Linux Ubuntu Remote Desktop. How to connect to Windows from Linux? SSH client. I installed Putty

July 28.

In the new versions of Ubuntu already there is a built-in VNC server. We will use it standard means. So far, it was understood in this issue - I had to read the decent number of forums. So, many users write that in the Ubuntu version 14.04 this focus does not pass because of some internal sublicties of the kernel device. I didn't go to this question deeply ... In any case, if you suddenly you are the happy owner of this particular version - you can use an alternative X11VNC server.

It is quite simple:

Sudo Apt-Get Remove Vino Sudo Apt-Get Install X11VNC

In the same article, the standard VNC server will be reviewed in the default Ubuntu. How to configure everything?

Concret to a remote host.

Connect via SSH to a remote computer to which you want to get graphic access. At the same time, we need to know its IP and login with the user password - the screen of which we want to see. In essence, we will suit the data of any user with Sudo rights, but then it will come to put hold of some moments.

So, let's say in local network We have a computer under Ubuntu with IP address and the user Feanor184. We connect to it from the Console with the -X key (to run graphic ICs):

SSH -X. [Email Protected]

enter the password and get into the console of our remote computer.

Now, we enter in it:

Sudo Vino-Preferences

and we see a graphic window

Here we put the ticks:

aLLOW OTHER USERS TO VIEW YOUR Desktop — let me watch the desktop.

allow Other Users to Control Your Desktop — let me manage the mouse and keyboard remotely.

require The User to ENTER This Password — be sure to install a password for connecting. If anyone climbs in our network

show Notification Area Icon: Always — always displays the VNC icon at the top of the screen in the tray.

You can also set your own settings - My settings are described here).

Save the settings and disconnect from the remote host.

To connect to a configured computer, use any client with VNC support.

For example, Remmina - for Linux.

Ultravnc Viewer - for Windows.

I remind once again in order to work the described connection settings, Ubuntu must stand on a remote computer. Installing Ubuntu, this is a separate topic on which I would not like to emphasize attention, so we skip this step. On the Internet there are many manuals on this topic.

What do we end up?

We got the ability to connect to a remote computer under Ubuntu and perform any operations on it as if we were sitting on his monitor

& NBSP & NBSP for remote connection Two main ways are used to the Linux Graphic Subsystem:

Redirect graphic I / O from the Linux environment on a graphics server running on the Windows side ( X11 FORWARDING)

Connection using X Display Manager Control Protocol (XDMCP) - Protocol providing a remote connection of graphic terminals (X-terminals) to the graphic server (X-server).

The first method is easier to implement and allows you to obtain acceptable speed of graphic applications on low-performance systems. The display manager and TCP connections of the X server on the Linux side are not used in this case. The second - allows you to get a full-fledged remote working place of the user, not functionally different from the usual, local. When implementing this type of remote connection, additional configuration settings for the X server and the display manager are used.

Connecting from Windows to the Linux graphics subsystem on the Ubuntu Desktop example.

& NBSP & NBSP Methods and Remote Connection Means to Linux Graphic Subsystem Windows already Considered in detail in the article. This article discusses issues related to the features of configuring the X-server Ubuntu and the LightDM display manager. On the Windows side, a free Xming package is used, last version whom, as well as additional packages With the support of various fonts, and the localized version of the Xlaunch wizard will find here:

Remote work with graphic applications when using X11 FORWARDING.

