In the file system FAT files form. FAT file system. What is file system

Must be, you have repeatedly heard of such file systems as FAT32, NTFS and EXFAT. But what is the difference between them? Each type has its own set of advantages and minuses. That is why there is no single option. In this article, we will analyze the main differences between the three file systems.

Speaking about the Windows operating system, we know exactly that it is installed only on the logical section of the NTFS format. Removable drives and other storage devices based on the USB interface use the FAT32 type.

One of the formats that can be used to format flash drives is EXFAT - the successor of the old FAT32 file system.

Thus, we have three main storage formats are universally used both for Windows and for different types of information media.

What is file system

File system It is a set of rules defining how stored and retrieved documents stored on the device. It may be hDD, Flash drive or SD card.

For greater understanding, we give as an example of the office of a regular company. Fragments of the established documents are stored in a certain place, for example, in the table box. And if you need to open them, the file system refers to the files in an attempt to consider information.

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Suppose for a second that such a system has failed and immediately obtain a huge number of unidentified data, to study which there will be no possibility.

In fact, there are a large number of file systems, such as Flash File System, Tape File System and Disk File System, but we will only dwell on the main - FAT32., NTFS and exFat..

What is FAT32.

FAT32 file system is the oldest and experienced in computer technology. Her way began with the original 8-bit system FAT in 1977, which operated inside an autonomous disk Microsoft Standalone Disk Basic-80. It was launched specifically for Intel 8080 NCR 7200 In 1977/1978, working the data entry terminal with 8-inch flexible discs.

After discussions on the introduction of the system with the Founder of Microsoft Bill Gates, the code was written by the first employee of the company Mark McDonald.

The main task of the FAT file system was working with data in the Microsoft 8080 / Z80 operating system based on the MDOS / MIDAS platform, written by Mark McDonald.

In the future, FAT has undergone some changes, gradually moving from its initial species to FAT12, FAT16 and, finally, FAT32, the name of which is now closely associated with external drives.

The main differences between FAT32 from its predecessors is to overcome the limited volume available for storing information. 32-bit The system was released in August 1995 together with the release of Windows 95 and in its updated version allowed to increase the upper limits of file size and data warehouse up to 4 GB and 16 TB.

Thus, FAT32 is not intended to store large amounts of data and install heavy applications. It is for this reason that hard disks Used file system NTFSwhich allows users to stop thinking about the downloadable amounts of information.

Summarizing, the FAT32 system is ideal for storing data, the volume of which does not exceed 4 GB, on any removable media. Its popularity is not limited to a computer sphere. It is used in gaming consoles, high-definition TVs, DVD players, Blu-ray players and any other USB port devices. FAT32 supports all versions of Windows, Linux and MacOS.

What is NTFS

In 1993, Microsoft introduced a new file system. NTFS (New Technology File System) in parallel with the appearance of the operating windows systems NT 3.1.

The main feature of the NTFS system is the absence of any restrictions on the size of the downloaded files. Even in the case of attempting to exceed this limit, we would fail - so great.

The development began in the mid-1980s during the MICROSOFT and IBM cooperation period, the purpose of which was to create a new operating system, superior to previous graphic performance.

Nevertheless, the Union of the two companies was not a crimson and, without completing a common project, they decided to terminate cooperation. Subsequently, Microsoft and IBM focused on the production of their own file systems.

For computer technologies, 1989 was marked by the creation of HPFS from IBM, which was used for the OS / 2 operating system. A few years later, in 1993, Microsoft launched NTFS V1.0.which has become the official file system for Windows NT 3.1.

The theoretical size of the NTFS file is 16 eb - 1 KB, which is 18 446 744 073 709,550,502 bytes. The team of developers included Tom Miller, Harry Kimuruur, Brian Andrew, David Gebel.

The next version of the file system has become NTFS v3.1running specifically for Microsoft Windows XP. In the future, she did not undergo special changes, although many different additions were made to it. For example, it has the ability to compress logical partitions, recovery and symbolic references NTFS. In addition, the initial capacitance of the file system was only 256 MB from the colossal 16 EB - 1 KB in new versions running with Windows 8 output.

Speaking of useful features embedded in NTFS v3.1, you can mark the extension of supported file formats, disk use quotas, file encryption and the creation of re-processing points. Noteworthy is the fact that new versions of NTFS are fully compatible with previous ones.

File nTFS system It has an important feature when it comes to restoration, due to any damage. It contains a specific data structure that tracks any changes in the system and with which you can always return the functionality of NTFS.

This file system is supported by all versions of Windows, starting with Windows XP. Unfortunately, MacOS does not share the desire for compatibility, promoted Microsoft. Apple left for users the ability to read data from NTFS disks, but it will not be written to write. Support for this file system from Linux is limited only by several of its versions.

What is EXFAT.

ExFat. (Extended Fat) is a new, advanced file system from Microsoft, which successfully replaces its predecessor on the field when it comes to large amounts of information.

As you probably know, most of the modern digital cameras use the EXFAT system, since it is significantly easier than NTFS, but at the same time, it allows you to save files of more than 4 GB, unlike FAT32.

Thus, copying an EXFAT file system to Flash-drive with a 6 GB file system, you will not encounter negative consequences that can be observed using the previous version of the system.

ExFat format is gaining increasingly popular and is used primarily with high-intensive SDXC memory cards. The main reason for this is the small size of the file system and, as previously described, the ability to maintain documents with a volume of more than 4 GB.

Interesting will be the fact that Microsoft stores US patent 8321439, allowing you to quickly find a file using a hash name. Thanks to this function, any document can be found at times faster.

It is worth noting that for the EXFAT file system, all available additions in shared access was not released. To purchase them, suppliers are required to acquire a limited license from Microsoft.

This action was taken to ensure that the suppliers do not try to monetize the Microsoft product, noting themselves as part of the company, since they would have the source code of the file system.

Since Microsoft is unchanged in their stubbornness, many users engaged in creating their own modifications of EXFAT, one of which has become eXFAT-FUSE.. It provides read and write operations for Linux distributions, including FreeBSD.

Established in 2006 the EXFAT file system, which has a common limit of the amount of information as NTFS, is easier because it does not contain all kinds of additions as the second.

EXFAT supports reading, writing and compatible with Mac, Android and Windows operating systems. For Linux you will need auxiliary software.

File System Comparison


  • Compatibility: Windows, MacOS, Linux, gaming consoles and devices with a USB port.
  • Pros: Cross-platform compatibility, light file system.
  • Minuses: Restrictions in file sizes (documents are available up to 4 GB) and partition dimensions up to 16 TB.
  • Purpose: Removable drives. Used to format Flash drives, however, EXFAT is preferable.


