Blue screen of death Error codes Program. Engine error: diagnostic malfunction codes. P0402 - Recycling exhaust recycling

Blue screen of death (English Blue Screen of Death, Blue Screen of Doom, Bsod.) - Critical reports system error in operating systems Microsoft Windows.. Many who face their computer / laptop with a blue screen of death, the only solution is seen reinstalling operating system. But sometimes the OS is not at all, but the problem is in the "hardware". In order not to guess why appeared blue screen of death, You need to use the information that the operating system itself provides logs. In this article, I will seek step by step how to find out the reason for the appearance of the blue screen of death.

So, the appearance of a blue screen of death is always unexpectedly and not in time, so you have time to see what many people say they simply do not have time, and there it must be said it is written (although not in a completely apparent form) the cause of the failure. First of all, I propose to configure the computer / laptop, whatever he rebooted immediately after the system fails, but made it possible to see the cause of the failure, if this information is not enough to see dump The file contains information: error code with parameters, a list of drivers loaded into RAM at the time of the collapse of the system, etc., but this information is enough to determine the failure driver.

Settings Connectable reboot After system failure, you can specify if you press right-click Mouse on the label My computer / computer (suitable for Windows XP, Windows7, Windows8), choose " Properties", or press the keyboard shortcut + . All nimble below will touch Windows7, similar to the method configured on Windows XP, Windows8, Windows8.1.

On the tab " Additionally"Select the Download and Recovery field" Parameters".

Clean the tick " Perform automatic reboot "In order to have time to see everyone writes a blue screen of death. In the line, the dump file is specified the path where the file will be stored in which the causes of the failure will be shown.

Now you can carefully study the information when the blue screen of death appears. If your computer is no longer loaded, and you cannot change these settings, in this case, when you load, click on the F8 keyboard and select the menu item "If you fail to perform a reboot system."

If the information specified there is little, you can use the dump ( dMP file.). To do this, you can use the tool microsoft- Microsoft. DEBUGGING TOOL, but it weighs a lot, requires installation and availability of Framework 4.5. You can do with smaller victims, if you use the program BlueScreenView. . In my opinion a very convenient program that does not require installation and in Russian (File Add to folder with a program). Running the BlueScreenView.exe file You will open the program interface in which the DUMP of this computer will already be downloaded (the default path C: \\ Windows \\ minidump is used if you go to Advanced settings Parameters can specify another path if you copied DUMP to another place).

Search for errors in programs - a difficult task. There are no ready techniques or recipes for success. You can even say that it is art. Nevertheless, there are general advice that will help you when searching. The article describes the main steps that should be done if your program works incorrectly.

Step 1: Enter the error in the tracker

After completing all the steps described below, it may happen that you will tear your hair from hopelessness, still sitting at work when you understand that:

  1. You forgot some important item about the error, for example, what was it concluded.
  2. You could delegate it to someone more experienced.

The tracker will help you not lose the thread of reflections and about the current problem, and about the one that you temporarily postponed. And if you work in a team, it will help delegate a correction to a colleague and keep all the discussion in one place.

You must write to the tracker the following information:

  1. What did the user did.
  2. What he expected to see.
  3. What happened really.

This should suggest how to reproduce the error. If you can not play it at any time, your chances to correct the error tend to zero.

Step 2: Look for a network error message

If you have an error message, then you are lucky. Or it will be informative enough for you to understand where and what is the error, or you will have a ready-to-search request. Bad luck? Then go to the next step.

Step 3: Find a row in which an error is manifested

If the error causes the program to fall, try to run it in the IDE under the debugger and look at which line of the code it will stop. It is absolutely optional that the error will be in this line (see the next step), but at least it can give you information about the nature of the bug.

Step 4: Find the exact line in which an error has appeared

As soon as you find a string in which an error is manifested, you can go back on the code to find where it is contained. Sometimes it can be the same line. But most often you will find that the string on which the program fell has nothing to do with it, and the cause of the error is in the wrong data that appeared earlier.

