Where is the on-screen keyboard in Windows 10

It's hard to predict in advance when a virtual keyboard on the computer may be needed. Without it, it is not necessary if you need to reinstall the input device drivers when the physical keyboard does not work, it will be required in the absence of other means to enter the text or if there are problems with some keys on the keyboard. The on-screen keyboard in Windows operating systems was always, and it has never been to the problem. At the same time, Microsoft was fascinated in Windows 10 that there are two keyboards in the system, the entry from which can be carried out using a mouse. As part of this article, we will give several ways at once, how to start a virtual keyboard on Windows 10, as well as note the main reasons due to which it may not work.

in Windows 10.

Above noted that on computers running operating system Windows 10 has 2 types of virtual keyboards. In essence, their functionality is the same, but they are somewhat different with the interface. In total, run the on-screen keyboard in Windows 10 you can 5 different waysEach of which is quite simple, and remember them will not be difficult.

Via search

The easiest and most obvious search to start the on-screen keyboard is to use the search, which in Windows 10 copes well with its tasks. To enable a virtual keyboard, click on the search icon in the lower left corner of the screen and enter the "Screen Keyboard" request in it, and then select the found option.

The obvious minus of this method is that it will be quite difficult to run a virtual keyboard in a similar way if the physical keyboard does not work and you have nothing to enter.

Through the "Run" command

The same type of the on-screen keyboard, which is described above, can be started through the "Run" command. To activate the "Run" string, press the keyboard shortcut Windows + R keys or click right-click Mice on the "Start" button and select the appropriate item. IN open line "Run" write OSK and click "OK", after which the screen displays screen keyboard.

This method has the same minus as the above described above, the need to enter a request from the keyboard, which is difficult if it is faulty.

Through the "Control Panel"

"Special features" center in the control panel allows you to turn on the on-screen keyboard. To do this, right-click on the Start button and select the control panel in the pop-up menu. Next, in the upper right corner of the window that opened the window, you must switch the view mode from the "category" to the "small badges" or "large icons". After that, the "Special features" icon will be available - click on it and select "Enable the on-screen keyboard".

Through the fast task panel

In the lower right corner of the Windows 10 screen, where the clocks and other icons are located quick access, You can keep the "hot button" on-screen keyboard. To display it, right-click on the clock and check the box opposite the "show touch keyboard" item. After that, a new icon will be available on the quick task panel - it is enough to press it with the left mouse button to start the virtual keyboard made in the style of the touch.

Through "Parameters"

Computer settings menu allows you to start the on-screen keyboard is quite simple. To do this, press "Start" with the left mouse button and go to "Parameters". Next, you need to select " Special abilities"And on the left side of the screen, go to the" Keyboard "tab. After that, it remains to click on the corresponding button to turn on virtual keyboard.

The on-screen keyboard does not turn on in Windows 10

If the on-screen keyboard on the computer does not turn on by any of the listed images, which is most likely, the corresponding service is disabled responsible for it. Disconnecting unnecessary services, the computer administrator could accidentally or intentionally turn off one of them, which is responsible for the virtual keyboard. Run again this service is quite simple:

After the relevant service is running, it will remain to start the on-screen keyboard one of the methods described above.

The virtual keyboard is constantly started on Windows 10 herself

When the on-screen keyboard is constantly started independently without the appropriate user command, this indicates the wrong settings in special windows features 10. To stop this, you need to do the following:

  1. Right-click on the Start button and run the control panel;
  2. Next, make sure that the display mode is set "large icons" or "small badges" and go to "Center for Special Opportunities";
  3. Here you will need to find the "Use of a computer without a mouse and keyboard" item, go to it and remove the checkbox from the "Use the on-screen keyboard" setting.

After performing the steps described above, the on-screen keyboard will stop spontaneously start on the computer under windows control 10.


Windows 10 screen keyboard

What to do if there are several keys on the computer's keyboard or wade, and you need to urgently dial text. And if she in general broke and at this time it is necessary to send urgently email!! A screen keyboard will come to the rescue. In Windows 10, it moved by inheritance from the previous version - Windows 8. This convenient instance can be indispensable for people with disabilities. And the Windows screen keyboard will help you if you suspect that a spy program is installed on the computer, Keylogger, intercepting keystrokes. Well, if you have a tablet on the operating system from Microsoft, then without it you cannot normally manage the device at all.

She looks like this:

By the number of keys and their location, there are no differences from the real one. There are cursor arrows, switching language, scrolling page, etc. If necessary, you can activate function keys F1 ... F12. This is done by pressing the "Fn" button.