  • Compatibility: Windows, MacOS (read only), Linux (read only for some distributions), Xbox One.
  • Pros: No restrictions on file size and sections.
  • Minuses: Limited interceptor compatibility.
  • Purpose: Well suited for internal hard drives, because it allows you to store the information of a large volume, to cope with which other file systems will not be able to.


  • Compatibility: Windows XP and later versions, MacOS 10.6.5 and above, Linux (using FUSE), Android.
  • Pros: It has common positive effects from FAT32 and NTFS, which include the ability to store files, over 4 GB.
  • Minuses: Microsoft limit the license use.
  • Purpose: Allows you to exclude the limitations on the size of files for removable drives. Much preferable than its predecessor FAT32.

If necessary, restore the logical partition with an unknown, damaged or remote file system - you will help the Starus Recovery tools.

Tool Starus Partition Recovery., or its analogues, Starus Fat Recovery, Starus NTFS Recovery, are designed to work with specific file systems - FAT and NTFS. The main software is able to interact with both. Download and test programs to restore FAT32 and NTFS file systems can be completely free!

This article is dedicated file systems . When installing Windows, it offers to select a file system on the section where it will be installed, and PC users must choose from two options. Fat. or NTFS.

In most cases, users are content with knowledge that NTFS "Better"and choose this option.

However, sometimes it becomes interesting to them, and what exactly is better?

In this article I will try to explain what is a file system which they are, what is different, and what it is worth using.

The article simplified some technical features of file systems for more understandable perception of material.

File system - This is a way to organize data on media information. The file system determines where and how the files will be recorded on the media, and provides the operating system access to these files.

Additional requirements are presented to modern file systems: the ability to encrypt files, delimitation of access for files, additional attributes. Usually the file system is recorded at the beginning of the hard disk. ().

From the point of view, the hard disk is a set of clusters.

Cluster - This is a disk area of \u200b\u200ba specific size for storing data. The minimum cluster size is 512 bytes. Since the binary number system is used, then the size of the clusters are multiple degree of degree.

The user can figure out the hard disk as a notepad into the cell. One cell on the page is one cluster. The file system is the content of the notepad, and the file is a word.

For hard drives in PCs, two file systems are currently the most common: Fat. or NTFS. First appeared Fat (FAT16), then FAT32., and then NTFS.

Fat. (FAT16)this is an abbreviation OT. File Allocation Table (in translation File Placement Table).

The FAT structure was developed by Bill Gates and Mark McDonald in 1977. Used as the main file system in DOS and Microsoft Windows operating systems (before Windows ME).

There are four versions of FAT - Fat12., FAT16., FAT32. and exFat.. They differ in the number of bits reserved for storing the cluster number.

Fat12. It is used mainly for a floppy disk, FAT16. - for small volume disks, and new exFat. Mostly for flash drives. The maximum cluster size that is supported in FAT is 64kb. ()

FAT16.first presented in November 1987. Index 16 the title shows that 16 bits are used for the cluster number. As a result, the maximum amount of the disk section (volume), which can support this system, is 4GB.

Later, with the development of technologies and the appearance of disks of more than 4GB, file system appeared FAT32.. It uses a 32-bit cluster addressing and appeared along with Windows 95 OSR2 in August 1996. FAT32. Limited in the size of Tom in 128GB. Also, this system can support long file names. ().

NTFS (abbreviation NewTechnology.FileSystem. - New technology file system) - Standard file system for family of Microsoft Windows NT operating systems.

Presented on July 27, 1993, together with Windows NT 3.1. NTFS Developed based on HPFS File System (Abbreviation HighPerformance.FileSystem. - High-performance file system) created by Microsoft with IBM for OS / 2 operating system.

Main features NTFS: built-in features to distinguish data access for various users and user groups, as well as assign quotas (restrictions on the maximum amount of disk space, occupied by those or other users), using the logging system to increase the reliability of the file system.

File System Specifications are closed. Typically, the size of the cluster is 4kb. In practice, they do not recommend creating volumes more than 2TB. Hard drives only achieved such sizes, perhaps in the future we will find a new file system. ().

During installation, Windows XP is proposed to format the disk in the system. Fat. or NTFS. In this case mean FAT32..

All file systems are built on principle: one cluster is one file. Those. One cluster stores only one file data.

The main difference for the usual user between these systems is the cluster size. "Long ago, when the discs were small, and the files are very small" it was very noticeable.

Consider on the example of one volume on the disk of the volume of 120GB and the file size of 10kb.

For FAT32.cluster size will be 32Kb, and for NTFS -4kb.

IN FAT32.such a file of 1 cluster, and it will remain 32-10 \u003d 22kb of an unoccupied place.

IN NTFSsuch a file shooter 3 clusters, and it will remain 12-10 \u003d 2kb of an unoccupied space.

By analogy with a notebook, the cluster is a cell. And putting a point in a cage, we already logically occupy it all, and in reality a lot of free space remains.

Thus, the transition from NTFSallows you to more optimally use a hard disk if there is a large number of small files in the system.

In 2003, I had a 120GB disc, divided on volumes of 40 and 80GB. When I switched from Windows 98 to Windows XP and converted a disc with NTFSI got about 1GB released disk space. At that time it was a significant "purchase".

To find out which file system is used on your PC hard disk volumes, you need to open the volume properties window and on the bookmark "General" Read this data.

Tom - This is synonymous with the disk section, Tom users are usually called "disc C", "Disk D", etc. An example is shown in the picture below:

Currently, 320GB discs and more are widely used. So I recommend using the system NTFSfor optimal use of disk space.

Also, if users are multiple, NTFS allows you to configure access to files so that different users cannot read and change other users.

In organizations when working in local network System administrators use the other NTFS capabilities.

If you are interested in organizing access to files for multiple users on one PC, then in the following articles it will be described in detail.

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Article author: Maxim Telpari
PC user with 15 years old. Specialist of the support service of the video course "Confident PC user", having studied which you learn to collect a computer, install Windows XP and drivers, restore the system, work in programs and much more.

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Extended attributes of all files.


VFAT. - This extension FAT appeared in Windows 95. In FAT file names have 8.3 format and consist only of ASCII encoding characters. VFAT added support for long (up to 255 characters) file names (eng. Long File Name, LFN) In the UTF-16LE encoding, while LFN is stored simultaneously with the names in format 8.3, retrospectively called SFN (eng. Short File Name.). LFN is insensitive to register when searching, however, in contrast to SFN, which are stored in the upper case, the LFN save the symbol register specified when creating a file.

