Paid deletion of VK pages. How to permanently delete a page in contact? How to delete a VKontakte page from your phone

No, no, and sometimes Internet users have a desire to just leave VKontakte. In an instant, destroy the profile and all its contents: correspondence, pictures, photos, videos, music, and games, of course. These measures, frankly speaking, cannot be called anything other than radical. Well, what to do, how to be otherwise? If a session is just around the corner, if a person got married, and his ex-passion bothers him (and from different accounts), if he doesn’t give him peace, the eleventh level in his favorite game “three in a row”, if... Oh, how many more of these “ifs” there can be! There are many reasons, but one effect.

So, dear reader, if you decide to delete your VKontakte page forever, then so be it. There is no smoke without fire. All doubts aside, let's get started! By the way, you can complete this task different ways. So choose which one is closer to your heart and soul.

Method No. 1: using a standard function

1. When opening the VKontakte website in your browser, be courageous and firm, and most importantly, do not forget for what purpose you are opening it. With the same feelings, log in (enter your username and password).

2. In the menu of your VKontakte account, click “My Settings”.

3. Scroll the page with options down with your mouse wheel. At the bottom of it, find and click the link “You can delete your page.”

4. The alarming and at the same time solemn moment of saying goodbye to your VKontakte profile is approaching. There's just a little bit left to do:

  • indicate the reason for parting with VKontakte: turn on the radio button next to one of the proposed options (for example, there is another page). Or indicate your reason in the field below the list;
  • if you want to tell your friends on VK that you are leaving this social network, check the box next to “Tell friends”;
  • Click "Delete Page".

How to get a deleted profile back?

After the above steps, the personal VKontakte page will be deleted and will no longer be accessible, but will still be stored on the social network’s servers for 7 months (that is, it will not disappear forever).

To restore deleted page, follow these steps:

  • log in to VK using your login;
  • at the top of your profile, under the message “Your page has been deleted,” click the “restore your page” option;
  • in the section that opens, click “Restore page” again.

Note. The account will return to your disposal in the form in which it was before deletion - with photos, music, videos and other content.

Method No. 2: “freezing” the account

A more labor-intensive removal option, but still an option. The best way suitable for temporarily parting with an account, as well as for a kind of “disguise” - hiding your presence on the network.

The “freezing” procedure is that all profile data is changed, including the name of its owner, all content and contacts are deleted, privacy settings are set maximum restrictions.

If you want to resort to such measures, but are not well versed in the settings of the VKontakte social network, follow the steps recommended in the instructions below. And the profile will be frozen 100%.

1. Go to "My Settings" and on the "General" tab:

  • in the “Page Settings” block, enable all the options (“Disable commenting...”, “Hide the gifts block...”, “Show... my posts”);
  • in the “Your page address” block, change the profile link and click on the “Change address” button.

2. Without leaving the settings page, go to the “Privacy” tab. And in all available options, through the drop-down menu, set the value to “Only me”, and in the “Contact me” block - “No one”.

3. Delete all existing content in the “My Photos”, “My Videos”, “My Audio Recordings” sections.

4. Delete all friends (Before deleting, you can inform some of them that you are “freezing” the profile).

That's all! Now the account will be in a “lethargic sleep”. And if you don’t enter it for a long time, it will disappear completely. So to speak, it will remove itself.

A couple more fun ways to get rid of your profile...

Ignoring the administration

1. Open the “My Settings” section and go to the “Black List” tab.

2. In the “Enter…” field, enter the first and last name of the founder of the social network - Pavel Durov (or the address of his page).

3. Click the “Add to blacklist” button.

There is reason to believe that after such manipulations with the settings, the profile will be deleted within 24 hours without any proceedings.

Close your account and can't find the key

  1. On the “My Settings” page, in the “Change Password” block, enter your profile login password.
  2. Separately, in a notepad or other editor, with your eyes closed, type a chaotic set of letters and numbers about 15 characters long. Alternatively, you can ask your tabby pet, a cat, to do this. Let him run over the keyboard.
  3. Copy the “generated” password and enter it into the “New password” and “Repeat password” fields (on the page general settings VC).
  4. Click the “Change Password” button.
  5. Created New Password in notepad, delete immediately. And don’t even try to remember it!

Now you won’t be able to “kill” a couple of hours on VKontakte once again. After all, a new password has already been set, and an unknown one at that...

Enjoy your absence from VKontakte! Or, if you want, a moderate stay...

. If after this you decide to restore your VK page, then use the following method.

What is it for

After deleting a page, you have 7 months to return to the social network. It is enough to restore the page and you will immediately receive full access to your profile and all functions.

How to restore a VKontakte page after deletion

Go to the main page:

Here, in the login and password entry form, we must enter our credentials (see). After that, click the “Login” button.

We will see a message stating that the page has been deleted. Here we are interested in the link "Restore your page". Let's click on it.

we will be moved to a special form where we need to click a button "Restore page".

After that, he redirected us to his profile page. Great, you can use the contact again.

Restoring access to the page

If you cannot log into your profile because you have forgotten your credentials, you need to use the password reset function.

After entering your password incorrectly, you will be redirected to the access recovery page. Here you need to enter your phone number that was linked to the page (see), and click the button "Restore access".

A code will be sent to your phone which you need to enter into the form. After that click the button "Restore access". You will need to come up with and enter a new password (see).

For a long time on VKkontakte there was no link to delete a profile, there were even rumors that it was impossible to delete a page from, but this is not so! You can destroy your own page, and in a lot of ways. Now I will tell you about all the ways I know to remove VK.

Ways to remove yourself from VKontakte:

Deleting a VKontakte page using the menu.

2. Scroll to the end of this page. Almost at the very bottom there will be the inscription “You can delete your page" That's what you need! Click on it.

