EIS problems. Typical EIS problems and time frames for their resolution. So that the EIS does not “fall”

The developers of a unified information system in the field of procurement are constantly working to support and improve it. But technical problems are inevitable, and users sometimes encounter them. A failure in the operation of the UIS can be a serious nuisance, especially for a customer who is facing deadlines for posting any information. We'll tell you what to do next.

Common problems

Most often, customers experience the following difficulties:

  • it is impossible to log into your personal account;
  • the system does not accept authorization data;
  • Certain sections of the UIS do not work;
  • it is impossible to place a schedule or adjust data in it;
  • I can't post purchase information.

Standard reasons

If, when trying to access the UIS, you experience one of the problems listed above, as well as any other, most likely the reason is the following:

Registration in ERUZ EIS

From January 1 2020 year to participate in tenders under 44-FZ, 223-FZ and 615-PP registration is required in the ERUZ register ( Single register procurement participants) on the EIS portal (Unified Information system) in the field of procurement zakupki.gov.ru.

We provide a service for registration in the ERUZ in the EIS:

  • prevention or system update;
  • increased load on the server - too many users decided to use the UIS at the same time;
  • non-working day - sometimes the system gets out of control on weekends or holidays;
  • the problem is on the user’s side - for example, an outdated browser or problems with Internet access.

What to do

Customers know that there are serious fines for late placement of data in the Unified Information System. Therefore, if problems arise in its operation, they need to be resolved as quickly as possible.

Check if your Internet connection is working correctly and if you are using a modern browser. Sometimes clearing the browser cache (the memory in which it stores temporary data) helps solve the problem. This is basically all you can do on your own.

If the problem is not resolved, you must immediately report it to the EIS support service. This can be done by calling the telephone numbers indicated in the system - specialists are available around the clock. If the problem requires more detailed attention, the contact center employee will offer to write a request via email. It is worth taking screenshots (screenshots) that will confirm that the EIS really did not work, and attach them to the letter. This way you can, for example, record an error message. Upon request from the user, an incident will be created, which specialists will review in the near future. When the error is resolved, the user will be notified.

If for some reason your email request is not accepted, the operator does not answer calls or the support service cannot resolve your issue, it is advisable to contact the portal of the public organization “Forum of Contractual Relations”, operating with the support of the Ministry of Economic Development. Here you can place an official complaint about the work of the EIS. To do this, you need to register and log in to the portal, place a complaint in in electronic format and attach a scanned copy of its paper version on the organization’s letterhead with the signature of the manager.

Recordings of telephone conversations, history of correspondence with the support service, screenshots of UIS errors and filed complaints can help if due to incorrect operation systems to the customer, questions will arise from regulatory authorities. This will help prove that the deadline for posting information in the Unified Information System was violated for a reason that did not depend on the customer, and he, in turn, did everything to prevent the violation from happening.

Today, a social catastrophe is approaching Russia. The website of the Unified Information System (EIS, website zakupki.gov.ru), through which customers throughout Russia publish competitive procedures, works through the stump deck. Due to constant technical failures, state-owned enterprises are actually unable to place orders, as well as enter into procurement plans and schedules. In this situation, Moscow came up with the initiative to allow customers to post information about purchases in regional systems ah with subsequent transfer of data to the EIS.

Customers want, but cannot

“More than one and a half thousand contracts were sent by Moscow customers for registration in the Unified Information System. However, technical failures in the operation of the site do not allow them to timely purchase necessary goods, works and services to fulfill social obligations,” said Gennady Degtev, head of the Moscow city department for competition policy at a press conference in Moscow the day before. According to him, Moscow’s annual procurement volume is 500 billion rubles. This is 10% of the total volume of purchases in the Russian Federation and this is 2.5 thousand customers. These government agencies today cannot order what is necessary for normal operation, including medicines, food, other necessary goods and services to fulfill social obligations to citizens. Degtev also drew attention to the problem of timely publication of procurement plans and schedule plans in the Unified Information System, which has been a mandatory legal requirement since January 1, 2017. In his opinion, procurement transparency begins from the moment of planning. Technical glitches on the site hinder transparency.

Business will be hit by a ricochet

The fact that the site is “cracking up” is not news for a long time. But in 2016, the system exhibits catastrophic failures.

“Problems with the Unified Information System have been observed for more than a month. If we take the indicators for January 2015 and 2016, then customers placed approximately 10 thousand procurement procedures worth 20 billion rubles annually. In January 2017, only 1,600 procedures were announced with a volume of less than 9 billion rubles,” said Anton Emelyanov, General Director of JSC "United Trade electronic platform" In his opinion, unplaced orders (worth 11 billion rubles) will damage the business. The direct costs to contractors are quite obvious. Businesses will be forced to either reduce staff or borrow from banks in order to “wait” for new orders,” Emelyanov summed up.

