Microsoft Excel program description. Basic features of MS Excel. Supply, million dwt

Real-time stock and currency rates now available in Excel

2017: Added function for collaborative editing of documents in real time

According to the corporation, this was a big step towards making remote work as convenient and comfortable as working in the office shoulder to shoulder with colleagues. With co-editing in Excel, users can easily see who else is working on a document and respond to changes immediately.

In addition to the co-editing feature in Excel, Microsoft announced support for AutoSave in Word, Excel and PowerPoint for Office 365 subscribers who store documents on OneDrive and SharePoint. Previously, these features were only available to members Office programs Insider, but now all users can use them. Now, regardless of whether one person or several are working with a document at the same time, everyone last changes automatically saved in

Excel is a widely used computer program. It is needed to carry out calculations, compile tables and diagrams, calculate simple and complex functions. It is part of Microsoft package Office.

This is a set of programs for office work. The most popular applications in it are Word and Excel.

Excel is something like a calculator with many functions and capabilities. In this program you can create reports, make calculations of any complexity, and create diagrams. It is needed, first of all, by accountants and economists.

It is a large table into which you can enter data, that is, print words and numbers. Also, using the functions of this program, you can perform various manipulations with numbers: add, subtract, multiply, divide and much more.

Many people think that Excel is only about tables. They are convinced that all tables on the computer are compiled in this program. But that's not true. This program is needed primarily for calculations.

If you need to not only draw a table with words and numbers, but also perform any actions with the numbers (add, multiply, calculate percentage, etc.), then you need to work in Microsoft Excel. But if you need to create a table without calculations, that is, enter ready-made data, then it is faster and more convenient to do this in Microsoft Word.

Excel, compared to Word, is, of course, more complicated. And it’s better to start working in this program after you master Word. It will take a lot of time to learn Excel thoroughly. But, as practice shows, most only need basic skills to work.

How to open Excel

Click on the "Start" button in the lower left corner of the screen.

A list will open. Click on All Programs (Programs).

A new list will appear. Find the item " Microsoft Office" and click on it. If you do not see such an inscription, then most likely the package office programs(including Microsoft program Excel) is not installed on your computer.

If new data has appeared on the sheet for the constructed chart that needs to be added, then you can simply select the range with new information, copy it (Ctrl + C) and then paste it directly into the diagram (Ctrl + V).

Suppose you have a list of full names (Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich), which you need to turn into abbreviated ones (Ivanov I. I.). To do this, you just need to start writing the desired text in the adjacent column manually. On the second or third line, Excel will try to predict our actions and perform further processing automatically. All you have to do is press the Enter key to confirm, and all names will be converted instantly. In a similar way, you can extract names from email, merge full names from fragments, and so on.

You most likely know about the magic autofill marker. This is a thin black cross in the lower right corner of a cell, by pulling it you can copy the contents of the cell or a formula to several cells at once. However, there is one unpleasant nuance: such copying often violates the design of the table, since not only the formula is copied, but also the cell format. This can be avoided. Immediately after pulling the black cross, click on the smart tag - a special icon that appears in the lower right corner of the copied area.

If you select the “Copy values ​​only” option (Fill Without Formatting), Excel will copy your formula without formatting and will not spoil the design.

In Excel, you can quickly display your geodata, such as sales by city, on an interactive map. To do this, you need to go to the “App Store” (Office Store) on the “Insert” tab and install the “Bing Maps” plugin from there. This can also be done from the site by clicking the Get It Now button.

After adding a module, you can select it from the My Apps drop-down list on the Insert tab and place it on your worksheet. All you have to do is select your data cells and click on the Show Locations button in the map module to see our data on it. If desired, in the plugin settings you can select the type of chart and colors to display.

If the number of worksheets in a file exceeds 10, then it becomes difficult to navigate through them. Click right click mouse on any of the buttons for scrolling the sheet shortcuts in the lower left corner of the screen. A table of contents will appear, and you can go to any desired sheet instantly.

If you've ever had to manually move cells from rows to columns, you'll appreciate the following trick:

  1. Select a range.
  2. Copy it (Ctrl + C) or by right-clicking and select “Copy”.
  3. Right-click the cell where you want to paste the data and select one of the paste special options from the context menu - the Transpose icon. In old Excel versions There is no such icon, but you can solve the problem using paste special (Ctrl + Alt + V) and selecting the “Transpose” option.

If in any cell you are supposed to enter strictly defined values ​​from the allowed set (for example, only “yes” and “no” or only from a list of company departments, and so on), then this can be easily organized using a drop-down list.

  1. Select the cell (or range of cells) that should contain such a restriction.
  2. Click the “Data Validation” button on the “Data” tab (Data → Validation).
  3. In the “Type” drop-down list, select the “List” option.
  4. In the “Source” field, specify a range containing reference variants of elements that will subsequently appear as you enter.

