The cheapest 2 symmett phone. SAMSUNG smartphones with two SIM cards. Lenovo P2 - good sound, but mediocre camera

Samsung manufactures a wide range of smartphones with two SIM cards. SAMSUNG models are presented in our online store - all galaxy line J and a as 2016 and 2017 ready release, also Grand Prime, Core 2 and, of course, latest versions S-series: S7 / S7 EDGE and S8 / S8 +.

Two SIM cards can work simultaneously, which means that you can receive calls immediately from two SIM cards.. If you are talking on the first SIM card - the second remains active.

Smartphones with two SIM cards are an excellent solution for those who have two numbers. If you want to divide business calls from telephone conversations on personal issues - You can purchase a smartphone from this category. If necessary you can disable one of the SIM cards - For example, if you do not accept calls to work at the weekend.

Some characteristics

In our catalog, you can choose a phone with a dust and moisture protection case, built-in memory from 5 (Core 2) to 64 GB (Galaxy S8), screen size up to 6.2 inches (S8 +), with a camera up to 16 megapixels. SAMSUNG smartphones There are capacious batteries, productive processors - you can set a large number of applications, do great photos, communicate with friends on Skype and much more.

I do not remember who invented the combined slots, but there is reason to believe that the author of this horror is the Chinese company with the title to the letter H. However, it is not worth blaming in the popularization of this strange decision: the idea quickly picked up dozens of other manufacturers, and now a big Part of the smartphones does not allow you to simultaneously use two SIM cards and a memory card.

Manufacturers can be understood: combined slots (SIM + SIM or SIM + microSD to choose from) is cheaper in production, and they also occupy less space in the case than immediately three separate sockets. What is important: I will save on an excess slot - we put a little more capacious battery.

In general, you can understand them, but forgive - it is unlikely. Because the combined slots is extremely uncomfortable. Especially in the event that the device is not 64 or 128 GB of memory, like the flagships, and only 16. Of these, 3-4 more eats the system, and the user who needs two SIM cards, remains a pitiful 10 with excess "Gigov" . Well, where is it good? Right, nowhere. And so we collected in this review several smartphones of different classes offering just separate sockets for two SIM cards and MicroSD flash drives.

(27 990 rubles)

Curious Upper Middle Class Smartphone in a Glass Case, with uSB port Type-C, high-quality amoled screen and a good chamber. Dear, of course, compared with analogues, if you compare the characteristics of "on paper". However, the high price is justified by some pleasant moments, for example, the presence of protection against water and dust according to IP68 standard and those de separate slots. If you still want to save, look in the direction of Galaxy A5 2017 - it is slightly simpler and cheaper. But on the Galaxy A3 2017, if you need it in three slots, you should not watch: there are two them there.

(12 990 rubles)

The apparatus of the middle level of the Nokia reornished this year. Pros: Of course, the correct slots, as well as "" Android with guaranteed updates for several years and a pleasant metal case. The model does not have very bright features, but in general this is a good workhorse for those who still believe in Nokia. And yes, as an alternative, you can consider - this unit is easier in all respects, but it still has three card slots.

(12 990 rubles)

Motorola employs the right people: that y that in an embrace with the G5 Plus, that in the Moto E series, separate slots are used for Simok and MicroSD. In this review, we included exactly Moto E Plus, since this device also has a powerful battery for everything else - by 5000 mAh. Metal housing, chipset ... But everything is difficult with the chipset: a simpler version with the MediaTek platform is supplied to Russia, while some other countries have a more powerful option with Qualcomm chipset. You will be visited to the USA - buy Moto E Plus there.

(16 990 rubles)

Middle class "benchmark" with an aspect ratio of 18: 9, resembling two simultaneously flagship smartphone Korean company - V30 and G6. This is interesting, being other enough simple decision. Even the NFC chip is not there. However, for those who wish to receive NFC and greater volume random access memory (3 instead of 2 GB) There is a slightly more expensive option.

(21 990 rubles)

Previously, Sony almost in all its models used the right "threecaded" layout, however lately The Japanese relaxed somewhat. However, XPERIA XA1 is a pleasant exception, here the nests are exactly three. Still in the smartphone there is a 2,200 mAh battery, as many as a 23 megapixel camera, a 5-inch HD-screen and medium hand MediaTek chipset. But most importantly, of course, the so-called "Sony-Style": design XPERIA XA1 is really different from smartphones of other manufacturers who often can be confused with each other.

