Put the ringtone on the call of HTC. How to put music on the call. HTC Desire phone. Standard way to replace call melodia

HTC is a popular Taiwanese manufacturer of communicators and tablets. HTC phone owners have the ability to install various melodies on incoming calls.


  • If you use a simple cellular telephone HTC or communicator based on mobile platform Android, go to the main menu of the device and select "Settings". In it, open the "Sound Settings" item. Scroll down and stop on the call melody parameter. Click on it and select one of the Ringtones pre-installed in the phone or music files in MP3 format from your personal collection. You can do the same actions with the "Melody of Reminders" and select Ringtone on incoming SMS messages and reminders of events in the calendar. If you use the HTC communicator on the basis of the platform Windows MobileYou can change the ringtone in the "Melodies - Sounds" section.
  • You can use the application. Play Market. (on the android devices) either Windows Phone Store (based windows devices Mobile), by default, located in the main menu and allowing for free or for a small amount of money to purchase audio tracks that will be available for listening or setting to the call. Make sure your Internet connection on the phone is active and go to the application's music section. Select the path you like and download it. Now it will be available when choosing a ringtone in the settings.
  • Also owners of HTC mobile devices can transmit musical paths to the phone from the computer. To do this, connect the communicator to your computer using a USB connection. Please note that a miniature memory card must be installed in the phone, which acts as a custom file storage. Wait until the computer's operating system define the device as external carrier data. Now you can copy to a memory card, the directory of which will be available in the My Computer folder, the files you need.
  • 7.x (Dell Venue Pro, HTC Arrive, HTC 7 Pro, HTC HD7, HTC HD7S, HTC Mozart, HTC Surround, HTC Trophy, HTC Titan, HTC Titan II, HTC Radar, Nokia Lumia. 610, Nokia Lumia 710, Nokia Lumia 800, Nokia Lumia 900, LG Optimus 7, LG Quantum, Samsung Focus, Samsung Omnia 7, Samsungfocus Flash, Samsungfocus S, SamsungMnia W).

    If you have a smartphone with Windows Phone 8, use or.

    Custom Ringtone must meet some rules:

    1. The file must be WMA or MP3.
    2. No DRM protection.
    3. Length should not exceed 40sek.
    4. Size less than 1MB.

    If the melody does not correspond to at least one puncture, it will not work. Editing songs do not really like many users, but there is one fast and easy way.

    Creating your melody.

    There is one good programWorking in Windows - Windows Movie Maker. It will be not about "modern" windows version Movie Maker, which is part Windows Live. Essentials 2011 and is actually called Windows Live Movie Maker. And you will need an ancient XP version of this program, which can be downloaded by reference (7.0 MIB).

    This old version It has one new advantage - can edit and create audio files in addition to video files. That is why the program is good choice To create your melodies.

    After the program is established and you run it, press Ctrl + I or File-\u003e Imports in collections And find the music files that you want to use for rington. WMM 2.6 can work with MP3 and with WMA files.

    Choose a song, it will be displayed in Collections.

    You will need to change it so that it does not exceed 40 seconds. To do this, drag it to the storyboard at the bottom of the program window. There will be a warning about using only time scale, click OK. You will see that your track is now presented in the form of a clip.

    After that, edit the file as you want using the sliders, you can even use effects such as amplification and attenuation.

    In the Film Save Wizard, select My Computer and click Next, then enter the file name and folder to save it, click Next. In the next window, click Show optional optionschoose the second point Maximum fileand put 1000kb,click further . In the next window, click Finish after completion.

    Now you need to synchronize your ringtone with your phone. To do this, you will need and install to your computer.

    Synchronize your melody with Windows Phone.

    Run Zune. If you saved the file in the folder that Zune controls, then it will be in the collection, otherwise you simply drag it to the program.

    In our case, this is "Ringtone".

    Click right-click Mouse and select Edit.

    Here you can change the name, the hardening and so on, but the main item is a field Genre. You need to enter "Ringtone" (without quotes) and press the Enter key to close the dialog box.

