CAM module firmware under HD tricolor channels. We update the tricolor module software. And how did you manage to find a solution to this problem

IN modern society It is difficult to meet a family that does not use satellite television. Connect a satellite plate - one of best decisions To view the TV channels, given the favorable tariffs of operators. The highest quality, and therefore the most popular provider is Tricolor TV. It is important to understand that satellite television is a program that needs to reboot and update (firmware). Today we will look at how to update yourself software Tricolor module.

Tricolor TV regularly releases updates for its software. It is necessary to follow them on the official website of the company, so that your CI module did not give failures. This procedure does not take much time and completely free For registered users.

Ci is a built-in module, software is necessary for safe and high-quality broadcast of closed channels.

Another reason for which you want to follow the release of the new module software is that users who missed one or more versions for the update will not be able to conduct a procedure independently.

Upgrade instructions for

Any company appreciates its customers and takes care of their comfort, expanding or improving their services. So the tricolor TV constantly leads work to improve its service. For high-quality and smooth operation of your receiver, you must regularly follow the release of the new software. So, even the receivers of the GS 2016 can be updated to the latest version of the firmware-2017. Of course, no one wants to carry your device to the service center.

Do not forget that by skipping one update, you will have to attach the receiver to the service center, as it will be impossible to produce the procedure.

Update message

So how to update yourself on the tricolor module? It's easy enough to do it, the main thing follows the instructions:

  1. If your receiver works, then restart the device if it is in the off state - turn it on.
  2. The next action includes tricolor TV channel on his TV.
  3. The company does everything for the convenience of its customers, so the software update window will pop up independently after a while.
  4. In the selection menu, you need to click the Yes icon. In order not to enter the provider's website, you can use this method for timely recognition about new updates.
  5. You will run the update process, the course of which can be seen on your screen. The average waiting time is 5 minutes.
  6. After it is installed latest versionThe receiver will independently reboot.
  7. After turning on the TV, it is worth checking. To do this, return to the tricolor channel and check your version with the specified update on the official website.

If all the steps are completed correctly, and everything coincides, then in the near future you can forget about failures in broadcast. Your TV will show as a clock.

If, when you turn on after the firmware, your receiver does not respond to the remote signal, do not be afraid. Just turn it on using the button on the device "STANDBY".

Remember that the update process will have to produce regularly. If for some reason you have forgotten or could not make the firmware, contact the service center.


Per satellite television, as for any technical progress, special care is needed. If you want uninterrupted and high-quality broadcast, do not forget to update your device software. After all, the old firmware can call various malfunctions in the operation of the equipment: an error 5 or error 10 may appear. It is better to spend 5 minutes now than a few hours later, when you have to attract your receiver to the Tricolor service center.

From December 4, 2018 for the clients "Tricolor. Center "and" Tricolor. Siberia "Run new software (software) for conditional access modules CONDITIONAL ACCESS MODULE CI +, aimed at improving and improving the operation of these modules.

Attention!Update is available only for modules with the following versions of:

  • 1.0.0 (R7516-R7467),
  • 1.1.0 (R7940-R7748).

The current version of the module can be viewed in the module itself in the "Information" section -\u003e "Module" section -\u003e Tricolor CI + CAM under the Software Version line.

Location The module menu in the menu structure of the TV depends on the model and version of your TV software, to get more detailed information Refer to the TV Operation Manual.

Depending on the hardware version of the module at the end of the update, the module version will change to 1.2.0 (R8166-R8116) or 1.2.0 (R8168-R8146).

ATTENTION! In no case do not remove the module and do not turn off the TV to the TV until the update procedure is completed! Otherwise, it is possible to exit equipment.

To update the module, you must perform the following actions:

  1. Make sure that pop-up messages are displayed in the module settings. To do this, enter the module menu, select "Settings" -\u003e "Pop-up Window". If the "Current Status" line indicates "activated / enabled", then go to step 2.

Otherwise, click "OK" on the remote control and activate the display of pop-up messages. After that, return from the module menu to the channel viewing mode.

2. Switch the TV on TV channel "Telemaster". As a rule, this is number 333 in the general list of channels.

3. For a few minutes, a message about the need to update the module should appear on the TV screen *. Confirm to the start of the update by clicking the "OK" button on the remote control.

