How to make a closed VKontakte group. How to make a group in VK closed? How to make a closed group in a contact open

Communities on the VKontakte social network are used for a variety of purposes, ranging from entertainment to. But we don't always need publicity. In such cases, closed groups help us out. How to make a VK group closed is discussed in the article.

Closed VKontakte groups have always enjoyed some of their charm. They are closed from public access. They discuss information only between their members.

Let's start with the definition. A closed (or private) VKontakte community is a community in which access for unsigned users is limited. That is, only members (subscribers) can see news, posts, photos, videos and any other materials.

It is much harder to get into closed groups than into open ones. Going to their pages, you will see something like the following:

It is also worth noting the fact that only groups can restrict access, but not public pages. If you have a public, then transfer it first to a group, and then make it private or closed.

As a rule, people use this opportunity to share information with a limited number of people. For example, you have created a group where only your close friends are members, and you do not want someone else to see what is published there.

Also, this function serves as a kind of disclaimer. For example, if you publish material that is not intended for minors, then you can restrict access and accept / invite only adult VK users.

Types of VKontakte groups

There are two types of restricted groups:

  • Closed;
  • Private.

In the first case, you can become a member by submitting an application or accepting an invitation. In the second - by invitation only. Which type to use, you already decide based on your preferences and needs.

It is worth noting that private groups are no longer available, since getting into such a community does not depend in any way on the user himself and his active actions.

How to create closed group In contact with

So, we figured out what a closed and private group is. Now let's move on to how to create them.

  1. Click the Create Community button.

  1. In the window that appears, enter the name, indicate the topic and, be sure, put a full stop in front of the "Group" item. And click create.

  1. Next, we will be transferred to the settings page. Find the line "Group Type".
  2. By default, this is an open type. We need to choose private / private.

  1. Click "Save".

Thus, we have created a closed / private community.

How to make an open group a closed VK

Situations are different, including such that there is a need to restrict access to an already existing community. Unfortunately, not all managers know how to do this.

In fact, everything is quite simple, below is a step-by-step instruction:

  1. Click on the ellipsis button and go to Community Management.

  1. On the right, select the "Settings" section (as a rule, it will be opened immediately).
  2. Next, find the line "Group Type" and select the option you want. If there is no such line, (read on how to transfer a public to a group).

  1. Save your changes.

After the done actions, the following will appear under the avatar:

Now, they will be able to see the news. Everyone else will have to apply or wait for your invitation.

Likewise, you can change the type back to Open.

How to transfer a public page to a group

As we said earlier, only a group can be closed, but in no way public page.

If you have encountered any difficulties when transferring a public to a group, then the instructions below will help you:

  1. Go to the community page.
  2. There is a button with three dots under the profile picture. Click on it.
  3. Select "Transfer to group".

  1. Confirm the action.

Remember! The translation can be done once every 30 days. Therefore, your decision should be balanced and well thought out, as there will be no opportunity to change your mind in the near future.

How to add people to a closed VKontakte group

One of the most frequently asked questions when working with closed / private communities is "Where to accept applications for membership?"

The whole catch is that if there are no applications, then this will not be indicated anywhere. This is what confuses many administrators. They try to find the page with applications when there are none, and, as a result, they face failure.

So, to accept an application, you must be an administrator (not a moderator) and follow the instructions:

  1. Go to "Community Management".
  2. On the right, find and select the "Participants" section.

Important! If there are applications, then in the section participants there will be an additional subsection "Applications". If there are no applications, then there will be no such subsection.

  1. Go to the subsection "Applications", and then approve or reject them by clicking the appropriate button.

As you can see, it is the absence of the “Applications” subsection that raises many questions on this topic. But knowing this feature, you will never have such problems.

Now, with regards to sending invitations. Almost all community leaders know how to do this. But we decided to discuss this point as well.

So, to send invitations you need:

  1. Under the avatar, click on the "You are a participant" button.
  2. Select the item "Invite friends".

  1. After that, a window with a list of your last friends will open. Opposite each will be a button "Send invitation". By clicking it, you will send the invitation.

After the steps taken, close the window and wait for your friends to agree to join.

Remember, no more than 40 per day.

Pros and cons of closed VK groups

Let's draw a small line under all of the above and try to highlight the main advantages and disadvantages:

The benefits of closed / private communities include:

  • Confidentiality - no one (except members) will know what is published within the group;
  • It is possible to choose between closed and private;
  • Quite easy to use (especially after reading this article).

The disadvantages include:

  • These communities are difficult to promote as people don't have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with your content before joining;
  • There is no way to set up auto-acceptance of applications based on certain criteria (for example, from 18 years of age and older).


