Registration of personal page on the social network Facebook. How to register for Facebook: Step-by-step instructions Register in Facebook

Facebook has long been the Main World Social Network, in which new users are registered every day. Convenient interface, useful functionsInteresting applications - all this attracts people from all over our planet. If you want to personally verify the practical service, it's time to join the Facebook community.

Check in. Stage First

The developers tried to simplify the work of users with social networks as much as possible, so the registration process does not take much time. Everything is extremely simple and understandable. Registration on Facebook is available in Russian, so you will not have "difficulties".

To begin with, enter the next address in the address bar of the browser: . You find yourself on the title page of the site, where you are offered to immediately go through free registration on Facebook.

You need one thing - enter reliable data (name, surname, e-mail, date of birth, floor) and come up with a reliable password, which must be remembered, and better - write down.

Important! Be sure to specify the e-mail that you actually use, because It will be used to enter the site.

Once again, check the entered data and boldly click on the green "Registration" button.

Stage second. Preparation of profile

Registration of a new user in Facebook is aimed at creating your personal profile, in which all information you specified about yourself will be reflected. This can be done at the second stage of registration, consisting of several steps.

1. Main goal Facebook - Communication with friends. It is for this reason that you are offered to immediately find on the site account accounts that you already communicate in other social. Networks - VKontakte, Mail.Ru, Skype. If you have found familiar faces, use the button "Add as Friend". If you do not see or want to postpone this procedurejust click "Skip this step".

2. In the second step, the main profile block itself is filling - personal information. Here you can specify the place of study and work for which your acquaintances will be able to find you.

To the right of the fields Native city"," High School "," University "and" Employer "You will see an icon denoting on Facebook privacy settings. You can make the specified information publicly or enter restrictions on viewing, for example, allow access to only your friends.

Fill in all fields, just click the button "Save and continue"Or skip this step (add information can be available at any time).

If you pointed out the place of study and work, the system will present you a list of potential friends with whom you may learn or work. You can immediately add them as a friend or go to the next step by clicking the "Skip" button.

3. Next, you will be offered to subscribe to the pages of famous companies. If you want the first to recognize their news, just click on the icons of the brands who are interested in you and click "Save and continue." If this desire did not appear, boldly skip this step.

4. Last, but no less important step - adding profile photos (avatars). You can choose something from your "photo glare" ("Upload a photo") or take a picture "In live air", I.e. Using a webcam ("take a picture").

Confirmation of registration

The final stage - confirmation of your desire to register in social network. For this, the system has sent a letter to the E-Mail you specified.

The most frequent problems when registering

Often, those who wish to start an account on Facebook are faced with the fact that they simply cannot register. The system issues an error, informing about the inability to register a new user. As a rule, everything comes down to three problems:

  1. incorrect filling of the registration form;
  2. no confirmation code;
  3. incompatibility with the used browser.

The easiest way to solve the problem with the browser. The fact is that Facebook works mainly on JavaScript with which the popular Opera browser often experience malfunctions. So running Facebook, go to another browser, for example, on Google Chrome..

Second frequent problem - It's just wrong, inattentive filling with a new user of the Faisbook registration form. There are some points that should be considered when creating an account:

  • Age. You can use social network from 13 years old. Of course, many children try to deceive the system, indicating the wrong year of birth, but this action with some probability can lead to consequences, for example, to block account.
  • Filling rules. The last name and the name should be specified real. In addition, you need to enter them in one language layout, using only letters - no characters and even the numbers will be checked.

Be sure to check all the data entered in order to avoid re-fill in the registration form. And remember that some information is no longer able to change.

Finally, another common problem is not coming to the specified number. mobile code confirmation. The reasons may be the following:

  • You have entered the country code. It is not necessary to do it - it's enough to choose it from the drop-down list.
  • The phone number is incorrectly specified. You may have used spaces or hyphens. You need to enter simply numbers, without additional characters.
  • Note on server mobile operator. Often SMS with a confirmation code come with a large delay. Therefore, you just have to wait. And then write to Facebook technical support.

Registration in Facebook is free, quickly and easily. You will have no more than 7 minutes for the entire procedure, which you will become a full-fledged user of the world's largest social network.

Register with computer

The most common and, probably, convenient for most users, this is a registration through the Facebook website using a personal computer:

Now your mail when logging in will be used as a login.

Tip! For appendix Facebook. On the mobile phone on the left there is a button to install Facebook for mobile devices.

Register with phone

Facebook without email or phone

Register on Facebook without address email It is impossible. The fact is that with its help you can restore the password, use as a login, and notifications will come to it.

But, register without the phone is quite possible. For this you pass all standard procedure registration. Only instead of the phone number indicate an email address.

If you want to watch a video of how to register on Facebook, then below is a video with explanations (by the way, how to download videos from Facebook can be read).

Now you have an account on Facebook, and you can use all available services. I hope the procedure described above will help you avoid problems and as soon as possible to register. Good luck to all!

In this material we will try to give the most complete answer to the question of users who are poorly understood in personal computers and in world Wide Web: "How to register for Facebook?". But for a start, let's talk a little about this extremely popular social. network.

Facebook is one of the largest and very popular social networks, which was created by the Harvard Institute students headed by Mark Zuckerberg 11 years ago. The purpose of the project, originally called "TheFacebook", was to create a certain site on which fellow students could communicate.

Two years later, after the appearance of the portal, its registration became available for students of the Boston Institute, and then for all students in United States institutions. In this case, the registration process could only pass by those users who had emails with an address in the EDU domain.

Currently, more than one and a half billion people are registered on Facebook. At the same time, it costs that the third of these people have their own community or a group on this site.

