Why are letters not sent to Yandex mail? Letters do not arrive at Yandex mail - what to do? How to log out of your mailbox

When sending a message to Yandex mail, an error may occur and the letter may not be sent. This issue can be dealt with quite simply.

There are few reasons why letters are not sent to Yandex mail. In this regard, there are several ways to solve them.

Reason 1: Browser problem

If an error window appears when you try to send a message, then the problem is in the browser.

To solve it, you will need to do the following:

Reason 2: Problem with Internet connection

One of the possible factors causing the message sending problem could be a poor or missing network connection. To figure this out, you'll need to reconnect or find a location with good connectivity.

Reason 3: Technical work on the site

One of the few options. However, this is quite possible, since any service may experience problems that will require users to restrict access to the site. To check if the service is available, go to and enter mail.yandex.ru in the check window. If the service is not available, you will have to wait until the work is completed.

Reason 4: Incorrect data entry

Quite often users make mistakes when entering "Destination" incorrect e-mail, signs are placed incorrectly, etc. In such a situation, you should double-check the printed data for accuracy. If such an error occurs, a corresponding notification from the service will be displayed.

Reason 5: The recipient cannot receive the message

In some cases, sending a letter to a certain person impossible. This can happen due to banal overcrowding of the mailbox or a problem with the site (if the mail belongs to another service). The sender will only have to wait for the recipient to sort out the difficulties that have arisen.

There are a small number of factors causing problems with sending letters. They can be solved quite quickly and simply.

So, thousands, and perhaps millions of people all over the Earth in June 2016, an alarming year, encountered an error sending mail on behalf of...

On behalf of, as it turned out, the source of this... phenomenon in THIS CASE - mail.ru group. Or, more simply put, in terms of “improving” the mail.ru postal system, which is far from the smallest postal system in this country.

The essence of what is happening is that... the notorious Mail.ru Group has tightened the filtering of the so-called DMARC.

This dirty word means a lot to the pros, but for us, more or less ordinary users, it “means absolutely nothing.” We need a clear and simple answer: “WHAT SHOULD YOU DO!????”

I would like to note that this type filtering (DMARC) or simply “this crap” was enabled May 18, 2016 in Mail.Ru Mail.

Why did I highlight the date in red? Yes, everything is very simple... because after more than a month (!) there are NO articles anywhere in the TOP of the main search engines on the topic of what it is and how to treat it for a simple user!

Which in itself is surprising, isn’t it?? Millions of people suddenly, overnight, are deprived of the opportunity to send letters from various collectors, such as Yandex, Google and others on behalf of (attention!) mailboxes ending in mail.ru, list.ru, bk.ru and others.

Those. Roughly speaking, if I am a businessman, I have mailings set up to clients, say, on Yandex, since May 18, 2016, I suddenly discover that in the “from whom” field you cannot put [email protected] (list.ru, bk.ru etc.), and the letters are not sent, instead this comes out:

Thus, you see, Mail.ru “fights scammers and spam senders who substitute any names (addresses) in the FROM field.” Oh, how! Have you seen it?

Only... cough, cough, they forgot to point out that at the same time they are also fighting in this way with representatives of thousands of businessmen, companies, firms and simply users, individuals. faces so to speak...

Who are perplexed when they type into search engines “Yandex mail: An error occurred Sending data failed, what should I do?”

And what should they do??? And really...? What? (It all came to a head one day) It turns out there are only two ways out... [Attention, shovel!!!]

  1. here I’ll just quote mail.ru itself: “companies can change settings, for example, by registering their domain email to "Mail.Ru for business", set up authorization for your mailings using SPF and DKIM technologies, publish your own DMARC policy (https://help.mail.ru/mail-help/postmaster/dmarc) and use an address from your own domain in all automatic mailings. This will bring the mailings in line with market standards.”
  2. Stop using mail on mail.ru.