If you track the execution of the program in the debugger, then you can go back to the stroke to find an error. If you are inside the function caused inside a different function called inside another function, the styletes will show a list of functions to the entry point itself in the program (Main () functions). If the error happened somewhere in the connected library, suggest that the error is still in your program - it happens much more often. Find in the stroke, where the library function is called in your code, and continue to search.

Step 5: Find out the nature of the error

Errors can manifest themselves in different ways, but most of them can be attributed to a particular category. Here are the most frequent.

  1. Error per unit
    You started cycle for from units instead of zero or vice versa. Or, for example, thought that the method.Count () or.Length () returned the index of the last element. Check the language documentation to ensure that the numbering of arrays begins with zero or from one. This error sometimes manifests itself as an exception to index Out of Range.
  2. State of Racing
    Your process or stream tries to use the result of the subsidiary before it completed its work. Look for the use of Sleep () in the code. Perhaps on a powerful car, a child stream is performed for the millisecond, and delays occur on a less productive system. Use the correct methods for synchronizing a multithreaded code: mutexes, semaphores, events, etc.
  3. Incorrect settings or constants
    Check your configuration files and constants. I once spent terrible 16 hours, trying to understand why the basket on the site with purchases hangs at the stage of sending the order. The reason was in the wrong value in / etc / hosts, which did not allow the application to find the IP address mail ServerWhat caused an infinite cycle in an attempt to send an account to the customer.
  4. Unexpected NULL
    I bet, you have repeatedly received a mistake with an uninitialized variable. Make sure you check the links to NULL, especially when accessing the properties on the chain. Also check the cases where the NULL value is returned from the database is presented by a special type.
  5. Incorrect input data
    Do you check the entered data? You definitely do not try to spend arithmetic operations With user entered lines?
  6. Assignment instead of comparison
    Make sure you have not written \u003d instead of \u003d\u003d, especially in c-like languages.
  7. Rounding error
    This happens when you use the whole instead of Decimal, or Float for cash, or too short integer (for example, trying to record a number more than 2147483647, in a 32-bit intake). In addition, it may happen that the rounding error is not manifested immediately, but accumulates over time (t. N. Butterfly effect).
  8. Buffer overflow and output outside the massif
    Problem number one in computer security. You highlight smaller memory than data recorded there. Or trying to refer to the element outside the array.
  9. Programmers do not know how to count
    You use an incorrect formula. Check that you do not use an integer division instead of taking a residue, or know how to transfer a rational fraction in decimal and so on.
  10. Concatenation of string and numbers
    You expect to concatenate two lines, but one of the values \u200b\u200bis a number, and the compiler tries to produce arithmetic calculations. Try explicitly bring each value to the string.
  11. 33 characters in Varchar (32)
    Check the data transmitted to INSERT to match the types. Some databases throw out exceptions (as they should do), some simply cut the string (like MySQL). I recently encountered such an error: the programmer forgot to remove quotes from the line before inserting into the database, and the string length exceeded the permissible just two characters. There was a lot of time to search the bug, because it was difficult to notice two small quotes.
  12. Incorrect condition
    You are trying to query when the connection is closed or trying to insert an entry in the table before the tables were updated from which it depends.
  13. Features of your system that the user is not
    For example: in the test database between the order ID and the address 1: 1 ratio, and you are programmed, based on this assumption. But it turns out that orders can be sent to the same address, and thus you have a ratio of 1: many.

If your error is not similar to those described above, or you cannot find the string in which it appears, go to the next step.

Step 6: Exception Method

If you can not find a string with an error, try or disable (comment) Code blocks until the error disappears, or using framework for unit tests, isolate individual methods and call them with the same parameters as in real code.

Try to disconnect the system components one by one until you find the minimum configuration that will work. Then plug them back one by one until the error returns. So you will return to step 3.

Step 7: Loggy all in a row and analyze the magazine

Come on each module or component and add more messages. Start gradually, one module. Analyze the log until the malfunction is manifested. If this did not happen, add more messages.