FAT system structure

In the FAT file system, adjacent disk sectors are combined into units called clusters. The number of sectors in the cluster is equally degree of two (see below). For storage of the file of the file, an integer number of clusters (minimum one) is given, so that, for example, if the file size is 40 bytes, and the size of the cluster 4 KB, really busy the file information will be only 1% of the place allotted for it. To avoid such situations, it is advisable to reduce the size of clusters, and to reduce the amount of targeted information and increase the speed of file operations - on the contrary. In practice, some compromise choose. Since the disk capacity may well and not be expressed by an integer cluster, usually at the end of the volume are present. Surplus Sectors is a "residue" size of less cluster that cannot be given an OS to store information.

The Space of Tom Fat32 is logically divided into three adjacent areas:

  • Reserved area. Contains service structures that belong to the PARTITION BOOT RECORD - PBR, for distinguishing from the Master Boot Record - the main boot record of the disk; Also, PBR is often incorrectly called the boot sector) and are used during volume initialization;
  • FAT table area containing an array of index pointers ("cells") corresponding to the data area clusters. Usually, two copies of the FAT table are represented for reliability purposes;
  • The data area where the file content itself is written - that is, the text text files, coded image for drawing files, digitized sound for audio files, etc. - and also t. n. Metadata - information regarding the names of files and folders, their attributes, time of creation and change, size and placement on the disk.

The FAT12 and FAT16 also specifically highlighted the root directory area. It has a fixed position (immediately after the last element of the FAT table) and fixed size in sectors.

If the cluster belongs to the file, the cell corresponding to it contains the number of the next cluster of the same file. If the cell corresponds to the last file cluster, it contains a special value (FFFF 16 for FAT16). Thus, the file cluster chain is built. Unused clusters in the table correspond to zeros. "Bad" clusters (which are excluded from processing, for example, due to the delicacy of the appropriate device area) also corresponds to a special code.

When you delete a file, the first name sign is replaced by a special code E5 16 and the file cluster chain in the placement table is reset. Since information about the size of the file (which is located in the directory next to the file name), it remains untouched, if the file clusters were located on the disk sequentially and they were not overwritten by new information, it is possible to restore the remote file.

Boot record

The first structure of Tom Fat is called BPB (eng. BIOS PARAMETER BLOCK. ) and is located in the reserved area, in the zero sector. This structure contains information that identifies the type of file system and the physical characteristics of the media (floppy disk or partition on the rigid disk).


BPB in principle was absent in the FAT servicing MS-DOS 1.x, since at that time only two different types of volumes were assumed - single and double-sided five-tailed floppy disks for 360 KB, and the volume format was determined by the first byte of the FAT region. BPB was introduced in MS-DOS 2.x in early 1983 as the mandatory structure of the boot sector, which continued to determine the volume format; The old definition scheme for the first byte Fat lost its support. Also in MS-DOS 2.0, hierarchy of files and folders was introduced (before that, all files were stored in the root directory).

The BPB structure in MS-DOS 2.x contained a 16-bit field of the "total sectors", which meant the principled inapplicability of this version of the FAT for volumes of more than 2 16 \u003d 65,536 sectors, that is, more than 32 MB with a standard sector size 512 bytes. In MS-DOS 4.0 (1988), the above-mentioned BPB field was expanded to 32 bits, which meant an increase in the theoretical size of volume to 2 32 \u003d 4 294 967,296 sectors, that is, up to 2 TB at the 512-byte sector.

The next modification of the BPB appeared along with Windows 95 OSR2, in which FAT32 was introduced (in August 1996). A two-scale limit on the volume of the volume was removed, that FAT32 theoretically can be size up to 8 TB. However, the size of each individual file cannot exceed 4 GB. BIOS PARAMETER BLOCK FAT32 for compatibility early versions Fat repeats BPB FAT16 up to the BPB_TOTSEC32 field inclusive, then the differences are followed.

The "boot sector" FAT32 actually represents the three 512-byte sectors - sectors 0, 1 and 2. Each of them contains the 0xaA55 signature at 0x1Fe, that is, in the last two bytes, if the sector size is 512 bytes. If the sector size is more than 512 bytes, then the signature is contained both at 0x1Fe and in the last two bytes of the zero sector, that is, it is duplicated.


The boot record of the FAT32 section contains a structure called FSInfo.used to store the value of the number of free volume clusters. FSInfo, as a rule, occupies sector 1 (see the BPB_FSInfo field) and has the following structure (address relative to the start of the sector):

  • FSI_Leadsig. 4-byparent signature 0x41615252, indicates that the sector is used for the FSInfo structure.
  • FSI_RERVED1. The interval from the 4th to the 483th byte of the sector is inclusive, reset.
  • FSI_STRUCSIG. Another signature is located at 0x1e4 and contains a value of 0x61417272.
  • FSI_FREE_COUNT. The four-liter field at 0x1e8 contains the last known system value of the number of free volume clusters. The value of 0xFFFFFFFF means that the number of free clusters is unknown and must be calculated.
  • FSI_NXT_FREE. The four-bit field at 0x1EC contains the cluster number from which the search for free clusters should begin on the index indicator table. Typically, this field contains the number of the last FAT cluster, allotted to store the file. The 0xFFFFFFFFF value indicates that the search for a free cluster should be carried out from the very beginning of the FAT table, that is, from the second cluster.
  • FSI_RERVED2. Reserved 12-byte field at 0x1F0.
  • FSI_Trailsig. Signature 0xAA550000 - the last 4 bytes of the FSInfo sector.

The meaning of the introduction of FSInfo in optimizing the system operation, as in FAT32 the table of index pointers can have significant sizes and its overwood view may take considerable time. However, the values \u200b\u200bof FSI_FREE_COUNT and FSI_NXT_FREE fields may not be valid and must be checked for adequacy. In addition, they are not even updated in backup FSInfo, as a rule, in the 7 sector.

Definition of type FAT Tom

Determining the FAT Tom type (that is, the choice between FAT12, FAT16 and FAT32) is performed by the number of clusters in the volume, which in turn is determined from the BPB fields. First of all, the number of root catalog sectors is calculated:

Rootdirsectors \u003d (BPB_ROOTENTCNT * 32) / BPB_BYTSPERSEC

DataSec \u003d Totsec - (BPB_NUMFATS * FATSZ) + ROOTDIRSectors)

Finally, the number of data area clusters is determined:

CountOfClusters \u003d DataSec / BPB_SecPerclus

By the number of clusters, an unambiguous compliance with the file system is carried out:

  • Countofclusters.< 4085 - FAT12
  • CountofClusters \u003d 4085 ÷ 65524 - FAT16
  • CountofClusters\u003e 65524 - FAT32

According to the official specification, this is the only permissible method for determining the type of FAT. Artificial creation of a volume that violates these compliance rules will lead to its incorrect windows processing. However, it is recommended to avoid Countofclusters values \u200b\u200bclose to critical (4085 and 65525), to correctly define the type of file system by any, often incorrectly written drivers.