EIS and EAIST: will the federal and regional authorities become friends?

Problems with placing orders on the EIS are also confirmed by the official contract relations forum (fko.msk.ru). Behind Lately there is an endless stream of complaints: they write from Khanty-Mansiysk, from the Magadan Territory, from Sevastopol, from Siberia, in general - from all corners of our vast Motherland. The system doesn’t work, it crashes, customers complain. According to Ivan Begtin, General Director of the Bureau of Contract Information, Moscow is in a unique and still favorable situation, because the regional procurement system has been preserved there (EAIST, market.zakupki.mos.ru). It should be understood that many regions have liquidated their local systems and there is no alternative for customers. “Since the beginning of 2017, state-owned enterprises have not been able to place orders. And here the acute question arises: why did the EIS contractor allow such a collapse? Such “failures” should lead to criminal liability,” Begtin outlined the problem.

Why did the EIS fail? According to experts, it was originally designed incorrectly, and its “collapse” was only a matter of time.

EIS - an attempt to enter into electronic system the work of absolutely all government customers and at the same time combine information disclosure systems on the same site. “The idea is good, but in practice it turned out that it is more or less possible to publish information, but it is not possible to arrange simultaneous work for all customers,” said Ivan Begtin. In his opinion, customers should be able to work in regional systems. At the same time, the EIS as a portal will not go anywhere. The main task is to ensure that government customers can fulfill their function: place tenders on time. “Procurement is the (financial) lifeblood of any government structure. Now this blood flows poorly: the patient is sick. In a month or two, or at most a quarter, if the problem is not resolved, the state-owned company will face “paralysis.” For example, in the same hospitals there will be no medicines,” Begtin warned.

The rules of the game will not change for business

It should be noted that the participants in the press conference assured suppliers that when Moscow switches to the regional EAIST system, nothing changes for business - businesses will not need to switch to the Moscow site. “The most important thing for business is that just as there was one entry point to zakupki.gov.ru, there will remain one entry point,” summed up Elena Dybova, Vice President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. “Procurement information will be displayed both in the Unified Information System and on the Moscow supplier portal (market.zakupki.mos.ru),” Gennady Degtev also clarified.

Failures in the Unified Information System (UIS) in January practically paralyzed the work of customers. On thematic forums and in in social networks users complained about the impossibility of placing plans and schedules in the UIS and calling technical support specialists, for which the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation is responsible. The problem is provoked by new rules for procurement planning and the inclusion of financial control in accordance with Part 5 of Article 99 of Law No. 44-FZ. To solve the problem, the Moscow Government proposed using regional procurement systems in addition to the Unified Information System.

The peak of customer complaints about the inability to place plans and schedules in the Unified Information System, and, accordingly, to carry out procurement, occurred in January. Customers have not encountered such global problems in the operation of an information system in the field of procurement since 2006. Then a website for posting information about orders for state and municipal needs ( zakupki.gov.ru) was launched for the first time.

The main reason for UIS failures is the large amount of information. Since 2017, new users (municipal unitary enterprises and state unitary enterprises) appeared in the system, new procedures began to work (publication of plans and schedules), in the end it simply could not stand it.

Problems with the Unified Information System led to a reduction in procurement volumes at the beginning of this year. As noted by the General Director of the Unified Electronic Trading Platform (EETP) A. A. Emelyanov, in January 2015 and 2016, on one site alone, government customers announced almost 10 thousand procurement procedures worth approximately 20 billion rubles. For comparison: at the end of January 2017, only 1.6 thousand procedures were announced and published in the Unified Information System with a volume of slightly less than 9 billion rubles. “The number of government purchases has decreased sevenfold, and business has not received the 10–11 billion rubles it expected,” Emelyanov summed up.

Moscow complained about the work of the EIS

The mayor of Moscow also drew attention to the problems with the Unified Information System S. S. Sobyanin, who decided to raise the issue of the operability of the UIS at the level of the Government of the Russian Federation. In a letter to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev The mayor of the capital reported “regular technical failures in the work of the Unified Information System, preventing the publication of information on government procurement and contracts, which leads to their failure.” He proposed removing federal cities, as well as constituent entities of the Russian Federation with a procurement volume of more than 100 billion rubles, from the direct operation of the EIS.

