A program for creating notes from the clipboard. Visitors in the Guests group cannot leave comments on this post. Clipboard keyboard shortcuts

Good day, friends! Do you use clipboard programs? Personally, I use them very actively and they help me a lot, especially since I started them here. If you don’t know what a clipboard is on a computer, I’ll explain. everything that you copy when you right-click or press Ctrl + C is placed on the same clipboard. If you often copy and paste various materials, and sometimes you have to copy the same thing several times, then clipboard program you just need it.

There are many such programs, but I will tell you about three that I have personally worked with. The first program is this one, which became for me an indispensable assistant, which saves me a lot of time. In addition to the main purpose of working with the keyboard layout, this small program has a function for working with the clipboard. Program any key combination to call up the buffer history and a window will open with everything you copied. Having selected the desired item with the mouse, click once and the content will be inserted into the place you need.

The second program for working with the clipboard is called . Quite a good program, also in Russian. In addition to copying simple text to the buffer, it can also store images, which is undoubtedly a plus. Has a settings menu. The contents of the clipboard are called by the combination Alt keys+C (default). You can configure others. Easy to install, does not take up much space, sits silently in the tray and does not ask for porridge. 🙂

And the third program is . Despite the developers' website English language, the program contains Russian language. Easy to install and doesn't take up much space either. Stores both text and pictures. The buffer is called by the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + D (default). It also has a settings menu.
When you select the desired clip, which is what the saved pieces copied in this program are called, you need to double-click to paste the contents.

Bottom line

Program Punto Switcher I've been using it for quite a long time. Working with the clipboard in it is not entirely complete, since the program was originally intended for something else. I used the CLCL program quite a bit and for some reason I didn’t really like it. Maybe I'll come back to it someday. Perhaps you will like it more. And I became interested in the third program quite recently and I like it more and more. In my opinion, this is the best of the three presented. programs for working with the clipboard.

Write in the comments what programs you use and how good they are. Also, share this post on in social networks, it’s not difficult for you, is it? 😉

Write to Clipboard program to copy frequently used lines to the clipboard with one click of the left mouse button. Download for free.

Program description

The “Write to Clipboard” program is designed to speed up copying to the clipboard and pasting frequently used text fragments from it when filling out various forms, documents, letters, and mailings. Before using the program, you must create a line-by-line list of permanent information to copy.

The author of the “Write to Clipboard” program used it to fill out supply agreements and other documents in in electronic format. The main list for copying and pasting from the clipboard included the company’s details: TIN, OGRN, postal address, contact numbers, bank details, positions and names of responsible persons.

This program can be used to store information that sometimes needs to be copied and pasted somewhere. You cannot store in the Write to Clipboard program secret information, for which you should use paper or specialized media so that it is not accessible to intruders who have penetrated your computer. Such information includes logins and passwords for logging into online banks, mailboxes, online stores, various online services.

Working with the program

Download the archive with the “Write to Clipboard” program from the link below and unzip it. The folder with the program contains two files: “Write to clipboard.exe” and “spisok”. The “spisok” file will store the text fragments you added.

Run the program double click by clicking on the file “Write to clipboard.exe”, the main window will open:

Interface of the "Write to Clipboard" program. The button with an asterisk on the right opens a window for editing and adding lines.

For example, three lines are filled. Click on the star button on the right, which opens a window for editing and adding rows. Delete the fragments of text filled in for example, then write or copy and paste your own. Click the “OK” button: the changes will be made to the “spisok” file and reflected in the main program window. To check the functionality of the program and whether the added text fits completely into the cell, click once on the line to be checked with the left mouse button and paste the copied entry from the clipboard into any text document.

The main window of the Write to Clipboard program can be expanded to full screen, as well as the window for editing and adding new lines, to view long fragments of text in their entirety. Only the editing window has a horizontal scroll bar, so very long lines can be viewed in full only in it.

The names of folders extracted from the archive can be renamed. Prerequisite: the files “Write to clipboard.exe” and “spisok” must be in the same folder.