Over time, Fat began to use wide various devices For compatibility between DOS, Windows, OS / 2, LINUX. Microsoft did not show the intentions to force them to licensing [ specify] .

In February 2009, Microsoft filed a TomTom company, a manufacturer of automotive navigation systems based on Linux, accusing it in violating patents.


  2. in
  3. Microsoft Extensible Firmware Initiative Fat32 File System Specification 1.03. Microsoft (December 6, 2000). - Document in Microsoft Word, 268 KB. Archived
  4. What about vfat? . TechNet Archive.. Microsoft (October 15, 1999). Archived from the original source on August 22, 2011. Checked April 5, 2010.
  5. You should not be confused by the VFAT file system extension with the file system of the same name, which appeared in Windows for Workgroups 3.11 and is designed to handle calls for MS-DOS functions (int 21h) in protected mode (see: KB126746: Windows for Workgroups Version History. Version 3.11 → Non-Network Features. Microsoft (November 14, 2003). Archived from the original source on August 22, 2011. Checked April 5, 2010.)
  6. Federal Patent Court Declares Fat Patent Of Microsoft Null and Void (English). heise Online. Heise Zeitschriften Verlag (March 2, 2007). Archived
  7. Brian Kahin. Microsoft Roils The World with Fat Patents (English). THE HUFFINGTON POST (March 10, 2009). Archived from the original source on August 22, 2011. Checked March 10, 2009.
  8. Ryan Paul. Microsoft Suit Over Fat Patents Could Oss Pandora "S Box (English). ARS TECHNICA.. CONDÉ NAST PUBLICATIONS (February 25, 2009). Archived
  9. Glyn Moody. (eng.). ComputerWorlduk.. IDG (March 5, 2009). Archived from the original source August 22, 2011. Checked on March 9, 2009.
  10. Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols. Linux Companies Sign Microsoft Patent Protection PACTS (English). Blogs ComputerWorld. IDG (March 5, 2009). Archived from the original source August 22, 2011. Checked on March 9, 2009.
  11. Erica Ogg. TomTom Countersuses Microsoft in Patent Dispute (English). CNet (March 19, 2009). Archived from the original source on August 22, 2011. Checked March 20, 2009.


  • ECMA-107 (English) Fat Standard

FAT file systems


The FAT16 file system began its existence during the time preceding MS-DOS, and is supported by all Microsoft operating systems to ensure compatibility. Its name File Allocation Table (File Location Table) perfectly reflects the physical organization of the file system, to which the main characteristics of which can be attributed to the fact that the maximum size of the supported volume (hard disk or hard disk partition) does not exceed 4095 MB. In the time of MS-DOS, 4-gigabyte hard drives seemed to be an unrealized dream (luxury were discs of 20-40 MB), so this stock was quite justified.

Tom formatted to use FAT16 is divided into clusters. The default cluster size depends on the size of the volume and may vary from 512 bytes to 64 KB. In tab. 2 shows how the cluster size depends on the size of the volume. Note that the cluster size may differ from the default value, but must have one of the values \u200b\u200bspecified in Table. 2.

It is not recommended to use the FAT16 file system on volumes more than 511 MB, since for relatively small files, the disk space will be used extremely inefficient (the file in size in 1 byte will take 64 KB). Regardless of the size of the cluster, the FAT16 file system is not supported for volumes more than 4 GB.


Starting with Microsoft Windows 95 OEM Service Release 2 (OSR2), a 32-bit FAT support appeared in Windows. For Windows NT-based systems, this file system first became maintained in Microsoft Windows 2000. If FAT16 can support volumes of up to 4 GB, then FAT32 is able to serve volumes of up to 2 TB. The size of the cluster in FAT32 may vary from 1 (512 bytes) to 64 sectors (32 KB). For storage of FAT32 cluster values, 4 bytes requires 4 bytes (32 bits, and not 16, as in FAT16). This means, in particular, that some file utilities designed for FAT16 cannot work with FAT32.

The main difference between FAT32 from FAT16 is that the size of the logical partition of the disk has changed. FAT32 supports volumes of up to 127 GB. At the same time, if when using FAT16 with 2 gigabyte disks, a cluster was required in a size of 32 kB, then the FAT32 cluster in size in 4 KB is suitable for disks from 512 MB to 8 GB (Table 4).

It means more effective use disk space - the less cluster, the smaller the place is required to store the file and, as a result, the disc is less frequent becomes fragmented.

When using FAT32, the maximum file size can reach 4 GB minus 2 bytes. If, when using FAT16, the maximum number of occurrences in the root directory was limited to 512, then FAT32 allows you to increase this number up to 65,535.

FAT32 imposes restrictions on the minimum volume of the volume - it must be at least 65,527 clusters. At the same time, the cluster size cannot be such that Fat has occupied more than 16 MB of 64 KB / 4 or 4 million clusters.

When using long file names, the data required for access from FAT16 and FAT32 does not overlap. When creating a file with a long name, Windows creates an appropriate name in format 8.3 and one or more entries into a directory for storing a long name (13 characters from the long file name for each entry). Each subsequent entry stores the relevant part of the file name in Unicode format. Such entries are the attributes of the "volume identifier", "only reading", "system" and "hidden" - a set that MS-DOS is ignored; In this operating system, access to the file is carried out by its "pseudonym" in format 8.3.

NTFS file system

Microsoft Windows 2000 includes support for the new version of the NTFS file system, which, in particular, provides operation with the Active Directory directory services, Replase Points, information protection tools, access control and a number of other features.

As with the use of FAT, the main information unit in NTFS is a cluster. In tab. 5 shows the size of the default clusters for volumes of various capacitances.

When generating the NTFS file system, the formatting program creates the Master File Table (MTF) file and other areas for storing metadata. Metadata uses NTFS to implement the file structure. The first 16 entries in MFT are reserved by NTFS itself. The location of the metadata files $ MFT and $ MFTMirR is recorded in the boot sector of the disk. If the first entry in the MFT is damaged, NTFS reads the second entry to find a copy of the first. A full copy of the boot sector is located at the end of the volume. In tab. 6 lists the main metadata stored in the MFT.

The remaining MFT records contain entries for each file and directory located on this volume.

