS MODE Selection and set the switch to the "CSM Boot" position ( alternative names Parameter - CMS OS, UEFI AND LEGACY OS).

4. Activate the Save Settings command with the "F10" key. Restart the system. Now you can use boot discs and flash drives, as well as install any OS.


In HP Pavillion laptops, you need to perform a few more additional settings for deactivation:

1. To enter the UEFI-BIOS in the reboot process, press the "F10" key (in separate models: ESC → F10).

2. In the shell, go: System Configuration → Boot Options.

3. Change the position of the following options:

  • Secure Boot - Disabled (Disable Protective Mode);
  • Legacy Support - Enabled (Enabling compatibility with other OS).

5. In order for the new settings to take effect, activate the save parameters with the F10 key.

6. Restart OS. Upon completion of the restart of the system, a warning will appear and input to enter the specified code (displayed in the line ... to Complete The Change). Dial it and click "ENTER". The laptop will automatically reboot.

To change the priority of downloads for use installation USB flash drive In the process of turning on the laptop, go to the start menu (ESC key) and perform necessary settings In the "Boot Device Options" section (F9 key).


1. To switch to the UEFI-BIOS shell, press the "F2" key during laptop.

2. Go to the "BOOT" panel, set the cursor in the "Secure Boot" string.

3. In the submenu, change its parameter to the "disabled" value.

4. In a warning message, select "OK" (confirm the change).

5. After disabling the protection in the same list, the OS MODE SELECTION item will appear. Specify the CMS OS parameter (or UEFI and Legacy OS).

6. Save the settings (F10) changes.

7. Restart the laptop and go to the UEFI-BIOS again.

8. Go: Security → Set Supervisor Password. Click "Enter", enter early set password. In the following fields, click "Enter" without data entry.

In the message "Changes ... Saved" again, use the Enter key again. Now the password is reset and access to the activation / deactivation of Secure Boot protection has appeared.


  1. Go to the UEFI console using the F2 key or the Fn + F2 combination (depending on the model).
  2. Open: Section Section → SECURE BOOT option. In its column, set the "disabled" value.
  3. Save the option value (press F10).


In Dell laptops, equipped with an insydeh2o shell, protection deactivation is done like this:

  1. The menu opens: Boot tab → UEFI BOOT subsection.
  2. The "Secure Boot" row is set to "Enabled".
  3. Settings are saved, restarting the laptop.


As you can see, the principle of disabling the Secure Boot protection on different models is almost the same with the exception of only some nuances associated with the location of the menu and additional superstructures. If even in this review there is no model of your PC, a laptop, use the basic algorithm to deactivate the protective boot option. Namely: the entrance to the UEFI shell → Switching off the Secure Boot (+ in some computers Enabling compatibility with other OS) → Saving the created shell configuration → Restart system.

Successful and fast to you configure a computer! Be extremely attentive, changing the value of options in the UEFI console.

Although in the overwhelming majority of cases, the user does not need to disconnect the Secure Boot (this is the part of the computer in which it is better not to climb without the need), sometimes you still have to turn off this protocol. Most often, due to the need to install the old operating system (Windows 7, for example, or various Linux distributions), start the application from boot disk Or install Windows from the distribution created for the Legacy BIOS (mismatch of the image of the motherboard mode may cause due to which).

How to disable Secure Boot in Windows 10

Note that Secure Boot is not part of the operating system. This is a protocol that is part of the UEFI (UEFI itself can be called an operating system that lives in small memory chips on the motherboard and is responsible for the operation of your PC), and used to verify the authentication of the system.

Before disconnecting Secure Boot on your computer, check if this protocol is activated on your computer and whether it is supported at all. And yes, do not do it just like that. Disconnect this feature only if you know why you turn it off, and also completely trust softwarewhich is swearing activated Secure Boot.

