Plugin for yandex screenshots. Lightshot (screenshot tool) - Create screenshots in Google Chrome. How to create a screenshot of a Yandex browser page using the built-in Windows tools

Sometimes users need to save a snapshot of what is in this moment happens on the screen. Sometimes this turns out to be a convenient way to save the information you need, and the screen can also be useful for writing informational articles, guides and manuals for any programs. If you are going to send a request to technical support any, most likely, the operator will ask you for a snapshot of the error that occurred. This article describes how to take a screenshot with standard Windows tools and using a special plugin in Yandex browser.

Each keyboard has a PrtScr service key that users can use to capture an image from the monitor. This button works on the desktop, as well as in all third-party programs, including the Yandex web browser.

After clicking this button, your display image is copied to the clipboard. You should be careful when working with texts so as not to accidentally delete an important fragment of your document contained in the buffer. Once an image is captured, it needs to be placed or saved somewhere.

You can paste it in Text Document, an image editor, or in the Skype message box, or social networks. In an editor, for example, Paint, users can crop a screenshot, make inscriptions or explanations for it, change the size and proportions, and then save it in a format convenient for them.


Although it can be used for any application, the key Print Screen can be quite inconvenient when working with individual windows. Each time you open Paint, you need to cut out the window and make signatures for quite some time. To get rid of such routine work, you can use the built-in Windows utility- scissors.

To take a screenshot using this utility, do the following:

Yandex Lightshot

The methods discussed above are universal and work for any Windows application.

The Yandex Internet browser has its own tool with which users can easily create and format a screenshot. This is a Lightshot plug-in. To use it, do the following:

Sometimes in the process of surfing the Internet, it becomes necessary to save an image from the monitor screen or, more simply, take a screenshot. There are many reasons for this - to keep necessary information, write a guide or instruction with images attached, send a support request with an image of an error, and much more.

Unfortunately, there are no regular tools for this process in browsers yet. But still take a screenshot in Yandex browser in several ways:

Plugins and add-ons

A simple and convenient Yandex browser extension is the Yandex Lightshot plug-in. AT latest versions browser, it is already preinstalled, but you need to enable it to use it.

This is done in the Yandex browser simply:

  1. We start the program;
  2. Go to Menu;
  3. Click on the "Add-ons" section;
  4. We find the "Tools" block and select the plugin of interest to us.
  5. Using the switch next to the name of the add-on, activate the program.

If everything is done correctly, then the icon of the activated application in the form of a purple pen will appear in the Yandex browser toolbar.

As mentioned above, the add-on is very easy to use and does not require special skills:

  • We load any page in the browser.
  • After the information of interest to us appears on the screen, press the Prt sc (Print Screen) key on the keyboard.
  • Hold down the left mouse button and select the area that you want to save.
  • In front of us, in addition to the main window, the program toolbar will appear.

If we don’t need anything other than the image, click the “Save” button (1) to save the image to the computer. It is possible to save a screenshot in the cloud and then assign it a separate link, which can be sent to the interlocutor by mail or any messenger. This is done using the "Save to the cloud" button (2).

Advice! If you want to take screenshots not only on browser pages, but also in any other place or program, download a separate Lightshot program for a personal computer. All the functionality is described above, the only difference from the browser plugin is that it works everywhere, there is no binding to a specific program.

There is another application similar in functionality for Yandex browser - Screenshot.

It has the same functionality, but to install it, you must first go to the Yandex browser app store and install and activate it from there. The algorithm of the Screenshotter is no different from working with Lightshot.

Third party addons

There are other ways to take a screenshot to save an image, but they are not specific to the browser. Using these methods, you can take screenshots in any program, any image on your monitor.

The first way - regular funds Windows. There are two applications - the regular Print Screen and the scissors tool.

If no additional plug-ins or programs are installed, then by pressing the Print Screen key on the keyboard, you automatically save a snapshot from the entire monitor in the buffer (this is the difference and a big minus compared to third party programs– you cannot pre-select the area to be saved). Unfortunately the developers Microsoft could not or did not want to do automatic saving of images. In order to save the screen from the buffer as a picture, you need to open some graphics editor(the easiest is standard Paint) and using context menu or Ctrl+V keys to paste the saved screen fragment. Now you can edit, crop, save the image.

Second way
You can find this tool in the list standard applications Windows (Start→All Programs→Accessories→Scissors).

The utility allows you to select the screen area for the screen, has a small toolbar and the ability to save fragments. But she is very uncomfortable to work with.

Thus, we see that various third-party add-ons are much more convenient and pleasant to use than standard means operating system. By installing add-ons in your web browser, you get a great and simple tool. Let's hope that in the near future such a function will become a standard option in the Yandex browser.

