Using a graphics tablet when working with office documents. Tablet for dummies: instructions for use

Tablets - pros and cons

Tablet computers are currently widely used in the West, although these devices have appeared on the market relatively recently. In Russia, sales of tablets started a little later, which affected their popularity. Nevertheless, every month there are more and more happy owners of tablet computers in our country. What are the reasons for the increased interest in such devices?

Tablet computers are equipped with a touch screen instead of a traditional keyboard and mouse, the thickness of their case is no more than one and a half centimeters, and the weight is no more than 500 grams. Tablets, first of all, captivate precisely with their compactness and low weight, which makes it possible to use such devices almost anywhere, wherever you are.

According to the latest analytical studies, tablet computers should win a serious market share from netbooks and classic laptops in the coming years. What are the advantages and disadvantages of tablet computers? Does it make sense to buy a tablet instead of a second PC for home users?

Benefits of tablet computers

To answer these questions, it is necessary, first of all, to highlight the main advantages of tablets, thanks to which these devices may be of interest to ordinary users:

- Touch screen

A big plus of a tablet computer is, of course, the presence of a touch screen that replaces both the keyboard and mouse. The touch screen is very convenient to use, especially when performing standard tasks - viewing Email, scheduling and planning.

For comfortable use of a laptop, you still have to find a place where you can put it. And for tablet computers, this is not necessary at all, thanks again to the presence of a touch screen. Accordingly, you can use such a device even at the metro station, even in a car or plane.

- Compactness

The dimensions of the tablets are small, so this device can be carried with you everywhere. The tablet is lighter and thinner than traditional laptops, which means it can be the perfect companion for travel and business trips.

- Easy to read e-books

Very convenient to use as an e-reader, it allows you to read electronic books in a variety of formats. But most importantly, tablets give you the opportunity to read a book using the vertical screen orientation. That is, the screen can be rotated 180 degrees in the way that will be most comfortable for you.

- Tablet is a great tool for meetings

Since the touch screen in tablets allows you to see the image from different angles and from different angles, this device is great for business meetings and presentations, if you need to show something from the screen. With the help of such portable device you can quickly make the necessary note or find the material you need. When using the tablet to take notes or annotate, it brings you closer to the usual work with paper and pen.

- Built-in Wi-Fi and 3G modules

Thanks to the built-in Wi-Fi and 3G modules, you can quickly access the Internet. At the same time, using a tablet is much more convenient than a laptop.

- Multimedia features

Your tablet lets you watch videos on the go or listen to your favorite music. This device is also often equipped with a built-in camera and microphone.

- Speed ​​of work

I must say that, losing in power to a laptop, most tablets, however, provide even higher speed with standard applications. True, tablets have limitations in multitasking and working with certain “heavy” applications. But the tablet is almost instantly brought to a state of combat readiness. A tablet computer in a matter of seconds, with one touch of a finger, will allow you to start working on the Internet or with office applications.

Disadvantages of tablets

However, like every portable device, tablets have their drawbacks, which you need to keep in mind when deciding whether to buy a tablet computer:

- Problems with running "heavy" software

Tablets are suitable for most office tasks and surfing the Internet, but they do not do well with running specialized software, such as Photoshop. To work with "heavy" programs, you still have to use a home PC or laptop.

- Display

The display used in tablet computers usually does not have a high enough resolution to comfortably view quality video, like a full-fledged television movie or series. In addition, due to the use of a special protective layer on the screen, the brightness parameters deteriorate somewhat.

- High price

This, perhaps, is the main disadvantage of tablets so far, because for Tablet PC You may have to pay twice as much as for a very decent netbook. In addition, prices for tablet computers in Russia are still slightly overpriced compared to the cost of similar devices in America or Europe. In a word, far from everyone can afford a tablet computer.

So, we can say that a tablet computer is a multifunctional mobile device that is suitable for travel, business trips, presentations and daily use. It gives you full access to the Internet, media content and various "light" applications.

So far, it is only sometimes exceeding and rather small assortment of models that scares away compared to netbooks and laptops. Nevertheless, it is obvious that tablet computers are extremely promising devices, which, thanks to the improvement of technologies and the emergence of new models, will soon push other types of portable devices out of the market.

