How to change long lamps. How to change the light bulb: the analysis of the technical nuances of a non-trivial problem. Procedure of work in a tension and suspended ceiling

Lighting devices based on tubular fluorescent lamps are still in demand in office, warehouse and industrial premises. Without a doubt, such light sources have large dimensions, buzz during operation and shine are not as stable, as their analogues, but does it make sense in replacement if the lamp can last for a long time? You can simply replace the fluorescent lamp, and everything will return to its place.

The bottom line is that the whole principle of operation of ionized light sources does not depend on the size and shape, and the price of such a lamp is rather low. How to change the lamp daylight? First you need to get acquainted with the main principles and connection methods.

How does the lamp act?

Let's figure it out exactly how the device of this type works. Inside the "lamp" a discharge in an atmosphere of inert gases, including mercury impurities. All "chemistry" provides a rather bright glow in UV (ultraviolet) spectrum, which is transformed into a familiar visible light, not without the help of phosphor, which is applied to the inner wall of the glass flask.

Important! To launch the electric breakdown, during which the gas is ionized and turns into a conductor electric currentThe pulse of a high voltage value between cathodes of a given low pressure lamp is required.

To start such a lamp, use the two most common connection schemes that imply use:

  • Empre and starter. Empra is an electromagnetic port-regulating machine.
  • EPR is an electronic port-regulating machine.

How to change the daylight lamp in the Empra lamp? The instruction is presented below.

Electromagnetic apparatus

Honestly, the principle of launch is the same for both cases, but on this scheme you can visually consider all the nuances. We supply voltage, thereby warming up the cathode of the device, then there is a sharp voltage jump, which activates the electrical breakdown in the gas environment, along which the electrons begin to move.

The starter just ensures the heating of the electrode of the device. It connects sequentially to the heat threads of each of the cathodes. Also, the scheme is equipped with an Empra throttle.

The starter is built-in a closed glass flask with bimetallic contacts. Between these contacts arises a smoldering discharge, which is formed due to voltage supply. This discharge warms the plate, and the contacts are closed. After that, the current and starts its movement right along the filaments of the lamp of the lamp, also warming them.

After a small period of time, the contacts at the starter are cooled and opened, leading to a sharp voltage pulse, which ensures the inductance of the choke. After all the processes lamp begins to glow.

Scheme with electronic progressing apparatus

EPRA ensures the occurrence of electric current with high frequencies. The entire launch algorithm is "programmed" by this scheme.

Important! It is this technology that allows you to carry out a cold instant launch of a fluorescent lamp. Such a technique Activation can reduce the service life, but perfectly suitable for extending the service if the lamps burned out or damaged cathodes, which can say blackening at the ends of the pipe.

Cold launch and the whole method of its holding should be described in the device passport. The circuit with the electronic device should be drawn on the device case. If you follow this scheme, you can connect the lamp yourself. But it is no secret that this technology has long been extended by the use of electromagnetic components.

We dealt with the principles of work, but how to change the daylight lamp in the office? Now we will answer this question.

We change the distorted lamp

If the whole problem lies only in replacing the lamp, without any inclusion electronic detailsYou need to simply follow these replacement recommendations:

  1. Disassemble the lamp. Spent with extreme caution Turn the tube along its axis.
  2. When you turn the glass tube 90 degrees, it can be lowered down, so that the contact pads pass through the holes in the holders.
  3. The new lamp must be positioned so that the contact compounds are in the vertical plane and calmly entered the slots. After that, the tube is screwed in the opposite direction.
  4. Run the power and make sure the lighting device is working, return to the dispersion plate.

Important! Faulty lamp need to be disposed of into an appropriate container for such waste.

Is it possible to check the performance of the components?

If you are going to connect the lamp, then you must be confident in its serviceability. To do this, get a tester and measure the resistance of the filament on cathodes. Resistance must be no more than 10 ohms.

Does your tester show infinite resistance? Do not rush to get rid of the light bulb, because it can be used a little more, thanks to the cold start mode.

