Where is my computer in win 10. How to return my computer to the desktop in Windows. How to add a Computer icon to your Home screen

In this short article, I decided to show several ways how you can display your computer on the Windows 10 desktop. After all, as you know, this function disabled by default in operating system.

It seems that this article should have turned out to be quite simple, but it was not so. I decided to try this thing once in one non-activated Windows versions 10 and encountered some difficulties, which we will talk about a little later.

Well, now let's start returning "My Computer", although it is no longer mine, but "This computer", they took it away from us.

And so right-click on the desktop and select "Personalization"

In the window that opens, we need to go to the “Themes” tab and select the sub-item. Then check the box next to the “Computer” item and watch “This computer” on the desktop. You can do this now.

But personally, I suddenly started having problems on a non-activated version of the OS. Paragraph "Desktop Icon Options" was unavailable and the message was lit in red. To personalize your computer, you need to activate Windows.

We bypass this ban and get directly into "Icon Options".

To do this, press the Win+R key combination and in the window that opens, write the following command:

Rundll32 shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,5

Click “OK” and we get where we need to go. We put the necessary bird there opposite “Computer”.

Returning the computer icon to the desktop using the Registry Editor

I am writing this section of the article for general development. However, if the two methods described above did not help you, then the registry will definitely solve the problem.

Press the Win+R key combination in the window that opens and write the command regedit:

We get to the registry editor. And we follow the path:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/ Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Explorer/Advanced

Find the DWORD parameter HideIcons and assign it the value 0; if there is no such parameter there, then create it by right-clicking on an empty space.

That's it, after restarting the computer we have the icon we need:

I hope I helped you solve the problem and you easily restored your computer icon to your desktop.

And also watch a video on the topic:

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Since release new version operating system called Windows 10, every user, using the new operating system, wondered how to add the “My Computer” icon to the desktop panel.

It would seem that nothing is easier, but in reality everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Let's consider detailed instructions, how to bring my computer to the desktop in Windows 10.

How can I bring my computer to the desktop in Windows 10?

By default, after installing the Windows 10 operating system, there are no shortcuts on the desktop panel. This is an innovation that the manufacturer Microsoft offered to us. The “My Computer” icon can be turned on, but this is done differently in the top ten than in previous versions OS.

It is important to know! The “My Computer” icon is a fairly convenient option that allows you to quickly access contents of hard disk. The “My Computer” shortcut has many advantages, but we will not consider them, since all users know how priority this function is.

To display “My Computer” on the desktop panel in Windows 10, you need to right-click anywhere on the desktop. In the submenu that opens, find an option such as “Personalization”, and then select the “Themes” section.

From the screenshot above you can see that in the window that opens there is a section “Desktop icon settings”. This is the section we need to go to. In the window that opens, you can select those icons that need to be displayed on the desktop and which ones will not be needed in work. Below is a screenshot of what the window looks like where you select the necessary shortcuts.

After selecting the shortcuts required for ease of use, do not forget to click on the “Apply” button and then “OK”. This option is the simplest and fastest. Even the most inexperienced user can cope. There are still ways to bring my computer to the desktop in Windows 10, so let’s pay attention to them.

Some more ways to display the “My Computer” icon on the desktop panel. You can display the “My Computer” icon on your desktop using the following methods:

Go to the toolbar, then enter the “Icons” command in the search field. The window will display the following view, as shown in the photo below.

The method is also quite simple. After this, you need to click on the “Personalization” section, as shown by the blue arrow in the photo above.

2. Transfer the “My Computer” icon to the desktop panel using the “Run” window.

You can run a command with shortcuts displayed using the Run window. You can call the “Run” option using the key combination: Win + R. In the pop-up window, type the following extension command: Rundll32 shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,5. After entering such a command, a corresponding window will appear, where you should also select the shortcuts that the user wants to see on the desktop.

This method is also quite simple, but a significant drawback is the need to write a command to English language. To avoid mistakes, you can copy the command from the material and then paste it into the “Run” command window.

3. Moving the My Computer icon to the desktop panel using the registry

This method is used by a few, but for general development it is also worth considering and analyzing. To display all system icons on the computer desktop, you must do the following:

Launch the registry. This can be done directly using the “Run” command by entering the command in the appropriate window: regedit.

This will open a registry key called HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Explorer/Advanced.

Having followed the path indicated above, you need to find the 32-bit DWORD parameter on the right side, which has the name HideIcons. With absence of this file, you need to create it.

Do double click on the corresponding icon and enter the value 0.

After completing these steps, you will need to restart your computer. After this, system icons will appear on the desktop panel. You can remove these icons in the same way by clicking one in the DWORD parameter change.

So, concluding today’s article on how to bring my computer to the desktop in Windows 10, you now already know a few simple ways simple ways by which you can install system shortcuts on your desktop, including “My Computer”. Which method is right for you is up to you personally, but it doesn’t hurt to try all the options to find out which option is the best and whether they all work.

