Photoshop tasks for training. Practical classes on Photoshop. Introduction to Adobe Photoshop Program

  1. new document 500x500 pixels.
  2. New layer. With the help of elliptic selection (use the "Add to highlight" parameters button) and the fill tool draw a penguin torso. Remove selection.
  3. Draw forehead. Elliptic selection to pour a gradient (tool in a group with fill), colors - black and white.
  4. Also draw the stomach:
  5. We draw eyes on a new layer (elliptic area of \u200b\u200bselection, fill, stroke of the selected area, tool of movement). Duplicate a layer with the eyeLayer - DuplicateLayer. (Layer - duplicate the layer). Combine all layers other than the background.
  6. Mouth. New layer. Draw a red oval. Rectangular selection allocate the upper half of the oval.Edit - TRANSFORM - Scale (Editing - transformation - scaling). We deform for the top medium square (pull down), confirm the transformation - a check mark on the parameter panel. Perform stroke yellow. To transfer a penguin head, combine with a layer of torso.
  7. Paws and wings. The new layer below the layer with the torso. On a new layer - oval selection, pour yellow or black. Transform by turning:Edit - TRANSFORM - ROTATE. Duplicate layers, expand horizontally:Edit - TRANSFORM - Flip Horisontal, move to the body, combine layers other than the background.

Sections: Computer science

Commentary for teacher: Exercises 1-2 are performed when studying the "layers" theme. Exercise 1 is performed in step-by-step mode (each action is described in detail in the task), the exercise 2 is performed by analogy with the first. Exercises 3-5 belong to the topic "Styles of the layers". Also, exercise 3 is given in a step-by-step embodiment, exercises 4 and 5 are performed similarly to the third. Includes are given source files (JPG) and task texts.

Exercise 1

Task 1. Add to image New layers from other documents

Open file Chess.jpg.

  • Select panel Layers.
  • Increase the size of the canvas (so that there is enough space to add other image fragments):

Figure - contour size;

In the Set Width dialog box - 16 cm.

Note that the panel Layerscontains only one layer of the back plan Background.

Open file Kitten.jpg.

  • Select the image of the kitten.
  • Run the command Edit - copy.
  • Return to Document chess.jpg. and execute the command Edit - insert.
  • Not releasing the mouse button, move the selected fragment into the document window chess.jpg.
  • Release the mouse button.

In document chess.jpg. A new layer appeared Layer L.where the kitten is depicted.

Open file Mouse.jpg.

  • Select the mouse image.
  • Copy and paste into a file chess.jpg.

Task 2. Rename document layers

  • Twice click on the layer icon (for example, Layer 1.) In the palette of the layers.
  • Enter a new layer name Kitty in field Name.
  • Similarly rename Layer 2. in Mouse.
  • Rename a layer Background in BoardTherefore, converting it to a regular layer.
  • Task 3. Move and scale the image within the layer

  • Select tool Move.
  • Select a layer Mouse.
  • Move the image to the bottom of the chessboard.
  • Slightly reduce the mouse image by running the command
  • Select a layer Kitty.
  • Reduce the image of the kitten by running the command Edit - free transformation.
  • Select tool Move.
  • Move the image to the top of the chessboard.
  • Comment. Scaling will be proportional if you move the angular limiters to keep the key Shift..

    Comment. When the key is pressed Ctrl The image will be distorted, not scaled, while the cursor takes the look of the gray arrow.

    • Select a layer Board.
    • Select the image around the chessboard using the tool Magic rod.
    • Invert selection.
    • Key Delete. Delete white background Around a chessboard.
    • Invert selection.
    • Reduce the image of a chessboard by running the command

    Task 4. change the layout order

  • Select a layer Board.
  • Press the mouse button.
  • When the button is pressed, move this layer up before the layer on the panel Layers.
  • The image will be located on the front (rear) plan.

    Task 5. Saving a file

  • Save drawing under the name Cat game mouse.jpg.
  • Exercise 2. Work with layers

    Tenge.psd.using files: Frame.jpg, 10,000 tenge.jpg, 5000 tenge.jpg, 2000 tenge.jpg, 1000 tenge.jpg and 100 tenge.gif..

    Exercise 3. Work with layers

    Task 1. Adding and configuring photos.

    Open file baiterek.jpg.

    Open file Embankment.jpg.