Download links

Download the “Write to Clipboard” program for free:

For Windows XP - Windows 7 (will also work for Windows 8 - Windows 10, but you will need to download Microsoft . NET Framework 3.5 SP1 if not installed).

For Windows 8 - Windows 10 (also suitable for Windows 7 if Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 is installed).

I write programs for myself, I am not a trusted publisher, so some browsers and antiviruses may warn about the danger before downloading. The programs are packaged in regular .zip archives (not self-extracting). If in doubt, check the downloaded archive with an antivirus before unpacking it. I use Kaspersky Internet Security, which confirms that there are no threats.

As you know, the standard Windows clipboard allows you to store only one piece of data, since any subsequent entry of information into the buffer leads to overwriting what was previously there. As a result, it will no longer be possible to restore one of the previous text fragments from the clipboard, so to insert it into the document you will have to re-access the source, which will slow down the preparation of the document. At the same time, it is not at all difficult to expand the possibilities of using information placed on the clipboard by “teaching” Windows to remember more than one piece of data. To do this, just use the clipboard Microsoft Office(it allows you to store 24 blocks of information, but accessing it is not always convenient, and it is also overwriteable) or install a special clipboard manager. This article is dedicated to getting to know such managers. There are quite a few utilities on the market today that allow you to restore a lot of text and graphic data stored on it from the clipboard. Some of the clipboard managers, if desired, can be used as full-fledged repositories of the most diverse and appropriately structured information; the functionality of others is minimal and limited only by the ability to insert remembered fragments.

ClipMate 7.3.14

Developer: Thornsoft Development, Inc.
Distribution size: 7.21 MB
Spreading: shareware ClipMate is one of the most multifunctional solutions for working with the Windows clipboard, which is a convenient tool for restoring any of the thousands of text and graphic fragments stored in the clipboard, as well as the names of copied files and folders. The demo version of the program (there is a Russian-language localization) is fully functional and operational for 30 days, the cost of the commercial version is $34.95. The program has a portable edition Portable - it does not require installation and can be recorded on a USB flash drive or external drive, which provides the ability to work with your data on any computer with installed utility ClipMate. The ClipMate window can be displayed in two modes: Classic and Explorer. In the first, only the toolbar and the name of the last saved fragment are visible. The second displays all the information about all available fragments and all collections, while folders with fragments are located on the left, and on the right brief information about a specific fragment (date of memorization, the first words of the text in the case of a text fragment, etc.). The lower part of the window in Classic mode is reserved for viewing the selected fragment, and viewing can be done in different formats: in the form of plain text, as well as in Rich Text Format or HTML.

By default, the program automatically captures all data copied to the buffer, but the range of information stored in the database may be limited to specific types of data. When storing a fragment in the database, certain text (for example, a date) can be automatically added to it in accordance with the established template. All fragments are automatically placed in the “Inbox” folder, but for ease of use, it is easy to redistribute them into specific collection folders (such folders are created independently and their number is unlimited) by simply dragging and dropping. In addition to such real folders, ClipMate also has virtual ones (fragments are not stored in them), which contain links to fragments combined according to some principle: date of entry (say, saved yesterday) or export date or type. And also a secret folder “Safe”, in which you can store passwords, logins and other confidential data - there they will be under reliable protection, since 56-bit ARC4 encryption is involved. Any of the fragments located in the database can be viewed in the main window in the viewing area, as well as on an enlarged scale in a separate window (command "View" > "Clip View"). And also insert into a working document by dragging or dropping or double click mice. It is possible to insert a series of fragments. This is done using the very convenient PowerPaste function - first, place the fragments of interest so that they are located sequentially, then turn on the PowerPaste mode (here you need to control the direction of movement through the list) and switch to the document, where they insert all the fragments one after another in turn without switching every time in ClipMate. It is possible to paste one fragment to the end of another (command "Edit" > "Append to End"), as well as create a kind of fragments - "text templates". The latter is useful when filling out all kinds of forms and requires preliminary preparation a special fragment in which individual elements of the form will be separated by a paragraph symbol. Inserting data from such a fragment is done in the clip splitting mode (a button in the upper left corner of the program window in the form of a plate of fragments) and in practice means the following. First, the desired fragment is selected and the corresponding mode is activated in the utility, and then form elements are inserted into the form in the usual way - that is, for example, by pressing the combination Ctrl + V.

