Using HTML Validator and Practical Tips. What inside the validator? Questions to the developers of a new fare payment system and crash test device Validator work principle

The advantage of the validator is a high degree of accounting of passenger traffic on transport, the ability to accurately monitor the visits to closed offices and enterprises and a relatively low cost of maintaining the device.

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Validators on transport


The first turnstiles with validators in the ground public transport of Moscow as part of the implementation experiment automated system Controls (ASKP) appeared in 2001 in Zelenograd administrative district On the bus route number 16. By mid-2002, the system was distributed to all Zelenograd bus routes (municipal subordination), and from September 2007 and on the entire ground urban public transport of municipal subordination.

St. Petersburg

Since January 2007, on most social routes public transport Conditions have a device for reading information from travel documents - Validator. Later, validators appeared from drivers of routes that do not have conductors.

By 2011, most of the city buses were transferred to a new reference control system (SEXP). This system involves the presence of stationary validators in the transport cabin on the handrails (from 4 to 9 pieces), which allow the passenger to independently pay for the flight (validation of the electronic travel ticket).

The composition of the secking includes two types of validators - simple and informational. Simple validators have a LED indication that informs the passenger about the following events:

  • The validator is ready to read the electronic travel ticket.
  • Travel paid.
  • The passage is not paid (for example, expired duration).
  • The electronic travel ticket is applied again (the passage on this flight is already paid).
  • The validator is blocked by the controller for the time checking.

Information validators have a display (manufactured using an organic LED technology), which, in addition to the indication of events similar to the simple validator, can display information about the electronic travel ticket (validity period, travel resource or balance depending on the type of EPB). To obtain such information, you must first pay the passage, then re-attach a ticket to the information validator. The validator will show that the ticket is applied again, and after a while it will displays information about the resource of the electronic travel ticket.

Other cities

In the city of Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan) from January 2008, the payment system for travel through the validator with electronic card Or cash acts in all trams and trolley buses of the city. Buses this system I did not get distribution, the validators were installed on many buses, but do not work. In 2011, the active validators were introduced on several bus routes and receive only iron money, since the bill reading system and the ECASH magnetic card replenishment refilling items do not function, and are often absent at all.

In the city of Biysk from June 1, 2016, the departure system for travel through the validator using a transport card, electronic travel cards and tickets in all trams and bus routes are introduced.

In the city of Barnaul from December 1, 2016, a system for traveling through the validator is introduced using a transport card. Electronic travel tickets are accepted for payment in all trams, trolley buses and bus routes.


  1. Skrebneva, Elena All - for the turnstile (Neopr.) . Russian newspaper (central edition) № 3272 (August 11, 2003).
  2. Public minibuses went in Moscow (Neopr.) . Archived February 16, 2012.
  3. In the city will fill all the conduits? (Neopr.) . Archived February 16, 2012.
  4. In St. Petersburg will be fired all the conduits (Neopr.) . Archived February 16, 2012.
  5. The first passenger buses, equipped with satellite navigation and "validators" came to the streets of St. Petersburg. (Neopr.) . Archived February 16, 2012.
  6. Buses will be seen electronics (Neopr.) .

The pages of all sites on the Internet are made up by a special code prescribed by standardized HTML rules.

What is validity?

Validation is an inspection of compliance with the established norms, and in the context used by webmasters - the correctness of the pages code: syntactic errors, tag nesting, etc. If you do everything "correctly", the page code should not contain incorrect attributes, structures and errors. The site validation allows you to identify the shortcomings to be corrected.

Site validity is the code compliance with the existing HTML standards.

To find out if there are comments or errors in the web page code, you can both online and without having access to the network and using offline programs.

What is code validators

Code Validator is a program using which you can check the HTML-code of the pages and CSS code for compliance with modern standards. It finds and fixes the incorrect elements, pointing to their location and formulating that it is defined incorrectly.

Main "Signs" of valid layout

Valid layout contains a code that fully meets W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), which is engaged in the development of technological standards for the entire Internet.

If the code on the pages of the site is correct, then in all browsers the site is displayed correctly (and not crookedly).

