Figures in Word: add, modify, group. Working with objects in MS Word. Related Objects How to Make a Word Mirror Reflection

One of the most unusual tasks that users set in front of the paper is how to change the text of the text in the Word and make a mirror text? This task is complicated by the fact that its decision is unlikely to be found in various Word books.

Here, of course, will not help. The key to solving this task lies in the consideration of the text not as letters, but as an object that you need to turn around the axis.

One of the objects in the Word, in which you can enter the text, this is a text field. Find this menu item on the tab "Insert".

Now, to change the direction of text in the Word and make a mirror text, we need to rotate the text field for which we go to the menu "Figure format" On the tab "Format"which appears when highlighting text field.

On the menu "Figure format" Select section "Figure Parameters" and in paragraph "Turn the volumetric figure" Turning angle of text. For a mirror image of the text relative to the vertical axis, fit 180 degrees in the graph "Rotation around the X axis", and the mirror image of the text relative to the horizontal axis, too, fit into the column "Rotation around the Y axis". If the checkbox will be installed "Leave text flat"The text will not rotate along with the figure.

After applying these settings, the material will be assigned to our text field. "Warm matte" And the text will be displayed on a gray background. To make the background transparent, choose the material "Wire", To hide the contour of the shape, choose a white color corresponding to the background of our page.

Often it is necessary to artistically issue texts or provide them with an illustrative material. Word. Provides the ability to insert into text or one of the standard patterns by the command Box / Figure / Pictures or drawing of a pre-prepared file of the team Insert / drawing / file. Word. Supports inserting most of the well-known formats of external graphic files ( bMP, GIF, JPG, PCX, TIF, WMF and etc.).

Simple drawings can be performed by the program itself. Word.. Graphic objects include autofigurines, curves, lines and objects Wordart.. To change these objects, as well as their colors, fills, borders and other parameters, serves the toolbar. Painting. It opens team View / Tool / Drawing Panel.

IN Word. This includes a set of finished autofigur, which can be used in documents. You can change their size, rotate, reflect and combine with other figures to create more complex figures. Menu Autofigurians On the toolbar Painting Contains several categories of figures: lines, basic figures, block diagrams, stars and ribbons, as well as callouts.

To carry out a straight line you need to choose from the list Autofigurians paragraph LinesAnd then select the type of line (). When conducting a line, it is necessary to consider: so that the angle of the line was shorten 15 degrees, you should hold the key; So that the line continues in both directions from the starting point is to hold down the key.

Tool Curve Used to draw curves with increased accuracy. For drawing a curve on the toolbar Painting need to click the button Autofigurians And choose a command Linesand then - tool Curve . First you need to click the beginning of the figure, and then move the mouse, clicking in those places where the curve nodes should be placed. To leave the curve unlocked, you need to double-click any of its point. To shorten the shapes, click on its starting point.

Tool Polylia Used to obtain better drawings, without stepped lines and sharp semen direction. To carry out curvilinear segments use dragging. For the rectilinear segment, click the beginning and end of the segment. To leave the curve unlocked, twice click any of its point. For closing the shape, click near her starting point.

So that the object is similar to the pencil drawn, use the tool Hand drawn curve . The resulting figure will have almost the same appearance as on the screen.

If you need to edit an existing curve or multiline, then it should be highlighted on the toolbar Painting Release List Actions and choose it in it Start changing knots. To change the form of the object, you need to drag one of its nodes. To add a node to the object, it is enough to click the place where it should be added. Remove the node by clicking on it when the key is pressed. If after selecting the command Start changing knots Click the node right-click Mice, then a context menu appears on the screen, containing commands designed to add, delete and change the type of nodes.

Other list items Autofigurians contain a large number of diverse graphic objects:

To insert the correct figure (square, circle) you should choose the tool Oval or Rectangle, But when drawing, hold down the key.

From individual graphic objects, you can create a rather complicated pattern. In order for the program to consider it (or some part of it) as a whole, you should select the necessary objects and give the command Actions / group. After that, copying or moving this pattern is easier. If you need to edit any object included in the group, you should first give the command Actions / ungroup.

For ease of creating drawings, commands entered Rotate / reflect, align / distribute (in particular Align in the center - convenient when drawing concentric circles), Shift, order.

