Integrated application packages. Coursework Integrated Office Packages Allow the integrated software package

Course work
Under the discipline "Information systems in the economy"
On the topic: "Integrated packages for offices"

Chapter I Structure software
1.1 Software Concept
1.2 Software Classification
1.3 Integrated Packages applied software
Chapter II Integrated Packages for Offices
2.1 Pack of applied microsoft programs Office.
2.2 Additional office programs
2.3 Alternative Office Packages


Caps of office applications There are quite a lot. They have different functionality, requirements for computer configuration and user qualifications.
Basic Famous Packages - Open Office., Microsoft Office., Star Office, Lexicon XL, Microsoft Works.
The appointment of office software packages is to provide office staff and enterprises with a wide range of funds for everyday collaboration, automate the execution of routine operations, help in a comprehensive solution to the tasks of the enterprise as a whole.
Initially, integrated packages that combine text, tabular and graphic processors, as well as a database management system. For example, Framework, Simphony. In the future, the integrated packages have added tools for three-dimensional graphics, information manager, document electronic recognition systems, e-mail, such as Borland Office for Windows Novell (currently Corell Office), Smart Suite Lotus Development (IBM division) and others. In our country, widespread integrated microsoft Package Microsoft Office.
Assigning Microsoft Office - provide instrumental tools to automate the preparation and design of documents for the bulk of users - managers, accountants and other office staff. The close integration of the Windows operating system and the Microsoft Office package allows the most use of computer capabilities.
For more than 15 years, the Microsoft Office product exists in the software product market and, of course, has undergone changes associated with the increasing needs of users.
Thus, the purpose of this work is the disclosure of the topic: "Integrated packages for offices". The goal required to solve the following tasks:
explore theoretical aspects;
analyze the structure and purpose of the integrated office packages on the example of MS Office 2007.
In this course, the characteristic of the integrated office packages applied to date is made, a comparative analysis is made. A specific example of an office automation based on the Microsoft Office product is provided.

Chapter I Software Structure

1.1 Software Concept

By itself, the computer is not able to accomplish a single action. "Explanation" to the computer of what and how to perform to achieve the goal, programming is engaged in programming (Programming)1 , which is the process of creating a program, including an analysis of the requirements and all stages of development and implementation.
A set of operators that can be represented as a single integer in some computing system and is used to control the behavior of this system, called the program. Under the operator in this case it is understood as an action that can be performed above one or more operands to obtain results. Usually, this action is indicated by the symbol of the operation (command) and variables (parameters) that specify specific data values \u200b\u200bfor this operation.
As a rule, it requires an implementation of non-one to achieve the goal, but a whole set of actions performed in a certain sequence. A predetermined sequence of well-defined rules or commands to solve the task for a finite number of steps is called the algorithm.
A combination of programs intended for solving tasks on a computer is called software (SoftWare). Software is an integral part of computing systems and combines not only programs in symbolic records and executable forms of these programs, as well as the accompanying documentation program.
1.2 Software Classification