That's it…

For me personally, as a pro in such things, points 1 and 2 are equivalent. Because The vast majority of small and small companies do not have IT specialists on staff, and therefore, the expression “set up SPF and DKIM” for people doing business (and this, as you understand, is thousands of individual entrepreneurs and LLCs in general) and ordinary users will cause round eyes, then ridicule, then anger, swearing, and further down the text...

Well, you understand everything already, right?

My independent advice in this situation would be:

  1. We completely refuse to use mail on mail.ru until better times.
  2. We create our own domain of any level, even if this requires the paid help of a specialist, but in the future your company will look more reputable in the eyes of clients and will save you from such shocks from any mail services, because in this case, you will have your own mail service, where YOU, mind you, are the king, God and master.

I hope you found what you just read useful, and all the best to you!

When working with the Yandex.Mail email client, users may encounter unexpected errors. To avoid any confusion, today we’ll tell you about error Code: 3, which appears when you try to send a letter. Also this failure may be accompanied by the text “The email cannot be sent because it appears to be spam.” In both cases, the essence of the problem is the same, so first we will tell you about possible reasons this error, and below we will give instructions on how to fix it.

Reasons for the error

If you receive error code 3 or spam messages, there are several options: your mail was hacked to send messages, there was an error in the work of the mail robot that accidentally mistook the letter for Spam, or you yourself are abusing the mailing. In any case, blocking occurs if you have violated one or more rules:

  • Identical or template letters are being sent to different addresses;
  • You have sent a large number of emails in the last 24 hours;
  • The mail robot considered your letter suspicious;
  • You are trying to send an email to a non-existent address;
  • Users are complaining about your account due to emails being sent from your address.

The first thing you should check is the sender address field. The address must not contain Cyrillic characters or unacceptable characters. And also end with the correct address mail client. For example: “@yandex.ru”, “@gmail.com”, “@mail.ru” “@rambler.ru”, “@list.ru”. If you copied the address into the sender field, try typing it manually. Perhaps there was an extra Cyrillic letter.

Mistakes are wonderful, we are given a hint that something went wrong, and this is a signal to action. After all, it’s easier to solve the problem; it will be worse if your email is delivered to an existing or incorrect address, and you won’t even know about it. Now let's listen to Yandex's recommendations in solving this problem.

Because algorithms search robots are constantly updated, your letter could be mistaken for spam. To avoid this in the future, you will need to go to the desktop web mail interface.

Desktop interface means using the email client website, not mobile application or programs for working with letters.

To do this, from your computer or phone, go to: https://mail.yandex.ru, log into your account and send any letter for the test. This will tell the email robot that our account is good.

What to do if your email is blocked?

If your account was used mass mailing, the email could be blocked for later sending. In this case, only sent messages are blocked. You are allowed to receive and view letters. The blocking itself is removed automatically after 24 hours. If you send emails during this time, it will last another day. While waiting for the blocking to be lifted, it is recommended to perform a number of standard actions:

  1. Change your email client password.
  2. Fill in your personal information: first name, last name, date of birth.
  3. Link the correct number mobile phone.
  4. Scan your computer for viruses, for example free program by Dr.Web CureIt.

Write in the comments whether you managed to fix the problem, and whether the information was useful. If you encounter other errors, please use the “Report a problem” form in the side column of the site.

Check if you have access to the Internet (without an Internet connection, the Yandex.Mail website will not open):

    Are you connected to mobile network?

    Do you have money in your mobile phone account?

    Can you use another internet connection, such as Wi-Fi?

Also check for errors and typos in the site address.

I see an error when sending

What message did you receive?

Through the mobile interface of Mail, you can send attachments with a total size of up to 25 MB. If you want to send more, upload files to and attach files from it.

This error may occur if you are logged out or logged into another tab in another tab. Clear , then sign in to Mail and try sending the email again.

If such a message appears, the contents of your letter have been recognized by Yandex.Mail as spam. To solve the problem, open Yandex.Mail and send any one letter as a test. This way you will prove to the system that the letters are not being sent by a robot.

