Bridge on the motherboard. The south bridge of the motherboard: what is it and what is it necessary for? Why is the south bridge? Why the chipset on the motherboard overheats


O 11/11, 15:54

Eliminating the reasons for overheating processor, video card, motherboard, etc.

How to find a component that overheats read.

I will paint the reasons for overheating in descending order of their probability, and ways to eliminate, start with the processor.

Causes of overheating processor and their elimination:

1. The main reason for the overheating of the processor - the radiator is clogged with dust, the air exchange is hampered and as a result of overheating - it is necessary to clean the processor radiator from dust, you can make it a vacuum cleaner, but very carefully and only when a de-energized computer.

2. If the radiator is glittered, and the processor is still overheated, it is likely to dry the thermal paste, it is necessary to carefully remove the cooler from the processor, remove the old thermal cooler from the cooler and the processor and apply a new one. The new thermal span need to apply quite a bit, and keep in mind the coolers on the motherboard with 775 socket, they are very uncomfortable, they are laid down legs, and it is difficult to install such a cooler, or it is impossible. Also when installing a cooler, there is a risk that it will be crooked (visually it is not noticeable) and the processor will overheat.

3. If, after executing the first two items, the processor is still overheated, it is likely to help a slight decrease in the supply voltage of the processor in the BIOS, it will have to pick it experimentally.

Causes of overheating of the video card and their elimination:

  1. The main cause of overheating of the video card is a drying of the thermal paste (relevant after 3-5 years of work) and the dipping dust and vigor into the radiator, as a result, the fan operates 100%, and the temperature does not decrease. The cleaning of the radiator and the blades of the fan from dust is the first thing to be done if this is not enough - replace the thermal paste.
  2. The second is quite common cause of overheating of the video card - the lack of cooling, the video cards become more powerful every day, and their cooling systems are often not designed for high loads (especially for low-cost models), often due to the high load, a regular fan fails (usually begins to make noise But it happens that it encourages it), and the video card begins to overheat. It is either replaced by the fan on the same thing - I never did it, find the same fan that another problem, most often I take a big fan type such:

    And with the help of gum for money, I attach it to the video card, pay attention to the arrows indicating the direction of the air flow, they should be directed to the radiator of the video card. Thus, it turns out a quiet and reliable cooling of the video card, it is not previously checked on one computer. It should work out like in the picture:

    This method has a small drawback, in about six months later, the gum begin to dry and fall apart, so they must be occasionally changed, or replace something more reliable, such as a piece of wire from the promoted twisted pair.

The reasons for overheating of the motherboard and their elimination:

1. on motherboard As a rule, the southern or north bridge overheats, it happens rarely, it is solved by installing additional fans, usually a place is reserved for them on the back wall. system Block, I need to install them on blowing.

Causes of overheating hard disk:

1. Lack of cooling. Hard disk is desirable to install in places where there is air movement and preferably at the bottom of the system unit, if it is difficult, then you need to install a special fan for hard disks.

2. High load on hDDif you are constantly using a hard drive, then take care of the additional cooling, actually the durability and reliability of hard drives strongly depends on their temperature when working, hard drives Regularly heating over 50 degrees are unlikely to become long-livers, it is optimal that the maximum temperature of your hard disk during operation does not exceed 45 degrees, ideal - the temperature of the hard disk in the range of 35-40 degrees.

In most cases, overheating of computers and laptops is manifested by the following signs:

  • enlightening programs, game malfunctions after some time after starting,
  • unexpected device shutdown,
  • enlighten your computer or shutting down almost immediately after launch.
  • Most important components - processor, hard drive, video card, power supply, motherboard

    1. Diagnostics reasons for overheating of a computer and a laptop

    1.1. Overheating processor

    Signs of the problem: program hangs, unexpected reboots or turning off the computer, blue screen. The consequences of such a state - the degradation of the chip, the processor can work, but with errors. If the processor has been degradation, it will not be possible to repair it, just throw it away.

    1.2. Overheating of the video card

    The computer freezes while watching the video, after a few minutes of the game, the computer is restarted, a blue screen appears, graphic artifacts on the screen, the image disappears during operation, a notification may appear.

    As a result of this state, the video card components threaten degradation.

    1.3. Overheated hard disk

    If the hard disk is overheated, the computer suddenly freezes, the skidding from the system unit is heard, the system does not boot. As a rule, these signs manifest themselves when overheating struck irreparable damage. If you want to restore the data that were recorded on the hard disk, you can do this only through the service center. The hard drive is not subject to repair, but the information can be copied to another medium.