It is also possible to edit fragments, and it is possible not only to change the case, as well as insert or delete specific data, but also to automatically clear text of empty lines, line feeds, etc., search and replace characters, check spelling, etc. For quick access There is an advanced search for the desired fragment, which allows you to search for fragments using many parameters: keywords, collection name, source, date of placement in the database, etc.

Spartan Multi Clipboard 4.00.01

Developer: M8 Software(UK)
Distribution size: 3.79 MB
Spreading: shareware Spartan Multi Clipboard is a utility for managing the clipboard, allowing you to restore text and graphic information. The demo version of the program (there is no Russian localization) is operational for 30 days and allows you to restore no more than 200 fragments. The cost of the commercial version is $19.99. It should be noted that there are comments on the Internet from users of this program about its sometimes incorrect work with the Cyrillic alphabet - in our case this was not noted. In theory, the Spartan Multi Clipboard can store up to 150 pieces of data, but the number of variable clips is limited to 25. Memorized clips are automatically saved in the upper part of the program window (yellow area), where variable information is stored. Clips that are left for permanent use must be dragged from the yellow area to the white area. And then, for convenience, they can be somehow organized - for example, sorted alphabetically or simply arranged in a convenient order. Individual clips can be highlighted in color to make them easier to navigate. The built-in search also simplifies the process of finding elements in the database. It must be said that in general the principle of organizing fragments here is very convenient if we consider the manager not only from the point of view of inserting just remembered fragments, but also entering various types of permanent information.

Any of the fragments in the database can be viewed on an enlarged scale and inserted into a working document, for which you just need to place the cursor in the document and click on the clip, or after activating the clip, use the “Insert” command from the context menu in the application. However, it is worth noting that the first method does not work in every application. When inserting links, they can be quickly opened in an Internet browser. If necessary (for example, when copying large reports that clearly do not need to be stored in the clip library, if only because of the space it takes up on the disk), you can temporarily disable clipboard tracking using the Tools > "Turn Off Capturing" command. The program also implements fragment editing. In particular, text can be inserted or deleted in text blocks, case can be changed, etc., and graphic fragments can easily be supplemented with text, graphic primitives, background image and etc.

There is a free, simplified analogue of Spartan Multi Clipboard - the M8 Free Clipboard utility (http://m8software.com/clipboards/freeclip/freeclip.htm; 4.78 MB), the capabilities of which are limited to storing the last 25 fragments.

Ditto 3.15.4

Distribution size: 2.04 MB
Spreading: free Ditto is a very convenient and simple utility for working with the clipboard. It allows you to restore thousands of text (including formatting) and graphic blocks of information. The program (there is no Russian localization) can be downloaded and used completely free of charge. By default, all fragments are placed in a common area, but if necessary, some of them can be easily placed immediately or later moved to specific groups, which allows you to save fragments in accordance, for example, with the theme or software. The built-in search filter simplifies orientation in many fragments, to launch which you just need to type the word in search bar at the bottom of the Ditto window. Any of the database fragments can be viewed by hovering the mouse over it or pressing the F3 key on it, and, if necessary, make it undeletable (command "Quick Properties" > "Never Auto Delete"). The latter makes sense for remembering some permanent information that often has to be entered - say, your own e-mail. It is also possible to edit text fragments in the built-in editor, however, only inserting and deleting some information from them, as well as simple formatting, is allowed here.

Inserting the desired fragment into a document is very convenient - drag and drop. If you wish, you can simultaneously insert not one, but more fragments copied from different places at a time, however, this only works for fragments of the same format. If desired, you can assign hotkeys for insertion for the first ten fragments.

It is convenient to use Ditto as a mini-database for frequently used text fragments - to do this, you need to remember the necessary fragments sequentially, and then disable data collection by selecting the "Disconnect from ClipBoard" command from the program's context menu. After this, you can quickly insert words and phrases previously placed in the database into the required fields by simply dragging and dropping.