Usually, contacts at the starter in a state of calm open, and the capacitor is not conducted d.C.. This means that when measuring the resistance, the device must give up to a hundred MOM. When you touch the tester shutters to the throttle conclusions, the resistance values \u200b\u200bshould be smoothly decreased to the constant within a few dozen ohms.

Important! Universal regret, an ordinary Ommeter does not allow you to identify a problem in the throttle winding, but if your multimeter is equipped with an inductance meter and you know all the EMPRA parameters, then the defect will be revealed.

Also, the throttle malfunction says instant brave-mounted lamp. Unfortunately, here with the help of a multimeter, well, I will not cope.

IN this article we will try to bring up to you information that will be needed in order for yourself (maybe it yourself) to replace the distilled lamp at home, in the country or in the apartment.

M legs think that it is simple and easy, but it is not quite so.

First, you need not to neglect the safety regulations and remember that electrical energy can be life-threatening.

Secondly, you must determine which lamp you need.

To date, there are several basic types of lamps:

Thirdly, you need to define the base of the lamp (see picture)

Luminescent and LED lamps, in our time (the beginning of the XXI century) are energy-saving.

This can be seen in the following picture.

As you saw in the picture, the cheapest light bulbs are incandescent lamps, but this does not mean that they are the most economical.

Also, you can make sure about the light flow on the next comparative table.

And now after the instruction, any person living in the house is able to change the light bulb, of course, with the exception of a child and the elderly.

Required actions, to replace the light bulb in or in:

1. Make sure the switch is in the off position before any activity.

2. If it is a chandelier or lampshade, slowly unscrew and remove it.

3. Turn another light source so that you can see where to screw the light bulb.

4.If light bulb on or high on the wall, you need a stable solid chair.

5. In order to unscrew the light bulb, make sure that it is close to your visibility, at the maximum hand distance.

6. To cool it three minutes, and then unscrew the lamp (right left), if you have difficulty, you need to take a towel to protect yourself in case the light bulb breaks.

7.After you unscrewed, carefully remove it and throw it into the basket.

8. Use the other, a new lamp and screw in place of the old, (from left to right).

9. Check the light switch to see whether the lamp is lit.

10. If the light bulb does not burn, repeat the operation again.

11. This should not take more than five minutes of your time.

If neatly and consistently, on the points, change the light bulb, it will not bring any particular difficulties.

But the most important thing to remember and not neglect the safety measures.

If, there will be difficulties, then you need to call a specialist ,.

The lamp is defective hide into a safe place where they do not have access or hand over it to the lamp processing point.

In almost every suspended or stretch ceiling, point lamps are used. Life life technical device Not infinite, and sooner or later it will be necessary to replace the light bulb. The task is simple: you can change it yourself by adhering to certain rules.

Varieties of lamps

There are several types of lamps used to illuminate housing. In addition to ordinary incandescent lamps, these are LED, halogen and fluorescent light sources.

Incandescent lamps

This is the most common and available way Lighting housing. Light in incandescent bulbs emits a preheated tungsten conductor (from tungsten-based refractory alloys).

Such devices withstand the voltage jumps and are quite inexpensive. Another advantage of incandescent bulb is fast sunbathing after tension.

However, the usefulness coefficient of this light source is extremely small: only 4%. In addition, the incandescent lamps are not too long term operation - it does not exceed thousands of hours. As a result, the bulbs have to change frequently.

LED bulbs

Sources of light on LEDs are also called semiconductor. They are the most harmless to the eye of the consumer and differ in environmental cleanliness.

Although company manufacturers declare the 11-year period of operation of LED lamps, the real period is much lower and does not exceed 3-4 years. The fact is that on the fourth (on average) year of the light bulb, the LED begins to degrade, losing brightness and light.

Disadvantage lED lamps - in them high cost. LED prices differ greatly, but the minimum price of the lamp does not fall below 300 rubles, and it can come up to 2000 rubles. LEDs provide a narrow concentrated light beam. It dictates the need to purchase a variety of lamps to ensure uniform lighting of the room, and this increases even more costs.