(9 990 rubles)

In the latter years Xiaomi. Persistently followed the rule "SIM + SIM or SIM + MicroSD", but the Redmi Note 5a model made an exception. A simple version of this device is supplied to Russia, that is, without a fingerprint scanner, with mid-quality cameras and 16 GB of built-in memory. But it costs it is pretty cheap, being one of their most affordable smartphones With a line of Xiaomi.

(13,900 rubles) /

And again the device with a battery for 5000 mAh - that is, the "long-playing". On the one hand, it is one of the simplest devices of the Zenfone 4 family, on the other - it has a lot of interesting things. Here you and the mentioned battery, and three slots, and double rear camera. The principle of its work is about the same as the LG models - one lens wide-angle, which allows you to capture large objects from a short distance.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of phones with two SIM cards

The first phones with two SIM cards appeared five years ago, in 2006. At the origins of this flow in our country there was a company, almost in parallel with her, the company began to work in this direction. Today, models with support for two SIM cards are not only of these manufacturers, but also companies Fly, LG, Gygabyte. The demand for such phones is steadily growing, and, as a result, the proposal increases. Consider the main differences of phones with two SIM cards, as well as their main advantages and disadvantages, knowledge of which will help make right choice Between multiple models.

One or two radio modulus: what's the difference

Phones with two SIM cards are very different from each other. And the point is not in the form factor, the screen parameters or the electronic "stuffing" - the main difference lies in the number of radio modulus. In the usual phone with one SIM card only one radio module. The phone with two SIM cards can be both one radio module and two. In practice it works in the following way. In the phone with one radio module both cellular operator Can work simultaneously only in standby mode. When the phone goes incoming call, the second number becomes temporarily inaccessible (so if the SIM card was in the telephone turned off). The same applies to Internet access - while one operator sends and accepts GPRS traffic, the second is in inactive condition. But note that in some budget phones there is not even this possibility, and in the end you have to constantly restart the phone to select another active SIM card. The advantage of them is only one thing - there is no need to open the case and rearrange the cards from place to place. Fortunately, such phones are on sale are ever less often, and new models with such a "feature" no longer appear.

In the phone with two radio modulus, both operators are available at any time. If the incoming call goes on one of the SIM cards, the second call will be in a state of deduction, and it will always be possible to quickly switch to it and continue communication already with another interlocutor.

Two-moon phones Philips., Fly, Samsung

Switching problem between two different operators Each mobile phone manufacturer solves in different ways. In one models on the side end there is a switch button, other models have two buttons at once to call the subscriber, the third is done on the third programmatic level (The choice function is activated only where it makes sense to choose - in phone book or in the browser). By the way, on all phones with two SIM cards, two IMEIs immediately, this fact should be considered when searching for a stolen phone and when registering the phone.

Advantages of phones with two SIM cards

The first dignity of mobile phones with two SIM cards is just that they really allow you to save on touch. Tariffs of cellular operators often allow you to communicate within the network for a purely symbolic fee, but calls on other operators are usually too expensive. Therefore, the purchase of such a phone and two SIM cards will help to stay in touch simultaneously in two networks and at the same time not to spend too many funds for calls. The second savings option is to use one operator for a ringing service, and the second is for surfing on the Internet.

The second dignity is that by buying one phone, you get rid of the need to carry two devices with you at once or periodically rearrange two different SIM cards on one mobile phone. In the first case, it will save a place in your pockets and bags, and your hands will be more free if you don't have to keep two phones at the same time. In the second case, you simply save your nervous system - if it is necessary to urgently call from the second SIM card or not to skip an important call within the second operator network, the decisive can be each second.

Often on buying a phone with two SIM cards can be saved and materially. Recently, more and more budget models appear in this segment. Special merit here belongs to the manufacturer Fly, in the assortment of which you can find quite a few devices in the budgetary and medium price category. It is noteworthy that it was this company that almost completely abandoned the release of ordinary phones with one SIM-card, but the variety of models with two SIM cards is impressive - there are modern touchpoints in the assortment, universal sliders and clamshells, some of the models are decorated with rhinestones and oriented exclusively. on the women's audience of buyers. But the main competitor is Samsung - does not hurry to bring to the market budget decisions With two SIM cards, so its models are traditionally more expensive. From the most famous devices of this manufacturer, you can mark D880 DUOS, C5212 DUOS, C6112 DUOS and B7722 DUOS. The first models in this list - D880 Duos - has become the first two-time device of this manufacturer and the first telephone in this segment, which was popular in Russia (although officially the championship belongs to Fly, this event did not receive due public).