& NBSP & NBSP Redirection of the graphic output of the remote subsystem ( X11 FORWARDING) Allows you to work directly with Linux Environment graphic applications on a computer with a XMING graphics server on the Windows side. This mode is implemented using an SSH connection in which the SSH server sshd. On the Linux side, it captures the graphic input and output and redirects it to the SSH client (Putty) on the Windows side, which in turn redirects it to the graphic server XmingDeployed in Windows Wednesday. Thus, to implement this mode, no configuration of the X server and the display manager for network work is required, but installing and configuring a demon ssh. On the side of Linux. In most Linux distributions for workstations (for example, Ubuntu Desktop), the default SSH server is not installed, so it needs to be installed as a command:

sudo Apt-Get Install SSH

In the process of executing the command, a message will be issued on the packages and the volume of the hard disk space occupied by them:

... ncurses-term openssh-server python-requests python-urllib3 ssh-import-id, rssh molly-guard monkeysphere openssh-blacklist openssh-blacklist-extra) NEW packages will be installed: ncurses-term openssh-server python-requests python -URLIB3 SSH SSH-Import-ID Updated 0, 6 new packages are installed, 0 packets are noted to delete, and 273 packets are not updated. You need to download 848 kb of archives. After this operation, the volume of the occupied disk space will increase by 3,480 Kb. Want to continue [d / n]? After answer D. The server will be installed and running. Ssh.

To check the performance of the SSH server, you can use the command:

netstat -na | More

Active Internet Connections (Servers and Established) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State TCP 0 0 0* Listen TCP 0 0* Listen TCP 0 0* Listen TCP 0 0 0 Established TCP6 0 0 0 ::: 22 ::: * Listen. . .

Line TCP 0 0* Listen Means that the server expects incoming connections ("listens", listen) standard port 22 On all network interfaces (

& NBSP & NBSP for Graphic Output Mode X11 FORWARDING In the settings of the demon sshd. You must enable (check) some parameters. All actions require root rights.

Go to the catalog / etc / ssh and open the SSH Deon configuration file sSHD_CONFIG. To work through the X11 FORWARDING there should be an uncommitted string in it

X11Forwarding Yes

& NBSP & NBSP Naturally, in this mode, work with remote graphic under linux systemis performed directly with graphic applications, without using the desktop Ubuntu. If the number of applications you need is small, then this method is preferable because it allows you to reduce the degree of use of the remote system resources and allows you to obtain a higher speed, compared with technology based on the use of XDMCP. & NBSP & NBSP Thus, when redirecting graphic output, ( X11 FORWARDING) The Xming program is used as a X server running on top of your Windows desktop with Linux-based graphics applications running on a remote system. At the same time, the graphical server on the remote Linux is not used and may not even be installed.

In addition to Xming, this technology uses the client and the SSH server. Client part - On a Windows computer, the server is on a computer with Linux. Xming developers for some times, have included client software to implement the mode X11 FORWARDING In the installation package (Standart Putty and Portable Putty).

When installing the package Xming It is possible to select the installed versions. Putty..

However, the best choice will be downloaded to the current version of the free SSH client for Windows on the Putty download page, where the links for downloading the files of the Putty.exe utility are placed and additional programsmodules that can be used to work with it (copying files, key generation, body-client, etc.). There is also a link to download an archive comprising Putty.exe and additional programs for 32 and 64-bit OS. Installation is not required. Just copy the Putty.exe executable file to the directory with XMing installed, or any other, in your choice.

  • Setting Putty.
    & NBSP & NBSP to work with Xming in graphical output redirection mode is enough to adjust the SSH section:

    These settings mean that allowed X11 FORWARDING And for it will be used graphic display (X-display) with number 0 . Use the 0th display number is not necessary, but it is important that this number coincides with the display number specified when it starts xMing Display Number):

    When starting Xmingusing the master XlaunchThe display number is set (if necessary) and multi-window mode is selected. Multiple Windows., the remaining parameters can be left by default. In fact, the display number determines the port number of the graphic server on the Windows side

    0 corresponds to the port 6000 / TCP.

    - 1 - 6001 / TCP

    As already considered above, settings X11 FORWARDING The SSH / X11 Putty section also define the X-server to which graphic input-conclusion will be redirected:

    localhost: 0. - X-server listening port 6000 / TCP.

    localhost: 1. - X-server listening port 6001 / TCP.