    To synchronize your ringtone with the phone, click on it the second mouse button and select Synchronize S. [phone model]. After that, it can be found at the very top in the list of melodies on the smartphone (settings-\u003e ringtones + sounds-\u003e ring tune).

    Attention! There is a new exclusive program from Nokia. Device owners (except Nokia, they can download the program in the MarketPlace) on which it is possible to install, can try to download and install.

    Such users often do not understand the functionality. operating system. Often they do not even know how to set a ringtone on the call. Interestingly, at the early stage of the development of Android, it was really very difficult, almost impossible. But now you can change the call in a couple of movements with your finger.

    You can put a ringtone on the Android call in several ways. The easiest of them is to use the music player for these purposes. However, the third-party decision will not fit! You need to run a pre-installed player, which is usually called " Music».

    1. Run the application and select the composition you want to set to the call.

    2. Hold your finger on this song, waiting for the appearance of the context menu.

    3. Select " Use Rington" or " Put the call».

    Attention: this method May not work on new smartphones. It all depends on the specific brand enclosure. In many of them, you can install music on a call only in other ways - the player is not suitable for these purposes.

    Installing the melody through the "Settings" section

    This method works on the overwhelming majority of smartphones. In order to put a song on a call, you need to take the following actions:

    1. Go to " Settings».

    2. Go to section " SoundSounds and notifications».

    3. Here click on the item " Rington" He can also be called " Phone melody», « Ringtone" etc.

    4. At this step, you may need to choose an application, with which your media library will be viewed. For example, you can use for this file manager ES conductor .

    5. Select the song you want to use as ringtone.

    That's all! In the same way, you can put a melody on SMS on android - in this case you should be interested in the item " Melody default notifications».

    Using the "Contacts" application

    At one time, even Symbian smartphones allowed to set a certain melody to each contact. You can do it on Android. To do this, follow these instructions:

    1. Go to section " Contacts».

    2. Select your contact you.

    3. Here you must click the button " Change" It may look like a pencil or hide under a three-strand located in the upper right corner.

    4. Now you just need to press three points. In the pop-up menu, click on the item " Set ringtone».

    5. Select the application with which the list of songs stored on the device will be viewed.

    6. Select a folder with MP3 songs, and then the composition itself.

    7. Save the result by clicking on the tick.

    Note: On some smartphones, the process of installing the ringtone may differ. Everything, again, depends on the branded shell - each manufacturer is sophisticated in its own way. Our example is given for "clean" Android, installed on the devices of the Nexus family.

    Using third-party applications

    For changing the melodies, you can use third-party utilities. Often they make this process a little more comfortable. We recommend trying out Rings Extended , GO SMS PRO. and Ringtone Slicer FX. All of them differ in their functionality, providing more advanced on the installation of ringtones.

    Tired of standard tune on the phone? Read our instructions and you will learn how to install your favorite song on your android call.

    Millions of people own devices on the OS android, but not everyone knows how to change standard melody Call. In the article, we will consider several ways to create any composition as a call signal.

    Standard way to replace call melodies

    This method is carried out through the general settings menu. Go to the settings, after clicking on the "Sound" section, then click the "Ring Melody" button.

    A list of melodies that have been installed by the manufacturer opens. Some smartphones and tablets allow you to install your own composition in the same menu. To do this, there is a "+" button.

    If there is no such button - we use a small trick. It will be necessary to put the audio recorder in the desired folder With ringtons. After that, the composition will automatically appear in the overall list in the sound settings described above.

    In order to do this:

    1. Connect the phone using a USB cable to a computer. Press the "Start" button on the desktop, select "My Computer". Next you will see the icon of your connected mobile device. It must be opened.

    2. We find and open the "Media" folder. Next, click on the Audio folder there, and already in it on "Ringtones". The path to this folder will look something like this: \\ Media \\ Audio \\ Ringtones. Here and then you should move the necessary music file.. If there are no folders with such a name on the device, you can search where existing ringtones on your mobile device are stored. To do this, remember the name of anyone and enter it in the search bar. I choose your object to search for a file mobile device. Having found a file with the name of this ringtone, put your composition in the same folder where this file is stored.