Number of tablets and smartphones under Android control OS is growing every day. On the this moment Android is one of the most popular operating systems, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that more and more users are acquiring gadgets with this particular “OS”.

But tablet computers running Android OS have several significant differences from phones, smartphones, PDAs, and tablets running other operating systems. Therefore, some users experience a little discomfort immediately after buying a new device with an unfamiliar Android. Do not be afraid of this seemingly formidable shell. It was created in order to make the management of your mobile equipment more convenient and easier, as you will soon see for yourself. For now, just follow a few simple tips:

  1. To begin with, do not spare your time and try to at least superficially familiarize yourself with the instructions for the tablet. In general, all Android devices are very similar in terms of the placement of buttons and menus, but sometimes meticulous manufacturers (for example, Samsung or HTC) can shift the image of a panel or icon. And, in order not to waste time looking for it, it is better to take a couple of minutes to read the instructions.
  2. If you haven't done so before, you should now turn on your tablet. This is done using the button on the sidebar or at the bottom of the device. The same button in most cases is responsible for locking the screen.
  3. Then you should look around and get acquainted with the "stuffing" of the device. Since Android OS is proprietary Google don't be surprised if you immediately find whole line icons with the services of this corporation. Moreover, many of these services will work only after connecting the tablet computer to the Internet.
  4. Understand for yourself some simple things that should be taken for granted:
  • when you rotate the display, the picture on the screen will also turn over;
  • when you press the return button (by default it is located in the lower left corner of the device), any program, game or menu will be closed and you will return to where you were before it was launched;
  • when you exit to the main menu, all running applications will be minimized.

What to do after the first acquaintance with the tablet?

Once you've tried out your new Android OS device, you can start customizing it to your liking. To begin with, it is advisable to connect the tablet to the Internet, since you will have to download many programs, games, and even design from the network. Do not forget that most modern tablet computers have a Wi-Fi module that will allow you to use the Internet in almost any cafe and other public places ().

Try to master the management of the Internet browser as quickly as possible. With it, you can download and install a variety of things, ranging from useful programs and ending with pictures or videos. Also learn how to use the store. In it you will find a lot of interesting applications for every taste. Moreover, many games and programs are distributed in it completely free of charge. Please note that it requires Account google().

Once you learn how to download and install applications from Google service Play or any other sources, you will be able to perform a huge number of tasks using the tablet. It is enough just to find the application you are interested in (handy player, book reader, specific applications, toolbars for viewing current exchange rates, weather forecast, etc.) and install it to fully customize your favorite Android device to suit your needs. And very soon you will completely forget that at first new tablet with an unfamiliar "OS" seemed difficult to manage!

A few video tutorials on working with the tablet:


Notification panel

Desktop customization

Introduction to the virtual keyboard

Sound settings

Setting the date and time on your tablet


Tablet PCs are one of the clearest examples of the rapid development mobile technologies. These devices combine all the features of a computer and compact size. This allows you to always carry the tablet with you, while having a lightweight and fast access to a huge range of possibilities. The functions of the tablet have no limits, as well as the capabilities of the computer, because in fact - this is the computer, only in a more compact and lighter "package".

In the modern rhythm of life, a tablet is an indispensable assistant for every business person, and also allows you to relax at the time of rest and have fun with friends and family. As mentioned above, the possibilities and functions of tablets have no limits. For business people - this is a huge set useful features and tools with which you can solve almost any problem. At the same time, the tablet is a whole world of entertainment. Movies, music, modern 3D games with high graphics, all kinds of entertainment, communication with friends and family. All this combines in a tablet PC.

1. Tablets and their features and capabilities

As already mentioned, the tablet PC is indispensable assistant in the life of every business person. It can be used to solve a wide variety of tasks. In addition, the tablet allows you to stay connected anytime and anywhere, so you can create a video conference, call or send an email to your business partner or colleagues at any time.

In addition, tablets are equipped with digital cameras that allow you to take pictures or record a personal video. This allows you to capture all the memorable moments and create your own photo albums.