Note! Due to the high cost, the LED bulb pays off earlier than 5 years after the acquisition.

Halogen lamps

Halogen light sources are different high levels Light prospectors - more significant compared to incandescent lamps. The halogen light is a quartz flask with an inert gas environment. Also in the container there are halogens or related compounds. Such a composition slows down the evaluation process of an incandescent element, which allows to extend the service life this source Lighting.

Halogen lamps are divided into two categories:

  1. Up to 24 volts (low-voltage).
  2. Over 24 volts (network voltage devices).

According to constructive features, halogen lighting sources are divided into four types:

  1. Linear (from 1 to 20 kW). Do not apply for inner building spaces, as they give too high brightness).
  2. With an external flask (network voltage light bulb).
  3. With directional beam light. Equipped with an aluminum or interference reflector. Used for accented - point - lighting.
  4. Finger. Characterized in small sizes.

Fluorescent lamps

There are gas-discharge light sources equipped with start-up adjustment devices. Most often shipped with E14 or E27 bases.

The lack of luminescent devices is their low-capacity, which dictates the need to acquire a large number of lamps.

Comparison of different lamps

The smallest efficiency is characteristic of incandescent bulbs. Halogen lamps are also distinguished by low efficiency. LED light sources consume a lot of electricity, but they show a good efficiency. In addition, high strength is characterized for LEDs.

The table shows the main characteristics. different types Lamps.

Most affordable option - incandescent bulb. However, to save electricity, it is more profitable to purchase halogen lamps.

Types of bases

An important parameter for the light source is the type of base. There are three types of bases - screw, bayonet and pins. Each of them - with its diameter and attachment method.

The most famous and widespread type of base is screw. It is used in incandescent lamps. The bayonet connector is actually the subspecies of the screw, it is the protrusions on the connector and the grooves on the cartridge. Pin grounds have become popular in lately Due to the spread of halogen and LED lamps. The market presents seven different modifications of pin connectors.

The figure shows the encountered sizes of pinching bases.

Note! All light sources when replacing must have the same kind of base. None of them are interchangeable. Otherwise, it will have to be changed not only the light bulb, but also the base.

Features of working with tension and suspended ceilings

To replace the lamp in the suspended ceiling, you must first remove the ring-retainer, which is a Wire Spring. It is necessary to do it carefully, since the spring can slip out of the fingers and get lost. After that, slightly swaying movements carefully remove the light bulb from the base so as not to crush it or not damage the ceiling surface.

In many cases, the dismantling of the lamp is enough to get it out of the landing opening. The lamp is fixed in space using spring brackets. It is necessary to pose one of the edges of the lamp and carefully pull it down. As soon as the springs become noticeable, they should be squeezed to release the light bulb.

There are also lamps without brackets. They are equipped with threaded grounds. To pull out such a lamp from the mounted ceiling, you will need a piece of non-slip tissue, which is applied to the lamp body when unscrewed. Such a measure allows you to protect your hands from damage to fragments (if the lamp is bursting), and also prevents the slip of the fingers.

In the stretch ceiling, the lamps are most often kept on the carrier surface, so when dismantling, although it is necessary to abide care, the risk of damage to the ceiling material is low. The replacement of the bulb is carried out by the same principle as in the case of a suspended ceiling.

When carrying out such work, you should remember the safety rules. Power supply in shield turn off. To get to the ceiling, you will need reliable, steady stand under your feet, table or staircase.

Tip! When working with plasterboard surfaces, it is recommended to use safety glasses.

Replacing the LED lamp

Initially, turn off the power supply of the apartment network. To perform work, you will need a chair or stepladder. When working with a stretch ceiling, care must be taken to not damage the material.

The lamp is replaced as follows:

  1. Unlock the lamp from fasteners (the light is fixed with a special ring).
  2. Slowly unscrew the old light source. Then instead of installing a new lamp.
  3. To insert a new light bulb, described above are produced in reverse order. When the lamp is mounted, the ring-retainer must be returned to the previous place.