Usually one file uses one entry in MFT, but if the file has a large set of attributes or it becomes too fragmented, then it may be necessary to store information about it advanced entries. In this case, the first file entry, called the basic entry, stores the location of other records. Data on files and catalogs of small size (up to 1500 bytes) is fully found in the first record.

File attributes in NTFS

Each busy sector on the NTFS Tome belongs to a particular file. Even the metadata of the file system is part of the file. NTFS considers each file (or directory) as a set of file attributes. Elements such as file name, information about its protection and even data in it are file attributes. Each attribute is identified by the code of a specific type and, optionally, the attribute name.

If the file attributes are accompanied into the file record, they are called resident attributes. Such attributes are always the name of the file and the date of its creation. In cases where the file information is too large to accommodate in one MFT record, some file attributes become non-resident. Resident attributes are stored in one or more clusters and are a stream of alternative data for the current volume (this is slightly lower). To describe the location of resident and non-resident attributes, NTFS creates an Attribute List attribute.

In tab. 7 shows the mains file attributesdefined in NTFS. In the future, this list can be expanded.

File system CDFS

The Windows 2000 provides support for the CDFS file system that meets the ISO'9660 standard describing the location of the information on the CD-ROM. Long file names are supported in accordance with ISO'9660 LEVEL 2.

When creating a CD-ROM for use under windows control 2000 should be borne in mind the following:

  • all directories and file names must contain less than 32 characters;
  • all directories and file names must consist only of uppercase characters;
  • the depth of the catalogs should not exceed 8 levels from the root;
  • the use of file name extensions is optional.

File System Comparison

Upon controlling Microsoft Windows 2000, it is possible to use FAT16, FAT32, NTFS file systems or combinations thereof. The choice of the operating system depends on the following criteria:

  • how the computer is used;
  • hardware platform;
  • size and number of hard drives;
  • information security

FAT file systems

As you could have noticed, the numbers in the name of the file systems - FAT16 and FAT32 - indicate the number of bits required to store information about the cluster numbers used by the file. Thus, the FAT16 uses 16-bit addressing and, accordingly, it is possible to use up to 2 16 addresses. In Windows 2000, the first four bits of the FAT32 file location table are needed for their own needs, therefore, in FAT32, the number of addresses reaches 2 28.

In tab. 8 shows the size of the clusters for FAT16 and FAT32 file systems.

In addition to significant differences in the FAT32 cluster size also allows the root directory to expand (in FAT16 the number of occurrences is limited to 512 and maybe even lower when using long file names).

Benefits FAT16.

Among the benefits of FAT16, the following can be noted:

  • the file system is supported by MS-DOS operating systems, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, as well as some UNIX operating systems;
  • there are a large number of programs that allow you to correct errors in this file system and restore data;
  • if you have problems with loading from a hard disk, the system can be loaded from a floppy disk;
  • this file system is quite effective for volumes of less than 256 MB.
Disadvantages FAT16.

The main disadvantages of FAT16 include:

  • the root directory cannot contain more than 512 elements. Using long file names significantly reduces the number of these elements;
  • FAT16 supports no more than 65,536 clusters, and since some clusters are reserved by the operating system, the number of available clusters is 65 524. Each cluster has a fixed size for a given logical device. When the maximum number of clusters is reached with their maximum size (32 KB), the maximum volume of supported volume is limited to 4 GB (running Windows 2000). To maintain compatibility with MS-DOS, Windows 95 and Windows 98, the volume of the volume under FAT16 should not exceed 2 GB;
  • the FAT16 does not support the built-in file protection and their compression;
  • a lot of space is lost on the discs of large volume due to the fact that the maximum cluster size is used. The location for the file is allocated based on the size of the wrong file, but the cluster.
Benefits FAT32.

Among the benefits of FAT32, the following can be noted:

  • the discharge of disk space is performed more efficiently, especially for large-volume disks;
  • the root directory in FAT32 is a conventional cluster chain and can be located anywhere in the disk. Due to this, FAT32 does not impose any restrictions on the number of elements in the root directory;
  • due to the use of smaller clusters (4 KB on the disks of up to 8 GB) the occupied disk space is usually 10-15% less than under FAT16;
  • FAT32 is a more reliable file system. In particular, it supports the possibility of moving the root directory and using the backup FAT. In addition, the boot record contains a number of data critical for the data file system.
Disadvantages FAT32.

Basic disadvantages FAT32:

  • volume size when using FAT32 under Windows 2000 is limited to 32 GB;
  • tom Fat32 is not available from other operating systems - only from Windows 95 OSR2 and Windows 98;
  • the backup copy of the boot sector is not supported;
  • fAT32 does not support the built-in file protection and their compression.

NTFS file system

When working in Windows 2000 Microsoft, it is recommended to format all the partitions of the hard disk under NTFS, with the exception of the configurations when several operating systems are used (except Windows 2000 and Windows NT). Application NTFS Instead of FAT allows you to use features available in NTFS. To them, in particular, belong:

  • the ability to restore. This feature is "embedded" into the file system. NTFS guarantees data security due to the fact that the protocol uses and some information recovery algorithms. In the case of the NTFS system failure, uses the protocol and additional information for automatic recovery the integrity of the file system;
  • compress information. For NTFS Windows 2000 volumes supports compression of individual files. Such compressed files can be used by Windows applications without pre-unpacking, which occurs automatically when reading from the file. When closing and saving the file is packed again;
  • in addition, the following NTFS benefits can be distinguished:

Some operating system functions require NTFS;

Access speed is much higher - NTFS minimizes the number of appeals to the disk required to find the file;

Protection of files and directories. Only on the NTFS volumes, it is possible to task the attributes of access to files and folders;

When using NTFS Windows 2000 supports volumes of up to 2 TB;

The file system supports a backup of the loading sector - it is located at the end of the volume;

NTFS supports Encrypted File System (EFS) encryption system, providing protection from unauthorized access to file content;

When using quotas, you can limit the amount of disk space occupied by users.

Disadvantages of NTFS.

Speaking about the shortcomings of the NTFS file system, it should be noted that:

  • NTFS volumes are not available in MS-DOS, Windows 95 and Windows 98. In addition, a number of functions implemented in NTFS under Windows 2000 are not available in Windows 4.0 and earlier versions;
  • for volumes of small volume containing many small files, it is possible to reduce performance compared to FAT.

File system and speed

As we have already found out, for volumes of a small volume FAT16 or FAT32 provides faster access to files compared to NTFS, as:

  • FAT has a simpler structure;
  • size directories less;
  • FAT does not support file protection from unauthorized access - the system does not need to check the access rights to files.