    1.4. Operating power supply

    Dangerous symptoms appear: during operation there is a smell of Gary, turning off immediately after launch, it is unexpectedly a reboot, games or video hangs. The consequence may be the failure of the component of the power supply, however, the repair in the service center will cost you inexpensively.

    1.5. Overheat chipset on the motherboard

    If the chipset on the motherboard overheated, it manifests itself in the following way: The keyboard is turned off, the mouse, the USB refuses to work, there is no connection to drives and a hard disk, the computer freezes, unexpected reboots occur. As a result, the chipset can degrade. If you do not follow the motherboard temperature, you will subsequently have to buy a new one, as the repair is very expensive.

    1.6. Overheating of other components of the computer

    In addition to the listed, the variety of batteries on the motherboard are heated. For efficient cooling, radiators must be installed on them. But some manufacturers for savings do not make it, hoping that the motherboard will work exclusively as usual. Therefore, at least one fan should work to cool the components due to the natural movement of air.

    1.7. Causes of computer braking due to overheating

    Most often overheating of the computer manifests itself by braking during operation. Usually this symptom is not visible immediately, but after some time after turning on the computer. At a very high temperature, the processor does not work efficiently, as it is trying to lower the temperature. This process is called trottling. Depending on the model, the permissible temperature of the processor ranges from 65 to 80 degrees.

    Trottling works on modern processors, and on video cards. So if the games freeze or brake - most likely, it is overheating.

    1.8. Causes of computer reboot due to overheating

    Windows is a complex system. If one day the processor issued an error when calculating, then everything is broken. As a result, a BSOD failure will arise if it is more clear - the "blue screen of death".

    BSOD is a serious error that cannot be ignored. By default, the system is configured in such a way that when the BSOD is detected, the PC itself rebooted. Thus, if overheating happened, a blue screen appears and the computer reboots. However, it can simply hang the "blue screen of death". The reboot process after the appearance of the BSOD is disconnected as follows: through the control panel, log in, then into the additional parameters of the system. On them open download and recovery - parameters, from the point to perform automatic reboot You need to remove a tick and confirm your decision.

    In fact, the causes of the bsod appearance are many - incorrectly functioning drivers and programs, errors on the hard disk. 1.9. Over time, the computer heats up stronger - why

    One of the reasons is the amortization of the cooling components and dust. To clean the radiators and other components of the computer, it is advisable to use fans suction dust suction. Overheating occurs including due to big cluster dust.

    Over time, the fans wear out, as a result of which they can constantly make noise, spin at a lesser speed or stop at all. Thermal conductivity of the thermal interface is worsening. Thermal stas and thermal staples that provide high-quality heat transfer from the processor to the radiator require cleaning, replacement.

    2. Measure the temperature

    Inside the computer there are many sensors. They measure the temperature of the components, voltage, fan speed. Their exact quantity varies depending on the components and options for their connection. For example, the cooler with the rotational speed meter can be connected to the motherboard, and to the power supply (BP). In another case, the speed is not possible.

    2.1. Open Hardware Monitor

    The most convenient utility for determining the temperature of the computer component is Open Hardware Monitor. It is capable of identifying many sensors, can show the temperature of the "iron" of the computer, voltage and frequency.

    You can download the program for free with its home page.

    2.2. Temperature measurement errors

    Sensors that are equipped with a computer are not calibrated. Accordingly, the error between temperatures can be several degrees. For example, the video card is heated to sixty degrees, but the maximum indicator for it is seventy. Games begin to slow down only after a while. Consequently, the sensor does not display the actual temperature, and there is overheating.

    2.3. How to check the temperature of the processor

    Temperature sensors can be located differently. Their location is interconnected with the processor model. For example, processor Intel Core I7-2600K has four physical cores, so there are five temperature meters: one on each kernel and motherboard.

    To find out the processor temperature, look at the CPU Core point if it is. To detect overheating, you should load the processor with a serious task and check the temperature in the load. For this, new games are optimally suitable. Play half an hour, and then watch the MAX column in the program. To determine the maximum temperature of your processor, look for information in Yandex or another search engine. If you do not know which processor you have, the program shows a model in front of the processor icon.