Depending on the purpose, all software (software) can be divided into system software, programming system and applied software.
System software It plays the dominant role due to the fact that without pre-testing and operational control of the operation of the devices it is impossible to start work, and without the description of the PC basic actions, it is not able to perform any command.
Components of system software are operating systems, controls and diagnostics.
Operating systems (Operating Systems) occupy a special place among the system software, as individual operating system programs begin to work immediately after the PC is turned on. It is they who carry out a user dialogue and PCs, manage the computer resources ( rAM, Placed on external media, information), launch application programs to work, provide a user-friendly interface to the user and applied programs.
With the start of use in microprocessor computers, the requirements for operating systems increased and among the many manufacturers manufacturers operating systems began to take a leading position.
Until recently, several types of operating systems were used on IBM PC computers:
MS-DOS - Microsoft disk operating system (most popular);
PC-DOS - IBM disk operating system;
DR-DOS - Digital Research disc operating system (used when working with NOVELL network);
UNIX - BELL LABORATORIES disk operating system (used when working on the Internet);
Linux is one of the options for UNIX type operating system.
In recent years, most personal computers are running the Microsoft Windows operating system.
Another important component of the system software is drivers - expanding DOS capabilities to manage various PC devices (keyboard, mouse, rapid memory, hard disk, etc.). With their help, you can connect to the PC new devices or modify the use of already installed.
The third group of system software is the shell programs that provide a more visual and easy way to dialogue with a PC. The Norton Commander and its analogue working under the greatest popularity windows control- Windows Commander.
For work in graphical mode, operating shells are intended - a group of sufficiently powerful programs that give the user to simultaneously perform several programs (multiprogramming), building windows on the screen representing a rich set of image output tools and manipulation to them. The most famous is Microsoft's Windows operating environment. In addition to her, this group includes Gem, Geoworks, Desqview.
In the fifth, the latest group of this category usually combine auxiliary programs (utilities). These include:
packaging software that allows for special methods to "compress" files intended for archive storage. The most popular ari.exe, rar.exe, zip.exe;
antivirus programs intended for diagnosis and "treatment" of a program damaged by computer viruses (AVP Kaspersky, Doctor Weber, etc.);
communication programs intended for the organization of information exchange between computers (laplink.exe, desklink.exe, fastlynx.exe, etc., supplied with appropriate equipment);
diagnostic programs to test the performance of various PC devices and obtain reference information about PC technical capabilities (Scandisk, Check Disk);
optimization programs, "caching" and dynamic disks compression, memory management and printing program, etc. (SmartDRV, QEMM-386).
Programming systems Include programming languages \u200b\u200band translators, and allows you to develop both system and applied software. Consequently, in programming, they play the role of means of production. Depending on the level of complexity, programming languages \u200b\u200bare divided into high and low levels. The harder the language, the lower its level and the greater, as a rule, its capabilities.
The high-level languages \u200b\u200binclude, for example, Basic, which is the most accessible language-oriented language-based learning.
Low level languages \u200b\u200binclude assembler, whose language reflects the computer architecture, provides access to registers, specifying addressing methods and descriptions of operations in terms of processor commands. The assembler language serves to develop operating systems. Another low-level representative is the Universal Programming Language, originally developed as a system programming language for the UNIX operating system. Currently is one of the most popular languages.
The manifold of programming languages \u200b\u200bis caused by a large variety of tasks facing the computer. So, for the conduct of scientific calculations in 1956. Fortran (Formula Translator) was created, at the end of the 50s - Algol Algorithm Language (Algorithmic Language). The first language in which a wide concept of the type of data and principles of structural programming was introduced, Pascal became.
In addition, there is a fairly large set of specialized languages \u200b\u200b- DBASE, SQL, TURBO PASCAL, PROLOG, Visual Basic., JavaScript, Delphi, PHP, etc.
Over time, all languages \u200b\u200bundergo changes, their new versions appear. Therefore, after the language name, the version number is usually located consisting of two parts (for example, 5.1, 4.02). If the language in the new version undergoes significant changes, the first part of its number changes, if we are talking Only about minor additions - the second.
Usually the program is written on a symbolic language close to English. The text of the program written by the user is called the source module. This text is incomprehensible to the computer. To transfer the source module to the object - the set of machine commands, translators are used. Translators are two types: interpreters and compilers.
The interpreter provides the atomic translation of the text of the program with simultaneously executing the command translated into the machine codes. The transfer procedure is accompanied by checking the correctness of the writing command. If an error is detected as a result of the check, the program executes, and the error character appears on the screen (if the computer is able to identify it) and the row number in which the error is detected. Nice performance can be attributed to the disadvantages of the interpreter. This is explained by the fact that each time it starts the program to execute (even if it is guaranteed any errors), it is checked for errors and transfer to machine codes of each row of the program.
The compiler translates (with the simultaneous verification of the correctness of writing commands) into machine codes the entire program immediately. As a result, an object module is created. If necessary, several object modules using special linkner software are combined into one boot module. Only after creating the boot module, the program can be run to execution. Programs translated into machine codes using the compiler, work much faster, since when you start the program, it starts its execution without additional checks and translations.
Application software We divide into three groups depending on the scope of application.
The first group is a general applied program. These include: text editors, tabular processors, DBMS, etc.
Text editors - programs for creating and processing text texts and documents. There is a sufficiently large list of such programs. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. The most popular text editor is Microsoft Word..
Tabular processors provide work with large arrays of numerical information. The most famous tabular processors include: Excel, Lotus. Currently, the absolute leader is the Excel tabular processor developed by Microsoft. The tabular processor is a rectangular table, in the cells of which numbers, symbols (words) can be placed, formulas for calculating values. Most tabular processes are provided with fairly rich libraries of functions for calculations. In addition to calculations, many programs of this group make it possible to build graphs according to available data. As additional services, the possibilities of recording MacroMand are often presented, creating their own input and output forms, as well as exchange information with databases.
Database management systems (DBMS) - information and search engines that allow processing (entering, searching, sorting, etc.) large arrays information. An example of the simplest database is an elementary card file. More complex DBMSs make it possible to solve problems related to the processing of several information arrays associated with different relations. The most popular DBMS includes Oracle, MS SQL, Access. In the near past, Dbase IV, Paradox 4, Fox RRO, Clarion Professional Developer, Clipper, Rbase were widely used.
Systems (means) of business and scientific graphics make it possible to display various types of graphs and charts. Among these systems, Microsoft Chart, Harvard Graphics, Statgraf are most popular among these systems.
Specialized application programs allocated to the second group. These include applied programs that have a goal of solving any highly specialized tasks. For example, at present, the software market has a fairly large set of accounting programs (1C, BEST, turbo accountant, sail, etc.), training programs (language, mathematical, etc.).
Integrated application packages combine the capabilities of text editors, tabular processors and DBMS. As a rule, the interface of each component has a kinded form, the same type is performed by the same means, which makes it easier for the development procedure of the entire package. The most striking representative of this software group is Microsoft Office - Microsoft Product.