A warning: On some computers, the secure boot disabling can lead to the fact that Windows will stop running. You can restore the operation of the Secure Boot in the same way as disabled. If after trying to turn on the Secure Boot back you did not achieve desired resultTry to factory settings. By default, Secure Boot is always activated, so the reset can help, but you will need to re-configure the BIOS, including the processor, memory or bridge overclocking.

Click WIN. + R. and enter msinfo.32 . On the main tab System Information Find Secure Download Status. It must be able to Incl. If your motherboard does not support Secure Boot, there will be "not available" or "not supported" there. You can also check the Secure Boot status in the Windows Defender Security Center. Click on the built-in icon Windows Antivirus on the right side of the screen, and then go to the tab Device security. Secure Boot will be listed in the list of protection mechanisms (if supported).

For reference: If your computer does not support Secure Boot, but you want to take advantage of this technology, you will have to buy myself today.

If Secure Boot is supported and enabled, you can try to disable it. To do this, restart the computer and go to the BIOS (will correctly say "go to UEFI", but "BIOS" has become a universal concept implies both Legacy BIOS and UEFI).

W. different manufacturers The Secure Boot parameters are located in different sections. You need to look for a page with a computer download settings (BOOT) or its security. For example, on maternal asus boards You need to go to the Boot section - Secure Boot - OS Type and install Oter OS instead of Windows UEFI. In other models, the Secure Boot parameter will be implemented easier and will be prompted only two understandable parameters - enabled or disabled. On maternal gigabyte boards Look for the Bios Features section and Secure Boot item. Computers are also found (acer, for example), where the Secure Boot change will be available only after installing the administrator password inside the BIOS. This option is available on the Authentication tab. On some motherboards, the Secure Boot configure is signed as OS Type. In this case, Secure Boot will be included when selecting Windows 8 (10) and disabled when Windows 7 or Oter OS is selected.

Parameters responsible for Secure Boot on HP Computer.

To download from drives created by Legacy BIOS and MBR-disks, you will also have to activate CSM support (Compatibility Support Mode).

Since every year, every update UEFI and each new motherboard The developers are changed in the UEFI interfaces and improve them, it is difficult to specify in the article all the ways to the SECURE BOOT shutdown parameter on all existing motherboards. For our part, we can only suggest which BIOS tabs need to look when searching. Look for in the sections SYSTEM CONFIGURATION., Security, Authentication, Bios Features., Boot etc.

To install various operating systems and software, you must disable UEFI Secure Boot In BIOS, since by default, this feature prohibits the installation of any operating systems except Windows.

How to Disable Secure Boot in UEFI ASUS

To disable Secure Boot in UEFI BIOS Follow the instructions:

1. Go to BIOSTo do this, restart the computer and click F2 as soon as the picture appears on the screen, or:

  • Click on the notifications icon and click on the "All Options" link.
  • Open the "Update and Security" section, click on the Repair button.
  • In the window that opens, click "Reload Now".
  • The computer will restart and a blue window will appear with selection options.
  • Click on the "Diagnostics" \u003d\u003e "Advanced Settings" link.
  • Now you need to select "UEFI built-in parameters".
  • After another reboot, you will fall in UEFI or BIOS (old name).

2. Click on the "EXIT / ADVANCED MODE" button:

3. Click on the lowest "Advanced Mode" button:

Scroll down the down and click on the item. menu "Secure Boot":

5. In OS Type Point (Operating System Type) and select Other Os. (Other OS):

  • How to disable automatic Windows restart: Instructions with pictures
  • How to disable Windows 10 update: Instructions with pictures
  • 6. To save the settings, press F10After that, the computer will reboot. Now you can install any operating system and any programs!

    If you can't get in the Bios UEFI ASUS

      Click right-click on the Start menu.

      Go to "Power Management".

      In the window that opens, remove the label from the string "Enable quick Start"And click" Save Changes ".

    If you have any questions left or something does not work, be sure to leave a comment and I will promptly help you.