Your task is to return to step 3, finding where the error is manifested. It is also the case when it is worth using third-party libraries for more thorough logging.

Step 8: Exclude Iron or Platform Effect

Replace RAM, hard drives, change the server or workstation. Install updates, delete updates. If the error disappears, the reason was iron, OS or Wednesday. You can optionally try this step before, as Iron malfunctions often mask errors in software.

If your program works on the network, check the switch, replace the cable or run the program on another network.

For the sake of interest, switch the power cable to another outlet or to another UPS. Madly? Why not try?

If you have the same error, regardless of the environment, then it is in your code.

Step 9: Pay attention to the coincidence

  1. Error always appears at the same time? Check the tasks that are scheduled.
  2. Error always manifested with something else, how absurd this connection would be? Pay attention to each item. For each. For example, does an error appear when the air conditioner is turned on? Perhaps because of this, the voltage in the network falls, which causes strange effects in the gland.
  3. Is there anything general to users of the program, not even associated with software? For example, a geographical position (the legendary bug with a letter for 500 miles was found.
  4. Error manifests itself when another process takes a sufficiently large amount of memory or processor resources? (I once found this reason annoying "No Trusted Connection" with a SQL server).

Step 10: Contact technical support

Finally, it's time to ask for help from one who knows more than you. To do this, you must have at least an approximate understanding of where the error is located - in the gland, database, compiler. Before writing a letter to developers, try to ask a question on the profile forum.

Errors are in operating systems, compilers, frameworks and libraries, and your program can be really correct. But the chances of attracting the attention of the developer to these errors are small, if you cannot provide a detailed algorithm for their playback. Friendly developer can help you with this, but most often if the problem is difficult to reproduce you simply ignore. Unfortunately, this means that it is necessary to make more efforts when drawing up bagugeta.

  1. Call someone else.
    Ask a colleague to look for a mistake with you. Perhaps he will notice something that you missed. This can be done at any stage.
  2. Carefully review the code.
    I often find a mistake, just quietly looking through the code from the beginning and scrolling it in my head.
  3. Consider cases when the code works, and compare them with non-working.
    I recently found an error that the input data in the XML format contained the XSI: type \u003d "xs: string" string, everything broke, but if this line was not, everything worked correctly. It turned out that the additional attribute broke the desserialization mechanism.
  4. Go to sleep.
    Do not be afraid to go home before you fix the error. Your abilities are inversely proportional to your fatigue. You just spend time and exhaust yourself.
  5. Make a creative break.
    Creative break is when you are distracted by the task and switch attention to other things. You may have noticed that best ideas come to mind in the shower or on the way home. Context change sometimes helps. Go to dine, watch the movie, Paint the Internet or deal with another problem.
  6. Close your eyes on some symptoms and messages and try first.
    Some bugs can affect each other. The driver for the Dial-Up connection in Windows 95 could report that the channel is busy, despite the fact that you can clearly hear the sound of the connecting modem. If you have to keep too many symptoms in my head, try to concentrate only on one. Correct or find it a reason and go to the next one.
  7. Play Dr. House (only without Vicodin).
    Collect all your colleagues, go to the office with a cane, write the symptoms on the board and throw stubble comments. Once it works in the TV shows, why not try?

What you definitely will not help

  1. Panic
    Do not immediately fall out of the gun on the sparrows. Some managers begin to panic and immediately roll back, restart the servers, etc. In the hope that something from this will correct the problem. It never works. In addition, it creates even more chaos and increases the time required to find an error. Do only one step at a time. Examine the result. Think of it, and then go to the next hypothesis.
  2. "HELP, PLIZIZ!"
    When you appeal to the forum for advice, you at least need to perform step 3. No one wants or can help you if you do not provide detailed description Problems, including information about OS, hardware and a range of problem code. Create a topic only when you can describe everything in detail, and come up with an informative name for it.
  3. Transition to personality
    If you think that someone else is to blame for the error, try to at least talk politely with him. Insults, screams and panic will not help a person to solve the problem. Even if you have no democracy in your team, screams and the use of rough strength will not make corrections to a magical way to appear.