    2.4. How to check the temperature of the video card

    The temperature of the video card elements may be different, which depends on the load. Determine overheating will help measure the maximum temperature. Therefore, the video card must be loaded. A simple way to start the game and at the same time the Open Hardware Monitor program. The maximum temperature can be seen in the MAX column.

    Usually, the temperature of the video card to sixty degrees is considered normal. In some cases, it can reach the ninety degrees, but specific indicators must be clarified. The cause of overheating of the video card can be braking and unexpected reboots of the computer.

    2.5. How to check the temperature of the motherboard

    Temperature sensors can be found in the Damage Dedication section. All computers are different, the number and names of the sensors also differ. But none should exceed fifty degrees.

    And in some cases it is a lot. In the manual to the motherboard, you can find information about the maximum permissible temperature for the chipset.

    2.6. How to check the temperature of the power supply

    In the power supply, the sensors can only be to verify the speed of the fan turns so that it does not noise without load. Therefore, measuring the temperature of the power supply program cannot be programmatically. You should touch the system block case with hands. If he is hot or smells, palm plastic is overheating.

    3. What to do when overheating

    When overheated, you need to change the thermal colon and clean the computer from dust. Do it need it correctly. If you do not have the relevant experience, it is recommended to use the services of the service center. The laptop under warranty will be prepared from dust in an authorized center for free. If the service center is not, you can return it back, to the store, with a complaint about overheating. In this case, they will fulfill clean. It is desirable to copy all data from a laptop, as in service center can do formatting hard disk. In addition, we document the transfer of a laptop to diagnostics.

    With a desktop computer is all the same. The problem of overheating should be engaged in the store where you sold the system unit. There is dust or not, overheating should be eliminated to avoid breakage. In addition, the computer can be cleaned independently, but without appropriate knowledge and attentiveness is the likely to break something.

    3.1. Independent cleaning of a computer

    If you are weakly understand the location of the computer parts, you should not disassemble it yourself. When a malfunction is detected, you will still have to carry it into the service center.

    If you take a cooler, then between the processor and the radiator necessarily need to be applied to the thermal paste. You can cheap CTT-8, which is sold in any specialized store. It is not necessary to collect and re-use that pasta that was, firstly, over time, she loses its properties effectively carrying out heat, and secondly, dust rolls on the paste when removing the cooler. Therefore, you have to spread a new one. The layer should be thin, do not flow beyond the surface of the cover and processor. The lack of pasta will not allow to provide high-quality heat dissipation.

    Instead, thermal accelerators can use termerests. In some cases, they are much more efficient, for example, if the distance between the two elements is greater than the millimeter, the parts cannot feel tight to each other. Especially often it is found in laptops.

    To cool the hard disk, you can place the fan on the front panel of the system unit, for this you usually have fasteners. Vacuuming computers and laptops are not desirable. One of the reasons is inefficiency. Also because of a strong air flow, dust falls into hard-to-reach places and it will be impossible to get it.

    4. About fans and coolers

    The cooler is the symbiosis of the radiator and the fan. This device Wars heat with greater performance. Place its arrangement - video card, processors, chipset of the motherboard. Conventional fans (no radiator) are located in the housing and power supply. Since a certain component for cooling is enough simply air flow.

    Cooling may be passive - only the radiator works, the heat from which he leaves through the movement of the air inside the system unit. At low-power graphics cards, this is often used. Modern motherboards also have only passive cooling. But it is useless if there is no air movement inside the computer case. Therefore, with passive cooling, at least two fans must be installed in the case - one to blow out, the other on blowing.

    Quite often meets the problem when the computer is very hot south Most. And the motherboard based on NForce overheating chipset is, perhaps, the most frequent cause of failure. The system unit on the basis of MP ASUS M2N-XE came to us. Running the AIDA64 program, we saw that the chipset temperature reaches 78 degrees:

    MCP is chipset

    Many will say "Well, what is this here? This is nForce! " Yes, NVIDIA chipset is a very hot chip and always worsened not weakly. But the colder it will be, the longer it will work.

    How to improve chipset cooling (bridge)

    Dismantling motherboard

    The most time-consuming procedure is the dismantling of the motherboard. But in most cases it is necessary to make it necessary to remove the radiator. We take out the video card, disconnect the cables and wires, unscrew 6 bolts with which the "motherboard" is attached to the case. On the inverse Side system board Squeeze the tips of the mounts:

    We take out the plastic mounts themselves and remove the radiator:

    Fastening chipset (bridge)

    Replacing the thermal staste

    Now you need to remove the remains of the old thermal paste from the radiator and chip and degrease them with alcohol. Then you will need to apply a new paste on the bridge.

    and on the radiator:

    Installing additional cooling for chipset

    We decided to take advantage of the occasion and fasten to the radiator with a 40-mm cooler for better cooling.