Replacing halogen lamp

The replacement of dot luminaires of halogen type is practically no different from the same actions with any other light sources. Before replacing the halogen bulb, turn off the power supply in the apartment. Then carefully remove the mount, holding the lamp, remove the lamp from the cartridge and install a new one on the same place.

When replacing the halogen lamp you need to remember that it is impossible to touch its glass surface. The fact is that halogen light sources work at high temperatures, and if there will be a little fat from the fingers on the surface of the flask, the light bulb is inevitable and the output of it is inevitable. If the touch still happened, you need to thoroughly wipe the surfaces affected by alcohol.

Features of dismantling chandeliers

The procedure for performing work:

  1. If the chandelier is fixed on the hook, remove the protective cap and get a hook with a hand in a niche that appeared. Pull out the wiring so that it is in sight, and disconnect the conductors. After that, freeing the chandelier from the mounts.
  2. If the chandelier holds on cruciform planks, first remove the plane, light bulbs and decorative elements from it. After that, remove the cap hiding the clamps. It remains to unscrew the screws, remove the insulation and disconnect the wires. Now the chandelier does not hold anything and can be removed.

Tip! If the lighting device is cumbersome or heavy, it is recommended to work with an assistant.

Change the light bulb to a new simple, adhering to such recommendations:

  1. If there are mirror elements in the suspended ceiling, it will take a special caution so as not to damage the surface. Stretch ceilings are also sensitive to mechanical effects.
  2. To achieve harmony in the transmission of light, it is recommended to use the same type of light sources, even the bulbs of one model. If the room is not able to find the desired light bulb, it is better to replace all light sources in the room. Otherwise, the lighting will be uneven and annoying vision. Therefore, it is recommended to buy lamps with a margin so that because of one bulb did not have to change the rest in the room.
  3. If the ceiling is provided by the installation of LEDs, but their total power is not enough, it is recommended to purchase white-colored devices instead of standard light bulbs with a yellow glow. The brightness of the lighting of such lamps is subjectively higher, and their power is the same.
  4. In order for the light source longer, it is not necessary during the installation to take it with bare hands. It is recommended to use gloves or a clean dry cloth.
  5. Stretch ceilings are not too compatible with powerful luminaires. In order not to damage the material, it is desirable to avoid installing the bulbs more powerful than 35 W.

Integrated in the ceiling light sources served as long as possible, it is recommended to follow these rules:

  1. The number of lamps to calculate in advance. If the load is too large, the lamps will quickly come into disrepair.
  2. Do not save on lighting. Quality products are more expensive, but pays off reliability in operation.
  3. Wiring and cartridges - no less important element of lighting than lamps. To buy and install, you need to treat with all seriousness.
  4. Lamps should not overheat excessively. Even if expensive light equipment is installed in the apartment, she needs technological breaks in work.

Light bulb replacement is the simplest operation available even to a novice home master. But it also requires attention, accuracy and sequences.

At first glance, the replacement of lamps seems simple operation, but there are many features here. Causes of replacement:

  • old lamp failed;
  • it is necessary to change the power;
  • does not suit the type or design of the lamp;
  • new interior lighting organization.

Independent lamp replacement

In all these situations, first of all, it is necessary to find new lamps.


First, it should be determined that it is better to install in the lamp. Most. simple decision There will be a replacement of lamps on the same as it does not find a new work with all the variety of lamps: luminescent (LL), incandescent, LED, halogen and others.

Most buyers take ordinary lamps of the same power, they are the cheapest and always are on sale. In the line of prices above them are LL, and then LED. As the complexity complexity, the cost increases.

What are the types of lamps

The correct organization of scattered, reflected and directional lighting allows you to manage the form of objects, zonate areas and highlight the desired objects in the premises.

Replacing faulty lamps

Forted lamps change new ones. For each type there are its own features.