We talked about open and closed groups. We analyzed all the basic nuances of working with them: how to create, how to change, how to add people, etc.

Now you know what is the difference between them and you can use the knowledge gained in your work. We hope our article was useful to you.

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The social network "VKontakte" has such wide popularity among users not only due to the opportunity to communicate, listen to music or watch a video. Interests are what unites people, and various thematic groups on this social network provide people with the chance to find someone with the same hobbies as theirs.

Communities are different: open, closed and private. Each has its own pros and cons, which are described in more detail below. After describing the advantages and disadvantages, perhaps many will be interested in how to change what has already been created, i.e. how to make a group closed, if it was previously open, or vice versa.

By the way, according to statistics, people often change the type of community. For example, users are often interested in the question of how to close a group. Well, let's get down to analyzing the communities.

Open group in "VK"


  • An opportunity for potential participants to pre-evaluate the content and see if it is appropriate.
  • You can join a group without the prior consent of the community administrators.


  • The influx of trolls and spammers, striving to push ads everywhere and everywhere, cannot always be controlled due to the absence of community administrators and moderators in VKontakte at the time of the attack.
  • Some people may bookmark the group, which will make the number of members grow slightly worse.

Closed group in "VK"


  • Administrators can choose who deserves to be included in their group and who does not.
  • The influx of trolls and spammers is easier to contain.
  • Some mysteriousness associated with complete ignorance of what will be in the group.
  • Joy after being accepted into the community. The feeling that he joined some kind of secret organization.


Private group in "VK"

There will be no pluses and minuses here. Rather, it is a separate type of community. You can only invite friends to private groups. Left-wing people cannot be "shoved" here. Moreover, when searching for a particular group, private communities are not highlighted among users.

So, from the above, we can conclude that this type of group is ideal for those who do not like to advertise content, but just want to share it with friends. Some users start a private group in order to be in splendid isolation and repost interesting gizmos from various public pages without cluttering the main page.

How to change the type of group in "VK"

A community can be made closed, private, or open at any time. In connection with latest updates there was an opportunity to turn the community into a public one, but that is a different topic.

An example will show how to close a group "Vkontakte", but in the same way it can be opened or turned into a private one. The point is that everything is decided on one page.

Today, a lot of people, especially the younger generation, prefer real communication to virtual. In most cases, a huge part of the country's population uses the opportunities of social networks. The most popular in this case is VKontakte. We invite you to learn how to make a closed group. Naturally, social network users are well aware that the created groups can be varied. Since, if desired, some groups are waiting for you with open arms and will always be glad to see you in their ranks. But there are some that are not so easy to get into. Here you need to submit an appropriate application to join the group, after which the leaders will consider this proposal and issue their verdict. It is precisely the latter that are considered closed groups. But how to make a VK group interesting.

Instructions for closing the VKontakte group

In order to answer the question of how to make a closed group "VKontakte", you should follow these instructions step by step.
1. Go to home page social network "VKontakte".
2. After a few lines of registration go to your page.
3. In the list of links on the left, find "My Groups".
4. In the corner, click Create Community.
5. Customize the group settings as you like. In other words, fill out the "Community Description" topic.
6. In order to select the type of group, it is necessary to pay attention to the end of the list of basic settings. It is now worth choosing the "closed" position from the list. In this case, only those to whom an invitation was previously sent or with a positive response to the application for membership will be able to join the group.
7. After completing all the above procedures, you should definitely save the changes by clicking on the "Save" item.

Thus, you can easily and simply learn how to close the "VKontakte" group.

How to switch from an open group type to a closed mode?

It so happens that the group administrator has expressed a desire to protect his offspring from prying eyes... This is often done to prevent spammers or other pests from joining the group, or maybe you just want to reduce the number of participants a little to create a dense circle of selected people.

First of all, it is worth noting that only the administrator, not the moderator or editor, is authorized to perform such actions. The latter can edit pictures (as well as other materials located on the group page), leave comments on behalf of the entire community. But! They will not be able to solve the question of how to make a closed group "VKontakte". To do this, you just need to go to your group and slightly change the permissions in the settings. After all, the group has been created, and everything is already clear. You just need to select "closed" in the "Community Management" menu at the very bottom under the group type column.


Thus, it is quite clear that to figure out how to make a closed group "VKontakte", you can easily and simply, only by following the above recommendations.

How to make a group in VK closed? This function may be needed in different situations. For example, you wanted to generate a community for colleagues or friends. It may be needed for a certain contingent of people, and it is not necessary for information from it to be available to third-party users who are not subscribers.

There are 3 types of groups in VK: open, closed and private. In the first case, everything is clear: all information is available to users at once and they decide whether to join the community or not. But if you want to hide content from outsiders, you will have to use one of the two remaining options.