According to the head of the Moscow Department for Competition Policy G. V. Degteva, more than one and a half thousand contracts were sent by Moscow customers for registration in the Unified Information System. “However, technical failures in the operation of the federal system do not allow city customers to timely purchase the necessary goods, works and services to fulfill social obligations,” Dyogtev said at a specially organized round table at the Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency. “Due to failures in the work of the Unified Information System, it is impossible to timely publish procurement plans and schedules, which is mandatory from January 1, 2017,” the head of the department expressed concern. “We did not receive notifications from the system about the publication of 134 plans and 338 procurement schedules.” According to Dyogtev, transparency of procurement procedures begins from the planning stage and technical failures should not be an obstacle to ensuring transparency of procurement. Their publication in the system is directly related to the openness of procurement procedures for business representatives.

The Moscow Government's concern about the current situation is more than understandable. After all, Moscow’s annual total procurement volume is almost 500 billion rubles. “It turns out that every tenth ruble that is involved in government procurement belongs to Moscow,” Dyogtev calculated. Today, 2.5 thousand customers and 9.5 thousand participants in contractual relations participate in the Moscow procurement system. The City Council has been operating in the capital for more than ten years. corporate system procurement system (EAIST), which has been thoroughly tested and proven to be effective. Its functions are somewhat similar to the Unified Information System, however, there are additional ones that are necessary for coordinating departmental purchases, financial control, and authorizing payments under contracts. According to Dyogtev, this resource is capable of not only ensuring timely planning and execution of contracts, but also conducting procurement according to uniform rules. It is assumed that procurement information will be displayed both in the Unified Information System and on the Moscow supplier portal.

According to the Deputy Head of the Department information technologies Moscow A. V. Gorbatko, there are no obstacles to the tight integration of regional systems and the Unified Information System today. “Technically, regional systems can become a kind of continuation or expansion of the functionality of the federal system. Electronic trading platforms could also be connected to this functionality, where information about trading could be published,” says Gorbatko.

Moscow’s position was fully supported by the director of the Association of Electronic Trading Platforms I. D. Dimitrov. He believes that over the past few years, the procurement system has stopped developing, which is why the problems facing both business and the state have surfaced today. “The mechanism that the Moscow authorities are proposing to solve the problem with the federal procurement information system seems to us competent and timely. At the same time, we see the main condition for the transition to a regional platform to be that all procedures are accessible to both business and the public,” said the executive director. He also confirmed that technical problems There will be no duplication of functions, since the sites, government agencies and the Unified Information System are completely synchronized.

So that the EIS does not “fall”

“Any information system fails,” the procurement ombudsman expressed his opinion S. V. Gabestro. “By concentrating legally significant actions on one platform, the state goes into the risk zone of failure to fulfill its social obligations to citizens.” He, like Dimitrov, believes that the work of the EIS is not improving from year to year, but is only getting worse. “Nothing will change even if the system operators change. The UIS is ideal only in the absolute model, but it is not applicable in life,” the ombudsman rendered his verdict. He proposed that all legally significant actions that take place on the UIS be transferred to separate information systems. At the same time, the UIS website should remain a data center or analytical module for monitoring and controlling the actions of customers. “But this should be data, and not a collection of files, advertisements and everything else that can be seen there today,” Gabestro emphasized. In addition, he noted that in addition to regional information systems, trading and services can be focused on electronic trading platforms, which work much more steadily than the EIS.

Experts also expressed doubts that without a global solution to the emerging problems of the EIS, it is unlikely to cope with another load. As you know, a bill on a complete transition to electronic trading is currently under consideration in the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Thus, the load on the UIS may increase tenfold. All procurement participants will have to register in the system: today there are about 300 thousand customers alone. Whether the UIS can withstand tens of thousands more users is a big question.


The role of regional systems needs to be increased

We asked the Chairman of the State Order Committee of St. Petersburg to comment on the situation around the EIS Dmitry Igorevich SACHKOV.

Dmitry Igorevich, Moscow has sounded the alarm about the unstable operation of the unified information system. Do you share these concerns?

We know firsthand about the problems that Moscow faces and fully share the position of the capital’s authorities. We believe that it is necessary to take decisive measures to resolve the current situation in the very near future. Today, problems associated with the inability to carry out procurement procedures accumulate like a snowball.

Starting from January 2017, government customers in St. Petersburg cannot post schedule plans. Every day we receive dozens, and sometimes hundreds of calls to the telephone hotline numbers and the Help Desk - this is our resource for providing technical support to users. Specialists of the State Procurement Committee and the institutions subordinate to it correct almost around the clock manual mode errors that the system produces.