    Accordingly, if several XMing X-servers start on the same computer, then the numbers of graphic displays must be different for them and match the numbers set in the SSH client settings. To check the connected graphic subsystems, you can use the Send Message command with a graphic display.

    xmessage $ display - Display the value of the DISPLAY variable

    As a result of the execution of the team, we get:

    This message is displayed on the graphic display, which corresponds to the redirection of the graphic output of the SSH client, in the window of which command was performed xmessage.

    After Xming started, with the help of the SSH client PUTTY connect to the SSH server Linux Ubuntu, and in command line Run the desired graphics application, for example, if you start the graphical terminal xterm.The computer with the Linux Graphic Terminal window appears on the Windows computer.

    When running from the SSH client session PUTTY, or from the window already running the terminal xterm. , any graphic application, such as a browser firefox. on workers table Windows A window will be displayed in which you can work in the same way as on local computer With Linux Ubuntu.

    Remote connection to the graphics subsystem from Linux.

    Demon settings sshd. For remote access to the Linux graphics subsystem, it is performed in the same way as in the case of redirection for the X server on the Windows side. The graphic output of the remote system, in this configuration, will be redirected by the demon sshd. And unfold by the graphics server on the side of the connected client.

    To remotely connect to the graphics subsystem using a Linux-based systems X11 Forwarding redirects customers can use the standard SSH-client:

    sSH -X -L User

    -X. - Use X11Forwarding graphic output redirection.

    -l user. - Username for connecting to a remote computer. - address of the remote computer

    After registering in a remote system, user user. It has the ability to work with graphic applications on a remote computer

    To start a specific application on a remote system, you can specify its name:

    sSH -X -L User 'Xterm'

    For security reasons, instead of the SSH parameter -X. It is advisable to use the parameter -Ypreventing the ability to interact a remote client with a local graphic display of the system to which the connection is performed.

    Connecting to the Linux Ubuntu desktop using XDMCP.

    & NBSP & NBSP Display Manager (Display Manager or DM.) - is a special system service provides start the graphical server, a conclusion on the graphic display invitations to login, user registration, the launch window managers, mount the necessary devices, maintaining data bases of inputs and outputs in the system users uTMP. and wTmp etc.

    And if a simplified display manager is a program with which the user's session begins in the Linux graphic environment. Visually, the display manager is a user registration window when logging into the system. Usually, this implies a form to enter a login and password, the menu to select a graphic environment, and additional power management elements (to turn off the computer, reboot, transfer to sleep mode), selecting the input language, etc.

    IN currently In the Linux graphics subsystem (denoted as X Window System or how X11) The most common displays are X DISPLAY MANAGER (XDM), GNOME DISPLAY MANAGER (GDM) and KDE Display Manager (KDM) and since 2012 - Light Display Manager (LGHTDM). Development of the latter started in 2010 by a company employee Canonical Robert Ancell and now Liightdm. It is a decent alternative to the display managers of the previous generation. The main features are small size, high speed, the ability to work with any graphic shell and expansion functionality With plugins. In perspective, project LightDM. It is defined rather ambitious, but still, a real goal - to become a standard for the Linux x server - Open source X Window System Servers. Since 2012, LightDM. Began to be used as the default displays managers in all Linux Ubuntu distributions.

    Features of security settings in Linux Ubuntu Desktop latest versions do not provide for the possibility of remotely connected to a graphical environment over the local network - Server X11 does not listen to port 6000 / TCP and manager LightDM. Does not listen to port 177 / UDP. Therefore, first of all you need to perform the appropriate settings that provide network connection via xDMCP protocol.

    All Display Manager Configuration Files LightDM. posted in the system directory / etc / lightdm. Basic settings are LightDM.conf, which after installation has the following content:

    User-Session \u003d Ubuntu Greeter-Session \u003d Unity-Greeter To resolve TCP connections to the graphic server X11, you need to configuration file lightdm.conf. Add a string:

    Xserver-Allow-TCP \u003d True

    To resolve remote connections to the display manager, add a section

    Enabled \u003d True.