Global Clipboard 2.2

Developer: ElasticLogic
Distribution size: 1.56 MB
Spreading: shareware Global Clipboard is a fairly easy-to-use clipboard manager that allows you to restore images, texts (including formatting) and names of copied files and folders from the clipboard. The demo version of the program (there is a Russian localization) is fully functional and operational for 30 days, the cost of the commercial version is $19.95, but this program can be purchased at Allsoft.ru for 300 rubles. It is worth noting that during testing the program did not work stable enough and crashed several times. A similar situation occurred when we accessed this utility a couple of years ago. By default, the utility can store up to 20 fragments (if desired, the number of stored fragments can be increased to 1000), but the number of active fragments (that is, those that can be accessed instantly) is limited to five. At the same time, if necessary, you can move between saved fragments and change their places, which opens access to other blocks of information available in the database. Any of the active fragments can be viewed in an enlarged form by clicking the left mouse button on it; however, the contents of the fragment will be difficult to read, but you can still find your way around. For each of the active fragments it is provided detailed information(number of lines, words and characters in the copied text, as well as the sizes of images and screenshots). It is most convenient to insert a fragment into the application window by double-clicking the mouse, but you can also press the Enter key or through the "Insert" menu item. It is possible to accumulate several text fragments in a buffer (the "Add text to buffer" command) and simultaneously insert them into the document. It is possible to save different sets of fragments and, when working with a specific application, load the desired set of fragments - the “Manage Slots” button is responsible for working with sets.

It is possible to recognize identical fragments and edit them; when editing, text fragments can change case, and graphic fragments can be rotated, mirror reflection and inverting colors. Both will be required preset hot keys. If text of a certain type (link or email address), then the program can automatically launch the application necessary to process it - open a link in an Internet browser or create a letter for the email address contained in the clipboard.

When working on a computer, we use different applications, transfer data from one medium to another, and copy various information. Operating room developer Windows systems are aimed at increasing the ease of use and automating routine actions. For this purpose, the ability to operate with the clipboard was provided: write down information, transfer it to another location on the disk or to another program, view the contents and clear it.

The clipboard is a part of memory where recently used and written data is stored. These can be images, tables, files, text. Random access memory (RAM) is used only when the computer is running, so after turning it off, the entire contents of the buffer are deleted. Thus, this is an unreliable storage of information, and is only suitable for temporary, quick use.

On any OS Windows recording to the clipboard is done using the “copy” item of the context menu (key combination Ctrl and C), and writing from it with the “paste” command (key combination Ctrl and V). You can also “cut” a block of baths (Ctrl+X), which means writing it and removing it from the place in which it is currently located. Sometimes when working with a particular application, the system displays the message “the amount of information is too large to fit into the clipboard.” This means that the computer does not have enough space for recording; this usually happens when working with a large image.

You can view the contents of the Windows clipboard using standard tools provided in the system and using special utilities.

Accessing the clipboard using standard Windows tools

A full-fledged program is only available in Windows XP. There is a utility utility that is located in the C:/windows/system32 folder.

There is also such a program in Windows 7, it is called clip.exe.

But it is impossible to open it to the user. Is there a way to clear the clipboard? special team and even create a launch shortcut for it. You can try to transfer it utility program clipbrd.exe from an old operating system.

  1. Write a file from your computer with the old one operating system. Or take the installation Windows disk XP, open it, required file located in the "I386" folder.
  2. Save it on your Windows 7 computer, then unpack it with some archiver, for example WinRar.
  3. After extraction, run the file clipbrd.exe and get a working program that allows you to view the Windows clipboard

You can also unpack the file using command line, to do this, enter the following text:

expand clipbrd.ex_ clipbrd.exe

This works if you saved the file to your desktop. The first command transfers to this directory. If you saved somewhere else, please indicate your path. But it’s still easier to use one of the archivers; everyone probably has similar programs on their computer.

To just clear the clipboard, you can create a shortcut for a special command:

If you want to test the functionality, copy something, such as text into Word, paste it to make sure the buffer is not empty, and then run the command you created. A black window will appear for a moment. When it disappears, click the “paste” command in Word, and nothing will happen because the information has been erased from memory.

