How to configure Skype on Windows Laptop. How to configure Skype program on a Windows laptop. Chief Secret Institution

Skype is often used to work and communicate with loved ones, so it should always be at hand on any device - whether it is a stationary computer, telephone, tablet or laptop. About how to install Skype on a laptop for free - read on.

Chief Secret Institution

Everyone who wants to install Skype on a laptop should know - this process is similar to installing an application to a stationary computer. There is no difference. Therefore, if you installed this messenger many times to a computer, and now you want it to work on a laptop - do everything the same as before. And for those who really come across the process of installing this application and want to know where to download and how to configure Skype on a laptop - the instruction below.

Installation: Step-by-step instructions

Step 1. You need to download installation file programs. Find it in its pure form, that is, without viruses, you can on the official site of Skype - There are right on main page will be large button "Download Skype" to which you want to click to download the application installation file.

Having done this, you will fall on the page where you can choose the type of device (computer, phone, tablet, smart watch, TV or xbox). There you need to choose "Computer".

Slap the page below, you will see the buttons with the name of different operating systems - Windows, Linux and Mac. Select you need to download the program. Naturally, the operating system on the computer and in the file you download should be the same. Otherwise, the application will not be installed.

Step 2. Saving the installation file. The computer will immediately offer you to decide on the place where the archive with the program will be stored. In principle, it does not matter where exactly you put it - just could find it and run. Skype itself will still be installed in the software folder.

When you decide on the place, click the "Save" button and wait until the file is fully downloaded to your laptop.

Step 3. Starting the installation file. The installation file will be called "SkypesetUp.exe". You can run it from the folder to which you have saved, or directly from the downloads in the browser. IN Google Chrome.For example, they are placed at the bottom, right above the "Start" button.

Step 4. Installation. The first thing that Skype will ask to do during installation is to allow the program to make changes to your computer. Click on the Allow button to continue the installation process.
Now select the interface language. By default, Skype is installed in Russian. If it is suitable for you, click on the "Next" button.

The next thing that Skype offers is to do MSN homepage, and Yandex is the main search engine. If it is convenient for you, then agree, putting the ticks opposite the right points. If you usually do not use either Yandex nor MSN, leave squares for ticks empty and continue the installation by clicking on the "Continue" button.

After that, Skype will prompt you to install your plugin click to call to the browser. That is, near all phone numbers on the sites that you will meet on the network, a button will appear, allowing you to immediately call these numbers through Skype. If your browser works fast enough, and you often call urban and mobile numbers Through Skype, it is better to install this plugin. If you do not want to use them, simply remove the tick and click "Continue."

Now Skype starts to be installed on your laptop. How long will it take - depends on the data transfer rate on your computer. You can usually download and install Skype in a few minutes.

Step 5. Authorization. After all files Installed, the program will open and prompt you to enter the username, email address or phone number. Your task is to enter this data and click on the "Login" button. And in the next window - write your password.

And if you still do not have an account in Skype, then you need to register it. To do this, click on the "Create Account" button.

Here Skype usually asks to specify all registration data: login, password, phone number and email address. Optionally, you can fill out personal data - date of birth, floor, etc., as well as install avatar.


When you first start with a new device, you can configure Skype on a laptop as it is convenient for you.

For example, set the parameters of the audio and video, connect the webcam and microphone and check how they work. The green microphone indicator should move when you say, and your image should appear on the right icons with the camera. If you have a removable camcorder, you must first turn it on, but usually on laptops it is built-in. In principle, if you see yourself and hear, use the default settings.

If there are problems with sound or image, try to actually be accessed between devices by clicking on the arrows on the side of the speaker and microphone models. When everything goes, click "Continue."

Now that the program is installed, you can connect to the Internet and start talking with the right people by video for free, because one of the simplest and convenient programs for communication is finally on your laptop.

Since the Internet has appeared, it became easier to communicate to people several times. Social networks, chat rooms, forums and other similar websites firmly entered our lives. However, this breakthrough in Internet communication happened with the advent of Skype, which allowed users to support video and audio communication with each other. How to configure Skype on a laptop? You can find the answer to this question in this article.

Skype: 7 benefits

So, before you start installing Skype on your laptop, it is worth understanding whether you need this program or not. It is possible that for you it will be another useless software from the template "Everyone have and I need," which will simply choke the computer's memory. What does Skype setting on a laptop? In principle, her main advantages of seven:

  • The opportunity to communicate for free in video and audio channel with other Skype users;
  • Not a limited, easy and accessible video and audio communication;
  • High speed delivery of messages in the chat;
  • Ability to carry out webinars, video and audio lifting, conference;
  • Access to quick transmission of files of different formats and contents;
  • Inexpensive international calls Subscribers of stationary telephony;
  • Free Installation, ease of setting up and use the program.

If such advantages of Skype came to you in spirit, then it's time to go to the installation of such a program to your laptop. How to set up Skype on lenovo laptop, Samsung or Acer? It does not matter what your laptop you have, Skype is configured everywhere in the same way.