The error that I recently corrected

It was a mysterious problem with the duplicate names of the generated files. Further check showed that files have different content. It was strange because file names included the date and time of creation in the format yymmddhhmmss. Step 9, coincidence: The first file was created in a shell in the morning, the duplicate was generated at a shepherd evening of the same day. Coincidence? No, since HH in

Probably, each car owner with an injection engine faced various errors in the work of this unit. About such trouble reports the corresponding sign on the instrument panel - "Engine error". Many will immediately go to a hundred to diagnose, others will drive with this problem. But the third group of people will definitely be interested in the causes and decodes of codes.

ECU in cars

The work of the mentioned part is invisible, but this unit immediately starts after the driver has turned on the engine.

In some car models, electronics controls the parameters even after stopping the car.

Each ECU on any car is equipped with a special controller, which, when detected by various faults, responds to them by igniting the indicator - "engine error". Each error has its own code and remains in the memory of the computer. Some problems are not only fully saved, but the time for their detection system is also recorded. This option is called "Stop Frame".

- the reasons

Light bulb that reports errors on dashboard just one. However, they can have a lot of reasons. It is possible to learn without special equipment or a trip to a hundred.

The Lambda probe

The oxygen sensor is part of the exhaust system of exhaust products. It checks how much oxygen has not burned in the engine cylinders. Lambda probe also controls fuel consumption.

Various faults of the named sensor do not allow the ECU to receive information from it. Sometimes this element issues incorrect information. Such breakdowns can increase or reduce fuel consumption and reduce engine power. On most modern cars such sensors from two to four.

Among the reasons for the failure of the described element, pollution with its waste oil or oil soot can be. This reduces the accuracy of the information to regulate the fuel mixture and determining the optimal fuel consumption.

Fuel tank neck

Most drivers in case of errors are always thinking about the existence of very serious problems. But few people think to check whether the fuel system is sealed. But this most tightness can be easily violated not enough tightly closed gas tank lid. And this is a fairly common situation!

And where is the engine error? The fact is that with an integrally closed lid in the system passes air, which increases fuel consumption. The diagnostic system due to this gives an error.



For self-diagnosis VAZ can also be used by the diagnostic connector, but it is permissible to do it and the forces of the car. To do this, click the odometer button, then turn the key to the first position, then the button is released. After that, the arrows will jump.

Then the odometer is pressed again - the driver will see the firmware number. When you click on the third time you can get a diagnostic code. Any motor error VAZ in the car will be presented in the form of two digits, not four. You can decipher them according to the relevant tables.

The information provided is able to help experienced and beginner motorists better understand their car. Errors arise from time to time, but most importantly - to be able to eliminate them on time. Previously, there were no such options in the Soviet cars, and the driver could not know what "swears" the engine. Today there are many possibilities for the diagnosis, repair, condition control. And with the help of modern software There is nothing easier than to figure out how to reset the engine error from the memory of the ECU.

Currently, it is difficult to imagine life without computers "PC", helping, and often replacing a person, computers perform a huge amount of diverse work. Nevertheless, like any other technique, they may fail, while the error denoting the nature of the problem will be reflected on the screen.

There may be much different problems in computers, moreover, they can be both hardware and software. The difference is that, hardware error means failure to build any component computers, Ie, motherboard, processor, etc., and software error is related to a software error. To facilitate diagnostics, error codes are used in computers, they help the specialist to identify the problem of software. Unfortunately, the displayed error does not guarantee that it is precisely the error that it means. This is due to the fact that the occurrence of one error could have been provoked by another, but in the end it will be displayed exactly the latter.

For example:

the blue screen appears, with the display of the error code random access memoryThis error occurs as a result of the failure of the memory module, you should not immediately think that it needs to be changed, and the old module is time to throw away. In most cases, this error occurs due to memory overload, Ie, you launched an application that needs more memory than has your computer and it will be enough to restart it for further work.