You can easily and quickly take a screenshot of a page using a browser extension. Google Chrome- Screen capture (by Google).

After installing this extension, you can take a screenshot of the selected area of ​​the screen, the entire page of the site and the visible part of the screen, as well as take a screenshot from the video.

Install the Google Chrome extension Screen Capture:

1. Go to Settings and Manage Google Chrome.
2. Go to Instruments- tab Extensions.
3. In the search bar of the Chrome Web Store, enter the name of the extension Screen Capture(free) and several extensions for web page screenshots will appear in the query results. But after trying each of them, I settled on Screen Capture as more convenient extension. Link to this extension:
4. Click Install and an extension icon will appear in the upper right corner of the browser:

5. After installing the extension, click on its icon and configure the Screen Capture settings ( Options):

6. Specify the screenshot format ( jpeg or png), the location where the file is saved on the computer, enable hotkeys:

7. As soon as you need to take a screenshot of the page, just click on the extension icon and select the desired capture from the menu: capture of the visible part, the entire page, the selected area of ​​the screen.
For example, let's take a screenshot of a selected part of the screen ( Screen area capture):

8. Highlight desired area and press OK:

The screenshot opens in a new Screen Capture window, where you can edit it (write text, highlight, put arrows, lines):

In the upper right corner of the page opened in the browser, you will see an action menu with a screenshot. It can be saved to a computer, sent to friends, copied or printed on a printer.

9. Save the screenshot to your computer. Double click Save:

Still using Paint to edit and save screenshots? Stop wasting your time! Google Chrome extensions make it much faster and easier create, edit and save screenshots, while not leaving your favorite browser.

Using the plugin will allow you to:

  1. Create a screenshot of the entire site page;
  2. Do the processing directly in the browser itself, without using third-party graphic editors. This will increase the processing speed and facilitate the process of creating screenshots;
  3. Save screenshots to cloud services and quickly publish them to social networks.

Google Chrome extension for creating and editing screenshots

Awesome Screenshot Minus- Plugin for working with screenshots in Google Chrome.

It's hosted on the Google Chrome Web Store website, so installation shouldn't be a problem. Just follow the link above and click "+ free". The installer will do the rest for you.

Unfortunately, Awesome Screenshot does not yet have Russian localization, so you will have to be content with the English version. Although there is nothing overly complicated there.

After installation, a button will be available in the upper right corner of the browser to quick access to Awesome Screenshot features.

When you click on it, a menu will open in front of you.

Brief explanation point by point:

Capture visible part of page - will do screenshot of the page currently visible on the screen. For speed of use, this function has a keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+V .

Capture selected area screenshot of selected part. When clicked, a selection tool will appear.

In addition, at the top you will see the width and height of the selected fragment in pixels. After completing the definition of the required area, you should click "Capture". Hotkeys: Ctrl+Shift+S .

Capture entire page take a screenshot of the entire website page. Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+E .

Select a local image - open an image located on your personal computer. Supports JPG formats and PNG.

In the settings (options), you can set the image format, change hotkey combinations for creating screenshots, set a delay (delay), enable autosaving of screenshots (you must first set the folder where they will be placed).

Screenshot processing in Google Chrome

After the screenshot is taken, you will be redirected to the processing page, where you can get acquainted with the toolbar, with which you will edit screenshots.

Available tools:

  • crop;
  • Circle;
  • Square;
  • Arrow;
  • Line;
  • Brush;
  • Blur (blur). This tool is especially pleasing;
  • Text;
  • Color selection.

After you've finished editing the screenshot, click Done.

A window will open where you can choose what to do with your image.

  3. In Google Drive;
  4. to the local computer;
  5. You can also print it out right away.

I hope that this plugin will appeal to users of Google Chrome. Personally, I'm seriously considering switching from Yandex Disk screenshots to Awesome Screenshot.

Sometimes while working on the Internet there is a need to quickly save information on the page. It can be a good example of an interface or design, beautifully formatted text, some kind of bug or error, and so on. To do all of the above, you need to know how to take a screenshot in Google Chrome.

PrtScr key

The most banal and reliable way. Does not require installation additional programs or extensions. Just click PrtScr key so that all screen content is saved to the clipboard. After that, the snapshot can be inserted into a graphic editor to add notes and save or immediately send it in a message to another user.

Note! If you press Alt key- get a snapshot of only the active window, not the entire monitor.

Lightshot Utility

Much more convenient way work with screenshots - Lightshot application. It allows you to immediately select the desired area, edit and save the image without using editors.

You can download the utility from the official website It can be downloaded as a separate program or as a plugin for Chrome.