    Cooler 40x40x10.

    Install the radiator with the cooler on the chipset. We snatch fasteners. Now you can bite your motherboard to the case, connect the wires, SATA cables and install a video adapter.

    The result is excellent: Thanks to the fan, the temperature of the bridge decreased from 78 ° C to 49 ° C:

    The temperature of the chipset NFORCE decreased significantly

    Thus, we defended the Nforce chip from overheating and probably significantly extended the life of the computer as a whole.

    Work of various nodes personal computer (PC) is provided with special control schemes. The modern level of development of miniaturization of components allows you to combine such control schemes in one microchemistry product, called chip.

    There may be several such chips on the motherboard (MP); They are called bridges, by analogy with the transport function of bridges. Traditionally, the chip operating with the high-speed components of the PC is called the Northern Bridge (cm), and all other components are connected to the southern bridge (YUM).

    In this article, we will look at what the northern and southern bridges are, what role they play in the work of the PC, where they are and how to conduct their diagnosis.

    These devices assigned their own role in ensuring the work of certain PC nodes, consider what each of them performs.


    The answer to the question is what the northern bridge on the motherboard is essentially the answer, what is our motherboard. The main functions of the motherboard are laid in it. It provides data exchange between the processor and memory, as well as high-speed external devices connected to PCI and PCI-E tires.

    The functions of the northern bridge on the laptop motherboard are similar to its function on the PC card, with the only difference that the laptop video card can be built into it.


    UM functions are to provide proper work All other devices included in the PC, or connected to it. These include:

    • USB devices;
    • hard drives;
    • various information storage devices;
    • input and output devices;
    • soundboards;
    • etc.

    Where are there

    These devices are located next to the location of those components, the provision of which they do. In the place where the CPU is located, there is a northern bridge, where the peripherals are located - South.

    South Most

    The UM is located at the right side of the motherboard, as close as possible to SATA, USB connectors and other peripherals.

    North Most

    The north bridge on the motherboard is located in its upper part, as close as possible to the processor and the diagram of its power.

    Important! About 10 years ago, almost all functions cm were moved to the processor. All modern processors have a built-in memory access controller and a system bus form. The need for a special chipset made in a separate chip on the MP, disappeared by itself.

    The complete diagnosis of UM is quite complex and requires the use of special equipment, but preliminary diagnostics can be carried out in "home" conditions.

    Consider how to check the UM using the minimum of the subwoofers. As such a means you can use the usual Chinese multimeter. The most common cause of the failure of the UM is the burnout of the power circuits in which the power signal turns out to be "shorted" to the shared wire.

    You can check this by measuring the resistance of the power circuits overlooking the Hume. Make it best on uSB connectors. We translate the multimeter to resistance measurement mode and measure resistance between the 1st and 7th, as well as between the 2nd and 8th legs uSB connector. These legs are always signed, so there should be no problems.

    If the Yum is in order, the resistance must be about a few hundredths, if it is substantially smaller (a unit of OM or in general - 0), then the Hume has failed.

    Checking the northern bridge

    Any malfunction see is critical for PC operation, so its diagnostics is elementary: if the computer started and started loading, then cm works, otherwise - no. Naturally, the rest of the components (processor, memory, video card, etc.) must be guaranteed, so as not to accept their fault for a false malfunction, see.

    Why bridges warm and what to do

    Any semiconductor components heat from exceeding the normal value of current flowing through them. This may be due to an increase in the number of connected devices, using both software and hardware of acceleration, poor body ventilation conditions, etc.

    Separately, you should talk about emergency situations. For example, excess loads due to incorrect connection external devices (Too much power consumption by SATA or USB ports, short circuits in these ports, connection errors, etc.). When

    the occurrence of such a situation the bill of time goes for moments, and often for seconds. Therefore, they are better just not allowed.

    Bucking South Most

    This situation arises quite often, because it is UM who is responsible for the work of the entire periphery, moreover, unlike the North, to which only the processor, tire and memory are connected, everything else is connected to the southern.