1.3 Integrated Application Packets

Integrated packages- This is a combination of software tools for various purposes with a single user interface that shared the same data.
The most common integrated packages whose components are:
text editor;
tabular processor;
email support tools;
programs for creating presentations;
graphics editor.
The components of integrated packages can work isolated from each other, but the main advantages of integrated packages are manifested with their reasonable combination with each other. Users of integrated packages have a unified interface for various components, thereby ensuring the relative ease of their development process.
The distinctive features of this software class are:
fullness of information technologies for end users;
the same type of the end-user interface for all programs included in the integrated package - general teams in the menu, standard icons of the same functions (saving on disk, print, spelling check, font design, etc.), standard construction and work with dialog boxes and etc.;
general service for integrated package programs (for example, dictionary and spelling tools for spelling, diagram builder, data converter, etc.);
ease of exchange and references to objects created by the integrated package programs (two methods are used: DDE - dynamic data exchange and OLE - dynamic layout objects), uniform transfer of objects (DRAG-AND-DROP method);
the presence of a single language platform for parsing Macrocomand, custom programs;
the ability to create documents that integrate the capabilities of various programs included in the integrated package.
Integrated packages are effective and in group work in the network of many users. So, from the application program in which the user works, you can send documents and data files to another user, while the data transfer standards are supported as objects over a network or via email.
The main distinguishing feature of programs that make up the integrated package is the common user interface that allows you to apply the same (or similar) techniques of work with various applications Package. The interaction of programs is carried out at the level of documents. This means that the document created in one application can be inserted into another application and, if necessary, change it. The interface community reduces user training costs. In addition, the price of a set of three or more applications supported by the same manufacturer is significantly lower than the total price if you purchase them separately.