Famous Samsung D880 Duos

Speaking about low-cost mobile phones with two SIM cards, you can not get around Chinese-made phones. In particular, the trademark. With a very democratic price, Anycool phones have almost everything that is supposed to have a modern phone: Touch Screen, Wi-Fi Module, Card Support microSd memory, Module for watching mobile television and much more. Therefore, if you are not embarrassed by the origin of the phone and a little-known brand, you can easily become the owner of such a phone. By the way, among the "Chinese" you can meet the phones even with three SIM cards!

An example of a two-minute Chinese phone production Anycool T808

Disadvantages of telephones with two SIM cards

If you become the owner of a phone with two SIM cards that work at the same time, you will probably notice how quickly the battery will be discharged. Moreover, the charge will occur faster even when the phone is in standby mode. The fact is that both cellular operator at certain points in time are exchanged signals with basic stationsAnd this is just requires some activity that leads to the depletion of the battery. If you regularly use a mobile phone to make calls, send messages, surfing on the Internet or viewing multimedia, recharge it even more often.

Most phones with two SIM cards will need to recharge once in one or two days, even if they do not have a huge touchscreen (As is known, it is the display that is one of the most resource-intensive parts of the phone).

From this rule there are exceptions - the Philips manufacturer, which is famous for its line of Xenium devices, also releases phones with two SIM cards. The feature of this line is that all models in it are capable of very for a long time Work without recharging. In practice, Xenium phones with two SIM cards under moderate load are capable of working until the next charge of 4-5 days. The X806, X503 models have such a feature and [Email Protected].

If you use the services of two operators and have two phones at once, then in the case of theft, the loss or breakage of one of them will always remain with you, as is one of the SIM cards. If you have a phone with two SIM cards, you will lose everything at once - both the phone, and two SIM cards, and the ability to quickly make an important call. Therefore, some still give preference to two separate phones, and not one.

It is impossible to consider the next item with a clear disadvantage, but some inconvenience can do some inconvenience. The fact is that among the devices with two SIM cards a very small selection of smartphones. As an exclusion, it is possible to bring except Acer manufacturers (model DX900), (model) and Philips (model V816). That is, if you want to have a phone with two SIM cards and at the same time use a multitasking mode, an advanced organizer, functional postal client, view and edit documents created in the MS Office package, your choice will be very and very limited. By the way, Nokia fans can also be disappeared - this manufacturer has never released models with support for two SIM cards for sale in Europe, although recently has information about the release of a budget phone with two SIM cards, which will be sold and here too.

An example of a two-minute smartphone

What awaits us in the future in the segment of phones with two SIM cards

If we consider today's trends in the development of this segment, you can make a few simple assumptions. For example, budget level phones and an average price category will continue to appear on sale. In parallel, it is worth expecting the appearance of smartphones on two SIM cards running Android OS and expansion model Row Smartphones in particular. Therefore, if you want to have more opportunities to select a smartphone with two SIM cards, it is possible to wait for the appearance of new devices in this segment. In general, the fashion for two-minute phones does not pass, he says at least the fact that many well-known manufacturers are trying to enter at least one or two such devices into their range of models. Therefore, if you strive to save on mobile or mobile Internetbut tired of using two different phones Or rearrange SIM cards, two-minute phones will be the best choice for you.

What are smartphones with powerful battery and 2 sims

When the user chooses a smartphone, he first draws attention to some characteristics important for him. There are those who are interested in a large display and bright colors. Others pay attention to the design and functionality phone Some users choose a smartphone with a high-quality chamber and powerful hardware. And there are those who necessarily need 2 sims and a powerful battery. Many today enjoy 2 active sims. One with a working room, and the other with homemade. On the market now there is a large number of models with support for 2 SIM. This note will consider such phones that additionally have a powerful battery. These smartphones are present in the Russian retail.

Below will be considered models with 2 sims and a powerful battery, which are officially supplied to the Russian market. All these smartphones were attended by counters in 2015.

A328 - inexpensive chinese smartphone With 2 sims and modern set of functions that most users satisfy.