    The best way to reduce the temperature of the UM is to reduce the load on it, disabling additional devicesFor example, from uSB tires. However, if the PC tasks include work with a large number of periphery, it is impossible to do this.

    Therefore, you will have to seek another solution. The simplest is to replace the radiator located on the UM (and sometimes, and not replace, but to establish, since small heat dissipation on Um often does not require radiator).

    For this purpose, it is necessary to find a radiator of suitable dimensions and install it on the HUM microcircuit with thermoclause.

    Attention! The use of thermal paste, as in the case of a processor or video card, is not enough, since the mechanism for fastening the bridge cooling system there are no clips, and the gluing properties of the paste to hold the mass of the radiator is not enough.

    Hears the North Most

    Very often you have to read on the forums and in social. Networks: "Help! The northern bridge is very hot, what to do? ". The answer to this question is very simple: in 90% of cases nothing should be done. For cm operated at elevated temperatures is the norm.

    Another thing is when the temperature increases so much that it leads to the triggering of internal protection and the bridge disconnection, and with it and the entire PC.

    The solution in this situation can be only one thing: improve the cooling system of the bridge. You can do this in two ways: Remembering the passive cooling system or installing the active one.

    The alteration of the passive cooling system consists in changing the radiator to a more massive or having a large area of \u200b\u200bdispersion. This difference is noticeable even visually. The old radiator should be separated from the chipset, remove the residues of the connecting lineup and to glue the new radiator using a thermal stitch.

    If you replace the radiator on the cooler (radiator-fan bundle), then you can significantly reduce the temperature of the microcircuit. For this purpose, you can use any cooler with a fan diameter from 30 to 60 mm.


    Overheating is one of the main reasons why laptops and desktops brake.

    Overheating: Symptoms and Consequences

    The most typical symptoms of overheating of computers and laptops:

    1. Hanging, game failures after some time after their launch.
    2. Unexpected computer shutdown.
    3. Enlightening a computer or shutting down some time after its inclusion.

    The most hot components - processor, video card, hard disk, power supply and chipset on the motherboard. Consider each case separately:

    Overheating processor

    Symptoms:enlightening programs, unexpected reboots, unexpectedly turning off the computer, the appearance of the "blue screen of death".

    Effects: Overheating processor threshing degradation(destruction) chip (processor). In this case, the processor can work, but unstable, with errors, which will cause constant problems. The degradation processor has not been repaired - you have to throw out.

    Overheating of the video card

    Symptoms: Waving during games and watching video, rebooting the computer after a few minutes of the game, the appearance of the "blue screen of death", graphic artifacts on the screen (the disappearance of textures, the appearance of stripes and points), the disappearance of the image on the monitor both during operation and immediately after switching on Computer, the appearance of the message "VideoRerier stopped responding and was restored."

    Effects:as in the case of a processor, with long overheating, the video card components can degrade.

    Hard disk overheating

    Symptoms:unexpected computer hang, the sound of clicks from the system unit, Windows does not upload, read / write errors.

    Effects:typically, the symptoms of overheating of the hard disk are manifested when overheating made its black business. In this case, if you want to restore data from a hard disk, the path one is to the service center. The hard drives themselves will not be revealed, but the chance to "pull out" from it is the data.

    Overheating of the power supply

    Symptoms: The smell of Gary while the computer does not turn on or off immediately after switching on, unexpected reboots and shutdown, hang during games or video viewing.

    Effects:overheating threatens the failure of the components of the power supply, repair in the service center is not roads.

    Overheating chipset on motherboard

    Symptoms:unexpected keyboard shutdown, mouse, failure in USB, is lost connecting to the hard disk, drives, computer hang, spontaneous shutdown, reboot.

    Effects: As a processor, chipset (what it is, look at the Wikipedia) can also degrade. If you do not follow the motherboard temperature, you will have to buy a new one, because Repair of very roads.

    Overheating of the rest of the computer components

    Also heating a variety of nutritional elements scattered on the motherboard. In the photo above for more efficient cooling, radiators are installed on them and near. Unfortunately, often manufacturers save and do not install the desired cooling, calculating that the motherboard will only work in the "normal" mode of operation (without acceleration of the processor), relying on air cooling. Therefore, always at least one fan in the case must be installed To cool the components due to air movement.

    Of course, all these symptoms are not limited to. I listed only the most popular.

    Why, due to overheating, the computer slows down

    The most frequent symptom of overheating - "brakes" during computer operation. Usually they appear not immediately after turning on the computer, but after a few minutes or even hours of operation (when the processor is heated to the critical temperature).