Chapter II Integrated Packages for Offices

2.1 Microsoft Office Application Programs

Microsoft Office is a package of application programs that allows you to solve a variety of tasks. Microsoft Office app is so closely related, which often their set is considered as a single program.
The first mention of the Microsoft Office package is at the beginning of the 90s of the XX century, when its first working version was released - Microsoft Office 4.2. At that time, he was a small set of office products for one user.
In less than 10 years, Microsoft Office'95, Microsoft Office'97, Microsoft Office XP, Microsoft Office'03 came out, and at the end of 2007. Microsoft announced the release of the next, sixth version - Microsoft Office 2007.
For such a short time, the package has become a widely integrated system that includes not only the tools that have already become familiar users (text and tabular processors, database management systems, personal information management systems and a number of others), but also servers, services and programs for desktop computersDesigned to work together to solve a wide range of business tasks.
During the creation of new versions of the package, some of the applications have merged: so, for example, Microsoft Schedule + application (schedule) entered the Microsoft Outlook. Some applications were generally excluded from the package due to the fact that their functions have taken over other applications (for example, the Card File application (Card Sack)).
Traditionally, Microsoft Office Application Programs has several delivery options:
standard (Standard), designed for users, whose interests apply to basic set tools for organizing office work, creating, publishing and analyzing documents on the organization's network and global Internet;
small Business (Small Business Edition) for use in small enterprises;
professional (Professional), in which the standard version is complemented by the database management system;
professional Special Edition), in which the professional version is complemented by web-based management systems and websites;
developer (Developer), designed for professional developers and containing a set of tools and documentation in addition to the full special professional version to create, implement and support solutions on microsoft Base Office.
The package includes two components block - basic and auxiliary.
Block of the main components Consists of the following applications:
microsoft Word text processor. Is a multifunctional multi-digital text editor that allows you to create documents of any level of complexity, and is equipped large set Tools for editing them and design.
Creating a document in a text processor can be carried out in two directions: the creation of a "passive" document; Creating a standard document.

Fig. 1 Microsoft Word 2007

The creation of a "passive" document occurs through a set of text with subsequent design (formatting). Creating a standard document is carried out on the basis of templates - an interactive form that requires filling.
In addition to direct input and format text, the text processor allows you to create tables and tabular shapes, make text laying into several speakers, draw, embed graphic objects, create documents for serial mailing (documents merging), create virtual documents consisting of links to other files.
electronic table system (table processor) Microsoft Excel. The scope of the table processor is very wide: from the execution of elementary calculations before creating accounting books, accounts, charts and financial models. The spreadsheet is equipped with powerful data analysis and diagrams, as well as analytical functions. To the number of main service opportunities Microsoft Excel. The ability to diverse to organize information on sheets and in books, on the basis of the built-in features of the program, create your own functions and formulas of any level of complexity, create high-quality two- and three-dimensional graphs and diagrams, process database information in lists, analyze and develop scripts, improve performance through the creation and application of macros.

Fig. 2 Microsoft Excel 2007

Excel distinguishes the following data types: numbers, text, formulas, textual formulas, text from numbers. Excel himself recognizes numbers and text.
preparation system microsoft presentations PowerPoint. Designed as a means for creating slide and projection presentations, automatic demonstrations and multimedia expositions. The program allows you to build presentations based on standard slide sets or set your own content using PowerPoint presentation and data from Word, Excel or Access. The application is equipped with a large set of slides templates. Text information, various kinds of graphics and diagrams, graphic images can be placed in the slide. Animation effects in the output of information within the slide and when changing the slides make this software product an indispensable tool in the preparation and conduct of various kinds of presentations.

Figure 3 Microsoft PowerPoint 2007

microsoft Outlook personal information management system is an application that performs the features of the electronic notebook, diary, means for drawing up a personal schedule, schedule of meetings, etc., with the ability to work with email.

Fig. 4 Microsoft Outlook 2007

microsoft Access database management system - an application for working with databases, with which you can create and keep client lists, store accounting information about goods and other ordered data. For the convenience of setting the information search conditions, output to the screen (print), the search results system represents the ability to create various forms, requests and reports both in the Master mode and in the constructor mode, where the user has the right to independently form the appearance of the document on the screen and Print.

Fig. 5 Microsoft Access 2007

microsoft FrontPage Web Nodes Management System - an application that allows you to perform all the necessary actions to create and edit web pages to the user who is not familiar with special programming languages \u200b\u200bfor the web.
desktop Publishing System Microsoft Publisher. The main purpose of this application is a means for creating professionally decorated publications - brochures, booklets, cards, leaflets. A large number of masters (special software) Allows you to automate the process of registration of the document.
microsoft Project Project Management System. The product has convenient means of building reports and information necessary for making management decisions, and effective algorithms for its analysis.
microsoft Visio Chart Preparation System. Contains a rich diagram library, allowing to build organizational (hierarchical), cyclic, radial, pyramidal and other types of diagrams of any level of complexity.
To the number auxiliary applicationsrelate:
interpreter of requests for external databases Microsoft Query;
microsoft Organization Chart Schedule Drawing Program;
microsoft Graph chart creation program;
microsoft Wordart figured text creation program;
editor of Mathematical Formulas Microsoft Equation;
microsoft Office Document Imaging text recognition program;
microsoft Draw drawing tools;
microsoft Map Geographical Maps;

Integrated packages - This is a combination of software tools for various purposes with a single user interface that shared the same data.