The phone is suitable for different categories of users. Lenovo A328 has a high-quality display with a 4.5-inch diagonal and a resolution of 480x854, android 4, as well as a powerful battery with a capacity of 2,000 mAh.

The smartphone processor has 4 kernels and operates at a frequency of 1300 MHz. Sims of a standard format phone. The volume of RAM is 1 GB. There are 4 GB internal memory and the possibility of its expansion using cards up to 32 GB. The phone is equipped with two cameras 2 and 5 megapixels. Lenovo work A328 offline provides battery with a capacity of 2,000 mAh.

This stylish phone pleases users for a long time. It has a quality display and scanner of prints, protected from moisture ingress, heartbeat sensor. The advantages of the smartphone are known and written about it already a lot. There is a place under 2 SIMs (there is a micro SIM slot) and a powerful battery with a capacity of 2800 mAh.

Under the phone cover, there are 4 nuclear CPUs with a clock frequency of 2500 MHz. RAM has a volume of 2 GB. The internal memory is 16 GB plus you can still install memory cards with a volume of up to 128 GB. The display diagonal is 5.1 inches, and the resolution is 1080 to 1920 points. In stock Cameras 2 and 16 megapixels. The smartphone is running android 4 and costs about 23 thousand rubles.

Xenium smartphones ruler from Phillips is designed for those who need 2 SIMs (there is a mini SIM) and a powerful battery. The W6610 battery provides a gadget operation for several days with active use. It is worth noting a good display with a diagonal of 5 inches and a resolution of 540 per 960 pixels. The shortcomings should be attributed to the impressive weight of the device. A significant contribution to it makes a powerful battery W6610 with a capacity of 5300 mAh.

The basis of W6610 is 4 nuclear processor With a frequency of 1300 MHz and RAM of 1 GB. The amount of internal memory is 4 GB. The memory expansion is possible by cards with a volume of up to 32 GB. The smartphone has a photo module 1.2 and 8 megapixel. The cost of the device is about 10 thousand rubles.

Another representative of the Xenium line with 2 sims and a powerful battery. Accumulator battery V526 has a capacity of 5000 mAh. As the manufacturer says, this container is enough for 40 hours autonomous work In conversation mode.

Attention in Xenium V526 deserves not only a powerful battery. The model has a display of 5 inches with a resolution of 1280 to 720 pixels.

The Korean manufacturer's smartphone has a compact size, low weight, stylish design. Of the features, you can mark the infrared port. For 8,500 rubles, LG offers a good smartphone with a powerful battery and 2 sims (there is mini SIM).

The 4 nuclear CPU with a clock frequency of 1200 MHz is based on the basis. It works with RAM 1 GB. For user provided 8 GB of internal memory. It can be expanded due to memory cards with a capacity of up to 32 gigabytes. The display has a 4.7-inches diagonal and a 960 pixel resolution. In stock There are 2 chambers (0.3 and 8 mp).

The battery capacity of 2540 mAh is quite powerful for such a device as LG L90.

Dexp has developed a whole line of smartphones with 2 sims. Moreover, many of these models have a powerful battery. One of these phones is IXion ML2. It has a 5-inch display with an IPS matrix and a battery capacity of 5200 mAh.

The battery of such a container is one of the most powerful on the smartphone market. CPU C 4 nuclei. Its power is enough for everyone multimedia applications. The resolution of the display is 1280 per 720 pixels. It is worth noting a high-resolution chamber - 13 megapixel. The price of ixion ML2 is 8990 rubles.

This model refers to the ZenFone line and has a balanced value for money. According to this indicator Zenfone 5 will give odds to many. It is worth noting stylish execution, powerful "iron", high-quality sound in headphones. In addition to this, there are places under 2 sims and a powerful battery. Sims work on one module (there is a Micro SIM format).

The processor has 2 kernels and works on clock frequency 1200 MHz. The volume of RAM is 1 GB. At the disposal of the user internal memory of 8 GB. Capacity of a battery of a smartphone 2500 mAh. Cameras have a resolution of 0.3 and 8 megapixel. The weight of the device is 160 grams, and it is worth Zenfone 5 of about 9 thousand rubles.

Buying smartphones with a powerful battery and two sim, you can get several advantages at once.

The first and most obvious is the ability to use the device for 6-12 or more hours in the active mode and until the week in the usual one.