    At high temperature, the processor slows down its performance, due to which its temperature decreases or at least does not increase above the permissible limit. This process is called Trottling (Throttling). The "permissible temperature" of the processor can be any - 65 degrees, 70, 80, etc., depending on the model.

    Trottling works both on modern processors and video cards. Therefore, if the games freeze or brake a few minutes after the launch - it is almost certainly overheating.

    Why because of overheating the computer reboots

    Windows is a complex software package. If somewhere the processor issued an incorrect result in the calculations (and they will necessarily be due to overheating), then everything "collapses". The consequence of such a failure will be BSOD (from English. Blue Screen of Death - "Blue Death Screen").

    You can download a free program from her home page (size less than half of megabyte).

    About temperature measurement errors

    Sensors in the computer are not calibrated. This means that the real temperature may differ for several degrees. Example: The video card is heated to 60 degrees, but the limit for it is 70. The games are nevertheless starting to slow down once. So, the sensor clearly does not display the real temperature and overheating takes place.

    Check processor temperature

    Depending on the processor model, the number and location of the temperature sensors may differ.

    For example, measure the temperature of the processor Intel Core i7-2600K.. This processor It has 4 physical cores, so we have 5 temperature sensors: one for each kernel and the remaining on the motherboard near:

    In the screenshot CPU Core - Sensors showing the real temperature of the nuclei, CPU Package - Sensor near the processor on the motherboard. Thus, to find out the processor temperature, you should look at the "CPU Core" (if there is such an item). For the processor from the screenshot above the maximum permissible temperature is as much as 90 degrees (). However, not for all processors this temperature is permissible. Sometimes 65 degrees Celsius - the limit after which the processor degradation begins.

    To identify overheating It is necessary to load the processor the hard task and measure the temperature in the load. Suitable, for example, games, preferably today. Play the game half an hour, then watch the column Max In the program window. To find out the maximum allowable processor temperature, look for information in Google or Yandex based on your model: "Maximum processor temperature ( processor model)».

    For those who do not know which processor is installed in your computer: The model will be written in the Open Hardware Monitor program opposite the green processor icon:

    Temperature check video card

    As in the case of the processor, the temperature of the components of the video card may be different depending on the load. Only measurement maximum Temperatures will help calculate overheating. Therefore, the video card is needed to load something. The simplest way - launch any game and play a little (half an hour is usually enough) with launched program Open Hardware Monitor. In a collumn Max The maximum temperature will be recorded:

    In the screenshot, it can be seen that this computer The temperature of the video card under load did not exceed 53 degrees, which is a very good result. Usually the temperature of the video card to 60 degrees is considered normal. In certain cases, it can achieve even 90 degrees, but this moment need to checkby entering in Google request like "Maximum Temperature Video Card ( title video card)».

    It may be that it is overheating a video card - the cause of brakes and unexpected reboots of the computer.

    Check the temperature of the motherboard

    Sensors Temperature are displayed in the section dedicated to the motherboard. Here is a screenshot, pay attention to the icon:

    Motherboards are all different, names and the number of sensors differ. No sensor should exceed 50 degrees Celsius. Although in some cases 50 - already a lot.

    The manual for the motherboard often indicate the maximum allowable temperatures for the chipset (ChipSet). If you do not have the instructions - download it from the official website of the manufacturer of the motherboard.

    Check the temperature of the power supply

    In the power supply, sensors, if there is, only for automatic control of the fan rotation speed so that it does not noise without load. Therefore, it is programmatically measured the power supply temperature it is impossible. It is necessary to touch the system block body with hands in the area of \u200b\u200bthe power supply - usually from above behind or from the bottom. A cable from the outlet is suitable for the power supply unit, so it's not wrong with the location. If the housing in this place is hot or from there pulls Gare, the smell of Painted Plastics is overheating.

    What to do when overheating

    The answer is one: we clean from dust and change the thermal colon!

    To this case must be approached with the mind. If you do not have experience in this matter, consider the opportunity to contact the service center:

    Laptop with a valid warranty: In an authorized service center, it will be sold from dust for free (under warranty). If authorized (branded) service centers are not, you can give it to the store, where you purchased it, with a complaint of overheating. In this case, they will be engaged in the store itself, giving up a service center for diagnostics and (if dust detects) cleaning. It is advisable to copy all the important data from the laptop, because the service center can format the hard disk (of course, this is a "heavy" case, but happens). Also, be sure to docume the transfer of a laptop to the diagnostics - you can not return the goods to the store without clear documented reasons.