    3. By placing a music file in "Ringtones", reboot the device.

    After actions made, the composition appears in the overall list of call signals. Next, everything is done on the usual scenario. We go to the settings of the device, then in the "Sound" sections and the ringtone. TO standard sounds From the manufacturer will add the song loaded by you. Press it and confirm its installation on the call. This procedure It will take you no more than 3 minutes.

    Simplify the installation process of its melody on android 5 and 6 versions

    The owners of new devices were essential. Manufacturers strongly simplified the process of installing their ringing ringtone. Now everything is done through the settings of the device, without using the computer.

    1. We go to the machine menu and select "Settings".

    2. In this window, we are interested in "sounds and vibrations".

    4. We press the "ringtone" again (in some versions of the Android item is called "Ringtone"). If the device supports two characters, you must first select the one on which we want to change the call. A window appears in front of us with pre-installed musical compositions.

    5. Scroll down the list of songs to the easiest end and select the button with the inscription "From the device's memory".

    Photo: Change the melody on the call

    Replace the standard challenge ringtone on your android device easier than simple. Choose music in your mood, let each incoming call Brings only joy!

    Dear readers! If you have any questions or there are comments on the topic of the article - please leave them below.

    Standard situation when you wanted to change the ringtone on your Android apparatus. And transfer the reasons why this desire was suddenly born, it is completely pointless, because there may be an innumerable set.

    Well, it doesn't climb into the throat more than a glass of vodka on the table from Leps, or there is no longer to listen to how Stas Mikhails suffers from the takeoff. In general, we will talk now about the reasons, but about the investigation, that is, how to change the ringtone for Android.

    Perform this procedure in several ways. Android OS is endowed with its own built-in tools that can be used in this case, and you can resort to the possibilities of numerous applications.

    In fact, this task is completely not complicated, and the process itself is similar to almost all versions and models of devices.

    With the help of the system

    First you need to open the basic settings of your gadget and go to the "Sound Profiles" section (on some "Sound Settings" section).

    We find the "General" string, click, located opposite it gear, after which we will fall into the profile settings. After that, we will be available to the following settings: Volume, vibration, notification sounds, etc.

    To select a ringtone that we will install on incoming calls, you need to get into the multimedia storage, for this "tapa" by the field "River call ringtone" field:

    Now, choose the ringtone you like and click "OK".

    Similarly, the melody of notifications or video call will be configured.

    * Note: On the Android 5.0 Lollipop model, if there is a silent mode or vibration on the machine, the option may not be available.

    Changing rington on android using the program

    The method described above can be selected only from options that are by default. But, for sure, you will want to install a track with your favorite melody, which is simply not in the built-in phonothecus. In this case, you need to download special applicationwhich on the "hoop" will cope with the task.

    We advise that the functionality is significantly superior to the regular conductor. If you now open the "sound profiles", and then click on the "ring call ringing ringtone" string, then the selection of the "ES Explorer" selection suggested, which does not lose, but activates the file that you will see on the display. After the desired file. It will be selected, it is registered as a sound of a call or notifications in the list of pre-installed ringtones:

    Using the file manager

    Another way to add the selected media files to the default melodies. Moreover, you can use both installed and standard file manager. What to do:

    In the main menu, open the file manager (may be "File Manager" or "Explorer"):

    Now you need:

    • Find the desired file (mp3) and copy it.
    • In the smartphone settings, open "Memory", find the Ringtones folder and insert a copied file into it.

    After these actions, the ringtone you selected will be available to the installation in the first or second method described above.


    • For correct operation, Cyrillic characters should not be in the title of files.
    • The method may not work on some models of devices.

    How to put your ringtone for each subscriber

    To call a separate (or each) contact from your list, you must perform the following steps:

    Open phonebook, We determine the contact to which we install the melody, "tapa" on it. In the resulting list of actions (change, send, etc.) Choose "Set the Ringtone" (maybe the "ringing melody" or somehow otherwise):

    Well, "for a snack" video