NTFS minimizes the number of appeals to the disk and the time required to find the file. In addition, if the catalog size is small enough to fit in the same MFT record, the entire record is read at a time.

One entry in FAT contains a cluster number for the first catalog cluster. To view the FAT file, you need to search through the entire file structure.

Comparing the speed of operations performed for directories containing short and long file names, it should be borne in mind that the speed of operations for FAT depends on the operation itself and the size of the directory. If the FAT is looking for a non-existent file, the search is performed throughout the catalog - this operation takes longer than the search by the structure based on the B-trees used in NTFS. The average time required to search for a file in FAT is expressed as a function from N / 2, in NTFS - as LOG N, where N is the number of files.

A number of following factors affect the speed of reading and writing files running Windows 2000:

  • file fragmentation. If the file is very fragmented, NTFS usually requires less disk appeals than FAT to find all fragments;
  • cluster size. For both file systems, the default cluster size depends on the volume volume and is always expressed by the degree of number 2. Addresses in FAT16 - 16-bit, in FAT32 - 32-bit, in NTFS - 64-bit;
  • the default cluster size in the FAT is based on the fact that the file location table may have no more than 65,535 entries - the cluster size is a function from a volume volume divided by 65,535. Thus, the default cluster size for FAT volume is always larger than than cluster size for NTFS volume of the same volume. Note that the larger size of the FAT volume cluster means that Tom Fat may be less fragmented;
  • location of small files. When using NTFS, small files are contained in the MFT record. The file size placed in one MFT record depends on the number of attributes of this file.

Maximum volume size NTFS

Theoretically NTFS supports volumes with clusters up to 2 32. Nevertheless, in addition to the lack of hard drives of such a volume, there are other limitations on the maximum volume of volume.

One of these restrictions is the partition table. Industrial standards limit partition table sections 2 32 sectors. Another limitation is the size of the sector, which is usually equal to 512 bytes. Since the sector size may change in the future, the current size gives limit on the size of one volume - 2 TB (2 32 x 512 byte \u003d 2 41). Thus, 2 TB is a practical limit for NTFS physical and logical volumes.

In tab. 11 shows the main limitations of NTFS.

Control of access to files and catalogs

When using NTFS volumes, you can set access rights to files and directories. These access rights indicate which users and groups have access to them and what access level is allowed. Such access rights are distributed to both users working at a computer on which files and users access to files are located when the file is located in the directory open for remote access.

Under NTFS, you can also set permissions to remote access, combined with permissions to access files and catalogs. In addition to this file attributes (read, hidden, system only) also limit file access.

Under the control of FAT16 and FAT32 it is also possible to install file attributes, but they do not provide access to files.

The NTFS version used in Windows 2000 has a new type of access permit - inherited permissions. The Security tab contains an option. ALLOW INHERITABLE PERMISSIONS FROM PARENT TO PROPAGATE TO THIS FILE OBJECT which is in the default in active condition. This option significantly reduces the time required to change the rights of access to files and subdirectories. For example, to change the right access rights to a tree containing hundreds of subdirectories and files, it is enough to include this option - in Windows NT 4 you need to change the attributes of each individual file and subdirectory.

In fig. 5 shows the Properties dialog box and the Security tab (Advanced section) - lists the enhanced file access rights.

Recall that for FAT volumes you can manage access only at the volume level and such control is possible only with remote access.

Compress files and directories

Windows 2000 supports compression of files and directories located on NTFS volumes. Compressed files Read and write with any Windows applications. For this there is no need for their pre-unpacking. The compression algorithm used is similar to the one that is used in DoubleSpace (MS-DOS 6.0) and DriveSpace (MS-DOS 6.22), but has one significant difference - running MS-DOS compression of a whole primary partition or logical device, whereas under NTFS You can pack separate files and directories.

The compression algorithm in NTFS is designed to support cluster support for up to 4 KB. If the cluster value is more than 4 KB, NTFS compression functions are inaccessible.

NTFS self-restoration

The NTFS file system has a self-setting ability and can maintain its integrity through the use of the protocol of the actions performed and a number of other mechanisms.

NTFS considers each operation that modifies system files on NTFS volumes as a transaction and saves information about such a transaction in the protocol. The started transaction can be either completely complete (Commit) or roll back (Rollback). In the latter case, NTFS Tom returns to the preceding transaction. In order to manage transactions, NTFS records all operations included in the transaction to the protocol file before recording on the disk. After the transaction is completed, all operations are performed. Thus, under the control of NTFS cannot be unfinished operations. In the case of disk failures, incomplete operations are simply canceled.

Under NTFS, operations are also performed, allowing "on the fly" to define defective clusters and allotted new clusters for file operations. This mechanism is called Cluster Remapping.

In this review, we reviewed various file systems supported by Microsoft Windows 2000 discussed the device of each of them, the advantages and disadvantages noted. The most promising is the NTFS file system, which has a large set of functions inaccessible in other file systems. The new version of NTFS, supported by Microsoft Windows 2000, has even greater functionality and is therefore recommended for use when installing the Win 2000 operating system.

ComputerPress 7 "2000

Before the emergence of the Microsoft Windows NT operating system from users personal computers Rarely arose the problem of selecting a file system. All operating system owners (OS) MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows used one of the varieties of the file system with the name FAT (FAT-12, FAT-16 or FAT-32).

Now the situation has changed. By installing Microsoft Windows NT / 2000 / XP, when formatting a disk, you need to make a choice between three file systems - FAT-16, FAT-32 or NTFS.

In this article, we will tell about the internal device of the listed file systems, consider the shortcomings and advantages inherent in them. Armed with these knowledge, you can make a conscious choice in favor of a particular file system for Microsoft Windows.

Briefly about Fat File System

The FAT file system appeared at the dawn of the development of personal computers and was originally intended for storing files on diskettes.

The information is stored on disks and floppy diskettes, in sectors of 512 bytes. The entire diskette space was divided into a fixed length region called clusters. The cluster may contain one or more sectors.

Each file takes one or more clusters, possibly non-negative. File names and other file information, such as size and creation date, is located in the elementary area of \u200b\u200bthe diskette allocated for the root directory.

In addition to the root directory, other directories can be created in the FAT file system. Together with the root directory, they form a directory tree containing information about files and directories. As for the location of the file clusters on the disk, this information is stored in the elementary panel of a floppy disk, called the File Placement Table (File Allocation Table, Fat).

For each cluster, the FAT table has its own individual cell in which information is stored as this cluster is used. Thus, the file placement table is an array containing cluster information. The size of this array is determined by the total number of clusters on the disk.