As you know, tablet PCs are based on operating system. It can be Android OS or another system. However, any operating system allows you to install on the device special programs(apps) that extend the capabilities of tablets. So, to solve non-standard tasks, it is enough just to install desired application, which can perform the required functions.

Today we can observe the huge spread of tablets around the world. The Russian market is no exception. On the shelves of stores and in catalogs of online stores, you can find a wide variety of types of tablets that can perform different tasks and are designed for certain situations.

1.1. Types of tablets and their functions

It is worth noting that all the functions of a tablet computer, regardless of model and manufacturer, are aimed solely at facilitating everyday tasks.

However, the type of activity of people can differ, and quite strongly. Taking this into account, manufacturers produce different models of tablet PCs that are aimed at performing the functions of specific people. For example, if you need to constantly have free access to the Internet, while you travel a lot, then you need a tablet with a built-in 3G / 4G modem. If you work in a place where there are open wifi hotspots, then you should give preference to a device equipped with a Wi-Fi module.

Of course, there are universal tablets that combine almost all the functions and capabilities of modern tablets, but they are much more expensive. Yes, and due to the fact that all mobile modules, modems and additional devices take up space inside the device, the tablet itself is quite large in size and weight. So here you have to choose - a narrow focus and limited capabilities or large sizes, high price and great weight.

Whichever device you prefer, they all have common advantages. The first thing to note is the touch screen, which takes up most of the device. This screen allows you to use the tablet as conveniently and quickly as possible. And thanks to the optimization of web browsers, Internet surfing has become even more convenient and enjoyable. But all the features of the tablet do not end there.

As already mentioned, most tablets are equipped with built-in 3G modems. But what is it, and what benefits does it give us?

1.2. 3G function in tablet

3G/4G modem provides users with Internet access. Moreover, anywhere in the country. This is especially important for people who are constantly on the road, who often go on business trips, travel, and so on. Difficult to find along the way open access to high-speed Internet via Wi-Fi, so a 3G modem is perfect solution. Of course, the speed of such a connection is not high, but for solving everyday tasks, such as sending letters, checking mail, Skype calls, browsing sites, and so on, it is quite enough.

Do not be upset if you have already purchased a tablet without a built-in 3G modem. If you have a trip ahead and you need mobile Internet, an external USB 3G / 4G modem can be a way out of this situation. He connects to USB port and gives you easy and fast access to the Internet.

1.3. Wi-Fi module in the tablet

In the vast majority of cases, tablet PCs are equipped with a Wi-Fi module. It takes up very little space in the device, so it does not affect its size at all. In addition, such a module does not require a lot of energy, practically without affecting the duration of work without recharging. Given all these advantages, manufacturers equip absolutely all tablets and smartphones with Wi-Fi modules.

Why is this needed? First, if there is an open point WiFi access which is present in almost every mall, cafes and in most parks, you get free access to high speed internet. The main advantage of such a connection is high speed and a fairly large range.

In addition to access to internet Wi-Fi the module allows you to connect with other tablets, smartphones, laptops and other devices that have such a module. This achieves a high data transfer rate. In addition, the Wi-Fi module allows you to use mobile routers to access the Internet. If your tablet is not equipped with a 3G / 4G modem, then you can purchase a mobile wifi router, which will connect with mobile internet and distribute it to all surrounding devices. This is extremely convenient if you have more than one device, or if you are traveling in a company.

1.4. Tablet with call function

Many tablet models have a call function. This means that the device has a SIM card slot, and that you can use such a tablet as a phone. As a rule, such tablets have a relatively small screen - 7". Thus, the tablet is maximally optimized - it is convenient for Internet surfing, and also compact enough to be used as a phone.

To increase convenience and comfort, you should pay attention to the additional wireless headset, which will save users from having to get the tablet out of their pocket to answer the call. Also you don't have to keep pretty big device near the ear.

Of course, if the tablet is equipped with a built-in 3G / 4G modem, it also has a slot for a regular SIM card, but in this case the card is used exclusively for accessing the Internet. In this case, calls can be made through Skype or another Internet service. However, to make such calls, for example, via Skype, the subscriber you want to call must also open the program and remain constantly online.