The graphic grid is designed to align graphic objects, such as autofigur. When moving an object or autofiguri, alignment is made using the nearest lines graphic grid. By default, the graphic grid lines are not visible on the screen, however, it is possible to display them. The gaps between the default graphics grid lines are 0.13 inches (the minimum distance is 0.1cm), but it is possible to change and vertical, and horizontal gaps between the graphic grid lines. Customize the grid can be a command Actions / grid.

Word. It provides an opportunity not only to add a picture, but also to place it in the desired manner in relation to the rest. The desired way to flow around the pattern text can be specified by the team Actions / flow around text. Another way to set the position of the pattern in the text: Right-click on the drawing and in the opening context menu Select item Format object. On the tab Position You can set the desired way to flow around the text, and to clarify some parameters, click on the button Additionally.

In the drawing, you can insert any text using the tool Inscription . To do this, you need to mark or highlight the frame by holding the left mouse button, the place in the document where you need to insert the inscription. The flashing cursor will appear inside the frame. Format the font lettering can in conventional method. Click the mouse outside the inscription makes it part of the drawing. To edit the inscriptions, just click on it with the mouse.

The text can also be added to the autofiguro and use it as an inscription. To add text, you need to right-click any shape (except direct lines and polyline), select the command Add text In the context menu, and then enter the desired text. To change or add an existing text to select the command Change text In the context menu, and then make the necessary changes.

The type of graphic objects, including the inscriptions, can be improved by changing the type and color of lines, fillings and font, applying the effects of giving the volume or shading using the panel tools Painting.

To insert artistic text, a button is used Add an object Wordart. On the toolbar Painting. With this tool, you can create inclined, rotated and stretched text, as well as text with shadow and text, inscribed in certain figures. The desired type of text is chosen from the opening palette Wordart Collection. Then text in the dialog box Changing the text Wordart.The font format is set and press the OK button. Since the decorated text is graphic objectYou can also use other button toolbar buttons. Drawing, for example, make text filling by any pattern.

When when working in MS Word, there is a need to turn the text, not all users know how it can be done. To effectively solve this task, look at the text not as a set of letters, but as an object. It is above the object that various manipulations can be performed, including the rotation around the axis in any accurate or arbitrary direction.

The topic of turning text we have already been considered earlier, in the same article I want to talk about how in the Word to do mirror reflection text. The task, though it seems more complex, but is solved by the same method and pair of additional clicks with the mouse.

1. Create a text field. To do this in the tab "Insert" in a group "Text" Select "Text field".

2. Copy the text you want to reflect the mirror ( Ctrl + C.) and insert into the text field ( Ctrl + V.). If the text is still on printed, enter it directly into the text field.

3. Perform the necessary manipulations over the text within the text field - change the font, size, color, and other important parameters.

Mirror reflection of text

You can reflect the text mirroring in two directions - relatively vertical (from top to bottom) and horizontal (left to right) axes. In both cases, this can be done using tab tools. "Format"that appears on the panel quick access After adding a figure.

1. Click on the text field by the text field twice to open the tab. "Format".

2. In group "Sort" Press the button "To turn" and select "Reflect from left to right" (horizontal reflection) or "Reflect from top to bottom" (vertical reflection).

3. Text inside the text field will be mirrored.

Make a transparent text box, for this, follow these steps:

  • Right-click on the field and click on the button "Circuit";
  • In the drop-down menu, select the parameter "No contour".

Horizontal reflection can also be done manually. To do this, it is easy to simply change the top and bottom edge of the text field figure. That is, you need to click on the average marker on the top of the top and pull it down, placing under the bottom face. The shape of the text field, the arrow of its turn will also be downstairs.

Now you know how to mirror the text in Word.

On the Tool Taskbar Drawing contains a button. Autofigurians. It allows you to add several categories of figures: lines, connecting lines, basic figures, block diagrams, stars and ribbons, as well as callouts.

The exercise 1. Page

1. Create a serial number of folders on the desktop:

folder Painting;

opening it, create a folder in it. Word.;

opening this folder, create a folder. Actions with autofiguras.

1. Then close all folders and opening microsoft program Word, create in it new document. Save this document in the Actions folder with autofigurists. This may be a file with the name of the next exercise ("Figures"), but nothing is required to draw anything: save the puppet.

The exercise2. Figures

1. Open the previously created pure page or create a new one and fill it. top Figures of the standard size using the main shapes palette. The result should be approximately similar to fig. 2.1.