There are no suspicions about the unfair "downgrade" in the extradition and there are no pages thrown out of the index.

Example. If, suppose, wrong tags


, (In particular, there is no closing element), the search engine will not correct anything - it will interpret how it is written in black in the code. As a result, there may be consequences associated with the promotion of the site.

Is the valid layout in the promotion of the site

In the theory, yes, but in practice it turns out that in the top there are many sites with validation errors, and sites with errors move in general. Promotion problems can only be if your site is incorrectly displayed on some type of devices or in some browser. If he looks great, but there is no mistakes in validation - it will not have any influence on promotion.

Some webmasters purposefully investigated this issue, trying to find out if the ranking results depend on the results of validation. Webmaster Mark Daost noted that the validity of the code is not fundamental. And Shaun Anderson, on the contrary, came to the conclusion that the validity of both balm on the soul site in terms of issuing positions.

Another specialist, Mike Davidson, also conducted a similar experiment and concluded that Google classifies pages on the quality of their writing. For example, the unlocked tag can lead to the perception of part of the content as the value of this tag.

This webmaster made a very important conclusion:

It is impossible to say exactly how much the ranking depends on the validity of the code, but it is absolutely exactly what the existing shortcomings can lead to the departure of the pages or the entire site from the search engine index.

Why do you need a valid code

The valid code allows you to correctly display pages in browsers (and styles for the CSS site can be displayed incorrectly).

Moreover, a situation is quite possible when your site is displayed in one browser as you set it up, and in another - completely different. The image can be overwhelmed, and the content can be completely unreadable.

As a result, you lose traffic from this browser. In addition, behavioral factor, which is one of the three most important factors In SEO, significantly affects the results of issuing.

Imagine that visitors come to your site and immediately closed it because of the inability to perceive information - thanks to the errors in the code. Or they are generally returned back to the search engine, because the decision was not found. This will all serve poor service, for as a result, the behavioral factor will change the position of the site for the worse.

How to check the site for validity

To verify the immaculateness of the code, the Markup Validation Service Validator is most often used, located at, created by W3C.


Here you have three options for validation:

  • enter the URL page;
  • download a file with code from your computer;
  • insert the finished code into the form.

The service indicates not only on HTML errors code and their location, but also gives correction tips. If the code is already available on the network, you can make a validation by introducing its URL to the "Validate by URL" form and press the Check button. HTML validator will include reading the code and reports on the results.

You must enter the address of the verified URL page. The whole site will not be checked. Implement the address of the site - the program is considered only it main page. In case of finding comments, notification is notified of the non-validity of the program code and then lines with admitted errors are indicated.

In this video, the verification process is clearly explained by the Validator:

Checking local files

At the same address, you can check the code by selecting the "Validate by File Upload" tab and downloading the document with the code prescribed.

Choose the path to K. required file And click Check. Next, everything happens similarly.

Using the code input form

Sometimes it is convenient to insert a page code immediately and check it out online: Select the "Validate by Direct Input" tab and send all the code to the server.


CSS code validity check can also be passed Online Validator:

Here everything is in Russian, for many it is really a pleasant surprise.

You can choose again - specify the URL, upload your file or insert code.

Site checking on errors, as in the case of HTML, and - get a response from the server. There is no checkout settings, however, you can explore the proposed generated valid code, located after the list of shortcomings of the code.

We study the resulting code and give the source to the right mind.

Extensions for browsers

For browsers, there are all sorts of extensions to verify validation. For Google Chrome. There is an inspection validity of the code of the HTML Tidy Browser Extension plugin, for Opera - Validator extension, for Safari - Zappatic, for FireFor - HTML Validator.

Let's focus on the last more detail. He carries out the same check as Validator, only offline. You can take it here

We establish the extension, reboot the browser - and you can immediately work. In the event of problems with the installation, you can write to the Sapport Mozilla Firefox. Or Polystay Forum\u003dgeneral:xtensions_installing

Detailed video about installing HTML Validator and its use:

When loading any URL, the extension automatically turns on and reads the code. The result is visible in the upper right corner.