Try sending the email again. If it doesn't work, write to support using the form feedback in the application.

Try sending the email again. If it doesn't work, write to support using the feedback form in the application.

I do not remember the password. What to do?

I don't remember my login. What to do?

If you have forgotten your login, try using the hint on. The hint may work if you have recently logged into your account on Yandex from the same phone.

Also try contacting those with whom you corresponded - your recipients may remind you from which address your letters came.

Letters have disappeared. How to restore them?

If you accidentally deleted emails or your emails are missing, try looking for them in the Deleted Items folder (mails in this folder are available for 7 days after deletion). To recover emails:

If the missing messages are not in the Deleted Items folder, then, unfortunately, they cannot be recovered.

If you have not deleted the emails, follow these steps:

How to switch to the full version of Mail?

To switch to full version Yandex.Mail, click the button in the upper left corner of the screen, and on the page that opens, click the Full button at the bottom of the page. To return to mobile Yandex.Mail, click the Light version link at the bottom of the page.

You cannot always download the full version of Mail automatically.

How to log out of your mailbox?

How do I switch to other services (for example, Search or News)?

Click the icon in the top left corner of the screen, then click the More services link.

No emails are arriving in my inbox

If you have not received an email or notification from social network or forum, follow these steps:

    Check if you have entered correctly email address on the website from which the notification should come. Check with the sender to see if he has entered your address correctly.

    Look for the letter in your Spam folder - it might have ended up there. If this happens, select the email and click the Not Spam! button.

    - the letter will be moved to the Inbox folder.

Make sure there is no rule that deletes such emails or moves them to Spam or another folder. If there is such a rule, disable it. If you are sure that you have specified the settings correctly and the address on the website, try requesting a letter from the website or from the sender again. If the letter does not arrive after a few hours, contact the site administration.

The letter may also not be delivered due to technical problems on mail servers sender or recipient, congestion of communication channels, etc. In this case, the sender will receive an automatic report, which will indicate. If the sender has not received the report, then to find out the reasons for the non-delivery, he needs to contact the technical support of that postal service, where the letter was sent from.

Emails are not sent

There were problems with the operation of the site (not Yandex)

Unfortunately, Yandex support will not be able to answer some questions not related to the operation of Yandex itself. To resolve problems that arise when working with other sites, please contact the administration of these sites.

If your problem is related to the operation of any social network or forum, please contact the support team of this network or forum.

Hi all! I'm in touch again, Alexey. Has it ever happened to you that you are waiting for a letter to be sent to your email address, but it still doesn’t arrive? Moreover, you are absolutely sure that the letter has already been sent to you from some person. But still no letter. What to do and how to fix it? Why don't I receive emails to Yandex.Mail? You will find the answers to these questions in this short article that I wrote in haste.

Why don't I receive letters?

The reasons may actually be completely different. I will consider each of the possible ones. Starting from the banal to the quite significant. In total, I discovered 7 such reasons, each of which I tried to explain as clearly as possible. I hope they will help you. In any case, you can ask your question in the comments. So I think sooner or later you will solve the problem, and if not, then I will solve it for you by answering your comment. It's simple!

Reason 1: Problems with the Internet connection

Yes... As I already said, the reasons may be trivial. Check that the computer or mobile device from which you are checking email connected to the Internet. Perhaps you went to Yandex.Mail and then the Internet went off for some reason. Naturally, your device will not be able to exchange data with Yandex servers and you will not see any changes. And when you refresh the page, it will either freeze or an error will appear indicating that there is no Internet connection.

The reason is banal. I think you can eliminate it without me. I would describe this point in much more detail, but why? After all, this is completely different and big topic for a separate article.

Reason 2: Spam folder

If the letters do not arrive, be sure to look in the Spam folder, which is located in personal account Yandex.Mail.