In addition to error codes, the computer can signal the user about any sound signals, this is called "hardware error". As an example, when you turn on the computer and standard system load, you can hear one signal, this is the so-called POST (POWER-ON-SELF-TEST), testing components before starting, one signal means that the component testing has passed successfully, otherwise the computer signals Report an error. Sound errors can be decrypted using the instruction from system board. Or use the description on the site.

Hardware errors

Hardware errors are divided into two types, sound and text

Sound errors

When the computer is turned on, it immediately holds the fast diagnostics of the system and, depending on its result, it gives one signal signaling that everything is in order or a series sound signalsdenoting that this or that error occurred. As a rule, the sound signals fairly indicate that an error occurred. But the error can be caused by a number of faults and before eliminating it, it is also necessary to identify the reason for the resulting this error.

Defining sound signals meaning an error



Text messages

If the video system works in normal mode, the computer can also give text messages about hardware errors, as a rule, it is either additional to sound or separate messagesnotifying usually what happened a frivolous error.

Determining text messages that mean error

Of course, these are only a few codes from their huge variety, but very often these codes indicate what an error occurred. If there are problems with a computer, of course the best option There will be its diagnostics to the master, but it is worth considering the fact that the message that an error occurred is not uncommon and appears in many users quite often. Of course, it is not necessary every time the computer gives an error to ask for help to the master, try to start simply restart it, if you still fail to turn it on, or the error occurs again and again, then boldly contact the specialist.

Software errors

Program errors are the most common, if problems occur, the computer issues a particular error. Moreover, the method of error mappings can be different, as a rule, this pop-up window with a message, in most cases the text of the message itself contains a link and error code. You can not even say exactly how many codes can display the computer, there are a lot of them. For example, only operating system errors can give more than 1000 messages, while many programs have their mistakes. Unfortunately, program errors are not so accurate and often the real problem may be associated with absolutely with other things. However, for a professional master, "The displayed error with the code, indicates a lot," understanding the entire principle of software and its dependence on hardware, you can sound signals check sum Understand what caused this error.

Sandent error code

Errors in hexadecimal code are displayed on the BSOD screen, or as it is also called "Blue Death Screen" Many users are very afraid of this, erroneously, which means something very bad with a computer and this is a fatal error. In fact, everything is not quite so, let's start with the fact that this is a very useful thing, this screen really notifies the user that there is a truly fatal error of the system, however, in most cases, the banal reboot of the system has occurred. Of course, it will be very useful to get acquainted with the displayed error, to understand what it means, but in most cases, users simply restart the computer and continue to use it until the next error occur. Often, it is exactly the fact that users do not try to find out the cause of the error drops to drop it and use further leads to more serious faults.

Table of most frequent errors

Error Error description
0x00000001: APC Index Mismatch Internal error in OS


Device driver error
0x00000002e: Data BUS Error Error RAM
0x00000004C: Fatal Unhandled Hard Error Fatal reference error (there can be many options for this error)
0x00000004D: No Pages Available Driver error
0x000000050: Page FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA Faulty RAM module
0x000000051: Registry Error OS registry error
0x000000073: Config List Failed Error in the operation of the registry or lack of space in the main section of the HDD
0x000000074: Bad System Config Info System File Reading Error
0x00000008B: MBR CHECKSUM MISMATCH This error is often associated with the infection of the computer with a virus.

If any given error appears, in most cases a specialist is needed, as it is necessary to fix it quite difficult and in most cases so that the error is completely removed, and all the factors that caused this error must be formatted and reinstalling the system.