In addition, the presence of 2 telephone cards provides the owner mobile phone Communication with subscribers of two operators at once.

As a rule, this is enough in order to save on telephone conversations - especially when connected to unlimited Tariffs Each provider.

Features of gadgets with a powerful battery

Modern technologies allow virtually any smartphone to connect to the network, run programs and games, and even work with office documents.

Mobile gadgets for power and functionality have already caught up, but the majority of them turns out not too long.

After 3-4 hours of operation, the smartphone has to recharge, and this significantly reduces the advantages.

Correct the situation helps an increase in battery capacity - for long-term operation of the device with a screen from 4.5 to 6 inches required at least 4000 mAh.

An even more favorable option is to buy a model with ankb from 5000 and more mAh, using which, you can not even reduce the brightness of the screen and install automatic blocking 30 seconds.

Choice specific model First of all, determined by the functionality of the device.

After all, if the gadget does not suit you according to the characteristics, it doesn't matter how long it can work without recharging.

Another parameter - which many users are focused on.

Although a significant part of models with 2 SIM-cards are located in an average price category, and pay no more than 15 thousand rubles for them.

More expensive except for the options with the unique characteristics of the type of chamber with high clarity or resistance to humidity.

Top 7 budget smartphones with a powerful battery

Undoubtedly, among the main components of modern mobile device The built-in battery belongs. For many people, for a long time, the smartphone is the main criterion when it is elected, and not a technical filling. However, today manufacturers, unfortunately, do not always pay attention to the wishes of buyers, putting a small thickness of the case and productivity to the first place. However, today you can find budgetary devices whose autonomy is located on high level.

ASUS ZENFONE 3 MAX ZC520TL - Medium Parameters and Price

The smartphone from ASUS, despite its good characteristics, is not too distinguished among other models with capacious batteries.

Not the biggest screen, the usual HD resolution (although this is more than enough to view the video) and the battery is slightly better than average.

And among the few pluses of the hardware, which you can pay attention to - the ability to charge with ZenFone 3 max zc520tl Other gadgets, including or, as well as stylish appearance.

The model is equipped with a fingerprint scanner and a 13 megapixel camera - good characteristics that, however, are difficult to surprise modern users.

Especially, taking into account the price above $ 200. However, photos are good, and, and ordinary, and selfie.

And Zenui 3.0 technology, which is the development of ASUS, allows you to slightly increase the productivity of the model in games and when working with resource-intensive applications.

ASUS ZENFONE 3 MAX (ZC520TL) - smartphone overview with a good battery

Review of the new smartphone asus Zenfone 3 Max (ZC520TL) Zenfone 3 MAX is a smartphone with a capacious battery with which you can charge another gadget. Android 6.0. 4 MEDIATEK MT6737 nuclear processor and 5.2 inches screen.

Technical specifications:

  • screen: 5.2, 1280 x 720 Pixes.;
  • processor: 4 kernels, MediaTek MT6737M + ARM MALI-T720 MP2;
  • cameras: 13 MPIX. and 5 MPIX.;
  • memory: 2 GB and 16 GB;
  • battery: 4130 mAh;
  • mass: 160 g;
  • cost: from 13000 rubles.

Fig. 1. The Zenfone 3 Max ZC520TL model with medium parameters has a completely affordable price.

Highscreen Power Five EVO - good assembly and stylish view

Among the capabilities of the Power smartphone Five Evo. Not only work for 7-10 hours in the active mode, but also a high-quality IPS screen.

At the same time, the clarity of the image is only HD, that is, 1280 x 720 (many smartphones with the same price have already received FullHD displays), but it is not easy to see the difference between these formats at a 5-inch screen.

The main advantages of the smartphone are a good appearance and high-quality assembly (the proof of which is the lack of a screap when pressed).

Another plus is a bright and good viewing angle.

Highscreen Power Five Overview: Really successful long-liver with 5000 mAh

Main characteristics:

  • display: 5 inches, 1280 x 720 pix.;
  • memory (RAM / Built-in): 2 GB / 16 GB;
  • chipset: MEDIATEK MT6753 main, Mali T-720 graphic;
  • camera: 13 MPIX. Basic, 5 MPIX. Frontal;
  • battery: 5000 mAh;
  • weight: 168 g;
  • prices: from 12 thousand rubles.