Incandescent lamps

As the lighting is used, its intensity is redistributed. Somewhere it is necessary to increase the power, and elsewhere - to reduce. Therefore, the light bulb is often taken a little different. If the practice shows that it is worse than it was, nothing will prevent back to the previous option. For the mid-size room, there is enough main lighting per 100 W.

In the incandescent lamps, the tsocoli collapsed from time to the effects of high temperature. Therefore, at home you always need to have a spare cartridge.

First of all, to replace the light bulbs you will need tools:

  • chair or stepladder;
  • tester, Probe;
  • new lamp;
  • several passatizes of different sizes, screwdriver, knife;
  • gloves.

Out of defective incandescent lamp

The wire to the light bulb is mainly supplied through a single-pole switch. The phase must be skipping through it so that there was no voltage in the disconnected state on the cartridge. This is simply checked by an indicator screwdriver.

It often happens that sometimes you have to unscrew the light bulb, and the base remains in the cartridge. It can be extracted with the help of the passage. They need to have several sizes and with insulated handles. Under the lamp should be seized the film.

When the lamp is replaced, light is turned off. It will not hurt to turn off the machine. Check the indicator of the presence of voltage on the ruined base. Not every host remembers which position the key key corresponds to the de-energization of the chain.

Small passatats are revealed inside the base, after which it is twisted. If he is not amenable, it is necessary to capture the passage for its edge and gradually extend until it moves away. It is even easier to unscrew the base together with half the cartridge housing, after which it will be much easier to remove it.

The new lamp is screwed into the cartridge clockwise. Here it is impossible to push the glass case strongly and make a big torque so as not to damage it.

Checking the functionality of the lamp is carried out with voltages on it. If it does not burn, it must be wrapped up to the stop or bend the petals of the contacts in the cartridge. When turned on under the lamp, it is impossible to stand due to the danger of the explosion.


Replacing LL with E27 chuck is no different from the previous ones. For one room there will be enough power of 50 W. In this case, the light of this type of lamps is soft and evenly dissipates. They have built-in electronic flow-adjusting devices with high frequency current and do not blink.

Tubular lamps are somewhat more complicated if you do not know how to connect their connection. In addition, they are often attached to the ceiling, and at high height work with them is hampered.

The room is de-energized, and a transparent diffuser is removed from the lamp. On each side of the tube there are two pin contacts. They are tightly sitting in cartridges with clips, and to release the lamp you need to turn one way until it stops 90 0, holding on both sides.

Fluorescent Lamp With a diffuser

The new tube is set perpendicular to the cartridges in the slot, and then rotate 90 0 to the click. After it is fixed, you need to check the reliability of the attachment, slightly pulling on yourself. Over time, the cartridge is wearing, and the lamp can fall out with inaccurate fixation.

After installation, the operation of the lamp is checked, and the cap is installed in place. If the new lamp does not start, you need to check the performance of the elements of the start-adjusting device.

The built-in ll for the suspended ceiling is replaced in the same way, but it needs a certain skill, since there is little space for its dismantling and installation.

Installing a fluorescent lamp into a built-in lamp

In the built-in luminaires, 4 lamps are mounted, but they are short, and work easier with them. After removing the extreme tube, access to the rest will be easier if you remove them sequentially and install in the reverse order.

Halogen and led

In the modern interior, suspended ceilings with spot lighting are often used. To change the light bulb, it should be unlocked in the lamp. First de-energized the room, and then the fixture of the lamp in the form of a spring ring is removed. After you to unscrew the lamp, and to install a new one with similar characteristics to the vacation place. It is screwed to the stop and fix the ring. At the same time, the details are followed so as not to slip out of the hands.

Replacing the light bulb in a point lamp can be carried out with an increase in light intensity without increasing their power. For this, the same lamps with a spectrum closer to white color are purchased. They are brighter than yellow with the same energy consumption.

Even the lamps of one type can have different appearance. It is advisable to apply light sources from one manufacturer and with the same power.

When replacing halogen and LED lamps (SL), it should not be touched by bare hands to protect them from a quick failure. If the touch happened randomly, the flask is wiping with a swath, moistened with alcohol.