1.5. Internet features in tablet

To date, manufacturers have perfected their devices, and now the tablet is one of the most convenient tools for accessing the Internet. In addition, as mentioned above, all web browsers are fully optimized for touch screens. This means that to enter desired section site, you just need to touch the desired area on the screen.

The advantage of tablets over computers is that they are the most convenient mobile devices, thanks to which Internet access is possible anywhere in the country. Of course, laptops have similar capabilities, but they are more bulky and heavy, which makes it not so convenient to carry them with you, and in terms of comfort and convenience of working on the Internet, laptops lose to tablets in all respects, except for typing. However, here too, there are tablets that have a removable keyboard. Such devices are called "transformers". They combine all the advantages of laptops and PCs, as well as maximum portability and ease of use.

Modern progress is doing everything to improve the comfort of people. The main functions of the tablet are a vivid proof of this. After all, all the tasks that are able to perform Personal Computer able to implement and Tablet PC.

1.6. Tablet computer, its features and capabilities

As already mentioned, in the Russian market you can find a wide variety of models of tablets and tablet PCs. As you may have guessed, these are two different subspecies of tablets. A tablet computer is the same tablet that has high performance. In terms of performance and functionality, such devices are practically not inferior to desktop computers, but they lack a hardware keyboard. Because of this, typing is not the most convenient activity.

However, such tablets cope with any other tasks no worse than the same PC. This tablet is an excellent combination of mobility and high power.

2. Why and who needs a tablet computer: Video

2.1. Graphics tablet features

A graphics tablet is a special development for those who work with drawings and photographs. All its features and capabilities are aimed at improving the comfort of image processing, as well as freehand drawing. In other words, it is a drawing tablet. Of course, any other tablet allows you to install drawing applications, but only graphics devices allow you to perform such tasks with maximum comfort.

In addition, you will find a number of useful additional tools for working with images in graphics tablets. However, to unlock the full benefits of such tablets, you must install full licensed software on them. Only official programs allow you to fully use all the advantages and functions graphics tablet.

So, summing up, we can say what a tablet is and its functions are convenient mobile device, which allows you to perform all the functions that a personal computer is capable of performing. A tablet is a convenient tool for accessing the Internet, as well as for solving most everyday tasks. What features does the tablet have? Depending on the model, the tablet is capable of performing certain tasks.

However, it is worth noting that any tablet is capable of performing almost any function, regardless of the model. To do this, you just need to install the required software. Although, of course, a specialized tablet does its job better. That is, any tablet is able to work with photos and images, but a graphics tablet allows you to do this as conveniently as possible.

What other functions can the tablet perform? Yes, almost any. Thanks to the universal software, today it is Android or IOS, you can install a wide variety of programs on your tablet that allow you to carry out almost any task. The smart function in the tablet makes the device even more convenient to use.

Games, music, video and photo, Internet, communication, what features do you still need from tablets? The limitations of the possibilities are only in your imagination. Modern tablets are able to perform any task, and they allow you to do it as conveniently as possible, anywhere and at any time.

Congratulations on your tablet purchase! This device allows you to quickly and easily communicate, shop, watch movies, play games and participate in a variety of other entertainment. Now the tablet will become a very important part of your life, perhaps even displacing the computer from it; Accordingly, you need to take care of its safety.

Your tablet security

You will be surprised, but the biggest danger to the tablet is not hackers, but you yourself. The fact is that the probability of losing or stealing a tablet is much higher than the probability of hacking it. The very first thing you need to do is set up automatic lock screen. This means that every time you use your tablet, you need to enter a complex passcode, a special unlock gesture, or access with your fingerprint. If your tablet is stolen or lost, no one will be able to access it - all information is protected, including your personal information, applications and everything else. Let's talk about additional measures protect your device:
  1. Install an application or connect to a service that allows you to track the location of your tablet via the Internet. If your tablet is stolen or lost, you can find it or, in the worst case, connect remotely and delete all data.
  2. Update and tweak regularly automatic update, which will always work with the latest version of the operating system. Hackers are constantly looking for weaknesses in current versions, and manufacturers regularly release updates to help fight them. If you are using latest version operating system and regularly updated, the risks of hacking are significantly lower.
  3. Take the initial configuration settings seriously, especially the security settings. The biggest problem is being able to track your movement and location. We strongly recommend disabling this option for everything except applications that require it. Some applications need to track your movement, such as mobile cards or restaurant finder programs, but most apps don't need real-time location information.
  4. Most tablets and applications store data on the Cloud. Sometimes you may not know where this data is stored and how secure it is. It is unlikely that you want your personal photos to be available to everyone, including information about the location where the photo was taken. Therefore, by default, you should disable the function of publishing your data from the "cloud" and connect it only for each specific case.
  5. The tablet has the function of synchronizing applications with other devices, such as smartphones or laptops. This feature is very handy, but be careful what you want to sync. After an unsuccessful synchronization, you can find in the working browser a list of all the sites that you visited at home from the tablet.