5. Upon completion of the module update, the TV screen will be displayed ** the offer to search for channels included in the tricolor service. To perform channel search, select the "Yes" option and click OK on the remote control.

6. Search channels that are part of the tricolor services will begin, and you will see a service message about the need to choose a broadcast region. Specify the region depending on the place of your stay and click OK on the remote control. The screen will then display service messages to perform channel search for specified parameters. To save the found channel list, press the OK button on the remote control.

7. At the end of the update, make sure that the version number has changed. To do this, go to the Module itself and in the "Information" section -\u003e "Module" -\u003e "Tricolor CI + CAM" under the "Software version" string Check the software version.

Update has been successful if the module version is displayed 1.2.0 (R8166-R8116) or 1.2.0 (R8168-R8146).

* Appearance Messages displayed by the module on the TV screen (color, font, size, position on the screen) depends on the model and version of the TV software in which the module is installed.

** Availability or lack of a proposal to update the list of channels at the end of the module update, as well as the output of the corresponding menu depends on the model and version of the TV software to which the module is installed.

Probably, already know that there are different inexplicable glitches with tricolor modules. I think it's time to deal with modules and especially with a novelty, self-adjustable CAM module Delgado.

I will start, as always with a loaf of modules, so to speak, meditation.

Not news that now the CI + tricolor module itself is used on modern TVs with an integrated satellite tuner (Samsung, LG, Sony, Philips), as well as some alternative satellite receivers.

However, according to Ci + modules from the tricolor for himself, something found out. As we know there are the first Ci + without light bulbs and they are mostly without problematic. But it happens a frank marriage!

With Delgado LEDs in stores there are three options for modules.

Two options in blue design and one in red. In red they go with new firmware And in the TVs, they can scan the channels on the list of the operator, i.e. Type, a separate profile is created on the TV.

You can make two list, under one profile layout of channels like the operator and the second arbitrary and you can sort it yourself at will.

Switch between profiles from the channel list. IN lately The blue Delgado modules appeared on the sale one in one in appearance as the first Delgado but the firmware is like on red modules.

New module, blue with indicator.

So, so that this module earned on the receiver must need to make the receiver to load on the tricolor channel, in this case there are no problems.

But if you download the receiver on open Channel Or, for example, on NTV + and then switch to the tricolor, this module does not earn until you drop it in the menu in the factory settings.

Have it in mind when buying modules!

New modules are excellent for TV, when it is turned on, it immediately proposes to create a Tricolor TV profile. For example, someone has a lot of satellites and receiver on Enigma, then you need to assign a starting channel with a new module when loading from tricolor.

Then there will be no problems.

However, we continue about the self-adjustable CAM module Delgado

A self-adjusting official CAM module from a TRICOLOR TV with support for HD and Ultra HD package. Who is not aware, then I will open the "big secret", now the tricolor TV can be viewed not only on specialized receivers.

Here under specialized, I think that is expensive and, while frankly bad.

And so, the self-adjustable CAM module Delgado is suitable in modern TVs with a built-in satellite tuner (Samsung, LG). In addition to tago in some alternative receiver (for example, OpenBox S3 Ci +, AS4K Ci +, AS4K Pro, VU + UNO 4K SE, SOLO 4K, Ultimo 4k).

In my fenats, the module is sold complete with Smartkart, it has a subscription to a single ULTRA HD package for 7 days.

There are 6 Ultra HD channels, 30 HD channels, about 200 TV channels in ordinary quality, 12 branded cinema halls and more than 35 radio stations. As I understand it, Tricolor, prolongs the single Ultra HD package for a year and it costs 2000 rubles.

As already wrote, a new smart card access card CI + DRE CRYPT 4K is enabled. Conditional Access Module Electronic Conditional Access Module CI + 4K (Actual version of the SW 1.0.0 module)

I note what a new version The module of the tricolor TV with the card (on the previously released modules may incorrectly reproduce the format channels in excess of high definition of Ultra HD 4K).

Well, it is as always, come up with something new, in their opinion, and buy all sorts of glands again!

But pleases that seven Ultra HD (4K) channels are available as part of Tricolor TV, this list of over-clear channels is constantly updated:

"Channel Ultra HD", "Serial UHD", "Russian Extreme 4K", "Cinema Ultra HD", "Insight UHD", "Fashion One 4k" and "Ultra HD Cinema"

If you speak a single Ultra HD package, then, of course, if desired, the user can subscribe to other Tricolor TV packages (Night, Children's, Football).