  • Run teams Allocation - all and then Edit - copy.
  • Switch to file baiterek.jpg. and execute the command Edit - insert.
  • Reduce the size of the added image using the command Edit - free transformation.
  • Rotate the image to execute by applying the command Edit - Transformation - Rotate.
  • Using tool Move, Move the image.
  • After adding a fragment appeared new layer Layer 1., rename it in a layer EmbankmentFollowing double-click By the name of the layer on the panel Layers.
    • Set up layer style Embankment In the dialog box Layer stylehaving double-clicking on the layer layer aboutand.
    • Similar operations to perform with files 011.jpg, intercon.jpg.

    Task 2. Creating a layer with patterns.

    Open file Pattern.jpg..

  • Using tool Magic Wand, highlight the pattern.
  • Run the command Edit - Copy.
  • Switch to file baiterek.jpg..
  • Run the command Edit - insert.
  • Four times execute the command Layer - new - group through a copy.
  • Locate the patterns in the line using the movement operation.
  • Placing patterns, for ease of work, combine these layers into one, to do this, select layers with patterns using the key Shift. and execute the command LayersCombine layers.
  • Install similar layer style settings.
  • Exercise 4. Work with layers. Styles of layers

    Create a multi-layer document Nomad.psd.using files: 01.jpg, 02.jpg, 03.jpg, p46a.gifand Camera.jpg.. In the appropriate layers, adjust the shadow.

    Exercise 5. Working with layers. Styles of layers

    Create a multi-layer document Aldar spit.psd.using files: 03_ 01.jpg, CD 1.JPG.. In the appropriate layers, adjust the shadow.

    Practical work number 1. Fire inscription

    Purpose of work: learn how to create an inscription with a fiery effect..


    1. Launch adobe program Photoshop CS3.

    2. Set black background color

    3. Create an arbitrary size ( File → New) With settings, as in Fig. 1.1. note that dimensions The file is indicated in pixels, and color mode must be installed Gray grades 8 bits .

    4. Write any text with a white color using the tool. Try to use a massive font, for example, ARIAL with the settings of a bold and consistent drawing (Fig. 1.2)

    5. Right-click on the text layer and select the Rereatest Text command.

    6. Spread the layers using the command Ctrl+ E.. Must remain 1 layer (back) containing text (Fig. 1.3).

    7. Turn the image by 90 ° counterclockwise using the command Image → Rotate canvas → 90 ° counterclockwise. The result is presented in Fig.1.4.

    8. Apply the filter Wind (Filter → Stylization → Wind) With settings: method - Wind, direction - Right (Fig.1.5).

    9. To increase the references of the flame, the wind filter can be applied several times. Instead of repetition of the described sequence of actions, you can use the key combination Ctrl+ F.. The result is in fig.1.6.

    10. Follow the command Filter → Stylization → Diffusion with normal adjustment mode (Fig.1.7). This filter creates the effect of diffusing colors: the colors from the flame tongues penetrate the background color and vice versa.

    11. Return the image to its original position: Image → Rotate canvas → 90 ° clockwise.

    12. To the resulting image, apply the Ryabi filter: Filter → Distortion → Ruffle With the following settings:

    - ryabi size:middle; - power: 50% (Fig.1.8).

    13. Move the image into indexed colors mode: Image → Mode → Indexed colors.

    14. Follow the command Image → Mode → Color Table. Select the table "Absolutely Black Body" (Fig.1.9).

    15. Fire inscription Ready  (Fig.1.10)

    If the result of the work does not suit you, then try to return a few steps back and change the degree or size of ripples.

    Sections: Computer science

    Commentary for teacher: Exercises 1-2 are performed when studying the "layers" theme. Exercise 1 is performed in step-by-step mode (each action is described in detail in the task), the exercise 2 is performed by analogy with the first. Exercises 3-5 belong to the topic "Styles of the layers". Also, exercise 3 is given in a step-by-step embodiment, exercises 4 and 5 are performed similarly to the third. Includes are given source files (JPG) and task texts.

    Exercise 1

    Task 1. Add to image New layers from other documents

    Open file Chess.jpg.

    • Select panel Layers.
    • Increase the size of the canvas (so that there is enough space to add other image fragments):

    Figure - contour size;

    In the Set Width dialog box - 16 cm.

    Note that the panel Layerscontains only one layer of the back plan Background.

    Open file Kitten.jpg.

    • Select the image of the kitten.
    • Run the command Edit - copy.
    • Return to Document chess.jpg. and execute the command Edit - insert.
    • Not releasing the mouse button, move the selected fragment into the document window chess.jpg.
    • Release the mouse button.

    In document chess.jpg. A new layer appeared Layer L.where the kitten is depicted.

    Open file Mouse.jpg.

    • Select the mouse image.
    • Copy and paste into a file chess.jpg.