In a closed one, you need to apply for an entrance, and if the owner permits, then you will become a subscriber and can see all the ins and outs. You will only be able to get into the private community by personal invitation.

If you are not a member, then when you open a page with a closed group, you will be able to see only the name, description, motto, web resource, the number of subscribers and an avatar, as well as a button through which you can apply to enter. If it is private, the caption will be highlighted: “This is a private community. Access by invitation only. "

How to make a group in VK closed?

If you need to close a public and you go to social network from a PC or laptop, then:

  • On the personal page on the left, select the "Groups" section and click on yours.

Click on the ellipsis under the avatar and select the "Management" section in the new list.

On the right in the menu, go to the "Settings" - "Basic Information" section. There choose "Type". Click on "Open" and there select "Closed".

  • Having done this, press the "Save" button.

For those who use social networking services via the phone, we will consider a way to make the community closed through the mobile version of VK or an application. To do this, you need to do the following with mobile version social network:

The main page should say “Closed Group” at the top. If so, then everything is done correctly.

Consider the instructions for users who prefer to use VK through the official application:

  • open the list of communities and click in your own way;
  • at the top right, click on the gear;
  • in the "Community Management" section, click on "Information";
  • in the item "Group type" put a check mark next to the word "Closed" and click on the checkbox at the top right to save.

There are no difficulties. Close private community from outside observers- means to be calm in the fact that no one can enter it without your permission.

Possible problems when closing a VK group

Despite the rather primitive instructions, sometimes difficulties of the following nature arise:

  • There is no button to close. Solution: most likely you have a public page. First you need to make it a community in the settings, and only then make it closed or private.
  • It is impossible to repost to other communities after closing. Solution: the closure function implies a ban on sharing content from the community. You can share only in private messages, or you will have to open the public on a new one in order to repost interesting material.
  • The group disappeared from general search... Solution: closed public pages do not get into the TOP, because in order for them to be displayed in the search, you must uncheck the "Safe search" checkbox.

The function of closing a public is a good opportunity to make it special and unique. So that users subscribe and look forward to the acceptance of the application, thinking about what is interesting there. You can find out more about what is happening in the closed group in

Hello! Today I will tell you about how to make a group in VK closed from a computer, phone or through a mobile application.

In fact, there are many reasons to close the community from prying eyes:

Now let's get started.

How to make an open VKontakte group closed

So, it's time to find out how to close a VKontakte group by changing its type. Below I have given several instructions: for computer, phone and mobile application... The last one, who does not know, serves specifically for admins, so that you can manage the public and get all necessary information from anywhere, even abroad.

If the group is closed, then someone who is not a member of the community will see it in the following way:

As you can see, all the information that is inside is not available. You can only see the name, avatar and the number of participants.

From the computer

In order to close a group from a PC or laptop, you must be an administrator or owner of the community. Unfortunately, this feature is not available to editors and moderators.

The first step is to go inside and select the "Management" item.

In the settings, we are looking for the type of group:

  • Open - users can freely view the material, join, leave;
  • Closed - users will have access to information only after the admin approves the application for membership. The community is searchable and anyone can find it. Reposts are not available;
  • Private - Join by invitation only. The group is not displayed in the search. Reposts are not available;

Only groups can be closed. If you have a community, you first need to transfer it to a group, and then make it private.

From a mobile phone

In order to make an open group closed in the mobile version of VKontakte, you need to go to the public and find the "Edit" icon, which is located directly under the avatar and the "Message" button.

Let me remind you that you must be an admin or owner! Otherwise, there won't be enough authority.

Once in the settings, scroll down to the bottom until we find the "Group Type". We select the appropriate option (as in the case of a PC, there are only three of them), and then click “Save”.

Anyone who has already signed up will remain. Only new people will have to apply.

From the app

The principle is the same as in the mobile version. Go to the settings, change the type to private, press the "Save" button. Everything is done quickly and easily.

How to open a group again

What to do if there is an urgent need to open your own group? Don't worry, everything is very simple here too. You just need to go to the settings, change the community type from "Private" to "Open" and do not forget to click "Save". In other words, follow all the same steps that I described above.


Now you also know how to make a group in VK closed and why it can be used. Finally, I can give an example of one popular way of promotion: make an intriguing post and close the community. It turns out to be a good way to intrigue a potential subscriber. In the end, interest, coupled with mystery, provokes a person to subscribe to find out the continuation of the story. But, be extremely careful. Getting subscribers is half the battle - you also need to keep them. How to do it? Interesting, and most importantly unique content. And now it is much more difficult to create it.

That's all for me. Subscribe, tell your friends and see you in the next articles. Bye Bye!

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