Of course it is good that in the presence of a compatible TV, the satellite receiver is not required, the control is made by one television console.

What does the fantastic word "self-adjusting" module mean?

You simply install the module in the TV slot to which is connected satellite antenna. Of course, the antenna should beat Pnasroinna on the EutelSat satellite 36 degrees.

And about a miracle, after a few seconds the TV will automatically find the tricolor TV channels. That is, no compensation with the clogging of transponder frequencies manually, as it was on the past versions of the tricolor TV modules, now there is no.

Quickly, simple and convenient.

For the sake of interest, a new CAM module Delgado on TV LG (LED 2014), feature automatic setting Correctly worked.

However, it is impossible to guarantee that the module will be self-confined on all models of TVs from different brands - it is impossible!

Note: The module works only in slots with support for CI +.

For TVs, this is not a problem, all modern models support CI +, but satellite receivers with such support are quite rare.

As already noted, from those known to me, it is OpenBox S3 Ci +, Formuler F4 Turbo, S4 Pro +, S6 Pro +, SX4 Base, SX4, SX6, SX9, AS1, AS2, AS4K, VU + SOLO SE, SOLO2, ZERO 4K, UNO 4K, Solo 4k, Ultimo 4k.

Unfortunately, all other popular Linux devices, support for CI + so far do not have.

A self-adjustable CAM module Delgado from previous versions is distinguished by a sticker on the front part and the availability of a diode light bulb.

With it, it is convenient to determine the module initialization in the TV slot or satellite receiver.

If there are problems, then the diode is red, if everything is fine - green.

In addition, the module works on the basis of new libraries and as the Tricolor operator assures, compatibility with various models of TVs is improved.

As already noted, the basic receivers for Tricolor TV have sufficiently modest characteristics, relatively poor capabilities and a very high cost.

Often alternative receivers bypass them in all articles. In addition, the use of the Tricolor TV HD CAM module is particularly profitable in new TVs with a built-in satellite tuner.

The module has some limitations:

- You can watch 1 channel + Use Timeshift function
- You can write and view the same channel
- TV records made by the CI + module cannot be played on a computer and other receivers.
Format: MPEG-2, MPEG-4, Ultra HD 4K
Encoding: Dre-Crypt
Supported with TVs: LG, Samsung and others
Manufacturer: Neotion
The internal version of: 1.1.0

List of 4K channels tricolor TV and their frequencies:

- Insight UHD (12360R 27500 4/5)
- Cinema UHD (12360R 27500 4/5)
- Fashion One 4k (12360R 27500 4/5)
- Series UHD (12054R 27500 3/4)
- Ultra HD Cinema (12054R 27500 3/4)
- Russian Extreme Ultra (12476R 27500 4/5)

- Support of the traffic bitrate to 72 MBPS
- Integrated conditional access system.
- Plug and Play.
- Compatible with DVB Standard Common Interface. (CI + 1.3).
- Nutrition 5V from DVB-Ci / Ci + host.
- Power consumption no more than 0.5 W.
- Size: 100 x 59 x 5 mm.
- Weight: 46

Add a grainbank of observations if the subscription was only activated, HD channels can start working in a few hours. All channels from the trolley:

If something is wrong, read and this:

Good luck, friends!

HD tricolor TV channels are available again through modules.

So, the essence of the question is as follows - both in the recommended receivers to view the HD maximum channels, and in the current CAM modulos of the DRE NKE MPEG-4, the NEOTION company is applied.

This chip allows you to decode paid channels that use DRE-CRYPT 3.0 / ADEC encoding when working with the required access card. That is, in all equipment, which used to be used to open HD channels, the same circuitry solution is used.

This omission in the future and allowed to disassemble the commands responsible for participating in the decoding of the channels and apply them in the software for the CAM modules, but a little later. And here it suggests a natural question - why on one equipment still You can watch the channels, and on the other there is no? NKE-1 chip uses standard external memoryIn which the instructions applied to them for work can be downloaded, and in general, this can be changed to the functioning algorithm, so to speak, use Overcrypt. As a result, initially the CAM modules were not equipped with all the instructions for encoding Dre- Crypt 3.0 / ADEC.