    Task 2. Rename document layers

  • Twice click on the layer icon (for example, Layer 1.) In the palette of the layers.
  • Enter a new layer name Kitty in field Name.
  • Similarly rename Layer 2. in Mouse.
  • Rename a layer Background in BoardTherefore, converting it to a regular layer.
  • Task 3. Move and scale the image within the layer

  • Select tool Move.
  • Select a layer Mouse.
  • Move the image to the bottom of the chessboard.
  • Slightly reduce the mouse image by running the command
  • Select a layer Kitty.
  • Reduce the image of the kitten by running the command Edit - free transformation.
  • Select tool Move.
  • Move the image to the top of the chessboard.
  • Comment. Scaling will be proportional if you move the angular limiters to keep the key Shift..

    Comment. When the key is pressed Ctrl The image will be distorted, not scaled, while the cursor takes the look of the gray arrow.

    • Select a layer Board.
    • Select the image around the chessboard using the tool Magic rod.
    • Invert selection.
    • Key Delete. Remove white background around a chessboard.
    • Invert selection.
    • Reduce the image of a chessboard by running the command

    Task 4. change the layout order

  • Select a layer Board.
  • Press the mouse button.
  • When the button is pressed, move this layer up before the layer on the panel Layers.
  • The image will be located on the front (rear) plan.

    Task 5. Saving a file

  • Save drawing under the name Cat game mouse.jpg.
  • Exercise 2. Work with layers

    Tenge.psd.using files: Frame.jpg, 10,000 tenge.jpg, 5000 tenge.jpg, 2000 tenge.jpg, 1000 tenge.jpg and 100 tenge.gif..

    Exercise 3. Work with layers

    Task 1. Adding and configuring photos.

    Open file baiterek.jpg.

    Open file Embankment.jpg.

  • Run teams Allocation - all and then Edit - copy.
  • Switch to file baiterek.jpg. and execute the command Edit - insert.
  • Reduce the size of the added image using the command Edit - free transformation.
  • Rotate the image to execute by applying the command Edit - Transformation - Rotate.
  • Using tool Move, Move the image.
  • After adding a fragment a new layer appeared Layer 1., rename it in a layer EmbankmentBy double clicking the name of the layer on the panel Layers.
    • Set up layer style Embankment In the dialog box Layer stylehaving double-clicking on the layer layer aboutand.
    • Similar operations to perform with files 011.jpg, intercon.jpg.

    Task 2. Creating a layer with patterns.

    Open file Pattern.jpg..

  • Using tool Magic Wand, highlight the pattern.
  • Run the command Edit - Copy.
  • Switch to file baiterek.jpg..
  • Run the command Edit - insert.
  • Four times execute the command Layer - new - group through a copy.
  • Locate the patterns in the line using the movement operation.
  • Placing patterns, for ease of work, combine these layers into one, to do this, select layers with patterns using the key Shift. and execute the command LayersCombine layers.
  • Install similar layer style settings.
  • Exercise 4. Work with layers. Styles of layers

    Create a multi-layer document Nomad.psd.using files: 01.jpg, 02.jpg, 03.jpg, p46a.gifand Camera.jpg.. In the appropriate layers, adjust the shadow.

    Exercise 5. Working with layers. Styles of layers

    Create a multi-layer document Aldar spit.psd.using files: 03_ 01.jpg, CD 1.JPG.. In the appropriate layers, adjust the shadow.

    Sevastopol station of young technicians

    The Department information technologies


    practical work

    according to the graphic editor Photoshop.

    g. Sevastopol


    purpose - Provide students with a collection of practical work, allowing to effectively consolidate theoretical knowledge in practice.

    The manual contains work on a graphic editorPhotoshop..

    All work in the collection is offered in the order of increasing their complexity. The collection has a modular structure.

    The collection of practical work was a methodologist Syut:Shatrov A. A.

    Practical work number 1

    Copy in a text editor, the tools and next to each of them sign it appointment, the use method.

    Practical work number 2

    IN graphic editor Photoshop.

    Practical work number 3

    In a graphic editorPhotoshop. Create 5 files (1.8 to 3). Each of them draw the following flags using the allocation and drawing tools.

    Practical work number 4

    In a graphic editorPhotoshop. Scan the following photo. Using removal tools, selection frames, brushes and palettes Edit the image so that only flags are visible. The background should be white.

    It is necessary to align the flags horizontally and the flags in the second row are located symmetrically in the center relative to the 1st row.

    Practical work number 5

    Scan an image. Edit using graphic editor tools and paint using a palette.