Fig.2.1. Exercise "Figures". Step 1

2. Free empty space in the center of the page filled in the exercise, as in Fig. 2.2.

Fig.2.1. Exercise "Figures". Step 2.

3. Select one of the figures located along the edges of the sheet, move it to the center of the page and change its size so as to fill all the empty space. With increasing size, do not change the proportions of the shape. Compare the result with Fig. 2.3.

Fig.2.1. Exercise "Figures". Step 3.

4. Save the drawing in your folder called "Figures".

5. Close the file.

Creating autofigur

Press the Autofigur button on the Drawing toolbar, specify the category Basic Figures, and then select the Shadow Figure.

It is more convenient to work if the main figures take out the drawing panel. To do this, hover the mouse over the horizontal strip at the top of the previously open palette basic figures. When the band changes its color, press the left mouse button and move the palette to any space. Similarly, you can make and move on the screen most of the drawing panel items, setting up the appearance of the program for texts or other fine tasks.

To insert a standard figure, first click on the button of the selected figure. Then perform a sharp click of the left mouse button within the white page in the program window. If you click on the delay, the same auto traffic will appear, but smaller.

Allocation of autofigur

Before starting any actions with autofigurists, you need to allocate them, that is, to specify, with the koko, exactly the figure or figures you intend to perform an action. Selection is performed by clicking the left mouse button on the selected object. Markers should appear around the selected object - small white rectangles.

Removal of autofigur

Highlight the autofigurus you want to delete and press the DELETE key on the keyboard.

Cancel action

Any actions made before closing the document can be canceled. To cancel the last action, click the Cancel button.

To return the result of the last canceled action, click the Return button.


To move or copy an object, hover over it. The appearance of the arrow cursor should change: a cross-shaped symbol appears under the arrow. Press the left key simultaneously moving the mouse will move the object.

Pressing the right key with the subsequent movement of the mouse can complete both moving and copying an object depending on which command from the list that appears will be selected: Move, copy, cancel.

A selected object (when highlifted by its perimeter, 8 small square markers occurs) can also be moved using four keys with arrows located on the keyboard.

If when you press the arrow keys, hold the Ctrl key, the move will be more accurate.

Size change

When highlighting autofigurines (by clicking the left mouse button) around the perimeter of the selection rectangle appear markers of size change. The dimensions of the object are changed by dragging one of them, while the double-sided arrow appears above the marker. Distinguish corner and central markers.

The exercise 3. Staircase

1. Create a new document. Draw a row of squares adjacent to each other, as in Fig. 2.4.

Fig.2.4. Creating a "staircase". Step 1

2. By successively stretching the squares, turn their row into the staircase - Fig. 2.5. Save the drawing.

Fig. 2.5. Exercise "Staircase". Step 2.

Change proportion

To change the proportions of the object, select it by clicking the left mouse button, and then drag the vertical or horizontally one of the central markers.

The exercise 4. Perspective

1. Create a series of five identical autofigur.

2. Sequentially, without changing proportions, reduce their dimensions.

3. Compare the resulting drawing with Fig. 2.6 And save the file called "Perspective".

Preservation of proportions when resizing

Moving the corner marker of autofigur, holding the Shift key.

Fig. 2.6. Exercise "Perspective"

The exercise 5. Pyramid

1. Create two identical autofigurists, increase the size of one of them and post a small one before; If a big figure turned out to be ahead, move it to the background. To make a stack of five layers in this way, as in Fig. 2.7.

Fig. 2.7. Exercise "Pyramid". Step 1

2. Show up all the figures except the bottom. Compare with Fig. 2.8.

Fig. 2.8. Exercise "Pyramid". Step 2.

3. Copy and turn the pyramid by moving plans. In fig. 2.9 It can be seen how the inverted pyramid should look like.

Fig. 2.9. Exercise "Pyramid". Step 3.

4. Save the file under the name "Pyramid".

Premote plans

To change the order of overlaying the shapes, click on the Drawing panel, select the order command, and then on the back plan or on the fore.

Selection of a group of figures

Method 1: Hold down the SHIFT key, select sequentially selected objects, climbing them with the left mouse button.

Method 2.: Press the Draw Set button Select objects and, holding the left mouse button and moving the mouse, select all the grouping objects that appeared by a dotted square immediately.