The result looks like a small picture with the outcome of the validation:

Climbing the result, you can open:
- source;
- errors - in the lower left unit (or the message about validity);
- Bug fixing prompts - in the lower right.

How to fix most frequent errors

Whatever the way the code checks is carried out, errors come out. Also surely indicated a string with the shortcoming.

Before editing the code, it's just in case to make backup Website template.

In extension for Firefox, when you click on the name of the error in the open extension window, you automatically move to a string with an invalid code.

The same errors are tips to correct them.
I will give a couple of examples.

... rel \u003d "shortcut icon" href \u003d "» Type \u003d »Image / X-Icon»

Here the corrections remove the "point with a comma."

2. END TAG FOR ELEMENT "DIV" Which Is Not Open

Closing Div Tag Excess. We remove it.

Do not know english (Is everything always described on it)? Copy the error code and insert it into the search engine. A similar topic has already been described by some webmaster or a layman, therefore, you will always find a way to solve the task of specialized resources.

Although, to be honest, I would not spend a lot of effort on errors in the code. It is better to make sure that the site looks correctly on all devices and browsers.

We released a new book "Content Marketing in social networks: How to sit in the head of subscribers and fall in love with their brand. "

Mountain Validator - softwarewhich checks the marking of web pages in any formats and all existing programming languages.

More video on our channel - Learn Internet Marketing with Semantica

Everyone love to travel, especially in hypermarkets. So you, not disturbing generally accepted trends, go to shopping. You need to find juices, water, cookies, bread, socks, diapers and other things. But the store is too big, and in order to get around it, and find what you need, it may be necessary to be required. As an option - contact your employee of the hypermarket, but there are many purchases, so this method is not always applicable. It is much more convenient to navigate the signs that are located between the rows, and accurately indicate the placement of products in the department.

In order to find the relevant and useful informationSearch bots also use certain information selection algorithms for users.

What markup is considered correct

Proper semantic, the one is considered well that such search engineslike Google, Yandex, Bing and Yahoo. We all faced the fact that these services are absolutely different in different ways, so we most often pay attention to thoughtful, catchy and clear snippets.

Therefore, before implementing the micro-dimension to the site, you need to determine the type of your data. For example, in the product card for the online store, it is necessary to place the price of the goods, its name, description, image, reviews, rating. So the search bot without any problems can understand what is placed on the page and make it more relevant.

To verify the correctness of the micro-dimension, there are several services:

  • data verification tool from Google;
  • mICRIGINES Validator from Yandex;

If your page has passed validation at one service, then due to differences in search algorithms, it may not be missed on the other. In order for the search robots to correctly index the markup, disperse in its structure and settings.

Why do you need a markup validator

- This is the standard of semantic markup, designed specifically for structuring information on the handler program. In our case, microformats allow you to specify the search robot on the semantic value of individual page fragments and are used to transfer information about the organization, product, reviews, recipes.

Any page on the Internet consists of HTML tagovwhich report browser how one or another information will be displayed, and the micro-dimension sets the search engines of a certain framework, within which you need to search. Therefore, it allows you to achieve the best relevance to the page for search robots and users. And the most important thing - the semantic microwave allows you to improve appearance Site in search results (snippet).

Slippets without marking:

Slippets with marking:

The validator checks the correctness of the entire process and determines the errors allowed when working with the code. After all, if it should not be checked, it can be negatively affected by the resource indexing and, especially, on your income. Therefore, it is a mandatory tool of any programmer or web master.

Pages without errors in the code - the dream of the owner of any site, since the results of quality work will clearly affect your position in search results. On the site with a 30+ position it will not affect. However, when the search engine shows the 15th place, and not 3 as I would like, it means serious flaws that entail material costs.

Most often, users who start using such software are inaccurately understood as the micro-dimension of the site affects ranking. Yandex replies that it acts only indirectly, while the site becomes more attractive for the user, his audience becomes greater, resulting in both its position. He clarifies - you should not expect results in the coming days, as they will appear only for one to two months.