Skype: where to download and how to install?

Where can I download Skype for free and without registration? The answer is simple - on the official site, and how to configure this Skype on a laptop for free we will talk later. Find it simple: enough to drive the "Skype" request to any search engine and the first link in the search box will indicate you the desired source:

Click the " Upload Skype."And go to the program site:

How to configure Skype on a laptop with Windows 7/8? In principle, all the setup is reduced to the Skype installation, and it does not require almost no settings. Click the green tab " Skype. For workers wooden tables"- and the file program easily goes into download. Next is even easier. Click the mouse over the downloaded installation file - and this window appears:

What do you need at this stage? First - select Language. Here, as they say, every assistant himself. Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian or generally Chinese - to whom as easier and more convenient:

In addition, at this stage sets Skype. on laptop you can choose more 3 settings:

  • Starting a program when loading operating system PC (during laptop launch);
  • Folder to install the file with the Skype program;
  • Creating a shortcut on the desktop.

For standard setting Skype on a laptop The program is loaded into the folder: C: \\ Program Files \\ Skype \\. To choose new folder To download or cancel the creation feature on the main screen, the Skype label, you need to click the " Additional settings"And decide on the choice:

To proceed to the next action, user it is necessary to agree with the conditions for using the Privacy Program and Regulations. You can read these documents on the official Skype website, simply by clicking on the links offered in the download. If everything suits, with a clean conscience, click the tab " I agree (-I) - Next" This window should appear:

Install plugin or refuse? Here for every freedom of action and choice. If you decide to agree on the offer of the developer, note " Install plugin Click to Call or Skype"And click" Proceed».

Installation lasts about 2-3 minutes.

Note that in the case if the Internet speed is small (for example, used mobile Internet), the installation process can delay half an hour and more, and even interrupt at all at the unexpected moment.

After Skype is successfully established on the laptop, you can use 2 options to enter the program:

  • Log in through Facebook;
  • Use Microsoft account.

With the first way, everything is clear. But where to get an account? To do this, it is enough to press the appropriate link. As a result, the site tab will automatically open on the browser, which will need to register.

The application form for creating an account, in particular, will need to make data on the surname and name, e-mail, Login and password input in Skype. Login must be unique, otherwise registration will not take place. After filling out all the fields, we click confirmation - and ready.

After successful registration of the account on the site and receiving the password and login, respectively, return to open tab Skype and enter login and password data. As a result, the program will propose to configure the microphone, headphones and webcam:

If the audible is normal, then the sound settings are better to leave, as it is, without changing them. Similarly, you need to configure video. After that, the window appears where the avatar can be downloaded. Ultimately such a window should appear: for women or children you know? Click on the link and find out!

R. S. If at some point it will be necessary to change the sound or video settings, change or in principle, download the avatar, select the possibility of starting Skype when start Windows or make other changes to do this in the program section Tools - Settings Tab.

Communication on the Internet has become an ordinary thing. If it was previously limited to text chats, now you can easily hear and even see your loved ones and friends at any distance. There are a large number of programs for this kind of communication. Skype is considered the most popular application for voice communication. He received its popularity at the expense of a simple and understandable interface, with whom even an inexperienceful user will understand. But in order to quickly master the program, you still have to read the instructions for configuring it.

Access to the Skype settings occurs through the main menu. Do the following:

Now go to the settings itself.

Account and Profile

In the section called "Account and Profile" The following parameters are:


On the tab "General" There are several important and interesting parameter users.


Tab « Appearance» Contains the settings of the color theme and contrast mode.

Sound and video

The most important parameters of Skype, the input and output settings, as well as cameras, are concentrated on the tab. "Sound and Video".


Tab "Calls" Responsible for the additional parameters of calls through Skype.

  1. Parameter "Identifier caller" Allows you to configure the phone number that is displayed when making calls to telephone networks Or send SMS.
  2. "Call Forwarding and Voice Mail" Allows you to set a phone number or enable voice mail where incoming calls are forwarded - both by IP telephony and from ordinary numbers.
  3. Switch "Show a call window when Skype works in the background" Responsible for displaying the window with a call on top of all other windows. Many users are annoying such a feature, and it can be delivered to the slider from it.
  4. By default, the Skype subscriber can receive incoming calls from users that are not in your contact book. It may be unsafe, so it is better to disable such an opportunity if it is not necessary - just activate the slider "Allow calls to Skype only from contacts on this device".
  5. Paragraph "Call subtitles" Responsible for setting up a function characteristic only for Skype. As follows from the title option, the messenger automatically generates subtitles during a call, and specified parameters Help to set up this opportunity.

    Available parameters only two - the first switch allows you to enable or disable subtitle generation, and the second allows you to configure the display, in particular, disable the display of your replicas.
  6. Paragraph "Additionally" Opens a category of some extended skype capabilities.