The most common integrated packages whose components are:

· text editor;

· Tabular processor;

· Organizer;

· Email support tools;

· Presentation creation programs;

· graphics editor.

The components of integrated packages can work isolated from each other, but the main advantages of integrated packages are manifested with their reasonable combination with each other. Users of integrated packages have a unified interface for various components, thereby ensuring the relative ease of their development process.

The distinctive features of this software class are:

· Fullness information technologies for end users;

· The same type of the end-user interface for all programs included in the integrated package - general commands in the menu, standard icons of the same functions (saving on disk, printing, spelling check, font design, etc.), standard construction and work with dialogs and others;

· General service for integrated package programs (for example, dictionary and spelling tools for spelling, diagram builder, data converter, etc.);

· Ease of exchange and references to objects created by the integrated package programs (two methods are used: DDE - dynamic data exchange and OLE - dynamic layout objects), uniform transfer of objects (DRAG-AND-DROP method);

· The presence of a single language platform for parsing macros, user programs;

· The ability to create documents that integrate the capabilities of various programs included in the integrated package.

Integrated packages are effective and in group work in the network of many users. So, from the application program in which the user works, you can send documents and data files to another user, while the data transfer standards are supported as objects over a network or via email.

The main thing distinctive feature The programs that make up the integrated package is the common user interface that allows you to apply the same (or similar) techniques for working with various package applications. The interaction of programs is carried out at the level of documents. This means that the document created in one application can be inserted into another application and, if necessary, change it. The interface community reduces user training costs. In addition, the price of a set of three or more applications supported by the same manufacturer is significantly lower than the total price if you purchase them separately.

Packages of applications

Libraries of standard subroutines

Library of standard subroutines - This is a combination of subroutines made at one of the programming languages \u200b\u200band satisfying certain unified requirements for the structure, organize their inputs and outputs, descriptions of subroutines, etc.

Standard subroutines have a single form of treatment, which ensures the simplicity and convenience of setting the parameters of the subroutine to solve a specific task.

As an example, a library of standard subroutines for numerical mathematical methods of solving equations, calculating integrals, finding extremums, etc.

Packages of applications (PPP) is specially organized programmatic complexes, designed for general application in a certain problem area and supplemented by the relevant technical documentation.

Depending on the nature of the solid tasks, the following varieties of PPP are distinguished:

  • packages for solving typical engineering, planned-economic, general scientific tasks;
  • system software packages;
  • packages for ensuring automated design systems and systems of scientific research systems;
  • packets of pedagogical software and others.

To ensure that the user can apply the PPP to solve a specific task, the package must have a setup tools (sometimes by introducing some additions).

Each PPP is usually a number of opportunities for data processing methods and the forms of their presentation, the completeness of the diagnosis, which allows the user to choose the option suitable for specific conditions.

The PPP provides a significant reduction in the requirements for professional training of users in the field of programming, up to the possibility of operating the package without a programmer.

Often application packages have databases for data storage and transferring them to applications.

Integrated packages There are a set of several software products combined into a single convenient tool. The most developed of them includes a text editor, organizer, spreadsheet, DBMS, email support tools, presentation program.

The results obtained by individual subprogrammes can be combined into a final document containing tabular, graphic and text material.

Integrated packages, as a rule, contain some kernel, providing close interaction between components.

Example: integrated Package for writing books containing illustrations. It contains:

  • text editor;
  • spelling corrector for 80,000 words (spelling program for spelling errors);
  • the fusion program of texts;
  • program of formation of tables and compilation of pointers;
  • automatic search and replacement of words and phrases;
  • telecommunications;
  • spreadsheet;
  • database management system;
  • modules of graphic design;
  • graphics editor;
  • ability to print with hundreds of different fonts, etc.