How the markup validator works

To check the page, you need to enter a URL of the document being checked or insert the desired code in the form below.

In the "Check Results" column, the program will display recognized shortcomings and their location.

There are two cases when an error message is displayed:

  • if the validator cannot recognize markup;
  • if the markup has no compliance with the standard, and it cannot be recognized correctly.

The message that "page is not detected" means a non-existent page. Perhaps the page is not available for the search engine for the service error, or due to security restrictions.

This will show a list of required fields that are not taken into account in the work sent to verify.

Google tool

Google in collaboration with Yahoo! And Bing for the first time in 2011 testified its invention - the microwth validator, to which Yandex stopped later. As a result, the entire world began to use the validator. The validator is constantly being finalized, and its functionality expands.

How to check:

1. Using the URL. Suitable for owners of active sites. Copy the link and insert the field specifically for it.
2. Ply help HTML Fragment. This option is suitable for those who only create the site and keep it somewhere on local server. Actions are the same - copy the code and insert to check.

Supported markup formats in Google:

  • microdata;
  • microformats;

Supported types of information for marking:

  • reviews;
  • products;
  • companies;
  • organizations;
  • events;
  • music.

Tool Yandex.

Over the past four years, programmers have increasingly began to use the semantic micro-dimension - about 15% of the Runet pages are marked. Therefore, the need for validators has increased. And Yandex does not stand aside from new developments in this industry. He, unlike Google, develops more rapidly and creates new universal tools.

Supported formats:

  • microformats;
  • Schema;
  • HTML;
  • Open Graph.

Data Types Supported by Yandex Validator:

  • products;
  • prices;
  • addresses;
  • organizations;
  • articles;
  • music;
  • test drives;
  • drawings;
  • video clips;
  • recipes;
  • films.

The micro-dimensional validator allows you to check the correctness of data structuring. It simplifies the work of optimizers and helps to correctly post content on the site. This makes beautiful information about the search page page and attracts visitors to the resource.

The HTML standard uniquely determines the basic structure of the Web document. HTML language It is a subset of the SGML document description language (Structured Generalized Markup Language), so the HTML document is text Documentconsisting of HTML codes and basic text of the document. To view this document, a web browser is required - a special program for interpreting and correctly displaying a page on the screen.

What is HTML Standard?

* HTML was originally developed by Tim Berners-Lee and popularized by the Mosaic browser developed by NCSA. During the 90s. He literally bloomed due to the rapid development of the Web. There was a time when web developers were forced to use HTML-Standard 2.0 (was developed under the auspices of Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to streamline generally accepted positions in late 1994), which only supported text formatting and embedding simple graphics.
* In 1995, some suggestions were published on the Extended HTML 3.0 standard, which began to be used as unofficial HTML recommendations embodied in various browsers.
* In May 1996, a standard version 3.2 appeared. The standard is responsible for the organization - WWW-Consortium (W3C - World Wide Web Consortium), it is an association of representatives of industry and science.
* On 18 December 1997, the first release of the W3C specification on HTML 4.0 was released. The second issue (April 24, 1998) contained some editorial adjustments.
* On December 24, 1999, HTML 4.01 was released - fixed some errors of the previous standard - 4.0
* The availability of the standard implies the need for special Program (Validator itself), which checks the presence of a violation of specifications in the HTML document, according to which the document is drawn up if these violations are really there.

What is validator?
Validator: A Conforming SGML Parser That Can Find and Report A Reportable Markup Error If (And Only If) One Exists.
Validator: Analyzer compliance with the SGML standard, which finds and reports a markup error that is subject to report, if (and only if) it exists.

ISO 8896, paragraph 15.4.

Thus, the HTML system is a validating HTML system if
1) it is a validating SGML analyzer according to ISO 8879, p.15.4;
2) it is capable of processing any actually consistent with HTML;
3) it finds and reports an error in HTML if it exists;
4) It does not report an error in HTML if it does not exist.

ISO / IEC 15445: 2000 / DCOR 1: 2001 (E), paragraph 2.2.