Fig. 2. According to users and the manufacturer, Power Five Evo looks more expensive than its price.

DooGee T6 Pro - Favorable option from the Chinese brand

Dogee's smartphones are known for their low price and acceptable quality.

The service life and the quality of the assembly they, however, are fully consistent with the budget segment - the probability of getting into repair from such a gadget is higher than that of products of other brands.

But, if we consider the parameters of the T6 Pro model, it can be noted that for the same amount it is unlikely to get to buy with the same memory, battery and cameras.

At the same time, the clarity of the shooting of the model is slightly overpriced by the manufacturer - with the claimed 13 and 8 megapixels, the real parameters are, respectively, 8 and 5 MPIXs.

Another minus model is the inability to simultaneously use 2 SIM cards and a drive that uses the same slot.

Therefore, if necessary, increase memory will have to sacrifice the opportunity to use the services of two providers.

However, this deficiency is not so significant - the built-in RAM and the smartphone drive is enough for most consumers.

Review DooGee T6 Pro - All about the long-playing smartphone in 10 minutes

Another long-playing Chinese with a huge battery capacity of 6250 mAh. Full Overview Doogee T6 Pro and all its features.

Technical specifications:

  • screen: 5.5 ", HD;
  • memory: 3/32 GB;
  • cameras: 13 and 8 MPIX.;
  • processor: MediaTek MT6753, 8 cores;
  • battery: 6250 mAh;
  • weight: 228 g;
  • cost: from 8000 rubles.

Fig. 3. DOOGEE T6 PRO - the optimal value for the price, power and capacity of the battery.

Lenovo P2 - good sound, but mediocre camera

The price of Lenovo is quite affordable from 10 thousand rubles. (such a figure can be found on the price tags of a number of online stores, although the average about 15 thousand) is distinguished by loud and qualitative sound and bright screen.

It is worth noting a good quality of the gadget assembly, and the FullHD resolution supported by a 5.5-inch screen.

Although the camera, as well as the model produced by DooGee, does not quite correspond to passport data.

Theoretically capable of shooting photos of 13 MPIX. It provides a clarity of 5-8 MPIX. More expensive phones.

Review Lenovo P2.

If you need an Android smartphone with decent characteristics, which in the mode of reasonable savings will live up to the week without recharging - then the special alternatives from Lenovo P2, perhaps, no. A bright and high-quality amoled screen with FullHD resolution, 4 GB of RAM and 32 GB of internal memory, a battery for as many as 5100 mAh - and at the same time the smartphone looks like a regular smartphone, and not PowerBank with a screen.

Characteristics of the model:

  • display: 5.5 inches, FullHD (1920 x 1080);
  • camera: 13 MPIX;
  • front camera: 5 MPIX.;
  • chipset: 8-core Snapdragon 2.0 GHz;
  • Akb: 5100 mAh;
  • memory: 3 GB of RAM and 32 GB of integrated memory;
  • weight: 177 GB;
  • price: from 15 thousand rubles.

Fig. 4. Lenovo P2 model - good power and good soundbut a little overpriced price.

Xiaomi Redmi 4 Pro - Budget Smartphone with a Good Camera

At a cost less than 10 thousand rubles. smartphone Xiaomi. Redmi 4 Pro received from the manufacturer high-quality chamber and display FullHD.

This makes it a fairly profitable way to get a model with a model with and not bad performance.

3 GB of RAM and the 8-core processor ensure the launch of resource-intensive applications, watching video and, especially, convenient internet surfing.

Glass is reliably protected with 2,5d. And although it does not always help when falling on a solid surface, but allows you to increase the service life of the gadget.

And pictures that are obtained using a 13 megapixel chamber quite match specified parameters - Unlike some other smartphones in the same price category.

Honest Review Xiaomi Redmi 4 Pro

Review of the Senior REDMI 4 Series Representative from Xiaomi - REDMI 4 Pro version (Prime) with the Snapdragon 625 processor, 3 GB of RAM and 32 GB drive. Smartphone in gray. Will it leave him?

The main characteristics of the smartphone:

  • screen: 5 "IPS, FullHD, 2.5D Protection;
  • memory: 3 and 32 GB;
  • battery: 4000 mAh;
  • chipset: Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 8-nuclear;
  • other features: fingerprint scanner;
  • cameras: 13 and 5 MPIX.;
  • weight: 156;
  • cost: from 9300 rubles.