Drawing a conclusion, it should be noted that no matter what option is chosen, you need to check the functionality of each of them. If you cannot implement any method, then move on to the second or third option.

There are many cases after which users see a new desktop in front of them on which only the background screensaver can be seen.

This happens after reinstalling or restoring system files. It also happens that after installing updates, Windows 10 resets the desktop settings and provides the user with only the background image.

In this case, users have to do everything all over again - setting up shortcuts, sorting folders and searching necessary programs for output to the desktop. But the most important and in a fast way go to “My Computer” as well as in general system settings, the shortcut is displayed on the same desktop Windows table 10 in which it will be possible to perform the necessary tasks. For beginners, a common question arises: How to bring My Computer to the desktop in Windows 10? In this article we will tell you how this can be done.

How to show My Computer on the desktop in Windows 10?

There are several ways and, as usual, we will consider them all: from the most convenient option.

Method 1.

Click on the icon Windows" on the taskbar and go to " Personalization" A special list will open in which we select the line “ Themes” and go to the new “Theme Options” window.

Next, a new window will open where in the menu on the left you need to select “ Changing desktop icons" Then a special form will appear where you need to mark necessary shortcuts to display on the desktop. As you can see, I have selected the most necessary icons.

You can make a list that is right for you.

All is ready. The shortcuts you need appear on your desktop. Also, if we talk about how to display My Computer on the desktop in Windows 10, then we need to talk about next method. Which in turn is more simple option for many.

Method 2.

The second method is even simpler, but not as effective as the method above. In order to bring My Computer to the desktop in Windows 10, you need to open Explorer. You can do this all in the same Start menu.

Click on the appropriate category and go to a new window. Select “This PC” and move it to your desktop in any place convenient for you.

In order to do this more quickly and conveniently, I advise you to open the window to part of the screen.

But as I said above, the method differs in that you create a copy of the shortcut. And, for example, in order to go to “ Properties» system, to view information about your device you will have to open the shortcut and in a new window click right button mouse and then just select the desired function in the window.


As you can see, everything turned out to be very simple. We hope you understand how to display My Computer on the desktop in Windows 10. But if you still have any questions on this topic, we recommend writing about them in the comment form on our website.

By default, in the operating room Windows system The My Computer icon does not appear on the desktop. For many users, this configuration of the operating system is inconvenient for comfortable work.

Since the days of the Windows XP operating system, users have been accustomed to calling this icon “My Computer,” although in Windows 7 the icon changed its name to “Computer” and in Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 to “This PC.”

Using the My Computer icon (Computer, This Computer), you can open Explorer and quickly get into the management of the Windows operating system by right-clicking on the icon and selecting the appropriate context menu item.

In this article we will look at how to return the My Computer icon to the Desktop in Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 operating systems.

How to return the Computer icon to the Desktop in Windows 7

In the Windows 7 operating system, we will look at three ways to return the system icon to the desktop.

  1. In order to return the Computer icon to the Desktop in Windows 7, go to the “Start” menu, find “Computer” in the menu, and right-click on it.
  2. IN context menu Check the box next to “Display on desktop”.

After this, you will see the “Computer” icon on your desktop.

Method 2, universal for all versions of the Windows operating system:

  1. Right-click on an empty space on your computer desktop. In the context menu that opens, select “Personalization”.

  1. In the Personalization window, click on Change desktop icons.

  1. In the “Desktop Icon Settings” window, check the box next to “Computer”, and then click the “OK” button.

After this, the Computer icon will appear on the Desktop.

  1. If you drag "Computer" from the Start menu to the Desktop using the mouse, then in this case you will return the My Computer (Computer) shortcut to the Desktop, not the system icon.

How to get the This PC icon back on your desktop in Windows 8.1 or Windows 8

Use Personalization settings to return the This PC icon to your desktop in Windows 8.1 or Windows 8.

  1. After right-clicking on an empty space on the monitor screen, select “Personalization” from the context menu.
  2. In the Personalization window, select Change desktop icons (same as in Windows 7).
  3. Check the box next to “Computer” in the “Desktop Icon Options” window. Save your changes.

How to get back the My Computer icon in Windows 10

In Windows 10, you can return the This PC icon to your desktop through Personalization options.

  1. On a free space on the screen, right-click on the mouse and click on “Personalization” in the context menu.
  2. In the “Options” window, go to the “Themes” tab, in the “Related options” section, select “Desktop icon settings”.

  1. In the “Desktop Icon Options” window, check the “Computer” option and click the “OK” button.

The This PC (My Computer) icon will appear on your desktop.

Conclusions of the article

In the Windows operating system, with default settings, the My Computer icon is not displayed on the Desktop. After changing the settings, the user can return the My Computer (This PC, Computer) icon to the Desktop in Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7.