To copy an object (or a group of selected objects), hover over the cursor on it, press the right mouse button and, not let it down, drag the object. In the menu you opened, select Copy.

Accurate moving

To accurately move objects with the arrow keys, you must hold the Ctrl key. In addition, you can change the movement intervals specified in the Grid window from the list of action commands.

Exercise 6. Grid.

1. Create four squares as in Fig. 2.10.

Fig. 2.10. Exercise "Grid". Hashag 1

2. Connect all four squares into one large square - rice. 2.11. Grouped it.

Fig. 2.11. Exercise "Grid". Step 2.

3. Copy the resulting group three times, make a new square from four groups - Fig. 2.12. Grouped it.

Fig. 2.12. Exercise "Grid". Step 3.

4. Once again, repeating this action, create a grid of 8x8 squares. Compare the result with fig. 2.13.

Fig. 2.13. Exercise "Grid". Step 4.

5. Save the drawing called "Grid".


Having highlight the group of figures, open on the panel Painting menu Actions And select Team Group.

With a group of objects, you can make the same actions as with separate autofigurists, that is, to move them, copy, change their size, proportions, combine into groups.

To unligate objects, in the Actions menu, select the Ungroup command. To shine selection of a plurality of objects, click left mouse button on an empty page space.

Exercise 7. Hexagon

1. Create three equilateral triangles, reflect one of them from top to bottom - Fig. 2.14.

R iP. 2.14. Exercise "Hexagon". Step 1

2. Connect the three figures and grouped
Their -Ris. 2.15.

Fig. 2.15. Exercise "Hexagon". Step 2.

3. Copy the group, reflect a copy from top to bottom. 2.1.6.

Fig. 2.16. Exercise "Hexagon". Step 3.

4. Connect and grouper two symmetrical parts of Fig. 2.17.

Fig. 2.17. Exercise "Hexagon". Step 4.

5. Save the file called Hexagonยป .


As a result of the action "Reflection", the type of asymmetric objects varies, as if reflected in the mirror. There are two types of reflection: horizontally (left to right) and vertically (from top to bottom). To reflect the object, you need to panel Painting Open menu Actions and choose from the list To turn/reflect the right action.

Exercise 8. Flower

    Create a circle of standard size, copy it, reduce horizontal dimensions to get an oval petal-cris. 2. 18.

    Make a copy of the petal. Place two petals on one vertical above and under the round-core, highlight and group the petals - rice. 2.19.

    Copy a group of two petals and turn it right or left - rice. 2.2O.

    Select, grouper, copy and turn four petals. Compare the result with fig. 2.21.

    Save the file called "Flower".

Fig. 2.18. Exercise "Flower". Step 1

Fig. 2.18. Exercise "Flower". Step 2.

Fig. 2.18. Exercise "Flower". Step 3.

Fig. 2.18. Exercise "Flower". Step 4.


To rotate the object, you need to panel Painting Open menu Actions and choose from the list To turn/reflect need act: Rotate to the right, turn left or free rotation.

When you press this button in the corners of the selected object, round green markers appear. By moving them with the mouse, you can rotate the object on an arbitrary angle.

Button Free rotation can be installed and directly on the panel Painting. To do this in the menu Service Click the Setup button. In the window that opens, select a category Painting, then find the command Free rotation and drag to the panel Painting.

In recent versions Microsoft. Word. Green turn marker appears above any highlighted figure or group - in this case, press the button Free rotation not necessary.

Exercise 9. Flower garden

1. Draw a five-petal flower in a new file. The drawing stages are shown in Fig. 2.22.

Fig. 2.19. Exercise "Flower". Stages

2. Move the picture from the Flower file here. Copying the original drawings, create colors of different sizes and differently deployed. As a background for drawing, use the autofigurines of the rectangle or oval (their buttons were directly on the drawing panel). So that the selected figure background does not block the flowers, move it to the background. One of possible options Such a composition is shown in Fig. 2.23.

3. Save the drawing called "Flowers".

Fig. 2.23. Exercise "Flower Gold". Completed Figure

Moving the drawing to another document

Select all the details of the drawing, group them and click Copy On the standard toolbar (at the top of the screen).

Then open the desired file. and click Insert. If both files are already open, you can switch from one to another using the menu Window.