    Changes will take effect only after restarting the display manager or rebooting the system. To restart LightDM. You can use the team:

    service Lightdm Restart.

    Naturally, the restart of the display manager will lead to the closure of all user sessions entering the system through it.

    After a restart or reboot graphics of Ubuntu, you can check whether the ports 6000 / TCP listen and 177 / UDP:

    netstat -na | More

    Active Internet Connections (Servers and Established) Proto RecV-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State TCP 0 0* Listen TCP 0 0 0 0.0.0:* Listen TCP 0* Listen TCP 0 0 0* Listen TCP 0 0 6000 :::: * Listen TCP6 0 0 ::::::::: * Listen UDP 0 0* UDP 0 0* UDP 0 0 0.0. 0.0: * udp 0 0* udp6 0 0 ::: 177 ::: * udp6 0 0 ::: 5353 ::: * udp6 0 0 ::: 41728 ::: *. . . As a result, we see that the display manager ( LightDM.) configured to use the protocol XDMCP. and receives incoming connections on the UDP port 177 (default), and the graphics server (server X11) - Takes incoming connections to port 6000 / TCP. Generally, network access to the graphics server on the Linux side for the case of using Xming on the Windows side is not required, and the setting for port 6000 / TCP is given merely as an example.

    & Nbsp & nbsp To remotely connect to the Linux desktop for XDMCP protocol uses port 177 / UDP, which is to listen on the Linux side and should not be shut down firewall. In addition, on computers with multiple network interfaces may be problems with remote connection caused by inconsistencies IP-addresses and host names. Therefore, in files / etc / hosts (Ubuntu) and \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Drivers \\ ETC \\ HOSTS (Windows), you must register matching the names and IP addresses of computers for the network interface through which the connection will be performed (for example, only for subnet Very often in the Linux environment, after installing the system, for example, on a computer named Ubuntu13, there are records in the / etc / hosts file: Localhost. Ubuntu13.

    As you can see, name Ubuntu13. loopback address associated with the interface, and therefore, the actual data exchange by using the IP protocol with the host name is not possible. To eliminate this problem, you need to replace on the IP address of the computer on the local network for example: Ubuntu13

    Similarly, in a system with Windows, the hosts file should be left (Add), only those records that define one correspondence names and IP-addresses in the same subnet.

    To connect to a remote Linux Ubuntu, you can use the label. Xlaunch. When connecting using XDMCP, select the operation mode. in one window ONE WINDOW):

    Select a session using XDMCP:

    Indicate the IP address or computer name from Linux, to which you want to connect:

    The next screen is used to determine the additional parameters of the session and it can be left unchanged. Click the "Next" button and if everything is done correctly - the Linux Display Manager is invited.

    Articles on the Remote Desktop Linux and Windows.

  • Remote connection to the Linux desktop from Windows using Xming and SSH

    Unlike Windows, in Linux, the graphic shell is not part of the system kernel. Standard window system For Linux is the X Window System, or, simply speaking, cavities. She takes over the drawing of graphic elements and interacting with I / O devices. And the most delicious thing is that this system has a transparent client-server architecture. The window system serves as a server, and graphic applications are the role of customers. As befits the clients, they connect to the server and interact with it to draw and to obtain mouse and keyboard events.

    But that's not all! The fact is that the window system can be on another computer, and the graphics application contact it through the network. So you can run the application on a remote computer, forcing it to draw on that computer, followed by now. Or vice versa. Or run a program on one remote computer with a drawing interface on another remote computer.

    1.ssh client. I installed Putty.

    2.x Server for Windows. I chose Xming.