    Practical work number 6

    Practical work number 7

    In graphic editor Photoshop. You must edit the image.

    Create a new layer. Name it "background". Fill it with a gradient. Place the "background" layer under the main layer with the image. Go to the layer with the contour, highlight and delete everything too much. Relieve the contour lines where it will be required (if it is not done, the fill and the gradient cannot be applied to the image element).

    Using tools: Pouring and gradient Color the image. When painting the workpiece, use no more than three colors. Colors need to choose so that they harmoniously looked on the background created.

    Practical work number 8

    In the PhotoShop graphic editor, you must edit the image.

    Create a new layer. Name it "background". Fill it with a gradient. Place the "background" layer under the main layer with the image. Go to the layer with the contour, highlight and delete everything too much. Relieve the contour lines where it will be required (if it is not done, the fill and the gradient cannot be applied to the image element).

    Using tools: Pouring and gradient Color the image. When painting the workpiece, use no more than three colors. Colors need to choose so that they harmoniously looked on the background created.

    Practical work number 9

    Practical work number 10

    Practical work number 11

    Using one of the proposed billets, create a frame for a sheet of A-4 format. When running work, use the copy method or stamp (you can combine both methods).

    You must have the following framework:

    Practical work number 12

    In the graphics editor, you need to paint a black and white photo.

    When editing photos, use filters and adjustments of the balance of colors or curves, depending on what is better than you own.

    Practical work number 13

    Scan your (take a picture) photo using layers, convert it in accordance with the figure below.

    Practical work number 14

    Raw material:

    Create a background and place the main figures on it, sign work.

    An example of a finished composition:

    Practical work number 15

    In the PhotoShop graphic editor, perform an image installation.

    Raw material:

    Possible variant Works:

    Practical work number 16

    By changing the color channels check color reproduction. IN text editor Make a matching table.

    Practical work number 17

    Using the workpiece, create a calendar in PhotoShop graphic editor.

    Convert the canvas size to the formatB.-5.

    Practical work number 18

    Edit the photo graphics editor.

    Practical work number 19

    Create a composite (composite image). Apply filters to it. Create background. Add a text inscription to the resulting composition.

    Practical work number 20

    In the graphics editor, create an image.

    Practical work number 21

    In the PhotoShop graphic editor, create a congratulation. When working out, use the framework from work number 9.

    Possible version of work.

    Dear Zoya Vasilyevna!

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy birthday congratulations

    I wish from the heart of clean

    Health strong for many years,

    Let them always accompany you in life

    Love and tenderness, affectionate word.

    Earthly happiness, bright, big.

    Success, mutual understanding,

    Among friends, colleagues - acknowledgment.

    Let the hopes and dreams come true,

    And on this day - for you flowers!

    Collective LLC Neptun



    Practical work number 2 2

    In the PhotoShop graphic editor, you must create a vignette. On the first page there should be a large photo placed in an oval frame. On the second page there are small photos of the group with inscriptions. The first row occupy photos of teachers. Place both pages on A-4 format.

    Practical work number 2 3

    Unlock the layer with the image and create a copy of the layer. Press the right mouse button on the new layer and select the "Overlay Settings" item. In the window that opens, you must set the "Lighten" value in the "Mode" field. Using the "opacity parameter, edit the effect of the applied effect."

    Using the allocation tools, select the sky. With the help of the "Brightness and Contrast" tool, we achieve maximum clarity.

    You should get:

    Complete layers and save work.

    Practical work number 2 4

    Spend a color correction of the photo (you need to lighten).

    Practical work number 2 5

    Edit a portrait.

    First you need to drive a portrait, so that you have the image of such an image, as in Figure 2.

    Fig. 2.

    Translate the image into a black and white mode. To do this, use you "Image" -\u003e "Correction" -\u003e "Channel Mixing".

    Install the checkbox in the "Monochrome" field. In the channel "Red" - 30, and in the "Green" channel - 70. If you install other parameters, then the sum of values \u200b\u200bin all channels should be 100.

    Apply the parameters. You should have an image as in Figure 3.

    Fig. 3.

    Now we will deal with your eyes. The eyes are very dark in the photos and they need to clarify. To do this, take the "Lighter" tool, change the brush. You will need a brush with blur. Set the size of the brush so that it is in its size, compare with the size of the iris. Additionally, for the brush, set the "range" - the middle tone and "exposure" - 10-12%.

    Now, a few clicks in the eyes clarify them. So that it was not very scary need to edit pupils. For this, we need to darken a little bit with the "darkener" tool. Tool settings are selected by analogy with the previous one.