But there is an easier way to delete a large fragment from memory. Just copy something very small, like one letter, and the program will replace the large amount with new data (that letter).

This implies the main disadvantage of using standard program Windows to view the contents of the clipboard: only the latest information is written to memory. After copying, the previous one is simply replaced. And you can only insert the last fragment.

However, sometimes advanced features are added to applications. For example, in Microsoft Office it is possible not only to view, but also to select fragments from the last few copies, clear them, and also adjust the size of the buffer itself. Moreover, all this data, including settings, is available from any application of the package.

The buffer control panel is located in the upper left corner of the Home tab. Under the “Paste” icon there is a line with an arrow, click it and an additional window will open where you can view the copied data and select the ones you need to paste.

Special clipboard management programs

In addition to standard Windows tools There are many specialized programs that allow you to open the clipboard on your computer, see what is there, clear or select the necessary data.

Such applications are:

  • CLCL;
  • ClipboardViewer;
  • AAP Assistant and many others.

ClipDiary is a program that saves data to history, stores it even after restarting the computer, allows you to use hot keys, create templates, put marks, and has convenient navigation. The application is free for personal use.

CLCL - simple free utility, similar to the standard Windows tool with the difference that it can save previous copies, and not just the latest ones. The program is easy to use and does not require installation. Also stores data after the computer is turned off.

Clipboard Viewer program for working with the clipboard in real time. Doesn't save data after reboot. But it has useful function saving data to a file and restoring from it. This way, you can transfer the contents of your clipboard to another computer.

AAP Assistant is a powerful program for working with text buffer data: saves history, uses hot keys, analyzes and processes text before inserting, the ability network access(via the Internet), reminders, conversion of units of measurement, quick change of keyboard layout and many other useful functions.

These are the tools that allow you to open the clipboard and manage its contents. Regular users have enough standard means Windows, if you work with a large amount of information of a certain type, especially if with frequently repeated blocks of data, then it is better to choose a more advanced special application.

Not everyone is comfortable communicating with the clipboard via “copy-paste” every day. Sometimes you need a history of actions, data reuse, restoration, or text insertion without formatting. There are many tools to make work easier, and I’ll tell you about them now.

Lightweight, fast and free manager clipboard. Thanks to this program, you won't have to copy the same information and files over and over again. By clicking on hotkey A program window appears with all the data you have ever copied.

I have been using Clipdiary for many years, and it is one of the indispensable utilities for me. Even now, to write this post, I use Clipdiary every half minute. And just a couple of days after I first got acquainted with the program, I got a license for it.

A small utility, after installing which you can copy the contents of files via context menu:

The utility supports text files in txt format and image files in jpg formats, pcx, png, bmp, tga, gif, tif.

You can take a screenshot by pressing Prt Scr, or by pressing Prt Scr with the program. I really like this utility because it allows you to set actions that will be performed after taking a screenshot.

I configured it to save the screenshot to disk, open it in the Paint.net application, and copy it to the clipboard. This way I get a copy of the screenshot on disk and can quickly edit it. If no editing is required, I immediately paste it into the destination.


The most powerful utility for auto-typing text and executing various macros. It allows you to significantly reduce the time you spend writing texts.

The utility itself can serve as an analogue of Clipdiary, since it has exactly the same functionality for tracking the clipboard. In addition, you can create many macros using a buffer. For example, I can insert a file path depending on the window title.


Cross-platform utility for synchronizing Push notifications between all devices. One of its features is clipboard synchronization. Everything you copied on one device immediately becomes available on all others.

Punto Switcher

It is famous for the fact that it allows you to change the keyboard layout on the fly. However, many of its users are well familiar with the diary function, in which you can save all texts entered from the keyboard, as well as the entire clipboard. Or you can quickly change the layout of the text in the buffer.


File copy manager. The program copies faster than standard Windows manager, plus it has a built-in check for the integrity of files after copying. You also have the opportunity to copy files to frequently used folders in almost one click. To do this, simply add them to your favorites.