It happens that Yandex may consider a letter to be spam. If this happens, you can find the letter in the appropriate folder. Always check this folder when waiting for an email. And if suddenly the letter ends up in this folder, then open it and click Not Spam at the top. As shown in the screenshot.

The above screenshot shows that you are in the Spam folder. Select the letter and cancel by clicking on the button shown below.

After clicking, the letter will be moved to the folder Inbox. Plus, letters coming from this email address will not end up in the folder Spam.

Reason 3: Lots of emails

Everything is quite simple here. Perhaps in your folder " Inbox» a lot of letters. If you don't keep your place clean email box, then the likelihood that you did not notice the letter you need increases.

The new letter can still be noticed (it will be highlighted in bold), but only if the others have been opened (after opening, the highlighting disappears). In addition, the sorting is configured so that new letters will always be higher than old ones. But if you constantly receive letters and you don’t read them, then it will be quite problematic to find what you need.

For example, I constantly receive an average of 20 letters a day. If you don’t read them and sort them or delete unnecessary ones, then over time there will be so many letters in your email inbox... You will have to make an effort to sort everything. How I had to do this after the army)

The conclusion is quite simple. Maintain cleanliness and order. Then everything will be okay.

You can even make it so that letters coming from a specific email address will end up in a specific folder. Or even be automatically deleted. By the way, you may have incorrect settings for this filtering. I wrote about this in the last paragraph.

Reason 4: Forced blocking

This reason is quite simple. Yandex forcibly blocks suspicious emails and you do not receive them at all. That is, it deletes them as they arrive. For good. This is done for your safety, of course. That is, a kind of primary filter through which letters pass.

I wouldn't say it's a minus. No wonder the letter was deleted. Maybe in the past a very suspicious letter was sent from this email and Yandex added it to the blacklist. And now all letters from this email are simply blocked...

Every email service has such a filter. So this is not so much a problem with Yandex, but rather a plus.

Reason 5: Incorrect filter settings

At the end of the 3rd reason I mentioned incorrect settings filter. You can set these settings manually. They help sort incoming emails in different ways. And this is convenient if you receive a lot of letters every day and you need all of them or are simply interesting to read.

Initially, these filtering settings are disabled. To be more precise, they are not specified. And if you didn’t set up anything like that during registration, then there’s no need to go there. Unless you want to create your own automatic email sorting to make your life easier. In any case, information about the location of these settings will be useful to you.

  1. Log in to Yandex.Mail;
  2. Click the gear icon in the upper right corner;
  3. Select “Email processing rule”;
  4. Take action. Customize filtering as you wish.

The screenshot above shows how to enter these settings. Well, then you will understand what is being done and how. By the way, if you are setting up sorting of letters, then pay attention to the “Manage mailing lists” item.

Reason 6: Sender

It is also possible when a person sends you a letter and he is sure that it was sent, but as it turns out in reality, it was not. Again, the reasons may be the same except for a few. For example, problems with the Internet. And so the letter supposedly went out. For example, a person tells you over the phone that everything is ok. You go check and find nothing.

So check all the above reasons and sort out the problem. If it doesn’t help, then ask to resend the letter.

Reason 7: Third Party Programs

This is the last reason that I was able to discover upon reflection. If you are using third party programs to check mail, then discard them. Log in to your Yandex.Mail via browser and check for emails. If the necessary letters are found, the answer suggests itself. WITH by mail program Is there something wrong! Again, there can be a lot of reasons for problems and I will not consider them in this article. It's just a rather long story that needs to be covered separately.


A small conclusion about the article. The post was written in haste and if you have anything to add or have any questions, be sure to write a comment. I will answer, add to the article and help as best I can.

In general, great advice from me. A lot of letters arrive - sort them, get rid of unnecessary ones. Set up rules for processing emails. Then you will have cleanliness and order and I think there will be fewer problems. Thank you for your attention!

Best regards, Alexey Antropov.