Safety precautions when using your tablet

Once you've secured your tablet, how do you make sure it's still protected? Here are some rules to help you with this:
  • Never jailbreak your tablet. Hacking your tablet will render a large number of defense mechanisms useless and your tablet will be vulnerable to attacks.
  • Download apps only from trusted sources. For iPad, only apps with iTunes should be used. Apple reviews all apps before they are posted. For Google, we recommend downloading applications only from Google Play, and for Amazon tablets - Amazon App Store. You can download applications from other sites, but they may be infected. And finally, if you no longer use the app, delete it from your tablet.
  • Before installing the application, you should read the User Agreement, similar to the one you read before the first configuration of the settings, because the application may require changes in the settings of the tablet. Be careful about what access you allow applications to get. For example, does a particular application really need access to the entire list of friends and contacts? If you doubt the need for such access, find another application that suits your needs. You should also regularly check your security settings to see if they have changed without your participation.
Your tablet is a great device and we want it to bring only joy. You just need to understand these simple rules that will help ensure safety for many years.

about the author

Laurie Rosenberg has extensive experience in the development of educational materials and trainings in Information Security for employees and clients. Her passion is finding new methods of learning and sharing knowledge.

The man is surrounded technical devices without which he cannot take a step. At home and at work, in winter and summer, he communicates with friends via a tablet or smartphone, makes deals, buys things, declares his love. Technique becomes a kind of continuation of a person, his hands, eyes, feelings.

Who is who?

The tablet and smartphone are compact computer devices stuffed with high-tech stuffing and having touch screens. For their normal correct operation there must be clear conditions under which they can operate. The human body is able to adapt to extreme environments and endure serious mechanical impacts in unforeseen situations. The conditions of exploitation of the satellites of our life must be fundamentally different from those in which we sometimes keep them.


The interaction between a person and a tablet / smartphone should be based on respect for his mode of operation. It is necessary to protect sensitive devices from falling from any height, swimming, even in the warm waters of the southern seas. It is not allowed to use the device cases as a tray for hot coffee, ice-cold beer, fatty raw smoked sausage, etc. As a result of the mentioned manifestations, artifacts, spots on sensitive screens, cracks on the case may appear. After all this, your little friend will most likely have to part.

Let us denote the conditions under which a tablet or smartphone feels quite comfortable and will please its owner for a long time.

  • Temperature. During operation, the ambient range should be in the segment from 5 to 35°C. In the off state, the upper bar can be raised up to 43°C. It should be remembered that these are extreme indicators of the thermal safety of devices. Being on the beach for a long time under the hot sun, for example, at 30 degrees, will also be disastrous for them. Accordingly, winter and sub-zero temperatures will quickly “cut down” the tablet and smartphone. The battery is not able to charge a mini-computer in such conditions, and for other parts of devices, winter is not a friend.
  • Humidity. It is prescribed to be in the mode from 8 to 80 percent of a working smartphone / tablet. In the non-working state, the frames can be moved apart to an interval of 5% - 95%. It is not recommended to take your friends to the bath or toilet with you. This is fraught with the appearance of a drowned person in the face of the device, and a large amount of moisture does not contribute in any way better job devices.
  • Do not use them while charging. At this point, the battery heats up and the additional load can have a negative effect on it.
  • Use a soft, dry cloth to keep clean. Do not wipe your tablet/smartphone with alcohol, which may damage the sensor.

Compliance with these rules will prolong the life of your friends.