    Laptop with the ending guarantee: Once the warranty ended, it means that you have been your laptop for more than a year. For such a period of dust in it there will be a lot. You can pass to any service center for cleaning. The service is relatively inexpensive - the most greedy SC takes no more than a thousand rubles for cleaning the laptop from dust.

    With desktop computer under warranty The situation is similar. Overheating issues are required to engage in the store where the system unit sold you. Is there dust in the system block or not, overheating should be eliminated to avoid breakage.

    Desktop computer without warranty (or with an expired) you can also be cleaned in the service center. Of course, for money.

    Clean desktop computer You can and yourself - this is a good instruction. However, remember - without proper knowledge and care is the risk of something to break. To clean the laptops from dust there is also a good instruction. The laptop device differs from the model to the model, so most likely you will also have to look for instructions on the disassembly of your laptop model.

    These tips are "shouts of the soul". The situation is often found when the novice user is taken for cleaning the computer, without understanding some subtleties. So I advise you to read and gain knowledge:

    1. If you do not know where which component of the computer is - better not disassemble the computer. In the event of a breakdown, you still have to contact the service center, just pay not only for cleaning, but also repairs.
    2. Carefully read the article about cleaning on the link above, also look for other articles on the Internet.
    3. If you want to remove the cooler between the processor and the radiator it will be necessary to apply the thermal paste. Not toothpaste (there are launched cases), and the thermal interface. You can cheap CTT-8 sold at any store computer equipment. And thermopal does not lubricate the fan (these are already running cases with acute exacerbation). The same applies to the video card, only it is advisable to use a better thermal path.
    4. When removing the cooler, it makes no sense to collect and re-smear the thermalcolon, which was - first, with the time of the thermal paste loses its property effectively carrying out heat, secondly, dust with removal of the cooler on the thermal cooler, which greatly impairs its thermal conductivity properties. We'll have to smear a new one.
    5. The thermal layer should be thin, do not flow beyond the surface of the processor cover. It is impossible to smear little - if it does not spread all over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe processor cover when contacting the radiator, the high-quality heat removal will not work. Understanding how much thermal paste should be smeared, comes with experience. useful links: one two Three .
    6. Instead of thermal paste, manufacturers can use thermal staples ("termerests", as some call them). In some cases, the TermPaste works more efficiently - for example, if there is more than a millimeter between the radiator and the processor lid, they cannot nourish each other. In laptops this is a frequent occasion. Useful link.
    7. To cool the hard disk, you can place the fan of any size in the front panel area of \u200b\u200bthe system unit - usually there are fasteners. If not - fans are sold under hard disk. Unfortunately, cheap models are noticeable, so we can only come in an extreme case. Fix easy - screws are included, the fan connects to the outputs from the power supply - Molex (Molex).
    8. If the fan is noise - it is corrected, but not always. Instructions for cleaning and lubricating fans on the Internet a lot.
    9. Vacuuming computers, laptops are not recommended. Firstly, it is simply ineffective, secondly - due to the powerful air movement, the dust will be scored in such hard-to-reach places, which is neither a brush, nor a rag will fail.
    10. I also recommend you to familiarize yourself with this reference catalog: air cooling (main topics) - guidebook.

    Useful information about fans and coolers

    Cooler - This is a radiator plus a fan. That technical solution Wars heat much more efficient than if on the processor only a blow fan. Coolers are usually put on processors, video cards, motherboard chipsets.

    Fans (no radiator) put in the housing and power supplies. Some components for cooling are quite simple air movement, i.e. Banal blowing.

    Cooling components may also be passive - Only the radiator is set, the heat from which is due to the movement of the air inside the system unit. On low-power video cards it frequent solution. Modern motherboards on their components also have only passive cooling.

    Important moment: Passive cooling is useless if there is no air movement inside the computer case. Therefore, with passive cooling, at least a pair of fans - one by blowing, the other to blow out - must be installed in the case.

    Of course, in the pictures above are not all possible cooling media models. Human fantasy is inexhaustible. There are also cooling with water, oil, liquid nitrogen, etc. All this is in the guide to cooling systems, the reference to which I already led above. If you are incomprehensible if you are not clear in the article - write in the comments, I will try to reply and add text.