3. Now all you have to do is confirm the deletion by following the pop-up prompts. If you do not want your friends to receive a notification, uncheck the “tell friends” checkbox.

A way to delete a page on VKontakte ( using a link.

The most effective method to date that allows delete VKontakte page forever. All you have to do is follow the link below, directly click on it, or simply copy it into the address bar of your browser and press Enter.

On the page that opens, you will be asked to indicate the reason why you are deleting your page. You can also notify all your friends about this by checking the “tell friends” box. Next, click on the button “ Delete page"And that's it - Khan's page!

3rd method. Delete all data.

How to delete a page on VKontakte in this manner? Very simple! Go to the section " My settings", click on the tab " Are common" and uncheck all the boxes in the section: " Specify the links you would like to see in the menu on the left».

On the same page, go to the “ Privacy" and for each of the items select " nobody", and where there is no such option, set the value to " just me" Click on the button Save».

Go to the " Alerts» and uncheck all the boxes.
In point " Alert frequency» install « never notify»

After all these movements, your contact page will be deleted (in about a week).

4th way to delete your VKontakte ( page.

This method was discovered quite recently. You need to go to the menu " my settings", tab " black list» and write Pavel Durov in the field. Press the button " Add to blacklist" The VKontakte website and Pasha himself “will not tolerate such an insult” and will delete your page.

How to delete a hacked VKontakte page?

As new ways to delete a page on are discovered this material will be added. In the meantime, I advise you to visit the official VKontakte group.

VKontakte is one of the first full-fledged social networks Russia. Users registered en masse, indicating non-existent data, joined groups, communicated with each other, because it was new. Now, VK is not the most progressive way to keep in touch with family and friends; more convenient Telegram and Facebook have appeared. In order not to spread your attention across several services, you need to delete the VK page and continue communication in a more convenient messenger.

How to delete a VK page via phone

Progress does not stand still; over time, smartphones have become a convenient means of communication, displacing traditional PCs and laptops. According to statistics, more than 57% of users access VKontakte from phones on Android based, another 18% from iPhone.

Therefore, the most pressing issue is deleting accounts using a mobile phone.

Delete via mobile app

VK mobile application, the most convenient way access to social networks. Unfortunately, the developers did not add the function of deleting profiles to it. Neither in the user agreement nor in the profile settings is there an option to permanently erase the data.

Therefore, deletion from the smartphone occurs only through mobile version site.

Mobile version of VKontakte

4. Click the “Log out” button and do not log in for three months.

In order to free up space on the servers, the site engine deletes profiles that have completely hidden information about themselves and have not been active for more than three months.

Above, I described standard methods delete your account as prescribed by the service administration. Now, the time has come to describe non-standard methods that arise in various life situations, for example, when a page is hacked or the death of its owner.

How to delete a page after hacking

Instead of a conclusion

In this instruction, I described in detail all the current ways to get rid of your VK account, omitting a few, to put it mildly, “crazy” ones. As a result, we have:

  • All options are temporary until the recovery period has expired;
  • Complete deletion of data occurs within a year after completion of the operation;
  • You can even erase someone else’s account if you have every reason.

I hope I helped solve your problem, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments to the article.

You can restore your VK page different ways depending on how exactly it was lost (deleted or blocked). Below are step by step instructions for recovery in each case. In case they cannot be presented in the article and alternative method. If it doesn’t help you, then be sure to write to us in the comments and we will consider your problem personally.

What to do if your profile is deleted

If you deleted your VK page, you can restore it within 7 months. You don’t need to pay any money for restoration - if you see such a request on the page, then know that this is a scam.

Check your system for viruses to get rid of notifications that your profile is locked and you need to pay to unlock it.

To restore your VK page:

After clicking the “Restore” button again, you can fully use your VK account again - all friends, messages, posts and other information from the page will remain intact.

What to do if your account is blocked

If the VK page was not just deleted, but blocked for sending spam or other suspicious activity, then you can restore it using a special form.

The service will automatically find a page that meets your specified requirements. If the correct account is detected, click “Yes, this is the right page” to regain access to the profile. A message with a code will be sent to the number associated with your profile. Enter it and click “Change Password”. If you do not have access to the phone or the message does not arrive, then click on the “Click here” link.

A small three-point questionnaire will appear - if you fill it out, you can return your page by linking it to another phone number. You need:

  1. Specify another number to which the VK account will be linked.
  2. Write the login you used to access your page before (number or email address).
  3. Enter Old Password(You can leave this field blank).

Account recovery is only possible if your profile contains your photos. It is difficult to return anonymous pages without photos, even if you provide complete information about the old password and login.

If a profile is blocked for violating the site rules, then the blocking information will indicate the specific reason and expiration date of the ban. You cannot regain access to the page before this period expires.. If you did not violate the rules (your page was hacked and used by third parties), then report this to the support service - the procedure for contacting will be discussed in detail below.

What to do if your login and password are lost

The form described above will allow you to restore your VK page if you have forgotten your login and password. This is a fairly common problem among users, so the VKontakte administration has made the procedure as simple as possible, but safe - you can only restore your page, you cannot gain access to someone else’s account.

The page was found, but to restore it you will have to send a request in which you must indicate old number, available number, and account password. If your profile contains your photos, then you can do without a password, but then there is a chance that the VKontakte administration will reject your request.

Alternative method

If your profile was hacked and then blocked for actions that violate VK rules, you cannot remember your login (password) or you cannot find your account address, then try to restore access directly through the VKontakte support service.

Note: To use this feature, you need to be logged in to the site. If you decide to create an appeal new page, under no circumstances link it to the same number as the old one, otherwise you risk losing access to the old account. You can open a support page from another person's profile - it will be safer.