It should be remembered that the HTML document is not self-sufficient phenomenon, and in itself does not look. The site acquires a visual form only in a specific browser. As practice shows - various browsers show a specific page. different ways (page mapping depends on the work of the correction algorithms built into the browser, and in different browsers These algorithms are quite different), and, as a rule, all these ways are correct. In fact, this is one of the important advantages of the network - say, a person with poor eyesight can increase the font or use the reading browser, and this is not required to prepare a separate, special version of the site.

The two most common browser for Windows displays the pages approximately the same, differing only in such details as fields and indents. Browsers for Macintosh or * Niks usually differ from these two more globally. The obvious benefit of the availability of the standard is that it is much easier to control one specification than many browsers.
"... For people with problems of vision, HTML provides prominent opportunities to equalize them in rights with conventional people when using a basic graphic user windows interface. The HTML table model includes attributes for marking each cell to support high-quality text for the speech interface. These same attributes can be used with the support of automated import and export of tables in databases or spreadsheets ... "

Many developers (mostly novice web designers) can disagree with the need to match the code of the specification: "The validator leaves behind the daisy sites, kills creativity." This opinion arises from simple laziness. The correct HTML text perfectly allows dynamics, multimedia objects, the use of scripts, etc.; Just all these effects can be done competently, but you can - illiterately. It should also be remembered that in any creative area it is necessary to first explore the rules, and only then you can go to surpass them. In addition, even experienced developers are not insured against errors, we can all allow typos or forget to close the tag. The validator is able to track such errors and explicitly specify a place with incorrect formatting.

Let us give specific examples of errors that are determined by the validator:

ISO 8896, paragraph 15.4.

- wrong
(Error: Start Tag Was Here).

ISO 8896, paragraph 15.4.

- right.

Text is inserted

- wrong
(ERROR: ELEMENT "P" NOT ALLODED HERE; Possible Cause IS An Inline Element Containing A Block-Level Element)

Text is inserted

- right.

If you came to the fact that you need to check your code for compliance with the specification, read several tips:

Where to get the validator?

Validator in the form of a webpage is offered at It is based on SP Clark.

There is also a validator at It is also based on SP, albeit a bit changeable. The authors are declared that it is more strict in the assessment and announces potentially dangerous, albeit permissible places (let's say the unlucky tag with optional closure). Offer original validator

Available under all platforms Free Validator can be downloaded from J. Clark site ( Along with the parser / validator in delivery is attached by a streaming normalizer.

W3C distributes the sources of the validator at, but this is, in fact, not a validator. This is only the adaptation of the Clark validator to the web interface performed on the pearl. In the description of this adaptation, it is unambiguously said that the Clarkov Validator should be on the car. Still links:
· Https://
· Https://
· Https://

Is it possible to call the validator tool from Homesite - Validate Document?

The developers ALLAIRE HOMESITE declare that "... the testing program is issued by them called the" Validator "of a purely from commercial considerations ...", and the real validator will not be issued them.

A program that comes with Homesite disrupts the definition of the validator: it finds and shows errors that have not been allowed, and does not find errors that were allowed.
Here is an example of its incorrect actions:
Reaction: no reaction.
In fact, here is an error: Alt of the second IMG is not set.

Reaction: Error.
In fact, this tag is possible within the framework of XHTML.

The desire for immaculateness is the first sign of professionalism, and there is no need to focus on popular, but far from the perfection of the HTML-code of the portals. Managers of such sites, having analyzing visiting statistics, found out that 99% of the incoming users will see everything as designed ... Perhaps the authors of the site deliberately exclude from among their visitors to users with disabilities ... However, such concepts should be remembered as humanism and requirements of the law. With the advent of the official standard, due to the violations of the specification, there is a danger to enter the court on charges of an inaccessibility of the site for those who cannot use the "ordinary" browser. Although the regions of the countries of the former CIS legislation is quite limited in this regard, in the enlightened world the question is solved better. Accessibility gradually acquires the force of law. The validator does not guarantee accessibility (because it cannot be a substitute for common sense), but helps to ensure the proper mode of support for all users.

Successful sites and impeccable code you, dear developers!