If you select a range with data and on the “Home” tab click “Format as Table” (Home → Format as Table), then our list will be converted into smart table, which can do a lot of useful things:

  1. Automatically expands when new rows or columns are added to it.
  2. The entered formulas will be automatically copied to the entire column.
  3. The header of such a table is automatically fixed when scrolling, and it includes filter buttons for selection and sorting.
  4. On the “Design” tab that appears, you can add a total line with automatic calculation to such a table.

Sparklines are miniature diagrams drawn directly in cells that visually display the dynamics of our data. To create them, click the Line or Columns button in the Sparklines group on the Insert tab. In the window that opens, specify the range with the original numerical data and the cells where you want to display sparklines.

After clicking the “OK” button, Microsoft Excel will create them in the specified cells. On the “Design” tab that appears, you can further configure their color, type, enable the display of minimum and maximum values, and so on.

Imagine: you close the report you've been fiddling with for the last half of the day, and the "Save changes to file?" dialog box appears. suddenly for some reason you press “No”. The office is filled with your heart-rending scream, but it’s too late: the last few hours of work have gone down the drain.

In fact, there is a chance to improve the situation. If you have Excel 2010, then click on “File” → “Recent” (File → Recent) and find the “Recover Unsaved Workbooks” button in the lower right corner of the screen.

In Excel 2013, the path is slightly different: “File” → “Information” → “Version Control” → “Recover Unsaved Workbooks” (File - Properties - Recover Unsaved Workbooks).

In later versions of Excel, open File → Details → Manage Workbook.

A special folder will open from the depths of Microsoft Office, where temporary copies of all created or modified, but unsaved books are saved in such cases.

Sometimes when working in Excel, you need to compare two lists and quickly find the elements that are the same or different. Here is the fastest and most visual way to do this:

  1. Select both columns to compare (hold down the Ctrl key).
  2. Select on the Home tab → Conditional Formatting → Highlight Cell Rules → Duplicate Values.
  3. Select the Unique option from the drop-down list.

Have you ever fit the input values ​​in your Excel calculation to get the output desired result? At such moments, you feel like a seasoned artilleryman: just a couple of dozen iterations of “undershooting - overshooting” - and here it is, the long-awaited hit!

Microsoft Excel can do this adjustment for you, faster and more accurately. To do this, click the “What If Analysis” button on the “Data” tab and select the “Parameter Selection” command (Insert → What If Analysis → Goal Seek). In the window that appears, specify the cell where you want to select the desired value, desired result and the input cell that needs to change. After clicking “OK,” Excel will perform up to 100 “shots” to find the total you require with an accuracy of 0.001.

If you've never used a spreadsheet to create documents before, we recommend reading our guide to Excel for Dummies.

You'll then be able to create your first spreadsheet with tables, graphs, math formulas, and formatting.

Details about basic functions and the capabilities of the table processor.

Description of the main elements of the document and instructions for working with them in our material.

By the way, to work more efficiently with Excel tables, you can familiarize yourself with our material.

Working with cells. Filling and formatting

Before taking specific actions, you need to understand the basic element of any .

An Excel file consists of one or several sheets divided into small cells.

A cell is a basic component of any Excel report, table or graph. Each cell contains one block of information. This could be a number, date, monetary amount, unit of measurement, or other data format.

To fill out a cell, simply click on it with the pointer and enter the required information.

To edit a previously filled cell, click on it double click mice.

Rice. 1 – example of filling cells

Each cell on the sheet has its own unique address. Thus, you can carry out calculations or other operations with it.

When you click on a cell, a field will appear at the top of the window with its address, name and formula (if the cell is involved in any calculations).

Select the cell “Share of shares”. Its location address is A3. This information is indicated in the properties panel that opens. We can also see the content.

This cell has no formulas, so they are not shown.

More cell properties and functions that can be applied to it are available in the context menu.

Click on the cell with the right mouse button.

A menu will open with which you can format the cell, analyze the contents, assign a different value, and other actions.

Rice. 2 – context menu cells and its basic properties

Sorting data

Often users are faced with the task of sorting data on a sheet in Excel. This feature helps you quickly select and view only the data you need from the entire table.

It’s already in front of you (we’ll figure out how to create it later in the article). Imagine that you need to sort data for January in ascending order.

How would you do it? Simply retyping a table is extra work, and if it is large, no one will do it.

There is a special function for sorting in Excel. The user is only required to:

  • Select a table or block of information;
  • Open the “Data” tab;
  • Click on the “Sorting” icon;

Rice. 3 – “Data” tab

  • In the window that opens, select the table column on which we will carry out actions (January).
  • Next is the sorting type (we group by value) and, finally, the order - ascending.
  • Confirm the action by clicking on "OK".