Also on the Windows 10 on-screen keypad, you can enable the digital key block, which is located on the right:

To do this - you need to click the "Options" button. The window will open:

In it you need to put a daw "Include numeric keypad" As you can notice, the options here are a lot - here and sound confirmation of keystrokes, setting up the mouse control and even the analogue of the telephone T9 - the "Forecasting text" prompts.

As you can notice, the on-screen keyboard in Windows is located as if over all windows and it can be moved throughout the window in any direction - to the left, right, up or down. It is also possible to arrange it on the entire width of the screen right on the desktop under the taskbar. This is done by pressing the "Stop" button. And you can make it transparent when using it, turning on the "Options" option.

How to turn on the screen keyboard

There are two ways to start the keyboard on windows screen 10. The first and easiest - click the Start button and find it in the section "Spec. Opportunities »List of all programs.

Either just typing the word "screen" - as a result of the search you will see its label in the list of the found. This is a unite launch of the virtual keyboard. After rebooting the operating system, everything will have to do again.

The second way to enable the on-screen keypad in Windows is as follows. You need to go to the "Toolbar", find there "Special features" and open the "Using Computer without a mouse or keyboard" section:

We put a tick "Use the on-screen keyboard" and click on the button "Apply". After that, it will run each time on the computer screen when loading OS.


How to open a screen keyboard on windows 10

If in your computer or laptop with installed windows 10 The trouble happened, you can turn on the on-screen keyboard.

The convenience of using it is certainly worse, but for now, do not read the physical one, you can survive this crisis.

Where is the Windows 10 on-screen keyboard? In the special folder. capabilities. You can call it in several ways.

To do not look for a long time, you can simply write the word "keyboard" and it will appear. You will only need to click on her label, which will be at the very top.

Only for all owners of Windows 10, this will not be turned on. Much depends on the OS.

If it is not fully Russian-language (for example, Ukrainian), then the system will not find it, then use the universal option.

How to call the Windows 10 screen keyboard

To call, click the Start button or the WIN key (drawn Windows Logo).

Then click on the "All Applications" string (at the bottom) and scroll the window to the bottom until you see the folder "Spec. capabilities".

After that, you can open the folder and turn on the on-screen keyboard. If it is necessary for you, then all the time does not repeat this procedure, secure it on the taskbar.

By the way, it may not suit someone, then you can download a set consisting of three different on-screen keyboards created by enthusiasts.

Although, it seems to me that the functional built-in is quite enough to perform almost all computer tasks, especially since Windows 10 has enhanced even more, as it was in the seven.

By the way, there is a network (recently came to the eyes) even playing on-screen keyboards, which are configured at your discretion (for the convenience of the game). Successes.


How to enable Windows 10 Screen and Touch Keyboard

In the article, consider instructions for beginners on how to activate the on-screen and touch keyboard in the Windows 10 system. The reasons for switching to these modes can be different, for example, to protect against spyware (keyloggers).

How to turn on the screen keyboard

1st way. The easiest option is to dial on the usual keyboard in the Windows search engine, the desired words "Screen Keyboard", then select the desired item and the application will start.

2nd way. Go through the next way the control panel - special features - the center of special features. Select the "Enable Screen Keyboard" item.

It can be done so the on-screen keyboard will automatically start with Windows. To do this, go to the section "Using a computer without a mouse or keyboard" section, then mark the checkbox "Use the on-screen keyboard" and click "OK".

3rd way. Follow the next track path - all applications - specials. Possibility - on-screen keyboard.

Also this method allows you to display the keyboard icon on initial screen or in the taskbar. To do this, click Right-click on the "Screen Keyboard" item and select the desired option.

How to turn on the touch keyboard

Press the right mouse button in the taskbar and mark the "button" button show the touch keyboard ".

Now the System Keyboard icon appears in the system tray, from where it can be called.


Screen keyboard on Windows 10 Computer

Today you will learn how to open on your windows Computer 10 Screen keyboard. The on-screen keyboard is very convenient when you do not want to type text using the main keyboard. You can dial text only with one mouse by pressing the desired buttons on the computer screen. To open the on-screen keyboard, in the lower left corner of the screen, open the Start menu, in the window that opens, click on the tab - all applications.

In the list of all applications, at the bottom, find the Special Features tab and open it. In the list that opens, click on the tab - on-screen keyboard.

How to fix the on-screen keyboard on the taskbar

See that you constantly do not open the on-screen keyboard through the Start menu, you can fix the on-screen keyboard in the taskbar. Right-click on the on-screen keyboard icon in the taskbar, at the bottom of the screen. In the window that opens, click on the tab - secure on the taskbar.