    To begin with, install a SSH connection with a remote computer. To do this, launch Putty. Enter the Linux IP address

    Now go to the Connection / SSH / X11 section and turn on the redirection of the graphical interface. As the location of the X server, the Windows IP address, which is now sitting (it will be most likely

    In addition, instead of the Russian letters did not float crop, it is desirable in the Window / Translation section will set the correct encoding (I have - UTF8 - standard encoding on Debian and Ubuntu). Return to Session, save the settings and connect to computer Linux. In case of successful connection, we enter the login and password and see the text console. With it, we can remotely launch console programs, but graphic programs Console can not be draw. Therefore, I will leave for a time our connection on SSH.

    Now configure Xming. To do this, launch the Xlaunch program is the settings wizard. In the first step, we specify the way to integrate into a graphical environment Windows. I most like the first one when each Linux application is in its window.

    In the second step, we are invited to automatically run some application along with cavities. I preferred to do it later as necessary through the Putty already running.

    In the third step, specify the launch parameters XMing. The Clipboard option allows you to integrate the clipboard. Also for full-fledged work, I entered the following parameters:

    "-DPI 96? - To fix the size of the fonts. The value can be selected to taste.

    "-Xkblayout us, RU" - to work with two keyboard layouts.

    "-XKBVARIANT BASIC, WINKEYS" - clarification of layouts.

    "-Xkboptions GRP: CAPS_TOGGLE" - Switching the layout with the CAPS LOCK key.

    And finally, in the next step, we save the settings with the "Save Configuration" button and launch the X-server using the "Finish" button.

    The Xming icon will appear in the system tray.

    So, the X server is running. Return to our console provided by SSH connection. Here we can remotely run the console application, and in the same console we will see the output of this application. And what will happen if we try to run a graphic application in this console? Usually, if you connected via SSH and try to start the window application, you will get an error because you connected to a remote computer in the console mode, and the windows simply have nothing. However, this time we have included the timing of the graphics on our Windows computer on which your X server has already been launched. Therefore, if you try to start the window application in a remote console terminal, its window is drawn on Windows. Try, for example, to dial the following command:

    $ Gedit &

    Ampersand at the end of the command indicates that the program needs to be launched in the background, so that the console has been available during its operation for other actions.

    Target - Connect from under Windows / Linux to a remote desktop in Ubuntu Linux. Truthfully speaking, I tried quite a lot of options, which was finally came. It is well described quite well here in steps (in Anglo-Saxon). Lately Increasingly and more often I hear that the remote workspace on your own VPS / VDS is in troubled times - our all. And how to set it up then? What can I read, smoke for this content? Maybe there is a simple ready decision? Also, the form that the VPS / VDS office is now providing such a feature as a distant desktop. But I understand them this is purely as an addition to more convenient management of your virtual server? Is it possible to just use them calmly ubuntu, Firefox, and cut into Packman? I am interested in the simplest setting on the medium VPS conventional ubunta and the ability to work with it remotely (the conditional working screen). I own console skills, however, with a diverse Linux sign very excellent (at one time, even a hobby was to find the perfect Linux distribution from the point of view of an ordinary intelligence).

    This is a parent program for TigerVNC, but contains the smallest number of option. However, the application can automatically determine the VNC server, simplifying and speeding up the connection. To avoid "Options", and you can change the window size by putting it under your monitor, work in full screen mode and override the self-interacting compression parameters for forced mapping more than 256 colors.

    RealVNC is a standalone Soft to connect to computers via VNC. After downloading, the user must open the terminal, go to the program directory and set the CHMOD 700 access rights to start the application.

    Connection is performed quickly and simple, but productivity is lagging behind other VNC views in this test. Significant slowdowns were fixed when working with the desktop and when Armegatron starts, which were estimated at about half a second. The technological processes of matrix rasterization or dystering make it difficult to work when glitches occurred, during testing it was observed a little time. Similar problems were observed with RealVNC copies, which include fewer options.