The directory stores the number of the first cluster, distributed file or invested directory. The rooms of the rest of the clusters can be found using the FAT file location table.

When developing the FAT table format, the task of saving space was faced, because The diskette has a very small volume (from 180 KB to 2.44 MB). Therefore, only 12 binary discharges were allocated for storing cluster numbers. As a result, the FAT table was able to pack so tightly that she took only one floppy sector.

The FAT table contains critical important information About the location of directories and files. If as a result of the equipment failure, software Or the malicious effects of viruses Table Fat will be damaged, access to files and catalogs will be lost. Therefore, with the aim of the test on the disk, two copies of the FAT table are usually created.

Various versions of Fat.

After the appearance of high-volume hard drives (in those days, 10-20 MB wheels were considered large) the number of clusters increased, and 12 discharges were not enough to store their numbers. A new 16-bit format of the file placement table was developed, where two bytes were highlighted for storing the number of one cluster. The old file system designed for a floppy disk has become called Fat-12, and the new - FAT-16.

Increased in the sizes, the FAT-16 table ceased to be placed in the same sector, but for large volumes of the disk, this disadvantage did not play a significant role. Store two copies of the FAT table for insurance on the disk.

However, when the disk volume began to be measured in hundreds of MB and even in gigabytes, the FAT-16 file system again became ineffective. So that the cluster numbers are placed in 16 discharges, when formatting a large volume disks, it is necessary to increase the size of the cluster up to 16 KB and even more. This caused problems if you need to store a large number of small files on the disk. Since the file storage space is highlighted by clusters, even for a very small file you have to remove too many disk memory.

As a result, another one apparently was taken, the last attempt to improve the FAT file system - the cell size cell size of the file placement was increased to 32. This allowed to format wheels in size in hundreds of MB and GB units using a relatively small cluster size. The new file system has become called FAT-32.

Standard 8.3.

Before the Microsoft Windows 95 OS appears, users of personal computers have been forced to use a very uncomfortable "standard 8.3" file naming, in which the file name should consist of 8 characters plus 3 expansion symbols. This restriction was superimposed not only by the MS-DOS operating system program interface, but also the FAT file system directory entry structure.

After modifying the directory entry structure, the limit on the number of characters in the file name was practically removed. Now the length of the file name can reach 255 characters, which is obviously enough in most cases. However, such a modified FAT file system has become incompatible with the MS-DOS operating system, as well as with the Microsoft Windows version 3.1 and 3.11 operating in its medium.

You can read in more detail about the formats of the internal structures of the FAT you can read in our article "Recovery of Data in Fat sections" published on this site.

FAT file system restrictions

By making a decision on using the FAT file system to format a disc, you should consider the inherent limitations. These restrictions concern, first of all, the maximum size of the FAT disk, as well as the maximum file size located on this disk.

The maximum size of the FAT-16 logical disk is 4 GB, which is very little in modern concepts. Microsoft, however, does not recommend creating FAT-16 disks of more than 200 MB, because In this case, the disk space will be used very inefficient.

Theoretically, the maximum size of the FAT-32 disk can be 8 TB, which should be enough to deploy any modern applications. This value is obtained by multiplying maximum number Clusters (268 435 445) on the maximum cluster size allowed in FAT-32 (32 KB).

However, in practice, the situation looks a little differently.

Due to the internal restrictions, the Scandisk utility in Microsoft 95/98 is not capable of working with discs exceeding the value of 127.53 GB in its volume. A year ago, such a restriction would not have caused problems, but today inexpensive disks of 160 GB have already appeared on the market, and soon their volume will be even more.

As for the new Microsoft Windows 2000 / XP operating systems, they are not able to create FAT-32 sections with a volume exceeding 32 GB. If you need sections of this or more, Microsoft will offer you to use the NTFS file system.

Another substantial limit of FAT-32 is superimposed on the file size - it cannot exceed 4 GB. This restriction will affect, for example, when writing to a video of video clips or when creating volumetric database files.

The FAT-32 directory can store no more than 65534 files.

Disadvantages FAT.

In addition to the above restrictions, the FAT file system is inherent in other disadvantages. The most significant, apparently, is the complete lack of disarming means, as well as the possibility of losing information about the placement of all files after the destruction of a fairly compact FAT table and its copies.

By downloading the computer from the system diskette, the attacker will easily access any files stored on the disks with the FAT file system. He will not be difficult to copy these files to the ZIP device or any other external data carrier.

When using FAT on the server disks it is impossible to ensure reliable and flexible delimitation of user access to directories. That is why, as well as by virtue of its low resistance to failures, FAT is usually not used on servers.

The presence of compact layout tables FAT files makes this file system a vulnerable target for computer viruses - It is enough to destroy the initial fragment of the FAT disk, and almost all data will be lost.

NTFS file system

The modern NTFS file system developed by Microsoft for its Microsoft Windows NT operating system is devoid of restrictions and disadvantages of FAT. From the moment of its occurrence, the developing NTFS file system has undergone several improvements, the last of which (at the time of creating this article) were made in Microsoft Windows XP.

In the NTFS file system, all file attributes (name, size, the location of the file extent on the disk, etc.) are stored in a hidden system file $ MFT. To store information about each file (and directory) in $ MFT is given from one to several KB. With a large number of files stored on the disk, the volume of the $ MFT file can reach tens or even hundreds of MB.

Small files (about hundreds of bytes) are stored directly in $ MFT, which significantly speeds up access to them.

Note, however, that NTFS's overhead costs for storing system information, although exceeding FAT overhead costs, are not very high compared to the volume of modern disks. Due to the fact that the $ MFT file is usually located closer to the middle of the disk, the destruction of the first NTFS disk tracks does not lead to such fatal consequences, as the destruction of the initial areas of the FAT disk.

The NTFS file system has numerous capabilities missing in FAT. They allow us to achieve much greater flexibility, reliability and security compared to FAT.

We list some of the most interesting features of NTFS modern versions.

Disposal accessories access

NTFS access displacement tools are quite flexible and allow you to manage access at the level. individual files and directory providing (or blocking) access to individual users or user groups.

Although at first glance it may seem that access dismounting tools are needed only for file servers, they will be required in the event that several users have access to the computer.

File encryption

The access control means mentioned above will be useless if the physical disk NTFS gets into the hands of an attacker. Using modern utilities, the contents of such a disk can be without much difficulty in the environment of any operating system - DOS, Microsoft Windows or Linux.

In order to secure userlays from unauthorized access, in Microsoft Windows 2000 / XP operating systems, additional encryption of files stored in the NTFS sections are provided. And although the resistance of such encryption may not be too high, it is quite sufficient in most cases.