The most famous integrated packages:

Microsoft Office. In this powerful professional package included such required programslike a text editor WINWORD. , spreadsheet Excel , presentation creation program PowerPoint. , DBMS Access , Email Support Tool Mail. Moreover, all parts of this package are one of the whole, and even externally, all programs look uniformly, which makes it easier for their development and daily use.

Microsoft Works. - This is a very simple and convenient package that combines a text editor, spreadsheets and databases, as well as telecommunications to connect with other computers on telephone lines. The package is focused on people who have no time to master complex products on novice users, as well as home users.

The sets of Microsoft Office 2003 2010 includes general-purpose applications: MS Word text processor; Tabular processor MS Excel spreadsheets; MS CCESS database management system; Means for preparing the presentations MS PowerPoint; MS Outlook group work organization. Compared with previous versions In it, as in other general purpose applications, the following new features are added: a new more attractive interface; Use in application windows ...

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Consider what includes Microsoft Office 2007. Microsoft Office 2007 includes: text microsoft Editor Word 2007 Microsoft Excel 2007 spreadsheet editor Microsoft CCESS 2007 Database Management System Microsoft Power Point 2007 Program email Microsoft Outlook 2007 Microsoft Publisher 2007 Publication Create Program and T. Consider the application of major software products Microsoft Office 2007.

Integrated packages They are called PPPs that combine the functionally different software components of the general purpose PPP.

Modern integrated PPPs may include:

Text editor;


Graphics editor;

Communication module.

As additional modules in the integrated package, components such as the export-import system of files, calculator, calendar, programming systems can be included.

Information communication Between the components is ensured by unifying the formats of representing various data. The integration of various components into a single system provides the user with undeniable advantages in the interface, but inevitably loses in part of an increased demand for RAM.

Of the available packages, the first was Framework. Now the most common integrated package has Microsoft Office.

Case technologyComputer Aided Software / System Engineering) are used when creating complex information systems, usually requiring the collective implementation of the project, in which various specialists are involved: system analysts, designers and programmers.

Under Case technology It is understood by the combination of the automation of the information system for the development of an information system, which includes the methodology for analyzing the subject area, design, programming and operation of the IP.

Case-technologies tools are used at all stages of the system life cycle (from analysis and design to implementation and maintenance), a significantly simplifying solution of emerging tasks.

Collective work on the project involves sharing information, monitoring tasks, tracking changes and versions, planning, interaction and management. The foundation for the implementation of such functions is most often used by the common database of the project, which is commonly called repository. Essentially, the repository is an information archive where information about processes, data and bonds of objects is stored in the application developed.

Modern CASE technologies are successfully applied to create IP of various classes: banks, financial corporations, large firms.

Expert systems- These are knowledge processing systems in a highly specialized area of \u200b\u200bpreparation of user solutions at the level of professional experts.

Expert systems are used for purposes:

Interpretation of system status;

Forecast of situations in systems;

Diagnostics of system status;

Target planning;

Elimination of disorders of the system;

Management of the functioning process; etc.

The basis of expert systems is knowledge base,in which information on this subject area is laid. There are two main forms of knowledge presentation in ES: facts and rules. Facts fix quantitative and qualitative indicators of phenomena and processes. The rules describe the relationship between facts, usually in the form of logical conditions that bind causes and effects.

As the means of implementing expert systems on computers, the so-called shells of expert systems are used. Examples of the shells of expert systems used in the economy are: SHEDL (dialogue), EXPERT-EASE, etc.

1.6.5 Method-oriented PPP. Oriented PPP They differ in that their algorithmic basis has implemented any economic and mathematical method for solving the problem. These include PPPs:

Mathematical programming (linear, dynamic, statistical, etc.);

Network planning and management;

Mass maintenance theory;

Mathematical statistics.

As an example, it can be given stenitis data statistical system .

1.6.6 Problem-oriented PPPs. Problem-oriented PPP - this is software productsdesigned to solve any task in a specific functional area.

Of the variety of problem-oriented PPPs, we highlight the groups intended for the integrated automation of control functions in industrial and non-industrial spheres, as well as the PPP subject areas.

Problem-oriented PPPs for the industrial sphere.