Causes of computer error code

The main reason for displaying an error message is a software failure. To understand why it happens, it is necessary to understand more deeply in the principle of computer. At the absolute majority of computers, operating systems are installed, the operating system is actually a program that interacts with all computer hardware provides additional software. Additional software, this is the fact that the user installs on a computer, whether games or any work programs. Many, mostly large programs before run, must be installed. When installing the program, the program files are copied to a specific operating system folder for further work, while it makes an entry in its registry, that a specific program is placed in such a place. After installing the program, it starts. At the time of launch, the program sends a request to the operating system to provide it necessary for normal work resources, for example, a certain amount of RAM, the form of memory, etc. Operations provides the necessary resources for the program. But it happens that it cannot provide the required number of certain resources, let's say because, there are no need for their necessary quantity. Then, without receiving resources for the normal operation of the program, an initialization error occurs, that is, a failure of the program start preparing, a message can also be displayed that the error checksum is actually the same, but has a somewhat different fault structure. As a result, the screen displays a message that an error occurred. This error can be reflected as the program itself if it is provided in it, or the message shows the operating system. The error code depends on who displays an error message, Operation or Annex.

In addition to the operating system, errors are issued various applications (Programs), this is done to a greater extent for developers of this software. Almost everyone possible mistakes Applications are provided in advance in the software and if any error occurs, often the program does not just indicate the error code, but also offers the user to send a report on this error. This report goes to a certain, previously prescribed address in the program, at this address, all errors are distributed through codes, roughly speaking distributed to folders, and software developers can see what errors and in what quantities have occurred. Having reveaning the most frequent errors, the developers begin to carefully view each such report. The fact is that a program or an operating system, sending an error report, often besides the error itself, sends important data on the user's data on the developers of this software, more precisely on its characteristics. For example, if the program uses 1GB of RAM in its work, it is important for developers to know how many RAM on the user's computer. And already analyzing all the data received, the programmers produced the so-called "patch" for the program, thanks to which any error in the program is corrected, which ultimately leads to more stable operation of the software and prevents the occurrence of an error.

There appeared computer error

If an error has been displayed on the monitor, it still does not talk about problems with the computer. In the absolute majority of cases, the error calls applications installed in the computer, in addition to applications, for proper work Many programs I. external devicesThe drivers are used, and this is essentially the same programs that do not rarely cause an initialization error. In this case, the error is eliminated by installing the required driver.

Eliminating computer errors

In order for the error to be eliminated, the specialist conducts a complete diagnostics of the computer, only so you can find out the true reason for its appearance. After detection of the reason, removal is carried out, incorrectly working software part and replacing it to others. Next, the performance is checked, as well as testing in various modes. If, after restoration and testing, the error does not appear, various internal computer storage are checked to balance remote files And the removal of those, so that in the future they did not cause any other error.

It is difficult to name the time that the wizard goes to that the error is eliminated, it depends on its type and character. The majority is corrected within a few minutes, but there are such on which you can spend more than an hour, since the eliminated error could harm the software and it also needs to be corrected. Nevertheless, on average, to eliminate the error, as well as the consequences of her work goes no more than an hour.


The error does not appear by itself, this is the result of the processes passing in the computer and its software, ignore again and reappearing error can not, since it is ignoring a computer warnings and incorrect work Equipment or software. Applications are not always stable and emerging errors are extremely important, both ordinary users and developers of various software, they help to check with what the computer or other software error or software is connected. However, still determine the malfunction by an ordinary user is quite difficult, due to the relationship of various processes, so it is impossible to say with confidence that, finding an error description, the problem will be in this and the error can be enough just to fix it. It is often enough to correct the error, as well as all the negative factors that influenced its appearance requires a complete reinstalling system. In this regard, when a computer error occurs, we recommend not experimenting with independent repairbecause it can lead to more serious consequences, and turn to service center "Watery". Specialists of the service center have extensive experience in repair. computer equipmentAs well as setting up a variety of software, they will quickly figure out due to error and correct all problems.

Our prices

Prices of the Fiber Service Center are absolutely transparent, no cheating or "surprises" for the client, after diagnostics, the master calls the exact and final repairs price and only after approval by the client, proceeds to work. Thanks to a large client base and solid material and technical equipment, the service center "Weshnik" offers not only high quality works, but alone better prices On the market. Turning to the service center "Watery", you contact professionals.