RAID software disk array

NTFS can create so-called software array RAID 1 (Mirrored Set). This array composed of two physical or logical disks of the same volume allows you to duplicate (or, as they say, "Mirror") files.

Such an array can save your files in case of physical breakage of one of the disks that make up an array, therefore it is often used to increase the reliability of the disk system.


The NTFS file system allows you to merge into one logical volume of several sections located on one or more physical disks. This may be required, for example, to store large-size database files that are not placed on one physical disk, or to create a directory with a total file in excess of the sizes. physical disk.

Sets created from several sections or physical disks are called Volume Set (in Microsoft Windows NT) or Spanned Volume (in Windows 2000 / XP Terminology).

Packing files

To save disk space, you can use the ability of NTFS packaging (compress) files. In addition, NTFS allows you to create so-called sparse (sparse) files that contain zero data areas. Such files may have a large volume, but at the same time take little space on the disk, since only significant file bytes are actually stored.

Note that the file packaging will lead to some slowdown. This circumstance, however, will be far from always. For example, office documents can be packaged without a noticeable reduction in the speed of operation, and about the database files to which a large number of users are simultaneously referred to, it is impossible to say. Taking into account the appearance on the market relatively inexpensive disks of a huge amount of packaging, you need to use only when they are really necessary. This, however, applies to other NTFS capabilities.

Multi-threaded files

If necessary, in the same file written on the NTFS disk, you can store several information flows. This allows, in particular, to supply document files with additional information, store several versions of documents in one file (for example, in different languages), store software code and data in individual streams, etc.

Hard connections

Hard links (Hard Links) allow you to assign several different names for one physical file, having these names (i.e. links to the file) in different directories. When deleting communication does not delete the file itself. Only when all file links will be destroyed, then the file itself will be removed.

Note that such features are characteristic of the file systems used in UNIX-likes, for example, in Linux, FreeBSD, etc.

Override points

NTFS system objects such as redefidation points (REPARSE POINTS) allow you to override any file or directory. At the same time, for example, rarely used redefined files or directories can actually be stored on a magnetic tape, loading on the disk only if necessary.


Taking advantage of NTFS transitions, you can mount another hard disk or CD in the disk directory. This feature originally existed in UNIX-like OS file systems.

Quotation of disk space

The NTFS file system used in Microsoft Windows 2000 / XP allows you to quote, or limit the disk space provided by users. This feature is especially useful when creating file servers.

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In the process of its work, the operating system performs various actions on files (creation, change, deletion). All such changes are saved in a special log created on the NTFS volume, and can be used by programs. reserve copy, indexing systems, etc. Logging changes increases the reliability of the file system, allowing in some cases to continue working after non-critical failures of the operating system and equipment. Although, of course, most serious failures lead to the need to restore data from a backup or using special data recovery utilities.

NTFS restrictions

Despite the abundance of features, the NTFS file system is also inherent in some limitations. However, in most cases they do not play a significant role.

The maximum size of the NTFS logic disk is approximately 18,446,744 TB, which is obviously enough for all modern applications, as well as applications that will appear in the near future. The maximum file size is even more, so this restriction is also insignificant.

The number of files stored in the same NTFS directory is nothing limited, so here also has an advantage over FAT.

Comparison NTFS and FAT in speed of access to files

In terms of prospects, functionality, Safety and reliability NTFS is much ahead of FAT. However, the performance comparison of these file systems does not give an unequivocal result, since performance depends on the plurality of different factors.

Since the principles of operation and the internal FAT structures are much easier than NTFS, when working with small FAT catalogs, it will most likely be faster. However, if the contents of the directory are so small that it is fully placed in one or more records of the $ MFT file, or on the contrary, if the catalog is very large, "win" NTFS.

The palm of the championship is likely to get NTFS when searching for non-existent files or directories (since it will not be necessary to fully view the contents of the directory), when accessing small files (the amount of hundreds of bytes), as well as in the case of a strong disk fragment.

To increase the performance of NTFS, you can increase the size of the cluster, however, this may lead to uneconomic use of disk space when storing a large number of files, the size of which exceeds 1-2 KB and is tens of Krib. With an increase in the size of the cluster to 64 KB, you can get the maximum increase in productivity, but you will have to abandon the packaging of files and the application of defragmentation utilities.

When packing files located on a small disk (about 4 GB), performance may increase, and with large-sized discs - decrease. In any case, the package will result in additional load on the central processor.

So choose - Fat or NTFS?

As you can see, NTFS has numerous advantages over FAT, and its limitations in most cases are insignificant. If you are standing before selecting the file system, consider first of all the possibility of using NTFS, and only then - FAT.

What are the obstacles that make it difficult to replace FAT on NTFS?

The most serious obstacle is the need to use Microsoft Windows NT / 2000 / XP OS. For the normal operation of this OS requires at least 64 MB of RAM and a processor with a clock frequency not lower than 200-300 MHz. However, these requirements do not satisfy only very old computers that are not able to work under the control of Microsoft Windows modern versions.

If your computer can work in the Microsoft Windows 2000 / XP environment, and you do not have a single application designed exclusively on the Microsoft Windows 95/98 / Me OS, we recommend that you go to the new operating system at the first opportunity, replacing when This Fat on NTFS.

At the same time, you will also receive a noticeable increase in the reliability of work, because After installing all the necessary Patch Packages (Service Pack), as well as correct versions of the peripheral drivers, Microsoft Windows 2000 / XP will work very stable.

In some cases, several file systems have to be combined within a single physical disk. For example, if you installed three Microsoft Windows Me, Microsoft Windows XP and Linux operating systems on your computer, you can create three file systems - FAT, NTFS and EXT2FS. The first of these will be "visible" when working in Microsoft Windows ME and Linux, the second is only in Microsoft Windows XP, and the third is only in Linux (we note that in Linux OS, there is also an access to NTFS sections).

But if you create a server (file, database or Web) based on Microsoft Window NT / 2000 / XP OS, then the only reasonable choice will be NTFS. Only in this case will be able to achieve the necessary stability, reliability and security of the server.

There is also a generally accepted (and in our opinion, the erroneous) opinion that home users do not need Microsoft Window NT / 2000 / XP OS nor the NTFS file system.

Of course, if the computer is used exclusively for games, for considerations of compatibility, it is best to install Microsoft Windows 98 / ME and format discs in FAT. However, if you work not only in the office, but also at home, it is better to use modern, professional and reliable solutions. This will allow, in particular, to protect against the invasion of your computer via the Internet, limit access to directories and files with critical data, as well as increase the chances of successful recovery of information in case of various types of failures.