If the malfunction is more serious than the replacement of the lamp, you need to know how to remove the ceiling lamp. The sequence of operations to extract from the suspended ceiling is as follows:

  • disconnect the voltage supply machine;
  • take out the light bulb;
  • pry a knife or screwdriver decorative bezel;
  • press the mounting latches to the housing and remove it from the shin.

Installation back is made in reverse order.

Replacing the lamp to another type

Incandescent bulbs consume more energy and have a short service life. Now I appeared to replace them with energy saving. The basis is less energy consumption. But here it should be borne in mind that the electrical engineering market is flooded with a large number of fakes that reduce all the advantages of new models. Branded products are expensive, but also the counterfeit is not sufficient, although in the end does not provide any advantages, including for a term of operation.

If it is decided to replace the incandescent lamp to halogen or LED, the easiest way to get them with the same E27 or E14 bodies, and then install them into the old cartridge.

With point lamps will be more complicated, since it will be necessary to change the entire lighting system. They are mounted on a tension or plasterboard ceiling. Behind them you can hide all the wiring. For the stretch ceiling, it is more complicated because it will be visible through the transparent material.

In the cheapest linear ll, electromagnetic pulse-regulating equipment of EMPRA is used. The lamps are low efficiency, the rattling of the choke and the blinking of the lamps. Their replacement does not give anything, because the reason is not in them. Replacing the equipment on electronic (EPR) allows you to eliminate the above disadvantages.

Another way to increase the cost-effectiveness of energy consumption is the replacement of LL to LED, externally, completely coinciding with them and with similar luminescence characteristics. The base G13 is the same as in luminescent tubes. From the inside the neighboring pins are shorted with a copper conductor, and the voltage of 220 V is applied from the opposite ends of the tube. Inside it installed a strip with a driver and spruminary LEDs. All starting equipment is dismantled by alleviating the lamp. In its place can be placed another lamp.

Modern small-sized table lamp, which is depicted in the photo, with the light source installed in it in the form of a fluorescent U--shaped compact lamp, worked for several years and refused.

According to the owner of the desk lamp, recently, when the lamp still worked, it was an unpleasant smell from its foundation.

Opening the base of the lamp immediately showed what was the fault. In one of the windings of the ballast device burned insulation. Obviously, from overheating or poor quality of insulation of the winding wire coil, there was a short circuit between the coils, which provoked the heating of the winding to a high temperature and the final output of the ballast device.

I didn't want to mess around with the rewind of the coils, and the finished ballast device for replacement is almost impossible to find, especially since its type has been unknown. Therefore, I decided to redo desktop lamp To the modern way - install the LEDs instead of the fluorescent lamp, and the ballast device is replaced by an electronic driver, especially since everything was at hand for such a rework.

Replacing fluorescent lamp LEDs

In stock There was a long and narrow circuit board with LEDs from a linear LED lamp.

The driver in it burned out and melted the housing tube from heating. Therefore, the repair lamp was not subject to repair, and the diodes were working. In the width of the plank with LEDs just was well in the reflector of the table lamp.

The luminescent U-shaped tube in the reflector was held at the expense of the plastic retainer and the base. To determine the required length of the LED strip, the lamp with the basement was necessary to delete. In order to get to the luminescent lamp base, it was necessary to unscrew one self-tapping screw and remove the fixing bar.

There was no additional attachment to the base, and only two feed wires remained for its extraction. The wires were stranded sufficient section, so they decided to leave for the supply voltage to LEDs.

After fitting and determining the length of the LED strip using a jigsaw, a piece of the required length was spawned. The LEDs on the bar are located diagonally, therefore it was necessary to cut the jigsaw.

The cut line passed in the right place, the printed tracks connecting the LEDs remained intact.

For fastening the LED strip, the existing fasteners of the reflector reflector lamp were used. The luminescent lamp was fixed with the help of screwed screws to the reflector with a plastic bracket, and the fixing lid was screwed to the plastic rack.