Fig. five. Xiaomi Redmi. 4 Pro - good screen, powerful camera, affordable price.

Meizu M3 Note - Durable Model with Big Battery

One of the main characteristics of the M3 Note smartphone is the strength of the metallic case.

And, although against the background of other models with 3-4 GB of memory, this looks far away is not so profitable, and the FullHD screen in combination with a low price allows you to consider the device to buy a favorable purchase.

Especially, if you consider such advantages as a fingerprint scanner, the contrast at the level of 1000: 1 and tempered glass 2,5d.

High-quality image and working with modern applications are provided by the 8-core Helio P10 processor and graphic core one of recent generations Mali-T860.

And dimensions are reduced due to special technology Meizu - 10-layer board.

Top 12 smartphones with a powerful battery and two sim

Technical specifications:

  • display: 5.5 ", 1920 x 1080;
  • processor: MediaTek Helio P10, 8 cores;
  • camera: 13 MPIX. Basic and 5 MPIX. Frontal;
  • battery: 4100 mAh;
  • memory: 2 GB and 16 GB;
  • mass: 163 g;
  • cost: 8200 rubles.

Fig. 6. Model MEIZU M3 Note - a budget gadget with good parameters.

Lenovo Vibe P1 Pro - Long Work and Help Another Gadgets

5.5 inches screen and memory corresponding to the 2015 flagships allow smartphone Lenovo. VIBE P1 PRO favorably look even against the background of modern models of the average price category.

Especially if you take into account the 8-core processor, 5000 mAh battery and 64-bit snapdragon processorallowing you to work for 8-10 hours and launch any modern games.

This purchase, the price of which does not exceed $ 200, also allows you to charge from your own and other smartphones.

And its capabilities will be enough in order not to worry about replacing the new model for 2-3 years.

Overview Lenovo Vibe P1 Pro (HD)

Lenovo Vibe P1 Pro (Turbo) Overview - Unpacking, Design, Performance, Camera.

Features of the smartphone:

  • display: 5.5 inches, IPS, FullHD;
  • processor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 615, 8 cores;
  • cameras: 13 and 5 MPIX.;
  • battery: 5000 mAh;
  • memory: 3 GB RAM, built-in 32 GB;
  • weight: 187 g;
  • cost: from 12 thousand rubles.

Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 - Best Budget Option

The Xiaomi brand is quite suitable for solving most of the tasks of the modern user.

Powerful battery, 2-3 GB of memory, quality camera And the MALI T880 MP4 graphics processor is the main characteristics that are enough to play or watch video throughout the day.

Whereas support technology allows you to use the high-speed Internet.

Cameras with a clearness of 13 and 5 MPIX. Provide high-quality photos, and the fingerprint scanner improves the security of information that is stored in its memory.

Xiaomi Redmi Note 4: Review and Opinion about the next hit of the folk line | Review | discussion

Review and opinion about Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 | Discussion | Reviews | Purchase | Review | Feedback | Buy | price

Specifications of the smartphone:

  • screen: 5.5 ", FullHD resolution;
  • camera: 13 and 5 MPIX;
  • processor: 10 Xelio X20 cores;
  • memory: 3 options - 2/16 GB; 3/32 GB and 4/64 GB;
  • capacity AKB: 4100 mAh;
  • weight: 175 g;
  • cost: from 9000 per model with 2 GB of RAM, from 10500 per smartphone with 3 GB of RAM and 32 GB of integrated memory, from 11,000 rubles. For REDMI Note 4 with 64 GB of memory.

Fig. 8. Model Redmi Note 4 is one of the best options for its price.

Samsung A9100 Galaxy A9 Pro - Powerful Battery and Camera Camera

Relatively new model With a powerful battery received a camera, which is not found in any other smartphone in the review.

Moreover, all 16 megapixels at A9100 Galaxy A9 Pro are quite real - as well as 8 MPIX. On the self-chamber.

Among other advantages of the smartphone are a dual-band wai-fi, a huge FullHD screen, an 8-core processor and an impressive memory.

These parameters, more suitable not to a smartphone, but the middle PC, allow you to run any applications without problems, write thousands of songs and dozens of videos, receive and distribute information on wireless channels.

Micro Review in Russian Samsung Galaxy A9 Pro New

At the end of last year, Samsung introduced its new phablem Samsung Galaxy A9 - the largest of modern company models.