    TigerVNC is represented by a separate branch of the development of the VNC code base, therefore contains sections of the code from REALVNC and TIGHTVNC, however, the process of developing the latter continues. Thus, RealVNC suggests a less effective version of TigerVNC and worked in research not in the best way. It is possible to support the transfer of an audio jet to improve the opinion of the product. Be that as it may, in the case of neganding circumstances, the portable autonomous client will be a good option.

    TeamViewer Client for Remote Desktop

    Install the incoming and outgoing distant connections to support real-time or access to other computers. Take part in conferences and presentations, be aware of the chat with other users or user groups, and in addition, carry out video calls. After a few seconds after downloading and the devices of this software You can start your own first session. Any system administrator is brought to repair computers not only at work, but also in the free time. For someone, such work is additional sources of income, and for someone impassable and constant suffering.

    To facilitate life with both types of system admins, Team Viewer has released the program of the same name for remote access to, which runs on all popular OS. By and large, creators software Product Specified not the standard of distant control of computers. It is noteworthy that the utility is completely free for non-commercial purposes.

    All you need is to download and install the program on both computers, and all the settings will be selected automatically.

    Most of the users will find for themselves the most convenient view to use the TeamViewer client. IN this material We will tell only about the most basic abilities and how to quickly install and run the program. More details about its capabilities tells this article. It is noteworthy that if you intend to manage some computers on a regular basis, you can avoid the permanent entry of their identifiers after the registration procedure.

    XRDP Remote Desktop in Linux

    Recently I had a chance to work with operating system Linux, although all his life I worked and work on Windows and do not consider how many Linux fans are that Windows is the worst Linux and vice versa. It is possible to argue about that it is better possible indefinitely, so I will say one thing - "anyone". And when I started working with Linux, I had to work in the console via SSH for a start. Maybe I'm "hopeless", but, in my opinion, this is not an option. Then I began to look for other solutions. In order not to score head, I decided to go from the simple and find an RDP analogue, which is in default. My wanted was not long, and I found a solution.

    As a result, I managed to manage the computer with the Linux operating system from the PC on Windows through the built-in Windows RDP.

    To do this, so that it may be possible for us to install the XRDP program under the Linux operator system. I put on Debian, I think for other UNIX such systems there is this program. After installation, the program will automatically drop. Now run on Windows RDP and connect the RDP to the computer under the Linux Board. Enjoy. If not satisfied with RDP, you can cast a program for remote control From Nomachine (, which is free and can be installed on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Android, iOS.

    Remote desktop through in Remmina

    Well-developed templates work perfectly both on a small laptop and on a huge monitor. Minimalistic main screen Contains the instrument panel and a list of available connections. After connecting, a new window is detected with a remote desktop display. Some connections can be monitored using named tabs.

    Healthy controls of the panel control remain visible during the entire connection, allowing you to quickly scale the window, in order to fill the available monitor space, go to the full screen viewing mode or the commoner separately change the horizontal or vertical window scale. Address your attention that you will have to download and establish additional works of the scientific society, including VNC with plugins.

    REMMINA is not an official-cylinder, but definitely externally suggests the desktop GNOME with GTK styles.

    Unlike individual clients, you will not get too detailed control over the meteoparameters of the protocol, for example, above compression, but you can still choose color modes and switch between four properties levels, which is a reasonable way to control the network bandwidth and the use of CPU resources. Connecting and adding connections to bookmarks are intuitive, although there is no authentic detection function.

    From the point of view of responsiveness, Remmina to combat high performance during testing in the game Armegatron - it was not easy to distinguish the operation of the game on a remote PC from the local machine. In Remmina, you are not available chat or file transmission function for basic VNC connections, but this functionality is present for RDP links, which are also supported by the client together with NXACHINE NXACHINE NX and Free NX), XDMCP and SSH, which makes Remmina with a unworthy client with wide Set of protocols.

    In this article, we considered how to configure the remote proletarian table for Linux, as well as how to access the support with the support of other devices. Everything is very simple, it is even easier than with the same RDP for which you need to create multiple configuration files.