In the bar between the LEDs, the hole was drilled with a diameter of 3 mm under the self-sufficiency and a sample was made for mounting to the rack. After checking the coincidence of the mounting hole with a hole in a short rack, you can start consolidating the plank with LEDs in the reflector.

Before the final installation of a plank with LEDs into the reflector, it is necessary to solder wires to contact sites. One of the wires was short, and it had to be increasing by the soldering method and put on an insulating cambrick to the connection place. Since the wires were the same color, then after the transversion multimeter, the positive wire was marked on both sides with a white Cammbarca ringlets.

I used the finished circuit board with LEDs. But this fee is easy to do and with your own hands. At the same time, if you apply modern monovate LEDs, for example, LED-SMD5730-1, then just 3-5 pcs. Can also be used as a light source instead of individual LEDs to use lED ribbon.pasted on a metal strip. Select the driver in each case will have individually.

Photographs are clearly seen how the printed circuit board is fixed with the LEDs installed on it in the reflector lamp. In order for the Planck to be removed from the bottom of the reflector at a long rack (photo on the left) on it, a Cambrick will be put on a length of equal to height of the right short rack.

Before fixing the LEDs in the reflector, they were tested by connecting to the driver. Consumption current was also measured. The photo shows a reflector with LEDs installed in it. It remains to attach the locking cover, pre-put on the protruding rack of the segment Cambrid for its entire length. Thus, the left edge of the plank will be secured between two cuts of the tubes.

Selection and electrical driver diagram

To supply the power supply voltage to the LEDs, a bipstrancentor driver from faulty lED lamp E27, assembled according to the classic electrical concept.

In the photo you see the splitting of the wires to the driver. Black wires, coming from LED fees, soldered to positive and negative driver outputs. With the help of blue and yellow wires, the supply voltage of 220 V is supplied to the driver.

Electric schematic scheme Drivers are given above. Condenser C1 with a capacity of 0.8 μF limits the current up to 57 mA. R1 and R3 limit current drops due to the charge of capacitors at the time of the driver on the network. The VD1-VD4 diode bridge rectifies the voltage, and the C2 electrolytic capacitor smoothes the ripples so that the LEDs are not blinked with the network frequency. A safety element is also installed in the driver diagram, most likely it is a barnetter, it smoothes currents and at the same time is a fuse. If you need to reduce or increase the power current of the LEDs, it will be necessary to reduce or increase the capacitor C1 capacitance. Increase C1, you can not even dropping out of the board, having flown in parallel to its conclusions an additional capacitor. With parallel conversion of capacitors, the total capacity is equal to the sum of their tanks, that is, it will increase and the current will also increase.

A direct current providing the optimal brightness of the glow of the used LEDs is 20 mA. LEDs on pCB Connected parallel to three pieces. Consequently, the current required for their work on such an inclusion scheme should be 60 mA. As you know, for long-term operation of the LEDs, it is better that the flowing current is slightly less nominal. Therefore, providing a driver of a value of 57 mA fully satisfies this requirement.

LEDs on the bar turned out to be 60 pieces. The measured voltage drop on each Tiade of LEDs was 2.48 V. Thus, the power consumed by LEDs was 2.48 V × 20 pcs. × 0.057 A \u003d 2.8 W, which is equivalent to the power of the glow of incandescent bulb 25 W. The created illumination of the desk lamp is quite sufficient when using it as a duty light, a night lamp, a computer keyboard backlighting or reading an e-book.

The weight of the driver is insignificant and therefore I did not fix it hard, just grabbed the flexible plastic clamp for one of the racks of fastening the bases of the base. A regular bench lamp switch was involved as a switch. To complete the rework of the desktop lamp, it remains only to bind over three screws to its base, and it will be possible to start conducting running tests.

Tests of the table lamp showed a good result. Due to the possibility of inclination of the rack and turn the reflector in two planes, the table lamp allows you to send the light stream to the desired zone of lighting.

Alteration allowed not only to restore the performance of the desktop lamp without cost, but also turned the morally outdated desk lamp into a modern low-power lamp.