Do you support the proposal of the Moscow Government: to allow cities of federal significance, as well as constituent entities of the Russian Federation with a volume of government procurement of more than 100 billion rubles per year, to use their own Internet portals that do not depend on the EIS.

The regions actually have their own information systems, which represent a logical mechanism for recording, planning and executing procurement operations prescribed by law. However, we do not consider it right to refuse interaction with the Unified Information System. I have already said more than once that this will contradict the principle of a single economic space in the territory Russian Federation. St. Petersburg proposes to give priority to regional systems: documents created in regional information systems must, in accordance with the law, be published in the Unified Information System. If data integration is not possible, it is necessary to publish the signed primary document in the UIS as a copy registered in personal account customer in the EIS. Thus, we advocate increasing the role of regional systems for the work of government customers.

, unfortunately, do occur. Each participant in public procurement at least once in his work experience has encountered the problem of access to information base. The issue is especially acute when the deadline for submitting documentation expires. What is the right thing to do in such a situation? What to do to avoid being subject to administrative penalties and breaking the law? Read on.

What errors are most common in the work of the EIS?

    Changes in information about the procurement object cannot be published;

    The schedule does not load or it is impossible to adjust it.

This situation may arise when updating the site version. On holidays and weekends, failures of the UIS are also common. The government procurement portal cannot cope with a large number of requests and the system freezes. This is a common case where problems affect all users. But there are times when access errors occur only for you.

What is the right thing to do when a problem is discovered?

First, you need to check the version of the browser you are working in; it may be outdated, and also clear the folder with temporary files (cache memory). If this doesn't help, then:

    You need to make a support request(works 24 hours a day), call the phone numbers listed on the website and report an error.

    Send an official appeal to technical support with screenshots attached as proof of the problem.

Portal administrators will promptly respond to your request and help resolve the situation. You will receive a notification in a short time, and no time will be lost.

Responsibility for violation of the deadline for submitting information to the Unified Information System

The Administrative Code of Offenses of the Russian Federation, in particular Article 7.30, provides for liability for both individuals and legal entities for violation of deadlines for the publication of documentation.

The gradation of penalties is distributed as follows:

    Submission deadline missed by less than two days:

    when participating in an electronic competition or auction, 5,000 rubles are collected from an official, and 15,000 from an organization

    when requesting quotes or proposals, as well as when purchasing from a single supplier - 3,000 and 10,000 rubles, respectively.

In practice, customers are often faced with the inoperability of the UIS. System errors are especially inopportune when the period for posting information in it is coming to an end. What to do in such situations - read on

The unified information system in the field of procurement is constantly being improved. However, failures and errors occur in its work. Probably every customer has at least once experienced problems associated with accessing the EIS website.

What most often interferes with the customer’s work in the UIS? For example this:

  • unable to log in to the site;
  • no access to personal account;
  • it is not possible to publish information about the purchase;
  • it is not possible to place a schedule or make changes to it;
  • EIS sections do not work.

Interference in the operation of the UIS may occur when the portal version is updated. Problems often occur on weekends and holidays. Often, a site simply cannot withstand high load when the number of requests goes through the roof. But it also happens that the EIS works, but problems arose specifically for you.

As a rule, the system generates an error in such cases. What does the customer need to do? First of all:

  • contact 24/7 hotline EIS support at the specified telephone numbers and report the problem;
  • take screenshots of the inoperative UIS;
  • write a request to technical support and attach screenshots.

Sometimes the problems are related to outdated version browser, its settings and the need to clear the cache memory. If this does not help, then request to create an incident again. The problem will be resolved as soon as possible, and you will be notified.

Prompt action is necessary because Article 7.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation establishes administrative liability for violation of the deadlines for posting information and documents in the Unified Information System. The customer may be fined, and the amount of the fine depends on the method of purchase and how late the placement was:

Competition or auction

The deadline was violated by no more than 2 working days

The deadline was violated by more than 2 working days

5 thousand rubles - to an official

30 thousand rubles - to an official

15 thousand rubles – legal entity

100 thousand rubles – legal entity

Request for quotations, request for proposals, purchase from a single supplier

The deadline was violated by no more than 1 working day

The deadline was violated by more than 1 working day

3 thousand rubles - to an official

15 thousand rubles - to an official

10 thousand rubles – legal entity

50 thousand rubles – legal entity

Screenshots, recording telephone conversation with support and registration number incidents will be needed when the control body has questions about violation of deadlines.

This way you can explain the reason for untimely placement in the Unified Information System, prove that you took all the necessary measures and protect yourself from penalties.

Read the most actual news and explanations from experts on sensitive topics in the field of public procurement in magazine "Goszakupki.ru"