Internal error DBEng8 components - how to fix. Internal Error Components DBEng8 - How to Fix 1C Internal Error Components DBEng8

"DBMS error: Internal error DBEng8 components "is a fairly common problem in the system 1C enterprise 8. The reason for this error, as a rule, appears due to the violation of the database structure. Most often this problem It can be easily solved using the sequence of the actions below. You can get such an error with completely different situations - when you start 1C 8.3 or closing the base, exchange, closing the month, unloading the database, when conducting a document, opening the reference book.

Before the product of the regulations, be sure to back up the database!

Actions to correct an error:

This utility Analogue "Testing and Fix" to run it, you need to start the CHDBFL.exe file in the folder with the program (for example - C: \\ Program Files (x86) \\ 1cv82 \\ \\ bin):

After starting the utility, you must specify the location of the database (the path can be taken from the main window program) and set the Fact Fact Flag:

After executing the utility will also provide a report on the actions performed.

If the first two ways did not help, you can try to reinstall the 1c technology platform or simply replace the dbeng8.dll file in the program folder (Example - C: \\ Program Files (x86) \\ 1cv82 \\ \\ bin) from another installed program distribution .

See also our video to correct 1C database errors:

There are situations when when working with 1C 8.3 or 8.2 you have an error "DBMS error: internal error DBEng8 components". Of course, her description is not so informative, as if we wanted it.

In this case, most likely, the structure of the internal storage of tables in the database of the applied solution is violated. Do not despair, the error is treated and, if you use all our advice, you can most likely fix it.

Note that before proceeding to the methods described below, before . Do not create yourself unnecessary problems.

In such cases, as well as with the correction of anything, it is always better to start from simple to complex. Therefore, the first thing you need to establish the latest version of the 1C platform. If you are already using it, or for some reason you do not want to update, you can simply replace the "dbeng8.dll" library, taking it from the catalog on the other installed programboth on your PC and on the other.

In our case, it is located in the catalog "D: \\ Program Files (x86) \\ 1CV8 \\ \\ Bin", since it is in it that the platform itself is installed.

Testing and fixing in 1C

Often, the method with updating the platform does not always help, since the error lies in the database itself. In this case, with a very high probability, you will help you.

Configurator means

Solving the problem This way is made from the configurator. Go to the "Administration" menu and select "Testing and Correction ...".

In the form that appeared preliminary settings We will remove flags from the points "Reindexing of the Tables of the Information Base" and "Recalculation of Totals". The add-on data will not play roles in correcting our error, but only increase the data processing time.

After clicking on the "Run" button, the program will start the process of testing and correcting the information base, which can take a fairly long time. Upon completion, you will be presented a full report.

Utility "chdbfl.exe"

This utility is an analogue of testing and correction and is intended for file information bases. No need to search on the Internet, where to download it. This utility is included in the delivery of the 1C platform itself and is located in the same folder as the library to which the error you are correctly referred to.

In addition, you need to find out where the information base is located in which you got an error. Select it in the list of information databases, and at the bottom of the window, this information You will be available.

Now let's open the "database file name" field and select the 1CV8.1CD file from that directory whose address just found out.

We need not only to diagnose, but also restore the performance of the information base. In this regard, in this situation, you must install the flag on the "Fix Detected Detected" item.

These and some other ways are also reviewed in this video:

Internal error DBEng8 components in 1C may occur:

  • When entering the system;
  • When creating and conducting documents:
  • When downloading documents from an XML file;
  • With:

Internal error DBEng8 components - how to fix

First of all, it is necessary to locate the information base of 1C 8.3:

Open the catalog where our base is and copy the file 1cd. On another disk, computer or external medium:

You can also information base unload dt. file. Only this method, 1C developers are not recommended to use to create a backup. Since there were cases when it did not work back to download the DT file.

More than O. backup copying You can find in the article.

To correct the error, you can use the following ways:

  • Refresh the technological platform. This topic You can learn in the article. After you go into the information base in user mode and whether the problem is eliminated - the internal error component DBEng8.

Read more How to perform an update of the technological platform, see the following video:

If it did not help, then:

  • Run testing and fixed database. This operation Performed with monopoly access to the database.

Select the menu Administration - Testing and Correction:

Exhibit all the checkboxes and click on the button Run:

If there are errors, you may need to once again produce this operation. After completion, launch the database 1C 8.3 in the user mode and whether the error is eliminated.

If it did not help, then:

  • Check the physical integrity of the utility database file chdbfl.exe.which is in the catalog bin. installed platform. Path: C: \\ Program Files \\ 1CV8 \\ \\ Bin, where - the platform version.

It is necessary to specify the location 1CV8.1CD. File:

When performing this operation, make sure the configurator and user mode are closed.

Attention!Utility chdbfl.exe.removes damaged records. This operation is not reversible. Make sure you have backup copy 1C 8.3.

If the list of identified errors is large, that is, the likelihood of losing some data. So after that it is advisable to test and fix. And check the remnants, for example, using a generated report. After completion, launch the 1C database in user mode and whether the error is eliminated.

If it did not help, then:

  • Check hDD For errors:

Or run utility chkdsk. Through the command line.

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