And for recommended receivers, in the absence of such instructions in them, and software updates via satellite. Thus, the Tricolor TV operator deliberately refused to update the software of its CAM modules that support such an opportunity, and called them simply briefly - uncommitted equipment.

How did you manage to find a solution to this problem?

Since the tricolor TV after free testing of its HD channels included in the HD maximum package (Full HD tricolor), the CAM modules did not encounter significant problems, then it embodied in the future this decision in its recommended receivers models without a significant change in circuitry. Accordingly, the commands used to decode TV channels in the new modification of the DRE-CRYPT 3.0 / ADEC encoding can be used both on the CAM modules of the DRE NKE MPEG-4 and at the recommended receivers. As a result, after short manipulations with internal software (dasps) for the Cam modules, their new modification from folk craftsmen appeared.

How can I modify the software CAM module?

Currently, memory dumps are posted for CAM versions of version 4010 and 4020, which at one time sold together with tricolor TV access cards - 23 and 24 episodes. To change the software, you must carefully open the module housing, remove the board from it, using the thermofense to remove the flash memory chip - ATMEL AT25DF161, flash it with a new dump on the programmer and after installing it on the fee, collect everything in the reverse order. Memory Damps for CAM Modules Dre NKE MPEG-4 can already be found on many specialized Internet resources dealing with the discussion of this issue. In case you can not do these manipulations, you can search a specialist who will help or change your module on the already modified, simply paying the difference for work.

What else is needed to view HD channels, except for a modified module?

Separated with a CAM module of access card 23 and 24 series Tricolor TVs had limited subscriptions to the service provided by the operator. That is, in them initially, it was not planned to work a separate subscription to HD TV channels. It could have been installed a long time ago when users of such cards were trying to officially issue a subscription to the TV channel package to the maximum HD, but the operator at the card ID immediately wrapped all these attempts and they ended in a simple failure. After completing the test broadcasting of the channels in high definition, the tricolor TV instantly changed the subscription class to view them and all the cards from the CAM modules simply cannot open them more, even if you use such maps in the receivers recommended by the receiver.

How can I solve the issue of the subscription class on the HD channels from the access card?

Now, this problem You can solve quite simply - it is purchased the most inexpensive, but recommended tricolor TV satellite receiver in conjunction with access card to view the maximum HD package. For example, you can stay on the GS 8305 model, and it does not matter that this receiving receiver has negative reviews. After which it is produced official registration Equipment with activation map of access, which is further extracted from the receiver and it is removed in a safe storage location. Next, such an access card is installed in a modified CAM access module and is used on the beloved satellite receiver.

That is, smart cards that were sold with modules, no longer open HD channels?

As it was already described above that such access maps 23 or 24 series simply do not have a subscription class to view the HD maximum package, so this question cannot be corrected without certain tricks. Over time, when the DRE-CRYPT 3.0 ADEC encoding work algorithm is studied, no disclosure of commands responsible for working with subscription classes, as a result of which it will be possible to modify the recorded data on the map. Also, there is another option - as the smart cards are the property of the operator, while based on the fact that he has no cards of the 13 series and those sold together with the CAM modules of the DRE NKE MPEG-4, then when it fails He can replace it with a modern version.

What can still take the operator Tricolor TV?

Since the DRE-CRYPT 3.0 / ADEC encoding is still understood and disclosed, the operator may continue to use its hidden modifications. As a result, for the recommended receivers - this will be completed simply by the standard update of satellite software, after which they will continue to open HD TV channels, as if nothing had happened before. For CAM modules, you will need to edit the memory dump and subsequent flashing them in manual mode. This operation It will help to facilitate a special interface that will allow you to reflash the modules without disassembling and extracting the flash memory chip, in this direction and are now being searched. Moreover, we should not forget that the Focussary ever end the hidden "cards" in the sleeve. So the tricolor TV after the discovery of all its available "cards", simply will be left with anything.

In recommended receivers forviewing channels maximum HD,and in the uncommitted nowCAM Modules DRE NKE MPEG-4 applied Common NKE-1 chip fromnEOTION. This chipallows you to providedecoding of paid channels,which use Cody.rOOM DRE-CRYPT 3.0 / ADEC when working with the required cardaccess. That is, in allequipment that beforeused to open HDchannels used the sameschemechnical solution. This omission in the future andallowed to be disassessableteams responsible for participating indecoding channels I.apply them in software for CAMmodules, but a little later.