Thanks to its development, young Zuckerberg has become a dollar billionaire only 23 years.

Brief registration instructions.

  1. Open a social network in any browser at
  2. Fill necessary fields And click the "Register" button.
  3. Add your photo and personal data.
  4. Confirm your registration in the letter that will come to your email address.

How to register in Facebook - detailed instructions.

1. First of all, you need to register an email in any service you like.

4. In the pop-up window, confirm your intention.

5. Now you can add a photo () for your future profile. Click on the Add Photo button and select it from your PC. Or skip this procedure by clicking on the inscription "Skip".

6. Now go to email you created and open a letter from Facebook. Click on the link and you can rejoice in your page.

Now you know everything about registration in Soc. Facebook network.

Facebook plans to enter a fee for the use of the service

Facebook is free service and never will require payment fees for the further use of the site. Nevertheless, you can purchase loans Facebook.You can use to send gifts or to buy goods, applications and games.

In addition, if you want to use Facebook on your mobile phone, please note that the fee may be charged for using the Internet and / or text messages in accordance with the tariffs of the mobile operator.

Minimum age for registration on Facebook

The age of the user creating an account on Facebook Must be at least 13 years.

Can I create one account for several people on Facebook

Facebook Accounts are designed for individual use. This means that they do not allow a collaborative account. In addition to the same email address, you can register only one account on Facebook, as each account belongs to one person, the management of the social network requires that each account be presented under the real name. This allows users to always know to whom they appeal. When you create an accountYou can use data from third-party servicesTo see your contacts with any of your friends in one place.

Why I received by invitation to register on Facebook

This post was sent, because someone invites you join Facebook.. Facebook allows its users to send invitations to contact by entering their email address or adding contacts.

If you are already using Facebook, it may mean that your friend gave its email address that is currently not connected with your Facebook account. If you want, you can add an email address to your Facebook account to make sure that you will not receive invitations in the future. register on Facebook..

If you are not yet a member and want to join Facebook, you can use this email address to start the registration process. If you do not want to receive invitations from friends, you can use the reference link from the subscription located in the lower email messages.

How to find out if I have an account on Facebook

If you created account Facebook. Previously - you can find it. You will need an email address, a phone number or username associated with your account. You can also find your account using a friend's name on Facebook. When you find your account you can reset the account password. Then you can resume the use of your account or delete it.

Create a new Facebook account

How do I register on Facebook

create a new account

After filling in the registration form, you will receive a message to the specified email address. Just click on the link to confirm to complete the registration process.

The difference between the entrance and registration

Registration Facebook.

If you do not have an account on Facebook, you can create it by performing a few simple steps. To create a new accountfill in the registration form on , giving your full name, date of birth, gender and email address. Then select Password.

Login to Facebook.

If you already have an account on Facebook, you can enter it on the same page. Just enter the email address and password to the appropriate fields at the top of the page and click the Login button.

Papilla Requirements on Facebook

Created password must contain not less than 6 characters and consist of a sequence of numbers, letters and punctuation marks. If the entered password is not strong enough, try to mix it with large lowercase letters, or just make it longer.

Ideally, the password should be easily remembered for you, but difficult to determine for others. For security reasons, the password should differ from other passwords that you use on the Internet.

How can I add a secret question

The control question is a useful way to confirm the rights to your account if you lose access to it. The secret question for your account can be set to Security settings:

  1. Press the ↓ button in the upper right corner of any facebook page and select account settings.

  1. Click Safety In the left menu.
  2. Select the Measure Management and follow the instructions.

Note: This section will not be displayed if you have already created secret Question.

Tips for choosing a good secret question:

  • Select the question and answer you can remember;
  • Keep a secret question and answer safe;
  • Try to answer the answer is so specific that it was not possible to guess.

Create Facebook Account using mobile phone

How to register on Facebook using a mobile phone

Using a mobile device:

  1. Go to

Hello, dear friends! Today we begin to learn a new social network called Facebook. It is not so popular in the countries of the former CIS, such as Vkontakte or classmates, but still many still use. The first article, as always will be devoted to registration.

Register with computer

You can register for Facebook for free on the official website, which is kindly granted to us in Russian. Switch by reference

We pay attention to the right side of the page that opens, it is there that is a form for registration.

Pay attention to the fields for entering a mobile phone number. If you want to register in Facebook without a phone number, simply enter the address of your email to this field.

It would be logical to assume that if you want to register without an email, then there will have to enter the phone number. Nothing to enter and leave this line empty will not work.

Enter all the data and click on the "Create Account" button:

At the next stage, they offer to find friends through their accounts On other services. You can skip this step by clicking the "Next" button.

We skip step:

In principle, the main registration is over, we just have to confirm your postal address. This is reminded at the very top of the Facebook page. Go to your mailbox And we are looking for a letter.

In the letter, we find the button "Confirm your account" and click on it. We still provide some kind of confirmation code, but I personally did not use it.

Everything, congratulations, you registered. While on the page you have, naturally, nothing.

Register from a mobile phone

You can also go from a mobile phone to the official website through any browser and do everything that we did in the first point, but can download mobile app And register with it. Let's take a closer look at the second way.

We go to the playmark market and looking for a facebook application there.

Install it:

Here they offer to enter your phone number for registration. Not everyone likes this, so we can not enter the phone number and not to enter, but pay attention to the bottom of the screen and click on the "Sign up using an email address" button.

This window can already come to you. Here they are registered using email.

It seems to be specifically for registration in this social network there is nothing more to explain, so the rest of the questions will be disassembled in the following articles.