Modern integrated information systems must respond to a number of new requirements.

First, they should not only plan the production of improved techniques (integrated production schedule, materials, facilities, facilities), control the execution of the work plan (stock management, client orders, orders, and purchase orders, etc.), to draw up technological maps , manage financial and labor resources, but also carry out a number of "non-productive" functions of service control, distribution of finished products and marketing.

Secondly, they are not focused on the mainframe (big computer), but on the client-server architecture, are built on the basis of multi-tasking, multiplayer operating systems (type UNIX) and relational bases Data is developed on the basis of CASE technologies.

Thirdly, modern systems are capable of supporting different types production; Production of "stock", development and manufacture of products to order, assembly to order, fine and large-scale production, production with a continuous cycle.

The cost of most complex problem-oriented PPPs is high (sometimes over $ 1 million).

Electronic office

1.7.1 Electronic Office Concept

1.7.2 Composition Microsoft Office

1.7.3 Free office - OpenOffice (Libre)

Literature: 5, c. 311-401; 6, c. 417-590; 2; four; eight; nine.

1.7.1 The concept of electronic office.A sufficiently large range of tasks, solved using PC, can be attributed to office: office work, management, control control, creation of reports, search, enter and update information, drawing up schedules, exchange of information between divisions of departments, between enterprise departments and between enterprises. In these tasks, a number of standard procedures can be distinguished:

Processing of incoming and outgoing information (reading and answering to letters, writing reports, circulars and other documentation, which may also include drawings and charts);

Collection and subsequent analysis of data (reporting for certain periods of time on various divisions in accordance with various selection criteria);

Storing received information ( fast access To information and search for the necessary data).

These procedures can be performed within the electronic office.

Electronic office A software and hardware complex is called for processing documents and automation of users in management systems.

The electronic office includes the following hardware: Computer, possibly combined in local network; information output devices on paper media (printers, plotters)); Document copying tools; modem (if the computer is connected to global Network or geographically remote computer). Additionally, the hardware can include scanners used to automatically enter textual and graphic information directly from the primary documents; Projection equipment for presentations.

The main software products included in the modern office:

Text editor;


Communication module (often combined with an organizer).

The Office software may also include: Database Management System, Schedule Analysis Program, Presentation Program, Graphic Editor, Translation and Recognition Programs.

Office software products are used both independently and as part of integrated packages. The main distinguishing feature of programs that make up the integrated package is general interface A user who allows you to apply the same (or similar) techniques to work with various package applications. The interaction of programs is carried out at the level of documents. This means that the document created in one application can be inserted into another application and, if necessary, change it. The generality of the interface reduces training costs. In addition, the price of a set of three or more applications supported by the same manufacturer is significantly lower than the total price if you purchase them separately.

Currently, Microsoft Office of Microsoft is dominated in the office products market in the office products in the countries of the former union (both legally and pirate). In the legal market "Wild West", the situation is different - in the professionals of fresh memories of the WordPerfect editor, which is included in the Corel kit (formerly Borland) Office for windows, Famous Smartsuite Package Lotus Development.

1.7.2 Composition of Microsoft Office.The integrated Microsoft Office package exists in two versions defined by the composition of the programs included in it: Microsoft Office, called the Standard Edition, and Microsoft Office Professional. To date, the most common version is Microsoft Office 2007, 2010 Although the package structure remains relatively constant already several versions.

One of the most significant features of this package is that there are collected applications in it that allow you to perform practically any work related to office work.

It should be noted that in Microsoft Office there is a peculiar distinction between the program application ranges. In other words, each application covers a wide sphere. professional activity User, but at the same time these areas are practically intersect. However, there is the possibility of implementing objects alone. office applications In other programs of this package.

Microsoft Office includes:

Main set

Text word processor - Allows you to create and print text documents using all types of formatting (font parameters, lists, columns, inscriptions, etc.), create tables, drawings, formulas, diagrams, WWW documents, etc.

Excel spreadsheet editor is used to perform various calculations using a powerful feature apparatus and formulas for statistical analysis, and also allows you to build on the basis of the data obtained diagrams and graphics.

Office manager Outlook - combines an email control program, creating and sending faxes, scheduler of meetings and contacts, a notebook and much more.