Now you can very quickly open the on-screen keyboard through the taskbar, at the bottom of the screen. Just click on the on-screen keyboard icon and the on-screen keyboard will open.

Screen keyboard on Windows 10 Computer Updated: April 14, 2016 by author: Ilya Zhuravlev

What to do if there are several keys on the computer's keyboard or wade, and you need to urgently dial text. And if she broke down in general and at this time you need to urgently send an email?! A screen keyboard will come to the rescue. In Windows 10, it moved by inheritance from the previous version - Windows 8. This convenient instance can be indispensable for people with disabilities. And the Windows screen keyboard will help you if you suspect that a spy program is installed on the computer, Keylogger, intercepting keystrokes. Well, if you have a tablet on the operating system from Microsoft, then without it you cannot normally manage the device at all.

She looks like this:

By the number of keys and their location, there are no differences from the real one. There are cursor arrows, switching language, scrolling page, etc. If necessary, you can activate the F1 ... F12 function keys. This is done by pressing the "Fn" button.

Also on the Windows 10 on-screen keypad, you can enable the digital key block, which is located on the right:

To do this - you need to click the "Options" button. The window will open:

In it, you need to put a daw "Turn on the digital keyboard". As you can notice, the options here are a lot - here and sound confirmation of keystrokes, setting up the mouse control and even the analogue of the telephone T9 - the "Forecasting text" prompts.

As you can notice, the on-screen keyboard in Windows is located as if over all windows and it can be moved throughout the window in any direction - to the left, right, up or down. It is also possible to arrange it on the entire width of the screen right on the desktop under the taskbar. This is done by pressing the "Stop" button.
And you can make it transparent when using it, turning on the "Options" option.

How to turn on the screen keyboard

There are two ways to start the keyboard on the Windows 10 screen. The first and simplest - click the Start button and find it in the section "Spec. Opportunities »List of all programs.

Either just typing the word "screen" - as a result of the search you will see its label in the list of the found. This is a unite launch of the virtual keyboard. After rebooting the operating system, everything will have to do again.

The second way to enable the on-screen keypad in Windows is as follows. You need to go to the "Toolbar", find there "Special features" and open the "Using Computer without a mouse or keyboard" section:

We put a tick "Use the on-screen keyboard" and click on the button "Apply". After that, it will run each time on the computer screen when loading OS.

The on-screen keyboard refers to the special possibilities of Windows 10. It is designed to help people with special needs when working at a computer. But this feature will be useful for any user when his physical keyboard has failed. The virtual entry helps to replace it, because the panel contains all the keys necessary for a comfortable operation of the PC.

Using the virtual keyboard Windows 10 may be needed to improve the safety of personal data. The essence of this option is that the computer can be infected with a keylogger. This is a special variety of the virus that reads the keyboard presses. Accordingly, your password may be in the hands of intruders. And it is believed that the screen entry will help to avoid such a situation.

Running on-screen keyboard

Now consider the options for switching on the virtual keyboard from both the system and when entering it. Especially since the methods are slightly different.

Option 1: login screen

It is quite possible that the physical keyboard broke down, but it urgently needs access to user files in the computer. Account is under password, entering which standard method It is impossible. Here, the on-screen keyboard Win 10 is clearly useful. It starts in the following way:

  1. Select a user on the input screen.
  2. In the lower right corner there is an icon "Special abilities".
  3. Slider "Screen keyboard" Put the activation.
  4. Click any free space to stop the sound of the speaker.
  5. Translate the cursor in the password input field.
  6. Enter secret combination And confirm the entrance.

Option 2: icon on the taskbar

The taskbar is called the area from the bottom of the screen, which consists of the menu "Start", the area of \u200b\u200bnotifications and the list of fixed and current programs. One of the elements of the tray can be the icon of the challenge of the function in this case.

Press PCM on the taskbar and activate the item. "Show the touch button ...".

Click on the new icon, the corresponding item will open.

Option 3: Special features

Open menu "Start". From the bottom of the left is the pictogram in the form of a gear. If you look at it with a mouse, then the signature will appear "Parameters". Click on it and open "Special abilities". Touch input activation point is located in the window. "Keyboard".

You can still do everything through "Control Panel". The easiest way to open it through the start search. Switch the view of the items to the icons. Closer to the end of the list there is an item "Center for Special Opportunities". There is a paragraph "Turn on the on-screen keyboard".

There are also the shortcut keys to this section - Win + U.

Option 4: Search

The search is a universal access option to any system and installed components. It is called by simultaneously pressing Win + S. Enter the string "Screen" And select the second item from the list.

You can press PCM on the desired item and place it on the taskbar or in the Metro tiles list located in the menu "Start".