    The first switch turns on or disconnects the automatic response to incoming calls - for greater safety, this feature is better to leave disabled.

    Parameter "Allow the use of NDI" Focused on streamers, and allows you to integrate broadcasts or calls through Skype in the video stream. An ordinary user is better not to activate this feature.

    The following setting allows you to set a home country, and use Skype for emergency calls (Police, MES or Ambulance). The ability to be available for a limited number of regions.


Block settings "Messages" Contains display options text information In conversations via Skype.


Section "Notifications" Contains the parameters for obtaining a variety of notifications.


Contact parameters allow you to configure privacy and blacklist.

Help and reviews

The name of the last point of the settings speaks for itself. It has information about the application, the ability to contact developers and check the status of the messenger servers.

Here are all the basic parameters of Skype, which are mentioned. As you can see, most of the features of the program are subject to fine-tuning.

Nowadays, everything is easily communicated in chats and social networks. Many abroad live close, relatives and friends. What to do if you want to hear your native voice, and prices for mobile communications Is unresarison? Skype comes to revenue, which makes it possible not only to hear the voice, but also see the interlocutor. Moreover, many employers use Skype today for interviews. Impossible! You will say, but no, science develops, and develop with it communication technologies. One of these innovations was when Skype and now it is used almost everything. Especially connect Skype for free and without registration- It's just five minutes.

Are you still not among users Skype? Then this information is for you or for those who want to install Skype for the first time.

Quickly, easy, accessible!

Connect c kaip for free quite simple. Follow multiple simple steps:

  • We go to the official website of the Skype developer (if you do not know the addresses, you can write a request to any search engine you used).
  • Choose you are interested in view Skype and download.
  • Run the installation file and, following the instructions, perform the installation of the program.
  • If you do not have a login and password, go to Skype registration for free

To use, you will need to enter a login and password. If you do not have any, after installation, you can easily and easily register it. To do this, you will see the field in the Skype window. You just need a working e-mail address, invented login and password (which you can easily remember). This username and password you will be entered to use Skype. On the specified by you electronic address The reference will come to the confirmation that you must click and thus confirm your registration in Skype.

Voyal! Ready. It remains to add contacts (which you can find in search of the program) and you can safely begin communication.

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  • Download Skype for Linux free download;
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  • Download Skype on a laptop for free;
  • Download Skype for free for free;

New century - new technologies for communication

However, you need webcam and microphone. In modern devices, it is usually already present both, but you ate the owner personal computerYou will need to purchase the camera and the microphone. The most important advantage that you can simultaneously use Skype on multiple platforms and devices. Your login and password are required for this. Imagine the situation that you are on the street and you need to perform an urgent call, but the battery on your phone is discharged and you just do not have time to go home. And this is not a reason frustrated. You can safely go to the Internet cafe and ask for a secluded place where you can use Skype. Conveniently? Quite.

Connect Skype for free and without registration You can at any time convenient for you. The main availability of desire and internet connection.

What are the advantages of Skype?

Let's start with the fact that the use of Skype gives you the possibility of free communication, meanwhile:

  • this is fast I. quality video communication;
  • available at any point in the world in the presence of Internet connections;
  • convenient simple interface;
  • installation platform for PC, phones, tablets;
  • ability to recording video and direct sending to the recipient.

Skype can be used as landline phone. The developers left a call function to the number of the interlocutor. However, this will need to replenish your balance. This can be done with the help of the Internet again. After that, you can call any subscriber number. I hope after reading you still want connect Skype for free And I assure you you can no longer be able to refuse to use this program in the future. Perhaps this technology for communication will push soon and the mobile communications itself, the Vedas much cheaper pays only for the Internet services. Any user can download the latest version of Skype on our portal for free without registration.

Primary setting

After installation, you will need to register and subsequent configuration of the program on your laptop. Here you will be offered to log in through Facebook, accounting microsoft recording Or register completely. To do this, you must specify your name and, of course, last name and then the actual email address, which will soon come from your registration data. Next, follow the instructions, do not forget to celebrate the "I agree" item.

At the end of registration, your e-mail will come with data on your registration and confirmation. You must go to the provided link and confirm.

Subsequent setting step by step

  1. First you need to create an account. Select " Account Microsoft "in the program window menu.
  2. Click "Register".
  3. You need to agree with the "Terms of Use of Skype".
  4. The first entrance to Skype begins with the direct choice of avatar. They can serve any picture in the database of your device. It is also possible to take a snapshot using a webcam.

  5. After that, the window will pop up where you need to configure the webcam and microphone. If you have connected everything in advance, the program itself recognizes design devices. Sound check will fall on your share. This can be done using the button with the appropriate name. On the right in the window you will see a window with a video image - what "sees" your webcam. If everything is fine, then we go further - click "Use Skype". You can also adjust the program parameters for your tastes and preference by clicking on the Tools tab.

Congratulations! You did the main thing on skypeAnd now you can freely communicate with any users of this wonderful program.