Rice. 4 – setting sorting parameters

The data will be sorted automatically:

Rice. 5 – the result of sorting the numbers in the “January” column

Similarly, you can sort by color, font and other parameters.

Mathematical calculations

The main advantage of Excel is the ability to automatically carry out calculations while filling out the table. For example, we have two cells with values ​​2 and 17. How can we enter their result into the third cell without doing the calculations ourselves?

To do this, you need to click on the third cell in which the final result of the calculations will be entered.

Then click on the function icon f(x) as shown in the image below.

In the window that opens, select the action you want to apply. SUM is the sum, AVERAGE is the average, and so on.

A complete list of functions and their names in the Excel editor can be found on the official Microsoft website.

We need to find the sum of two cells, so click on “SUM”.

Rice. 6 – select the “SUM” function

There are two fields in the function arguments window: “Number 1” and “Number 2”. Select the first field and click on the cell with the number “2”.

Its address will be written into the argument line.

Click on “Number 2” and click on the cell with the number “17”. Then confirm the action and close the window.

If you need to perform mathematical operations with three or more cells, simply continue entering the argument values ​​in the Number 3, Number 4, and so on fields.

If in further meaning The summed cells will change, their sum will be updated automatically.

Rice. 7 – result of calculations

Creating tables

You can store any data in Excel tables.

Using the function quick setup and formatting, it is very easy to organize a personal budget control system, a list of expenses, digital data for reporting, etc. in the editor.

They have an advantage over a similar option in other office programs.

Here you have the opportunity to create a table of any size. The data is easy to fill out. There is a function panel for editing content.

In addition, the finished table can be integrated into docx file using the usual copy-paste function.

To create a table, follow the instructions:

  • Open the Insert tab. On the left side of the options panel, select Table. If you need to consolidate any data, select the “Pivot Table” item;
  • Using the mouse, select the space on the sheet that will be allocated for the table. And also you can enter the data location in the element creation window;
  • Click OK to confirm the action.

Rice. 8 – creating a standard table

To format appearance the resulting sign, open the contents of the designer and in the “Style” field, click on the template you like.

If desired, you can create your own view with a different color scheme and cell highlighting.

Rice. 9 – table formatting

Result of filling the table with data:

Rice. 10 – completed table

For each table cell, you can also configure the data type, formatting, and information display mode. The designer window contains all the necessary options for further configuration of the sign, based on your requirements.

Microsoft Excel is a program for performing calculations and managing so-called spreadsheets.

The spreadsheet is the main tool used for processing and analysis. digital information means computer technology. Although spreadsheets are primarily associated with numerical or financial operations, they can also be used for various data analysis tasks by providing the user with great opportunities on automation of data processing.

Excel allows you to perform complex calculations that can use data located in different areas of the spreadsheet and linked together by a certain dependency. To perform such calculations in Excel, it is possible to enter various formulas into table cells. Excel performs the calculation and displays the result in the formula cell. The available formulas range from simple addition and subtraction to financial and statistical calculations.

An important feature of using a spreadsheet is the automatic recalculation of results when cell values ​​change. For example, you can use Excel to perform financial calculations, record and control the organization's personnel, etc. Excel can also build and update graphs based on entered numbers.

The file that Excel works with is called a book . A book, as a rule, consists of several worksheets, which may contain tables, texts, diagrams, and drawings.

The book is a good organizational tool. For example, you can collect all documents in one book ( worksheets ), related to a specific project (task), or all documents maintained by one executor. The base of the worksheet (Fig. 1) is a grid of rows and columns. Cell formed by the intersection of a row and a column. The cell(s) selected by the mouse is called active (in Fig. 1 the active cell is highlighted with a frame).

A row in a worksheet is identified by a name (number) that appears on the left side of the worksheet.

A column in a worksheet is also identified by a name (letters of the Latin alphabet) that appears at the top of the worksheet.

An Excel worksheet can contain up to 65,536 rows and 256 columns. A cell - the main element of the table - has its own unique address, consisting of a column and row number, for example E4 .

Each cell contains one piece of information, be it a numeric value, text, or a formula.

When you open a previously created file, a workbook with the entered data appears in the Excel window.

Workbook in Excel, it is a file in which data is stored and analyzed. A workbook file consists of several worksheets that can contain tables, text, charts, or pictures. Each worksheet is identified by a name that appears on the worksheet label.

Let's look at specific elements of the Excel window (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Excel window

Status bar contains information about the active document, the selected menu command, and keyboard mode indicators. In it, the user receives messages on how to complete the started command and view the intermediate results of some calculations.

Formula bar shows the formula (if present in the cell) or data contained in the active cell. You can enter and edit text, numbers, and formulas in the formula bar.