Screen keyboard is classic app familiar to users of the operating room windows systems long ago. The on-screen keyboard allows you to perform a text set using a mouse or touch screen on your computer. In the Windows operating system 10, the on-screen keyboard has lost changes compared to the keyboard on Windows 7. It has been optimized to work on sensory devices, since touch devices running the Windows 10 operating system becomes more and more.

In this manual, we will look at how to call an on-screen keyboard in Windows 10 different ways. And also consider how to turn off the on-screen keyboard and what the on-screen keyboard does not work in Windows 10 does not work.

Since the on-screen keyboard is a classic application, you can easily find it using an updated search, call using the Run window, enable in the updated windows parameters 10 or found in the file system.


Open the Start menu or click the Win + Q key combination and enter the name of the on-screen keyboard. In the search results, select the classic application of the on-screen keyboard.



Task bar

In users who often use the on-screen keyboard on Windows 10. It is possible to add an icon to the taskbar. On devices with touchscreen, this default icon is displayed. On all other computers, you must right-click on the taskbar and in context menu Select item Show button touch keyboard.


How to turn off the Windows 10 screen keyboard

The process of disconnecting the on-screen keyboard occurs very simple way. Just close the keyboard window using the cross in the right corner of the keyboard window.

And also without any problems, you can use the button on-screen keyboard on the taskbar or switch in the operating system parameters.

The on-screen keyboard is indeed useful application. The on-screen keyboard can fully replace the usual keyboard in critical situations. It's a shame when the on-screen keyboard in Windows 10 does not work in the desired situation.

The touch keyboard and handwriting panel ensures the functioning of the pen and handwritten input for the touch keyboard and handwriting panel. After starting the current service, follow the presented ways to start the on-screen keyboard in Windows 10.


The on-screen keyboard is an excellent means to replace the usual keyboard in critical situations. And with the arrival of the Windows operating system 10, the standard on-screen keyboard was transformed and became even more convenient to as users personal computersAnd the owners of devices with touch screens.

Therefore, in this article, we looked at more detail how to call the on-screen keyboard in Windows 10 in different ways. We want to turn on new opportunity Calling a screen keyboard with hot keys, which in previous versions did not have. And now you know how to run the touch keyboard service when the Windows 10 screen keyboard does not work.

There are several types of computer keyboards. Most often used physical exterior keyboardconnected to a computer. However, Windows system also includes a special tool - screen keyboard.

The on-screen keyboard can be used instead of a physical keyboard to navigate the computer or text input. To use the on-screen keyboard, the touch screen is not needed. All standard keys are displayed on the screen, so you can choose them with a mouse or other indicating device. Either you can use one physical key or a group of keys to go between these keys on the screen.

Note: Computer S. touch screen Also has a touch keyboard. If you use a touchscreen computer, touch text field Or another area in which you can enter text, and the touch keyboard will appear.

How to start Windows 10-screen keyboard

Go to the button Startand then select item SettingsSpecial abilitiesKeyboard, then move the slider in the section Screen keyboard.

The keyboard will appear on the screen, with which you can navigate the screen and enter text. The keyboard will remain on the screen until you close it.

Note: To open the on-screen keyboard on the login screen, click Special abilities In the lower left corner of the login screen, and then select Option Screen keyboard.

Configuring Windows 10 Screen Keyboard

On the open-screen keyboard, press the Parameters key, and then select the following parameters:

  • Sound confirmation. Use this option so that when the button is pressed, the sound played.
  • Show keys to simplify moving across the screen. Use this option to highlight the keys during the text set.
  • Turn on the digital keyboard. Use this option to display the numeric keypad along with the on-screen keyboard.
  • Pressing keys. Use this mode if you prefer to enter text by pressing the on-screen keys.
  • Pointer to key. Use this mode to point the keys with a mouse or joystick. Specified characters are entered automatically after a certain indication time.
  • Scan keys. Use this mode if you want to turn on the constant keyboard scanning. In scanning mode, areas are highlighted where you can enter keyboard symbols by pressing the keyboard key or using a button input or device that simulates the mouse click.
  • Using text prediction. Use this option if you want the screen keyboard to offer words when entering and eliminating the need to enter whole words.


  • The text prediction function is available only in English, French, Spanish, German and Italian. If you want to use one of these languages, but it is not installed, set Language Files for it.
  • If, when using the guidance mode or scan mode, the on-screen keyboard was randomly minimized, it can be restored by specifying on the taskbar (in the guidance mode) or by pressing the view key (in the view mode).
  • In the event of a decrease in the on-screen keyboard and transition to the tablet mode, you can return to the on-screen keyboard, using the task type button.