Main settings:

  • screen: Super AMOLED, 6 inches, 1920 x 1080 pix.;
  • processor: 1.8 GHz, Qualcomm Snapdragon 652, 8 cores;
  • memory: 4 GB RAM, built-in 32 GB;
  • camera: Basic - 16 megapixels., Frontal - 8 MPIX;
  • battery: 5000 mAh;
  • weight: 210 g;
  • model price: 24 thousand rubles. and higher.

Fig. 9. Model A9100 Galaxy A9 Pro from Samsung is the best battery model of the brand.

Jeep F605 - low-power, but durable and long-playing

The name "Jeep" fully corresponds to the characteristics of the F605 model, in fact, which is an "SUV" in the world of smartphones.

The ability to withstand falls and blows is combined with a huge battery capacity, 12000 mAh - a parameter that do not even boast even all laptops and tablets.

In this case, other parameters of the gadget, from a small screen and not the most clear cameras to weak RAM, are not too impressive - but this is compensated by a low price.

Jeep F605 MEGA POWER Overview

Large battery 12000 mAh, camera 5.0 MPIX, GPS, 2 SIM, IP68, tempered glass Gorilla Glass Corning III

Smartphone characteristics:

  • display: IPS 4.5 ", 1280 x 720 pix.;
  • memory: 1 and 8 GB;
  • protection: IP68 (not afraid of falling from height and falling into water);
  • cameras: 8 MPIX. Basic, 2 MPIX. Frontal;
  • chipset: 4-Hydar MTK6582;
  • weight: 320 g;
  • cost: 8000 rubles.

Fig. 10. Jeep F605 model - outdated characteristics, but increased strength and powerful battery.

Oukitel K10000 - one of the best power

Not every modern smartphone It can boast a combination of approximately three parameters as an affordable price, battery capacity of 10,000 mAh and a 13 megapixel camera.

For this reason, the model K10000 could be considered the leader of the budget class - if not, "but".

The first is a rather weak MT6735P processor with a frequency of only 1 GHz, the second is a slight exaggeration of the clarity of the cameras, the real permission of which does not exceed 8 and 2 MPIX.

And the third is a relatively large weight, almost twice the similar indicator of phones of other brands.

However, the battery K10000 is actually powerful, and thanks to 4 nuclei instead of the usual today, the charge holds even longer than the Jeep F605 model.

Eternity on the same charge - OUKITEL K10000

It will be about OUKITEL K10000 and this is a monster-like pervert in the world of smartphones. It is a huge, heavy, angular and with a bull on the back side. But most importantly - with a battery of 10,000 mAh.

Features of the apparatus:

  • screen Settings: IPS, 5.5 inches, HD;
  • memory: 2 GB / 16 GB;
  • cameras: 13 and 5 MPIX. (Present - 8 and 2 MPIXs. Accordingly);
  • processor: MEDIATEK MT6735P 1 GHz, 4 cores;
  • battery: 10000 mAh (beam);
  • mass: 335 g;
  • cost: from 8500 rubles.

Fig. 11. Model OUKITEL K10000 - Chinese smartphone with an impressive scope of the battery.

X-Treme PQ35 - Productivity Plus Long Work

Smartphone Sigma Mobile X-Treme PQ35 is a successful combination of impressive performance and a huge battery capacity.

The eight-core processor and 4 GB of memory - more than enough to run any programs for several more years.

The battery for 5000 mAh is charged in just 2-3 hours thanks to the fast charging feature.

And still protected from falling into the water and on a solid surface, which is also important for many users.

All this is complemented by a stylish design and weight, a little less than that of other shockproof gadgets.

The only disadvantage of the smartphone can be called the price - the highest in the review, but still the corresponding X-Treme PQ35 features.

Smartphone Sigma X-Treme PQ35. Long-playing SUV

The word x-treme in the title of this model is perhaps the key. This property of the device is felt immediately as soon as you take PQ35 in hand. You do not even take, just look. It seems that he is made for the most extreme situations. And this impression is not far from the truth. Housing dimensions do not allow the smartphone to be called the most stylish or comfortable. It is more likely to be determined: weighty and reliable. Apparently, the developers did the focus on this.

Characteristics of technology:

  • display: 5.46 inches, 1920 x 1080 pix. With the protection of Gorilla Glass 3;
  • Battery capacity,