    Now we will deal with bruises under the eyes. With the help of the Lasso tool, approximately highlight the bruises. Press Ctrl + H in order to hide the selection line - it will simplify further editing.

    Fig. four

    Using the "Curves" tools or "Balance of Flowers", edit the shade of the selected area.

    After that, we allocate a smaller area and we make similar manipulations with it.

    Fig. five

    As a result, we should turn out the image, as in Figure 6.

    Fig. 6.

    Now you need to duplicate our layer twice. This can be done in the palette of the layers.

    For the top copy of the layer, we specify the parameters: "dimming" and opacity - 35%.

    For the bottom copy of the layer, we specify the parameters: "Lightening" and opacity - 55%.

    Figure 7 and 8 shows the settings for the layers.

    Now to the upper layer it is necessary to apply the "Blur of Gauss" filter. With the "Radius" parameter 15 pix.

    To the lower layer, use the same filter. Only with the "Radius" parameter 20 pix.

    See Figure 9 and 10, respectively.

    Create a new layer.

    Turn off the visibility of the source layer, press the "ALT" key and simultaneously press the "SHIFT" + "Ctrl" key + "e" key. Turn on the source layer and simultaneously turn off the light and dark copies of the layers. As a result, we should get a photo, as in Figure 11.

    Fig. eleven

    Now we will now select the "opacity" parameter of the upper layer, so that the skin tone is smoothed, but so that it does not look overloaded, unreal. The value of the parameter is about 30-40%.

    Figure 12 presents what we owe ultimately:

    Fig. 12

    Now it is necessary to add a mask to the top layer. To do this, select the "layer" - "layer-mask" - "Hide everything". Select medium size brush with soft edges and install white for it. We draw in the image of the brush in those places where it is necessary to smooth the skin (clothes, eyes, lips, eyebrows, etc. are skipped).

    The result of the mask is shown in Figure 13.

    Fig. 13

    Now it is necessary to remove the extra layers. To do this, select the "layers" - "perform a mixing". If necessary, then with the "Kriva" tool, you can bright all the image. To increase the sharpness of the image, you must apply the "Contour sharpness" filter (filters - sharpness - contour sharpness). The filter with parameters is shown in Figure 14.

    Fig. fourteen

    The final result of the work is shown in Figure 15.

    Fig. fifteen

    Practical work number 2 6

    Edit the photo and insert it into the frame.

    Source photo (see Figure 1).

    Using the "Crop tool" tool, cut off the extra elements in the photo. The result of cropping is shown in Figure 2.

    Fig. 2.

    Add a correction layer. To do this, in the palette of the layers first unlock, and then copy the layer.

    Translate the image into a black and white mode. To do this, use you "Image" -\u003e "Correction" -\u003e "Channel Mixing".

    Install the checkbox in the "Monochrome" field. In the channel "Red" - 100.

    Apply the parameters. After the transformation, you should get a blank as in Figure 3.

    Now you need to add a new layer. For the created layer, install the parameters:

    Mixing - blackout;

    Opacity - 50%.

    We take the brush of the black color of a large radius, with soft edges. We set the parameter "Opacity" - 10-11%. We paint everything except the pipe and a birch of the birch in the foreground.

    You should get blur on the new layer, as in Figure 4.

    Fig. four

    Add another correction layer. The order of adding the correction layer is not higher. Copy follows the initial layer.

    For this layer, set the parameters: - mixing - clarification;

    Opacity - 25-45%.

    Create a layer mask.

    For this layer, create a mask. To do this, select the "layer" - "layer-mask" - "Hide everything". Select medium sized brush with soft edges and set parameters for it:

    White color;

    Opacity - 10%.

    We draw in the image of the brush in those places where birch is.

    Create another layer with the same parameters. Create a layer mask.

    We add the correction layer and apply the "Balance of Flowers" to it. Settings are shown in Figure 5, 6, 7.

    Fig. five

    Fig. 6.

    Fig. 7.

    In the end, you should have such an order in the palette of the layers, as in Figure 8.

    Fig. eight

    After all manipulations, our billet should look like presented in Figure 9.

    Fig. nine

    Now you can combine layers.

    Apply the "Contour sharpness" filter (filter - sharpness - contour sharpness). In the filter, set the parameters, as in Figure 10.

    Fig. 10

    Apply the "Add Noise" filter (filter - noise - add noise). In the filter, set the parameters, as in Figure 11.

    Fig. eleven

    Now create a large size file than the obtained billet. Fill it in black. Copy on this black sheet our workpiece and align it.

    Finished work should look like in Figure 12.