Suitable a lawsuit - why onone equipmentyou can still lookchannels, but not on the other?

NKE-1 chip uses standardexternal memory in which cancontrol instructions,applied to them for work and inwhole thanks to thischange A. lgorithm functioning, so to speakuse Overcrypt. INthe result of which, initially Cammodules were not equipped inseven instructions for DRE encodingCrypt 3.0. And for recommended receivers, inthe absence of suchinstructions and was producedsoftware updateproviding through a satellite. Thusthe operator Tricolor TV deliberately refusedsoftware updatesproviding your CAM moduleswhich support suchopportunity and called them simply - Recommended equipment.

How did you manage to find a solution this problem?

As tricolor TV after free testing of your HDchannels included in the packageHD maximum (Full HD tricolor), onCam modules did not encounteressential problems, then embodied in the futuredecision in their recommended modelsreceivers without significantchanges circuitry.

Accordingly, the commands used for decoding tV channels in the new modificationdRE-CRYPT 3.0 / ADEC encoding, canapply as on CAM modulesDRE NKE MPEG-4 and onrecommended receivers. As a result, after shortmanipulations with internal software(dumps) for CAM modules,the new modification appearedfrom folk craftsmen.

How can I modify the CAM DRE module software?

Currently laid out memory Damps for CAM Modulesversions 4010 and 4020, which in theirtime was sold together withmaps of access tricolor TV - 23 and

24 episodes. To change the software you need neatly open the case of the module,extract a fee from it, withthermofen remove the flash microcircuit

memory - ATMEL AT25DF161, flash her new dump on the programmer and after installationher on the fee, collect everything in the oppositesequences. Damps of memoryfor CAM Modules DRE NKE MPEG-4can be found already on manyspecialized Internet resources engageddiscussing this issue. INcase if you can'tdo these manipulations thenyou can search for a specialist,which will help or change your module on alreadymodified.

What else is needed to view HD channels, except modified module?

Sale together with CAM module access card 23 and 24tricolor TV series hadlimited subscriptions onprovided by the operatorservices. That is, in them initially and was not plannedseparate subscription to hdtV channels. This could beestablish a long time whenusers of such cards triedofficially issue a subscription to the package of TV channels maximum HD, butoperator by Dre ID card numberimmediately wrapped all these attemptsand they ended simplyfailure. After finishingtest broadcast channels in high definition, tricolor TVinstantly made a changesubscription class to view themand all cards from CAM modulessimply can not themopen, even if you use such maps in the recommendedreceiver operator.

How can I solve the issue with hD channel subscription classaccess cards?

Now, this problem can solve is quite simple -purchased the most inexpensive butrecommended Tricolor TVsatellite receiver together withaccess card to view the HD maximum package. For example,you can stay at the budget model GS8306, and it does not matter what this receiverfor work has negative reviews.

After which it is produced official registration of equipment with card activationaccess that is laterextracted from the receiver and heretained in a safe place

That is, smart cards that sold with modules, no longeropen HD channels?

As it was already told above that such access maps 23 or 24series simply do not havesubscription class to viewpackage maximum HD, so withoutcertain tricks this question will not be possiblefix. Over time whenthe work algorithm will be studieddRE-CRYPT 3.0 / ADEC encoding, notexcludes team disclosure,responsible for working with subscription classes, resulting inwill modify recordeddata on the map. Also, there isanother option is so smart

maps are property the operator, while based on the fact that he did not have 13 series cardsand those sold together withCAM modules DRE NKE MPEG-4, then

when it is out of order, it can make it a replacement formodern option.

What else can take operator Tricolor TV?

Since the DRE Crypt 3.0 / ADEC encoding is not yet completely studied and disclosed, then the operator can and infurther use ithidden modifications. As a resultwhat for recommended receivers - it will endsimply standardupdating satellite software,after which they are stillwill continue to open HD.tV channels, as if nothing had happened before. For CAM modulesrequires the editing of the memory dump andsubsequent flashing them inmanual mode. This operationwill help relieve specialinterface that will allow reflashing modules without themdisassembly and extractionmicrocircuits flash memory, in thisdirection and produced nowsearch. And not followedforget that the focker has ever ended hidden"Maps" in the sleeve. So Tricolor.TV after the opening of all of theirexisting "cards", simplywill remain with nothing.